OCR Interpretation

El Paso herald. (El Paso, Tex.) 1901-1931, May 17, 1920, HOME EDITION, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88084272/1920-05-17/ed-1/seq-3/

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r-zF-l&na Texas, May 17 A WOO
a -rel well has been broncbt In three
i one-half miles north of her by
na New uomain on company, it is
j-e company's No. 1 on the Willtam-o-
tract and Is flowing tram a sand
i countered around 3622 feet. Half
a mile west of tbe New Domain Oil
ompany's new well Is the Great
c-outhero Oi company's Baompardner
ract welL The New Dominion is
drilling a well on the Banrnjardner
"act ano erecting a derrick lor a
-cond test on the 'Williamson tract.
The 1 Dorado oil company is
lr llmg at 2600 feet in its well on
1 e Williamson tract, aOO feet south
o the new eiL Drilling is going
forward rapidly and the operators
--ect to s unite production soon.
The Hoe test of the Calf Prodnc-
ica company, is making 600 barrels
d day in the northwest corner of the
unsight townstte on the new
f irgling railroad This test is pro-
Qiiung from the Caddo lime after
be ng shot.
The Alvin Lake veil No 2 and the
Tidwell well No 1, both near Desde--nona,
caught fire Sunday sight
v. hen lightning struck the derrick.
There whs considerable Iocs at both
w ells.
To Drlre Out Malaria and nild
The System
Take the Old Standard GROVES
TASTELESS chill TONIC Too know
w hat you are taking as the formula
is printed on every label, showing it
is Quinine and Iron in a Tasteless
l-m. frOc AdT.
Want Kodak FtmsolsgT See Gan-dara-
BJ Paso Seed Co.. FIflll Seed are
tested seeds. S22 East dan Antonio
St. .dv
; 3 k
Kodak FInlahlng.
Oregon Sheldon Hotel Bide.
Ad vertisement.
1 J'ffs
o y
Shreveport, T.a . May 17 oil men
throughout northern Louisiana are
watching with considerable Interest
the Hunter test well in Stephens
county. Ark, which la making sev
eral million feet of gas and about
two barrels of ell daily. A brackish
water is coming from the hole. The
oil showing was found around 2310
feet. It carries 12 gravity 'When
the casing sets the sand will be
The Constantin 'Walker test. 50
miles north of the famous Homer
field of Louisiana, is reported near
ing the and. This test in Union
county. Arkansas, is attracting much
Leasing In the vloinities of the
above wells is increasing Many
large companies are entering the
field, buying leases and planning for
immediate, drilling. '
A few months ago $4000 was paid
by judge James Gonld and bis as
sociates of Pine Bluff for their acre
age in the Bull Bayon field. Follow
ing the bringing in of a good well
last week these parties refused Jl.
000,000 cash for their holdings. Judge
Gould and three associates own uv
acres to that territory, which they
will develop at once.
Pecos. Texas, Hay 17 An eiten
lv rtvlnTMnent camoahrn on 99
sections of land, most of which lies
in the Pecos river valley nas Deea
planned by the Uncle Sam Oil com
pany. Forty-two inoosana acres oi
this land Is located in the vicinity of
the Kokernot ranch in Brewster
county, southeast of Pecos. Five and
one-half sections lie north of Pecos
and south of the Bell well.
Tbe company has opened offices in
Pecos, and plans to open another of
fice n.Fort Stockton. Howard Tucker
will represent the company in Pecos.
The organization is capitalized at
Pecos. Tex, May 17 Oil field
supply houses are badly needed In
Pecos. This is the verdict of nearly
Jvery oil man operating in the local
leld. who have seen their pet pro
jects held up for days or even weeks
by the breaking of some Important
part of their drilling machinery, or
by the delay in the delivery of the
needed parts.
The local field triumphed tem
porarily ovgr the shortage of casing
which formerly held up operations
through the big shipments received
last week, by operators, and also by
salesmen who piloted their cars to
i this place and sold the casing like
I hot cakes on their arrival.
(Continued from page 1.)
and. as a result, has asked the manu
facturers for more money, which has
been refused. The World asserts that
a call has been issued by president
Harry Ryan of the Joint council of
the United Shoe Workers for a con
vention of union workers in Lynn,
Mass., on Ma 22.
