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EL PASO HERALD ? 9 I H I If : i ! ROUNDABOUT TOWN By c. a. martin. DO you know what a floater is? J E. Qusid is Bote? to be one and R. E. Thomason is one now. In Texas a floater is a man "who represents more than one county in the legislature Just how the tem originated Is not suite certain, bat erer sine people "an remember, there hare been flo 'orial representatives In the legisla ture of Texas. The dictionary does not sire notorial as a woru. R. E Thomason, speaker of the Texas legislature, was asked about .he term and said. "I am not posftlTe how It originated, but in the early nays, mere particularly tnan bow, Mvei-al counties often constituted a legislative district. It was the cus tom to elect a man from one county one Tear and another countr next the Job floated around and from this the term floater orurinatea. l i sure, and thus it became known as a notorial olatrict." The district to which J. S. Oaald has Just been nominated consists of ki Faso and the adtoinine county. '-ence the reepretentatrre is known as a floater and his district as a no torial district. Mr Thomason repre sents the district at present. The late county Democratic con vention was as liberal with its reso lutions of endorsement as the Demo- , of Jop- Don't Spoil Tour Hair By Washing It When Ton wash roar hair, be care ful what yon use. Host soaps and prepared shampoos con lam too saucn alkali which Is very Injurious, as it dries the scalp and makes the hair brittle. The best thin? to use is Mnlstfled cocoanut oil shampoo, for this is pure and entirely greaselees. Ifs rery -heap and beats anything else all to pieces. Tou can get this at any drufr Ftore and a few ounces will last the whole family for months. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in, about a teaspoonful is all that is required. It makes an .-bLndance of rich, creamy lather. -Teanses thoroughly, and rinses out easily The hair dries quickly and oecly, and is soft, fresh looking'. bright, fluffy, wary and easy to handle. Besides. It loosens and takes out every particle of dust, dirt and dandruff. Adv. SAY "DIAMOND DYES" Don't streak or rain ywr material In a poor dye. Insist ob TJiamond Dyes." Easy directions is every package. GIRLS! LEMONS 1 BLEACH; WHITEN i ? Make Lemon Lotion to Double Beauty of Your Skin Squeeze the Juice of two lemons Into a bottle eontaintoc three ounces or orcnaro: wane which can be bad at any drag store, shake well and Ton have a quarter plat of harmless and dellshtfnl lemon bleach lor few cents. Massage this sweetly fraerast lo tion into the face, neck, arms and rands each day. then shortly note the beauty of your skin. Famous stave besntles sea lemon Juice to bleach and bring that soft, olear, rosy white complexion. Lemons have always been used as a. freckle, sunburn and tan restorer. Make this up and try It. Adv. QUIT TOBACCO cratlc national convention at San Francisco was with votes of thanks. About 'the only thing overlooked was an endorsement of the way Park Pit man parts his hair laBTS GET VP A RELIEF EXPBDI TIO. (Frbm tee Warren Scnttael-Le&der.) The &lrls of the Burson factory of Warren are not working: this week on account of no atorldas They expect to so to vrork Just as seen as more stockinc arrive The Springfield Union thinks bach elors could solve the housing problem by hooking up with Iva House of XJouisville, Ky or Iona Lott of Skow heffan. He. The San Francisco Call adds that there's Ina Shedd of Berke ley and Getta Rume of San Lais Obispo, if the other two don t do Hew nbout Vera 3Iay Storm, ol Mn. Mo.f ever! TIIE VOICE OF EXTEIUECE- (Hopkins. Mo., Journal.) A young woman from Good Hope attended a movie picture show in Hopkins which featured an actor as a perfect lover. She says that in her opinion he has nothing on two young men in -this community when It comes to being perfect in the role men tioned. Our Idea of a snap Getting an en dorsement at the hands of a Demo cratic county convention. In simmer &e put in our tims wishing for cool leather so ne am Irish for hot v?eather. A SLAVE TO HIS ART. (From the St. lou!s Post-Dispatch.. Jean Knott, cartoonist, tentifled in the circuit court at Clayton that It Is necessary for htm to play poker in order to get humor atmosphere and genuine color for his drawlnga. In El Paso countr it Is considered essential to allow gamblers to op erate to keep them In proper training to vote right in the primaries. Indoor snort: Sweartne at the tele phone, the