.ndav. Mar 17. 1020. EL PASO HERALD SPORTS, RECREATION and OUTDOOR LIFE EIGHTH HORSE LOSESTO RIVAL Seventh Terriers, Headed by Neyland, Defeat Bliss Garrison. "" -ncly hitting and fast base run ner when the opportunity offered "tied the Seventh cavalry a victory ur t e Eighth caa.'r regiment in a splendidly contested, bitterly ' ig'n game ji.Ja afternoon at o Grande pak trore ix to fie J'itrhinc Duel- "v. ic tied nd w ice forced to t rean the even score the players of if extending: teams contested every i mute of pla-. In tie sixth inning: appeared as if the Eighth cavalry am would win ? game when the 4 ichorne horsemen oent two men --ound the sa n.s a-d edged in front in tic first of The eenth. however, f Terriers put otr three runs h rh were sufficient to win the battle Maj I R. Neyland, of the Terriers, and Boza. of the Efgrbth en i, aged in a sterling- pitching 4asL ic the first gme of the afternoon e Kn gbtfl of Col j in bus defeated the STnd art IIti gunners, seven to Bliss Athletes Getting Ready- Prepare For Meet Wednesday U" e scores Too Much NcjhuML ht, 2b. Trainman, cf. 7 auderbaclc, rf N -viand, p M'-Gavm, c I -opf lb " t-ate. if AH R H FO A E V nod 2b 1 1 3 S 1 2 It 1 S : 9 t NDEIt the direction of regimental athletic officers soldier athletes are training busily at Port Bliss in preparation for the district track and field meet to be held Wednesday on tii e Eighth cavalry parade grovnds, for the purpose of developing men to end to the departmental games at Tort Sam Houston Baseball Schednle AIe. Maj Muller, district adjutant. Capt. U B. C. Jones, district athletic of ficer and Lieut. W. H. jlcCulloagb district baseball officer are in charge of the arrangements for the big meet which from the point of attendance and rivalry is expected to surpass any of the events previously staged. Ueut. McCuIlongh is mapping out a baseball schedule to be placed at Fort Bliss Thursday and Friday far the pur pose of deciding the championship team of the EI Paso district and thr New Mexico subd.str.ct. at Columbus and will represent this section at Fort Sam Houston. All military organization teams la the IS! pso district will com pete in he baseball games. The only team entered from the Aew Mexico subdistrict will be the 4a Infantry (nejrro) which will ar rive In El Paso within the next day or so. This team is said to be one of the strongest in the southwest and army1 baseball fsns are looking forward to some closely contested baseball when the teams meet for supremacy. The purpose of the track and field games at Fort Bliss and Fort Sam Houston is to primarily develop rep resentatives for the army In the American Olympic team, which will compete at Antwerp this summer. Hayden Loses, But Makes Hit e S Fans Say He Should Have Won 11 S EVEN I S Big Crowd Watches Cleve land Defeat New York; Mays Knocked Out New Trier. May 17 Before the largest crowd eve- ukiuM at th. rota ground. Sunday. Cleveland defeated New Tot. Mays was driven from th box In tao first Inalar when th Hatters scored fir. rasa by clean amine. .vow ion: ab it H ro E 11 Oil F ghth Caralrv V cae- t. restman. rf feionf. 2b. U MP c r bark. lb. nnn lb. B- . Teajrer rf. . z p . . -ore by lni !