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EL PASO HERALD 9 V " i ; Beauty Chats - By Edna Kent Forbes f Those Dreamy Eyes. THF girl wo is the possessor of dreamy es has been praised by poet and artist f'om the very b-cmninar of time I do not wonder that so many, tl en, write to me and apk bow to ob tain tbis special mark of beauty. And t. nat can T sa " Is ft possible to put dreams into the mind of the unim- esrfn.itWe' Isn't it likely that the- o-aTiy type or gin win nave dreamy I should like to think so, and It is indeed the logical thing to think. Bu I'm aajd it isn't alvFya so For I Lave known girls of the dreamy so- whose ees never suggested it u all and I hae known girls whose ees seemed full of dreams and .t v only a cloak for mental blank -n"fcs I am inriintxi in think that ai cne pOBSfcSbinjj fair sixed eyes and ! ions la&nes can or as areamj in appearance as she deaires. on 11 notice I said fair E'zed eyes Sra.11 ti art 1 right ouick or ' rewd. but mer dreanij &rajtll e .s can be ery pretty quite as a tractiw as ldi-p o-iea. in fact. But if ou want tirarai eyes I think probably jot, can have them' That girl in the pictur has not drean - t.s hut sh. fouk thougn hi e had That el -i - she has tilted 1. ic. h.r heal n I ' adored her es 1 the caturil dro ping of the eje Liht3 The ei clash eb f course, can he cultivated as scientifically as the h ir of the head, if only you have the j uie ice to do so Whether you crave d i ' cs or not its an excellent I Sugar not used ! I in making ! jlIlupC'Ml idea, to stimulate the growth of the laafiec. It helps beautify the eye. Anaous I don t know anything about rubber garments for reducing;. T e had letters from people who have tried them who ss., they are excellent, and I'e had letters from people who have tried them and say they are no (rood So there t s Ihey sound en uncomfortable to ire 1 should sa HOROSCOPE HHHpngS 'S''n fJHSB 1 HHK JE Warn I ' Hflfera JsKlllllllllllH Pff W , 9SlsssssK HIBsssO I'IsSl9 SATOUD4.1. JULY 10. IPSO. U RANDS and Saturn are la benefic aspect today, according to astrol ogy. Mercury and Neptune are adverse. It is a government under which much can be accomplished because the mind will be alert and able to profit by past experiences. There should be good luck for farmers and all who depend on the earth for their livelihoods. Real estate Is still subject to the best possible direction of the stars. I The aged should Improve this day's mofct promising, making for an access of energy and distinguished recogni tion Psychic Investigations again come under a sway making for increased knowledge Great teachers will come to the earth, the seers declare. Some sort of bad news from across ! the ocean seems to tie indicated. 1 This is not an auspicious date for beginning a journey of any sort; es pecially will tbe sea be unfavorable. Shipwrecks, with loss of life as well as property, are foretold. In one of these a famous man will end his ca reer Mercurr gives warning against .? i j nor required in serving.because this unusual cereal is so sweet from natural sugars developed from the grains. Ustc yon dreamy eyes? that it requires much less self-sacrifice, and that it was Infinitely more comfortable, to go without certain foods than to encase one's body in a rubber sheath. But this Is all a matter of choice. If yon don't mind wearing a rubber covering, and ypu find It Impossible to resist pastries and meat- tnea. doubtless yon will find it easier to reduce by this rub ber garment method. In Switzerland there is an old law which eempels every married oesple ro piani srx trees immediately after the wedding ceremony and two on the birth of every child. SPECIAL Cottage Cheese, pint 20c FRESH YARD EGGS, DOZEN 60c Csoldeo Cotv Batter per pound, ................... ............70e WklpplBc Cream, pfnt .....,..,,COc Table Cream ........40e Beat Jersey Sweet Milt, pint ,.30e ire stream, pint ...., , ..