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FL PASO HERALD QWEM CHARGES PARTY CORRUPTION Hf Bflll If A IP " & rai IK fsl Iff 8 If JPJ l 11 XI 7 it 1m Si Ys 2S tfE 2& i2& & S- cSa dSS c 2 X BrCA. MARTLV (Continued trom pasre 1.) tasr to pet in among them oa th floor va'm(7rninE they were assembling to nominate Poosevlt and after his "orriDatlon while they Ifnsered to say farewTl to one another and It was ard to una a man who did not seem - eased at the result of the nomina- ons even though his man had lost. McA-doo could have been the best in, but we il win with Jimmy Cox."" ihev would say and many, even i"-oDK the strongest McAdoo men ad "i tted. after It was all over, that was best to have selected a man who dd cot btosg to 'the reigning 'amilv While the Palmer supporters never i-rurea tnat tney did not thin a -ei man would have made the s-'-orgeet kind, they seemed perfectly atisfled with Cox. Cox Strongest Man. Is my opinion. Cox Is the strongest ran they could have picked of the available material, and I believe all -he delegates will admit this as soon as the hurt of defeat becomes less Iont let anybody say the Democratic party U disrupted over the nomination for It is not. Cox will hold It together better than an one of the candidates before the convention could have done. And all of the delegates realize this, much as some of then wa- fed McAdoo and others -ranted Palmer. jwr-ri never had a chance. His geographical location spelled defeat ':r him before he entered the race. The Democratic party will never r omlnate a man from the south as is standard bearer, for the aontb s always solidly Democratic. The Tarty wants and mast have a man 'cm a pivotal state. That helped ox. The fact that Palmer was from a su-te that always goes Republican as against him. The fact that Mc Adoo did not have the support of the n w York delegation was against re, so all things worked out to make ox the logical man. Some of the estern dry states may not support 1 -n because they think he Is s. "wet --le-nor. but the fact that he Is so - agnized will get him votes In the c-st. i ie iact tnat he is known to v- against many of the Wilson policies will get Mm a lot of votes t at McAdoo neTer could have got ard all the Wilson votes that Mc Adoo would have polled will go to Cos anbow Office Holder To Support Cox. Kven the Wilson office holders will i - 'or blm. although the majority i" them know that their doom is wrlt rn and sealed. They can't improve .h situation by scratching the rrafnee, however, and they will vote o- Vm ii the vain hope that they t hold on Thrre is little chance, fco-rever for the Cox jnea ore already talk irtg of a dean sweep next liareh If he should wiiu Irre spective of whether the srfecess fnl candidate Is editor Hardlag or editor Cox, the federal pie conn 1T la to be scrubbed of 'Wilson Ian. Democrats and the scrubbers ironvt use rake, either, they're going; after It with a flue tooth comb, after which they will use a holystone. Tre Cox people can't forget how '!e 3od noiaers xosgnt tne nomination o th. Ohio governor. Furthermore, hty don t want to forget, for they ave friends of their own to estab- 1 sb in office. Politicians of the -fer' generation havn"t forgotten -a former second term. Taft ai- -T-ars brained his defeat primarily to he fact that he had to carry over ve old Roosevelt patronage into his administration ana tnns ootaineo a Lin'rijin of loyalty from the federal r rgan zaton Taft always said that t could hare made his own ap--o rtmrus, been free to hlrs and fire, f- would have made a better show ing WW Affect Some In Southwest. Ed H. Moore, Cox's manager, and probablv the next Democratic na- onal chairman. Is known to agree wi'h Taft, at least on the tindeeir sb of Inheriting patronage, and a federal office holder who was not w Cot from the beginning In the fcve-t Cox Is elected will stand hat a small chance to stick to the Job sftr next March or after his term expires. Not a few Texas and New Mexico memKsrs of the federal bri gade would be affected. Gavin Mc Nabb. of San Francisco, Is to be the western chief for the party and will 1-a-e charge of the campaign in the states west of the Rockies. Temocratic chlettans expressed no doubt that San Francisco would be tk. Mtv ctuikii fi- western head quarters. Salt Lake City. Seattle and Portland are understood to be con E. R. Collins, managing editor of the Los Angeles Herald, came up with Mrs. Collins to see the convention- Mrs. Collins was standing in the St. Francis lobby when Irvin Cobb passed. She touched his elbow and said: "How do yoa do, Mr. Cobb? I met you in Los Angeles. I'm Mrs. Collins." Why, yes. How are you, Mrs., Col lins?" replied Cobb. "I remember you vary well. I've noticed you In the lobby and have been trying to recall where I met you." Well.