Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD Junior Chamber Board Appoints Its Committees t ith a list of committees named 4 readv for work the, Junior duun pr of commerce U completely or-i-iised and will be one of the city's t actne associations from now -1 The committees were named, with ie exception of one special com itate, at a meeting of the board of aracement at the chamber ot com- -l Tueday nigrut. The committees nam-tf, fojio : ad- . en sine and sell int. I. W. Hlndley, I. Grahan . Paul Welch; banking i t credits, H. J- Broad dus, P. A. Kard Louis V. Vogcl; accounting. E. 1 T.i'tleton, Knueth Han, S. A- Zum- w fa! estate and insurance. Leon- -d Goodman. Herndon Kemp, P. R. ' rrenor m a nufartu Hoc and jobbing, L Dunn. H. E. .Helnmann, C D. retailing, N. H. Allan. S. abu Sam Borscbow: traffic and -a-vportation, Earle R. Fontaine, H. nan, olen F. Featheraton; Mexican -atiea, R. 3. Andrews, (others to tot ,r-"d later), automotive trades, E. haw, (others to be named later); IJeuc. Ben Watt, Hy Snyder. Louis p itherford. L. R. Handler, "W. E. Varon x men wre named as general presentatives under the civic ol- ,on bu were not assigned to par- - ..lap ...hHvl.lATi Tb.i -T- n.rlM' --- ...-.r. -i - r"ii- Vlll'BUII. WMIW O. TCWU, -, " v-artL 1 radl R. t. M. Johnson, Macoff.n and G. 31. MoCasHn. 2r- J- These ii w .1 assist in worKlne out the -soiinfl of committees on ity plan, rts recreation, education, bonle- trds ad highways, tree planting. ft, charities, elvle tours, etc. Committees on business law, public .eakingrand Americanization will be ; oinied after more consideration as material and the work, to be done. Thr weekly luncheon to be held y sdav noon will be In charge of iUr-v ;, Walraven. Several special aturs are on the program A dance n ij be g.en at the chamber of coxn- i "-ce late next week and a business eating will be held Tuesday night, Ma 25 To Have Wavy Hair Like Nature's Own Here's a brand new reetpe of ne.ues- nd merit, that yea should make note ' unless you ar one of the few posaasa- -a of naturally wavy hair. It's vary - r' for all yon need do Is to apply a it hquid alimertae before dolor up tha a r -with a clean tooth brush and in t-. hours yoa will find thla has dried - the wMtwt curia and waves lmacin- . They will be Just like "Nature's i ' havrrg- no resemblance to the ffect oduced by a hot iron, which is so . piouly artiflelaX n application la really baeflctal to - hair and gives It that llvalr lustre - Tiuch desired. As It is bo easy to ob-- " a few ounces of the Utn r sttnwrine 'r- m our flrurtlat sofflcUnt te keep the - cor'T for many weeks there s no ' - an hot for puttinr up with either jl a'raighu contrary hair or with the - -g "-n nulsancfc-Adv. KYANi; If job bay ose 23c Braili we will ghe away cue-half pint cf Kymiie Saaiteiy Floor Eaarael ABSOLUTELY FREE, thai will be enough to paint a pantry shelf, table, chairs, etc Can be used for oabide porch floors, plastered walls, porch ceilkgt, cement floors, hath room or any load of painting for any kind of floors or other