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EL PASO HERALD Kabibble Kabaret tbnt&t. m Ittwttoesl Ttibn Soma. lab-Stxttuntf C & Ttfcst QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. UllRliniHHHHIIIMMMiaMMHMMMHl Do famrrt hare loxse families , noiT-fl-dajvT B B- T. a. a recent report snows enr- pr.smg figures in regard to children i farm homes. There was bat an c erage of LIS under 10 years of age 'o each borne, and - between i --d 16 years. The somber of chil- rtn in eastern rural homes is the j est and on the Pacific coast the chest Q. What are the duties of n seere tnjy of talei vrho wa the first one, and what Is the present salary f r. b. p. The secretary of state has charge foreign affairs, consular agencies, J diplomatic matters. He is the ikiig member of the cabinet, each whom receives a salary of $12,000. Komas Jefferson was the first sec- - tiry of state. Q. Who wm the tallest man In onr uttbj during the world wart P. A. II -i Homer Parks, a sergeant who asures 6 feet, 94 inches. Is prob y the tallest man who served with - troops Q. Should canning powders be used? L. B. M- The department of agriculture - not in favor of the use of any pre- irr;rg powder. It Is entirely prac-, -able to put op fruits and vege tables so that they will keep indefi nitely by processing the products with beat. O- AVI II you please print the follow ing explanation of the way that the south came to be known as "DlxIeF M C. T. A. "A monoirraoh in the 'London Financial Times on the history of the old Citizens Bank of Louisiana, at New Orleans, reveals the origin of the -name 'Dixie Land the term ap plied now to all the southern states and preserved in the famous south ern war song, 'Dixie, Prior to the civil war the Citizens' bank, having the power to issue paper notes, issued several millions of bills in denomina tions of $10 and S20. but mostly S10. The $10 bills were engraved in French with the French word wx xeatnrea on their backs. The bills became known as "Dixies, and this money be coming DODular. Louisiana was re ferred to as the "Land of the Dixies.' or "Dixie Land. Bvenitially the term was so broadened as to apply to all the southern states. This seems a very acceptable explanation of the origin of the term, which has been tne suoject or mucn discussion. Q, Ilmr many motor cars are regis tered In Xm York stater R. W. A. In 1919 the registrations amount- TX CIEVER.AVEW AUg GOOD WSSBMHSS? ClEVeR. MEN DotfT BECOME HUSBANDS ed to 671.SSS. and it la predicted that 760.008 will be registered before the close of the present year. Q. What were the 10 largest cities in iroor IV. E. P. A. New Tort. Philadelphia. Boston. Baltimore, Providence. R. I, Rlch moiid. Va, Albany. N. T, Cambridge. Mass, Louisville. Kr- In the order named, were the cities of the day. New York led with a population of 49.401, and Louisville made a small tenth with only IM Inhabitants. Q. Wkat Is the meaning of pone, dlx, and talon as used In plnochlef W. A. T. A. In a 48 card pack, the dlx (pro nounced deece) la the 9 of tramps. In a 64 card pack, the 7. In two hand pinochle, pone Is the person not dealing and Ufa talon is the nack of cards remaining after the deaL H. uia Tneodore IiooseTelt ksre any Ensllsli ancestors r T. C. A. An examination of his freneal- r A Fast Moving Sale of Refrigerators Entire Stock Reduced in Price Any Refrigerator on Easy Terms BECAUSE of the fact that a whole carload of our refrigerators mere over sixty days late in arrival we have cut deeply into the price to clear the entire stock ln a hurry. Every refrigerator has been reduced to a figure in almost every case as lore or lover than the present prices of the MANUFACTURERS TO US. The following examples are typical, but do not show the enure range by any means. .