Newspaper Page Text
L PASO HERALD "Wednesday, Aug. 4, 1920. 11 t Real Estate & hacraaee ANDERSON IN3. CO. INSURANCE AGCY. "c B glaenberg Mgr, Ph. 40tL BIO GRANDE REALTY CO. 106 Texaa DOCGLAS C. CROWELL AGENCY. :u M.lla Bid; Phon. 380. I'. W WILLIAMS AGENCY. 318 First Natl Bank BMg. Phone 1144 TURNER. KEMP A- COLDWF.M. Ore? state National Bank. Phone 23 For Sale City Property IX room modern bungalow. 2 blocka Fire Points. iaSOO. terms, no agents, 809 San larcial BRINGING UP FATHER srru&i,rh.cinTiwMnu BY GEORGE McMANUS SIX room bungalow, furnished or nnfnr muhed. Five Points, Immediate posseaslon. Ph. -64 HAVE FOtTB (4 good corner lots la Gov ernment Hilt, 1 block from cmr line, will mcnficg for CMh. Ph. II. Alamo Hotel. (OKNEK, 50x140. near Alta Vlata sebool. on riLr 'ine. paved street. S5tt cash, 166 -mis Call Tonne. Ph. 4ML BEAITTIFCL f room bom by owner. buflt in features, breakfast room, sleeping iorcta ba-enint, garage, paved street. 2 block of car Ph. S-.T1J. jsIX room rod pressed brick, bath and .Ietpiig porch, in lit Mock on rood reet, Jl'M cash, balance payable SStt per jear do monthly payment. See Dare Hunte1 St. Regis Hotel LOSE in reddenoo and baslacaa property. Mlue $14 oe trade tor T or t room house. iLACUrN-MEECER REALTY CO. tn Caplca Blag. Phone fist or IIS ITT FOB SALE Pour room bungalow. S classed rooms and screened porch, hard- oo& 'loon; tile bath. 1 lota, paving paid. !" McKlnley st.. Ph. ttTSJ FOB SALK Fifty lota to sots addition o E! Paso Tex, at JUS per lot. all cash wanted these lots sell at rttt and up per lot thorough mvestlgatlon solicited. Ad-d-?Ba P Q Box tU. Bl Paao. Tax. IMMEDIATE SALE NECBbSABY Five large rooms, sleeping1 porch and basement. fin? lawn and trees, lot 69x129 garage, price JB660 tlttt cash, any agent or own t isos Artaona. Ph. 4TT BEArTlFUIXY located splendidly bnfit bungaioT- S larr rooms and classed sleep ing porch, on main floor, large 3 room apartment below with separate entrance, 2 story brick garage, owner can rant upper part for about iff ire-ing oomrortftbiy downstair 1322 Nevada, Pa. 2085W, terms. HELLO- JERR-f WILL "COO 10 FYriHIN WITH ME ? ITLL DO YOU MOD SURE -WAIT UNTIL I A&K WETVV1FE I LtVE dOT AROUND THE f4&, etSS corner: r J gM wwitvuz. : blWjfi (1 SH TCZ 4 Wi Lf n" Ik i "E K - J. nio ar nn. mm stmcaviae. For Sale City Property LOOKING FOR A IlOMEt 'lEE US. BORDER IWEST5IC.NT CO. 05 RATAOLDS OLDC rilONE SSS NEAR ALTA VISTA SCHOOL. Four rootni, 2 tieeptnj; porches. 2 front rod haofc entrances, chicken yard. Smlt trees, flairers and lawn, half block car line. JJ7W. JM cash. Ask for Scsxborourh. PIONEER SEAL ESTATE CO. Ttl-3 Bl Psso Bank BldgL. Ph. HT For Sale City Property FOR SALE Two hmises. no eommlsslos. bny from owner Ph. sttfW WHEN lookmi; for loU anr part of the citr. lust call Ells. JAMES L. MARR COMPACT. Phone sin III E. Ban Antonio St FOB SALE Five room brae, on 2 lots. sonth front, alley corner, lrs glassed In sleeping- porcB. basement, rsrare ana cntf bmldinzs. chad, and frslt treea. eon venient to schools or to town, and wttMn walklnr distance. ei7 River st- Ph. JUT, 1 blocks northeast of Hotel Dleo. can to seen at any tlma. Iota worth 11649. hpaae vonid cost itm to Dona: price, ihh Sioae down, balance on easy terms. See J K. Prather. lit Mms st, oppestt. post office. Ph. S3S VEAB ICGII SCHOOL. Five room bunBalow. fin. condition, parked street parine paid . . S12.0 Aak for Joe Graham, PIOVEEE REAL ESTVTE CO. 781 2 El Paao Bank Blds. Phone H76. Soale-rard Street. 5 room cottaso c'ose in S4200, J1000 cash, balance to rait TsUrou Street, 3 room frame. I lots; $1300 2400 cash, balance tnonthlr t Ffre Points. 