woodwork where a high grade finish is de sired, made in eight popslar colors. Sunset Paint Co. MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS. 407 Texas Street Phone 2851. COLLARS hape" 'aspte' space lo permit the cravat to slide easilq aad sstooHwij. THbrndglce 23? Will Po'wer NBTIOPB JH OLOBr IMLLS DPmouTbu. jB Bread is yoor bt& food. Eed. more of ft. Commence using Cream of Wheat Flonr Today. At Your Grocer's Here in El Paso and through out the Entire Southwest Members Of Chamber Of Commerce Listed In Alphabetical Order jl LOST showing- the names of mem- t bers of the El Paso chamber of commerce, whose drive to raise $40,MK to meat Its tmdget require ments Is now under way, has been prepared for publication, alphabeti cally arranged. It is estimated the list totals about 1700, er elusive of the junior chamber members. The list fol lows: P. L. AbeL Abdoti Produce Co.. J Z. Abdalah. Sam Abraham. Frank Acker man. Acme Drllttn? Co Acme Laundry, a W. Adams, 8. M. Acalrre. F. & Alnea Ce. at AJasa A Sons. Alameda Fuel A Grain Co., Alamo alaehtae Co- Simon Alareon, Jim A. Alexander Alberabra Theater Seward K. Allan. B. B. Allen. J. F AWaoa. &. L. Alpera. Juan Alvarez, American Auto Supply Co.. American For mture Co , American Qrecerr Co., AHwrl can Trust A Saviors Bank. 11 T. Amoaett. Amstater A BlaBsraad. Mr, C C Ander son. J. EL Anderson, Anderson Investment Cc, Mra Auruat Andreas, H. 3L Andreas, V I- Andreas, V. B. Andreas. I E. An drews. A&reles A Velarde. Boque Anton, E. A. Del' Ara, Allen Sisters. Manual Ara ron, T. W. Ardom, Arbackle Bros. Coffee Co, Francisco Arevale. Sabas Arias, Br. EL K. Armtstead. Charles Anroaoa, S. Aron steln, A. AtUn Co , Max Atkm Co, Rev. Sine Atkinson, Dr, N. W. Atteberry Aolt ato Dorman. Auto Trlmmias A Sup ply Co. Automatic Prtntlnc Co., Auto mobile Parts Co , Awbrey-Appell Co., Aw brer Coal & Coke Co., Ayoub Bros, Mi- rvei Ayooo, Aaar jjroe. - -H".?' TO . u W eo. k. tfaxer. , u. jseaorsKy. Bua win-KruM Mrs. Rales Cu J- C Ballard WIIl - KmM , ft uo, iraaic H. salt, r. u. sanneii. Baptist Saaatortuwt, C. B Barglebans'h W. L. Barnard, Harry Barnctt, H. J. Baron. Dr. F. O. Barrett. C K. Basaett, Dr R. . Barton Baumc-arten & Wyler, Henry S. Beach. Becker-Keogh Hardware Co , Joe BedinsLy. Beehive Dry Goods Co , Belgian Bakery. F. G. Balk. Joseph Benjamin. J. E. Benton, Bernle Bers-, So! L Berg. Berg Co.. A. K. Berryhlll. K. M. Bsetall, Stanley Bcvu, W. J. Blene raaan, H. 'W. Blerhorst, Bte Four Oil & Refining Co , R. V. Btgelow 8pply Co Bijou Theater. F. O. BUllnga J. . Elsch off. E. W Btcfaop. A. W. lilttich. T W. Bit tick Blackham Son. C. H. Black man. E S. Blaekmon. W. J. Btaekwell A Co. S D. Blair Blanco's Grocery A Meat Market. A U. Block. Harry M. BHm, B. Bloomborg, B Blumenthal & Bros, J I Bodey Upholstering Co., Bond Inc.. Border Battery and Ignition Co, Border Bavarage Co, Border Commlelon Shoe Co, Border National Bank. J. A Borders, George Buchanan. Banker's Ufe laa Co, Baker-Tawter Co, H. H Bailey. Border land Auto ppty Co, Boretn Mercantile Co, Max Borschow, Boss Rubber