-SS5 Hardwood refrigerator In golden oak finish. Top leer having 35 pounds capacity. Strong, sturdy, sanitary, an excellent refrigerator for the small family, espe cially In apartments where space is limited. Priced regularly at 917.50. but now on sale at special price of $13.95 This handsome four-door "Super Porcelain" refrig erator is of genuine quar ter sawed oak construc tion. To be fully appreci ated this refrigerator should be seen and exam ined. Its great tee com partment holds 140 pounds. Its height is Si inches and its construction throughout of the highest type. This De Luxe Refrigerator is of a size and capacity suitable for a large family or for boarding house or restaur ant Regular S137.50 now specially priced $HO.QO Genuine ""AUTOMATIC re fzigeratorwlth an ice cham ber holding 115 pounds. The provision chambers are heavy white enamel lined and the construction Is of the 8 -wall type- Made of solid hardwood with a beautiful golden oak finish. A fine, solid, handsome re frigerator that is deserving of a place In any home. The regular price of this "Au tomatic is KG7.50 the sale price is $53.00 Another excellent top leer, also of hardwood In golden oalc finish, bat having an lee capacity of 45 pounds. litis refrigerator is always one of our strong leaders in sales, being of a size , and capacity that meets with wide demand. Its ex cellent construction and features of convenience make it an unusually at tractive buy at the present price. Its regular value 1b 99.50i its sale price $22.50 Regular $45, Refrigerator $34.50 A splendid, solid hardwood, golden oat finish refrigerator. Its provision chambers are white enamel lined. It has an iee capacity of 100 pounds and is provided with automatic airtight drain. Construction, 5-waH and air space. Door trimmings are handsomely designed nickel of great strength. AH shelves of heavily tinned woven wire that will not mst. The ideal refrigerator for the hoBW of average size. Eegnlarly priced at (45.00, ClQf Cfk and now placed on sale at tPj4.0 Foutz- Moore Furniture Co. . 7 1 1-113 North Slanlon Sired ogy shows many Dutch ancestors, j some scotch and Irish, some French I Hose not. but no mention is made of t any isngusb ones. Q, What provision has San Fran-1 clsco made to guard against so eh fire as one which devastated the city 1 in iwr iu u. x. A. San Francisco has an auxiliary I high pressure fire protection system I wmen coax 7.&ov,ovv. it memoes reservoir 766 feet above the level of J the harbor with a capacity of 11.000.- 000 gallons, two pumping stations, I and 72 miles of high pressure mains. I A pressure of 300 pounds is obtained. I Q. Which are the oldest life in surance eompanlenr I. F. D. A- The oldest existing life insur ance companies are the Royal Ex change Ai-jurance corporation and I the London Assurance corporation. both of which were chartered in 1729 and began Issuing policies in 1731. O. What Im the death rate for babies la India O. 5. A. A. The infant death rate for India Is more than twice as high as that of England. Almost 2.060,099 babies under the age of one year die each year, and at least half of these deaths are preventable. A great ef fort is being made to help these Indian mothers In the care of chil dren, since many of these deaths can be laid at the door of ignorance and poverty. ft. Who are Druses? C H. A Druses are a people of mixed origin who inhabit a district in Syria. Their religion Is funda mentally Mohammedan, but their faith mingles the teachings of the Mosaic law. the Christian Gospels, and the Sufi allegories with those of the Koran. They believe in the transmigration of souls with con stant advancement and purification. Their teachings enjoin abstinence from wine and tobacco, from profan ity and obscenity, and polygamy Is unanown among mem. 