Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HKRALD Friday, July 9, 1920. INDUSTRIES ASK Gi PREFERENCE Washington, D C. July 9 De- iring their business to b tbreat ered with destruction, representatives or r early a dozen industries yesterday aked the interstate commerce com- irission to revoke or modify its order if quiring: railroads to gie preference c coal mines east of the Mississippi r er in the consignment of open top ( ars. Speaker after speaker at the com mission s open hearings on the order declared bis business would be forced t o close down and his employes 'rown out of work unless the order v. as rescinded or modified. Tiere ere no indications, however, that t f commission would make any hange in theorder. which was issued v. o weeks ago for the purpose of re eing coal sbortagres throughout the f j-itf-rn states Industries protesting: against the rde- included those manufacturing r dealing- in crushed stone, cement, -and gravel and lime and also gen ral building contractors. Preceding stlmony of their representatives he commission heard Daniel WUlard. hafrraan of the advisory committee of the association of railway execu- RUSSIAAGGEPTS BRITISH TERMS Spa, Belgium. July 9 (By the As sociated Press.) The Russian Soviet government has accepted all the con ditions laid down by premier Lloyd George for a resumption of trade re lations as a result of conferences in London with Leonid Krassin, accord ing to announcement made In British circles here tonight. tives, who declared that priority of service favoring the more essential commodities was necessary to relieve the present freight congestion. CHAIR SHOWER FROM HOTEL BRINGS CATTLEMAN'S ARREST A barrage of chairs from a window of the Paso del Norte hotel caused a near riot Thursday night, which was quieted when detectives arrested E. L. Reynolds, wealthy cattleman of Pecos, and charged him with dis turbance of the neace. According to the nonce, iteynoias was burling the furniture oi ws room out of the window. He furnished l!8 bond lor his appearance in police court. COHON BLOOMS JUNIOR GHAMBER AROUND EL PASO PLANS ACTIVITIES REAL ESTATE DEALER STATES TRE F Prominent Resident of Ce dar Eapids, Iowa, Says Tanlac Has Wonderfully Benefited Both Himself and Wife. Tanlac has not only completely re tored my health, but I have gained n pounds in weight since Z started taking it." said Abraham L. Davis, 13 South Tenth street. Cedar Rapids. low,, a prominent real estate dealer Five years ago 1 began suffering frora stomach trouble. My appetite -came very poor and even when I d manage to eat a little something j could seldom retain it. Finally I trot so bad I had to confine myself : a diet of breakfast food or milk oast, but even this caused me to i ioat up so badly with gas I was in sery It was absolutely impossible rr me to eat anything solid, for I ways suffered with such intense a rs in the pit of my stomach after arc) I could hardly stand them. rere was always a bad taste in my ruth and I had such terrible head aches they became almost unbear able Quite often these headaches came on me suddenly while at my desk, everything became blurred be fore me and I would have to stop what I was doing, go homo and go to bed. Z began losing weight, my nerves became so badly shattered I conld get but little sleep and always got up with a draggy. tired -out feel ing. Then, in addition to my other troubles 1 suffered with rheumatism in my knee-joints so bad I could hardly walk and just bad to drag my feet. "Although Z have taken only six bottles of Tanlac Z have as good an appetite now as any one"could wish, eat just anything I want and never have any bad after effects. 