Co, Bos ton Store. O. Bottorff. Henry T. Bowie, Robert T. Bowie. A C Bowfaay, G. C Brady & Co, T. B. Bran. Charlee P. Brattstrom, Charles A. Brann. Cesarto M. Bravo, B. M. Bray. Bray A Co, J. A. Brennan, John V Breanan, M. T. Breth erton. & J. Brleat. P. F. Brick. W. W. Bxidcera Dr J M Brltton. Broaddus A Le Baron. Joseph H. Broniberg. Fred L Bromberger, Dr. A. S. Bronaon. W. H. Bropar, Charles Broward, Dra, F. N. A C. R. Brown. Dra W I C P. Brown. Dr. A E. Brown. Cbas. H. Brewa. Bdgar D. Brown. Frank Wella Brown, H. C Brown, Dr P. H. Brown. Brown Craeker and Candy Co, Brown A 'Whttaker, BrownQeld & Camptoa, A. Browaateln & Co, H. Bracker. Brenner Taltorlar Co, Bryan Broa, J. M Buchanan. N. G. Bnchox & Ca. J A Buckler, J H. Back ner Buerger Broa, Bufftngtoa Candy Co, J. O. Boquor, Buquer Motor Co, Barges & Barges. Burgle Furniture Co, Burt PrinUng House, XX W. Burkhaltor, M. U Burleson. Burton-Lingo Co, Bush Plumb- 'IJ Sanitary Floor ilJ Enamel Free """ " " vk in. Jfffi v Mr I Q It is a demonstrated fact that will power can be made to produce wonderful re sults. CfMen have risen from the humblest ranks to positions of power by force of their indoniinable will which sur mounted obstacles that would .discourage those of less wfcpower. Q It is eaUer to cultivate and exercise will power when the body is well nourished. '" If Cream of Wheal Floor makes nouriih'mg breed of fine flavor, Tshich furnishes the bods vHh easily ass'urtialed nourishment lag Co. Business Men's Protective Ass'n, I M. BuUhofsky. Byars A Co, Dr. B. I Byrd, James Q. Brrne A Co. varaeron isroa. ut. u. j. uainan. (Jan- ferula Dental Supply C.. Calumet Oil Co-, Geo. W Cameron. A Caroezae. John A. Campbell. Camp Jackson UercinUlo Co, Camp Meat and Supply c Campbell Street Garage. Cannon-Stark Ca, The Candyland. TL K. Caatroll A Co . W. X Cart, William Carlisle. Don A Carpenter A Oa, W. U. Carre, I. TT. Craig. John Carpenter, S. $, Carpenter. E. R. Carpen ter A Carrera, Dr. W a Carruth. Car ter Tobacco Co., W. H. Case, William Cas ten. Castillo & Martin, Dr. J. 'W. Cath oart. H Boone Cathey. Revtata Catollca, Otis Catsaroa. Central Produce Co, Cen tral Market Co, Tfbureto Cereeedes. Geo. Chapman A Co, Dr. Che Hok. ilusl Che maly. Iiouia Chentla. J. M. Chernln. R. G. Cfanowath. Chios ro Artificial ZJmb Co . Tha China Palace Co.. Le H. Crews. H. E. enrtsue, it. e. caurru. city National Bank. City Serrico Co, City Transfer Co , Lefah Clark. W. B. Clark. Y. Clarki W. P. Clarke, John H. Clary. Walter S. Ctay toa, Geoigo H. Oemaats, Cleveland Square Garage, Ctiffsrd Broa. J. T. Clink seal, Club Hence Cafe, Dr. B. F. Clutter, a. x. coatea, Lanir cot, m. coolants, Barney Coan, D. Cole, William Coleman, Coteman'e Grocery, A P. Coles A Bros, Colorado Fuel A Iran Ca, Mack Comack. Community Milting Co., Cepsondated Film and Supply Co, Coney Island Ojrar StanA. W. H. Constable A Co, Censuncrs' Ice Cold Storace, Charles E. Cvifc, K. v. Cook, W. Cooler. Cooperative USgrm. Sales Ca, Copia Street Grocery, H. P. Corbln. El F. Carder, Cordell Drag Co, CoKgrove A