--"th Cava! -th Cavaln "3 ( I tl C S AB R H PO A E 4 1110 0 3 1 1 1 1 4 9-101 P 4 1 1 1 3 0 SPEEDBAXX HAYDEN. holder of the border middle weigh- chain - jjiuiiouip jubc a. i (Duua uecision to Kid Palmer at Douglas. Arlx., Sat urday afternoon, but his nreatiae did not suffer, in the opinion of several hundred fans who attended the con teat, according to word brought to El Paso Sunday night by two SI Paso ans who witnessed the contest. Did Most of Leading. Hayden did the greater part of the leading throughout the encounter and easily blocked the attempts of Palmer to light in the clinches, they stated. When the referee walked over to Pal mer in the last round and held up his hand It was just as much a shock as if a bombshell had gone off In the arena. Hayden was credited with the decision generally by the fans and should have received It accord- 3 t 14 1 Ing to the El Paso bugs at the ringside One of them made the following aianrincni -The referee's decision was a eomplete surprise to the crowd. S5 percent of which was confi dent that Hayden hand would be raised at the end of the tenth round. In point of 1 set, the state ment was heard all over the arena In the ninth round that the brst Palmer eon Id obtain was n draw. Hayden carried the T'cht to Painter thronirhont and blocked all Palmer's efforts at Infight ing." Battling Shapiro the aggressive El Faso welter lost a decision to Des marine in the semifinal This bout was fast and snappy and a draw de cision should have been rendered, ac cording to the two El Pasoana, 8 . Tlr'of . Umpires, atot&neovrt - tea xi n. zi s t:n( s -t Ml 3 E 999 52 1 S olen bases, c-vp nian, P-bacfe. Dnn- Faerif.ee h Muskopf, White. Two hit" Nevis- i burlap Runs batted d Pw. 1 Tfacrr. 3 Maskonf 1 j man, 2 -jiand Bloodl, 1 Dou- p ajs, Boza. to uarson to Rynacic -uck nut, b V-land. 19 . by Boza, 2. baae en balls, off Neyland, S off " Fl-at bae on errors. Seventh - T 1 ieMb. aalry " Left oa base -th fs. a rv - E'rhth Cavalry ji chrd a Boza (Huskopf "Wild 1 "-a, Nvland " Passed bal Dnnlap. rfmtsay VSJi w Hires if you want the genuine -in bottles for the heme at soda fountains and on draughf :cd n.ld ArtUIarr. Orllflth. lb. DuiXin. .. .... Baah. c . Crawford Jb . Qvandortt lb. Lawton, T Pharp cf sa. Kirks? j- If Barnes, p . . AB R H PO A E ..40.1. .. 4 e .. t t 1 C 4 . 2 .till. . I 1 1 . 3 4 I : 5 . i l t l Totals :9 Brown oat. lBterferenrf KsJffbts of Colambns. ' Brows. 3b. .(.. 4 Xttlar. cf. L. Varrr e " Doyle, as .4 W Hunter rf. . 3 BntMon. lb. - R. CarbeiTT, 2b. 2 CimnLgham, if. X H. Adkraa. p. 3 1 i'U I r- H PO A X 111 1 0 t 1 1 1 l r 1 l 1 7 0 1 1 1 2 C 2 1 a t : 4 ISTANDING8 AKir-CIT LEAGUE. Won. Lest. Pet. laieraauonais .. i Zone Supply s Knights of Columbus . . . S Seventh Cavalry .... 2 Kighty-seeond P. A, .... 1 Eighth Cavalry 1 l.Mf .M .2M TEXAS laEAOUK. Totals r t i ii 7 Srore by innings. ttnd Plaid Artlllsrr ... . ftv 1M 1. Knights of ofvmbns fl 7 Ftolen bases, Griffith. "W. Banter. 2: Bttnson. Oarberrr Conninclssas. Two bac hit. Klrkner. Rons hatteol m or fc-ir! 1. Ooyie l. -sxterry l Kxroeaesz. oy Barnes. 4; by H. AdJdns. S Tint w oa balls, off Barnes. S. First baa on errors, IZad Field Artillery. . Knight of f Inmbus, J Left on base. S2nd Field Ar 'JHenr. 