1 sleep like a child and always get up greatly refreshed, feeling like an athlete. The rheumatism has almost entirely gone out of my knees and I can get around as well as ever. I have irot had a headache since Z began taking Tan lac and just feel good all the time. My wife had also suffered for a long while from stomach trouble, and is improving every day since she began taking Tanlac." Tanlac is sold in El Paso by Cord ell Drug Co Successors to Kelly & Pol lard. Adv Cotton is blossoming around El Paso and looking fine, according to reports valley farmers are making to the county farm bureau at the cham ber of commerce, he season Is ahead of itself, cotton growers say. as the cotton in the valley did not beein to blossom until well on in July last year and It began in the latter part of June this yer. It is not uncommon. ZL C Stewart, chair man of the bureau, sam rnaay. to find from 25 to 35 squares to a stalk. The fine cotton showing which many growers say is going to bring them a bale to the acre, is in spite of many obstacles. In the first place grasshoppers are causing considerable damage. These insects. Mr. Stewart said, were hidden in the alfalfa oats and barley. When these Vrains were cnt the pests flew to the cotton and r rwttintr thm leaves hadlv. Thurs day night a hailstorm around Clint and Fabens is reported to have done seme damage, it aia not iasi long enough. However, to go serious in inrv. To aid farmers in getting rid of grasshoppers a formula for poisoning them nas neen prepara oy iue county farm bureau. It follows Bran, 25 pounds; lead arsenate, 1 pound, neavy syrtn. s quarts; lemocs 6. and water. 2.5 gallons. Mix the bran arM lead arseiate first and then add syrup, water and lemons In the order named. This Is to be sprinkled in the evening' just before sundown n sin c about elcht ounds to the acre. I' the mixture is sprinkled in the day time It win dry out oezore me grasshoppers get to it. Mr. Stewart received a report Fri day that the first bale of cotton this season in Texas had just been sold at Houston and brought $1066. , .. , - . , v TOO MUCH ICEWATER 3IAT BE CAUSE OF WATCHMAN'S DEATH F. A. Blades, died suddently Thurs day night while working at the Tri State Telephone company, where he was employed as night watchman. He Is a brother of R. Z Blades, 712 North Kansas street. Death was due to heart disease. according to Br. John Hardy. Blades had been at work for an hour. It Is believed his death may have been rnnKM? to &om eTtent by the large amount of Ice water which he drank after coming to work, according to other employes at the building. The body was removed to the undertaking parlors at 505 Texas street from where the burial will be held at 10 oclock tomorrow morning. Blades had been a resident or ei Paso for two Tears. He was formerly with toe quartermaster corps at Fort Bliss. MISS nUTU IUOS IS DEAD. Miss Ruth Ems died at the home of her sister. Mrs. O. O. Hlekenlively, 112? East Overland street, on July 5. Funeral services were held at San Ignacio church July 6 and burial was at Concordia cemetery. A program of activities will be undertaken by the junior chamber of commerce under Its plan of reorgani zation, adopted Thursday, that will inrlnit Almost vrrth tip nf a lvl or public nature under tne reorganization pian, the junior organization will be operated similarly to the senior organization. That is. it will have a president and , vu wiuci uauai viiiwin. ana a ooaru of directors. There will be six de- fiarxmenis, eacn oi wnxu wilt ha e ts chairman. Thest are to replace the old organization chairman and ttAOrfv rtv mha a .1 aw 1 .. personnel may remain the same or T A aIt it.nnimAiif. & ma .lt.H. Service, civic Improvement. local In dustrial and commercial Improve mercial improvement, and traffic in inunea experts ox tne senior organization will handle the technical details of the junior concern. lioard of Director. up of the six department chairmen. " ptroiucai, ana tour meroDers to be elected from the membership at large. ISnftTri nf th Jartmu4. m -- -- iwvwuwHiM win nave an executive committee and such sub committees as are deemed necessary. ... . w vs uetwuaent mere membership, entertainment, publicity -u.a mu;. inc civic im provement department will embrace wij iiituuiuiB, rccreauoo Barely, char ities, schools, tax and economy, etc - .