Newspaper Page Text
Tuesday. Aug. COPPER PIES TEND DOWNWARD Stocks continued to decline Tuesday, acceding to J S. Curties & Co. Se- unty bank building, with a few i sues showing: especial weakness. I he copper stocks were sold more -eely than of late. Anaconda losing 1 T Oh mo H , Inspiration 1 H and l iah berae down 2V from the oien- mg In the oils Mexican Petroleum, nc .fan-American were dou ei lu.dend 10 percent. Mexican Petro eum showed a loss of 41 net. The t ails and equipments were fairly teady whlle some of the specialties I ve Tit S3 JL LU M fVlUU V B wmj v losing- figures. Trading continued -n a fairly active scale, sales for the ' rst three hours being just in ex 'sb of 650 000 shares. Opening re peal rate for call money S percent. Curb Copper frtcfcs. in riaisa Arizona . S7 O Of Bg Ledge SO U Cii Jerome M w S-l coasol dated Artaoaa H v rvun4e Arizona ... ....... 3t& LOO Green Monster HO tt Hull Copper 30 0 Hone Sound .-.. HO tram erde ...... ......... HO 3s sacozarl K H limn Chief IS O 104 Vajma MOW Miami Consolidated 2HO N-w Cornelia 17 O 1TH lay Hercules, HO S t ed eastern 20) H superior A Boston HO 0 e-de Extension HC 2lfc t( 'Combination 14 O rosden "HO 7 Gadsden HO i resson ............... 10 H Silver King 20 O 2$ Porphvry HO H rvnn 15 O -S Menrock HO 3H ' ocso' dated Copper 1 O H Hardshell 8 O 1- E-upcion ... Tt Si Usied Copper Stocks. meriesn Smelters S&H Till if. Calumet Arizona WH Cht'c - H Gene Cananea Xennecot - - '"mi JJ Nevada ... .- Ray "H I tah Railroad Stocks. p-alti-nore Ohio Canadian Pacific 11 Chesapeake A Ohio F-te 1,H New Yo-t Central 7JH Ve-nylanla !. -iithrn Railway -7 Paal iBdostriaJ Stocks. r-pnblfc - -r--i an Car Foundry 2. i nen Can .......... - ji Loco-ntl- -5, Baldwin Locomotive m Steel r.awana "7 d-aV -g rJ'-ihl? . Industrial Alcohol oodrtch T L Rubber central Leather "-iraI Motors - tadebaker . t tinghoose . " New York OHs. A ei'can Petrolsnm 'tJI? Texas Oil J "m-.a!r "J P'-rce "2 Pa- American . . - EL PASO OIL STOCKS etaaj bids sad offrs for private sai furnishwJ by J. B. wnw ?cvuiw B.nk Bid Bid Asked Ble Fonr CoueUiUted I 11 I JH omanehe Comity . J in M dared of TsISS 1 V W Cox 3-W J IS M.M M J t7 75 -tltt IS 1H 1SS 3 M 11 r uk of Dublin E Paso Banger Wisher T -co Bsoin Haeco Basts Developm't Hj'fo Rsnsw Hc-rrer Union lads of Oklahoma vadera of Texas It SO 40 JS II ITS S 93 02 CEcre Wallace Rince- Central Ranger Bark Cons R-nser Rock Is and Roi a Duke -rvce OH pshfie : mh-stera Tnlmrosa -- v r l A Development Texas Chief T-taJi f.trolemn T-xas TTaited v i.v on Weimar Oil ... 7 .1! i it 1:1 os n .it !S t7 ti IS S( ID . s C8 .71 J .1 Tit . Eirn stato of Texas can no eoTjrea at tie lowest pcssTble rste with the larcesl most tbomortlT distributed escalation. 12 cents per word Soadays. s cents per word Daily. ts ff.rft. mlnlniimi. a guaranteed eirrnlatliM JMLtto San da. 22S 00 dally M Tbts ts tbe combined eireotation of Tbe Dal as Ttmes-Herald. Fort Worth War-Tel-r-am Tbe San intonls Utnt. El Paso H-'ld and The Honstoa Cbroalcle. Tour ad sent to. any of tbo sbore papri with cash w.ll be handled for yon and vout ad win appear Is all f them Dr: JTZZT ahMdd ae. Tovr copy in anr one of tb. offices Car yaw ad to anrear In tbeso papers in. umrai oa day Puzzle Pictures By WALTER WEIXMAS. STVTES ABBREVIATED. Fvf fR. JONES la a traveling man and he has passed tnrousn uuuijr .m in his travels. After pass ing through a state, he always puts a sign on his case showing the name of -he stave abbreviated. Can you r-ake ojt th abbreviations of tie se-cal states' ANSWER TO TESTEIlDArS PUZZLE Seor ?,Tche- drop (falling from i' h - - g fie'd, curve balL S is the story oi Peter Perkins and now Be accttmtuaica SIO OOO In ten years by saving S25 per month. One of onr investors wrote that "Getting Ahead" has made htm realize that every dol lar he saves he can invest with comparative safety and high yield. Another says it opened tip to him the possibility of profitable investment in bonds and stocks. We will gladly send a copy of "Getting Ahead." KHIEBEL& CO. INVESTMENT BANKEES 137 ScmtliLaSaHeSt, tr. vnu ar 3, 1920. GHJUN TIES EI ADVANCE Chicago. IU Aug S Sharp new advances In the price of wheat tooU place today owing more or less to surmises that European war com plications might bring about enlarge ment of demand In food supplies from the United States. Opening prices ranged from 2 to 7e higher with De cember 2 17 and JiSB and March JS.17 to SI.22 were followed by moderate farther mlns and then . HMlm , iat6r dealings the market showed trt,,,, strength. Increased MtimfltM of French and Italian Un- tmt- i-sutnfi-TnfTtK amounted in favor of the balls, and so too did news of urgent inquiries for wheat by the I special war agent of provisional pres Britlah royal commission. The cloa ideztt Adolfo do la Hnerta. and de- was nerrons. 1S to 174c net higher xrith December 92 29 and March IZ7S- Corn moved op with wheat and as a result of contlnned dry weather After opening: S-8 to 21-c higher with September 11.38 3-4 to JUS and December 1 2JH to IUS. the marKet nmnui a slight farther advance. Subsequently persistent buying on J tha part or leaamg comrnissiau uuira ledV farther aptnrns. The close was strong. 2 T-8 to 4 5-Sc net higher, with September $1 42 to M 42 1-8 and De cember JUS 3-4 'o 1 2. Oats were governed by the ascent of other grata, starting J-8c to -4t higher. September SS 7-8 to 70c. and Mnnfllnlnp frrrn. PTOvisions reflected the strength of cereals. Buyers, however, were not plentifaL GRAIN, PROVISIONS Chlcsro Grain. Cloae. Wheat Dec. W.M. March. t!2H. Corn Sent, 81.U. Do L2Si Oato Sept, 7fe Dee, 7c. Ctttcairo ProTialona. Pork SeBt, tSttS. Oct, tltM. Lard Sept, It 7Se Oct, 1 ltc Ribs Seat.. 1V14C. Oct, 1S.22HC. Chicago Produce. Close. Cblcago."1 m, Aag. J- Batter Lower. Creamery 4JSJc Egas Unchanged receipts, U.M1 essrs. I Ponltry AliTe. miner. nowis, ;. 1 i .- aaskXe Potatoea Firm, roeetpts, 22 ears. 'Vir ginia. 7g)7Jt. Kaasae and Mtopuii early Ohtos. J S4v.7i. CaHforaia whites: Kansas City PreJoce. Kansas City. Mo, Aug J. Batter and egsa, unchanged, hens, nnchangea; broil ers le lower, tie sprtags. 