7 Km-rhts of Colnmboa. t. Caught steattag. by Bash fMarjy, Banter 7 ooi by ifirty (Barnes). Psassd ball. Bosh. Tim of game, 1 1. TTmptrea. Kas and Betanoonrt. nTiw oO--i- Wins On A Foul Carlabad. N. L Mr 17 Freddy Hill, ot Fort TTorth. loot on a foul to Dutch Crosier Saturdav niirht at the armorr in the fonrth round of a 1 n.Tnnnd lfe-htwefxrht tMnt. The blow . -was the climax of several hearr body blows In rroslerB corner. Croaker waa carited out, bat recoTered rap idly. Hill fonght clean, the fool beta? accidental. Port Worth . San Antonio Wichita Falls GalToaton Shrereport Dallaa Beaomont Honaton . .12 ... .12 ...1 II LoaL Pet. .7 (21 .S32 17 .422 .fit 4(0 .Hi Ward. MoomI. 2b. .. .. PIPP. lb. Rath. rf. Iwla, if. Pratt. 2b. Boole, cf. Hannah, e. . . . . Haya. p. .. . Ttwrmahlen. p. . 'arjxnu .. atocrldre. p. . Totals Cloraland. Graney. If. Chapman, aa, .. Speaker, ef. . Snltfa, rf. .... . Wood. rf. Gardnor 2b. .... Wambataaaa. 2b. Johnaten. lb. O-XeJll. c Basby. p. 1 e l is l l l l 1 2 1 2 nee 2 2 2 2 ( 1 2 2 0 2 a .21 2 2 27 12 4 ab r H ro A B .. 4 1 1 2 0 t .... 2 1 .. J a 1 a C 2 1 2 S 1 2 Total. 22 21227 17 Batted for Thormehlen In atafeth. Seore by lnnlaaa. Now Tore. . . eae let Ml 2 oeroUBd M a. ;tl I Two baa. hxta, Wambaaaftaa, Pratt. Chapman. Rata. Thro. baa. hit. Baabr Stolen baae. Wood. Bacrlac bjta. Wood, Oardner. Basby TJchto playa. Chapman, waaabtcattB. and Johnston: oardaer. Waabasranaa and Johnston. : Hannah and Ward. Baaea oa ball., Basby 2. Tharatahlen. 2 Innlnaa nttchod Mays. 2-2: Taomaahlen. 7 1-2 Mocridce. 1. Strackovt. Basby. 1 . Thonnahlen. 4. BROWNS WAIXOP SENATORS. Waahlnston. D. O. May 17 St. Loaia avoaea as tno .ertoa by taaJns too aec ond ramo from Waablnston Sondar. Wefl- man paaslwl th. loeala after tbo first tw. Inalnts. wall. Johnaoa weakened toward ta claae. SL beala. AB R H PO A X Anttin. 2. 4 2 1 Oadeoa. 2b. t 2 2 1 ToWn. If 402 Staler, lb. t e 1 12 1 William, cf. 4 1110 Jacobean, rf. 4 2 2 BflHnsn, c 4 e : 4 1 Grer. aa. ............. 2 X 2 2 S t Weftnua. p. 2 2 AMERICAN LEAGCt Won. Lat. Cleveland ....17 7 Beaton 14 2 ChScare 12 9 Now Tork 12 12 St. Urala 11 12 Waahmston 12 Philadelphia 12 Detroit j a II Where They Play Tuesday. St. Loots at WaapJattea. Cloretaad at Mew Tork. Cbicas. at Beaton. Detroit at Phnadelpaia. Pet. 71 271 .M .472 .42 2 sir Clnclnaatt . Brooklyn Caieas. .H Beaton Plttabnrs Pblladelpbia New Tork . St Louis . NATIONAL. LEAGUE. Loit. Pet. Totals . Washington. Jndsa. lb. Milan. If. Sice, cf .. .. Roth. rf. Harris. 2b. .. BUerbe, 3b. .. Ptetntch. r. P. ..22 4 12 27 12 1 AB R H PO A E ...21272 ... 4 4 ... 4 1 1 ... 2 1 2 ... 4 2 2 ... 2 1 1 ... S 1 1 I ...! ... 4 1 1 s SEVENSIRA1GHT Cub Star Well On Way Toward Successive Victory String. Chicago, HL. Hay IT. Alexander won his sveath straight same when Chlcaxo defeated Boston Bandar, strine the lo cals their serenth consecutive victory. CBdearo won the cam br lamhin9 i(fL HoUochrs ramble ot Crnlse'a crotmder no e7sa?i oonoie, aaTeo tno visitors from s shniont. Boston. AB R H PO A E I'oweii cl. 4 e i a Pick. 2K 4 1 Jtann. lr. 4 Crnlse, rf. -4 Holfce. lb. 4 Booekel. Jb. 4 Maranrine, as. 4 OXelU, c X Hearn. p. 2 Pet Brown Meets Irslinger - Texas Star To Appear Here 1 1 1 1C 1 4 1 1 2 2 1 : Total. Cnicaso. Flack, rf. . .. HoUoeber. sa. Paakert. ef. .. Barber, lb. .. Robertson, If, Deal, ab. .... Terry. 2b. .... KUlofcr. e. ... Alexander, p. . .24 1 24 2 I AB R H PO A E .... 4 .... 2 .... 4 .... 2 '.'.'.'. 2 2 1 2 1 2 3 2 11 2 2 1 1 1 4 1 .22 2 It 1 Totals Seore by faaron St Lottt. 1 1! 4 Waahmstaai 11 Two beee hit, WUBama. Stolen bases, Bllliaga. Jodse. Jacobs an. Oerbar. Sacrl ftce hits. Ptetelch. WeUman and Aastta. Doable plays. Jodie to Shannon to Jadse. Bases on salts, wollmen. 