- .uuuouuu ana commer cial improvement department will in- retailers, etc, while the tributary In- """ " " vuuxietrci4u improvement "i "u. inciuueo lnvestigauons Into mining ramtKlmr i.i. . conditions. rian Unanimously Approved. Tti mr4nHnnl ; m TVArlmnt -will h j...u.j m .. nsu v wuwueu W1LU what their names imply. The reorganization plan was drawn ! wft ant. ttorr- was chairman. "' ""'. pprvvai oi iianuei - j t a i-jcwuflui, il was pre sented to the juniors and unanimously adopted. A constitution and bylaws are now to be drafted. reorganization probably will ThnZ&r. "" -"s ""' Saturday and Monday ss i esz&imi in. m -ti:k iiiiiaai W03IAS HELD OX BOOZE CHAIIGE. Varata Wlilta m - - ..aav TTUII.C, A UVftlV WOQU.H, .r rested by officers Beckett and Gregg aw two was UVWUUK S UaU IOr OAJX Antnnln vas cr4wan a k...- .- commissioner Schmid Friday. She waised hearing and was held in J 756 wuu iui vau one is bdia By ine OI fleers to have had 14 pints of whisky In her valise. Keep Your Mone I Brothers Earn Trip j at Herald's Expense I Every dollar invested in El Paso is a dollar to help this section grow. Every dollar invested elsewhere helps some other place to grow. Invest your-savings and surplus capital in your home town and help it to grow and develop. If you invest your money locally the return on that money also stays in town and helps the local merchant and the local hanker. In investiing in the notes of El Paso Electric Company, which are now offering, every dollar goes into permanent property for the pub lic service somewhere in El Paso and vicinity. This money goes into property to furnish the 112,000 people in this vicinity with transportation, light and power, which are abso lutely necessities of their daily lives. The earnings from that property will continue as long as people continue to live and do business in El Paso, and will grow with the growth of the Community. It is a real opportunity to have for investment a well secured ob ligation of a sound home company which yields as high a return as 8. You would be doing yourself an injustice to miss that oppor tunity. "With the partial payment plan (which we have adopted in or der to get the largest possible number of local partners) this sound and attractive, investment should be within the reach of all. Write, Phone or Call 5 YEAR 7 GOLD NOTES PEICE-96 AND INTEREST TO YIELD 8 $100, $500 and $1,000 sizes. Notes in Limited Amounts May Be Purchased on Partial Payments. El Paso Electric Railway Co. Telephone 3460. 1. : : r -jit HERE ara two brothers Francis and Jjo-xeU Wheeler, sons of A. H. Wheeler, of the T M. C, who wanted to spend their vacation to gether. so each secured 15 one-month snbscriptions to The EJ Paso Herald, thereby winning the trip The Herald is string the "X" boxs to Camp What umakit. These boys said their daddr helped them and the subscriptions were easily obtained. They are en joying every moment of their fine outing-, they say. Kodak Finlabing. See Gasdara. Adv 1 WzZr&ti-r) c? I ISSRoj parasols 1-2 off All of our beautiful women's parasols are in eluded in this Saturday and Monday selling at 'A off the The Globe's usual low prices. They show all the season's latest novelties in shape, bandies and color combinations. Materials are silt and cotton iu all wanted colors. A splendid ebafice to lecure a summer parasol at Yi PRICE. ' leather purses A well selected purse marks the well-dressed woman. We have just received & new shipment of leather purses in all the new shapes and styles, including the popular Ethel Barryaore. Special for Saturday and Monday, S1.25 and up. women 's smocks Lovely cool Summer smocks of batiste and Japanese crepe. Regular $7.95 and $8JS0 values. Special for Saturday flj C QCf and Monday J)0.i7U MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S STRAW HATS A new shipment of straw hats portraying new mid-Summer styles. Best quality straws trimmed with ribbon and straw of contrasting colors. Special for Saturday JJO 9Q and Monday Di.vi7 WOMEN'S EXTRA SIZE PETTICOATS Plain white A. B. C Silk Petticoats with double panel, hemstitched bottom. Special ?i QC for Saturday and Monday : aPT'elD EXTRA SIZED PETTICOATS Taffeta petti coats in all colors, trimmed with raffles. Special for Saturday tfj'T QC and Monday P ' infants' bonnets Prettily made bonnets and caps of pifBe, voile and organdie. Large variety of dainty styles. Ages 6 months to 3 years. Spedal tf Q Q for Saturday and Monday Jli7 specials Following our usual cuslom ne present for Saturday and Monday's selling items of interest at noteworthy savings that will appeal to all careful shoppers. specials in women's silk hose First quality silk hose in aft wanted colors. Special for Saturday and Monday $1.50 SDk Hose, 98c 52.00 Silk Hose, $1.49 &50 S3k Hose, $1.93 $3.50 Silk Hose, $2.49 voile dresses Beautiful flowered voSe dresses, some 'made with tunics, others trimmed wits satin folds, tome have sashes, others belts. Prettily trimmed with lace, satin and setf material. (f "I "k Q C Special for Saturday and Monday P JL UetO lingerie blouses -$19S and $5.50 bkmses at S&tt. Made with long and short sleeves, trimmed wH& embroidery, beading, buttons, yokes of fees Insertion, tucks, tacs collars, etc. Special for dQ CQ Saturday and Monday ......aPtJaOc women 's vests Women's thin lisle cotton vests, band tops, ex tra long. Special for jq Saturday and Monday .....w.... ...... jC toilet specials for Saturday only Djer Kiss Vanishing Cream , & Odo-ro-no ,...,....... 29c Dr. Lyon's Tooth Powder 19c Lot Me Face Powder ....... 39c Mum Deodorant J9e Pompeian Night Cream or Massage Creara... 39c Melba Talcara Powder, an odors 19c Daggett & RamsdelTa Cold Cream, 50c size.. 39c Cuticnra Ointment 39c Mexican Herb Hair Tonic , ... 79c tcCk boys 'wash suits and rompers Mothers have found that plenty of wash suits enables them to keep the children looking dean and fresh. la faet, there is real economy is having a goodly number of wash suits on hand. The special prices we have placed on these handy garments will be good news to parents. These suits are well made of good quality gala tea, percale, madras, linene, kiddy doth, etc. They come in all the wanted styles and are nicely trimmed with self and contrasting materials. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY 11.49 Suits and Rompers ...... 3U9 flSS Suits and Rompers .. 3L59 SZ25 Suits and Rompers ...... 5LS9 $2.75 Snti and Rompers .... $Z2S S3JS0 Suits and Rompers .... 8235 &50 Snits and Rompers ... S43S extra special BOYS' WHITE SAILOR SUITS Boys' long peats, white sailor suits, made of white galatea with blue trimming os collar and cuffs and emblem embroidered oa steers; sailor tie. Sizes 6, 7 and 8. Special for Saturday aqd $ Q A C and Monday PJfrO BOYS' OPEN MESH UNION SUITS Well made, durable gar ments, short sleeves, knee length Ages 8 to 14 years. Special for Sat urday and On Monday Oi?C BOYS' CHECKED DIMITY UNION SUITS Made of good quality dim ity, athletic cut, V neck. All wanted sizes. Special for nn 6aterday and Monday 70C BOYS' KNICKERS Kniekers of best grade Palm Beaeh Cloth in nie dtaza and dark colors; i with re inforced seams. Special for Satur day and Monday: Sixes 8 to 12 An nn years , i) Sizes IS to.17 Ao qq fears T.v 07O PHONE 5200. child's sleepers Brighton make of nice quality wash material. Billy Burke models. Ages 3 to W years. Special for Sat urday and f 1 1 f Monday . j. Pi A 7 COR. OVERLAND & FOR ALL DEPTS THE GLOBE boudoir caps WaaJi satin, georget and crepa d cMne caps, trimmed with wu&abia laea and rifcbae. Kwmi fr mm wti ,. SAN JACINIO STS. Saturday and Monday .,.... 