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El Paso herald., July 10, 1920, HOME EDITION, Cable News, Sport and Classified Section, Page 16, Image 16
About El Paso herald. (El Paso, Tex.) 1901-1931
Image provided by: University of North Texas; Denton, TX
Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD 16 Week-End Edition, July 10-11, 1920. eSPEEDKIHG LIKE OLDFIEU) Br bis clean-cat victory it UnteB toira. following hl win of third place at Indianapolis. Tommy Milton world a spoed king, has sorred notice that he most be given foil considera tion as an aspirant for the 1920 speedway point championship As & matter ot fact. Milton's 156- me-an-hour dash orer the Florida! beach last winter was only an in cident In his long? apprenticeship. He bega.n driving races in his own road ster on half-mile traoks and gradu ated to speedway ranks only after two seasons on the minor ovals. Success has never turned Tommy's head. He remains the same quiet, modest, well-bred youngster he was before be became famous. Veteran critics see in Milton's driv ing many characteristics that once featured the work of Barney Old field master driver of the older generation of pilots. This fact is undoubtedly caused by the close frier-dship which exists between the present speed king, and the first iolder of the crown. To a great extent. Milton is an Oldfield protege. He often asks the big tire builder's advice and always follows lt- Milton artves low turns like those at Indianapolis faster than anv driver yet appears to kid less. After a slide he works back frraduaHy to the inner rim seldom preceptiDiy moving -exchange. Legal advice Is gvfen aim Us steerintr wheel and never Ing" It. He almost never hesitates before passing slower cars but plans his passes well ahead and manages thus to keep his car continuously In tun eight. Off the track. Milton Is a hard worker does his own "trouble shoot ing" and prepares his own car for Its competitive work. Thy er he's lucky," comments Barney Oldfield. Mlltons mentor. "Mavbe he is, but thafs becans he takes care not to build bad luck himself Ford Men Can Get Anything In Ford Plant If this Ford man whom we will follow through his day's activities at the Ford factory has been frugal as many of them have, he will arrive at his work in a Ford car. During nit morning's woric ne may do stricken with toothache or headache. whereupon he will visit the Ford doctor or dentist for relief. At noon. 1 he Isserved with a lunch, const s tine of Moawicnei, i rail, not coxiee or soup ana alter tnat may see a fora sarety mm. Now. suppose that this Is the man's pay day. After subtracting' living expenses, he may deposit the remain der toward a Ford Investment certifi cate. Finished with the day's work. he can go to the shoe store for shoos fo- himself or son who Is in school, or to the grocery store where, among other things, he can buy a saok of flour made from wheat grown on Henry Ford's farm where Fordson tractors do the work and ground In Henry Ford's flour mill, and then hauled by Ford t rusks to the Ford store where it is sold to Ford men; or he may want to order a custom-made suit or buy one ready made which he does in the Ford clothes shop. Maybe a toothbrush is all he needs, but he gets it at a Ford store. Then he can Dnrchase his meat in the Frod market or order this winter's supply of coke from the eke department. Every thing is sold at cost to Ford men. If this Ford man wants to rent a bouse, he goes to the Ford rental bv the lenl aid department. Pos- slblv he Is a student In the Ford school and In that case he attends class after work, and stops in the Ford library on the way out. Then ha mar eo to the Ford ath letic fleid for a set of tennis or for baebairYractice. Possibly he de sires to take his family to the Ford band concert that evening. If so. he procures tickets before driving home in his Ford car. 15 off on Electric Fans. Harda way Hardware Co, Five Points. Adv. Desert Water Bags. Verv low prices. More than 50 off regular price. J. B. "Wood Hard ware &. Kuooer (JO., aiv Texas ot- TeL 4S Adv. NOTICE! DO EL PASO AUTOMOBILE OWNERS KNOW? WE