He says he has been informed by
members of the Lynn Shoe Manufac
turers association that they cannot
consider another increase in wages,
but are witling to maintain the pres
ent scale for a certain period. The
shoeworkers maintain that the manu
facturers are receiving more for
their product than ever before, and
that tne pucnc tenaenoy is xor sun
more expensive footwear
The Utter is denied by the manu
facturers, who claim thar orders thus
far received this year indicate the
consumer "will refuse to pay more
than present prices."
Continued refusal by people to
buy things that seem tiK high
may bring down some other
Baltimore banks have voted to
clos at S o'clock each afternoon dur
ing the summer and to continue
closing at noon on Saturdays.
It gets hot up here in a Jiffy. jOne
day they were wearing overcoats and
shivering The next, you never saw
so many straw hats on tbe street in
one day in your life and so many
handkerchiefs mopping perspiration
from moistened brows.
For the benefit of El Paso Hotel-fans,
it might be said that the Wash
ington Rotary club has but 130 mem
bers, a far smaller number than the
Kl Paso club, and they only lunch
very two weeks and they had an
international president last year, and
one would have expected tbe Wash
ington club to be a leader. They have
decided to limit the membership to
The song ..hop people say they
are looking for a new issue of
"Oh, What a Pal "Was Mary,' with
Douglas Fairbanks oi the author.
Latest definition of S. O. S, Short
on Suds.
Latest definition of L W. W. I
Want Women.
An inebriate was staggering In a
cafe of Pennsylvania avenue and he
fell up against a very fat friend, and
leaned against him.
"Tunny. said the Inebriate, as he
hiccoughed, "how drinkin' makes you
fat and me lean."
By the way, congress is probing a
With six bullet holes through his
head, Felipe Carrion. 420 Charles
street, is at Hotel Dieu and probably
will recover, according to attendants.
Police are looking for tbe mast who
did the shooting.
Patrolmen were called by persons
living near Pera and Martinez streets,
where they found Carrion lying on
the sidewalk with the wounds bleed
ing profusely. His brother appeared
at the same time and took him to
Hotel Dieu.
Persons nearby said Carrion drove
to the place and let a woman out of
his car The shooting followed
quickly They say a man was seen
near, but none was able to Identify
him. Pol if a sav that Carrion admlt-
jted he knew who shot him. but re-
lusea to ten.
report that a big shipment or whisky
has Just been smuggled In here from
This Js onr 28th year of trna ralne pr
ing m El Paso.
It Will Make
You More
to get into one of onr hand-tailored
Palm Beach Suits. We nave them in
dark, medium and light shades, and
onr prices w3J soft jonr pocketbook.
They range from $16.00 to $25.00.
We want to call your attention to
the beautiful line of straw hats we
carry, manufactured in the foremost
shops of the U. S. A, Eke Dunlap,
Crowfnt-Knapp and Marshall, in the
latest shapes and weaves. Really a
remarkable showing
For trie value yon should always
go to
Cor. Mills and Stanton.
Rg.labl Clothier and Furninfiers it 31n.
riven up to die at forty
lived one hundred
Do you know the story of Cornaro, tbe wonderful
Italian? You should, for it contains a vital message
for every man and woman.
At forty, Cornaro was a broken-down, decrepit old
man. rtodocior toHhim hehad butashctttime
to Hve. His vitality was used up. His energies
dissipated. He was a human wreck.
But when his doctor handed him i&dea&trzrrznt he starred'
to do some thinking. Aj a ro-jlr of xhii thinking he evolved
a svstcta of rejuvenatioa that save k back his y" and
be lived for more than szrr years after.
Methods That Bring New Youth
The methods med by Cornaro with such ercraordrntry suc
cess are fully described in the May number of PHYSICAL
There fa nothing raysterlota about them. They are so simple
anyone can easily adopt them. They not only are a tt"
of lone Bfe bet ther add to the eniovraent of life zs welL
Thcy give One pep ml 17 inuin fmt.ij pndnT.
r wui edd to your ttii alertness make your brain
tea a ash and sharp as a razor, invaluable attributes in
: times of strenuous competition.
Thousand of folks mare the reading of this tnagxzme a reg
ular part of thenr duly bvea, They find it indispensible.
Every issue is made up of a wealth of Interesting, stuaula ting.
helpful information. The method for vitalizing your me
that you will find described in this remarkable magzdne wiH
help you make more money by JTw-mg your working
capacity and general efficiency.
It's the one magazine you can't zSbrd not to read.
Buy a copy of the May number today and see for yotmrTf.
On sale at aH sewssamds, 25c
Otter Features in PHYSICAL CULTURE for May
HxrICnidNaTi, "SnxkmU"
By Bemarr Sucndden
I Swrsed Hi MeI hi Row for
M-w BrH.A-K.Aidi.