1c lower, lc Eum City Caah Grain. Kansas City. Mo, Aug. -C?5.'S, I u lSe higher No. 1 hsrd. 2J- No. 2 hard. t2.27rlt No. 1 red. t.M S 31 No. I red. llltdta. .., Mmrm X t ISe blaBer 74. 2 I mixed. Jl . No. 2 white. LS: No. 2 yel- IB . . . . a i-a.- rTvotssan mrmA in lr Blrher. TiO. 2 white. Tie No. I mixed. -Se. No. 3 red. e, rye, i M LIVESTOCK MARKETS Chicago Uresiock. Close. rhiMM ttl inr. 3 fU S. Bureau of Markets.) Cattle Receipts. lUloe. mar ket very slow on au oatcner eteera. "j stock. J17 2S bulk choice. Jltisis.7a grass cattle mostly J 1.E0. good eowa steady, other she stock, weak, bulk. tiStvlsZ canners. JJ.HtJl.3S. botcher bans. StttsaittS bolognas. Jt-SoeTJS. calves opened stroag stockera slow. Hogs Receipts. 2t,set market, active. steady to ISc lower tights off least. Too. 1H, butt tight and Mebn llUlf 1S.00 balk vackrnc sows, tltS01Z.7S, pics, stroag to higher Sheep Receipts. 17 sheep and best native lambs, steady: other Iambs, slow to lower Top naove. i.v. du. - stilts native ewes sales ranging lower. fat native ewes. JlOt. KalMU nry lavesi-M-a. -.J--T- Kansas CSty. Mo, Aug. I (B E Bureau of Markets.1 Cattle Receipta, :." Beef steers, steaay: top. --v"- , ""-- tt steit . she-stock, weak to 25e lower bulk canners, ... yearling heifers. tl.t. bura. trMsttt: calves mostly Jl lower bulk. sll-Mll.Se. odd lot earty tlt.50014 so stockers snd feeders, weak to iSe lower quarantine !7 ears. Mogs Receipts. I7 Market ISCtSc lower top. 15 S. bulk light and medium. heavies sround 1S.H Sheep Receipts. . better grsd Iambs, steady others weak to 2Sc lower, iw nit- t-ntv nMkd and choice na tives. SU.lStylt.S4. bulk culls. JS.7S7M. fat sheep, steady to 2Sc lower, best ewes, Fort Tvortn uvcmock, ---, v SkHli Tint Anr. X Cattle Re . . . ceipts. 1Z.S0S. Market weak. Beeves. J7.M 1LSS, stocaera si v c-j--s . jj-rjw 7 St, heifers. Si-Mt tt: bulls. tJ.SOCS.7S. calves, ts.tSOIS-7 Hogs Receipts, see. jaaraet -iwu Heavy. S1S..S0K . Hgbt. J1S.0SO1S 10. medium. Sit 15 75 mixed. S14.M0IS.M. common. tlt.SlCS pjgs. Sheep Receipts. 7t Market sUadr Lambs, yearlings. St It 2S. wethers, ss svfss.. ewes. wv cuiis. sLseeses. s American Honored By Japanese Gathering Tokio, Japan. Aug 3 Hotfor rarely extended to a departing foreigner was accorded the Rev Clay Mac Cauley. who. concluding tt years labor in Japan as head of the Ameri can Unitarian mission, has sailed on the steamer Colombia for San Fran cisco en route to his former home In Boston, where he plans to reside. He was the guest of several Ameri can and Japanese organisations at dinners and receptions given in rec ognition of his efforts toward under standing and good will .between America and Japan and his further ance of internationalism and friendly cooperation. In an interview given to the Asso ciated Press, the Rev Mr MacCauley aid he was convinced that the pres ent difficulties of Japan and America, racial and economic would be ad justed to the satisfaction of both countries by a coming adjustment of economic relations. He declared no progress would result Immediately from world i ide standardization of wages and working conditions, but that the impulse among working neoole toward intermiirratlon would gradually lessen expressions of hos tility of opinion among Oriental and occidental peoples. RAilROAD TjjrABLE All trains urtvs and djait from Union 3UUon. foot of San Francisco street. All snirali and departures given in El asa or moootaln standard time. SANTA EX. For Abaerqne. Denver, Chlcaco, Io Anffelea No. $ Its. .M a. m.. No. lit st 8-0 p. m. rrom AjbOQoerqoe, cnTer. Lea Ansel. Ch.caro No. Mi srra. xo s, m,; No. SB1 st -4 hi EL PASO SOCTHTVESTZIX. Lines Eait. AniTo From North and Est. No. L The CaUforclan, 7 ajn.. No. t. Golden State Unilted. S 40 p-m. Depart for tne iortD ana jssx: na 4 Golden State Limited. 12 01 pjn.; No. 2. The Callfornlaa. t il PJn. lines West. ArriTe From tb West No. t. Copper City Special. 1 SO s-m.. Now 2. The CaJl- ronusn, p-m. , rr.rtVM th West. No. X. Golden State Limited. p.m-. No. 7. Copper CHy Special. Ti0p.m- ,w ...-- (MJUTHJEsKn rsvutv il.-3. For San Aatonlc. New Orleans and (Vasbiaxton No. 1J its. J M p. m.: No. 10 at 10.3 p-m. From Wsshiazton. New Orleans and Ban Antonio am Tea at :& a. m.: No. 9 ax "P-.1 - , . evt axisona ana -iiwi " T.1& a. m. a 181 at TUO a. m.; Na 109 at (06 p. m. From Artsona and California No. f am. at l.4 m.. No. 102 arrs, 2. p. m.. No i: b -TEXAS t pAuria For DaiUs and 8L Losla No. l Its. c a. m.. & 2 at 4.10 p. m. From St. uoais and tHs Na 1 arrs. at 1 4S p- to. No 20 sttp st IQ&Q p. XO. UEX1LAN CENTOAL. No rerular srhMate UEXllO A NUKTIllTiaTESX. No refular schedule. HUERTA BUYS FUEL OIL FOR ATTACK Nogales. Ariz, Aug . Tiro tanks of fuel oil. aggregating 31.006 gal lons, consigned to Mazatlan and, ac cording to Mexican officials, des tlnti for use In oil burning gunboats being prepared to transport federal,! troops to jsnsenaoa xor an uiimwu of Lower California. passqiWhrongb this port today. The oil was pur chased through Manuel N Bernal. Uvered at the port of Nogales within 12 honrs after orders for its purchase were received. Nogales, Sonora. officials high In the confidence of president de la Huerta are sceptical regarding Can tn'a protestations that he has not re pudiated the central Mexican govern ment. STOCK MARKET CLOSES STRONG Kew York. Aue . Temporary strength on oversold conditions was followed by decline on acute weak ness in sterling? and the unfavorable Polish news. There was a subse quent recovery on easier money. saxes approximated sstf.uvu snares. The closing: was strong. A break of 4 cents in sterling due to the unsettled Polish situation. with new financing and poor earn ings of various industrial corpora tions, tempted additional short selling of today's stock market. The mar ket, however, showed plain evidence of beintr oversold, and when support appeared for certain stocks, prices rained bristly. The reoouna carnea tne leaders ud i to 4 do mis wiin marked strength In certain of the steels, equipments, oils, motors and raiiroaas. The inquiry for the standard rail road shares Imparted a stimulating in fluence, but general buying was rather cautions because of the sensi tiveness of some of the