heat, the ECof L and the man who asks us to do committee work. The galley boy aaya if men didnt wear any more clothes in summer than some women do, the auffragets would hare a law passed to arrest us alL BUT 'OT JUST OrCB QUAKE. "Egypt is famous for one Nile, Parts for one Eiffel tower: south ern California for one stalwart newspaper Lor Onglaze Times. How we golden whales do spout! San Francisco Chronicle. It's a hard combination but you often find that the man who wears his tnmers too short has coat sleeves that are too long. even; nsm tpcs the Villain his wife thinks him to be, gee, what a pleasant old thing life would he for husbands. XXOHS-IiT FHILOSOPHT. (By Luke MeLukft.) If father hates to go to bed at night th&t is natural. But if the chil dren act that way it is orneryness. Even when a man hears his wife snoring when be sneaks Into the house at 2 a. xn, he Is certain to hear her tell him next morning that she never slept a wink waiting for him, to come home. After a wife has nagged her hus band for four hours she will sit down and wonder why he does not love her as much as he used to. This Is the season of the rear when daughter and her dudes occupy the front poron ana xaxner nas to taae xo the back porch. Many a man gets married because It is cheaper to get a wife than to get a valet. Bean Bag Idea Broughl Prosperity To Anniel By FRAXCBS L. GARSIDE 1 TT WAS six years ago that Annie Hay Bryan of the nuawest xouna in xne clutter or cioin ana oeaas ana buckles that accumulates in every household, a piece of green felt of a very Inartistic shade. She did not want It; she could not. through some inherent trait of thrift, waste it. Perhaps it was not an Instinct of economy that caused her to lay it to one side; perhaps it was an inspira tion that comes many times to many people, and which so many refuse to entertain. Her Inspiration was that It would make a bean bag why not a green turtle bean bag? She cat out the pat tern carefully, sewed it up, filled It with beans and closed the gap through which she had poured tnem, and lo. the first of the animal bean bags of the menagerie that extended ultimate ly from coast to coast was born. Orders came for more. She found that while children preferred animal bean bags that bore no resemblance In color to their living prototypes, they demanded that they be faithful in outline. She cut carefully; she em ployed all the help she could find to sew; she bought beans till the grocer wondered if she were operating an army boarding house, and within a short time pale blue cats, pink pups, yellow monkeys, green horses and purple cows, with their little Insldes composed of beans were being thrown Into the air by thousands of little hands. This was her Idea of making money. What's yonrs? Copyright, 15261 Thompson Featura Service. KW1Z. Res. C s. Pat. Oft New Questions. J .What la a enenmberf 2 What disposition, ara aahara haired persons supposed t. havet S Where is Bald St.natala? 4 What ia variation? 5 What 1. varlesatlonf ft Who flew across th. Atlantic ocean In IS hours r 7 Why should .rreet and starchy fowl. b. used la moderation la ila. aserf 8 Where 1. the center .f th. Iron mlnlnjc district of th. United Statu t 0 What docs the word "catch penny mean F 10 What 1. a halyardt Answers to Testerday's Kwls. 1 A lie In the same of golf Is tho position of the ball when ready to Play. 2 A hinge Is a deTlce that allows one thing to turn upon another. J Louis XIV. the most magnifi cent kins: of France, was called Xe Rol Soleil." or the Sun King, and used a full sun on his coat of arms tn addition to th. fleur-de-lys of the royal families of France 4 AsheTllle. North Carolina. Is In ternationally noted for the curative properties of its wonderful air C Th. ostrlsb has th. smallest brain and th. largest body of any bird. Economy Is truflllty. or th. practical, systematic manacemant of affairs. 