Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD Week-End Edition, July 10-11, 1920. SPEC! JURY TO ROBE LYNGHING Paxia, Teiaa, July 10. A .spedal g-z r d j n m conTencd here today to inquire fully Into the burning to death by a Biob Tuesday night of Htrrr an and Irving Arthur, negroes. lntrict udge B. H. Derton. who or-de-ed special grand Jury term said public sentiment demanded pumsb rrrt of the mob ring: leaders. C Uzens at a mass meetlrg yester dj adopted a resolution recommend ing a 'rigid investigation be made r ' he recent outrage committed n'rnint th lawi at oor state and the I? -race and dignity of our country." I The two negroes charged with tai ng shot and killed a white farmer , t, 1,, .... .. ah ! mviA sll Intn ' cnu I'll muii uocva gratia f,uu .& suw the hands of a mob after the count) i-'I had bee nstonned. SIX DEEP TEST RIGS ARE OPERATING IN PECOS Fort Stockton, Texas, July 10 Six j a p test rigs are in operation m t P-nn countv ir eluding those of the Eethlehem-Texas, principal owner n Lee of toan Francisco, .the Men 2 company, principal owners, Men z and Kimberley, of Oknmlge. 0.'a. the Rellly company, principal owner J F Rellly, a Kansas man; C rele O'l company, a California syn ri c: and the Alexander syndicate. a California organization, according to secretary Gus N. Tinch, of the Fort S ockton chamber of commerce. The Mensle people, at the IMG-foot level passed through a very tempting co-nd ard some of the members of the -ompary were Inclined to the opinion that it was worth while to cease dnll'ng case and shoot the hole, but as C E Menile had determined to en down to the deep stuff. he was -ot to be diverted from his objective i i?v shallow showings. Tnis wen is now down 3735 feet, with work tem porarily suspended, waiting for cas mc The company recently closed a d-nMng contract for a shallow well o be drilled a short distance south c' the deep test, for the purpose of cick'r ld the sand that was passed t' rough at the 1600 leveL The rig is now en route and will soon be placed in operation. The Bethlehem-Texas weU. on the border ranch, southeast of Fort Stockton on block 2, has suspended cr 'n operations at a depth ofxtlOS feet after having passed through 30 foet of oil sand, and the operators p -e now preparing to case off a slight f w of water which has filled the cfiiic: about 3$ feet, and after doing 6o -w. ill shoot the well. tv. a Grant OU corporation, of Pltts-hn-g. Pa., which recently closed a lea? a of the Turney holdings, north -f Fort Stockton, has taken a rig out to eecion 18 block 140. where the ilrst -wM will be drilled. The Montezuma Petroleum com-pz.- a California syndicate, has se rrd a Targe tract of land northeast of Fort Stockton, and the company's '-.en are now out buying drill rigs. V local company, the Fort Stockton CM syndicate, has Just been perfected wr- James Rooney, treasurer; F. R. Campbell, chairman, and W. A. Had-de- secretary of the board of tras tc! Drilling operations will be started bv the company at once. IRA BELL SEEKS DATA ON HOW TO SHUT OFF WATER Pecos. T-xai. July 10. lea 3- Bell has cone to Ihe Louisiana oil fields for tne purpose of conferring with ex perts there regarding the best meth od by which to ehut off the water which Is delaying the' bringing In of e- ersl wells in the Pecos valley field. Failure to find a bard rock overly ing the thin cap rock, which has bees found at a shallow depth la this ter ritory, has prevented the drilling In of numerous wells believed certain to be producers, and has interfered