speculative industrials and the unfavorable credit condition. United States Steel duplicated yesterday's low figures of 8Ss but rebounded to near 87. Baltu win and the investment oil stodu also displayed pronounced strength, i Monday's losses were partly re trieved in a number of cases at the opening of today's stock market. IX. S Steel. Reading. American Interna tional and Baldwin Locomotive dis played temporary strength but the entire list soon weakened when bullish traders found they could not advance prices without getting & lib eral supply of stocks. Particular weakness was noted amon? the Inde pendent steels, especially Bethlehem and Republic. Rails moved In a confused fashion with Northern Pacific and some of the low-priced shares losing ground. Uberty bends ctennc prices tossy were. 2Mb. J9LM. tint 4s. 3SS.46. second 4s. SU.i. first iMe. JStLSO; second 41ts. 3S4.64. third 4X. fSS.S. fourth 414s. IIC.1I, Victory ifca. 195.6; Victory 4s. N. Y. LISTED STOCKS. CBy tb Assoelstisl Prrss.) New Terk, Aug. X FcUowlnc are tha ctoshxr Qtsnuttotts of tie Hstd stoeks American Sugar .......--117U American T & T. Anaconda Copper ..... 61 Atchison ..a. T .... 21 .... UH .... MV TSH .... .... :s iih .... 87 Chlno Cepper . A... Colorado met ana iron .. Insplratfcra Copper ....... Northern Pacific Heiding Southern Pacific Union Pacific United States Steel MONEY AND METALS By the Associated Presa.1 New Tork. Aug t. Mceaatile paper, t percent. Exchange, weak. Sterling:, demand, SS.t: cablea, (. Sterling displayed farther weakness In the late dealings. Demand. SLS1H: i cables, SX.SIK New Tork exchange on Montreal, X1H percent discount. Time loans, strong; and unchanged. Csn money, steady. High. S; low, C: rul ing rate, C. dosing bid, C; offered st 6; last loan, percent. Bar silver, domeetie, ttc; foreign. !Ht Mexican dollars, 71e. Copper, iron, tin, lead, unchanged. Antimony. 17.10. Zinc, steady. East SL Louis delivery, S7m87 7S- LONDON METAL UAEKET. London. Eagu Aus. X, QuoUrions on the metal exchange today were mM follows. Spot copper, liX 12s, td. ElectrolTtlc HIL Tin. fZTS. Sa Lead, J7. Its. Zinc fL 10a AOT0M0SILE TLME TABLE UPPEB ALLE1. tPPER VAII.EV 11EKALD AUTO Lva El Paao Herald Office dally except sun day for Las Cruces. strives Lsa Crece tt p. m.. retnrstng car leaves Las Cru ces for El Paao. front of E, T Johns Cigar Store. S p. m.. arriving In El Psso 7 IS p. ra. Phono Bersld Office for reaer. vatlona Phone E, T. Johns 111 Las Cru ce. for ree, rvatlftna EM1IJ3 TO ELEfUA-M BUTTE DAM AND HOT srKIKGM Meets all train, at Engte. Oldest ds-n driver, best dam car on the dam line. Try these springs best In the world. X P Heffernau, Hot Rpiinrs. N H. Nr.lT UEVlrvi. EL PASO-LA MESA TRANSFEB CO. Leaves Ussoalo temple building tt I a o. Leaves La Mesa foi CI Psso at Ul a m. Paaaenger. parcels and freight In cluding El Psso Heralds, are carried eves this line. SOCOBRO-MAGDALxaNA STAGE Sunday onty Leave Socorro 3 40 p-m. u. Hsu Mstroalena. KM. Uucoi.LeO.t--DsliT to and from duvet Cltj and Uorolloo. Cars leavo BllTei rttv on srrirsl of Rant Fs train No, Oil aiocofion a. m. ennen sicioj iiinm Cap hune 10, Ofp. depot. IJKE ALLEY Htllfboro snd KlBtstua sqto meeu sn trains si bc iej- -u P Slse HHtaboro, New Meslco. BOnHELL-CABKIZOZO cars less Koe weU st S-3 a, to., stop St mlnnlee fox breskrasr st Plcseho. srrlve Csrrlzoso st 11 s. m. Csr lesves Carrlsozo at Ills m arrlv FosweU at 1 19 p. m. White Line Stage Co TlllMlAKI - CLOSLt Leave Tucnmtan I J a m, arrive Clorla 3 Jl ra.. leave Oovls 7 a, m arrlv Turumcarl t p. ra. t7o paas oil wels twice dally Fry o Beeler contractors .ARIZONA. RoutnnniL st. Johns and .rpbing- EBTTLLE, AEIZ. STAGE LINE Leaves Holbrook every day except tsosaay at s a to. Special attention to parties. L. Cad well. Agent, Holbrook. Aria MOUNTAIN AUTO STAGE LINES CUt too tvta Dnnean) Safford Leave Cllftnn. 12 10 p m dally, leavo Dancan. Ill p. m, dally srrtv Safford, 4.1 S p. rn. daily connecting with Arlrons tsterni. leave Safford. t t a. m. dally, leave Duncan. IS 16 a. m dally, srrlve Clifton. It t m. dally Five round trips to Uorencl daily, three round trips to Meteslf dslly Serv lee cars day snd night. Mountain Anta Co- Inc Cllftsn. Aria, Phone 7g. WEST TEXA.N. MABFA FORT lAVI AITO lesves Fort Davis dally and Sundays t a. ra.. Issves tlsrfs I p. m. One way SJ.M. round trio X4 Q W Oavlva nrisrtetor MO.NAllA.Ns . CIENA VlllA Sluna bans. Orand Falls impensl Buens Vlats Oswego Orient train. Ft Stockton. Al pine ONE OAT DAILT except BnnGsys Phono or wlrs reservations, E, V. Sweatt, Grand Falls, EL PASO COTTON MARKET1B GENT JUlViP L New Orleans, IX Aug. I Heavy selling opened the trading In cotton today and persisted for some time after, driving prices 7 to 95 points under the close of yesterday. Oc tober fell to 23.8ft. This slump In sterling exchange caused some of the selling and sentiment was bearish in sympathy with the weakness In the stock market. A little too much rain on the weather map and the disturb ance in the east Gulf of Mexico checked the decline and brought about a reaction of 30 to 30 points at the end of the first nour oi ousuiess- Opeutng octooer .95dum, i- cember 80, January. 29 60. March. .17 bid. May 28.60 bid Easy The market turned nervous sod more Irregular than ever Lste In the cesslen the moat important buying of the session entered tne late months and pot March to Z SC or lv points over Saturday's final price. Toward the close the active montshs were at net rains of 5t to pomts. Reports that Polish-Russian necoaanons .. hn Ki-mItm. flf( ceased fresh selline and the market sacred dowa arosnd thel lowest levels stub- iowuh j active months were at .net losses of 7S to 84 points. The maraet ciosea imay u -Tances oS 44 to 4 points. Hlch Low Close October " December . St." -U March " - S-4 UlddHas. IS points dowa- Sales on the apoC 7TS bales to arrive, nene Low mld dMni IT7S. mlddllaz. J St ruod mld dUor !.M. recelpta, 1I7S bales stock. MJ.17I balea NEW TOBK COTTON TCTtJEES. N.w Tort Auc. t. Cottoa fatares closed easy October, St-tle, December. 2t S7c. January. 