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ET; PASO HERALD H ek-End Edition, July 10-11, 1920. 11 V JUL GOOD SHOWS FOH IS WEEK This "week's moving picture sched lis shows a splendid lot of features for theatergoers. The programs of ihe various theaters follows fireefan Ti eater. Sund&y and through Wednesday "U llliatn Russell in his fast action i ielodrama of the east and west, Slam Bang Jim," also new Big V comedy Thursday. Friday and Saturday Harry juorey ic ma latest vitagrapb production. "The Gauntlet," also tat- t.t star comedy. Rialto Attractions. Saturday to Wednesday Zane 'ireys popular novel, "Riders of the 2 'awn ' with the usual features which nake the Rialto popular. Starting Thursday and continuing Toug-h Sunday Blanche Sweet 1b Simple Souls", Jiggs, In "Bringing l o j- ainer, ana tuaito attractions. Unique Program. .Monday nntll Wednesday T3urn-Mg- Daylight," taken from Jack London's novel by that name, and acted by an all star cast. Thursday and Friday Through the Eyes of Men," and a Hank Mans comeay At the Wlgvram. Saturday Comedy and novelty bill selected from the regular Saturday a"i Sunday bills. Sunday and all week The Para-mount-Artcraft super-featoreprodu-fon. "On With the Dance." This pic ture is In a class with the four biggest pictures of theyear, namely: Male and Female," "Everywoinan," Miracle Man" and "Why Change i oar nc ADismbra Prorrtm. I For tbe week Fantages vaude- Public School Teacher Shortage Of 15,000 This Fall Is Predicted WASHINGTON, D. C, July 10 Pnb licliigh schools will be short by 15,000 teachers when the fall term opens, according to estimates by A. O. Real, of the bureau of edu cation. The bureau recently con ducted an exfenslve inquiry among more than 7000 high schools in the country. These schools now employ 65,857 teachers and will require 17,275 new teachers in the fall to provide for the normal increase in enrolment and to take the places of those who are leAvlncr thn aj?hMilfl far other work. Mr. Neal considers that this propor tion fairly represents the general condition in high schools throughout the country, and he estimates that a total of 26.78 places must be filled before the next school term begins. The visible supply at present does not approach that number by far. A canvass of colleges and universities to ascertain what number of srradn ates would take up teaching show that of these who will adopt this calling 16 JO men and 474S women will cuoose nign scnooi teaching. On this basis it is estimated only 16.610 members of this year's gradu ates from higher institutions will teach in high schools. The difference, 1E.J58 places, must be filled from sources which are not now apparent. ur mac numDer oi classes will be without Instruction. The threatened shortage is twice as great as tbe total number of teachers in New England and greater than the number in New York and Pennsyl vania combined. School boards everywhere are be ing advised to strengthen their forces In every possible way. by raising sal aries and improving conditions, as well as in otier ways. vllle program Including six acts. Singing, dancing, comedy and some splendid violin music promises a good program. Besides the vaudeville num bers several short moving pictures will be shown. BlJon Theater. Sunday and Monday 'William Parnum in his new picture, "The Joyous Trouble Makers." story from Gregory Jackson's famous novel. News reel and comedy reel. also. Tnomlar stnA throneh Thursday Olive Thomas In her latest Selznlck production, "Youthful Folly." Short subjects will be added. Friday and Saturday Tom Mix In the greatest of all Mix production, "Three Gold Coins," a western sub ject full of thrills. EUanar Attractions. Sunday for an entire week's en gagement Marshall Neilan's second First National attraction, "Dont Ever Marry," with an all star cast headed by Wesley Barry. Marjorle Daw and Matt Moore; also latest Paths Weekly. Printing. Commercial Printing of all kinds, also Loose Iaf Supplies, executed yiwutiuj. Ideal Printing Co, teo Ferlet, Mzr. 107 N. Campbell St. Phone 6SH. Adv. Desert Water Bags Very low prices. More than K off regular price. 