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EL PASO HERALD Week-End Edition, July 10-11, 1920. i t -tnu aoitucumai I ETEMJ3T m? TTJW QTTMMJT.J? QmASnKf RPTMas: WTTTJ ITi MUCH PLEASURE FOR HOMESTAYING EL PASOANSl Lmmuun CMEs the ery heart of the sum mer season and with It much of ,'1. in the social world, for Fi taf h not too warm by any , -1-: for the numerous Informal f c3 hicb are making- pleasant it" seion one of the city's most proml t t natron said tie otl' r da, "I recr ptaed m El Pao bef r re during th Earrmr and I real!1, d d rot know ut how pleasant horn1 coald be in te warm da' s ' She his a big, cool i i-se a machine and a 1 of the oom f - f h h can b offered bv home in TBtnuj. liEftmiirwtiTM ; One of El Paso's Prelly Children aJSa'-jss? otswSBBhBVbVbvM fas fc. 'MBflYflYflYflK , By OLLIE P. LA.NSDE-V. . alone and, with, her kiddies. Is stay ing right there through the hot days and her husband goes home from business each evening to his rest, a good dinner and all of the comforts which would be denied were the fam ily away. And although it would seem from the news columns that almost everyone is away for the sum mer, yet such is not the case, for wherever one goes one sees an in teresting and very much alive set of home-stayers Those who remain at home are not to be altogether denied social diver sion, hence the number of pleasant affairs of the coming week. As usual there will be any amount of pleasure for the weekend. Mrs. Alfred Kraft's studio tea this afternoon to honor her sister, Mrs. Gilbert Laird, of New York city, is a most interesting event with SO guests calling. For the evening a large party will be given for Miss Nancy Edwards, her fiance, Capt. Hans H. Kloepfer. and Col. George T. Langhorne, com manding officer of the Eighth cav alry, by Mr and Mrs. Charles Bryan and their niece. Miss Anne Selxas MacGlashan, of Knoxville, Tenn. The guests will include, besides those who are be'ng honored, a group of visit ing girls and bachelors of the Eighth cavalry. For the evening, also, there is danc ing down town The Mission Hall Dancing club will give a dance in usual wustom this evening at Mission hall. West Tsleta. Any number of El Pasoans will go out of the city for & brief stay over Sunday, motoring to Cloudcroft or Elephant Butte dam, whfcfe !s prov ing one of the most popular spots for weekend trips. For Monday evening there is planned a sing-song and spelling bee at As bury Methodist church, to be given by the Woman's Missionary so ciety of the church. To determine who are the better spellers, the men or the women, prom ises to -provide plenty of amusement and other features will make the party a happy one. Many of the organizations have not ceased holding meetings through the summer months and on Tuesday after noon the Social club of the White Shrine of Jerusalem will meet with Mrs. Julia A. Sharp. 306 Herald building. For Tuesday evening there is to be a meeting of the Business Women s dub of the Y. W C. A. at the central building and at this session the dab will appoint its delegate to the Estes Park Y. W. C. A, conference to be held In August f Mrs. John Hicks will entertain with a tea on Wednesday afternoon to honor Miss Nancy Edwards, whose wedding is one of the most important events of the July social calendar .Two other of the prettiest parties of the week will compliment Miss Ed wards, including the luncheon to be given onThursday by Miss Virginia Morse and the tea next Saturday, when Miss Mary Hardle will be hostess. Mrs. C P. Brown will entertain on Thursday with a morning bridge party to honor her guest. Miss Sallic Pa Re, of Los Angeles. These, with all of the other happy gatherings of friends at card club meetings, informal luncheons and teas to be announced as they Lre planned, will fill the week quite full of interest. 