2t.ttc March, IS.1SC. Mar, tt-ttc rtlT.XTCTOV SPOT COTTON. Galveston. Tex.. Ana. t Spots, quiet ajd unchaaged. Ulddliac, S7 toe In Spain a person who goes Into a shop and asks for what he wants without first bowing politely to the shopkeeper Is considered very HI mannered. Classified Advertising Rates I HEAVY I C WOBOS-- Tim. TtmesTTimes 2t words I tt Sit til a words st Ul Lit tt words s Ltt Lit It words t Lit I.S7 :i words Tt 144 lit 31 words 7t 1st t-IS 3 words 7t Lt( :.! 37 wards tl l.3 2.11 It words tl ll 3.U It words 17 1.71 2.(1 Urords to it 2.TI 11 wards SI L 2.71 tt words H 2.SI tt words It ltt Z.I7 1 words ltt ttl t.M IS words LtS t-lt 1.15 K words Xlt 1.24 17 words Ill 222 U) It words 1.14 J.1S 1-lt It words 1 IT 3.14 1.SI 44 words. 12 2.4 Ul 41 words. ltt Mi t-Ct 42 words l. US t.7t 4t words L21 3.SI I.S7 44 words Lit 111 t-K 41 words 1S 2.71 t.M ( words Ltt l.T(1 4.14 47 words 141 2-12 41 -words L44 3.11 4.12 41 words L47 ttl 4.41 St words LH t.t 4.S .The above rat. ta based on a mlnlmom of a 2 word oaaat. Ads containing less thar this sflrmbrr or words wiu be eonniea a. 3 words Two dollars per ssato llae per month. Mtotramm of two lines on monthly rate. oia iscc nara ooooie pn Tare, cents per word for stock or bond. OIL mining or other promotions adver tising. So sd ran for an tndeflnlt. period IT V 1 taken over the telephone. Orders to discontinue IT. F ) sds most be made la writing. All new advertisements sppear first In home edition. Accounts for atatvtfled ads sre das sfter first insertion. Not responsible far mar. than on. incorrect Inaertlos. in order to give time for proper eiaasl. fleatlea H ts necessary to dose The Herald daestfled pages Saturdays at 11 3 a m All other osye st it is p. ra. nut aos received after this boor win sppesr the e.xt day Orders to dlseoattnne went ads mast be In Hersld office before t a. m. of day of poHteattoo Undertaken PEAK-HAflEDON UNDERTAKING CO Open day and night, sat-tat Tans. Ph. 1S3. Privals ambvdanc service. J. J. KASTEB 4 CO. 11 N Campbell Street Tela. Ill and lit Losl aod Forma FOUM) Tho beat trsaafer and storsgo estsbllslimsiu. KELLY78 TBA-NSFEE STOBAOE CO. Ph. 13 LOST B.twooB Clint and Fabcas. Thars day night an Airedale dog; vzt early Finder Ph. 644, CUM. Texas. S. B. BUtr. reward. oo EEttABB. LOST One ltt Baick 7 paeseager. black wheels, when taken was carryiag Okla homa tag. motor No. 4t77. ear No. I7t77t vrm pay tSM reward for deliv ery of tbls cmr wlthla nasi 3 daya Ph. 2t K. TC Laaford, Maaggra. Okla. Personals MILL1SEBY Hme. Sevan. J N. Kan sas New hats made, old hau renovated. railllaery eapplies sold. It ANTED Congenial coo pie to share In Overland trip to CaHforals. good car. fall equipment, will start Aag. 7. Fh. CM. and 173. Special Notices Vrf.TON PAINT CO PslBtln Doner hanging, decorating. tt N Stanton. Phlilt RVUS 1x13. cleaned, SI msttress reno vsted. 125 Ervln Mfg Co.. Ph. 1110 MATTBE6SE8 renovated. S3.S rags. tilt. cleaned 11 Ervln Mfg. Co. Ph. Ill SEniMi MACT1INEM repaired and wirk ensrsnteed we know now will can any time Ph H4 Can for Paters, 4tl Tessa llEUSTITtlllNfi, sltentlooa. sceordlsn plaiting mall orders solicited. Mrs. 8 Jon, Rllk Emporium lot Tessa Ph 1172 UEMSTITtlllNG. moot work, sceordlsn plating. UlbS B. CORUM. Idodlete, tS Buckler Block. Ph. 1SIL HEMSTITCHING and ptcot edge -eork done on short notice, any kind of ma terial. Staffer SewlnE Machlse Ca. 39 S. El Paso st. TO SELL your old furniture sad hooka Call Enrin Furniture Co . Ph. lit. 1M San Jacinto. Furniture Traders. BRLCKEB CLEA-MNG CO. Hlch elasa cleaners of ladles aad reatle men s garments. Ptedras and Pro. Ph 2. THE EL PA0 MATTRESS, Mm. CO. twi lnsulled the meet moderr msehinery tn the tnaBufscture of mattresses of all tnd Our specialty It renovstfDjr mattressea Mattress renoratiss JtJ&. 712 Park st. Ph. 4145. AT LAST DEAD 6nor COCaBOACn rOWDEB Also aoa-polsoBoes raaranteed BIXM)r-BATS Southwestern Baker Supply. 210 E. Mls senrt. Ph. 1U LEAKY concrete fuel oil reservoirs may te quickly and permaaantly oil proofed by uslns CONWAX. the oaty raaranteed oil prooftnt manufactared. Address. Waterproof Paint Co.. 8225 Foaataln ST.. Los Angeles. Calif. NOTICE. I wish to aanouaoe to the public In teneral and most especially to the dental aad medical professions that after Sept. ISth my dental practice will bo lhatted to EXODOVTIA-DENTAL OBAL SUBGEBT- X-BAT DIAGNOSIS. DR. M. F. BAUCHEBT. S.C-7-8 Mills Bide- El Paao. Tex. HERALD T BY WHEAT Chicago, III. Ang J Wheat made a steep advance In price today as a result of increased speculative buy ing stimulated by European war talk In a little mora than an hour, an ex treme upward swing of 15 cents a bushel had taken place, March deliv ery touching JiJO as against IMS at yesterday's finish. Later, the market Jumped still higher, and before mldda7 had scored UUc gain, December delivery reach ing a. ton level of t2.iHL. compared with 1M3(, at yesterday's close. Then a setback of more than six cents ensued. Something like the old time spirit was shown In the trading pit, with transactions at a much livelier' rate than has been the rnle since business in future dellverfes" was resumed. The most significant bullish factor as viewed in some quarters was a statement that the British royal com mission was asking exporters to offer wheat In any position possible. Legal Notices. TO tttk KTrtrtrnoi.nERS OF THE EL PASO CATTLE LOAN CO, EL FASO. TEXAS. Xotle. la berebv aivea that a Special Meetmr of the stockholders of the El Paso Cattle Loan Compear of El Paso. Texas, will bo held at Its office ou the 17th day of Aucust. 1J:. at 10 p. m. The ob ject of said meeting betas; to Increase the capital stock of said company from tttt neuM to IIH.1H X. and to transact such other business ss may be brouzht up. Slrned and published by me at El Paso. Texas, on the 2nd day of August, lttt. T. a Scrorirs, Prealdent. Money to Loan MONET to loan on diamonds, watches and iewetrr JrutoNrs. ii : dubwb M0EY to loan on watelies. dlamoada antoraobllcs or anything of valns. Sccnmy Loan COl. IPS 3. El Faao. as TC $30 loaned nentvt cmplorca ehtsn sst rslea conndfntlal Qnict SalUtsctorT service Draks. 