7 Autonomy is aeU-sWraKfJr practical Independence with iwmlasj subordination to a higher EOTern raent. S A hoi. IS Inches deep anet lari enough to contain all th. .dibits to be cooked makes an excellent camp fire oren. "The Outlaw" was written by th. sifted English author. Maurice Hewlett. le A capsule Is a small sh.ll con tainer or aed vessel, also a small eas. mad. of gelatine for containing a dose of medicine. Sell Oil Stock to CnrtlM CoAdv I So easy to drop Cigarette, Cigar, or Chewmg habit. Ko-To-Bae has helped thousands to break the enstly, serve-shattering; to- oocoa nftw. ftneaevcr yon nave a longing for a smoke or ehew, lust place a harmless No-To-Bac tablet In your mouth instead. All desire stops. Shortly the habtt is completely broken, and yon are better off men tally, physically, financially. Ifs so easy, so simple. Get a box of No-To-Bac and If It uoesn't release yon from all craving- for tobacco In any form, your inigrjsz will refund your money without question. Ko-To-Bac is made by the owners of Cascarets: therefore Is thoroughly reliable. Adv. D ot try to become slen der by drastic doses of thynnd or safes. Reduce ireafht and wmistfia-. also iili nonhirTf''liyKr.rT thesale. rebableKoreaj system. The ckadewon i ! .A ina,misui swwsn ideahowseeiookedesd sf S7 tea. UftvangZAnm and mwnrrac easy threcoons of Korea, systso she reduced (too cksest feztures to graceful proportions. Nowsheisasil.6ttr-etiT-,men-tatW alert and tn better health. Why not ye itefiabfe an&Cat seif reatniesL Become Sfeaer and Stay So Many, both sexes, report they have redse3 M t wo pumas, rtosxarrsiff; no ouurami exffutwiy stenoer ana Rftnnp Ttrz.iit.t rnscs m. Sale, pleasant method, endorsed hyphvwaM. Leoonscf testnnenius. $100 GUARANTEE cr money refund. Boy ICoreia y drnvruttf. txmeni at ' Ut lnends this . f 14 Years Ago Today From The Herald of This Date, 104. fHE postofflc. for th. town of Las X Vegas. X. M. was opened this moratas at S odock. and almost everyone on th. west side called at least osee for maJL Capt. John E. Bunt and Lieut. James Srkes, of the 55 th Infantry, stationed at Fort BUss, have been ordered to Austin, as umpires in the maneuvers to be held there d urine the next few weeks. A detachment of the 25th Infantry left yesterday for Fort SHL Okla, to participate in the rifle competition to be held there under th command of Mat J. M. T. Partello. C. B. Morrill, resident engineer of the O. H. & S. A. has returned from Del Rio. E. Klein, the South El Faso street merchant, who recently suffered a stroke of apoplexy. Is at Cloudcrott with his family and Is recnperatlnff rapidly. The Republican county convention will meet tomorrow morning In the office of district judge J. M. Gosgln in th. courthouse. Fill Out With Pencil Uflunuuncea torteni at tm WWW taX trim ti A DyKHTHWai KaNT. HEADACHE TABLETS For Headaches and Neuralgia An Old Sore see not seel becasse the pus, which is coatbsaally fonnSnJ. po! 0ns the santxau51u Jieab. Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Healing 011 Stops th teaarfon cf pas, de stroys tha pokoa and beak the ore. It Stops Pain and Heals at st the Same Time. j 3 li t s 'T IS jj 35. 3,-B '9' ;'9 15. .lb"! t Sb II IS. .37 ott C rJf Ctjy Q$ mMTktWJf, V. lUlf-Tvl iTfITm ft ff n fp """lirirOiPrfe? - w OQ' o 001 ow HSs . 9 & zw$ Tr-gyrn t r -tf WHO PAYS f TRUCK TIR PNEUMATIC EXPERIMENTS 17HEN an automobile . W owner'stiregoesback on him. he more or less cheerfully charges it off as a personal loss and tries to do better next timee It is different with the motor truck owner Every tire must do exacdy what is expected of it or be charged against his business. Expeiimenting withtires is not the job of the truck owner. The United States Rub ber Company spent two years in developing the idea of putting a heavy truck on air before it brought out the first pneu matic truck tires. Even then it was not satisfied Even at that time it saw that you could not take an ordinary passenger car tire, enlarge it and make it do what truck owners expect of their tires. It went back again to first principles to the foundation to the bead of the tire. The car owner who seeks United Slates standards in: tubes is -well paid in more mileage for his tires. U.S. Red Tubes. U.S. Grey Tubes. It created a new type of bead construction, posi' tively anchoring the cords. It put in the right number of breaker strips, stronger side walls, a heavier tread. The result was a pneumatic truck tire not an enlarged passen ger car tire. Created to fill a need not padded and bolstered up to fill a market already created There are still some sizes of U. S. Nobby Cord Tires you cannot buy. The market is there, waiting for them. But they will not be released until this company is satisfied that they will do whattrttck owners expect of them. The United States Rubber Company has never asked truck owners to pay for its tire experiments. ic Truck Tire 9 QUICK TIRE SERVICE, Inc. 323 Texas Street Have You Heard? 'The Love Nest' It's Good jnmrfSBMMsmaBaaBSV-B3BassmsB9iHBMta to Qi r Ksrs ijma ft Of whom is Noodle thinking? DraT from one to two and so on to the end- j SOo OOa fl.ZO