Parsonii, Cotera Broa. A. Courchsne Court Rouse Drug Store, T. A Couzena, C C Covlngtea, Frank B. Cox. Dr. Bracche Craig, E. A Craft. J. S. Crain. J. Mack Crawford, W. S. Crawford. Juan Creel. Dave Crockett, J. O Crockett. CraoiU C5s Cranbl Ci4v and Sttdb Co, Ben Cohn. Rafael Calderon. Jack Celderella, Dr. Hugh Crouse, J. W. Trow dus. Dou tries C Crowell Acency. Crown fioturac vYorna, J. at uroner. n. . umt bar. M. Crumn. Dr J Cummins. G. W. Cams, J. s. Cartlsa A Col, Caster's Den- tai ijanoratory. J. D. Dale. Rufus B. Daniel, R. I Daniel Furniture aad Mattress Co, W R. Daniels. O. A. Danielson, Darbyshlre- uarvie iron aaa Jiaeame uo.. x. a. lean ing. Dr H. O. DaraaU, Daughters of ritt. Mayor cnaa xavis. iira ioa uavis, Lamar Davis, James A. Davis, M. B. Darts. Ralph V. Davla Jack F. Dawson, R 8. Davis, W. & Dawson, Dr. H. P. Deady, W. F. Deaten. Judtr J. M. Dearer, George Deck. A. Deljradlllo. H. P. De mand, r. W. Dent, Denton A MeCune, Denver Rock Drtn Co, Desdemona Oil Co, Dr. D. W. DetwiUer, De MevtUe Bros, a. a. Dcvore. Henry Devoto, d. a De Witt, U Diamond, J. R. Dlaa A Co. Jaa. A. Dick A Co, Kuno Doerr. W. R. Daurherty Dorsey Boot end Shoe Co, Clarence B. Dixson, Drauchos'a Business -Quce, urew-9aomon uo, j. i- unscoiu Dr. W. F DueketL Dudley A Orr. R. M. Dudley. R. G. Dunn A Ca, Dunbar A uo, vara minbar. oundae woolen Mills. W. G. Dunn A Co, G. M. Dunne. Joe Dunne. Da Sang A Wellborn, Dyer. Croon A Jones, Dyo A Takahashi. East XI Paso Mercantile Ca. Bast El Fao Drar Co, E. W. Earl. Dr. R. F Bbert. Kcnuu ijros, Kcoaonucai Drug co, m. C Edwards. Ellon Broa. Wllllajn TL Elaeaberg, Elite Confectionery Ca. Elite x-auary eo, n. h. Eucins, a. c Elliott, a 8. Elliott, Mrs. Anna R. ElUott, J. C. Elliott. Klllott Enrlneerinr Co- Dr. R. It Ellis. XIIU Broa PrintlBE , Elmendorf A Co , El Correo del Bravo. El Paso Bank A Trust Co . El raco Battery and Icni- tlon Co, El Paso Bltuilthlc Co.. Kl Paso Book Ca, El Paso Brieve Co. El Paso Bnoga and iron Co, si paao-Burkhursett Oil Co, El Paso Batcher and Dairy Sup ply Co, El Paso Coffin Ca, El Paso Com mercial Co. El Paso Creamery Co, El Paao Dairy Co, El Paso Drug Co, Bl Paso Electrto Railway Ca. El Paso Booal Franchise League. El Paao Federation of Women's Cluba El Paso Foundrr and Machine Ca. Kl Paso Grain and Mttlfar Ca. El Paso Headllfht Gas Co, Bl Paso nerajo. iu I'aso uiae ana ieetner Co, El Paso lee and Refrlrerator Ca. TBI Pasa Iron and Metal Co, El Paao Laundry, El Paso Livestock JeurnaL El Paso Loan- ring Ca. El Paso Lumber Ca. El Paso xaatei a nie tuo Co, an Paao Mining Co . EI Paso Oil and Development Ga. El Paso Oldamohlte Co, El Paao Overall to .1 f ao uvenana co , xa ra aet Kort. Bi Paso Piano Co, El Paso Frarnn lng Ca, El Paso Printing Co. El Paao Rabbit Breeders' Association. Kl Pas Radiator aad Lamp Co , BI Paso-Ranger OH Ca. EI Paso Refining Co, El Paao Ruling and Bindery Co , El Paso Saab aad Door Co.. El Paso Seed Ca, El Paso Sheet Metal Works. 