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EX EASO HERAID YE TOWNE GOSSIP CReglstered U. LAST WEEK. I "WROTB. m m I was going away TO FIND as IBB. IX A llttla town. WTTH A tret verands AND A balcony. ASD PAUCIHDTTMtC A"fD X dMair find Jt. m m BUT FOTJXD Instead. AT THE and o a road. UP US' the pines. A1 INN' ballt nnder trees. axd IT has been there. FOR TEARS and years ATD I'M there now. AXD AS I -write. THE WIND blows higt- AND CROWDS Its way m THROUGH THE upright 1 r 1VD I hear K go. m WHK.E IT sings its sons; QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. Who 1 the welterweight cham pion of the "United States! B. T. W. A. There Is no welterweight cham pion wrestler of the United States. Several men lay claim to this title. Say, Franifarfer, I'd give ray roil right new for one of tbote coolies drkks at WARNER'S 'Sfact that every sip of one of those soothing and cooling freezes, sodas or phosphates at WARNER'S Is a draught of real delight. Sundaes, Ice Cream and Sher bets to please yon, too. Pieces 731-732-733. Warner delivers ice cream and sherbet in cartons which will keep contents cool for one hour. Take lunch at Warner's on your -way to the poatoffJee. WARNER DRUG CO. Hotel Orndorff Block Flies Mil thousands of nhfldren everv vear. The ' typhoid fly is the most deadly germ carrier known, -a KM the Fly and Curry FLY Trap Tir ScleeWcFty Exterminator" Saflg.frwZ'" " Jm't it vorih 3c a month to Kavt a Etslta&fptztiscetBliaTelattilledOBTrryir Tnz la maer c&es. MBecbOr to tb Soctfe. wtan tfa fiiee n M bad. Al s rcsaK tkae are may bSr" tevna. CUEHY FLY TBAP CO- ALL HARDWARE JOBDBRS AXD DCALUIS or delivered by parcel post upon receipt of price. Ve. I S4.80. So, 2 ?3.60 Oft "California Syrup of Figs For a Child's Liver and Bowels Mother I Say "California, ' then you will get genuine "California Syrup of Figs." Full directions for babies and children of all ages who are constipated, bilious, feverish, tongue coated, or foil of cold, are plainly printed on the bottle. Children love this delicious laxative. By K. C. B. B. Patent Office) IX A doep bass voice. OR LOW whistling sounds. AND ITS all so different. FROM TUB little white Inn. I DAD hoped to find. WRBRB TIIKHE was peace. AXD QUIETUDE. BUT SOMEHOW or othar. m IT SEEMS to me. I HAT rest out here. TTIIErtE THE storm winds blow. AS 1 might rest. IX TTIB rocking chair. THAT I might have found. ox THE street veranda, OF THE small town Inn. AXD AXTWAT. SIXCE I was a boy. rTE HAD a desire. a TO IJVB is a house. THAT STOOD In a forest. 1 THANK yOH. but do one is the recognised cham pion. Q. Under irnat jeovernment de partments do the United State lifiht honse BerTiee, the revenue cutter enice and life bstIdc service comet W. R. M. A. The United States lighthouse service is under the department of commerce The revenue cutter serv ice and the life saving service are combined In the United States coast guard, which is under the treasury department. Q. 'What 1 the meaning of the word Mneorporated Tfhen. ned In the title of a flrmr Doe it carry some modification of the irord limited? F. M. K. A. "Incorporated' means that the firm has been granted a charter by a state, and that it is operating as a AS Dro&hts are satherixed to refund thoao&eytf Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil falls to cure the Itch BO matter how seveze the case mar be. IttsaHeaBntAntbepdo of the highest coafity. recommended by rrerjdrussist. SOcperbcrUe. ilf3SSlJS A taoch otHtliXtW Otatmeatta Ptmplt oretbrti3xBinniarkla fnptkmBaatha xitj ku oJ&csivu MedldaxJ bs4 Totltt Soap, means m clear, healthy mkta mad M compcxJaa so caimatto can equal Ointment, 0 Certa. SoepJ0Cnt& Send 2 cent Stiso for Suckles. JOftXSTOX. tfOLLGWAY & (XL. 1730 Spring Garten StrU PbllaOa. if A ShISB 2iiV.f Vi ! m wi A3JULaAM2&A$M -TABLETS- I iZ&':t SSf'ytJr Babies and vicious disease carryme Save Your Child "F1y4es" hornet alsdeef Galrsnized Iron and TTIre No. 1. run.. At All Cood Dealers Incw Tulsa, Okla Mtthrl Watch a-JWtTcnziu! Hogwallow Locals Dy DPMt BOTTS. OIDNET HOCKS was the participant una runaway the