5 room btrasralor. classed eleeplne porch; M40. terms. In Alta Vista, s room bpngalow. hard wood floors, furnace, bed room fin ished in white, mirror door: J52W, J1C00 cash Tmnaewfate Possession, new bangralow. o rooms. aCannattac HeleTnts. Finished i ivory, furnace beat: 2MB. 2KH cash 2SS monthly, lnclndtns interest. Snnset llelchts, new S room bongalow immediate possession. hardwood floors, furnace, paved; JS2S0. cash ISO monthly Inelndlng; Interest. Prospect ATesne. z lots, any reason able offer considered. TTAWK.1S BROS. 315-21T -Martin Bldg. Phone 2880 WB DUILD." We have been in the buUdlnc busi ness in El Paso continuously for the last twelve years and have built nearly a thousand homes and business houses. On account of onr larc;e volume of business we claim that we can Give yon a better banding for less money, we are contractors ana builders and build anything;, from the simplest bungalow to an office bclld tne. Building of all kinds financed if desired. HATFIELD BUILDrVG A IMP. CO. Capital USv.OOO. Phone 621 219 Texas St. S51SO.0O This nice five room bungalow, modern In every respect. Has basement and hot water heating plant. Nice lawn and trees. Two full lots. Terms reasonable. STCOCtOO Beantifnl Grant avenue bunjralow. Nice lawn, both front and back. Nice flowers and plenty of vines. Two full lots, and south front. Basement and heating plant. Don't fall to see this; J17S0 cash. We have a large 6 room bungalow at Frt-e Points on Pershing Drive, J6SS We have a nice five room bungalow two biocs from Five points. 2is. Beautiful 6 room bungalow, Manhat tan Heights, furnished: I12.etO.ea. Ntce s room bungalow. Alta Vista district, garage and driveway; I7SM. Call ti L MEKKDlTil. SECURITY REALTY CO. 49 First NatT. Bank Bldg. Ph. T1 GRAND LOCATION FOB HOTEL or apartment beaotifal view, overlooking Cleveland Square. ttzl20 feet with 2 well rited cottages. Owner, P O. Box No. 6, Bl Paao. AUSTIN IESKACE Beautiful brick bungalow consisting of 8 room, ban. basement heat hardwood floors, tile bath, brick garage, situated on corner lot l. root front Ph. Owner For Sale City Property A MAMIATT.CN HEIGHT'S HOME. Five room tanestry brlok bnnealow. Situated on a paved street, all paving pato. narawooa zioors, Duutin fea tures, basement, heating plant garage, south front, sear school and car line. This house Is In a neighborhood where it Is a pleasure to live? It Is situated east of Pledras street Price 2S500, with about 21.00 cash, and balance like rent Call owner at tl. FOR SALE Thirty acres adjoining dry limits of El Paso. Tex., suitable for acre age sab-dlrislon. at 2S00 per acre, all cash reqnuea; excellent lor emcjcsna. track garden, etc.; are you Interested? Address P O Box I4 KI Paso. Tex. S1S0 DOWN S35.00 MO. INCX. INT. Just above Manhattan. Dandy 4 room bungalow, large sleeping porch, 2 full south front lots, H block of Pledras St. We are exclusive agents. PHILLIPS-CREEL REALTY CO. 307 First Nat Bldg Ph. 43. IIUECO BASIN 640 acres well lo cated, at an exceptionally low price. Well now down 2200 feet E. THURSTON. 116 Texas St Phone 4228. JlSflO CASH buys i room bungalow. E. Boulevard, near Cotton, this la the best buy on the street tor 3C,ee 2300 CASH boys a 4 room frame. 1 bieck car line, good house, oothouses and fence all round, nice lawn. HUGH 1IDBX, 1132 E. Boulevard. PlMae Ttiej MONTANA ST. BARGAIN. Xeat 2 room frame on pav street for quick sal. Jlies, small cash paymett down balance to suit Call Etle, JAMES L. MARR A COMPANY. Phone 4I0 24 E. Bag Antoato St "RESULTS" Results are what you want, property listed for sale with m Is soon sold If properly priced. If you want to buy or sell, consult ns. See CHARLES H. KOFFXAX DOUGLAS C CROWELL AGENCY 224 Mills BldB Phone MOO HOUR ROOM BUNGALOW, screened porch. 2 lots, near Pledras St; pos session now. 33150; SltO cash. FOUR BUNGALOWS, corner Hneco and Lamar, never occupied; 2UM; J350 cash. PTVE ROOM BRICK. 3 porches. 2 lots. Copper St. 22700; 3TM cash. FOUR ROOM FRAME, 3 lets, paved, Rivera St: 3100. 21S cash. FRANK E. COX. 1 Caples Bldg. Phone 8428. CLOSE IN BARGAIN. Madera t room buncalow. cxcentlonallT welt located within walking distance af town, an bunt In features ana Darawesa floors In dining and living rooms. 2 fun sooth front Iota terraced lawn, there Is a basement heating plant and garage, eon venient to High School. Grade Sehocls and ear use. thta Is a sacrifice at tltOO, about ISO, cash, balance easy HENRY B. STONE COMPANY. Phone 2134. 410 Caples Bldg. FOR SALE. 1st Sunset Heights on Randolph Street four room bungalow, glass sleeping porch. Price $42!0. Terms J 500 cash. 340 month, inelndlng lnterest. POR SALE. Four room cottage and sleeping porch, one block of car line, lot Hi by 120. Price SIOOO Terms 3300 cash. 3.7.M Includes Interest Call W. R. CROW, with W. F. PtTNE. 