4; jonasoe. . Hit by ptteaer. by Jobaaon (Oerbtx). Stroekoat. by Job esse. J: by WeOman. ) . 1( 12 .at ..l ..ii ..! .. 2 .. 1 2 12 1 14 12 It .411. .71 .12 JO .224 .417 .4 .Ml ETCHERSID PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND ELECTROTHERAPEimST Or.gLnator and sole owner of the Painless Infil tration Cure for Piles. SPECIALTY Chronic Diseases of the Stomach. Ur and Xntaatinas, Kidneys. Bladder and Rectum. PILES CURED WITHOUT THE KNIFE "Write for my latest revised boolvlet on Rectal m Diseases and their painless treatment. It Ttlll be sent In plain sealed envelope, free of charge or obHtcatisn. THIS IS MY raFTBKNTH TEAR IS EL TISO CONSULTATION FREE Hojrs a. re to 1 p m 3to7p or Txas and Mesa, 20. Mesa Are DR. K Where They Tlay Taesday. Boston at Ptttabarr Brooklyn at Cincinnati New Tork at Chicaco, Philadelphia at St. Isana. COAST IXAOrXE. salt Lake City 23 saa Praactsco .23 Portland IS -Vernon ,...32 Ids Ant-ales 17 Oakland II Sacramento IS Seattle 12 Where They rlay Tuesday. Ternon at salt Lake Oakland at Sacramento. Portland at can Francisco. Seattle at Ijob Aaselee. Lost. Pet. 14 .(22 14 .(22 12 .HI 13 .1(1 2 .42 2! .42 24 222 ! .233 I BASEBALL ! K SUU1 m. Sunday 10 to IT n EL PASO. TEXAS TEXAS LEAGUE. Saturday Games. At Hoot ton. JLH It HotUtoo . 0 S S 3 Wichita PhUs . 10 1M 09 24 S t Batteries Honaton. Olean and TTurlclna. "Wichita Falls, zaan and Bafeertson. AX San Antfislaa. t? xr t San Antonio . .. Wt 2 7 0 Dallas m tte M o s a Batteries San Antsla. Taaiwatyuhf wf aibson DalOia. Conley and Robertson. At OeJvestoiL w Oarreston . .00 99 e c 4 Shrovepert .. . H 09 ! c i Sattaries GalmKtA f"-ni-j. .ut Bamser, Sarereport. Verbeat and Ha( Ua. At Beaumont. R. H. E. Beaamont . . .it lt 99 I IS 1 Fort Worth Ml tlX 1 9 Batteries Beaamont Sehnelder and Alexander. Fort Worth, Appletoa and Aovra. Worn Out In Mind and Body Youi child is qrrick to observe distorbariees in your mental attitode cr physical conditioji. And srhen be asks: "Whafs the matter, Daddy!" there's a tone of solemn anxiety in his Uttle voice. The depression tamped upon yon reflects intensely npon him because of his profound solic itude. He at once drops his plartiicgs and rashes to your side, bat his happy smile has disappeared and his buoyant spirits are gone replaced by a countenance of worry and a bearing of hopelessness. ,T T? " tn happiness and welfare of yonr txmVj to keep tan in body and keen In intellect TooaretaeaanaadthemtBlratloaof toeirhTea. Dart threatentos; cVmds borer ivri.;rc.vi..r:ct.iE' " oouuww.uier.- "seta iMiyv' bJVA. a 4a. tea as uj aar 4bsar.aja,sas,w, jVbU llTsilTsa laVKD The Great General Tonic jSib?Jiat -tfcrf 'eeBns"aad dispel ttwotn-ra wok. It waa renew yoar strength and nsor.orciume the irsTtsUsz eSecta of orerworE and worry, rerrre yoa spirits and increase yoar bold on Ufa Beasj a refresh. inr aroettzer. a valnaM. att. m-m-TZZa m. Pronofthaseneral health, bscansa of itjposltiTere. j li. wT"a1 nse is espeaauy desirable la cases of snbnornal conditions. IfyoaroJsr from nerrona ezhaastlan, crescalar or mental f atizae. crdtadeneyefTttal force doe to ceneral weakness ct wastine IBaess. yooTJ Snd "LYKO" rrJcdartobenV arajl It tones np tbo entire rjatem and kerpe yoa CeeHas&t. Aak yoordrcssist for a bottle today. Sole Manafactarers LYKO MEDICINE COMPANY fcew York aUnua Cli.. bfa. F" Sale By All Druggists, Always In Stock At THE WAENEB DRUG CO., EL PASO TEXAS. (VaYUfai s3Jras.feaaBadbaltBaaaa1 JL lBHV . COAST LEAGCE. Sunday Game, At OakUnd. R. H. B. SttUtlt ... 