- iw as ttIU enjey ear Dairy Lunches and Mexican Dishes. Come fn and try them. Golden Cow Butter Shop SOB SfH. -ETERYTni'SG FRESH FOR YOC." Phone 1478. S Fill Out With Pencil ! 1 9 '28 . V' (Q ".29 2o. ' -3 31 I9 I8,7 -32 16. ,23 15. 14- a . ,35 3 3fc 13 6 12 ? -37 5 . 35 498 7 . '45 44. Old Noodle lost Lis AdcKae, But traced her up near forty-niae. TJrarr from 1 to S and so on to the end. Stall 28, City Market Free DeJiYery SatanJay. Freslt Vegetsslss, Freits and Poetey at l&e Lowest FncM FoHee. SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY 6 Sit. Wbte or Yelow OsioM, 25c Luge, Wake. New Poiatoct, lftc pWBBtl; IS pSSBas, 99c. Hew, 38c ped. Fry wj, 53c poosd. S. Tswnsend Proprietar. Latker Kkard. Fancy Firm Tomatoes 10c lb. Real, .freiu triag!eis beans, green or nsx, VAc peand. Guaranteed ripe water melons, 2c pound. Regular 15c large Canta loupes tie biggest bargain in town; extra special, Sc each. My moilpi U I naven't it. It cant be gotten." Look for the red. fiaafay sign. The Fruit, Hut & Vegetable Shop CITY MARKET. TVnoIesale Retail Xear Overland Street En trance City Martet. A Masterpiece 'Search earth and sky and yon will find that only once has Na ture set out to make a food something which exists in order to be a food, and for no other purpose," writes C. W, Saleety Having made only one effort in this direction, Nature has tsmed out a masterpiece Milt At THE EL PASO DAIRY Na ture's masterpiece is noted for Its purity and richness. An adult needs a pint of Milk a day. Brink it with your meals. DAIRY CO. PHONE 340. Office 423 No. Mesa Ave. LOOK and LISTE For the Good Things and Good Prices EVERY DAY at THE STOCKS GROCETERIAS SDC SANITARY SELF-SERVWG STORES. THERE IS ONE NEAR YOU. FREE DELIVERY OF 53.00 OR OVER FROM STORE NO. 1. PHONES 2122-318. CBaaot Gfeu;er Ale 18c Large Beech Nnt Peannt Butter 38c Welch Grape Jake, qaarts . 65c Large Pecan Valley Peannt Butter 38c Welsch Grape Jake, piats 35c 16-ocnce Peachlade (Welch's) , 35c LUNCH GOODS American Sartees 5c Norwegian Sardises in OKre Oil 20c BoBeless Pigs Feet 43e Half pound Tana Fish 25c Qaarier poesd Tana Fish 15c 1 pound Pink Salmon. 19c 1 pound Chinook Salmon. 25c Libby Prepared Mnstard 14c Avondale Chip Beef (glass) 25c Full Qnart OHres 70c PURE AUSTRALIAN JAM IN 5-POUND TINS (LX.L.) $1.40 Gallon Apples COe Larce I.OS Cabin Syrup .' . JIJ Gallon Peaches S5e SXedtam Lop Osbln Syrup 8Gc Mo. 2 Resedale Peaehes We m!ln J ab.ln. f?r,,D ?f .,,, . "" Gallon rted Label Hiiro S1.05 Wo. .UJ.r Peaebes e Gallon Ilne Ubel Karo . Se so. I Avondale Apricots ,..? One-Halt Gallon Brer Jlabblt T5e LARGE GOLD DUST 30c 2 Pounds Cream of Wheat Flour.. 34 Found Ked Star Floor, ..flO six Pound Griaco $TJJ 12 Pounds Cream f Wheat Flour 99e . 10 I'oand. silver leaf Lard..." "'.!''.. t-?s FRESH EGGS 48c Tall Carnation Milk.... lte Tall ubr Milk ISHa Tall Hebe v lie Golden Stale Batter five Colored Gem Ant 4ie lneolored Gem Tint 3Sc WE SAVE YOU MONEY EVERY DAY AT THE STOCKS GROCETERIAS SLX SANITARY SELF-SERVING STORES. . 1 B Aorlfc Oregon. So. I 1118 Boat Boulevard. - 3 813 -orth riedras. to. 4 ZS3S Ilueeo. THERE IS ONE NEAR YOU sJpning contracts or Important papers 01 any sort The tjniied States is to receive a supreme honor from the allies. The seers foretell that a stream of money will pour out for the Inhab itants of Europe and the near easu The new moon of n-it week fore casts bor troubles that maj become serious. Educational affairs will continue to be unsatisfactory all through the au tumn and ?arl winter Persons whose blrtndate It is may hae a quiet year, which is neverthe less prosperous and advantageous. Temptations to dangerous flirtations should be avoided Children born on this day probably will be healthy, persevering and de termined In business these subjects of Cancer often have a hard time at first, but they later succeed Copy right, me, by the McClure Newspa per Syndicate 32 FOREST FIRES BURNING IN NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Red BluH. Calif, July Thirty