0. E. S. Official To Return Photo by Haderer. rKTB JEANNE AIXEN, i o t ear, daughter of Mr. H. U Allen, of this city. S Miss Virginia Giraud, New Orleans I Vl&lLUl, 1H J.U KJ1VC U 'CUHilUg JT etl Ly WANT A 1 VICTROLA? I $lCash-$lAWeek! WIL BOY ONE! I QBBBB 309 Xorta Oreson St. jfi ONE of tne most Important affairs of the coming week is the danc ing party to be given on Tues day evening by Miss Virginia Giraud. of New Orleans, who Is an Interesting addition to the younger set, taking an active part In many of the happy summer affairs. Miss Giraud is spending an indefinite time In the city and she and the other members of the Giraud family have taken a suite in the Piper apart ments. 60S North Oregon. The Hed Cross house at Fort Bliss was the scene of a pretty dancing party given on Friday evening for the men of the base hospital zone. It was in the nature of a farewell to Pvts. Novell Neal J. D. Bowling and Gilbert Walte, who leave for their homes in Illinois during the coming week. These three yonng men have been stationed at the base hospital for th- past year. BSE Diamond Tewelrv Jlhf !r i$ ii v i ?! w life m liomnn 'ilUUUUVl 11 Choke Nea Creation at Platinum Judge a Diamond 5 Its Setting! How often this is the case, and what a real difference a beautiful platinum setting makes. Oar present display includes the very latest creations designed with rare skill, and priced moderately. A $750 Pendant A new creation just from our workshop ia an exquisite platinum mounted pendant. The base of this pendant is hexagonal in f hape, the cen ter of which is a beautiful canary diamond sur rounded by Emallet bine white diamonds. The upper part of the pendant ii graduated and contains four small canary dhmmnds surrounded by small blue white stones. This was specially designed by ear expert, and is an exquisite piece of jewelry. It hi attractively priced at $750. We make a specialty of te-mounting and re setting old je'&dry. Special designs rsUl be sabmkled upon request SrBClAL, iirESTIOS TO MAIL ORDERS Silberberg Brothers Three members of the 82d field ar tillery furnished music for the danc ing. These were Corp. ,Beninito. at the piano; Sergt- Czuba,'with violin, and Pyt. Prank Ross, at the drams. Miss Ila Smith also played the piano for three of the dances. The floor was in charge of Pvt. C A. Kaestner. Japanese punch was served through out the evening by Pvt. Srygley, as sisted by Pvt. Charles Wisham. The chaperons for the affair were Mrs. J. A. Hunt. Mrs. 3. Mathlas and Mrs. J A. Lee. The Red Cross hostess. Mrs. Beatrix Collinson, received the guests, among whom were Mr. and Mrs. Philip Baber, Mr. and Mrs I. R. Clark. Mrs. J. M. Smith, Mrs. C. .Col lingsworth, Misses Rhea Shea, Mabel Shea, Yvonne Baber, Marjorie Gesel tin. Myrtle Lee, Mary Farls, L. M. Page, Margaret Gray, Rhea "Wells, Helen Herbert, Ha Smith, Elva BelL Eva Shepard, Mabel Mathlas. Maud demons and Walter Pettlbone. The dance given on Friday even ing at Mission hall. West Tsleta, by the men of the reclamation service was a very enjoyable affair and at tended by a number of guests from both city and valley. The "Sun dodgers' orchestra furnished music for the dancing hours. Our Department of Steel and Cop per Plate EgrTlBfr I3 now prepared to meet the requirements of those who demand the best In engravings. The production of this class of work in our own plant also enables us to offer a prompt and efficient service that Is a pleasing feature. El Paso Printing Co. Now in Our New Home. 108 Chihuahua Street Near S. T. Advertisement. Members Of B. B. S. Club Plan Party Soon In Honor Of Miss Jane Burges MK ES. MAGGIEB. MOODY, of Corpus Christ!, grand nation of the