con siderably with the productSoa of the Bell discovery well. APAOMflNDIANS HAVE FIRST TRIBAL DANCE IN LONG TIME Phoenix, Ariz.. July 10. Just be fore Fourth of July and with only slightly less noise, Apache Indians on the Fort McDowell reservation north east of here about 40 miles, put on the f'rt tribal dances the government has allowed them to have, it Is said. e'nee the gays when Apache dances were preliminary to massacres of set tlers and scalping parties. Ferther Tore, the Indians were most cordial in Invitations to the wnltes to visit tnelr reservation and see the dances, which were held July Z and 3. On July 2. the Pima tribe. In early days hostile to the Apaches and con-sequentl-r friendly to th white set tles whom they frequently reinforced in battle, held Its trlbual dances on the reservation south of Mee- NEGRO'S CONFESSION BEFORE HANGING CLEARS CONVICT Dallas, Tex, July 18 The confes sion of Green Hunter, alias James B'-own negro, who yesterday was egailr hanged for attacking a white woman at Hale Station Hay 28. cx orerated Ben Parry, also a negro, who Is serving the eighth, year of a life term sentence for another al leged attack on a white girL Hunter admitted he committed both crimes. LIGHTNING STRIKES PILE DRIVER; 8 WORKMEN DIE New Orleans. La, July 10 The number of dead as the result of Usht- niuis EiriKing; & piieorrver on tne state i Industrial canal remained at eight to day The men, workmen employed on the canal, had taken refuge be- I ne&in ice pueariver during a storm yesterday HET. M. E. HtJDSO.V TO PREACH. The pastor of the First Baptist church. Rev. M. K. Hudson, will preach tomorrow at 11 a. m. on Tent'-h Century Divergence From First Century Principles. and at 8 p m on "World Confusion and the Crosa" Kodak Finishing. See Olndara. Adv HOTEL FISHER Corner East San Antonio and EI Paso Streets. (New MaBageBst) Onr central location & molt convenient. We speak both Eagfijk and Spanuk. SPECIAL SUMMER RATES Large, Airy Rosas. Private Batk and Ptone in Ever Room. 8 Furniture Co. s MBsfBL JM 35 J fleaaaflk IHHa SB Sj " . ifhsi yaTO(aflp?a& je je a tf&an Smadfycrt BuyatJ?osi lvtj a ti aaaaa-m - tvavjjn. tmt Mwena -mbbbbbbbbbbbw bbbbbbbbbbv, jaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBu iMestcwu jrntm matt -" 'Sfti Sf M It "Bf -BBL S SI HlBwi 1ST llll 1 1 Couch Swings And Hammocks Coach Swings sold complete with stand or just swing with chains to hang to ceiling your choice at ONE-FOURTH OFF.' Regular $30.00 Conch Swings, (J00 Cfi Jnly Clearance Sale Price ittmJJ Regular $36.00 Coach Swings, $26.25 $33.75 $37.50 July CJeexanee Sale Price Regular $4&00 Coodr Swings, July Clearance Sale Price . . . Regular 3SO00 Conch Smugs, July Clean my Sale Price ... SXAHDS AND AWWINGS FOE SWTHGS Regular $15 stands and awnings, July Clearance Price No stands sold -without swings. $11.25 Beds At Clearance Prices Be sure to read over this list of bed bargains. You will find the prices are exceptionally low and present an opportunity for saving that should not be missed No. 478 1-6 Bed, 1 inch So. 4744-8 Bed, 1 inch con- Ko. 366 3-6 Bed, 2 inch post, filler. Reg ular $15.00 value. July Clear; Sale Price tP7.bu No. 66603-6 Brass Bed, 2 inch post V, inch filler. Regular 325.00 value, July (Searanee Sale Price Combination Table And Bed The Ta-Bed is especially adapted to use -in apartments or where space is limited. It can be used as a table during the 'day and as a bed at night When folded it looks exactly like and serves all the purposes of table. No. 21Fumed Oak