RECLAIM SCORED CYLINDERS No Regrinding No Pre-Heating GUARANTEED South-West Oxwelding Co. 306 S. Santa Fe. Phone 309. MEN DRIVERS ATTEND SCHOOL What is said to be the first free school for women drivers of auto mobiles ever attempted is being con ducted by the Minneapolis division of the National Safety "ouncii in cooperation with leading dealers and distributers. The course, consisting of five lectures and demonstrations, alms to give instruction in driving, mechanical operation and traffic reg ulations, and recognizes "the desire on the part of women automobile drivers not only to lessen accidents, but to establish a reputation for Minneapolis as a city having the most efficient women drivers In the country." Topics covered Include rules of the road, teamwork on the street, traffic rules and regulations, hazards and accident prevention, lectures and demonstrations on the practical me chanics of cars, and demonstrations of proper driving. Does Practical Work. At recent meeting each pupil was requested to Indicate the make of car which she drives, distributers having agreed to provide a chassis and dem onstrator for each for the following session. The subject of this lecture demonstration was, "What you should know (mechanically) about your car" Following the talk, each woman driver had opportunity to go directly to the make of car which she uses and obtain advice from the demon strator provided and to go over me chanical details with an expert. First Don't "Window Shop. Some of the direct results of the course have been the clearing up of many legal points regarding traffic regulations and liability for acci dents and damage; a better under standing of the responsibilities and obligations of drivers both in city and country, and the formulation of "commandments'" to guide women motorists. These are as- follows -Do not window shop walls driving. Watch traffic carefully. Do not expect right of vray from men. Do not park at fire hydrants. Use hands to signal turns at street intersetlons. Use the proper hand. Watch the traffic of f leer that's what he Is there for. Learn the peculiarities of your ear. Attend the automobile Instrne tlon school for women drivers. A part of each session is set aside i for queries which have Indicated, by their variety ana tne serious oz tne women, the keen interest which the course has aroused. From Motor World. HowToPlaceTubeln Casing SO OX TO ItBTUHA FROM TUB?. O. C Toungblood, of the Pry Motor company, local dealers in the Nash, line, will return to El Paso next week. He is now In Los Angeles. Mr.Toung blood left here early in June and has I visited Denver, Chicago, Kenosha, winnepeg and son .Francisco. I fw! SBr sfii' ISnBBBUBVvKBBBB Of- II kRfr SbhEE j . isSBBtSBSBBBKl I I "JsasB JSP K9BBBBbV 8SaE? tsSSSnEf S SHE iBSsSKLv Vzigc&Wsy WrongWay jLJiriTiii "Tl i ifEssP PI I VlflP ' I J&gmMk a si I The Value of a Dollar is Expanded in a MAX WE LL by Special Steels The Maxwell now has the at tention of many -wise heads who are seeking how to get more valne out of a' dollar. TheyfindaMaxwell gives them: 1. All the speed they desire. 2. More comfort at the -wheel than many larger cars. 3. Surprisingly long mileage on gasoline, oil and tires. 4. A marked freedom from trouble. 5. A remarkahle dollar for dollar value in the list price. Special steels in the Maxwell cut down the costs and build up the efficiency. These are steels made to Maxwell's own formulae and they equal the steels, pound for pound, in any car built. They are of great strength. They make possible light weight construction, which is the goal of scientific engineering. Why carry around useless weight? Why burden engine and tires -with superfluous pounds? Costly as these steels are, they pay hack handsome returns in ever increasing friendships for Maxwell. They build up sales, decrease "overhead" and daily enlarge the great Maxwell family. Today in size nearly 400,000, and growing at the rate of 100,000 a year. Lester Motor Co. IS jig DISTRIBUTOR J II 501 Montana St. TeL 2130. J Ji El Paso, Texas. II FINDS ROAD MAP TROUBLE SAVER When I vent in for golf. I took somebody's