1 Paso Smelttna; Works. El Paao and Southwestern sys tem. El Paao Steak Exchange. El Paso Storags W arshouse. El Paso Tent and Awning Co, El Paao Morning Times, XI Paso Trunk Factory, El Paao Typographi cal Union, El Paso TJnloa Stock Tarda, El Paso Valley Bartlett Pear Association. El Paso Vulcanizing Works. Empire Set tling Worka Entercrtss Shoe and Leather Co, L Erlleh. Enrtn Mfg. O, Esquedaro & Martinez, Quirlne Esparxa, Fells Xspa ncxa. Mrs, Josefa B. Estrada, F. J. BUe, J V. Bvana W. W Bvana, E. P, Evana A Co, Evergreen Cemetery Co,C L. Kcell. Fair Deal Furniture Co, Rer. W. M. Falriey. G. D. Flory, R. J. Fabian. Faat Ccffee Ca. B. Faber A Bros, Farmada Rio Grande, B. L. Farrar, F. A FarrelL Thomas J. FarrelL Farrow-Crouch-Logan Ca. C. W. Fawcett, Olaa F. Fcatherstone. Feder Company, Federal Bakery, Federal Tire Ca, Fred J. Feldman Co, Fred Fenchler. Alexander Ferguson, Leo Fcr let. Juan Fernandez. R. Feaslncer, Frank Feuffle, Jr., W. U Field, Field-Parker Co, Fierro A Anchondo, Daniel Flerro y Enoe, Fine Arts Shop. C H. Flalcy Ca, Flnne-gan-Bron Ca. I. R. Flock, First Mort rage Ca, Flnt National Back. Fisehbeln Bros, Karl Fischer, Flak-Ramsey Realty Ca, Flak Rubber Co., F. W. PtttgeraJd. Rev. X H. Fitxjreraia, Flelaehman Co. of Texas, Fietebar-Meana Co Remljlo Flerea, Fred E. Floyd, Tee Feng, Dr. A L. Fcote, A. D. Foster Co, Four States Brokerara Co, Feuts-Moore Furniture Ca. R. W. Fowler, P. R. FrankUs, Franklin Heal Estate and Insurance Co, Guy T. Fraaer. Fraaer Broa, B. Freeman, C D. Freeaaa, w. Friedenbarg, Friedkia Tailorlag Co, H. U. Frla, Frank P. Fritt, Bey D. Foliar. L G. Gaai. C C Gaines. Benjamin Ga- latxan. GaJbraith-Forworth Ca. Dr. Paul GaUacber, C. L. Galloway, U. R. Gamble. Zr. J. K. Gam&ralL J. F. Gaadara. Bit. mtuido 3. Garcia, EBdroalo Garcia, P. EL Gardner. Garrett Hoter Co T. Gatttrh. 2 3L Gayla, J. Cedren. Gem Bafciac Oo Gem Eltctrio Col, Gem Caa Ganerai Ofar Co, Inc. General Bepalr Eaop, Gea eral "VulSanlzlTir Co.,. Bay Gerhart. 1 J. CUenrlat, P. a GiUett, r. D. GIbba, I. T. Glfford, IL M. Gillespie. Bam B. GiUett. a A. Glmbel. C K. GlmbeL IL Glasborr. J. H. Glntber, Dr. T. 2. Given, Gtvea Bros. Shoe Ca. 6. L. Glaser. Oltnn Broom 21fr. Co, Globe Jee and Cold Storage Co., Joan F. GoebaL U. S. Goea, Goldolt ehoe Ce L. L. Goldsmltli. A. JL Goldsttln. Leoaard A, Goodman, Jacob Goodman, Sam oeooraan fjo- uooozicn uuoocr uo- uooa year Tire and Bnbber Ca, Fernando Goa- zatea, raineio uoazaies, r. tt. uormaa, Tke GotiIeyBarc&am Co M. A. Graham, Jean T. Grasey, The Asearate Grant, areenberra Dairy, H. d. Grey. E. H. Grll flth. C G. Grlinn, Groesbeek A Dodsos, Verrta Grossblatt. Guarantee hirt Ca. oaarantee aoe uo, w. u. uaaan, iorenao ottsTara, oanain & caateei urns ca, J. Gaxmaa. J. B. Gwln, S. P. HedSeld. Dr. B. Haffner. J. T. Baan, Jnitns Hayen. W. B. Uaaxard. P. B. Uamea, C C Hanley. Crawford Harris, Kanton fi apply Co. Hardeway 2Iardwaxe Co, Dr. John Hardy, HararoTs Feed and Fuel Co. Harley Davidson Aceney, J. TV. Harm. Harrla A Aadersoa Gracarv F. it. Harrlman. M. J. llartler. D. C Hartmaa, C M. Haxvey. Paal Uar vay. Fred Barrey, Roland llaxwelL W. A. Uawkma G. F. Hawka. A, L. Hairier. Joha C. Hayes, W. T. Hayes. Joan R. HMHck. EL A. HefHeld. a K. HefQer. Held Broa. Iso. H J. Beltrea, B. B. Helttman, A. N. Heiplingr. J. IL Header- ssn. Dr. C M. Haadrlcka. K. E. UaUl- ateiser. Margaret Hitefacocfk. Hennlcjc Amerlean Lomber Co. Henry V. Joaes. a a Hendersoa. Hex Cycle Co.. HI Mar y vtai A OO, ueas-.aywara jo , jjr uo. H. IXUsiBs, HKalaed Drug- Store, W. B. HflrsLrtn!