two separate (ires are sweepine throas;b national forests in northern California but only two are threat ening; any widespread destruction R. F. Hammatt. assistant United States district forester, announced hen today One is at the head of Dillon creek, near the summit of the Siskiyou mountains, which is an in accessible portion of the Klamath forest. There are no trails to the fire sones and it has been found im possible so far to sead fire fightine crews to combat the flames. Another is three mile, east of Cassel in the Fa 1 met valley tlznbsr axd brush f tl triL' Forest supervisor C E runston flew from Red Bluff to Cassel In a forest service airplane today to direct the firefighters there. The Red Bluff forest service air , patrol announced today that it had detected 182 fires strce May 1 ymtsay ! Hires if you want the ermine in bottles for the home at soda fountains and on draught I Meat Special Fancy Veal Shoulder Rout, lb 20c Breait, lb UVfec Rouad, lb 35c CHopt, lb, 25c Loins, lb, 30c Loaf, lb 20c A cempletq line of RoUs, Pastries Cake and ether Bakery Goods. Our location fa most convenient crop In on ypnr way heme. "We arc apposite Plgely WIegly. National Bakery 367 MH1. Street. ?tear Fostofflce. We handle one grade off tn only, toe A C -BEST. Dozen. . . tO( FAXCT BBEF Lola, lb 39e Prime Ribs, lb 3C Sbonlder Roast, lb.. 17e tlonnd. lb 23. Pork Shoulder Roast, lb 25. Spiced Corned Beef (bone, less), lb 29c Falley Apples, lb lOe Large Spnds. lb lev While Onions, lb 3e Valley Cabbace. lb Sc FRENCH MARKET i.ib. HHkT:: t ' " j Sels. I VYYSNsssUbssssssi I "' Saalone Street. I I O. &S. asjEflpSlBSflL City Harket Bolides. j L0AF flOv wmh I - .rt S?5$!iZa I aturay Specials At I iOC S&Z I Everybody's Too ran still st It hot out of the oven any time of day at this price. C S TVI 1 Ylir.O" I i STALLS 14-15 POWELL' i RODUCTi You can't beat Powell's Bakery Products far fresh' n&ss, wholesomeness and general quality. Be come a member of the great hand of housewives using these wonderful gems of good baling. Bread Pies Pastry Cakes 0 Wagon W31 Call at Your Door POWELL'S HOME BAjCERY 1018 EaU BiAtafi. Phottc 163. Bread is Jonr bat joi tat mare of it Levy Grocery Co. SPSSS, FREE Phones 505-506 FREE DELIVERY. 419-420 East San Antonio Street. DELIVERY, Extra Special Week-End Good Brooms .....59c New California White Potatoes, pound 10c "Vo. S IIKt East NeTada. o. 7 SIT East Son AnfntttM. HAIL ORDERS GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION. Bating F&s. Package 8c Batons Pigs, per bpx 3fc Xou-are Can Asparagus.. 40c Fresh Pretzels, pennd 35c Chewing: Gum. SO pa chase f box see Dnrham Bff-s, Strletlr Fresh, dozen 55c Golden State -Hatter, pound 74c Olive Batter, slass...... ,..ZQc rea berry Coffee, ponnd... SOe LeTT Speeln Blend Coffee, lb..40ei -uppy xjucniTS, pacKac;e.,....,i-ie Fresh Peaehes, Apricot. Floras, Ap ples, Cantaloupes, "Watermelon. 51 AIL OHDHRS nECEIVB PROMPT ATTBATIOJf. . - ., . , ,. t t .. . . . Eat Right and YouTi Feel Sight The man vrho tries to vrork at a desk on the diet of a ditch-digger is going to suffer the penally of impaired digestion. You get wonderfnl nourishment, coupled with ready digestibility in KLMMD BREAD Let it be the foundation of tetter health for you. flat more bread, and eat less of meat and the heavy rich foods that do not agree. There's plenty of eating enjoyment in the loaf of HIDHU an enjoyment that you treasure from the days of long agoit is so dainty, so appetizing, so delicious, that it "TAKES YOU BACK TO YOUNGER DAYS" Dclirered fresh to yoor srrocer every mora tog;. made yr BY -J BAKING CO. I l-Vn5"!.!. V I"-!4!1!1!!!9 rmr-irni ft TtMfe iM"!! Mii I riMJSii I life A -fBL' STALLS 14-15 la the New City Market Bnild- isg. Here are some Specials tor Saturday: SPECIAL ON VEAL Veal Sbonlder 17Ke Veal Cbops .30c and Sc Veal Hound lloa.t 5c Swift's Bacon, ponnd. . .45c Corned Beef, ponnd. .17c Special on Beef skenlder Roasts, ponnd., Bib Roast, round Special on Perk Pork Sk.nlder. pound... Lea- ot Pork, ponnd,.,.. Pork Loin or Cbe,s....a, Pork Saasaee. ponnd..,., Genuine Lacib Less, per ponnd Sbonlder, per ponnd , V.