Order of Eastern Star of Texas, a much honored piest in the city while here for a nsit to the local 0. E. S. chapters. Mrs. Moody, who was the guest of Dr. Mattie L Hill while in the city, will return In October to preside at the meeting of the Texas grand chapter of the 0. E. S. to be held ia this city from the 11th to the 14th. TUB members of the B. B. S. club are planning an honor affair to be given at an early future date to compliment Miss Jane Surges, who has recently returned from Bryn jlawr to Join her father. Ma. Richard Farges. The exact nature of the party has not oeen decided upon, as several of the club members are out of the city for the next few days. Miss Burges was made a member of the club before her arrival in the city Miss Mabel Weston was hostess at an amusing costume party on Friday evening to honor her guest. Miss atherine Eckerle. of Louisville. Ky Mrs. G W. Weston. Miss Wes t on's mother and Mrs. P. Eckerle, mother of the honor guest, assisted with the evening's hospitality. The guests played dunco during the first portion of the evening while dancing was the diversion of the remaining hours. Punch was served during the evening and ices and cake at the In termission. The guests present were Misses Helen Madlen. Erraen Marks-raff. Elolse Golden. LII1 Sartorius. Myrle-Pangl-urn. Marguerite Paul. Nellie Hargrove. Rath Osborne. Pauline Eck. Muriel Berg. Lovette Cassens, Shirley Stahman, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Klink and Johnny Stevenson. Floyd Stevenson. Henry Robinson. Dean Stahmann. J C Henderson, Henry Herring. Ernest Greet, Oscar Sarto rius Ernford Berg. Vernon. Vincent. Tom chant. Hawkins. Golden. William Hargrove and Joseph Osborne. A delightful party was given on Friday. evening by Mrs. C. W. Bon ham to honor her husband. Lieut. Bonharo, of th 82nd field artillery, who celebrated ft birthday anniver sary. The guests assnbled at the Boham quarters and motored up the valley beyond the Country ejabhoose where supper was served on the banks of the river. A big birthday cake was served and a roarshmallow and welner roast featured the eve ning. Ices and cake were served later. Those present to enjoy the party were CoL H- L. Newbold. Ma), and Mrs. E. H. Burgher, Chaplain and Mrs. Walter B. Zimmerman. Capt. J. H. Fye. Mrs. H M. Fye. Lieut, and Mrs. Flndley. MaJ. A. a Fnger. Capt. and Mrs. L. Cavett. Mrs. Spragne and Capt. and Mrs. Guy Doaher. 9 Cards. Mrs. L. B. C. Jones will entertain the members of the Fort Bliss Bridge club on Tuesday afternoon at the Jones quarters at the post. Mrs. I Monday's Calendar I In Local Society i SING song and spelling bee at As bury Methodist church at S ocloek p. m. to be given by the Woman s Missionary society of the church. Swimming in the pool at the Y. W. C A. central building from noon, and from 5 to 8 p ra, for adults. Swimming for children from 2 p. m. until 5 p. m. Card and bunco party in the after noon In Knights of Pythias hall to be given by the Degree of Honor. Jones will ask In a group of add tiona guests for the games. The Degree of Honor will entertain on Monday afternoon in the Knights of Pythias hall with a bunco and card party, a benefit for the organization. The- games will begin at 2. SO. Re freshments will be served aid prizes awarded. It Is asserted that the best tooth brushes are made from bristles that grow along the spine of the Russian wild boar. I. It Time -Aak Sgan"t When yoar eyes th-e readily and headaches trouble ytra when 90U read much you may rest assured tt is time to "Ask Segan." If gln-es are no- neceseary he will tell yon so. Need Glasses? Ask 8sssJ HI Paso Optical Ca, IK Texas St ill San Antonio St Advertisement. Mrs. B. M. Worsham Will Give Tea Complimentary To Miss