"Wlut Do Too Tlii&lc of Kukma!
"Ola Doe SoaAtatWm Core Yon"
WriitAloat FooaCorabb3ionr"
"Better Bodies Better Briins Better Money"
?14 Ft Franklin
Two women wars sttlincr In th lob
by of a Washington hotel. One had
on rather a short skirt.
Tbe other one looked at her and
said. Pnt down wnr skirt. Xot a
man In the lobby has looked at me for
live mumies.
Very few men would marry
7011V said one nomaa to another
In a hotel lobby.
WeUU a rery few would be
enough. retorted the one ad-dressed.
What s tbe use putting on so
much cosmetics''' asked a large
woman of a smaller one, who was
painted "considerable." as "Uncle
Joe Cannon would say.
"loa shouldn't complain, my
dear. asld the small one sweetly.
1 on could camouflatre. too. if
you wished. Look what they
HAVE done to battleships."
Right here under the eyes of the
secret service, they are circulating
bogus war savings stamps and pass
ing counterfeit 32ft and .50 bills. No
arrests have been made.
"Washlntrton has on a camnaltra to
raise $75,600 for Salvation army work
in the citr and tbe leadlnir womn
and girls of the national capital are
scanaing on ue eireec. corners joojc
lng very pretty In blue and red bon
nets soliciting dimes and other donations.
7 plapcd poker and iron three
prescriptions today" said one of the
fellovs at the Press dab to another.
Ther tell a storv at TCashlcirtna
police headQuarters that may or may
They sav a horse drormed dmd on
Massachusetts avenue and the police
man, wnose ouBiness ii was to re
port It, couldn't spell the name of
the avenue, so he dragged tbe ani
mal down to G street.
And this is not a joke. The Wash
ington police records do not show In
its entiife history the arrest of an
Abraham, Lincoln U. S. Grant. Rob
ert E. Lee, William McKlnley. Mark
Hanna and even George Washington
have all been docketed -mostlv from
among the colored population but no
.ADranam iincoms.
Tnrnlnsr a Biblical quotation
Into a modern Terslon. a man
standing on Pennsylvania avenue
said as n Isnncli of younc women
crossed the street In the rains
"As ye show, so shall vre peep.
Washington never tires of bragging
of the fine things it possesses usu
ally they say: "It's as fine as money
can buy
A visitor Bald, in reply to one of
these boasts. "Tes, and you have a
xiae coogrsn. too as itse as money
Two men. perfect strangers, were
standing on the corner. On wm am
of those fellows who wear long hair
aou a winosor tie ine other was
looking toward him and laughing.
"Quit laughing at me," said the
Ions haired one.
"WelL quit looking at me," said the
There u somethlnc; about Vfi
I like, said one of the jclrls In
the chorus of "Monte Chris to,
JiV as she stood in the lobby of
the Washington and watched a
younff man pasu who had been
rich, but is now without funds.
o, he's lost it," said the come
dlan of the company.
The women of Washington make
frequent visits to the wounded sol
diers in the camps and hospitals here,
to cheer them up.
One old woman, given to shedding
tears on the slightest provocation,
was blubbering and talking Vo one
of the wounded men. "I want t h
a comfort to you." she said.
An, go way, saw the soldier,
"you're more of a wet blanket."
A. buneh of -women were vlslt
1&C the JalL. slaglus psalms and
distributing flowers and tnctm.
One of them asked a man what
he was In for.
He replied t "On account of a
book madam.9
-V boor she replied.
"Yes, a pocketbook, said the
"Here's a telecram. vonr hmtun
is dead," said the bell boy In the ho
tel to the grass widow, who was bav-
good time in the national cap!-
have to contend withyet. When
you can't get a good seat at -a theater,
you can go to the news stand In any
hotel and tret one by paying an ad
vance of about 20 per cent over the
regular price. This prevails m all
tbe larger cities and is worse In New
Cleaners here assert that they
have cleaned more old suits and
more oM straw hats this year
than ever before In history. A
cleaner will not promise to re
turn a Job these days short of 10
da 7.
Washington anions have cone on
record in protest against the "tokens"
Issued by the street car companies
for fares little metal discs the sis
of a dime, sold at four for M cents.
They say the things are too easily
The Washington Times ears
the children have swiped all the
safety pins at home to strlnir the
thlnjrs on the discs have holes
In the center something Hke a
Chinese coin.