- Dr Carl C Hill. J. T. H1U. J Mnrfree Hill. W. K. HU1 A Co, W. B. HlUard. Hills. Sntton Mfr. Co.. Hlaea launber and Coal Co.. Hlar TVah Qaoar Ca, Homer c rurscn, irsen- u umu Co., W. T. Hixaon, w, T. Htieon Co.. L. W. Hoffeeker, Adolf Hoffmafi, HoIstttt"" Company, Dr. C C Homan, He man Banatorram. noma j-urniiurs ua, Habst Otoiir Winr. R. T. Hoover. C G Homer. Dr. J. 8. Horrell. D. Horwttz. Hotel Alberta, Hotel Bachelor, Hotel Bris tol. Hotel Cartyte, Hotel Carmen, Hotel Como. Hotel Coemos. Hotel Fisher, Hotel Glenn. Hotel Grsen Tree, Hotel LaarbUn, mm fjadvn. Hotel Loekle. Hotel Mo- Coy. Hotel Mesa, Hotel MUlar. Hotel Paso del Norte. Hotel Plaza, Hotel Sheldon. Hotel St. Rtfis. Hotel Savoy. Hotel Tri eute, HotchldsS'Froct Co. HouseHold Hardware Co . oeorre B Houser. W T. Houser. Glenn Hotvsrd Howsrd. Hide and Leather Co , Howard Rankin A J Fallen. (,n. Robert L. Hphz- H l Jlow-ll Hot "o-n'ture Co H Hubbard T H Hud peih Hudspeth IMwtory Co Hudnpeih "Wallace A Harper Hu-to-Ranger Oil "" , rT - fi HurrTI 8 L Hure Huffhs ! Eme Co. A. H Hufhej, F. C. Hunoam V H Bunt. F. E. HunttT. F L. Hunter, Humep'A Ca. Hurd s Confectionery. Ideal Pharmacy. Ideal Prhrtinc Co, Inde pendent Electric Co, IaternaUoaal Amuse ment Co, internauonai book ana stationery Co, International Brick Co . Internation al Business College International Engrav ing Co, International Warehouse ro.. R. A. Irvln, L. J. Ivey, I arson A Burdett, Dr. V. L. Ixard Wn. Ronhia Jaballe. Jackson 1-a.acks, S. A. Jacobs, H Jaffe. A Janke A Son Jenniag-s sngineenna: ana toMirocuuu Co.. Jenkins Piano Ca. i ItMam J s-n. Johnnie the decorator, Tom B. Johiun. Rav F. M. Johnson Jr, C D. Johnsou. P. E. Johnson A Co., A A Jones. F. F Tonea, H. J. Jones, Dr. Laura M. jonea. Dr R. (Z Iobm. R. Randolnh Jones. C B. Jonea, Thomas A. Jones. T. Juarez. Jaares Mer- canUle ra j. j Kester A Co, E. W. Ksyeer. Jl. H Keeling. A F. Kerr. W. E Ke.L . K Kellocc, Kelly-Sprlnrfleld i Ire Co. KeLy A Pollard. P. F. Kiricht. A J. Kercka .vHla, P. X. Kern, J. F. Keraey. Dr. J. W. Ketchersld. L. T. Ktbler. Harry C Kler. J C Kimball. R. B. Klmbroagh, Klncheloo SUtarr, E. W. King. Dr. S. F. King. Tom Krag. C. A. Ktoae, Caaa H. Klrkland. H. L. Ktit, B. J Klaboch. Herman Klee. E. Kl&a, Ed L. Kline. Frank F. Klohfi, UXATED IRON A DRIVING FORCE BEHIND KEEN SUCCESSFUL MEN AND WOMEN When you think of the successful men and women yoa know people -who are doing things worth while yon will find that they possess force, vim and en ergy tne Kina tnat simpiy hrim over when the blood is filled with iron. Hmated Iron by enriching the blood and creating new red blood cells, strengthens the nerves, rebuilds the weakened tis sues and