47'' -"The Store That Sells For Less' I LEMON JUICE FOR FRECKLES Girls! Make beauty lotion for J a few cents Try it I Squeeze tbe Jo tee of two lemons Into a bottle containing three ounces of orcnara wmie. suKe welt, and yon have a quarter pint of toe best freckle na tan lotion, and complexion beau Ufier. at very, verv small cost. Tour jrrocer has the lemons and int drug store or toilet counter will sim ply three ounces of orchard white for a iew cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion Into the face, neck arms and hands each day and see bow freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, soft and rosy-white the skin becomes. Yes' It is harmless and never irritates. Adv. "TIZ" FOR TIRED, PUFFED-UP FEET Instant relief for sore, aching, tender, calloused feet and corns. You're footslck! Tour feet feel tired, puffed up. chafed, aching:, sweaty, and they need Tls.n "Til" maJces feet remarkably fresh and sore-proof. "Tit" takes tbe pain and burn right out of corns, callouses and bunions. Tiz" is the grandest foot-gladdener the world has ever known. Get a bor of Tiz" at any drug store and end foot torture for a whole year. Never have tired, aching. sweaty, smelly feet; yoar shoes will fit fine and yon'll only wish you had tried Tii" sooner. Accept no anbstl tnte. Adv. To Banish Wrinkles and Freshen Up Quickly After m. strenaooa dsy outdoors, when winds, heat snd extuuutlon hsrs com bined to take away one's frhnu -,, caused the skin to wrinkle and sag or after a tedious or fretful day Indoors one often has urgent seed for some quick rejnvenator Maybe there's a dance en for the erecing; or some other social event. Row in the world can one nake uvroeii yrcKnuDic, loosing- as sue does It's quite easy Just get so ounce of powdered uio lite and a half pint witch hasel at he nearest druc store, rait ttu .m b bathe the face in the solution for two or inree mwnies. xnen look into your mltror and behold the wonderful trani formation' Wrinkles hare Tasished. loose, tired muscles have been rested snd firmed up." marks of fatigue hare flown, and yon look so ranch brlrh ter snd you nee-- yon ran hardly bellTe your eyes. o one neea nesitate to try ..his, th witch haxe snd saxollte belnr so perfectly harmless Ad. Dr. James Vance, El Pasc district champion, will meet J. E. Paddock In tbe first match o tbe first flight In tbe summer handicap tournament of the HI Paso Country club Saturday at tbe links In the tipper valley. Pair ings for tbe first, second and third flights were issued Friday by the handicap committee. Play will continue in the three flights oTer Saturday and Sunday. Those not eliminated will play again on July 17 and 1& and will continue elimination rounds on July 24 and 26. Tbe qualifying; round in the summer handicap tourney was neia on juiy and & The pairings for the next three flights follow; First Sixteen Dr James Vance vesos J. E. Paddock. Ol C. McConneU Tersus Sexlren. J B. Weraham Tersos C. A. Wise. James Borders Tersus W S. Race. Waters Darls Terms IL E. Christie, d. j. Hen neny Tersus E. C Perrenot. E. B. Neff versus 0. A. Trost. W. E. Ward Tersus A. H. Key. Second Sixteen H. P. Worthlngtan ver sus Dr F. N. Brown. B. W. McAfee versus P. W. Glover, ,W. W. Carpenter Tersus R. I King. C XL Teague Tersus Paul Thomas Robert McCart. jr.. versus B. I Clements W. E. Race versus E. P. Rankin, jr, C P. Brown versus W IL Sheiton. C IL Nebeker versus CoL Weed, Third Slxteen K. Doerr versus V. E. Roberts. E. JL Wbitaker Tersus bye. War ren Pllcher versus Ernest HcAauley. E. C Davis Terans bye. W R. Jamleson versus bye. A. I. Cox Tersus bye, W. a Weiss versus bye. eraige versos oye, junicwn Pl&ys Cox. Weiss plays Craig. 