They have tbe habit In public of
fices in Washington, and It la invari
ably the rule, to fix an hour "tomor
row" for you to see an official if you
call today. It shows his importance.
Newspaper men are the only ones
who may eat in the senate and house
restaurants in the capltol. with the
law makers and they don't seem a
bit chesty over it.
iQueslions and Answers.
Are the farmer threatened
Trltb a aaortasre of farm labor
this jeart H. L. T.
A. The abortage appears to be as
acute this year as It wu In the sum
mer of 1918. and all city men and
boys are urged to spend their vaca
tions and any other available time
aiding in the planting and harvest
ing or crops, until a simpler means
of dfrecttiuc such volunteer helo to
the proper places is devised, all wish
ing to enrol ror summer farm work
ahould write to the director of agrt
cultnral extension at the agrlcnUnral
colleges In the various states.
Q. Are army reservists still In tbe
British servicer
A, Tbe war department here has
been Informed by the military at
tache of the British embassay that
by official order all army reservists
will be deemed to have been HI..
cnargea irom the British service on
March 11. 1910.
Q- Have any of the eelleeea In
creased tbe pay of teaehcrs and pro-
inivni A. A. A.
A. Two hundred and thirty out of
we vu coueges ana universities on
the mailing list of the bureau of
eaocauoB recently naa answered a
questionnaire sent out by the latter,
answering In tbe affirmative.
H. Ilnrlng the recent rcHpae of
me moon, way was It possible to see
the moon at alir A. E. C
A. During the eclipse, the earth
was squarely between the sun and
the moon. The sun was shining on
the earth, and the earth In turn re
flected some of this light upon the
moon. The dark side of the earth
was toward the moon, but enough of
the sun's raya are reflected and re
fracted on the circumference of this
dark side and its atmosphere, to ac
count for the "earth shine- or cop
per color that the moon received.
Q. Woold like to knorr the age of
both Melntyre and Heath, who are
now playing In "Hello Alexandria.
T. E. I
A. James Melntyre was born in
Kenosha, Wis, In 18S7. George Heath
was born in Philadelphia, Pa, in
1851. They first Joined forces as a
team In 1871 and have worked to
gether ever since. -The Ham Tree"
was their greatest success.
H. W hat U a drlfterf Q. E. D.
A. A drifter was a small boat at
tached to mine sweeping forces that
did scout and patrol duty and as
sisted In laying mines.
Q. What Is the name of the
animal wbleh has the Ieaat Bomber
of teeth, and what do they numbert
B. B.
A. The bureau of biological survey
says that the elephant has the few
est teeth. They number is counting
tbe two tucks. The anteater, how
ever, has no teeth whatever.
Q. When was the sewing machine
Introduced into England? S. S.
A. It is probable that the sewing
machine was Introduced Into England
WIE? 'WOr 'W'W'W TH? M. W, "
i mm ryru jutc
Cor. Mesa Ave. and San Antonio St.
Mall and Phdne Orders Promptly Filled
PrlTate Branch Exchange 3300
" j'4HESE are Days of White at the Popular and never before have stocks
been larger and prices more attractive. Good judgment should dictate
that you should supply not only immediate needs, but those for some time to
come at May White Saje prices. White wear, white piece goods and linens,
bed room requirements and white accessories including white footwear can
be bought this week at wonderfully low May White Sale prices.
Extra Special
Think of Buying Handsome Tricolette Overblouses
Six Styles To Select From At $10.00
THE Kfth Floor Blouse Shop contributes many items of interest, but
no one is just as attractive as a special purchase of 200 tricolette over
blouses. The six styles illustrated here are to be found in the offer. They
are made of superior quality tricolette and come in white, flesh and the va
rious pastel shades that are so favored by fashion just now. They come in
sizes from 36 to 44 and values are $15, $17.50 and $19.50 on sale tomor
row at
Choice For $10.00 JMNL
.-rw -igF? 5th nor M"" "? S if'ilrs
Allendlhe Public School Art Exhibit at Uberly Hall Admission Free.
bv Thomas Saint, who made such a
machine and haA It patented on July
A ( X TV.
Q. "What is the zneaninc; of the
Hudson Bay company motto "pro
pclle cntemT M. A. O
A. Translated into ErUTllsb. it
means "skin for skin."
Q Please sire me information on
the buildlna- of the Statue of Lib
erty 1" I. I Y.
A. The statue of Uberty was
designed by BarthokU. the French
sculptor, and presented by the people
of France to the people of America
to commemorate the 100th anni
versary of American independence.