21 Roberts-Banner SiONEY losned on fontltnre, pUnos, asto- mobllea livestock. Llberrjf bonds or otnrr coIUictsI st loweat rat. on liberal lerrsa EQCTTABI.E LOAN ASSOCIATION IIS Trnat Bids Bntiness Chances. DOCTOS wishes contract placUeo or Vj-J cation n r.ew sxxreo or esi aba... - areas i is, hit nti.,u. A FINE opportnnlty tor hustler In a dah-T proposition and valley farm. I win fwaaco If yon are tne ngnt ma- x " ." FOB SALE A small confectionery and dgar stand centrally located, most b sola qtnea. :i B. ZmI raw rOK HALE Parlor bar. heart of city, good pay. t7S. half cash. J. S. Creator. ltt Tmst. . h. 3S- Tort BALI; Good paytirg baslness. reason for selling, oavo other baslness. Apply 37 eaa i MEXICO I-ASSFOBT PnOTOS tat S. El Piao. Fred s stadia, near ureaan bh&w. Ping Pongs. lc dozen. FOB SALE "Psrlor Barber Shop, 3 sUnd. next'door to post office, cheap rent, doing a good buslnesa, Ed Martin, Ala- mogorco. ai- mvrvn rmslneaa partner in new m- teresttng exclusive business, bright oat look. I1S capital required, worth In- .rL.A.B. . ' -- tOULD finance manufacture new lavea tlon or discoveries or buy rights to same, give full details and particulars. Address S7 care iieraiq. MILL SELL OB TRADE tor small busi ness or Ford. 2 Iota Alhsrabrs Heights Call between t snd t am. HIT Alamo- gordo FOB SALE Barber shop. 1 Chan- and bath, cheap rent, living apartments is rear, bargain. Mrs. D. O. Davis. CUM. Tex. TENEMENT IS PEBCENT 1NESTMET. Now Is the time to our see iv i-.-wna. Tenement speeisiisi. t-o. eeet. tat S. EI Paso St. FOB SALE OB TBADE 14 paseenger Stndebaker anto bus, in good condition. also Power's No S moving nteture ras chlne. J S. Crorler. lt Trust BMti. Ph. tES FOB SALE CUEAP Good soft drink snd dgar sund next to theater rood location on main street, sickness why sellln. Ap ply J. W Luraley, 221 Morley av. Negates. roVFECTIONFBY STORE FOB S4.LE BY OWNER. MAKING gSOO PER MONTH. noon terms, ob mix trade for RESIDENCE OF EQUAL VALUE rKOM OKiEK. FIL Hit, uonLD Invest few thousand dollars or buy outright good Duatnesa preieraoir manufacturing where sales ability would be saset. give full particulars In letter Address P SS. care Hernia. COMPLETE vulcanising outfit, best out fit In the southwest, with tools snd rub iu ..,wv xssa n.k win Invoice over 112. owner lesvlsg town on account of sickness, tr interestea write w w. . Rsraoulst. Box a. a., oweii. na. ulln PRnprrrtTY WANTED Geotozlcsl reports msde. If yon win have us investigate oeiore you t w . vr erty wo wHl sav. you money TBAYLER-EETLLT TNTESTMEST CO. SIS First Nstl Bank BMe. Phon 27S1 Ex, FAtl. TJiAAS . X RARE OPPORTUNII'x. T nav. an lnveatment in real rive close la business property in the heart" of Five Faints taat pays is percent on us initic meat if you woo!1 be Interested in a nronosltien of this kind, lust call MSI. and ask for Mr Trafton. with GOU113LAN 1SKU9. A IV- I.IU 2S N Stanton. - Phone 1434. SE VEXDE Bsrberia de Atm mflUs in Lowell. Arizona. barrata. Mny boena projoclslon para Mexl canea. Oportnnldad de sanar macho dl nro. LOWELL WAKKE.N D.S. A BEAL ESTATE ACENCX II N Brlnson. Acnts Ttrt. Central en LoweBy. Ariroas. Rcynijng Hocic--For Salt and Rent FOB SALE By owner.- alee, clean 10 room roominc honsa lne lease and cheap rent, now fall of roemtrs. Ph. 7220L TO CCY OB SELL that roomlnif of apart ment honse. hotel or bcelnesa See Meters. JAMES L. MABB COUPANT. Phone 2s 3. Ran Antoato ft. BOOMEfO HOUSES. Hato you 929M cash to forest? 17 roms. 4 aleeptna porches, swell location. Wnt lease, cheap rent, prtco 22754. net Income $2M per month, this ts an annsnal op portnnlty and win not last. See Rico or Meiers, Rental Department. JAMES L. MABB Jt COMPACT. Phone 4 IS 24 San Antonio SL BABGIN IN ROOMING HOUSE. Terms to suit you. See us before buytne. wo can sare yon money. Rooms Cash Down. Price. 20 21S00 I200 7 2 200 1 0 10 2 M 21200 12 21000 ....11SM 21 2 200 I1M0 17 21000 21000 14 11000 21000 If you want a rood propcalUon H. A. liINTEBS. Pboae 1714 222 Trust THdg 03 and Mining I WANT a rood driller to drill a water weli up the ralley. N. E. Veaxey. JleraM office. BIXE PBINT MAPS Sectional county mP sbowtog blocks snd surveys, each 21 Metcalfe Blue Print Co-. El Paao. Tex. 10LE. lots In JUtura Park to trade for Blr Four oU stock or Fisher. Address S 22. care Herald. OIL LEASES FEE LAND. Tnlarosa Basin. Owners. 220 Trust Bldg OIL LEASE FOB SALE. Fire year commercial leases near every well In Blr Sprtnrs District. The General Oil Company has struck pay olL Tea acto tracts from 210 per aero up to sec tion. Leases within 4 miles of any well in field for from 210 to 22S per acre. Pecos Is comlar back. We can furnish 5 year leases from 2 20 per acre up m the Pecos field. MIESSE MTESSE. P O. Box 592 Bir Sprisrs 7ax. Help Wanted Male WANTED Battery man. Apply 1 Myr- tle W ATED Tonne man on automobile work. Exlde Battery Co.. 119 Wyoming. OlMJ lady to work in store. Apply In person. 4019 Alameoa. A TED A first class cook. Apply Chocolate Shop. HALTED At Btoeoe at once t first class meat cotters, salary tit per month. E. Torres ft Co. BOY Ate 17 to" learn to. art or anoo re palrtnc SHOE 1IOTITAU t Meaa. WANTED first class pressor Japanese Cleaning Worse, tit Son jacmlo WANTED Experienced sMpstag clerk, must be a good grooeryman. Apply st once. Levy Grocery t A GOOD rasa to solicit sad ooilect Indus trial life Insure nee, good money tor a hastier Pn, 4tt, lit Herald Bids WANTED Experienced sath and-door ma chine hands, steady work year round. wltroor Jackoon Co., Albuaueinse. N. M. WAMED Experleueed colored waller. good wages. Apply the New Mexico Cot tare Banatonaim, wn.r wiy , WANTED Battery man at once, chance for advancement t right party, tolumbia Storage Battery & ignition Co, m Mills at. tt a vnrv!iiati .anertenced motor oie- ensnie motoreyele man preferred. PSJt st The Hariey Motor Cycle Shop. 1 Myrtle. A FEn extra high gTSde positions pay ing tram JIM a month up available through the T. M. C A. employment bu reau. See Mr wheeler COLORED LABORERS If you want a good Job where you can earn from J7 to It per day. see Gonzales Labor Agency for Information, ttl S. El Paso .i ivmi MhitM. a first class painters for Inside work, long Job. Apply rnr. MornetAris. WANTED Foar good men to collect and iiw. i.jh,Mri,i Tjr. Innnau