Ta-Bed. Regular $7730 No. 3344 Mahogany Ta-Bed. Regular $90 value; July Clearance dCO A value; July Qearance (Sfifl Sale Price ipD-OU Sale Price IpOU Dining Tables At Clearance Prices These odd tables offer a splendid chance to secure a dining table at a considerable saving. No. 61 Golden Oak Exten- No. 14 Extension sion Table, heavy plank top, genuine quartered oak. Size 6 feet by 48 inches; regular $65 value; Jury Qearance inch by 6-foot, top. Regular July Clearance Sale Price Sale .'rice 702 Jacobean Extension Ta ble Wflfiam and Mary pat tern, 6 feet by 45 inches; regular value, $60; July Qearance (hQA 7 Ct Sale Price $OV i D 700 Walnut Dining Table, $55 vakie; July Qearance Price $37 Refrigerator ice capacity. Regular July Clearance Sale Extra ' Special Regular $27.50 Northland Re frigerator, 50 pounds ice ca pacity. July Qearance - Sale. only $19.95 Ice Cream Freezers 20 Off Dor entire stock of Ice Cream Freezers, including White Mountain and Arctic Freezers, are put in mr July Clearance Sale at 20 percent off regular ariees. HBEsfiHlvlJ ' O.P'irPQ PI TP MITT TO P ff 207-9-11 No VJ.Cj.IyO F UaLYrNl I UFUCi VAA Stanton St. .- -. uaMaBBBBk IMCd lBBB Kaa9BBK aBBBBBBBBBKtaan Jbbbbbbb llll .fl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaf ' .MaT -ubC Uff llraig, S H Rogers' Annual Clearance Sales are events looked forward to with eager interest by all householders. The values of fered are always of special significance for those who desire to reduce living costs. Every year these sales have grown in magnitude in keeping with our steadily increasing business, and this sale will eclipse them all. Our immense stock gives us an opportunity to tender exceptional items in every de partment. Read this advertisement carefully and note the many great bargains to be had. Make up a list of the Furni ture and House Furnishings you need now or in the future and shop early. HAMMOCKS A good assortment of colors from which to teiert. Regular $5.00 Hammocks, July Clearance, Sale Pries Regular $&60 Hanusjoeks, $3.75 $4.50 July Clearance Sale Price Regular S7.S0 Hammocks, fl.- CO July Clearance Sale Price .....ipO.UO Regular $6jOQ Hammocks, July Clearance Sale Price DnT. MAA TanniAitt-a M P Sh-i " Regular $10X0 $7.50 July Clearance Sale Pries square posts, square fillers, tinoous poet, filler, in ivory is mahogany or ivory finish, sr mahogany finish. Regular Regular $27.30 value, July 127.50 value, July Clearance OearaDte Sale t1 Q QC Sale , f- Q QC Prfce pll7.00 Price Jii7.0J Vernls Martin No. 211 IS Venus Martin Bed, 2 inch square poets, 1 inch square filler. Regular 3(848 value, July djl G 7C Clearance Sale VlOilO No. 563 1 6 White Enamel Bed. Heavy poets and fillers. Regular $27X0 value, July Clearance ijl Q 7C $13.75 Sale Price. i)10.J O Table. 45- quartered oak $38 value; tfJO2 40 Clearance There are still many months of hot weather ahead and a good refriger ator is an absolute necessity. Our -entire stock of refrigeratora is in- eluded in our July Clearance Bale at tag reductions. We mention duow a few of the many bargains to be obtained during this sals. We have a size to fill every requirement. LEONARD BLU-GRAY PORCELAIN LINED REFRIGERATOR Endorsed by Good Housekeeping Institute. Has large provision chamber. 