- said Mrs. Collins, who Is as keen as a razor, and enjoys a joke, "your memory is most wonderful, for you never saw me before and I never met yon before." The fat journalist was not a bit dis turbed, for bowing and smiling, he said: ... "Ttr mrm -rtinlv a wonderful pair of liars, aren't we. Mrs. Collins?" If there was any idea that San T?v-anfitn id drv which there wasn't nail that was necessary was to visit the men s big wash room in me oase nutnt nf the auditorium and take & look at the empty quarts and pints piled up daily in the corner beside aa equally plentiful collection of empty ginger ale bottles. a Tia rnnventlon laoDOd over Into thin wMt. creesice business at home called one after another of the dele gates home and alternates moved for ward into positions of honor. In many Instances hardly enough dele gates and alternates remained to cast the full vote or tne aeiegauon, wwre as. on the opening day, they couldn't all get seats. A lot of delegates lost money on Pullman fare as the convention kept fnAitncr them and "hanging over" p-rnMrtiTi? and honlnir that each day would be the last, a delegate would buy a Pullman berth, to be sure of a place to sleep, and he would stick at the convention until the last hour hoping always that he would get Uirougn ana caicn ms train sum ansa his train and berth. Naturally an "empty," paid for, went out and the delegate s money was iusi- woero delegate could reach the Pullman of fice an hour before the train left, he could release his berth and get his money back, but if he failed to re lease, his money was lost. In one case, an empty Pullman with every berth paid for. was taken out one night. The car was sold and the Pallman comnanv had to "hook it on," for. if one man had applied for his berth and could not nave naa it. he would have been grieved not to say peeved and might have had a case for the courts. When nobody ithnwed ns. It was too lata to cut out the car so it went out empty out paid for. e Cor. Slesa Otc and San Antonio St Mall and Phone Orders Promptly Filled Privata Branch Exchange 3300 Hotel Laughlin Charles B. MHIlken. Prop. 311 W. FRANKLIN ST. Thxte Short Sloc& Cost From TJnioa TJept. A hotel for particular people. We lave every convenience and our service delights the most particular a warmth of hospitality among a host of good people who are particular where they live. Conveaiest Garage Service CUTS will heal qnkil7 and wHI cot gen erate pus or torn poisonous matter when Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil b applied. Wc per bottle. WANT A VICTROLA? HCash-$lAWeek WIL BUY ONE! 800 Xorth Oreron St-1 South Dakota's vote was always announced bv a woman, with a voice too weak to be heard by anybody bat tne chairman, it seemed. The press seats were all comfort able. Many ot them belns lett va cant by their regular occupants, who, found other diversions more pleasing than listening: to a rolleall of states, the girl ushers found It convenient to fill them and ask questions sen sible and otherwise of the working' members of the press. There were as many fair usherettes in press seats as there were writers but the writers didn't seem to object The University of California furnished these Usher ettes, who did the work tor the privi lege of seeing the convention. The hardest work most of them did was seeing the convention. They didn't mine wnose copy paper or cat or coat sleeve they put their chocolate creams on. A delegate from Arkansas, who came to the convention with a per fectly new pair of pink sleeveholders with elaborate lace edging, couldn't stand to let them blush unseen throughout the convention, so he took off his coat Monday even If he did shiver and gave the spectators treat. The only thinjr in San Francisco re minding one of the Chicago conven tion were the S cent ham sandwiches ana Die cuts at the convention hall lunch counter. But there was more room here to BDend vonr noner And c a better ventilated