helps to instill re newed force and energy into the whole system. Three million people ose it an nually as a tonic, strength and blood-builder. MAKE THIS See how ng yon can werk or how far yon can walk without becoming tired; next take two five grain tablets of Noxated Iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test yonr strength again and see how ranch you have gained. Numbers of nervous, run-down people who were ailing all the while have most astonishingly increased their strength and endurance simply by taking iron in the prpper form. B I Re P li. Knickerbocker. F C. Knollen berg, J. F. Knox. Kohlberg Broa, Henry Konda Nick Koualakes. Ernest Krause. Krakauer-Zork Co, S. H. Kress A Co, Kroekel Insurance Agency. Harmon Krupp A Co Hans Kubi. H. Kuller Chas. D. KunkeL Silvle La Coma, La Ciudad de Brusselas. La Esmeralda. R. Lanninr, La Mas Pop ular, La Patrla, Morton Levy Ca. J W. Long Lander Lumber Co, Robert Lane. F. H Lane J. B. Lanier, 1-a Republic L Laskln t Bro, Laakln-Fwatt i( A Lawler, Dr. J. W. Laws. L. M, I-i-on. Horace A La : Sona M J- Luiui--". Tom La. Harry L'imin LeavHl al Sherman. B. Leo, Lee "s u-n Wwne Adolph Lefkotltz. W. H, Lhr. Ihnian A Wuabrman, 1. Leon. Lrrnr J.w-lry Ca. H. Lestnaky Co, Lester Mot- Ca . Dr Henri Letord Levenson A Roprn berg. Louis J. Levy, Levy Grocery :o, J M Lewis Co., Lejm Lewkowltz. Liberty Auto Top Co, Llbertv Electric Snonlv Co, Alex T Licata, Utohfield t o JOS Llooa. B. C Lifhtbody ' o, Ty.m Furniture Co., Lippincott-R'aU Co H II I Llpaoy. LltUo Paris Cafe, Lbb Anaei ! u.M,. Ivwtl A. X. Lombardl Lone Star. Motor ca. j. t. hook. "- - (Continued on page 3 column 1.1 ggggi I $20-$25-$30 fganngjj. H-1iss iraraii ill .r rl 5SBI3r;'? UnP'a29"9 KB JJir EOteblandSt. H ?ftaal'5SM HanunVanaanSMHal Js ' wELJi'iWay" "A m mJL, naTli'"i ' r ' ' 1 'Ift il!wSF,f!rri-rjf I mvrwntfBswTL l i TEST rWSl i TT "Best in theLongRun HE mare careful ouare best inner tubes, the more certain you will be to buv Goodrich. nied INNER TUBES Tbe&F. Goodrich Ttihler Cbmpmy, Jbvn, Ohio rsMakeu ofihfStwzKrovn America's Tint Cordliit 'Walk a Block and Save the Difference' Kool Kloth and Palm Beach Suits Young Men and Men's Models at KlfelUMTEriCo. Accountants First Hatl BWj. El Pase. Texas. ! $10 3 PIECE SUITS to buy the VVaVyVVtfWVsJWaVAWWaVaVaV BmAjiOaBBBaaaB-JEsOBaBX iiiuiuiiiijffiV'",""JLig 1 JjM LUeSssSfWHU&T You can understand why Purina Cow Chow has teen adopted as the standard ration on the D. W. field Farms, the Allamuchy Farms, and hundreds of others that head tie lists, when you realize that Purina Cow Chow ia . 24 protein of which 85 ia digestible This means 20 lbs. of digestible protein in every 100 lb. bag. It is a pure eed that balances home grown roughage and reduces the cost of production. More milk from the same number of cows means a larger profit per gallon. O,.'