other morning. It was a very exerting runaway 'Lna waile he didn't lose his head, he has net been able to find his hat Washington Hocks got hold of a rTinS vlill In the Calf Ribs store this week and has read it throngh. He is now boend to nave toe next ntrmber as the editor promises some thing good in it. . t.1.1 ivrrml anfl Teffexsnn Pot- locks tried to hold a private conversa tion behind a tree the other morning, bnt they stopped talking when Slim Pickens, who is learning to u an jn tenr detective, tried to practice on them. corporation. "Umited" means that the liability of the tek"lde"' l" limited to the number of shares held by each, and may apply either to a corporation or to a partnership. Q. What pereentaa-e of onr popu lation Is ruralT JL E.9. A. The bureau of the census says that In lilt. 51H percent otttipw; latlon was rural. An unofficial opin ion of the 1IM census Is to theeffect that not such a large percent will be found still living In the country. O. Wn the character of TJnele Tom la "Uncle Tom's Cabin drawn, from llfet M. O. , . A. The original of this was Joslah n K.wn Trtirw1tHt nmiflhir. who was born a slave at Port To bacco. Maryland, awce iio cbkh " Canada when 13 years old. part of i .Tn.H.niM of Uncle Tom must have been fiction. (I What is xne nuflcaa im rosd system t T. I O. a ortlnarllr the president of the railroad Is considered the railhead; sometimes the chairman of the board. The railhead of a railroad nnder con struction Is the farthest point to which the rails have been laid. Q. How did the Raglan coat get that namef H. K. V. A. It was namea lor iora imblm, a general In too British army. q. what is the average rainfall at i uaiapa. jiexicwi . , A. The weather bureau says that ! the annual rainfall at Galapa Is M inches. . O. should fish meal be fed to hogs I i " a." The department of agriculture has proved by experiments that fish meat equals ua uiau , ...i.-wn- as a ration ingredient, the oil content of the meal adding materially to Its feeding value. So far. experiments hive ahown that the meal aoes not taint the animal product. Q. Can you tell xne when. doff , days" begin and end? J. M. Im A. This Is the name given to a period of from four to six weeks ariously placed between the early part of July and the early part of September. This is the hottest sea son of the year, and is so called be cause it was reckoned In ancient umes from the rising of the Dog Star "S iritis.' (Any reader can get the answer to any question by writing The Herald Hlluiuiauvu wu....t ..-...-.. .. . kin. director. Washington. D. C This offer applies strictly to information. The bsrean cannot give advice on .egal. medical and financial matters. It does not attempt to settle domestic troubles, nor to undertake exhaustive research on any subject. Write your question plainly and briefly Give fall came and address and enclose 2 cents In stamps for return postage. All re plies are sent direct to the Inquirer.) ERXEST nilXIAIUJ HELD TO COURT UHDER 3IAXX ACT Phoenix. Ariz, July 2 Ernest Hll Iard, charged with a violation of the Mann act, was held to the federal court here In the sum of SIStt. folk lowing a preliminary examination. Hillard, an elderly man, was accused of having brought Susie Hammond, aged 17, from 1 Paso to Tucson and thence to Phoenix, the two passing as father and daughter. Hillard denied having transported the girl for Im moral purposes. I Fill Out With Pencil 12 .. L' . i & ' "' 35 .3- J a 7 i -13 so &. ft i 34 a7 3o 4w Thirty-seven lines will bring Doctor who'll also sing. Draw from one to two and so on to the end. I HOROSCOPE imnmsniv. -II7T.Y 29. 1920. ASTROLOGERS read this as an un important day. Early in the miir Venus Is In beneflc as pect, bnt later TJranns Is slightly ad verse. Women at this time Will project their ideala upon the public mind. It Is predicted, and they are likely to have much success, especially In the nn.1- . 