place to 'consume wnai you got tor it. The world is small, after alL Here's a little personal incident that illus trates it: Back in 1M6 when the 31 Paso Elks went to Buffalo. I made the acquain tanceship of Ralph Cram, then city editor of a Davenport. Iowa, naoer. As our train lift Davenport, the wind Diew my cat oil ana 1 wired back and asked Cram to try to recover it. That was 14 years ago. One night this week, after the con vention adjourned. I slipped Into a. stool at a lunch counter on Powell street for a light lunch. Sitting on the next stool was a man with a delegate's badge. We began to discuss nomination possibilities. I asked where he was from and he said Daveuport. I toW him I was from El Paso and that I had once met Ralph Cram, of his city. Neither of us had mentioned that we were newspaper men, but Cram's next question was: "Did you ever get your Panama backT" Then we shook hands and spent the next two boors visiting. He is now the editor of the paper he was city editor of when I met him in IMS. A Geonria delerate and Tlnn. sotan were eating sandwiches and discussing the xinvntlAn in tfc f.n-- rldor of the great civic auditorium, where the Democratic grave was dog. The MinnesotAn saM- Tnm . oasucB oi wis hail are fine aren't theyt" "Tes." said the Georgian, -they tell me It's absolutely fire proof." Ii,i- Boyce. for many years on The El Paso Herald, Is now connected with Jh Business department of "The Philippines." a magazine published In San Francisco. His son was one of the Boy Scout medal winners in Mberty bond campaigns and Is now in a reserve officers training camp. Hugo Eicnwald. of m Paso, who now spends much of his time in San Francisco, where he lives at the St. FrandS. is one Of the hannUct vnn on the coast. His only son's wife and UtUe daughter have lust arrived from Hong Kong to visit him. The son is " ""'B mercantile institution in Hong Hong. Henry Blum, a former special deputy sheriff in charge of enforce ment of the liquor laws in El Paso, is establishing a private detective bu reau In San Francisco. He has mar ried since he came out here to make his home. .Children Who Are Pale and TVeak "ewlUWI mamma and iron Tonlc. GBOVE'S TA8TBLBSS chill TOJhc purifies and enriches the blood and eral Strengthening Tonic for Adults and Children. oc Adv. FCLL line of KODAKS nod KODAK supplies at Gandarae. Adv. stZmB&rtM 11 H PSlm. JEL all Way S3 tmen mrs Affh fffiyTr".? wm ft f K? ATURDAY evening, we will have reached the Half Way Station of the 1 920 July Clear ance Sale. For tomorrow, and the remaining six days of the July Clearance Sale still greater values will be offered. Carefully note these for tomorrow. m The Girls' Own Shop Offers ORGANDIE FROCKS ORGANDIE frock season is now at its height, and here ou have an opportunity of selecting daughter's dress from 2 he snappiest youthful models of it season. The shades include morning glory, sea foam, peach, lemon, del blue. Copenhagen, rose, pink and white. These iresses come in sizes 6 to 16 and 13 to 17 years misses models included. The July Clearance prices are $8.95, $10.50, $120 and $15.00. GIRLS' HATS AT $2.45 TpHIS price on girls head wear actually represents less than the cost of production. There are Milan sailors and tarns, chic styles of horse hair braid, chiffon and georget. com bined with Chantz chip straw. There are pastel colorings as well as staple shades. There are styles suitable for girls from 4 to 1 4 years. This special purchase enables us to offer these hats to you at $2.45. PARASOLS FOR GIRLS "p0R the final days of the July Clearance Sale we of fer parasols in solid colors and Dresden patterns, in" silk and cot ton parasols. These have novelty handles and are most attractive. The July Clearance Sale prices are $1.50 values. $1.00 $2.75 values. $1.50 $3.95 values. $250 $5.95 values. $350 $7.50 values. $5.00 4th Floor JVeeJt-End Specials In The Street Floor STATIONERY. 75c A fcisged-top cabinet containing 4S sheets of excellent linen pa per In four colors with envelopes, to match b a week- 7.S tad special at J C BICYCLE PLAYING CARDS. 40c There is no playing card tbat is quite so good as the Bicycle Play ing Cards. We offer the gesBiae in regulation size, as a feature week-end a 4T value at UC HANDKERCHIEFS. 