Newspaper Page Text
Friday, July 9, 1920. 13 RealErfale&InJurance WDERSON I-T.CO.INSrACE AGCT. - ,-. r i-nbrc. Met Ph. 4041 BIO O RAMIE REALTY CO. 1 6 j T-aa. DOl -US a CBOWELL AGENCY. 4 M II' Bldg PhOBQ HH. P. W. WILLIAMS AGENCY. -'3 F 'i-t Natl B-K Bldg Phony UK. TIK-NEB. KEMP CO LI) UK LU tj-t e NaUocal Bank. Pboao as. FOB SALE Cheap for c-iah. IK let, half o' car line Ph. ltW. 1 OS hALE Three choice lots on paved -e-er. pacing paid reasotMhle. Ph. 9043NJ - y- e and terma BH NOW Two lots, 31x1 Si. Graadrfew on must sell withla 3 weeks. Call or t- R DePne 2410 Aurora. I OK fLE Br owner, hoase. h ard Bleeping po-ch, la good loOattOA. . (T terms. Ph. T84IW. vl rroms. red pressed brtok eettsxe. ', Nevada, loeI? nelrbDorhood, 1MH, M -n furntshinsp reasonably tf desirtd. -f-s phone. SnggW THBLt rom furnished brick evttag. : screened porches, all convent-en:, ?- pTved car Una. terma 30 Wbeel- j cs-'l mornlnga. Owner. Ph. 30I4W. ji-c CASH or 3 payment for a nod- fcnrk cottage completely fajTUsbed. 3 - odis 2 scr-ened porches, glassed. Urge fenced, S blocks from end of Httb- Pa-k car line. 3011 Florida. ' is, itl "-w REM TLFIL and substantial, large bunga- w h semi-basement apartment, ortek ca'ae with servant room. Tory attrae p location, wide parkins and pavfats; en . and front. 310 MO. 1123 Nevada, f - Then S-lW UIILDEB3, ATTENTION'. Pirne good lots on paved street. . heap for cash Address A lift. -raid TtNEMEM IS FBRCENT ll-IVBSTMBNT. -o-r - 'be time to buy, see Lee Nevrtnan. Tenement Specialist. Ph. -.ft-. 0S 8 El Paso Bt. 9Ue. EASY PAYMENT 'com brick garar. 3 east front,eorar ta on paved street and ear Use. star lanbattan Heights. FERGUSON ITUX-Xl CO. " -ru: 3ldg Phono ft. LOTS FOR SALE. -i leaUnr town and mast eetl at o-aee c--r lots in Government HHL 1 block - ii ca- line, this Is a bargain, inv-estl--a-- h 11 or writs H. Mathews, care i l-l se "Seed Co- Bi Paso. ARE XOL THINKING OF BUILDIKGt f so let us furolab too plana and -peciflcatlona. Wa build on your lota - curs and slva reasosaDia tenna. s have built over IN sontaa In El Paao Come In and let n civo yon -n eatiraate. RAHET BROS, Builders of Fins Homes, "1-0! Caple, Bide Phone 611 SZSO fISH, j:5 monthly and Interest, eir, 4 rooms, near PIto o n' 3000 sseo DOrs. e monthly, inc. ln rtst. o room bungalow, nardwocd (t furnace, paed, 10 xnin. walk ' low i $5-'50. H4M1TTA HGTS, new I room rjralow, a beaut , SS500, terms: i i ri furnace, hardwood floors. LIT lOtR REVTS FAY TnlS DOT room b-ick. close in. lor only (T50: e casi st cash, bal. like rent. C room cot-!r- nerr high school, $4750. EtR 1E POINTS.-6 room bunsa- i w hardwood floors, bedrooms no- o,ei ,n white, mirror doors, buHUa i f'et furnace: J3250. easy terras. KAWKIM BROS. -l "I" Martin Bldg Phone StOO. a nnnn Binr Fi-ve rooms, glassed in sleeping porch, ardwood floors, basejnent. heating - ant double garage, two corner lots, aved street: WOO. $1500 cash. Call O. B. HOCKER with BROADDCS & LE BARO-V Texas Street Phone IKS REK.sBK.lBLE beritaln on K. Mlaienrl. h ii'iB paid. I room hoaee with ' rlEC porch, saras? larse treee ta yard, .. n perfect order, i:UL cash. -a i-- 135 a month lndnaiar mtereex; j cocFe is Is the i:o block OS K. MSt jri and t a splendid buy. See Will Marr. JMES L. MAER COMPANT. i s.n An'oni St. Phone Wa ORRR nrAOALflAV. SSSO c larrm rooms, elaaed room asal rpng porch, all built-in features, jr'r'wood flootr. etc. $250 dows, "i uer month, including alV In- -rc Near cars a! d schooL 1T.TI VISTA, ssise. r-n bungalow with big sleeping -- h on paed street, near school nc cats 1S casn, per i .rth including Interest. TTT!.I.TT-nEEL REALTY CO. t hone 435 SOT First JfafL Bank B. SCS'SET HEIGHTS. T!rMl.. - mm bnncalow. 4 larse bed- .rora wjth cloeet 'n each, all open rooms - hal' with access to Data. Birawww ' and open fireplace In living sad ' - -e rooms, well arrange, kitchen with -Ti'rt a-d eerrlce porch, there Is a base--n -rd h-atins plant, convenient to ear - p- school, on'y JS500. abemt tlOM ah haiance to suit HENRY B. STOVE & COMPANY. i ho-.- 183( 41S Caplcs Sllr. a ntRr.AII BY OW.VBB tfracTive six room modern bunga- x all rooms and closets extra large, rj beam celling and elaborate 1- - features, all Interior finish is excellent condition, there is a ssenert and heating plant. Massive - :ru ture, no signs of settling, lo- v ated in excellent neighborhood, con- r- ent to car. call alter p. zn. ATTENTION " f iiiie your attention to the to-low. ns offers and, if you are serlous- ros(delng the buying of a home, c -shall be pleased to show you these 1 a Ties E4.ST BOTJLBYARD Fo.r rov.m bungalow, with a glazed sle.pmp porch and large service porch, r par Fi e Points, paving paid, hard aood floors, house is In excellent con i .ior throughout. Price $4250, with 'alf cah. balance to suit. MONTANA "m s corner near Ftve PolnvS, 5 room nungalow with t sleeping porches, red n'essed brick, very desirable nelgh rortood Price $5000, with half cash as f.rst payment and balance like rent. MANHATTAN HEIGHTS F p room bungalow In Manhattan Hei?hi paved street, and pavlnc i a I south front, hardwood floors. i ament. registers set, near new "Manhattan school and Memorial park. '-anie garage. Improved grounds. It's n bargain. $1000 cash; balance $4$ p-r month. Including interest. Price nlv on application A7TDERSON INVESTMENT CO. Realtors. :r6Mesa Phone 44X1 NICELY FTKNISHED FIVE-ROOM IIOHE. JAZZO $1600 cash 50 per month. Three blocks of Five Points, on corner lot, paving being constructed, ortu aid east exposure, beautiful 13.V. u and vmea, back yard fenced, irge shed, house built of red brick. r e nice large rooms, bath, hardwood "ooru m living and dining room, two i it.