& ..3Se ,.SSe ..3C .Se .ISe Fresh Eggt, dozen.... 45c DeaTer Maid Under, lb. .SOe THIS IS A UNION MARKET H. Zlabovsky, Mgr. 9 Phono 91. I Specials for Saturday VEAL STEW. I C per pound AoJt PRIME RIB ROAST (rotted) ( per pound OiJi BEEF SHOULDER ROAST. 9ft- per pound iJr HOME CURED BACON (fied) Kftr per pound .. ... J " BOSTON BUTTS. Or per pound , 3C VEAL SHOULDER ROAST. 9fr per pound tJ PORK CHOPS. Kr oer pound -. ,..- JJC SPRWG CHICKENS AND HENS. Ceapleie Stock of Fancy and Staple Groceries, Frails and Vegetable. - Just pkese 14 or 15 and yoer order will receive praapt atttntiea. Oar Hkt tbe cleanest and sist sanitarj in El Paso, and screened against f&es. SCHNEIDER'S SANITARY MARKET 596 MESA AVENUE. t risOPH jH QLOBr HILLSH Bread is your best food. Eat more' of it. Q A fad is defined as a taste or pursuit that has only a temporary exwtrncr. (f History tells us that white bread was made even in the time of the Pharaohs so that the use of it cannot be classed as a fad. (f Bread h the most economical food on the market today and furnishes (he body with easily assimilated sourish-' meaL 4J Cream of Wheal Flour makes delicmus bread jor Crtmn of Wheal Flour is high quality lam. Use it afosiji. At' Your Grocer's Here in El Paso and through out the Entire Southwest The Excellence of Standard's Products The people who neglect to fcuy from the STANDAED STORES and MAR KETS are overlooking the "cream of the markets products," for the rea son that we own the highest rights in leadership in that important factor as we carry the freshest stock of GROCERIES, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, MEATS and PASTRIES. The freshness of our iaarehandise, combined with completeness and cleanliness, make STANDARD STORES your STORES OF HEALTH. Just think of the enthusiasm with which you can enjoy your meals when you know that your goods come from A STANDARD STORE, where our sanitary methods in the handling of edibles prove most vital to every house wife who appreciates safe and sound groceries. TOMORROW'S BARGAINS TEA SALE Tea drinking season gires ns lie opportunity to offer 70a tomorrow an extraordkuy tea sale at a price way below actual cost to get you acquaiakd with its qaalHy wMch is of tie finest, and ;o ghe everybody a chance to enjoy qoistty tea regularly throagbont the jammer months. The rarieties included in this sale are: Choicest and Finest New Season's First Crop J f Congo, Gunpowder, India Ceylon, Orange, Pekoe and Formosa Oolong, per poand. . . . O J C Yellow Jacket Fly Powder, small pkg. . .,... .,. .K...,.t. . . . ,. 15c Yellow Jacket Fly Powder, large pkg. -. . .-. ,w ,.,... . . 30c All are cordially invited to attend oar Treaseadesj Milk Sale tomorrow and buy al the Van Camp's Eraporated Milt yon want. Baby Size, 4 for Tall Cans, 2 for :2Sc CANTALOUPES We have just received a large consignment el freshly picked Imperial Valley Cantaloupes, which are the fisest melons eTer placed oa sale this season. STANDARD SIZE, EACH ..... 10c FetUJokn Brakfat Food, per paeke. ISe TtetwMtnnie Oat Food, per package Me Boiled Cider, Quart Dottles Ce Ntee IVxas Freak To ma toe, per ponnd 15 Mee Texas Fresh Tomatoe per basket....... 5e Kane? Hen Lettuee. per bead.... luc Meat Department Extra Special on Fancy Milk Fed Veal Val Shoulder Itosst. pr pound Vesjl Shoulder Arm Itosst. per pound.... .UH .3oe Va! Pot Roast (rolled), per pound Zr Veo.1 llrliket Stem, per pound ISHe FANCY HOME DRESSED FRYERS, PER POUND 55c FANCY HOME DRESSED HENS, PER POUND 45e Fancy Corn Fed Beef Shoulder Itosst. per pound 38e Prime Mis Roast, per pound Shoulder Arm Itosst. per pound SSe Prime Rib Roast (Hotted), per pound : Brisket Stetr, per pound 1-Ho TANDARD STORES & MARKET! ALL OVER TOWN. ONE IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD. OPEN SATURDAYS UNTIL 6:30.