McClenahan e SL Mesa Ave. at Texas St jg3; i3 ksrvv Q Ie ttre thought of boyine a dla- 5GKf 5fe0v mond should suggest Sllberbx"s-j A7h.J5 A DC erore umner Speech "8100-Potter's? Send us out some of your de licious ice cream to put the finishing touches on our Sunday- dinner." "Fast motor delivery? Well, that's fine, and I can expect it in twenty minutes!" aHiMsn nira sssVjaV B BSSjH WlTBCOnCIM Daily use of Cuticura Soap, assisted when necessary by Cuticura Ointment, promotes & clear sHn, good hair and soft white hands in most cases when all else falls. Al ways include the exquisitely scented Cuticura Talcum in your toilet preparations. Soap 25c Ointment 5 and 50c Tafosa 25c Sold throughout th- world. For "rrpT each free address: "Cnbcnrm Lh OTatorie. Drpt. K. Maldca 43. Mass, CVCsticm Soap shares vr&wvt m r honor her truest. Miss Frances McClenahan, of San Francisco, Mrs. B M. Worsham Is clvlnff a tea of informal, but pretty detail this afternoon at the Worsham home on Montana stre- Daisies In their beautiful fold and white tints were selected by the hos tess as the blossoms of decoration and they are employed In artist! a pro fusion throughout the reception salte. They are here, there and everywhere in bowls and vases and embanked on mantels. In windows and about the the furnishiogs. Salads and Ices are serve d from a lace covered table In the dining room, which is centered with a great French bine basket of daisies. Fifty cnests are calling for the courtesy to the interesting honor en est. One of the happiest of the weekend affairs was a progressive luncheon followed by a movie party, given by a group of the younger set Saturday to honor Miss Klixabeth Hoey. who is here after an afsence of several years, and for Mrs. S. J. Gatlin's guest Miss Louise Green, and Miss Mary Krantz thor of California. Miss Ruth Schwartz was hostess for the first course of the luncheon serv ice at the Schwartz home. From there the party motored to the home of Miss Sadie Ruth Aldrfdge, where mo eecofio cooraa was serveo, ana the third and fourth courses were served at the Magoffin home with Miss Mary and Miss Anne Magoffin as hostesses. Later the party at tended the movies as the guests of Miss Katbertne Whi'e. and Miss Vir ginia Giraud was hostess at the tea hour when refreshments were served at the Elite. Mrs. Van C Wilson Is receiving a few friends at the Wilson home this afternoon in honor of Miss Elizabeth Page, who is here from the Page home In Los Angeles for a visit to friends. Fragrant flowers from the garden decorate the reception rooms of the Wilson home and salads and Ices from a service of dainty appoint ment were to be dispensed at tea time Those present for the pretty courtesy to Miss Page are her mother, Mrs. Mary V. Page, and her sister. Miss Salhe Page, who are also here for a visit, Mrs. J. Hise Myers, Mrs. Claude Eaaley, Mrs. H- O. Mantor, Miss Mary Pool and Mrs. James Crawford, of Shreyesport, La. Musical. Mrs. Minnie E. von Rhein -will en tertain at her suits In the Kimball apartments on Sunday afternoon with a musical hour to honor Mrs. Frances Grace Enssell. wife ot Capt. O. A. Russell, of the United States army A number of musical folk of the city have been bidden to the courtesy to Mrs. Russell, who is herself an ac complished musician, possessing: a beautiful voice. I Is Visiting Her Aunt in Arizona i i ."nfftrfiiiaHiiiii ! in imii'Pir Ti'tirnnrTf wnwwnmwiiiii in ' ISsSSsSSSSSbSBSkS ' liTPjfS aMsssssSBsa(SllaiaiaiaiaiaMsafafafafaBHIMagM(kaaBaBa MISS JTJANITA GLAZE, who is spending her vacation at Gilbert, Ariz., with her aunt, Mrs. L. C Burke. Miss Glaze and her grand mother will leave for San Diego, Calif In a few weeks to be Joined by her mother. Mrs. Elizabeth Glaze, and brother, who