- large bed rooms, all built to feaTjfes. victrola and number sioely rtsorted records, very nice furniture, fact this home Is ready ta move i " with the nominal sum of $1000 a.-: and $50 per month, including in- --vt fo-- this ear. and $40 per enth thereafter Glad to show you iou can meet the'terma MP. TRFTON". with OOODMIN BROS. S. CO INC. N btanton Phone 2424. MANHATTAN HEIGHTS BAR!. AIN. Sse room bongalou with basement d heating nlan La-ge closets and i umbe- of built n features. Fin- j a ir ivorv tt ro ihout Hardwood -- on paed s.e.t Lt me shov thiv The price is right, $500 'anc to suit. ( il TRATLOR rRt: .H RK4LTV CO., Inc. " Lid,; rhone -o01-2;0.' BRINGING UP FATHER " 1Z f J-" ITj I RACVO0b-l JObT CAME FROM Tue H j I M.0T Or OLD TOOLS WERE I i ' IfflsBBfel ' i Sa ) 3 thesichts r l! jr I "Vp" helping her ounr on a r-J p BBBF .fe, ' U mo w iTu futwi mum . 1 Ullyiy "jJ-i For Stlt City Pnpatj CBSTRXJ. nEAL EfTATE CEATR.VL LEASES rXDUSTHIAI, PBOFERTY W. B. Gaffney. IXAVELL A SHEIIMAX. 116 Txa Street. Phone :16 four noon BL'.tGAiaw, near pv tne and car, j:00, JJ00 caaa. FIVE ROOJI DUXOALOW, paved St. Govt. Hill. Sicoa, (iss cash. hJlAJVK E. COX, REALTOR. 819 Capita Bldg. Phone 82t. I ALTA VISTA acetien. t room boaaa ww, wiw (wsemene, on corner, its xeet z pulnc. paid, oalr J7H. IM caih. bal ance S( per montk inolodlnr Interest. See Will Marr. Hi San Astoalo St. Phone JIM. JAMES L. ilABB a COMPAS-r. IN ALTA VISTA section, e room bnasa low, baaement. heatlnr plant, exception ally well bnllt on pared street, partnr paid, deep lot nothing in town compares with thla hoaie for the money, only ItSOB, $10M cash, balance In monthly lmtalmenta. See Win Marr. JAJTES L. JIAKK C03ITANT, se4 San Agtonlo St. Phone IJJa. 110J0OO Z7000 CASH. BALANCE LOXG TIME. Austin Terrace home. This is afm of the most beautiful and moat de sirable homes in the city. Has every convenience. Two story red brick, four baths, closets and bnllt in fea tures of the latest type. Beautiful oak floors and in fact every desirable feature. Has large grounds and ga rage in connection. This Is a .won. derfol buy and in the most exclusive part or tne city, in fact there is nothing to com oate with this hom. at the price on Jhe market in the city, if you havethe money see this. Glad to have you arange for appoint ment. See MR. TRAFTON. with GOODMAN' BRD5I. rn rvr Real Estate. Insurance. 20S X. Stanton. Phone 2(24. SPECJAL Eight room brlek bunga low, 2 glassed la sleeping porches, hardwood floors throughout, 4 outside porches, fine basement, heating plant, double garage: full lots on cor ner, all paving paid. You better plan to see this before it Is gone right near Five Points couldn't duplicate house alone for the price asked for everything. For terms see A. J. BACKER NEWMAY INVESTMENT COMPANY Phone 550 100 San Aatonlo Street. 10 DAY BARGAIN ROOM COTTAGE $4250 terms $1250 cash, balance caa arrange; located on Ft. Bliss car line. In Grand View addition would ac cept vacant lots priced right, as part iray unuii. ISLAJVD LAID, W1IEHE THE COTTON GROWS" 2 Survey No. 150 and 151 about 1M acres at $ per acse (ttds price for a limited time) 1-3 cash, balance 1, 2 and 3 years. 4 LOTS COR. LOUISVILLE AND ALABAMA Alabama is paved will sell the 4 lota for $1000: terms H cash, balance 1 year; purchaser to assume the pav ing. APARTMENT SITE MUNDY HGTS. IM ft. frontage on TJpson avenue, at $5500. DUPLEX APARTMENT MUNDY HEIGHTS. An extra nice place live in one aDartment and have an income from the others would accept bungalow as part payment; terms reasonable, bee McKeaney. RIO GRANDE REALTY CO. 105 Texas St. GOOD HOMES, MUST BE SOLD WITHIN TAVO WEEKS. WHICH ACCOUNTS FOR THE EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. S3OOCUO0 On Frankfort street, two blocks car, 5 r large S. P out-buDdlngs. $500.00 cash, balance $25.00 month and Interest. $3100.00 In Government Hill, on paved street, 2 blocks car. near Atta Vista school, pracxleally new. 4 rooms, glassed & P. beautiful grounds, will require $20w cash to buy at this price, balance very low monthly payments. K37S0.00 New house, never occupied, on paved street near car and Alta Vleta school. $500 cash will handle. S4000.00 On car line near good school, street being paved. $1000.M cash, balance easy. S4S0O.00 On N. St. Vraln. convenient to high and grammar schools, corner, 5 R. and reception hall, an unusual buy for this locality. $8730.00 In Richmond Terrace. 