In S3 Paso, beat advances ontf oooniiww niin raatrieL American National la- soranc. Co.. 41S-11 Trnat BUS. SEE VICE ECONOMY SATISFACTION MTv nvitmt WORKS 2 piece salts cleaned and pressed .. Jl 3 pieco salts cleaned snd pressed ... LIS Pho 7ts w will can. WAJ.TED Colored laborers last rasds a shipment or oowrea dots " "a"""""-.". wm maks another on. on tao Ctn of Ang If yoa waat a lob where yon can make wwl iMMe. ret baiy snd eeo as before Friday Oonsales Labor Agency. ttl s El Paso. WANTED Msdilnlst. capablo of doing lathe work, battery work and aeetyteno -welding, good wages to capable man. Dot yon must bo am to oo uw """"" cannot wo you, write falty In first Setter whether stmgl. or married and references Marfa Maaafactarlag Co. Marts. Tel. TKEBE IS AN OITOKTUITY 13 Ei Psso for an alert. ambJtloss vosag man. 17 to 30. to learn an In teresOag and prefiubls hnsiltess. mast have high school or bastoess college training, shorthand sat neces sary bat ability to as typewriter wooM bo helpful. Address K 3. cars Herald. Htln Wanttii Saletaen TTANTED Spanish ipeaklag salesmsn to work sfencan city traoe. mwj - mlssloa. fa iwwj REAL ESTATE SALESMAN HASTED vnto own tr ILWKIS BROS. I1S.117 Uarrln BMe. PhowoM. SALESMAN AND DISTRIBUTOR "anted for Niagara water uroia .... " sure clean up, must be responsible and flnaneUlly able to handle deal. If yoa can't fUl these requirements don't answer El Paso Del Rio. Laredo. AmarUM, Pecos. HI- Sorlnv-- E. E. McPow. DllasVrex Help Wacied Hale and Fenale WANTED Mar-led couple, preiersoiy white, cooking aad houaework. suikll fam ily, good wages. Address Dr Balloek. Cot- tase nanatonnm. m" .... . - HANTEI1 Men snd women to help cut the high cost of living by Jotatng the EI Paso Os-operative Arsocratton. For In formation can or write. Office, bssemeat El Psee. Bank Trust BMe- PhST Help Wanted Female . . - ...nnnri nnriri.'ii-if " m OIRLS to wait on tables. Apply ChoeolateJ Shop WANTED Intenix-at girl for Bght office work. Appry sis saiu -us. EXPERIENCED cook for small family, no laundry, good wages, en io- i-. ..n--- ENOUsII speaklag girl for general house work, references required. Ph- USt WA.NTED-T.un, lady .h.yeaksSpa.- ln 4.U Giuisiuii . sf - 414 SL gtaa ton. T1ATEI For 1 week, marker ana ms trthotor ta flat work departmant. wty Lacadry Co, Tpesos. Arts. W ."Ti7'T. Tarirbt OTIBr for office work, mart haro hlh "ch0 d- cation, Adlress w z, care nwuu. WANTED Eatltto speaMa 7aB1; small family, ajodd wuw, eaU early to th store!- M N Ofgran. EXPERIENCED EnUsh speakinc trt to cook, email tamUT. Sod salary to right psrty Fn zr EXPERIENCED rtensKrapher. isrwcera office, pexmaneat position. Apply Rnnkls A PeacoCK ICrt--. lis uurmMm. 1ATED Aa experienced ittttf t3 tato work. American Candy Kitchen. 2 K. Staaton. GIRL for general hoasework whd can cook sad will stay dents, small faznlty'wadsna. Ph. 7I1&J VNTED-Bnllah speakiaa' Msxlcan or Nlored woman as hoosekeeper and care oC 1 small cMio. ra is st . WAXTED CBlncombered white woman to do cooklar and hoasework on ranch, (am-lly-of B. salary per month. Address Box 7 Valenttne. Tex. MAXITCD Two white or colared woni or alrjs tor ceneral housework aad eook tus. matt like children. Addresa.Bx ftT, SterTTa BtUO, V- WANTED Experte-aced millinery sales lady, mast be yownr d of good appear ance and recently employd. Ours James Stanuer S3 Mesa. , WANTED Two good Mexican women, one for cooktsc and other for housework and laundry must have references and stsy on place. 111 PederaL Ph. Itet- WANTED Good Hextcan woman speaklag' some Basils, tor coosaac. nfrusewora an laandry must have' references and stay on place. Ph. TTtlB between T and t o'clock morn-oas. SOLICITOR WANTED Inteinsent aad efficient yeunc lady, oas that ta wlllr to work. saUry snd oora mlsston. call between lbs hours of I and 1 a.r . MATTTEIJ) BT-DC Jt DTP. CO. tit Texas SC "trtsl'mnt Tltrltd Hal. RAM CLABOBN' Oeneral house cjeaoinr and carpet cleanlas, waxlne f-oors a spe cialty rn ts COlirETEXT bookkeeper wishes work at once, can operate typewriter. Address U ts. care HersJd. J. B. BAT. THE BOSEJIAN Bedotneaau sraf Unx of roses and fruit trees a specialty Stsi Btaseo, pa. ys. 11ANDY man wishes work of say kind. Sanson and carpenter. Address S IX. care Herald. MAN. are IS married, rood o-ttee -man. win accept anythlnc with a future, belt ef reference. Address N tl. ears Herald. FIBST CLASS office man desires postOos where ability and strict attention to work eounta position must have a future and salary adequate, married. Ii years aid. t years' exnerieace one ftrm Ph. TIS7J EXPEB1ENCED enttneer for permanent position, best or reierencea ibiw-ipi. would conalder flretnc with oL it years if ate aad married. Ph. ttllW. call Mr Mearne, 111 N CampbelL Sifcutionj Wste3 FeaaJa EXPECIENCED stenOETSpher desires po- s.a n- TJh a-t Hi ion. m, ju v - POSITION anted as soTeraesa tn refined family lo or oot of city, references ex- cnanceo. Aoartti w . - EXPERIENCED steaorrapher wlshss sec rstartal position. Al references. Address 0 a. cmr jiers-m. uavtku Br axDeite&ced yaanr lady. eiperteaced poslttoa as cashier. T. B. X. operator, or efrar nn. Aflws:wnw1 ANTEI Po-ritloa as cashier, can op erate typewiiter. rood -references. Ph. 1041. ANTED Positloa as P B. X. operator, experienced, best of references. Address R TS, cars Herald. I EXPERIENCED young, lady bookkeeper desires poaluon St once can operate Bur roorhs posting machine banking expert race Address R 7 care Herald- Real Estate Wacicd loo PER CENT results from teaementa TLRNEB. KEMP . COLUWELL. WAVTUtt To buy from owner 4 or t room buasalow with built la features Ad- y si. oar. re..M. uiTvn to BUT HotM from owner. S or S rooms to FTrt PodaU or Alts Vtatadto trlct. v Pboao S74J. .. ... (t .m .,i. in model Jl S Situation Wanted Female x-a "".- ir-ikrs,T i. wtaeai?rr? : : " room bangaiow, .. t district Ph. 4tt or 4at. i WASTEUTo boy. dlroet from owner fall doscrlptloa. Address D St. car. Her ald. WATr ,o bay good 4 or t room !?JJ .111 nss cseh for earns If It Is a '" give location and pries. Address No. O. IS. car rieram- ..!,. Sr VTU1U OWXEB w . a mam eottag or bnngalow. ao 5.laTpTW. writ. B. W SL. ltl Arlaoea st ci r . WAXTEB To bay for sil call WW lstTcood 4 to room noaso or bngatsw. i,v.Scstlon and dcrlpUoa. "? Slcrf rlaht. Addros. J P O Bos lCw. ire cv-N sell yL.