It was dedicated on October 22. 188C
The figure Itself is SOS feet 11 Inches
above mean tide. The statue is made
principally of iron and copper. The
material for the base on which it
stands was provided by funds raised
from the American people for the
TAjiv reader can tret the nnawr tn
any Question bv wrltinc The Herald
Information Bureau, Frederic J. Has
kln. director, Washington. D. C- This
offer applies strictly to Information.
The bureau cannot gtve advice on le
gal, medical and financial matters. It
does net attempt to settle domestic
troubles, nor to undertake exhaustive
research on any subject. Write -ronr
question plainly and briefly. Give
full name and address and enclose
two cents in stamps for return post
age. All replies are sent direct to
the inquirer)
Austin, Texas, May 17. The federal
law allowing issuance of permits to
doctors to take out six quarts of
whisky a year la not to be followed
in Texas because the state law has
no such provisions, it was announced
by assistant attorney general w. A.
Keel Ins; This agreement was reached
by federal prohibition enforcement
oxiicer Beckham and assistant at
torney general Keeling:
Garden Seed l?reeh and full nf itf
El Paso Seed Co- 523 & San Antonio
street. Ad v
Weainett, Paks and Otier TronMa
Had Discesraged Tab Arkansas
Lady. Sis Took' Cardai,
Found It HelpfaL
Got Wei.
For Information about Schools an
Colleges, write The Kl Paso Herald
Educational .Bureau. aqv.
-Nothing to
wouldn't treat
If she
me that
only dead broke.' he said, after she
had read It.
"Til hit Ton,' said one nrsro
bootblack: to another.
'Without looking np. the other
salds "loo and irho elsef
The school teachers of thA TtltY-t
of Lolumoia hTe a lot of unions
lps n oln .."t ery publii. School
Here s ore e U El aso does not I
fa' " ,
When you buy corn
flakes ask by name
for the best kind.
are superior com flakes
that possess a crisp body
and aflavor that have made
them the favorite, and the
demand is greater than evec
'When Ordering ConiFlakes
ask for PostToasties
Made by Pbstum Cereal Ca Battle Creek.Mich.
You should fill the coal bin NOW. Why wait
till the congestion of winter? Why wait till you
are faced with a severe "cold snap"? Do it at
once. We carry a complete line of steam and
domestic coal. It will pay you to consult us.
Phone 36
IyiJ Sanitary Floor
sJu Enamel Fre
If yon bay one 25c Brush we wSl jjire away one-half pint of
Kyaniie Sanitary Floor Enama ABSOLUTELY FREE, thai wSl
be enough to paint a pantry shelf, table, chairs, etc Can be
nsedgfor on bide porch floors, plastered walls, porch ceilkjj,
cement floors, bath rooms or any kind of painting for any kind
of floors or other woodwork where a high grade fkiih is de
sired, made in eight popular colors.
Sunset Paint Co.
407 Texas Street Phone 285t.
Harrisbarg. Ark. After srhs
symptoms had become apparest, Mrs.
Belle Wnkareon. of Rente I. this
place, says she "sot -worse and
"I wasat sble to stand oo ny feet
and had to go to bed," she explains.
The ... srew worse, and for
about three weeks nothing seemed
to do me any good. I grew so weak
and. get so us and eaU not sleep. I
begaa to have para m the lower part
of ray body, and all across my fcack.
There was a great deal 0f soreness
and pate is. my left side ... I
just Bare up, for I suffered so. I
grew discouraged and thought I was
not gome to get well.
"Xy head not only ached, bat would
feel so light and drsay ... I de
eded then I would take Cardui. as t
read of bow maay women It had
baaefited. and some whose case was
Hke sitae. When 1 began CarduU
Jtst after a few doses. I noticed a
change. I slept better at n'ght
and felt like I could ea
I got np and began to
do the work In the house and yard.
and after three or four bottles of
Cardnt I was well"
If you saffer from disorders pecu
liar to women, take Cardni tte 'Wo
man's Toate.
It should kelp yon like others.
A hard fought
battle develops
stiff, soremuscles.
Rub them with
LUMaJe-HO-xiJo-rol I
Taos. lsiaz 4 Ca N. T-aaU
ran 1TE LE1SED tvIRE
t orreapondents.
Logan A Bryan. Chliaco, tew
lorlt. r&tae. Webber A 1&, &os
ton, Dnluta.
31T orth Oresron Sf rkone UB1
!(. Kt-xim Hotel

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