6 R, strictly modern, paving and sidewalks tn and paid, am ple grounds, 50x140; price includes shades and lino leum, $1750.00 cash, balance $40.00 -rear. J9000.00 A modern up to date T room nome on j&esa .avenue, com plete In every detail, rea sonable payztient Avill handle or will consider smaller place In exchange. WILL EXCHANGE TWO HOMES, WELL LOCATED. FOR AN APART MENT nOCSE AND PAY CASH DIF FERENCE. Phone 388 after p. m 71 anu aK zor Mr. Hudson. BORDER INVESTMENT CO. 405 Raynolds Building. CLOSE IN BARGAIN Modern six room bungalow, excep tionally well located within walking distance of town All built-in fea tures and hardwood floors tn dining and living rooms. Two full south front lots terraced lawn. There Is basement, beating plant and garage. Convenient to high school, grade schools and car line. This is a sac rifice at $000. about $2000 cash, bal ance easy. Call MR. GROSS HENRI B. STONE Jt CO. Phone JS34 410 Caples Bldg For Sale City Property NEAR FT. BUSS Wsht room brlek -nth 4 room IxiBgaJow m rear, au zaraun4. MM: wm sell without furniture, easy terms. NaLAR FIVE POINTS Four reesi brick, bath, alecptac porch. SMde. small each payraeBts, balance like rent. I have sev eral other hovsee located la different parts of the city at barsmra prices. let me show you. A. G. LOVELADV. m Herald BMt, Pheae CLOSE IN HOME CHEAP This brick five room residence on Rio Grande street was recently taken by foreclosure and present owner only wishes to get his money out of it. It Is well built, but not on style of modern bungalow, in good repair, on two full lots. We offer It to the public with our guarantee that it Is really a bargain. Price $4(00; terms 10M cash and J50 per month. lt us show you. LEAVELL A SHERMAN-. 116 Texas St. Realtors. Ph. 4226. lOl'K RENTS At ILL TAY SOU ON THIS INVESTMENT. CLOSE IK X. Campben, brick henae, suitable for business nae, also cottage, both In rood repair. Improvements cald, $litt. terms. GOING TO CALIFORNIA? See this coxy plae. near Oakland, convenient to shipyards and other work. rooms, base ment, cafehen house, garden, corner. (exits, into, IIS down, balance easy. DONT OVERLOOK these nice bnnaa- lows, each 4 rooms, sleeping porches, eome oarawooa noors, onut in zearares. imv ernment Hill. 2 lots. large ontbnOdlnrs. non-reaident owner orders this sacrificed at Its. J75 cash. WYOMING Near Five Points, .con venient to Southwestern shops, Mxise. barcain at SttTt. ISM cash. MOUNTAIN AVE- Nice otaee. rood con dition, rents for lie. price Slit cask. CLOSB TO Alta Vtsta school, percola and vines at rear. lit, it dew. qra.vdyiew Block to car. crass, vines, fenced, besnttfu! location $34. COOLEST ROUE Splendid view, de tacleed cottare. 4 rooma kitchenet. bath, screened porch. J1MO. saw cash. GOOD FORD wanted as part payment on 4 room bouse, wheeling su. block to car. J. J. riCKETT. HI Caplcs Bldr. Phones 3ts-lHt. MANHATTAN HEIGHTS. $2230. S500 Cash. Beautiful new bungalow in choice part of Manhattan, consisting of four spacious rooms and glassed in room: hardwood floors: beautiful built in features, including buffet and kitchen cabinet; basement and heat ing plant and many other desirable features. This is a chance to get an ideal home for small cash payment. It couldn't be duplicated today for 5600. MR. BIRSCH. with GOODMAN BROS. Jt CO. INC MS N. Stanton. Phone 2424. BUNGALOW MOBMNGSIDE HEIGHTS. Ttsur rooms. largo glassed sleeping pereh. hardwood floors thronsheut. 3 ton lots, nice lawn. $13. rnrnlshed $(. reason- aBi cash pasaent. balance 135 oer month tacludzBg interest: you eaa't beat this buy. a. x- siAuisAi. riwati egis. AN UNUSUAL BARGAIN IN MANHATTAN $500 down, $50.00 per month. Includ ing all interest. Euegaat a room bungalow with glazed service porch basement and furnace. Every new built-in feature, hardwood floors, old ivory woodwork throughout, plenty of clostte. hail opening on Dam. on paved street, near cars and new school. Could not be duplicated today for less than tt our price lor quick sale $5250 cheaper than rent ing. PHILLIPS-CREEL REALTY CO. Phone 41C r UK First NatT. Bank B. 33030 NEW BUNGALOW Four rooms, screened porch. built of zaost expensive brick, excellent finish, hardwood floors, well built in every manner, convenient to car and In good neighborhood. sell on most attractive terma Call MeBEB. MAYFIELD BUILDING AND IMP. CO. Our New Home. 210 Texas St. Phone 684. SUMMER BARGAINS Close to S. TV. shops K-room bunga low, sleeping porch, all the built-in features, located on corner. A snap. $$250.00. only J5W.00 cash, balance to suit. Four-room bungalow, glass sleeping porch, on corner, close to car line and school, all the built-in features. Priced $504.00 under the market. Only $2850.00 $250.00 cash, balance $25.00 per month. Rio Grande St. Four roous and sleeping porch. Nice lawn and park ing, paving paid. Ttds is a bargain at $4250.00; only $100.00 cash, easy terms. Five-room furnished bungalow for rent, one year lease; $60.00. LESLIE REED; REALTOR. S10 Mills Bldg. Phone 1400. TYHAT YOU CAN DO WITH $31500.00 IN CAS Hi Buy one of the most beautiful bunga low homes In El Paso. This is lo cated Just a block and a half from Five Points, on one of the best paved drive ways In the city. Has living room, dining room, kitchen, two bed rooms and glassed in sleeping porch, also service pjrehes front and rear, base