1. Aaw fn, hrlnlnff tO- gether men and women In social en tertainments. Summer resorts should profit nnder this direction of the stars. There is a sign that seems to fore cast much flirtation In which men will not oe sincere, uraouo is i. place believed tp encourage deception. tlon Is also held to Influence all deal ings between men and women. In public matters this may cause women to oeueve wat mey iud Bixvutvimuuib ,. .i ..h ...11. in isralv maca wacn ujcu c.. - - pretending to cooperate with them. While the sway is moderately good for motion pictures and other amuse ments, mere is prepiiew m k in wnicn reiorui wi5"w"" ... uu successful in gaining much control. socialistic agiiaiiou iu IWHUB.MUU with public lands Is foretold and Buick Ifamk R gjwkBwsBBsssissBsssgssfSssgssgiQswswsvXs innnwFAD there will be widespread interest in new areas In "which settlers will be scientifically aided or will at least receive some sort o practical direc tion. England comes under a rale that is most encouraging in that it seems to promise a settlement of certain grave problems that Ireland presents. The discovery of an ellxer of youth, or a manner of treatment; that pre Calomel salivates! It's mercury. Calomel acts like dynamite on a sluggish liver. When calomel comes into contact with sour bile it crashes into it, causing cramping and nausea. Take "Dodson's Liver Tone" Instead! If you feel bilious, headachy, con stlnated and all knocked out. lust go rto your druggist and get a bottle of uoasons i.iver Tone tor a lew cam. which is a harmless vegetable sub stitute for dangerous calomel. Take . wrwmnflll find 1 It (fnMn't start VOUr ! liver and straighten you up better and tnntrWar ttinn naittv rcllom! and with vV k a 5 to M 6 rri S:U: s w AKRON eJOlilO Sizes 606 vents the manifestation of age is prognosticated. Venus is in a place favorable for commercial relations with foreign powers. South Africa has entered a period of greatgreat prosperity and It will at tract many investors from this coun try, the seers predict. Persons whose birthdate It is should keep their business well in hand. The V out making you sick, you lust go back and get your money. jr you taxe caioxnei ura&r you u n sick and nauseated tomorrow; besides. It may salivate you. while if you take Dodson's Liver Tone you wiU wake up feeling great, full of ambition and ready for work or play. You can give it to children. too-Adv. What These Have Don Every superb performance to the credit of Goodyear Cord Tires is no less an indorse ment of Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes For wherever Goodyear Cords have triumphed on speedways, on motor trucks, in endur ance tests or on airplanes there have been Goodyear Tubes inside them. Examine a Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tube; note its thick, powerful and vigorous body what other tube has a construction so scien tifically leakless? What other tube embodies in like degree the efficient layer-upon-layer principle of making, or the integral valve-patch feature in similar perfection? Go to your Goodyear Service Station Dealer and ask for these tubes by name they are relatively as superior to ordinary tubes as Goodyear Cord Tires are superior to ordinary tares. Their tnif-ia! cost is no more than the price you are asked for tubes of less merit why risk costly casings when such sure protection is available? -ueavv TOURIST- OODnTEAR WA T1ZT1VTC 775."" Mrnnrnii? rr. iivvi nii-rt JsuipK cars and Goodyear Tires. Mesa. Tel. 4068 3 and year may bring many chinges. Persons whose birthdate It Is may have lives In which they experience many phases of prosperity. These subjects of Leo are usually ambitious and forceful. Copyright. U20. by He ctare Newspaper Syndicate. SEND TJS TOTJR Men's Dress Shirts in fine madias doth. Big variety of patterns. Reg- C0 CQ ular $3.50 values. Special Pa6.U7 Men's Kghrweignt knit uaion suits, short sleeves, anile QQ length. Regdar $1.75 value. Special vOC S3 210-212 East Overland St. "The Store With a Conscience." Tabes f.nAhfWFA'D BIRTHS RECORDED. Henry James Hooper, Jr. son of Mr and Mrs. H. J. Hooper, 1112 Korth EI Paso street. Shibley Azar. jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. a Azar. Mil Bliss street. MAIL ORDERS AKRON. OHIO gervice