'mere are few hundred of this sect in the United States. (Any reader can get the answer to any question by writing The Herald Information bureau, Frederic J. Ras kin, director. Washington, D. C This oner applies strictly to information. The bureau cannot give advice on legal, medical and financial matters. It does not attempt to settle domestic troubles, nor to undertake exhaustive research on any subject- Write your quesuon piaiuiy ana oneiiy uive lull name and address and enclose 2 cents m stamps ior return postage. All re plies are sent direct to the inquirer.) KWIZ. Reg. U. a Pat Off. 1 What is a dewlan? 2 Where was the first world's fair held. and what famous woman opened it? I What is a dinner shin? 4 Who invented the modern fire exunuisnerT S What ia transportation? 6 What la a transformation; 7 Why are bats useful to man? 8 What Is an archipelago? 9 Who was SteDhen OsrardT 10 What Is the population of Mex ico; Answers to Yesterdays Kwlx. 1 A proxy Is a substitute empovr- 2 Mount El bun is the chief peak, In the Caucasus range of mountains and Is the highest mountain in Ku rope. 1 The color of a 'clean bllt of health' flag is white. 4 A hornet is a large Insect of the wasp species, known for its severe sting and for the large nests It builds of a silvery, paperlSke sub stance. 5 A horde is an Indiscriminate multitude of human beings. 6 An incandescent golf ball Is one painted with luminous paint for use after nightfall. 7 Fish meal Is the finely ground byproducts of fish canneries; exten sively usea as xood for hogs and cattle. 8 The mayor of a city should be addressed as "your honor." 9 The high wind current at the month of large caves is caused by the air of the cave coming into con tact with the outside air; which is lighter m summer and heavier in winter man tne air or the cave, thus causing suction or pressure accord ing to the season. 16 Frances ZL Willard. the famous temperance advocate, was regarded as the greatest woman orator this country has produced. Thompson feature service. enuine Jm R. ssVaa1 P inn Bayer introduced Aspirin to physicians 19 years ago-AIways say "Bayer" fll ALLEGED DIIAFT DODGERS TAKEN TO PORT IIUACIIUCA Phoenix. Aria., July 9. Fire youths, arrested at Florence, Ariz, during the past few days as draft evaders by an agent of the department of Jus tice, were taken to Fort Hoachuea and turned over to the army authori ties .or inai oy courtmartiai. Semi annual Interest on barxnffs ac- I counts vui oe one jujy 1st. Depos- Iters are requested to present pass- I ingiu ior credit. First Kafional Bank. Adv. Desert Water R.ra. Very low prices, afore than M off regular price. J. B. Wood Hard ware c nsDHT ixl, si zaxas st. 1 xei. .AaT. Hogwallow Locals By DUSK. BOTTS. The "Bayer Cross" is the tlmnb-print o genuine "Bayer Tablets' of Aspirin." It pro tects yon against imitations and positively iden tifies the genuine, Korld-famous Aspirin pre scribed by physicians for over nineteen yean Insist on an unbroken package of genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" which contains proper directions. 