0 c nan .Francisco ..4 j 0 xsiienes noapue. seiooia and Baldwin. sn srTaniitwu. ijtraca ana Ttiie. At San Franelsoo. B. H. B. !9uia 1 3 nan CTanctaeo 11 fl Batteries Seattle, Retnhart. Brentan and Adams. Saa Francisco, Lewis and a At Xsos Ancelea. R. H. K. Portland 9 7 0 JLrtn Anvaiea 41 Batteries Portland. Jnaey. PoImo and Koehler. Lo Ascclee. Crandall and ! M. Aftarnoon rmmt. R. H, B. Portland ...... Ji: , Ios Anroles 4 7 9 Batteri-M Portland. Searoader. Kalllo and Koehler. Los Anselcs, Brews. Thom as and Baasler At Salt Lake. R. H. K. 9ad iU I Salt Lake 1 1 Batteries Oakland, H el tine and MlUe; Salt Lake. Reiner and Jenkins. Second same. R. H. X. Oakland 4 7 S Salt Lak 1 it 1 Battries Oakland Wearer Kremer and Spellman. Salt Lake Stroud and Jen kins. At Sacramento. R. H E Vernon 6 IS 2 Sacramento 7 11 1 Sattaries Vernon. Small wood Hooek Plercy, Fromnu and Devormer Sacra mento. Penner Flttery and Cook. At Stockton. R. h. B. Vernon . ... I If 0 Sacramento .... 1 S 1 Batteries Vernon. Srhaflenback and Be Tormer. Sacramento, Proach. Malls and Cady. AJHER1C4N ASSOCIATION'. Sunday Games. Minneapolis. 6 Colnmtms, S t Paul 11 Toledo 1 Milwaukee 3, Lonlrrrllle I Kansas City 3 Indianapolis. ? What Do You j Know About Sport? 1 .MSsesMKasssswasBHSEasBwawasnaaansaaeassaoMaa, 1 Who la classed aa betas the oest baseball player today 3 Was Jack Demaeey ever Icnooked oat by Fred Fulton 2 Who was tbo A. E. F. wrestlisc champion? 4 Was Mike CDowd tniddlewef;ht charjjpion of tbo A. E. F. i In tennis, can a service that doesn't strike In the right coart be return edT What official ranklnes are made each year by tbe Unite States Lawn Tennis association? 7 What hordle events -were held In the last Olympic Rimes? 4 .Who were tbe umpires in the last world's serJasT i How many homers were made !a lb 1219 world's series? is Who chooses tbe chairman of the national commission? These queetlona Trill be an awered tomorrow. Answers to Yesterday's Qnrstioas, 1 In tennis if the striker out is not ready hot still tries to return the service he is understood to nave been ready. ! C D. Refdpath reBresenttBC the United States won the 410 yard ran in toe iyxz uiympie :amea with a recoro ox 453 seconas. 3 The world's professional record for the K yard dash is II 4 seconds, made In Scotland in 1911. 4 Albert K. Tearney la president of the Western and Tree I leagues. 5 In th International leasee, the Binghamton franchise was awarded to Akron, and Newark's to Syracuse. 6 Rnth made nine homers at Bos- xoa Mat year. T To determine earned runs per came for pitchers, divide tbe total number Innings worked by . to eet wo BBasw ot rau .rames. wen atvtde the total of earned runs by the num ber ot came. S The first middleweight cham pion bout on record was April 13, 1867, In California, when Tom Chandler defeated Dooney Harris In 12 rounds, bare knaekloa. 9 William to E feet C Inches talL 1 WinaroTs reach Is Sift Inches. 11 Allan Sothoron has played with the St. Lonis Browns in the majors. M Oscar Mitt was with the Tigers in 1612. 112, 1914. 1915. 191C. 1217, and 118. 1 Walter Johnson Is 32 years old. 14 Cactns Cravath is Clifford C. Cravath. 1S Abe Attell became champion after Young- Corbett had kayoed Tarry MoGovern fo- the title and both had entered the llcbtwelrht class. Attell claimed the title and defended his claim. 