ment and heating plant. Very nice bulltin buffet, bookcases, kitchen cabinet, and a nice dresser built in each of the bed rooms. Spacious grounds, plenty of trees and flowers both in front and back. Has garage. Price $6200,00. Call C. I. MEREDITH. SECURITY REALTY CO. 4M First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phone 6771 HOME BARGAIN FIVE nOOMS AND BATH Furnished completely. $4050.00; un furnished. $2750.00. Terms either way. $50.00 till May, 1920, $40.00 thereafter. Near Five Points, nice little home, red pressed brick and in good repair, bulltin fea tures, 2 nice bed rooms with con necting bath, large closets in both rooms, street being paved, walk, sewer, lights, water, gas. and fine floors This home Is nicely furnished and is ready to move into and is in the choice resiaence aisirict ol the y This is a real bay and you will ' . - " . city have to hurry ui course, call Z424 and ask for Mr. Traftoa, for appoint ment We are sole agents for this property GOODMAN' BROS, i CO. Real Estate, Insurance 205 N Stanton Ss' Phone 2424 hi.HnP.B4lhHF,h6ikibw - Huiwj FwSale-jyPrepty LOOKING FOR A IIOMEt SEE US. BORDER INVESTMENT CO. 405 UAYNOLDS BLDG. PHONE 3S8 FIVH rOl.NTS BUSINHSS SITE We have two very desirable business locations for sale at Five Points. This is El Paso's leading suburban busi ness center, where values are certain to Increase. Full details If Interested. LEAVELL A SHERMAN, 116 Texas St. Realtor.. Ph. 4226 BEING SACRIFICED. Bat Ensv Terms New 5 room bungalow in Hanhattan. on paved street near cars and school. very Beautiful buut-tn restores, bard wood floors. Ivory woodwork through out. lots of closets, furnace and base menu, Price cut $500 for quick sale. Only $5250; $500 down. 150 monthly Including all interest. The one best buy In this high class residence sec tion. PHILLIPS-CREEL REALTY CO. Phone 436 307 First Natl. Bank B. AVILL YOU ACCEPT THIS SlOOOf Owner paid $5500 for thia property 4 years ago when real estate was very low. Now he needs the money and will sacrifice tt for $4500. There is $1000 profit for some one. The bouse has a large living room, dining room. kitchen, batb. 3 bed rooms. large sleeping porch and laundry, hardwood J floors throughout. In tli rear is a brick nonne containing one apartment large enough for 2 persons having bed room, bath and sleeping porch. This property Is in the Lamar school dis trict, close in snd in an excellent neighborhood. $1000 cash will handle It HERNDON KEMP with TURNER KEMP & COLDAA-ELL- StateNatl Bnk Buldg Phone 2080. 5-ROOH BUNGALOAV Eaat of Five Points. Hardwood floors, built In features, no basement or heating plant. $3750; $500 cash. P. AV. WILLIAMS AGENCY, Real Estate and Insurance 314-15 1st Natl Bnk Big. Ph. 1144 Member of El Paso Real Estate Board For Sale Country Property FOB SALE New Mexico land. Is acres. 49 sere. 48 acres, all reneec: 33. fenced, good water and grass at 33.S per acre cash. Silver City Realty Co 80ver City. X M. AVKLLS DRILLED and tanks erected aad repaired: special equipment for work hi the valley. Address P. o Box IS3. S3 Paso. Tex. FOB KALE S3 1-3 sere Irrigated farm As ratio west Las Craeaa depot, on gravel road. 4 room boas. $t. CZ. B. Qnesen beny. Las Craeea, W M. STOCK RANCH FOR SALE Suitable for cattle or atteep. water aad grass for 3 head of cattle year aronnd alao 4C acre irrigated stock and. alfalfa farm. Address J. M. Pardne. Carlsbad. N M. BARGAINS IN VALLEY LAND. Nine acres aad 7 room resideaos t miles down the valley, land in high state of cultivation. 4 acre in alfalfa and the re mainder in all kinds of fruit, com. vege tables, etc., residence with water piped through It, bathroom, etc. splendid ont bulldlaga, garage, chicken honsea, horses, cows, chickens and all kinds of imple ments to go with th place; this Is every thing that heart woul desire and can be purchased rlghL We have any stse valley ranch yon may deatre: permit us to show yon. BORDER LNA"BSTMEVr COMPANY. Phone 33S 4e5 Raynolds Sldr. For Sale or Ei tnange -Real Eitate WILL TRADE canity is suburban buaga low for honse closer In. Pa. 4443. FOB SALS OB TRADE Five acres val ley land wrtb some fruit trees, about 6 mile from town, dose to Anbrer Station. Address A 1st care Herald. WILL TRADE Fifty acres, t year com mercial lease m Peces field, -close in to wells now drilling as first payment on faralebed bangalew. Ph. 471L FOR SALE OR TRADE By owner, large S room home. 3 porches. 3 halls. 7 closets, suitable for large family, apartment or roomtag nonse, will take smaller hodse. Ph. 77tW FOR SALE OR TRADE. Would eonstdor bungalow or "other property In El Paso for 4 acre ranch, heart of valley, on hour's ride from El Paso, high stats f cultivation. 3 acres tn alfalfa, balance cotton, com. etc. one pair good horses, wagon and haraeas. Holstetn cow and calf. S chickens, all kinds of farming imple ments, good : room adobe PHONE 4773. FOR EXCHANGE Etahtv acres of farm- in.