10c Sheer lawn handkerchiefs with seat hemstitched borders in single '. corner embroidered styles that are ideal for every day use. A not-to-be-equaled g value at, each fl. J C CHILDREN'S SOX. 29c Children's fancy top sox with roll-over cuffs are shown in white, with contrasting tops, as well as elf colored effects. These are fine lisle and mercerized lisle thread with spKeed hel and toe, a week-end speSsl n C at, pair i "C BAGS. $3.95 SOk bags in attractive styles are shown in large and small sites. They are made of silk moire in Hack, brown, taupe and nary, beautifully lined, many have in side frame all have coin purse 'and mirror. They are a weefc- spedalat e3.95 Saturday Specials In Toilet Articles Lysol, Satsrclay specUl at .. 19c Mufti, Sat. special at 29c Pussywillow face powder 39c Herpicide, Saturday special... 73c Hentholatum, Sat. special... 39c Dr. Lyons Tooth Powder 19e Sigma Deodorizing Powder... 21c Listerine, Sat. special 68c rONDERFUL values in silks are offered for the week-end. At the prices noted, silks are the most economical fabric one can possibly - wear. You should get your share of the $25,000 special purchase never have you bought such silks cheaper. $3 CREPE DE CHINE, all vanlci shades, special al $139 $4 and $4 JO FOULARD, beautiful designs, special at $1.69 $7 PUSSYWILLOW TAFFETA. 40-in vidih. at $3S5 S4S4J0 SILK SHIRTINGS, unlimited assortment. $259 $3 JAPANESE SILK SHIRTING. Me il lasts, at $1.49 $7.50. $8. $9 and $10 SPORT SILKS, extra special. $3.95 PRINTED GEORGET. indues to $4 JO. special at $!J9 WASH SATIN, an ideal summer fabric, $3 values at $U9 CHIFFON TAFFETA, black and navy, extra special $129 SATIN MESSAUNE. all shades. $3 lalues special at-$JS5 3d Floor The Drapery Section WW xm5K l For the week-end selling the Drapery Section presents unusually at tractive spedalf. SORRENTO VOILE. 63c Sorrento voile or etaraine is shown with colored floral bor ders. This is a beautifed material for bed room curtains, and is sold regularly at Tic specially priced for this selliDg L S at, per yard J O C COOLMOOR PORCH SHADES These Coohsoor Porch Shades are not only serviceable bat durable, and we hang them without extra charge: Size 4x7.6, priced at $3.40 Size 6x7.6, priced at $6.00 Size 8x7.6, priced at $8.00 Size 10x7.6, priced at S1L00 Size 12x7.6, priced at $13.50 6th Root. Undersilks Unclerpricedl CLEARANCE Sak values in under silks are most attractive. The three following specials are a part of a manufacturers sample line, so there is endless variety in the styles to choose from. MARQUISETTE Yd.. 62c Tins a our regular 75c quality of three-thread marquisette, the dur able, practical curtain material. It is offered in white, cream or ecrn as a week-end f0-k special at, per yard V? 5 C PICTURES FOR YOUR SUMMER COTTAGE We offer a lot of vacation pic tures seeses of the seashore, bathing girls everything you can imagine -juet the thing for yoor snauner cottage. These un mounted pictures "I ft are offered at, each A "L C You am rMB bay a Hoover Sweeper on easy ferou. 9 to 1 Specials 79c 21c $1.18 LOT NO. 1 Crepe de chine gowns and teddies are offered in lace trimmed and tailored styles. The gowns are shown with or without sleeves. There is also an attractive line of satin bloomers in tailored models, included. These Saturday only at fptJ,y5 LOT NO. S "Washable satin or crepe de chine teddies are in this group in both tailored and hue trimmed styles with ribbon shoul der straps. Some have lace inser tion and edging. They are shown in .flesh color only, end are a week-end selling ajjj'y'e " Mfikweed Cream, 9 to 1 Saturday Resinol Soap, 9 to 1 Saturday Oriental Cream 9 to 1 Saturday LOT NO. 3 No item in the entire Clearance Sale is of more interest than this one. The low priee is accounted for by reason of the fact that this was an underpneed porchase. In the lot are crepe de chine teddies in fancy and plain styles. Thev are a Saturday special at 3d Floor. $1.95 iinexis And WasKable Goods UNION HUCK TOWELS. Heavy union hnck towels, 18x36, are offered with colored borders of red and lavender a special for the week-end l st. each IDC PATTERN TABLE CLOTHS. $3.95 7ax72 pattern table cloths of very heavy satin finish are of fered in a splendid assortment. These we sunt limit two to a customer at the g O , C S special price of tfiJs3 FRENCH VOILE. 