1 ARIZONA RAILWAYS FOR TAX PURPOSES VALUED $101,084,350 Phoenix. Aris.. July 9. The valua tion or Arizona's rauroaas lor taxa tion pnrposes Is J101.e8f.lS0. It was announced bv the state tax commis sion. Tbe commission had completed appraisal of the railroad properties. Fiimres made nubile by the commis sion showed that during tbe past year railroad construction had been almost at a stanosiui. u not yuue Total construction was stven as seven tenths of a mile. n,ooo VEnDiCT give noY E. BUHKXXEW SET ASIDC Tucson. Ariz. July 9. Judge Saw- telle. of the United States district court, yesterday set asiae tne verdict of J2S.O0O awarded Roy E. Burkelew against the Arizona Copper company and granted the defendants a new trial. He rendered no opinion with the decision. Burkelew Is suing for personal Injuries sustained when burned while employed by tbe copper company. rfEGIlO MINISTER IIURT. Ilev. F. O. Brown, a negro minister, was sllehtly bruised at Alameda and Stevens street. Thursday night when he was struck by an automobile. The driver, whose name was not learned. took him to Hotel Tieu, where he was treated. Desert Water Bags. Verv low Driees. More than S04K. ware & Rubber Co. 216 Texas t- off recnlar price. J. B. Wood Hard- Tel. 49. Adv. I PAIRINGS IDE FOR HANDIGAPATALBUQUERQUE Albuquerque, N. 3X, Jnly S- "In the present political contest there is no issue of moment between Democrats and Republicans and tbe contest nar rows down to a battle for tbe right to conduct tbe federal government dur ing tbe next four years." said United States senator Charles S. Thomas, of Colorado, in an address before a local civic organization here yester day. "Personally. I should like to see tbe Issue determined upon tbe qualifications, ability and character of tbe presidential candidates and upon that alone. "The need of tbe nation now," be said, "is economy In national expendi tures, reduction of burdensom taxes and their more equitable distribution. increased production and tbe elimi nation of evil class distinctions. Democrats and Republicans alike, be said, have Included planks for econ omy In their respective platforms for tne ia 49 years, wcue continuing to indulge in extravagances in congies sional action. LICENSED TO WED. Jose Rivera and Sofia Ocbotorena. Carlos Contreraa and Lux Acosia. Bert Stevenson and . L- Stevenson. Willis Hockley and Margaret E. Sandero. Juan Io pex and Rita Ho&nln. FRECKLES Don't Tilde Thm With, a move Them With Otklae Strength Vellf Re- Double The first wax preparations for the use or students in anatomy were maoe by a woman. "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S UXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poisons from stomach, liver and bowels. The first woman official of Mercr county, N J- !& Mrs. Jennie M. Mc Dermott who was recently appoint ed deputy surrogate. Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only look for the name California on the package, then yon ara sure your child Is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Chil dren love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bottle Give it without fear Mother! Tou must say "California." 1 AdT. This preparation for the removal of freckles Is usually so successful Is removing freckles and giving a clear, beautiful complexion that It la sold under guarantee to refund the money If it fails. Don't hide your freckles nnder a veil; get an ounce of Othise and re move them. Even the first few ap plications should show a wonderful Improvement, some of the lighter freckles vanishing entirely. Be sure to ask the druggist for the double strength Othlne: It Is this that Is sold on the money-back guar antee. Adv. j WANT A I VICTR0LA? I $1 Cash-$1 A Week i WIL BUY ONE! nan I 369 Xorth Ores. It. It .:,-, .T tWITH A HEWITT"! Do You Want To Save Money On Your Shoe Repair Work? Then Send Your Shoes To The "ENTERPRISE ff . 2 Remember, that repairing Shoes re quires knowledge just the same as any other profes sion. Why not then let your shoes be han dled by well trained men, who know something about shoes. It costs less money and better service at the Best Grade Rufcber Heels; per pair. .. OU Enterprise Shoe Shop 316 Mesa Ave., SI Paso. 4V