100 pounds S53JSO value, $d.l QK P1..70 Gurnev Refrigerators ' These refrigerators are enameled in white both inside aad outeide. They are strong, durable and have six insulating walls with dead air spaees. Easily kept dean. A good range of sizes from which to choose. All re duced during our Clearance Sale: $57.50 Ourney Befrigerators, July W7.80 Gumey Refrigerators, July Clearance &AO IE Clearance tOC r7C Sale $40.10 Sale $DO.0 H8.S0 Gurney Refrigerators, July H2M Gurney Refrigerators, July T. $38.25 fSTT.: $30.45 Gas Ranges We have aJ.arge stock of standard make gas ranges and all are included in our July Clearance Sale at reduced prices. Extra Special 18-inch Elevated Oven Buck Gas Range; df 7 QG, especially priced at JjTT 8 m7tj Basement Clearance Sale Of Lawn Movers Fine ball bearing lawn mowers, 14 inch blade. Segular $15.50 -value, July Ai n AC Clearance Price j JLaw.fzU Basement. Floor Coverings At Just think of the ad vantage of selecting your rugs and floor cover- J J j ilin Innnnni nnrl WIAPT IDgH JXOiu uie loigcot oiiit ia - pnmTJiete stock in the Southwest, L .. . 1 Hundreds of dirlerent designs, coiora ... . , - i on1 ci-Toa a wiiritflfi Tnatenais. not a floor covering need but what it And you can save much by doing Clearance Sale. Room Size Rogs Brussels Rugs Firmly woven, durable Brussels Rugs, in a large rariety of patterns. July Clearance Sale Pnca H8.50 to $49.50. Velvet Rugs We have these popular rugs in attractive patterns and coloring!, July Clearance Sale Price $38.50 to S7&50. Rattania Fibre Rugs These popular rugs are suitable for porches, breakfast rooms or bedrooms, and come in an at tractive range of sizes and patterns. ..,,, .. . Sise 30x80 inches, July tfJO AC SUe 6x9 feet, July tfjl A QE Clearance Sale Price apO.O Ckaraace Safe Pree ... P JL.00 Sise 3x72 inches, July 5Q S" Xl2 ?" S7 $24 50 Clearance Sale Price $O.UD Clearance Sale Price t.UU WOOL AND FIBER RUGS Woven of wool yam and tough fiber, mado tf O I C ( seamless and can be reversed. Size 9x12 feet; July Qearance Sale Price. . .Vtil - J Congoleum and hi9ee RoS Congoleum Rugs We offer our stock of genuine Gold Seal Con goleum and Gold Seal Congekum Art Rugs for our July Qearance Sale at these special prices: Extra Special 500 square yards of plain green Congoleum Super-wear Floor Covering for stores, offices, halls, etc. slightly imperfect Regular price, $1.50; July Qearance QQ- Sale Price, the square yard OIC Congoleum Art Rugs Sise 3 feet by 4 feet 6 inches, ..$2.65 ..$3.35 ..$8.85 $11.95 July Clearance bale iTice Siac 3xt feet, July dearaaea Sale Price She 6x9 feet, July Clearance Sale Price Size 7 feet 6 inches by 9 feet, Inly Clearance Sale Price Sis 9 feet by 10 feet 6 inches, (JJICCC Inw Qearanee Sale Price v. iplO.OD Qearance Sale Price P Senuise Gold Seal Congoleum Floor Covering, the square yard r .! . f.U O.-l P.nvlAinii THfwiv . Wm "OC Grass Hall Runners M inch wide runner in green or Greek Key design stenciled border. July Clearance Sale Price, the yard brown with Extra special ... 95c Hemp Hall Runners 2 inch wide runner, plain centers with colored border. July Clearance Sale CC Price, the yard DOC Of ii e Prices SQI 3iOt2&naaHBBSi.'SM7LVSSVSSaZtf u3 iv?asjipvafcrf-rygg i?5ygg e? "SS;S2Mr5ESWSSSSS3?Si,S3 T rw-r-. ig-.-" niri-fr'.rri Ha523aa"BW'Se3St"M SSSS5S! rm Z-. nere is you can find something here to fill your purchasing during this July Axminster Rugs These rugs are pf grade wool yarn, carefully elected ana ayi July Clearance Sale Price I4O00 to 5950. Wilton Rugs Beautiful rugs in a wonderful selection of Orien tal, floral and conventional designs. July Oar ance Sale Price $100 to J195. JAPANESE GRASS SDGS Woven of tough wire grass firmly bound together with strong cotton Uireaas: Sue 22x54 inches, July Clearance Sale Price .......... Sue 36x72 inches, July Clearance Sale Price r. Sise 6x9 feet, July Clearance Sale Price v.