59c 40-iaeh French voile in printed and woven effects are shown in great variety of good patterns in both white and colored ground with floral and conventional de signs. This is a week-end spe- per yard 3fC The Corset Section Mesh Confiners A SATURDAY special of mate than ordinary interest is this item of Warner's mesh confisers. These coafiBers are the usual high zrade Warner quality and are shown in flesh color only with back-fastening elastic section in back. They are offered in sizes J2 to 42, regular c-g g $1 JO quality at P 1 tJ ith Floor Corset Section. Tiie Shop o' Sweets ASSORTED BON BONS. lb.. 60c Delicious bon bons fresh and creamy are offered in a variety of l r flavors, per lb. OUC "Our candies are the very best, and always fresh." Shop o Sweets, Street Fir. iVets Arrivals In The Toy Annex Some more toys have just tome in. Bring the children to see them. DOLLS lovely ones with hair and eyes that open and shut, are shown in values from $6 to $24.50. CARD GAMES Everybody loves to play card games. Some of these are new all of them standard: The Oamo of Camouflage.... 50c The Game of Flags 75c The Game of Rummy 50c The Game of Sherlock Holmes 50c The Game of Famous Authors 50c The Game of Jack Straws.... 50c The Game of OW Maid 50c The new Parisian Tortune Tell ing Game 25c IMPROVED PAPER DOLL OUT FITS, priced at. $1.25. KINDERGARTEN BEADS are priced at 50c and $L50. PEE WEE MARBLES, are 1 dor. for 5c Toy Annx, 2d Floor. WASH DREbSES Wash dresses of printed voile are shown in pretty summer colorings. These are trimmed in tucked and plain organdie some with lace edge. There are all sizes, and a wide range of styles. All are priced Cor week-end Q Q g telling at tjj-fc'. V? HAND BAGS Hand bags for both women and children are of fered in foulard, imitation leather and imitation beaded doth. They have heavily nickeled frame and chain handle. These hag are a week-end special c at, each JvC HAND BAGS AND PURSES Hand bags and purses in a variety of sizes and shapes. The bags are shown in several different grain leathers with coin parses, strong frames in nickel and gold finish. The purses have good linings and mirrors. These are a Saturday 3tL S1.50 CORSET COVERS Corset covers of soft finish cambric, trimmed with embroidery and ribbon run, are a Saturday o (T special at (JvC CORSET COVERS Corset covers of sneer muslin, lace and embroid ery trimmed and ribbon run, are offered in regular and extra sizes op to 50, Sat- r urday special at y C COTTON LILE HOSE Women's cotton lisle hose with elastic tops, double sole and heels, come in black, white, pink and blue, spe cial lor Saturday s selling at cMlde Hats $1.00 A CLEARANCE of aU the odds and ends of the Downstairs Millinery Section offers many de sirable styles in all the summer materials. All nave been grouped Eogetner lor oae big clearance at Toilet Goods Pore Glycerine Soap ... A for 25c Certified Hand Lotion ... 50c Certified Soap, 18c . . 4 for 70c Sylvan Talcum Powder. .2 for 25c Stork Castile Soap, 18c .3 for 50c Luxor Cold Cream ..50c Luxor Vanishing Cream 50c OREN'S HOSE Children's hose in fine ribbed quality, full length, come in black, white sad brown in a lull range ot sizes. These are slightly imperfect, but wonderful tf valaes at OC' CHILDREN'S SOX Children's sox in white only, with fancy striped roll tops come in mercer ized quality is sizes 6. to 8. These have very slight imperfee twss, bat are splendid (j valoes at 3 C WOMEN'S HOSE Women's hose In lisle thread quality with fash ioned leg and flare top, are offered in black and white only. These are very slightly imperfect, bat will give splendid service. They are priced at per 0 f pair 35c, 3 for i$5 i CAMISOLES Camisoles of fine auality wash satin are offered in flesh color only, handsomely trim med in lace and insertion, is all sizes to 44. They are offered for the week- 7 end at V C Continued We continue for the week-end oar advantageous purchase of 3000 pairs of Hamilton Brown "America 1 Lady" Pumps and Oxfords There is an ample range of choire in sizes and colors, indud ing Mack, and the valnes in reg ular season would have been $10 and $12 50. The Clear fi n ance Sale price is tyO Downstairs Store. Millinery ,Mrf-6n fsr f BS f J f 0 0 ft 9 Tiai4MAy?imfti a. Jjt..