7-K4 VKv yP.C 1 tSSM exf- "br . tf rli0lTOyApirin Eindy tin boxes 6f 12 tablets cost but a few cents Larger packages. AisWa Is the bads mart; tr Ewer Ksaufsttsrs et ltoacsUcacI4titr of SsUcxUcada rX gonrd dipper at the town pump at Boncdinz Billows has mronir leak, and until it is repaired everybody ought to wear overshoes when they go there to get a drink of water out of it Cricket Hicks was observed in the choir at the Methodist church Sunday morning. He is developing into a fine vocalist and he can sing with or with out his chewing gum. After having struggled along for many years as a small place, Bounding Billows is now a full-fledged town, being about twice as big as Eye Straw, which has only one store. The Boston Store 's Greatest ulv Clearance Sale Begins Tomorrow Morning We have made special preparation ior this sale. Everything ior the home and wearing apparel ior every member oi the family goes in our July Clearance Sale. The following bargain list gives only a slight idea of the immense values here tomorrow and for ten days. There's a multitude of other values in addition to these. And, remember, trying to do better at other sales than here is like trying to find the North Pole $5.95 $2,98 Poplin Dresses Sizes 16 to 14, colors navy, black, old rose, copen, tan, purple. really an unusual value; regular $12; special Summer Hats Trimmed with flowers and ribbons; all summer colors; latest mid summer styles; regular tf O Ql JJ $6.00 values; special Psf jtO White Gabardine Skirls Large patch pockets, pearl buttons, good quality gab ardine and very attractive; regular $9.00 special tPfrsiO Two Special Blouse Values Jap and crepe de chine, kimono sleeves, low neck; regular $4.50 value; d 1 QQ special tPl.yO Waist and Middy Blouses Real pongee. Shantung, Crepe de Chine and Georget; all go for $2.9 j ; the best value in town; regular $5 JO; special One Lot Women's Organdie and Voile Waists Nicely trimmed; J 1 1Q all sizes; $1 JO value. . . . J 1 , 1 V One Lot Women's Waists Sheer lawn, organdie and voile, lace and embroidery trimmed; $230 (J - QQ value tpl.CO Women's Waists White and colored or gandie and voile waists; (1 I QQ all sizes: $1.75 value J) A .J J Women's Dimity and Batiste Waists Beautifully made; (j? O AQ $4.00 value t?.70 Tailored Voile and Organdie Waists Newest designs and styles; d O QQ $530 value PsJetO White Jean Middie Blouses Deep collar, patch pockets and tie; d1 "I $130 value One Lot Children's Gingham Dresses Trimmed collars and cuffs: all sizes; $1.75 value; (t -j QQ special P A37 Children's Gingham Dresses In plaids and broken checks; all (J A QC sizes; $6.00 value VTr.JO Children's Gingham Dresses In a variety of new patterns; (JJO fQ $4.00 value 4si..70 Children's Gingham Dresses well made, neatly trimmed; all (JJ r a f sizes: '$330 value J) Ct .ft One Lot Children's Gingham Dresses All colors and sizes; $230 d "i AQ value ....P 1 .70 I Une Lot Children s Gingham Dresses All sizes in checks and G1 At plaids; $100 value 4 ,V 35-inch Fancy Percale In light and dark grounds; neat figures; A f yard 41C Fancy Dress Ginghams In a large variety of plaids and checks; all qa colors: yard 3 1 C 36-inch Dress and Shirting Madras Neat stripes and figures; 75c JA value: yard OtC New Voiles In black, white -and all col ors; 36-inches wide; 75c f value; yard "07 C Handsome New Tissue Ginghams In all new shades and colon; '7QX specially priced, yard cL 2 C Children's Fast Black Ribbed Hose Re inforced heel and toe; all sizes; pair 75c Silk Poplin In all the new shades; a splendid value; yard Infant's Soz In pink, blue and white; some with fancy colored QC-, tops; pair wiC Basement Women's Fast Black Cotton Hose AH pair mJC Women's Lisle Finish Hose In Og white or black: pair OJC One Lot Children's Fast Black Ribbed Cotton Hose O pair twuC Basement Women's Pore Silk Hoie In all colors and sizes; $2.00 value; $1.48 $1.25 arts With belt $1.98 29. pair Women's White Muslin Night Gowns Daintily trimmed; tfj 