advice and bought my clubs at McPherson's, a golf dab hos pital and second hand shop. So far as I know, even when I was shooting 110. I dldnt bur a manual on stance or stroking- Not any. I dubbed around, contributed to the 11th and learned. Ko book can teach you. I never bought a handbook on Dridre, though I'm considered a pillar of the game by the gang in the smoker, who endorse my cheeks. But on the level when it comes to touring I wouldn't 'drive down the street to the barber's without tour ing guidance. Before I Joined the S. D. U. T. L Society Deaf to Useless Touring Information there wasn't a big road in my states t-ever mind which state into whoee bosomy em brace I hadn't once or twice thrust my car. I knew 'am by names both Christian and profane. I'd start out on a Sunday morals? with high hopes and the family, and we'd trickle out ot town as ezubrant with Diana as a new husband. But sometimes, before me got back, the oral touring advice of some dish .faced volunteer would find us imitating C Columbus, except that Mr. Columbus never had a voyage as rough. Nobody can tell me that the thuggiat wave can be as hard as some of the roads rve known. U Many Troubles Besides uncouth adamant and gumbo, the difficulties consisted In gofg hours past meal time because we stuck some miles from the hotel where we planned to eat, mosquito raids and arriving home at 2 A. X. Last Sunday the old camel quit cold. The ultimate straw on these once athletic shoulders of mine was a busted radiator. After we left the HogansvUle pike for a stretch of new macadam, we came to Trouble with a capital T. Mac quit cold and in his place was a' rutty, bumpy cow path of a tralL But we kept on. First a tire blew. The spars tire was one of those wormy affairs you keep for sentiment and lack ot good sense. I put It on Next and worst, but by no means last, in trying to miss a hole I didn't. Bang! A broken spring and a radiator leak that could not atop, and from that moment we weraat going anywhere not for a long while, sev eral whiles. In fact. It was then 7 oclock. And Now He's Cured. Balding parties of mosquitos de scended with the sun. By the time I had fixed the radiator leak with a leather washer there was no water In It and when I'd fixed the spring with a hickory sapling and some wire I palled from a nearby fence. It was dark. I left tbe protesting family a couple of times but couldn't find a farmhouse till a young man oame along on horseback and kindly of fered to get a couple ot gallons of water, -prepaid, at J I 60 a gallon. I am as the feller remarked, cured. Henceforth when I wander out of the village to which I pay taxes. I'm going armed with one of those blue. T TNEXPECTED outbursts from Inner U tuoes originate irom sins w omis sion and commission. By em phasising the more glaring ones the B. K. Goodrich Rubber company be lieves It can save the motorist dol lars that would otherwise be wasted. Haste in replacing punctured or blown out tubes is responsible' for a multitude of these sins. The right way to place a tube into a casing is first to partly inflate it. Then it should be applied carefully, the side bearing the stem always being kept in sight. When It Is In the casing It should be talced careiuuy ana us fingers forced all around the tire to make sure the talc has been evenly distributed. A tube never should be inserted unless being partially in In pumping a tuba before Insertion most motorists allow it to rest on the ground or on the floor of garage. This practice is wrong. It allows the tube to pick up partlcals of sand, cinders and oil which create friction and eventually tiny notes. Th ripht wav is to nlace the tube over the left shoulder and pump with tne rignt nana, 'xnus no poruoa ti the tube will be allowed to touch the road or pavement. When tube Is well rounded with air and tree from wrinkles it Is ready for Insertion In the casing, and then should be pumped to the prescribed pressure. Reeves Holds Record on Juarez Race Track; Made on Sept. 5, 19 1 5 MANY and varied have been the claims during the past week as to the fastest lap made by a motor car on the Juarez track. The program at the races last Sunday stated that the track rec ord was M seconds- Several have claimed a little better. Carl Reeves, at present with the Garrett Motor company, casually remarked at a tanning bee last Thursday that he had lapped tbe Juares track, one and one-eighth miles, in one minute, four and four-fifths seconds, driving a Na tional In the Australian pursuit race on September 5. 