-V aiftStll UVmt sasrs. as .... rtA rlsFht. " " " . .rivTrns ix. j. i - rriJi 222 Traat Bide. WANTED Bofors or by Bopt. 1st I or S- modern basralow with garage, by ressonslbls party. Ph. ITtT. WANTED r-UBNTSUBD MOOSE OR APIBTJIKNT TO OCT. 1ST. DR. B. T. STEYENH, . WANTED By responslbU coaple. 4 orS rosea house, unrurniswew. .,. . IHt FURNISHED luaJso .wanted B r" person, .tat. price, slse and location, best references. Address S tt csre HerslQ- YAVTED To reat. by Sept. 1 "JS. 4 room hxmoe, furnlohed. by "" elderly peopla Address S It care Herald- WANTED One or 1 howsekeoplng rooms. Btsaoa. near oonn w, - So-rlloe. lttl Arrsoaa. Ph. 4st- . . - o rent with 1 rear leseTl ?. u 12 rooma prefer iocs- --.. i..e. of High WASTED To story now . w " --: - . ui.k rlon within wslkrog aistsnc. o. "- , .. t wkk. .p writ. H di K. D Rsy- I nolds. 1S2J No 1WI Happer ste QUIET lady would like to rent room with refined young couple In ! meat, where th-re are no ehlldre. nor other roomers, pevraamrnt Address s u care Herald- FURNISHED BUVBALOW WANTED. 7 nn trCRVACE HE.1T. RESPONSIBLE PARTY. NO CHILDREN. ADDRESS O 4 CARE IIER.1LD. Wanted rnrrutnre vrnvrrrgc-wi say the Mttea cjm price for used furniture. UNION FURNI. TTRE CO, Ph. lt4 WAVTED 11 worth of second band Texas Furattmre Co. Phone 4t7 . WE NEED THE FTJBNTrURE. Get our bid before yo. sett. Pierce Fmml rere Co lis Texaa Fa, 141- WANTED All the furniture wo can get. no amount too large we owy pa.--., --- lag machines. Vlctroias, octlee rarrure. stovop, carpets worthing. HURST FTR-NTTURE CO- I S, gtantos- Ph. 14. WE PY Mgneal cash prices for Ot aeced hand furnltur. or Mwmc r-aebnec- YOUNG rTRMTTRE CO. 17 S RteorOfi St Wanted MttceSaneo-j WANTED Refrigerator cash t or 1 feet long;. show ease tor Apply Ferguson Grocery. unar WANTED To bery sees-d hand MoCaaky register Ssuuet Oraeary. T MBadx.Ph. 4T1. WANTED One drop top. I drawer type writer table for Iteming-, describe. Ad dreCT Boa 14. Santa Rosa. N tf For Rent Hoatet Firraithed BUN OALOW Near Ft. BMe-. I4S.U per month. JT BBS. 1XRN1S1IED 2 room cottsge, ale-tlag nor-h. for gonllomaa. Si Mesa, Ph. 2-lt. FOR BENT Furnished. I rooms snd hath. It, for adults, no peta 7t Tessa BEAUTIFUL fumisfced homo ta Swiset Heiahta dose la. will sive lease. , " ---. -gZlU, &3LLL frame ootUaa. aleeplatr porch. somo Bsodem eoavsolaacv hloeic from car. OrusdTlew. bo tabereolar. do boys, refer- Ph. iJ . For Rent Hoaxes Onfnrtiisbtd TY.R RKT-l-rn baacalow. k at 2217 AUmoro-Tlo st, 250 per xaawtb. Leavea A Shennaa. Ph. 42S0 FOR RENT Two story 2 room, modern house with Uore sleevtar parches. 1401 N Florence. J B. OrM r Owner Ph. 4442 FOR R-T--.irNTTJRNlSItED. 4 Toocus. 0 P-. Idalla St 235.00 2 rooma, S. P Xowatam At 205-00 LESLIE BEED REALTOR. 010 Mine Bide . Phone 140. Da T?li WacteJ to Ktct rOB BEST New bunsalow ana-Tan low new t toiflpeeteo. i-n. i Hetshta, S room aleoplna; porch, baseraeat lOB BEXT Tare nice clean bousekeepinc aad heartac plant, paved street near car ( rooms, no seek, no children, wajktnc dis- UBf oa btiwwi, ua iui n. price, is rillLLIPS-CBEEL BEALTT CO. Phee tt IT First t-atloaal Bank BTdx. For Rent Aparfaatnu Fignslied DESIRABIX elos. ra. completely rur- nlefcfe apartment. Pa. It. TIIBEE ale. furalshed rooms 'tor tt a month at 111 X Kansas. TI1KBE rooms and hath, ao children. . Wyomlar. Ph. sttlJ SICKLY furnished apartment with carats. Ph. ISM. OVE room kHeasaet aad bath, at II W. -an Antonio Ph. Sltt FlTRNIMfED apartments, Tery dose m. Apply Ape t The Ansfia. 114 Sooth Vtr aitiya. . T O cool, clean rooms for bonsalcoephic; mnntnr water and sas, first floor, facias east, cia tn. 40s -Montana, ra. aaTSJ. NICE CLEAN and coot apartment whs screened sleeplnr porch, close In. 1122 N.. orecon. rn. taaa. MCELT farn-Shed 2 and 2 room apart ments wtth kitchen and bath, with or wjthoot sleeping porch, close In. Ph. T00A. T1IKEE nice, laie roams with or wtth oat eleetrhur porch, water aad Heats far atoned 002 E. XeTada. BEIIBOOU. boudlor and bath, a dassv aH- Itle apart-uant. with maid servrce. tat v m mans -.sva. .-. -. month. Tha Homeacead. 21 Nl Oreeon. ... .... .- -.. . --.- .--- . tn sleeplair porch, steam heat, hot aad cold water walking dlstanca, no children, price ItS 829 W MlssoorL APARTMENT. 22S, 4 rooms and steeptar porch, on car line, pared street. HENRY B. STOVE A COMPANY. Phone 2024. 410 Caples Bdc- COUB1NAT10N Utlnf. dlnlar room, kltch eaet. sleeMac porch, newly tinted, raa- ntac water, gas, electric tights, place for parking car Ph. 0S22J THREE room front corner 2d floor apart mast. hardTVod floors, French wthdows, ploaty of Uaht and sir. best Dart ef dty. famished wtth all now high class genome mahogaay fnraltore. Wilton rags, new farnlsblngs throngbe-ot. nothiar to bay. inr ou -I.-K7. BBimw-iie posare-won if desired, will appeal only to those d slTtng first class apartment. Par appoint meat, address. R 00, care Herald Apartmeab Unfarnithcd TIIKEE rooms apt. Si and JK per month. 4T-t E. California at- Ph. U. COOL apartmurt with larie porch, very close la. ao ehlk-reau Apt. ilt Prospect. tcr-lr. LLCEKNE APTS Six rooms, modern. F. A. Spence. 11 First National Baak BUS. Ph. tttt. NICE I room and sleeplnc por-h apart meat, eloso la, reasoeabte, ao c-fydrea. Can moraines rrom S to t, 11 W Nevada. CONTEMENTLY arrested apsrt-Max. I rooma oatn. aieeprac pores, water ivt t-ihed. Til B. Overland. Ph. liJ ' KMCKEBBOCEEB. corner Mesa aad Call, torala. So. McDaalel. ttl First National jBank Ph. 0210. 