16 Jack Johnson Is it years old. 17 It's against the roles In foot ball to tackle a player who makes a fair catch. It Rales permit bat a five min ute search for a lost coif balL It The official welsh t of a tennis ball Is not leas than 1 ounces nor more than 1 1-16 ounces. 30 The diameter of a tennis? ball Is not less than 1 9-16 Inches and not more than 2 19-16 inches. Copy right. 1929, Thompson Feature Service. Good Scores In Gun Club Shoot T C Thede and W H. SheJton tied in bath th singles and deablaa shootlnr Sun day mernlas la a wen attended aheet en tne rant cf tlia BH Pas. Gaa ctah, Oaines abootlar. wtth a 2 rase son broke all tar Seta in one 25 bird special xateh dttrmc IBs shoot Th scores were Snsles DiMsaSea Shot at Broke Shot at Broke WESTERN LE.1GUK. Sonday Games. Dae Moines. 4. Oktehasna City I St Josenh, 7, Joplln, Z. Flour City 4 Tnlsa 2 Omalia W ichlta postponed, rain OlTlIEHV ASOClATIO Fnnday Cum " - 0 rhatfaTTWisa 1 ar a Bi-minrham 10 Thed . ahelton Der ArmsrronsT Lester . OalMB .... Fort It 1 104 e- 6 14 Garden Toola ror eriat home gar den. 1 Paso Seed Co, t:: E. saa ntoDlo St. Adv. CARPETS CLEANED the 1 est i b tie I out cIatlTS WILSON MIL Lai-AV r'art : rhone 75 1 Totala :t ( 2 27 12 1 Seers by insunas. Beaton M 14 1 CMcaso : 2 Two osae nlta, Alexander Boeeaei s.r rifle alts. Terry Deal Barber Doable plars. Haranrlll. to Holice. Base, on balla Heara 2 Strurkottt. by Alexander 4 Cincinnati. O star 1 Philadelphia br.k Its losins streak of nine strisht samea by winning from tbe Reda In 1 th lanlsc 9nnda Rin; and Rlxcj both PET BROW V Houston. Texas, star retired middleweight, champion of the world, who recently made a comeback by defeating Charles Ren trop at catchwelghta, will appear In El Paso Mav 25 against Henry Irslin ger, of Omaha. Pet Cornea Here Soon. Business manager Johnny Mclntoah, of the El Paso wrestling association, made the aboe announcement Sun day night following the receipt of telegrams of acceptance from both Irslinger and Brown for the engagement- Irslinger la at preaent In Omaha and haa been on the trail of the local matchmaLer for several weeks In an effort 1o land a snatch with either Brown or Ren trop. ow that the Alsatlnn has been eliminated by the Texaa he la wllHag to meet ret at catch weights. Brown la bow at bin home In Claeo, Texaa, hot will nrrlse In El Paso within the next few days. n His latest victory over Rentrop oc curred Fridav night at Houston when he downed Charlie with a Japanese leg hold in one hour and 19 minutes. Rentrop could not continue the match after the injury and It waa awarded to the aggressive southerner. Pet's friends are all enthusiastic over his comebark and there Is little doubt that a delegation will accompany him to El Paso pitched fine ball. All of the Cincinnati scoriae waa done In the fourth when the Rods bunched three hlta and a aacriflee for two earned nm In th. Itth R. Hll ler walked, went to third when Kopf """ v.ii . inrow aa se stole, ana scored on Riser's long fly to center Philadelphia. AB R H PO A E i-coovrreau, ir. . 721 Bancroft, as. . fi 1 C Williams, cf. 612 Stengel, rf. 1 1 1 J Miller. 2b. 2 ( Paalott. lb- i l 12 B. Millar. 2b. 2 112 witbernw. c a s t x Riser, p til s 1 4 4 1 4 Totals Ctaeianatt Rain. 2b. Deabert, lb. Oroa, 2b. ash. cf laueaa. If. . KssC as. ... Naal. rf. . . Rarieaa. c- . Brassier . . Allen, e. .. . Rlaa p. ... tCraae Totala 12 2 12 42 2. 