-A. a;w mzv z ii GEORGET AND CREPE DE CHINE BLOUSES TWO special lots of crepe de chine and georget blouses are offered for the ra. um cumc m Hnxmr color comDinatione, as well as solid colors Beaded and embroidered modebrare in the majority, stai you will find a good assortment of plain tailored styles. LOT No. I Georget and crepe de LOT No. 2 George aad crepe de chine Houses in values o q chke blouses m values g o n to $7.00. at PO.50 to $15. special at f0.9.5 TWO SPECIALS IN VOILE BLOUSES 'T HESE are beyond question the very best values of the season in voile blouses. We honestly believe we wM not be able to 'duplicate such values as these eves later k the season. For the most part, these are uaderprieed purchases that come in both short and loog sleeves, and are trimmed with hue and tucking. The material and work manship, including button and button holes, are of the very hhrhest qualrtv They are shown in every good style of the season is atu rangeof sizes. PF. Xa 1V?h J,wus fa T"tae """ "-Voile blouses is values tojl are a Week-end &2 to ? " a Week"l 3J Q The Greater Popular Boys' Store WeekrEnd Selling Of and Rompers. 3,000 wash suits and rompers in the best 1920 models go into this greatest of all sales of the season. These suits and rompers are cut full size, oa excellent lines, and finished carefully in every detail. They come m solid colors of ten. blue, green, grey, white, and color combina tions which are most attractive. The colors are tub proof, and the sizes are from 2 to 9. These are offered to you at lest than today's tvholesale cost. The Jury Clearance prices are: The Suits $195, $295, $395, $495 and $595 The Rompers 75c, $1.25, $150, $195 and $250 BOYS STRAW HATS Every hat in our entire stock adduced for July Clearance, is Bost cases, just half. BOYS PALM BEACH SUITS This timely special of Palm Beach suits at such a nominal price insures the most acta e response These splendid ' summer suits come in all sizes from 7 to 18 years, sg r ? sf and are a week-end special at JT. "All Millinery Must Go" is now the slogan in the Millinery Department This means that even all the hand somest mid-summer millinery is being offered at a fraction of its value. In addition to general July Clearance Sale reductions, we call attention to Three Special Lots TjpOR convenience we have grouped into three different lots about 300 bats representing the best styles of the season. Original cost and regular prices have been entirely disregarded. These three special lots are offered At Sl.OO. S5.00, $7.50 The most sensational offer ever made in a clearance sale Georg'et Hats at $6.95 WE have just unpacked 50 of the most fascinating georget hats the Milli nery Department has seen this season. These are made of georget crepe with crown encircled in ostrich. The hat and ostrich trinunisg tiarmonize, and they come in white, pink and orchid. In this same shipment were 30 midsoBmer models in sport hats. These have white Milan hemp brims with crowns of satin, which show mterkwnngs of green. pink, rose and other summer shades. They have a saucy tassel at the side which adds just a jaunty touch. These hats saoold sefl gfr f g- rm at $10 and $12.50. We offer them as an added at- te Ji t 'action at the very nominal priee of 4 vo S J 5th Floor Clearance Summer Dresses TT HE Fifth Floor Ready-to-Wear Section has been the scene of great activity all week. The reason of this k readily understood when you come and see the kerns offered. In addition to reg ular stock, hundreds of handsome dresses of geor get. foulard, polka" dotted crepe de chine and many sport models have arrived and are being offered at Clearance Sale prices. Again Be feature tomorroTs three special lots of dresses for every occasion. At $25.00, $34.50 and $47.50 Dresses flali Price WE continue tomorrow amr half priee sale of dresses, which includes all regular stock and many new arrivals in organdie dresses, voile dresses, Dsen dresses and gingham dresses. It will be impossible fer you not to find just the dress yon want at just the price yea wast to pay in seme one f the various lots. PETTICOATS AT $4.95 We announce for the week-end selling, new arrivals fat handsome silk petticoats. These come ra tai (eta, imaailiim jersey, and jersey tops with messa line ruffles. In the lot is also a limited number of satin petticoats. These are shown in both medium and dark shades and many changeable effects are in In Tne Blouse Sliop TF we have been busy in the Ready-to-Wear Section, we have been stall busier in the Blouse Shop. Complete clearance is bang made of all blouses, and considerable interest has been added by the many new arrivals m Mouses. 4th Floor. 1