1 FIRNIMIED trucks for movta honsehoM 1 hiatIi mr,A Kaswsn CTTITTN T(T1C saw. a-ua.u- aiio.itf- -XB STOBAGE. PS. III. Apartment Unfurnished UMTBM SEU apartments Close in. Ap- Plt Apt. Tbr AWIIT. " - "lalfc ALEXANUK1A Lnder new manageraeau Mra Jack Lyons. Unfurnished dlalar room, living room, bedroom, bath and Bliebenet. FOL'B rooms, bath, bolit ra feotares. otnet ly modern vacant today eloso m. sot -N Oregon, shown only by appointment. Ph. 1S4 , MCB, airy new apartments; la bag schaol district, living room, bedroom, kitchen, bath. St. base, gas raage. sad mirror doors. reasoaabH rate.. Ph- 11 or Mil. AparhneBb Fnnmhed & UnfnraBlied FTJfuufrlEU sad narsrsnanea ifanawaia l, g know row wsnta. DOLGLAS C CRDWCU. abubl, 224 Mills mac. Phoa. '. For Rest Roocu f MCELT fnraisbsd eooi front room. 100? BOOM, eotmectmc bath. stam heat, refl tlamen only Tl& N Staaton MCKLs dlatasyoe. lharalshsd front room, walklsx 1014 V CamplWl. yh. 01.W 2 NICE coal rooms Ftws 2272. to employed paopls SPECIAL CMMER RATES by the week or month. ST.KEtilS HOTEL, on tne I HOTEL COSMOS 312 Texas. High oisss rooms, tub and bor batba, attraetlvo summer rates. Pa. 312.. GOOD dowatown i-rKtma, eoolesr ta town. ail ootsfde. ressonable rates. spposKs covt 4:: E. San ASIOSH. COOL ROOMS. 24 and 29 ft B--Eleoms with sath. hot and cold water. Ph. 24T, HolH Teaaa LARGER beanurnllr farnlsad coal rooms, with or wlthooi piiTate hath. HIT Mon- YO& KENT Fnrrcished rooms in, prlrato tamlly. sentlemeo oniv. refereaees ex ehaaced. f7 N Oregon. Ffc. 4411. KOOH with private bath, also roaaa wlth ot sath. rrtrtvlns wster in alt. The Arlen. 227 W Mtssoart. FOR BENT Monasr exceptionally Isixa cool room la private home 1111 Mon tana. Ph. 4I8 ROOM for employed featleman. connsct iasT hath, eioss In, sear railroad yards. Pa. M74 FPU BKNT sefitleraaa. N'ce slry front bedroom to a prtrae lursae. doss lr im. sail. , , w.- --...i-.. I NICELY furnish front b. ; water, close la. meals c-. for 1 or J gentlsmoa. bsdreom, running veoleat, sultahJ' Ph. 1S71. ELEGANTLY furalahect treat room, doss la, hot snd ebld water wxthrprtvae. fam Uy 111 W t Grande. Pit. ttWJ LABtiE, very alee, nejwty famished raosns- sad aieepiag pseeex, ramaisg water doe. la. desirable kKatJon. garage. 12 Olive. Ph. SS72U. I FOB GESTLKHAS Cool treat room, sep- hot wster. steam heat. Lamar district I also garage. Ph. 7112J I LARGE, aleoly furnished south front room wtth refr-ed family close In. modem con vsalooees, eeave-leat to board. Til An . hotel sayoy. 1M ,), roams, ii private, baths, rates ' rsass-aUe- as asce'leat farallu hoteL Ph. , sis, lis a. atantaa. HOMELIKE, cool corner double and sin glo rooma with running water, ressonsbl rates, wslslac dlvunce: good raesls In ng wyocatac. LUG. seautlfu room. twin"oeda, adlolnrAg bath, real daaa. The Homeotesd. 922 N Oregon. Also sleeping apsrtxsent with i maid service j FOR BENT To gentleman or 2. beautlraJ large, airy room, 'w ior m r is i steam heat, runahtg water, private home references. Ph. tttt. FAY BOOMS Lasr cool rooms with oz without coBaectias bath, e-rerythlnr new very reasonable rates. 31 S Texas, otct Chocolate Show CLEAN, nicely taraiahetf south frost room wttfa rtassod ta rteeprar porch to share wtth reliable rentremaa. separata teds. phoa. hot water, ctase is. 301 W Rio Oraadre Fgt RCTt--Rpgms jJafegj j THREE larre cooSrecrJnc rooms, Utfcts. water aad pboae tncfeded. dose ia. newly Fa. aias. Honiekeeping Roozaa Fvmtihtd HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Ph 7T76R. 1200 Maroffia. MCELT fura-aaed boakptr room 910 E. Saa Aatoaix IKO rooms tor Itcht houseksep--C. ltoat-aa. Ph- ttl. no sick. IJGHT IlOtSEKBEPirG OOOD3 MOVED and stored when ao-tred. Kerry's. Ph. 1-. IIOCSEKEEPIXG bell rooeuL tT n; Canp- -BCE. eool hoasekeeplnt room. St pes week. UH Z. Ss Antoato, FOB BENT Two tum-ibo- rooms. Mess. Ph. Wis. ONE uaupleSa housekeeptnc room, tit per month, per aneat toaa-t, W N. B Paso TWO eteaav newly paperee rooms, sink Is kitchen, S per week. t S OeBoa. ONE large IBraiahe. -ousekeeplnx room. ovarytbiax flarnlshea, for 3 adnits. no sres or ehlMren, eJooe m. t Msaotfln. nr. , lan. el-n h.osekeeDlae Uchta. water and telephone famish-, tit FOB KKNT IJlht house keeptac apart meat, 1 Texas also oo Stoooi bna- raace. II. r o . win, r n .,.,. TWO run-shed rooms aad lara. clsssed alsi liliir porch also sarace. MSt Panhlnc pnve; near rrva rmm. TITO CLEAN front hoosakeeptar rooms to adsdts. lhrhts. water and telephone .tarnished na sty-a. 1 N Kansaa S ROOMS, wall tarnished, for lct hoose keepins. doeo ts. rmcant As. Jrd. 720 " HOCPEKEKPINO apts-. rnnatar water froat north, one extra bed roam. Oppo stta Cleveland Sgnare. T14 W FranMla. NICELY fomlabed SeVt &oceJ-eepir roam, water, tsshts and hot hatha, nice. deaa. cool room, no sick nor ehUdren. si jssranw. XW O honsehoaptnc rooms, lights, caa. bath, 2 alee, -dean bodrooma. 23 week, all cool oats-de rootna. Corner OctaTta-Missoort. j 102S . ' ' 7 ; 1 YtnnttkttSmZ K00BU UniHTmSBea "TTTO front rooms and parch, also pica bedroom and sleeptav pares, scttabfts for 2 yeww nsea. ItOO N 1-Tcranc. For Rent Rocmt and LABeiX nicely tarnished room with hoard. SOl . OTtaton. k-n. j- iROOM AND BOARD far tabercalar lady la wry coot pHraie aome. Ph. T0S3W , ,-.- - : I FIRST class board aad oms. with nd 1 .i .-.i. K.-.P1 SK '- RWi rr-kri-k WlKaaal auruyysaaA -"' - -. ----.. .... -. w -. ms -. Oh --? 1 StTS. btlMHl JUS-HK-. r .-. 1IOUL SrANATORICM for coaraleacests. best of food, rood care. 244 per month. Addresa Boa 12S. Talarasa, 'N. M. A BEAUTIFUL room aad excellent board to couple, ao other boarders, ta new pri vate Tteasa. rererencea roqairoq. ra. essi ' MCE- cool aad aleepteg porch with board, peefer UdUa S21X Tremaat, Hlgh Isad Park. Ph. QQ17W BOBI for children In coolest place n E3 Paso. bst of care aad a good home. Ph. 0402J For Rent Stores and Offices I STOREROO-Lf. lss with basement, best ' locaUon. Fire Potat?. wUI gire lease. Call tttT Montana. Ph. SS WAREHOUSE oa S-a F.ancisc. St. 1K)I'C.I.S C. CKOWELL AfiENCT. ttl Mills Bids phone e FOB BENT A Ure sad a snail cfOci in the Herald halMlnc- Rest. Bsht and laattar service taraished. Reaioaablo area Appty to the A-dltor of The Herald. BETAIL msTKICT Have several locatiora strsaetlcalty sitaated for the b-elneea s for which they sre suitable. Lease for period of years. W B. GAFFNET Centrst Property LEAVEIX MIEKM.VN lit Texas 81 e Ph. 4tK DresnaaKlnj SEWING aad remocloitof den. reasonable. - . v.- ra svsj WASE1 Ores msklac school ctotHea silk ahtrts, well made, summer prices, stlt MB3. J NE DENT 373S S Diego. Ph C22C Draasraakltig. chlldr-B TStT.. T- TnrHtta -tt Wi. . ..T7 -iiu. ea -rw. , aaai Hllia HI WQ1S tl ejj . broidery, work naranteed. X 1 v w