4 AB R H PO A E .. . J 2 ... 7 2 12 1 1 2 2 2 4 4 1 2 I 42241 4 2 4 .. . 2 - 2 2 1 9 1 Batted for Raiiden In ninth. 1 Batted for Ring la 11th. PUUdlltiSiJ'' 11 912 cSetonatl M 2M H M 3 Tw. baa hits. Rooah. Wllluuna. Stan ce". Stolen bases. Lebervean. 8aerlc. hits Roush, Dnncan, Neale Bancroft. Pani'lte. Rlxer Donbte plays. Hoof to Daub t J htnier to Banroft to Paulette. With-row to J Miller. Bancroft to Panlette Rlxoy wi.hM.. m p af n.r R. stiller to J Miller to Panlette. Bases oa ball., off Rise. t. off Blxey. 4. Hit by pttcBar. oy Rtzay 1. Stnsckoat. by Blag; s. ay Kxaey. 2. Wild pitches . Bias; 1. Klxw". l St. Louis-Brooklyn pastnonad. rain. CARPETS CLEANED the best way by ths best cleaners. WILSON-MTL-UCAN Plant 2 Phone 766. Adv. 60HZ PITGHE Cblcl.cn Feed that makes the hen lay El Paso Seed Co. .23 East San Antonio St. Adv. 5 4 1 R. E. MeKee, General Contractor e moved to new location ISIS Texaa 0 St. Phone 484 Ad v Bird Supplies of all kinds. El Paso 1 Seed Co, 623 East San Antonio St- tl ! u c :: : i Adv. s FHf QUE Quells 82d Artillery Regi mental Team in Snappy Battle at Ball Park. Modesto Gomes twirled a four hit cam and the fast International lea tne loaders Saturday afternoon defeated the 82nd artillery regimen tals oy the score of Jf to one. The gunners pot up a cazn defence but could not cope with the superior hitting of the south sld team The score Inttvaatkiaala AB X H FO A B jseeuna. as. i 2 i 2 Mtalerea, 2b. .......... t 1 ( 1 Iirv rt ft 0 S Meo. cf. . ........... S ft l f K. Oonsox. p 4 2 j Armanoartx. If. K S 2 1 0 Chacon, c Z S 2 it 2 Padllla. Is- S I. Gomes, lb S 1 4, 4 - J I 1 t Totals 2d Artillsry. Grtffln. 2b. Dttnklns, cf. Crawford. 3b. Ktraaey. lb Lawton. rf Jahaaon. If. . . Tlca, c Davie, p Ovsasjorff. In. Sbarp, If. 42 Hun I AB RK PO A E 2 2 31 l 2 2 . ... t I .. . . t 1 ( . . . 2 1 312 3 7 2 7 2 11 ... 27 1 4 31 It Totals Seer, by tnnlnas. :od Artm.IT 1 Internationale 21 2 12 1 Stolen bases. Chacon. 2. Crawf.nl. Sac rifice bits. Chacon. 2 Two baa. atta, Cha ron 2 Sharp. Three baa. hit. Ties. Runs batted in by Mlnlares. Chacon. Gomes. 2 N ' sf Thatfs why Spur Cigarettes have won. There are plenty of cigarettes of merit, soma claiming one pleasing feature, some another. jBut there was room at the top for a stiE better cigarette one that had all the goodness f of the others and then some! Spur Cigarettes were made with that object in view to fill that place at the top. The choicest American and TmrvrrTPfl tobaccos were blended by a new method that 1 r - . , ,v r vv .. - . - crimped, not pasted, to make an easier-draw ing, slower-burning cigarette. Then tiiese super-cigarettes were put into a smart "brown-and-silver" package, three fold, to keep them fresh and rich in that good old tobacco taste! Lastly, Spurs were priced at twenty for 20c the lowest possible price for a cigarette of highest possible quality. Smokers tried Spurs. Their verdict, every where, has been: "A high-bred dgarettel" t jai-tj-9jfJeSwiBfft ksss!lBSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.sft 0. 4M OAH xssssfltfl, assKa. sTsJrSSSSSSSSSBrBBSSaeaalssssHF fatsBaBsBaCslpCssklmsflssssssK JsBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsBSSSSSSSSSSSSSssTka JjU avjfltsab ,k tfpL l.....itiwiatBBSsssssssssssssssssssssssssilPH..