- land near Alamosa. Colo., water rlchts paid, tor lota or cottace in El Paso. tmall tracts of land this side of Tslotm. near Interarbaa. zor tenement or cottace; Wit ness property on & Btanton at, 2 blocks from San Antonio, and tenement 3 block from Paso del Norte hotel, for Improved farm; oovlty ta bminlow. also cottage, for auto: 33 acres. Clint. Tex, shoot It acres In pears, balance of land baa all been In cultiratlon. for Lsouiaiana or Wichita Falls leases In proven oil field, or teseraoat. small brlek tenement tor aato: a saerlffce la cottace for cash. TV. N. CARL. Phone 6. or 33 3. HI Copies Bldg For SalcAntomobileWoxnte SELL Ford ear. $4a cash. Ph. 4K33J WE specialiae on Fords, Smith Qaraee. Texas & Ochoa Sta. Ph. MOR ON K ton truck for sale aheap. Campbell CYL1NI1EK blocks rebored. planed aad fit ted with Marco oversize platens. S. W. E. & Macn, Co.. 304 San Fraacleoo. Phlll.. FOB S-.LK Hudson 7 pastencsr. lately beet conciuon, barsam tt quick Ph. MSI MUST SELL at once, less than halt ?rj-e. Light Six Palce touring- car. wire whscls. general good order. Ph. 3773W. rOHI) WANTED In trade 4 room. High land Park cottage, or cash for bargain. JU Caples Bldg. Ph. .790 FOR SALE Dodge toarrac car, first class condition all around. $475 cash For )m onetratlon Pb 34HJ AUTO LACNDRT Have yonr cars washod while you wait. CAS 11 PAID for old Fords 2MN Kanssa Ph. 377 OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHT. Road servlc tires and accessories. SEAL'S CARAfiE. 710 TEXAS. PIL 1190. FOR SAL15 Sy owner Dotlit touiinr cat ood condition all around 67, rash For .mnnal f-si linn Vr TAsliiT demons ration Ph 3848J 1 ton Ford truck, t foot body. 1 Maxwell roadster ch-ap AOlNt. FCRNITdtE CO. 18ED Scrlpps-Booth roadsl-r -xcpllent i ndltion and app-arm e- PPJ Quarters S, i.lgbth au'rj or i,une Mar Mo'orCo For Sale Automobiles Wanted GARAGE for rest. TUIR. 3425 Montana. Ph. lOK SALE OB UiCllANOE Por a good Ford, lot and a half In Block (t. East El Paso. Address 3231 Alameda. TUO NEAA 32x4 Firestone eastsrs. ton skid fabric; these are new. paper has not neon removea. At 1ST Mills at. AAANTED Pour passencer ejectrte car, rood condition. Address B lit. care Herald. FOB SALE Fire passenger Oldsmoblle. fine condition. Ph. 4SC. Francisco Perez, 31 E. Second. FRANKLIN' CAR for sale, latest model. has never been driven, price Ills. AV. H. Merchant. Carlsbad. X M. MUbT bELL 3 passenger Reo roadster qnicKjy. oargain. ai conaiuon. Ytiu asm onstrste after evenings at 3313 Alameda. FOR KALE One Hop "33" roadster. I lis. 1 Ford tonring, self starter, speedometer, shock absorbers. KH; Stadebaker '4." 5 passenger. 3333. 141 Tessa. FOR CAbU Dodge tooling car. praetteat lr new, new tires, Hartford shock absorb ers, front aad rear bumper, spot light. Ph. 13MJ. AVANTED Ford or other light ear with starter, good running condition, most be cheap for cash, give price. Address Gerst. Orndorff Hotel, by Monday. I WANT A HIGH GRADE AUTOMOBILE In exchange for 5 lots, corner Copper aad Dakota streets, Cadillac. Hadsoat or Bases preferred, wit! pay or take difference la cash. Call Peck. Ph. 313. 2 OR SALE Ford coupe, wire wheels. shock absorbers, self starters. etc -Prat class shape, barxaia. Can Captaia, Field Hospital No. it. Ft. Bliss. Phone Ft. Biles no. lex. 6TEEL FLY At HEEL gear bands tor any car. Maxwells Jt. Chevreieta. 312. Over lands III- See StHett. Alamo Uaehlae Co. 311 Alameda Ave. BDICK. A beautlfol light six roadster, newly paint ed aad new tires: a btg bargain. We also have the following makes Hit Franklin. Kit Frd. Hit Hudson. 3117 BoJek Tearing. Itlt Chevrolet. ltlt Overland Chammy. 1311 Kissel Kar Roadster. lilt HesraoMle. 112 Batak. 7 Passenger. WALTERS DURHAM. Phono 4tL 33 8a Antonio St. STODEBAKER ROADSTER Coup style. seats 3 persons. ajy run few thousand mflen, In perfect eseditlan. top aad up holstery ttk sew, good fires, a beautiful Utile car at bargain. Ph. TT34W SPEED. rOffTJt AND CLASS. Mercer speeta! bunt Spart zaodeL ssnst be seen to be appreciated, win sell or trade, what havo rest or earl at AMERICAN OARAGE, tS K. Kansas. CHAIaMEBS SIX Sevea rsssoacar. a cord tires, new top. aw palat. perfect tnechaiifea) eadKlos. all extras, rou Itke new. win demsnstrata anywhere. ns soil at sacrtfree as I am rotnc away. Call Ph. Ha aad ask tar Marcus or 727CU after p.ra. DependaiAo Used Cars. THE MOTOR MABT. Montana and Stanton. TsL $71. BTAB5 USED FORD DEALER. One Ford Speedster, sew XeHy- Sprmrfleld tins. One Ull Ford Toartnr with demetulablo wheels. Al taettdttteii. One 19ZS Tovrlatr. rood Ursa. One 111? Roadster. One lilt Ta-arlar. BTABS & COMPANT. 331 TV. Ssn Aatoalo. Phono 1371. TT1TT aCRANK AND CUSS?" Bare yonr Ford mscneio reeharced while yon wait: otde.t models cran Mice new, makes stronr ltchta COLUMBIA STOR AGE BATTERY IGNITION CO. Pb T7. VSED G. M. C. TRUCK. Ufht dellTery track for sale at a xrtat harraln. S rood oTtrttso paeematlc tires, express body and wmrner top. Call and so It. aak for Mr. Rakeetraw at OLDSMOB1LE SALES CO. M Montana SC Phone 3131. FIAE PASSENGER OAERLAND TOUR ING CAR. LATEST MODEL. NEW. BAR- u.ux ur x.aju.-i ai u.. aiui x. EVAD ST. P. L. GRrFFIN. Dodge. ltlt model Boiek. ttlt model Harnes. 11 model SOUTHWESTERN AUTO CO. Corner San Antonio aad Santa Fs St. Phone 14 L CADILLAa New paint excellent tires, first class me chanical condition. PfcMe 143 tor dem onstration. A bargain at 313. TWIN SIX PACKARD CHUMMY ROADSTER PERPBCT CONDITION. Roadstera Five passengers and seven passengers. In good used Buleks. 