115. Tbe S3 Paso Herald's account of the race printed September 6. 191S, substantiates Mr. Reeves's claim. As far as can be learned b the available records, Reeves's time still stands as the official record. leather bound volumes of tour data. lncludiCT maps. Hotels ana aavice. The sst ot exploration isn't In me. When Tm headed for Thither or Ton In future I'll know how to get there quickest and happiest and no gambling. My family "has Included philosophers and masons and draymen and bank ers. It has bad merchants and actors and geologists. But as far as I can learn we are In no way descended from the De Sctos, tbe Cabots, the Drakes or the De Leons. m through' By Monte W. Sohn. of the Automobile Blue Book com pany. RAKESTRAW SALES MANAGER OF OLDSMOBILE SALES CO. D. V. Rakestraw has been appoint ed sales manager for the local dis tributing agency of the Oldsmoblle, the Oldsmoblle Sales company. Mr Rakestraw will have charge of both the retail and wholesale departments. He formerly was with the West Texas Motor company here and before that was engaged In the automobile business In El Paso. F. A. Barrows, also a former West Texas man, will continue as general manager of the Oldsmoblle Salts company. Semi annual Interest on Savings ac counts' will be due July 1st. De positors are requested to present pass books for credit. First National Bank, Adv. FULL line ot KODAKS and KODAK supplies at Gandara's. Adv. Sell Oil Stock to Curttis A Co Adv " ;;:.... ..-c-c.-r ifttteSsate WVHt tXMt&t&Z'Z Here Is your opportunity to latnre Clmt tnti harTaropg errors hi sTpeifang. prmnncKtioa, and poor t"itt cf wortii. Know trie csefiniaacf ooxzKn wr term. Increase yonr efficiency, waich results la power and lucctaa. WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY is an aH-know-ing teacher, a universal Question answerer, made to meet your needs. Itisindailycseby hun dreds of thousands of success fol men and wa3en the vozld over. 00 000 Words. XTMr&nt. IMOIDas. JJ.000 OaotrapliIuISabjKU. CE1XD FUZZ, (Hjiheit Award) HEGCUB and KDIA-PAFER Edfntol. WRITE for Specimen Pases. FREE A U-M fc iU) Lt J ITU G.&C. MERMAM CO., Springfield,! w I U.S. A. JifiO Mote Accurate. Leu Time. draper. We bare jut installed a new machine for truing up the bearings on CRANK SHAFTS Better Work. Leu Money. Shorter Time. We specialize on Cylinder Grinding. CHAS. RADER QS uSmUEKllSiK nil v aI t eS mKm mam mm f Hi Wwlttiinii W' ill l lilsisB pj In n llnl 11!m W?-Hssskssk -m IVnight Cord Tires are worthy in every "way of the name they bear. All the skill of workmanship and excellence of materials that have for years made the Knight fabric tire the leader in its field have been embodied in this new normal sizd cord tire. Plus, of course, the advantage that cord construction give3 to all tires. In addition to its great strength and specially toughened tread the Knight Q jrd is a beautiful tire and enhances the appearance of the car to which it is applied. The tread is black with the familiar non-skid K and is set off by a white side stripe that gives the tire a striking individuality. We cordially invite all motorists who desire the utmost in tire value to call and examine the Knight Cord Tire. We are wholesale distributors for these tires Is fVest Texas, New Mexico. Arizona, and tne Republic ot Mexico. We welcome Inquiries from dealers. Momsen-DnnnegaH-Ryan Co, 1 Paso, Texas. I fBslaBsSnrnisHnEHssSBtssslsBBEsEBnKaaBBaEsB WW I Immediate Deliveries Of I I Touring Cars and Roadsters 9 I AEE OFFEEED; DON'T HESITATE M AT THE OPPORTUNITY IT DOES 1 NOT HAPPEN VERY OFTEN. I I WE ARE MAKING BUICK DELIVERIES NOW 1 1 $l,S65.00F.O.B.ElPaso 1 I .Watkins Motor Co, I II 606 Mesa. TeL 4068. 11 i mm 6IS Texas Street Telephone 325.