reside at 1119 North Virginia street Mrs. Glaze will re main in California indefinitely. M1&3 Glaze spent the past winter with her aunt at Gilbert, attending high school there. Spending The Summer Here 9 ii- ,immmmtm-. iM ISS ELLA MARY BYRNE, of St. Louis, who is here for an extended visit l to her brothers. Tamei 0. Byrne and Edwird F. Byrne. Miss Bvrne is ath letic, an expert golf player and an accomplished horsewoman. After her visit here of two months Miss Byrne will jo to the Pacific coast for a stay. Ice Cream S&erbets Lbhcbei Fait Motor Delivery Phone 81 00 Martin Bldg. EI Paso, Texas. El Paso School, For Girls Eleventh year opens September 15, 1920. Hastings Street Austin Terrace 'A good school for your daugh ter is the best investment for her future. New arid beautiful buildings, small classes, conservative methods, outdoor study and per sonal consideration for each pupil. About El Pasoans. Miss Mary Kelly Is recovering from a slight Illness. Mrs. Frank Alnsa. who is recover in? from an Illness at Hotel Dieu. will return to her home during the corains week. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Alberthal. of Veracruz, Mexico, have come to this city to reside and are at home at U01 East Boulevard. Mr. and Mrs. Alberthal were suests ot Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Roberts for several days upon arrival here. An odd and highly remunerative employment Is that of those men and women who make a business of in venting cable codes for large financial houses and merchants deslincr In We Owe You Something The very fact that you have enough confidence in our instruments and our business integrity to come into.our store obligates us to deserve that confidence. We owe you somethmg. We owe you intelligent service, accurate and truthful representation of our instruments, helpful and unselfish advice about your purchase. It is up to us to provide you with the best musical instruments we can get, at the lowest prices consistent with high standards. If you give us your pref erence, you have the right to demand more helpful and accurate informa tion and better values than can be obtained from the average store. It has taken us 24 years to develop our service to its present point But we are not satisfied yetl That's why our customers always are. 1 STEINWAT 1 WEBER f 1 FISCHER I BRAJIBACH I SHUTES I HARVARD I STECK 1 A. B.CHASE I HADDORFF I Pianos 9 9 El Pm Oldest Piano ? 9 On Price - House In Bl Paso. , Ap B PUaa J9y Ay 1 t- XW-- . AEOLIAN CO.'S I KSfgjffr'iSnl PIANOLA dr I ePMSB PIA1vCS JjfL tt vHU 215 Texas St A? AY Plana Civ. fl r Xr Bl Paso, Tex. H & Ay Please send cat- si 4? aleeae. prices and jB Twenty-four years" experience find- V Ay terras of soar Pla- E ine Pianos suitable for this "dry" Ay m K climate. Ay m Zy Tt&ms ........ B I Ay Address ............. I NEW JULY PLAYER ROLLS ON SALE J- iuV 1 mm'L W 1 BF11B1 BBvi "" Ji ABi yj VV "i- ssssssssH 1 V frTTrrnriRK-WnWn tffll Keep Young Eat Bread He's 67 But -what of that? He wakes up every morning whist ling like a boy. Gets down early to his office, and puts in as big a day's work as any of the youngsters. He's been a Bread-eater all his daysl Bread is the Health-Food For All Ages People who live right and eat right can enjoy life, at any stage. Plenty of Bread means plenty of nourishment and no desire left for rich, harmful foods. American Maid and Golden Krust BREAD is the loaf so delicious in flavor you just keep eating it and eating itl Join the Good Health Family. Get it at your Grocer's today! Ink ' i H if ASK YOUR GROCER jfSk M Special Service for Texas, New Mexico and Arizona Retailers Write Us. BREAD IS YOUR BEST FOOD AND ONLY ECONOMICAL FOOD TODAY mlliyvarCTrlwInn" iii;i?HHgfl BV ' sy OVBTaeta trada,