117-18 and 'It models. WATKINS MOTOR CO. Mesa Ave. Phone 444. ORIENTAL GAR.AI1E. PHONE 433. 113 N. Kansas SU General Repairing. Indesendent Shoo by W. V. stokes. Csed cars bought aad sold on eommlsaiona AUTU BALX. Bnlcks. UiO-JIH Forda 3273.1323. t23 Chevrolet 325 Vim Tnjck Its Olds Truck new 3137S Smith Forma T 340 G. 11. C Truck 2330 Kissel Kar ....$20 BY GEORGE McMANUS 1 For Sale Antonobilej Wanted DODGE touring car tor sal Ph. 373 be tween t and 3 AUTOMOBILE painting by expert fin isher, new clean shop, oar prices sre right. tl Montana. Ph. 71T3. For Sale Metoreyelej MOTORCYCLE REPAIRING don right, used machines booxbt and sold, prices rea sonable, parts and saoptlei for ell makes. I1ARLEY MOTORCYCLE SUOP 43 Myrtle Ave. Bicyciei HEX CYCLE CO. Btcyrle. gan. umbrella, key aad lock and lawn mower repairing. We Can Fix It." 347 Myrtle SU. Ph. tit. MatAiaery AH KJnd$ MONAGHAN DRAGLINE EXCAVATOR. For sale Moaaghan No. 3. foot boom, 3 yard bucket, steel frame, skid and roller, steam. The Qulgley & Beancr Ce 13 M E. Seventh St.. Ft. Worth. 33 STAR DRILLING MACHINE .last overhauled, in good condiuos. rail lot both largs and smell drilling tools, now stored at Pecos, will sell cheap, for price coramonleate wltn K. w-tiT tT .' .. Piedmont Hotel Mineral Wens. Tex. Seedt and Plants FANCY HAND SHELLED SELECTED SEED CORN Germination test fumlsaed- W. D. AYISE SEED CO. PHONE IL AMBEB CANE SKET Recloaned and tooted, fin. tor hay. EL PASO SEED CO..' "Jnat east of Coartbaat on San Astasia St. Pb- H?-cSy. FIVE Holstsffl dairr cattle far sale, aay thia and any nuniBer 70a want. asvsa pairy rarm. uisl. ix. WANTED Pasta-re for 4 horses, tnvet to rsMoaslblo parties. Call Mr. Ooctor. " Mess, Ancehts Cafe. FOB SALE Poor Dvroe Jersey PU. months old. H. E. Gasto. Alameda Acres. Ph. 0U- . WANTED Pour to Asrera aoaU ta nut o shares tn Arisona or western part Now Mexico. Address P. O. Box l.L Cltfton. Arte. WAVTEn Tt. btnr rolUc rests, dtserlbe rally with pries, also zrer Flemish Giants and Red Carneaax plreoas. Jaqae. Bowie. Aria. AUCTION SALE Wo will soil Doroo Jarser sows, bred for fall farrow at car farm on Aor 4th. send tor eataloroe. Ho- man's Hoc Farm. TBleta. Tex. FOB !ALE 300 two aad three year old Mexican steers, price (33 per head, ff.o-b. Donrlas. Arix, F. I. EeTasisUd. Box itl. Poo tie a. Arts. FINE 2 months old Holstetn bun. best dairy Mock, for sale or trad a far good milk cow. Can be seen Saa Joss Store. 1 miles down vally. Ph. 83J3. TaUla. AV ANTED Cattle to pasture. Have kwt Irrigated pasture In valley, stock called for and delivered, satlsfsettsn guaranteed, pbone for rates. Price 3k Tareadgfll. Ph. l4t Bird Srrppue JUST RECEIA-ED a new shipment BIRD CAGES, all styles and slxas. W. n. AAlsE SEEP CO. PBOltE It. CANARIES And everything for them. BORDER SEED CO. The Handy Corner. 321 Mltl. St. Poultry and Pet Stock FINE Burns Red rabbits for sale, cheap. Ph. HI EAV ZEALAND- does to trad, for good milk goat, no common goat. 4421 La Lna. I'xSBFx.CTION MASU will Increase Ih egg supply, money back guarantee, VT. P. WISE SEED CO- PHONE 11. BABX CHICKS FOR SALE Whit Leg horn and Rhode Island Reds, Mrs. Leo Reeves. Box 43. Las Crocea. X. M. OxSTEB SHELL for poultry. ILIi per IN Posada. EL PASO bEED CO. Ph. 343. 331-533 E. San Antonio. M It HI IE LEOHOKN heas for sale at a bargain. Wm. T MareU. Old School of Mines, near Ft. Blias. at Ariattsn Camp. PEARL GRIT Both teeth and tooie tor paltry. try It and watch reeuua. . u. lust; arxu co. phone zi. KAFFIR CORN for chickens. 33.M rer It pounds. EL r.ASO SLED CD- Ph. 33. t33 E. San Antonio AA'ICOL stops chicks dying; keeps poultry healthy, makes poultry pay. w. v. uiazs SKCU l-u. rim.; 11. FOR h.LE Dirt cheap, 2 pur bred New Zealand does, bred to registered basks. ship anywhere 3114 Hamilton. Ph. 3373W. PERFECTION HEN I OOP The deaaest and best scratch feed on the market. V. D. AV1SE SEEP CO. pnONE II. PERFECTION' MASU la the best farcing teed for young chicks: try a sack. AV. D. AVISE SEEP CO. PHON'B IL FOR SALE 23 Rhode Island Red chlck oaa. 4 to 7 weeks old. 3331 Blsbe. Ph. 333. BUY PURINA FEEDS AND NEAT AL FALFA ILAV from .PURITY FEED CO. 1B1Z MsgoZZIn. Fa 717. H.ABV CHICKS Pure bred Rhode Island Beds, July deliveries; also young baying ns.s Aitura potutry zarus. nit sa vmnnab. Ph. 4413. I 1AUITE AVYADOTTES. Th best all purpose Amerteaa bird. BLANCO POULTRV XARDS. 301 Mempbia St Phone 4tt. SELLING OUT 1 young White Leg hons bens, laying, fine CaUfernta. 291 egg strain, can deliver, ship aaywhrrs. 3114 Bamllnsn. Ph. 3173W RELIANCE POULTRY REMEDIES. Rolls nf lice and mite kltter given ta drlnktar water, will absolntely rid your chickens of lice, mites aad blue bag, guar- aatooa. zteuanes I'ouitry Tonle (given la drinking water) keeps fowls healthy, makes them lay more eggs, aids diges tion, rslleves crop and egg bound condi tions, guaranteed. Reliance Cholera Specific (given In drink ing water), guaranteed to CURB CHOL ERA AND WHITE DIARRHOEA. All ta $c and dollar bottlea BORDER SEED CO. Distributors. El Paso. 321 Mills St Phone 447. rmnrot tt cxii. For Sale Miiccflanecm PORCH CURTAINS In condition. 