1 1 A $130 value t) 1.1.7 Women's Fine White Nainsook Combina tion Suits and Chemise (t " 1 A $130 value tjl.l7 Children's Waists and Skirts DaiatSy finished in pink, white A Q and blue; $1.00 value HcV C Children's White Nainsook Night Gowns Lace trimmed; AD $130 value iTOC Women's Wash Skirts Of white, kiddie cloth pockets and pearl button trimmed; $I.3 value; special Women's Khaki Cloth Skirts With belt and two pockets; $230 value A Large Assortment of Women's Plaid Dress Skirts In aH col- dQ Qg crs; $5.00 value PJ.l0 Women's Sateen Underskirts In black and colors; deep flounc- ti0 1 Q ing; $230vahie 4. 1 Women's Coverall Aprons Fast color ginghams with belt and O 1 A two pockets; $2.75 val. .n 1 1 Women's Percale House Aprons Dark brae, neat stripes and QQ figures; $1.25 value 70C Fancy White Lace Tea Aprons Wide, hemstitched strings; $1.50, QQ $1.25 and tOC One Lot Women's House Dresses of Ging ham and Percale Collar, pocket and belt trimmed; $2.75 d Q Q value J)1.70 Crystal Glass Stand Lamps Complete with chimney and CO burner 07C Decorated Stand Lamps Pink and blue Joal 69 r design UiV Beautiful Iridescent Glass (t 1 Q Q parlor Lamps, complete.. P 1 .70 Hand Decorated Globe Chimneys Size two. 35c; - OKn size one C J v FocrQuart Crystal Glass Water Pitchers; plain A-J rtj- design 4? t'? Embossed Rose and Fruit Dec- Q Q orated Flower Vases 3c7 C Rnby Iridescent Berry Bowls; Q J embossed patterns, each OOC Rnby Iridescent Water Pitch- rj f ers; embossed design f OC :::98c White Semi-Porcelain Bed Chambers ............ White Semi-Porcelaia (SJO AC Wash Bowl and Pitchers tP.7f3 White Semi-Porcelain Din- " O JL ' ner Plates;Majflower shape l2t White Semi-Porcelain Oatmeal 1 H Dishes Scalloped adges, each IOC Pink and Bhe Flowered Dinner Plates Gut scalloped 1 C - edge UC White Semi-Porcelain Cups O J 1. and Saucers; flare edge. .sil2v Large White Meat Platters QC 50c value 0JK 10-inch Yellow Padding Pans OQ and baking dishes &57C Grey Enamel Fry Pans .. QQ- long, riveted handle OJC Black Japanned Lunch Boxes r7ttr, strong handle v't Two-Quart Grey Enamel Saucepan Bright tin cover; EQ- long handle OJG Three-Quart Grey Enamel Berlin Kettles Tin covers and wire E; f . baa ...t357C Four-Quart Grey Enamel Lipped Sauce pan Long riveted CQ- handle OSC Grey Enamel Seamless Wash Basin Medium size , Grey Enamel Coffee Pots Enamel cover; three pints. . Grey Enamel Dish Pan 8-quart. two handles ... One-Pint Mason Fruit Jars, dozen One-Quart Mason Fruit Jars, dozen Half GaHon Mason Fruit Jars, dozen One-Pint Kerr Fruit Jars, tf "fl j f dozen J 1 ., 1 U One-Quart Kerr Fruit Jars, tfj "1 O C dozen tj)l.D 4-ounce JeMy Tumblers. dozen , 8-ounce JeHy Tumblers, dozen Red Rubber Rings, dozen Jar Caps (porcelain lined) dozen Crystal Water Glasses, each Iced Tea Glasses. 1 nl each 142C Crystal Glass Sugar Bowls, each 50c Hair Brush 35c Toy Broom 10c Table Spoons .:....y..-....OC 15c Table Knives 12c Table Forks $130 Tennis Shoes lOcEgg Beaters 79c Silver Junior Wash Board 25c l&Jinch Scrub Brush 59c 69c 65c 89c $1.15 $1.35 35c .55c 10c 35c 7ic 4 35c 45c 25c ...5c 12c 7c .98c ...5c 69 c lSt Toilet Specials Jap Rose Talcum ' TO Powder LC Jap Rose Glycerine . f Soap lUC Armour's Buttermilk Q Soap OC Rose Bath Soap OC If you can't reach us in person, we can reach you by mail. Armour's Elderflower Soap Colgate's Glycerine Soap Colgate's Bath Soap .............. Lux for Laundering, Soap ...7c 10c 10c 14c Tooth Brushes, each , Mennen's Talcum Powder Mi-Puff; special .....-..., MelbaKne Face Powder ........ 15c 19c 25 c 19c Telephone 8S00 We Civ. S. A n. Green Stamp. Orerlam St. At 3 tasts We give S.&H. Green Trading Stamps