.. fnn, Pli VA sold onlv in . UA4A -WV.T .w,. . vw.. checkerboard bags. Let us put Southwestern Fuel &Feed Company 1300 E. Missouri. Phone 8300. ArWrWyWirWMfWW!5 Eesulta From Herald Ads 11 fisii3 - -. your herd on & test. Eesults From Herald Ads 7 BEAT "HZ" "Hi' fer sere, ttrei, fsfftd-np, addag, ciBoawd feet or cer3. Ten nil be bppy-roxl in .1 mofMBt. Cr "Tiz- and sentr xnttt with trader, aw. bomtngr. bliateKd woHea. tlnd. rawltr (kc -Tbr nd only lis" takM tt pats and m nen out of corns, calteas3 and bun ion. A soon a yon pat roar rt in a Tia" batn. yon jaM fMl the happi nesn .oafcrlns? in. How sood rour poor, old fmt rL Tnay want tc oano, for lor. TMa" bj srand. -Tii lnatantly draws ont all w poiaonou exudations which smff up yonr ft and case, or. Inflamed, aching aweaty, smelly feet. Get a box of TH" at any drj More or department More. Get in jtant foot relief. Laugh at foot suf 'erers who complain. Becaoae yoa: feet are neTer, n.Ter solns to bother or make yo limp any more. dT. How To Have Eed laps! Tfce Wj trttk rod Us- aad Jrtak eKeeks ar bfl taaaaXoL for both aonote bsmith ssasu. aaacawoe tteaitfX and wkSa It may bo impoaaCaie for aosie o to HwrkM otatcs af hea.)ta yet a vast majority of aeemlndy health yoaaar women and me ara almost oslor less, a tea ii. of a lack of red bleed cor pnonlaa. Waa the blood U Improved aod enriched with these red eorpaaelee. ihe welokt haereans and a ooaatlfal tlut ap peara oa the eaeofea. while the Upa as sumo a healthy red color. Many pays daaa aad beaaty doctors prescribe the araha hypo-anaesaae tablets which are aai 1 b tavanaMy iaerease the red Mood eor paaelee after a coarse of treatment last lac several moatha. Tha aervoaa system and reaerat health also Improve rapMl. The beat apothecary ahopa supply this tablet la sealed packages. Adv, ' CLEAR YOUR COMPLEXION Of Those Unsightly Skin Blemishes. Use the Guaranteed BLACK and "WHITE Beauty Treatment. Some people dislike to use face powder, creams or rocze. but they cannot softer the embarassment of a dark, sallow, blotchy, pimply ktn. They therefore depend on powders and rooge to cover np or hide their embaraaeine facial blemishes, little reallstmr that the longer their ose is continued, the more aggravated the tronble become. Why dent yon clear yonr complex ion, remove those nnsigrhtly skin blemlanes which so distress you? It s easy no more tronble than apply ins: cold cream or rouse. Ton cleanse the skin with Black and White Soap just before retiriae aad then apply Black and White Ointment In the moraine you wash off the Ointment. No trouble, and the results are so satis factory. Oo to your nearest drus store or toilet counter today and set yon a packers of Black sad White Ointment and a bar of Black aad White Soap. Ton can buy both for SOc. Beauty Parlors would charge a hundred times more for the same results. If you cannot find the Ointment and Soap, accept no substitute, but send SOc ro the manufacturers for the complete treatment A sample, literature and a BlacV and White Birthday and Xream Boofc free If you wiU clip and mail this ad vertlsement to Black and White. Bos 912 Memphis. Tenn Adv m ffi Jill Mother'Friend ExpectdjuMotheis A Penetrating Application At 4M Or.,,31. y wujamp aacuLAToe ca Ptrr an, irun. Ca WHEN f EET HUBT