1115 E Klo orance LIN'EN dress, never worn, stse 14 4132. FOR SALE Drees form, adjustable. Hall A Porchert mediora stse. Ph. 4454. FOR SALE Edison phonograph. 24 rec pros, i nrwwni taoie anc cnalr pn. Z75a FOB ALE Automatic card printing cr-sa. tsrariex camera, aeoox. 431 Meaa. Ph. 74. FOR SALE Thirty cations Lk snl raor compoand. 332.5. Ph. lit. ask for Jose Fuentee. FOR SALE One Lenard refrigerator. 140 Edison cabinet nhonocraoh with ?5 doablt records, $10B. Ph. 713$. For SaicIjfoeeHaBeoM FOB SALE Hi oatrt milk goat aad ype wrtter Ph. t7J. FOR SALE Set or children's "Book of Knowledge." Address 8 HI. care Herald. SEAAING machine gone wrong? For re pairing, can Harry Cherry 2117 Portland. Ph. t731J I buy second had machines. SEE JOE for the best lawn work, also flower bed dirt or tertilU.r, hauling away trash, rocks or cinders. Ph. 3333. FIRST CLASS wall teat, waterproof, bunt to live In. spring cots and mattresses. never used, cheap. 72 Mesa, rear. FOR SALE Bdtson phonograph. 34 rec ords, oak dressing table and chair. Apt, II. 313 W San Aatonlo. mornings. FOB SALE Desert water bags at very low pries, more than e per cent lass than regular. J B. Wood Hdw. & Bah. Co, 31 Texas. Ph. 41 EYE, EAR. NOSE and throat instruments aad fOce fixtures for sale, good location for specialist. L E. Smith. M. D. Ptess. Tn. AAE BUY and sell second hand hap; say quantity. TEXAS RUBBER & METAL CO. 73 s. Oregon, rn. mt. 30 WILL BUY complete Alexander Ham ilton Institute business course, a baraata. Call at 3212 Alameda, sesames. ailllH WFST I'tW BBS IUMHH "actors, eowiters, ttrtares. Wa tauid snow casts ana xixtmres to oraez. bleb eta cabinet work. 'EuNowrrn-LEVY co inc. 5tl W OrerlaatL TOR SALE Deosrt water bars at verr .low price, more than M per eont teas than !.. V vsw-a Unr M. Vtuh "- lit Texas. Ph. O. Exeaasgs year otd gas stove for a new one a FOCTT-MOORE FURNITCBE CO. 111-113 N Stanton. GOVERNMENT GOODS. O. D. wool shirts and blankets. sHghtty used raincoats, new stickers. MeCMIan saddles, eadstl bare, gun scabbards. breeches aad coats. Uggtngs. shoes: mall orders filled promptly. Army Goods sis a si ruin. HITU-TVR MAPHINK SPECIALS. Davis B. T '"'!!!! New Home B. T. $!! Wheeler A Wilson B. T. tit. New Royal D. H. $33. Wttoox Oibbs antontatle $t-0 Wtn Uk old machinea fas on sew. Soring machine rsmalrtayr a specialty. Toryn ftrvitcre co. Drttrmakiat; DRESSMAKING. Ph. 4333. SEWING by the day, ti-75. Ph. 7tW HIGH CLASS) wring don. at 17S1 E. Bio Grande . HBHSTITCIIING Work called for and de livered. 1137 Magpffhy Ph. I SCHOOL and miilmery. WedneKtay sad Frtdaya 131 Arisona. Ph. 37J AVANTED Dreosmakiag or other sewing: silk sMrta. well made, n.3. Pn. 13. SEATING and remodeilkfc do reasonable Call N Campbelt Ph. t4J nRr-JWMAKlNG. nlatn -tad zaney aewts-. eveartng gowns snd tailored suit, reason sM. oetca 13 B. Nevada. Ph 7TW IIRJU.T1TCIIING AND PICOTIG I2A4o rER YARD Expert workmanship, sads fnetian guaranteed: work called tr end delivered U desired. Mr J. K. swusaate. lttl Mscwfnn it. Ant K. rn. SS7XJ. Ready Reference Bntineii Directory Acconntarb Anditors NOBMAN E. VEAZST. PubUe Accountant Andrter. Herald Bldg- Phone 230. EL PASO AUDIT CO. W L Payne. Accosting. Rra. 214 and 213 Mills Bldg Ph. 212. SELMAN AUDIT CO. Aeeoantaata, anditora. Income tax reports. Ph 333. 31 Trust Bicg. AccegBtanb Certified CHAS. S. JONES. 413 Trust Bldg Phone 1t, Artificial Linbi Legs. Arms. Trasses. Braces. Etc CDJCAfiO ARTIFICIAL LIMB COMPANY, 3-1 Coles Block. BI Paso. Texaa. A$$ayer$ and Oerniiti RECKILART-S ASSAY OFFICE. 37 San Francisco St Agent for or shippers. Ph. 7. P. O Box 13. GEO. B. EBERENZ CO. Chemists and aasxyers (formerly of Pueblo) reps, tar ore shippers at El Peso smelter oil flota tion tests. 12 Ssn Francisco. El Paso. Cl'STOM ASSAY OFFICE cntehetr 4 Fcrrnaon. asssyers, ehsmlst, mstallurg tats, repressntatrsss for ore shipper. Sit Ssn Frsnelseo St. E4 Peso. Texss. Anto Acce$twle3 AUTOS WRE4TKED W. bnv. sell or ax- ehaage cars of all makea large atock of repair porta we deal tn robber aad met als BI Paso Auto Wrecking. Ph. 4111. 333 Leon St. K. Tratchtenberg. Prop. inOHEST PRICES PAID for osed and wrecked cars. STAR AUTO WRECKING CO. Largest Wrecking House to the Conthwest 4 west overland, pn. xass. Anta Repairs A HIGH GRADE repair .bop for high grad. car We employ only first cias mechanics and do only rtrst class woea. AMERICAN GARAGE. 33 N. Kansas St Phone lt P.8. We have a Bulck expert Beauty Parlors COUTTS, 10 BCCKLER' BLDG. Ph. 3311. Hair dyeing, hair goods, combings made up facial and scalp massage, manicure. SCPERFLCOl 3 HAIR aad moles removed by electrolysis permanentry. guaranteed. face peeling Grace A Benson, 33 Buckler. ALLEN SISTERS 20 Herald Bldg. alar eeltlng; combings made np: Henna paoka Snocial face bleach. Phone 2733. Bruin eis CoDege AVHISLEB SCHOOL Bookkeepfag and sharthand. sommer rates, sammer sesssoa to t III Mesa. Ph. 3173. DRACailON-S COSINESS COLLEGE P sltton guaranteed in t days. Pitman or Grecg sborthsnd by man or la person. R F Davis Mar. BI Psso. Tex. Carpets Qeaned CARPETS Vacuum, dry or steam cleaned. Duntley Carpet Cleaning Work Ph. 3213 COMPRESSED AIR Cleaaa vonr carnets dean. DU BANG Jt AVELLBORN'. PHONE Sai9. Mattreas A Rug Co- 3113 Myrtle. Ph. 417. less and 107. Ready Reference Botineti Directory Carperiten CARPENTER work, all klnda doer win dow, roof, porch, garage and repairing. LCiBEU. l'HUNE SaXX. I'MON'E 303 for first class carpenter, pie stover and aefasat work. L. A. Brown. ajanagor. ALL KINPd carpenter work In or out tt Isws. eabtaet work. Ph. 7433W or 3tti. Fttlem. A Wefch. VDtVBT ROOF PAINT. WaterprsMa. all rofa delivered. 