-. Size 8x10 feet, July .$1.10 $1.95 $6.65 $9.95 Clearance Sale Price 3Ue 8x12 feet, July CT 1 S.K Clearance Sale Priee t piX.Ot American Made Genuine Waite Grass Rugs Best quality, of grass rags, strong, durable aad sanitary: Sise 27x64 inches, July (JQ OC Clearance Sale Price i $t.tJ Sise 3x8 feet, July Clearance JQ QP Sale Price J)0.7U Sue i feet 6 inches by 7 feet 6 inches riQ QP Inly Clearance Sale Price ipOiOo Sue 6x9 feet, July Clearance 1 O 7C Sale Price sjlA.O Ca tWl fiut Tnlw 171 T- fwt H 4 f f l 3le Price tpit.iO Printed Linoleum And Congoleum Remnants Extra Special To clean up July Qearance Sale JZLfx Price, the square yard Jii Extra Special Inlaid Linoleum Remnants for July Qearance Sale ONE-HALF REGULAR PRICE. China Matting W inch wide, best grade China Matting, small jreea all-over pattern or tan and blue stripe pat terns. July Qearance Sale Jp Price, the yard n. DOC Ingrain Carpets Three good patterns and good color combinations. All wool filling with cotton warp. tf- Aft July Clearance Sale Price, the yard. . J 1 .frO XJ&- U jW Q ! il Bed Room Suite Only $198 Four-piece ivory bed room suite, similar to cut. Full size bed, chif fonier, dressing table and dresser, all finished in old rf 1 Q Q ivory. Four-piece suite. Jury Qearance Sale Price. ... P J " Serving Tables No. T 52 Beautiful Mahogany Serving Table, many steps for the housekeeper. J2S vahje, July Clearance Sale Priee No. 403 Golden Oak Serving Table, waxed finish. Regular S27 value, July Qesrsnrff CIS Sale Price tJiO No. 5831 ttahogaay Server, beautiful Adas pattern. Regular $27.50 value, Jury Clearance 1 n Cf Sale Priee JJLOOU Extra Special Duofold Bed Only $28 No-. 41 Duofold bed, with comfortable mat tress; regular $37 JO value; Jury tfjOD Qearance Sale Price tP&0 Drapery Materials We have an immense stock of high-class drapery ma terials and all is included in this July Clearance Sale. Nets, scrims, madras, cretonnes, sJks and all heavy materials go in this big Clearance Sale at great re dactions. Supply yemr needs for the present and future at these prices. For our July Qearance Sale we offer a choice of our entire assortment of cretonnes at ONE-FOURTH OFF their regular price. Extra Special 50 pieces of filet curtaia sat in white, cream and ecru at X off. SUM Nets, July Clearance Sale Priee, the yd. 75c IL2S Nets, July Clearance Sale Pries, the yd. .... 95c $L50 Nets, Jury Clearance Sale Price, the yd.... SUO SL76 Nets, July Qearance Sale Price, the yd. SUO je.00 Nets, July par ace Sale Price, the yd. $ijo KM Mete, July Clearance Safe Priee, the yd S1.S5 Extra Special PRDITED MARQUISETTE, SIDE DRAPE MA TERIAL Just received a shipment of SO pieces' which should have bees here three tH arc For a quick sale of these goods we after them as an extra special at a July Uearance Sale price of the yard 55c Burlap A full stock of M inch piste burlap ha all colon. Your saoJee at the Jury Clearance Sale pa Prios, the yard OUC Colored Bordered Curtain Scrims Suitable for bed room, breakfast rooms, etc, a good assortment, jury uearance Sale Price, the yard Buffet Only $24.75 No. 104 Fumed Oak Baffet, similar to out. Regular &8j09 value, Jury Clearance Sale Price $24.75 Clearance Sale Of Fireless Cook Stoves Now is your chance to secure a Domestic Science or Ideal FireleM Cook Stove at decided reductions. They save food, fad aad labor. No kitchen can be considered complete without a fireless cook stove. Buy yours at this sale. $18 30c