3. B. Wood Hard ware & Rubber Co. 310 Texas St. TeL 49. Adv. Q. Semi annual Interest on Savings ac counts will be due Jnly 1st. De positors are requested to present pass cooks xor creaic First National Bank. Adv. 15 off on Electric Fans. Harda- way Hardware Co. Five Points. Adv. Sell Oil Stock to Cnrtlss & Co. Adv. iSecrelsOfThe I I Movies Revealed 1 Does a movie actress apply dark lines under the eyes to make them appear larger as Is done on the speaking stager A. No, if done at all It has to be ' aone very aarotuy. as In most cases the shadows under the eyes would merely be emphasized without adding to the appearance of the eyes. Q. Who lm Mrs. Kenneth Dade Al exander? A. The screen rans know her as Mollle King. U- aat screen comedian Is known as "Baldyr A. Joseph Belmont. What hair he has is dark and he has brown eyes. He has been in the movies since the very early days. He had a varied stage career ana unaer .uavia Belas- cos management aooeared in th. oin oi ins uoiuen west." His screen work has been almost exclusively In comedy roles. Q- What movie star was one of the 80 chorus girls In the old stare nlv "The Roger Brothers at Harvard V a. x-auiine jrreaenck. Q- What famous star Is abont n reappear In the movies after an ab- ence ox iwu years one to Ulnessf A. Alice Holllsteff Q What famous actor, rated as one of tie best In America, Is about to make his debate In the movies and who has been Insured by the produc ing company for tlJMQAOOt A. Otis Skinner. His imun 4.H... is to be In "Kismet." He has beenf lusuroa iwr mis iremenaous amount during the time the picture is being made to protect the company. Should he die during the filming, the whole picture would be a total loss. Is there really a demand for moiion picture senarlos and has the amateur a chancer The an. swear to this Important question J will appear In this department In our next Issue. Copyright, 1320, Thompson Feature Service. ' Ella nay A Week of Laughter! Season's Smartest and Most Sensational Smile-Making Success! MARSHALL NEILAN Director of "The River's End," "Daddy Long Legs," "In Old Kentucky," and other famous successes, presents the second picture from his own studios A IWatnrnonial IVIIrthquake IN SIX SHOCKS! There will be a mats meeting held in Central Labor Union Hall oa Sunday morning at 10 o'clock for tbe purpose of pro viding ways and meant for Labor Day celebration. All Railroad Brotherhoods and Auxiliaries are urgently invited to be on band, as well as repre sentatives from every nnion in tbe city. Labor Day . Executive Committee -. I of C. L. U. &ik THERE SHE IS NOW YES-BWT AiOT SOON JT ENOUGH . W Mi m&jr flBA iaiialBlBlBlKrHll'BBlBlBlBlBK Tsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarf Jt IMsaaaaaaaaaW f f&XeHBBaB 'HsaBaaHk V -it aaaaBaaaaaaaW Grand Opening Tonight THE Swimming Pool AT SUNSET HEIGHTS. Los Angeles Street HuL Take Mesa cars to Cliff street walk one blocjr. west. All patrons axe requested to bring their own batting suits, wbere possible. We will bare a limited somber to rent at 25c eacb. Admission: Nigbts, 45c; war tax, 5c Children under 12, 27c; tax, 3c Motbers accompanying chil dren, FREE. SPECIAL NOTE. There will be a special frre minnte service oa street cars to Cliff street, bearing tbe pla card: "This car to swimming pooL" IT MAKES THE SICK WELL Oh, it is a hor-ri-ble tale; it'll make your faces all turn pale. A feller loves a gal an' she loves he, but her dad won't have him in the familee. So the feller an' the gal they git right smart an' her pa Mcks the feller an' another gal an' feller gits all mixed in an' another female with a reputashun black as sin. . . . Oh, it is a horrible tale, a horrible tale is it. AND THE WELL WELLER "Phone TJs" Ires Fonr Alt 347-343. GoeS cream Is a proper and whole some food for every member of roar family. w Inrnish yoa a standard product immediate special delivery. Saturday Candy Special MOLASSES KISSES np ONE-HALF POUND &DC CONFECTIONERY COMPANY r 1 j-- ' "'-"-"' H r t r "?. bV i OPEHING V TOMORROW I ml 'ffiTTi II thtf1:k ll I find Running WAW A Full Week I The Paramount-Artcraft Super-Feature lix &"HN WITH WaH M'jTri yLaPvV aBr H sl af sW H aH B H I In a Class With "Male and Female" I I Mae Murray David Powell, Co-Stars I I NO INCREASE IN PRICES S I B SPECIAL Owhij to the opfjimj of the "On rTrih tie Dacce" Ensajraeat taBorrow, H Rll 1 THAV tereral of oar regnlar featnres vnfa be fonsd en today's program. Amoaj H DlUa- lUUftl tiea wffl be the Rolin comedy and Mutt and Jeff. 3 SSSSiSSvi CAST OLES WESLEY (FEECKLES) BABEY, WHO WILL BE RE MEMBERED FOR HIS GREAT WORK IN "DADDY LONG LEGS''-ALS0 UAKJORn ! DAW MATT MOORE AND OTHER FAVORITES! W' t$ss& .Chocolates end mfetim q G Mmm'i Pront-aliaHiic Coupon Exrhamcrable f0r 5, & IL Green Trading Stamps or premlDma. B BLiBlllixrtw -" ?(i?3jlTSBIlw..wswBB 9 B sWaHBsaaalsaBBEGl2S?fc 'XaiMLdB&lBBBBBi?9KXlBBBBaBBBBBBBBB IB D JaMsaaWaaaaaaaaaaraaaaWaSE.r-''' A ?5fm jtfMggvJPIllIsWsWahflW H aH sWaaaaaaaaaaWSWjsKBSslsaaBaaWaBBrslrl " . .wjBsaMLaB 1V tB WaBBBBVBWaBBBBBBWaBBBWsBsWBHafiBaMBlaKEBBat'lSB laaK KJsaaEJWy jHBHwlE flL&.lBV EJBbJ I mLllAM PUSSEIL I I SPEED KING OF THE SCREEN I miilAM PUSSEIL SPEED KING OF THE SCREEN In a Snappy, Speedy, SparklingStory LAM BANG JIM!" "Speed" was Jimmie's middle name, that's why he proposed 79 times before she had a chance to say "Yes" And when she was waiting at the church, where oh, where was James? better see this sizzling, thrilling comedy-romance and find outl Latest Big V Comedy On Same Bill GRECIAN Ini MONDAY