71 gal- raMH. CARPENTxTB, building and remodeling steee freuts and cebtset work, brick, stone, eeaneat aad painting esttmatea famlshedi UUlcn sJevlee Ph. IU Oeanai; and Pret3lag TEXAS CLE.ANINO DTE WORKS. CIcaBisc dyetng. alteration. W. special. Is O. CyMnjr M3 Tessa Ph till Contract on FHOXE 8743W on new construction, aiter attoa and repairs, sstlmates furnished frre. J AV. Chsmness. Cotramu COSTUMES fee daaccs at theatrical per trmances, rented reasoaabl In or out et town. 175 Rio Grande. Ph 7 tiw Panda's husenx. BALI. ROOM AND STAGE DANCING. Private lesseas by appointmoat. C3as les sens, Tuesday aad Thursday vszags, X to 1-3. Cotllllew HalL Ph. 3lt. Farnirm e Ficldag AVE PACK. SHIP OB STORE turalture. out glass and china, satisfaction guaran teed. E. L. DANIEL. F. M. F'CIOKY Ph. 133-1 070. Fnrajhge RepaMBg FtNiTCRE REPATRBB. reflnlahed or upholstered. R. L. DANIEL, F. M. FACTORT. Ph. 1Q2S-1070 Hatttr$ Md OMnert CLEANWELL HATTERS AND TAILORS. True to the nan-e." 4M N Oregon. Ph. ills Hardware and Farcifare Everything In FtrBNITCRE AND HARDWARE. DAVIS HARDWARE Jt rURNTTCRE CO. Comer Overland and Oregon Sta. Ph. 313. Jnnt Dealeri. EL PASO IRON A METAL CO. 1J43 San antonio. Dealers la scrap Iron, robber. copper, brass, bones etc Ph. 424. Mattre3$ Renoratieg MAKERS OF MATTRESSES Repairers, rsnovatora Ph. 147. 13$ aad 37s. 2313 Mrrtla. Clark Mattress A P. or Co. MmleaJ VIOLIN LESSONS to beginners or ad vanced Players. Arthur DUlon. 2224 Gold, Pais Sax TELTON PAINT dX PalatlsK psper hangtag.deccratln. IttH. Btantsn. Palllf hlON, house paiattng and tinting, best work .lowest prieea Jose FUentes. 502 S. Orouaaru Ph. II evetunas 2t. Pajspori Photos MEXICO AND JUAREZ passport photos. -is nvr ei-Ticn. i-osiearos. see eoaen Ptnr Pongs, 10c doxen. Fred"e Studio. 3 8. El Paso, near Grecian Theater. 3pen evanincs. - ffffQ aad StiTgeqnj DE. AGERSpec nhronie diseases dis eases o women. Over Stat Narl Bank. Ph. 4443. night. tl. Pfcinbers PRONTO PXUMBEBS We don't hold yon up for that repair Job. Office Pa, 1HS. reasdeace t43. t4 Texas. Prints IDEAL FRINnNG CO. Leo Ferlet Mg Commcrcial printing of all K'TT. 107 N. Campbell. Ph. 4154. Roof Paiatinj ROOF PAINTED with Leak Seal Com pound, 1 coat takes the place of X sanpl free. Ph. 11. evenings 3S. Setond Hajd Prrraihrra EXCHANGE NEW rUBNTTCBE For second hand. Western Furniture Co. 113-13 s. Stanton. Ph. 1432. .Second Hand Qatflia VERY BEST PRICES PAID FOB M33T3 SECGNDHAND CLOTHIN'a PH. 1334. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR UKN-X. LADIES' XNP HND CLOTHING. PH. 147. NEW STARTERS Win pay you best prices for your men's and women's second hand clothing Ph. 171 AVE PAY MORE for nssd ladles", men's dotbes. etc than any other stars ta town; try on Ph 17ts. I PAY HIGHEST prices tor mens snd ladies' clothes, suit cases aad trunks. Don't sell before calllnc 3333. HIGHEST prices paid for ladles and mea'a second hand clothing; sheen, hats, trunka. Call 334 before anyone else. Storate rfajtAsraet YOTJB GOODS STORED as they should be. - UA--W1SX. x. S M. rACTOBI. Ph. 125-17. Fnmltnre stored and packed. ODOMS TRANSFER A STORAGE. mono 707-77. OUR SPECIALTY: Storing househoi ioa Gif raw lowest rates, xu. PASO STOKAl wiiftSHuwe, rn. siss Soda Foantaia and Fatoe. SODA FOnNTAINS. A cempleto stook for tmmediafs delivery anu A few used bargain FARROW CROUCH LOC1X CO- TNT. HI Texas St Phone 1471. AVE BUY. SELL AND EXCHANGE w aad second hand soda fountains and ttxtares of every description: wo are also ea enaarxers xsr rrurta, syrups extracts EMPIRE BOTTLING WORKS. rNC Comer Mills and Florenc Street El Paso, Phones 133-1334. . Ttuddermbti MeLELLAN BROS. 3 San Fraadsr St. Phone 7 Theater Supplier. WE HAVE ANYTHING yon need. Powers picture machine, new and second hand, chair earnon ticket everything usrd in th. theater except manic, distributors of Universal fttrn CONSOLIDATED FILM SUPPLY CO. 31 N Oregon. El Pas.) Transfer TRANSFER. HAULING, baggage, trjnks. household gsods. we haul anything soy wbsrt, our prices are right. seric th best A. MOSES TRANSFER CO. at. Saa Aatonlo St Pbone ;js. Transfer and Storage FURNITURE STORED AND PACKED. WESTERN TRANSFER t STORAGE CO. 13s Texas St Phooe 3. Trnnk Factory TKINKS suitcase travsilag bags made, repaired and sxenaaged. El Paso Trnnk ParrTT nest t.rrswzord theater Ph. 134. Typevrriiers 1AE BtY. aell. rent repair, agents Co- Oliver Typewriter A Office Supply .pp. ooeiqciice Wocan's Exchange. MRS. CHONLA Woman a xchang aad sales shop of hand made a u ea LTders taken for cake 12t N Campbell.