401 Mesa. Phone 1250 NEAR FHK POINTS A modern 4 room bungalow, glassed-in sleeping porch, hardwood floors, built-in fea tures, two full lota facing south. 31000.00 under market Price 31500 00. Terms. In walking distance, a modern S-room bungalow, hardwood floors through out In perfect condition. Can get possession immediately. Would cost 3SO00.OO If built today. Onr price 3(400.00. Terms. Call BODTWBIX With , H. P. HADFIBLD A COMPANY REALTORS 408 1st Naa Bank Bldg. Phone 1679 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Five rooms, glassed sleeping porch, basement heating plant brick garage, on cor-er. close in, on Azisona street. 36800, terms. SIX ROOJIS, basement heating plant This place Is exceptionally well built and is a good bny at 3700. 32000 cash. Located in Sunset Heights. Call a B. HOCKER. BROADDCS JtlBIHROt, 112 Texas Street, Phone 1658 For Sale Aatomotilet Wanted 1820 HUPMOBILE, touring, run lite miles, bargain. Address U 24. car. Herald. rOR SALE Ford roadster. Ill model. Ut N Campbell. BRINO 10UK tiro for retreading and re palrtng of worthy tires only 417 Mills st AUTO LAUNDRY Have your cars washed while you wait CASH PAID for old Fords. 200 N Kansas. Pit. 277 FOR SALE Maxwell touring car. Ill) mode, run COM miles, good shape. 8e. jwn.r. api. , ilea is. sitssoon. WANTED A block tor Oakland Itlt mod el. willing te pay reasonable crfee. Ph. CHEAP FOB CASH. Chalmers. U17 model, good condition. HARNETT'S. 219 SAN ANTONIO ST. FOR SALE OR TRADE tor t passenger Ford, 1 ton Ford truck, la perfect condl. tlon. Weiss. San Ellzarlo. Tex. FOR SALE Ford ton truck, chain drive. 3 fotot body, rood tires, rood rseebsnlesl car.3IUon.HM Hit Rlchpond.Ph. 7323W. ONE nearly new Ford 1 ton truck, worm drive and fitted with over sis. pneumatic tires, price. 3710 Ph. (193 day time 1918 DODGE touring, run site miles In good shape, for sale cheap by owner, rail evening. 704 Mesa av "SUNSET HEIGHTS" Six rooms and screened rear porch. basement, alee lawn and yard. Situ ated on terraced lot, S7Hxl20, one block from car line, two blocks to schooL House Is well built and Is a real bargain at 3500. Terms are 31000 cash, balance S4 a. month. In cluding interest See Charles H. Koffman. DOCGLAS C CROWELL AGENCY. 324 Mflls Building. Phone 8S00. (1600 CASH. 3li Xooth Net Profit. Nicely furnished rooming house, centrally located, con sisting of 12 rooms, and al ways tilled. This place will afford you a nice 3 -room apartment and make yoa tie per month clear. For ap pointment call Mr. Hlrsch. with GOODMAN BROS. Jt CO. Inc. Real Estate. Insurance. 205 N. Stanton. Ph. 2424. DOWNTOWN CORNER. Valuable downtown corner, pete. 320,66. rents about (ttM year from ojd baOclsx. 330 too cash, balance ftv. years at 7 per. cent This la an unussxl odowt tunny te acquire a pretarneat eeraer rlxht in the uwa or improvement ans one seoeic rroni El Paso's aawest modern tsstwUnc. Might aocpt part trade. Owner. 42S Trast BMg. P.o phono.) "FRANKLIN HEIGHTS" Double briok house, each house has four rooms and bath, houses are well built and are situated on lot 53x120, on Hast Boulevard. This property is a real bargain and an excellent In vestment at 3600, terms are 31000 cash, balance notes. See Charles H. Koffraan. DOUGLAS C CROWELL AGENCY, 214 Mills Bunding. Phone 8 too. (4to eeo cash. An attractive five-room red pressed brick bungalow with sleeping porch and screened service poron. hard wood floors throughout; basement; two fall lots, half block of car line; good location: geonln. bargain. Call for Mr Ming with THI-STATS COMMISSION CO. 22 Trust Bide. Phone 2944. WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY Run small store and pay for home and business at same time. Small, neighborhood grocery with living quarters, also fixtures and small stock. Opportunity for Hve wire to work up good business and pay for iotne. Indndes lot and half in good, growing sec tion. Price 3200. Easy terms. Apply to Mr. Abbot JAS. J. WATTS CO. 307 City Natl Bank Bldg. Ph. 44. GRAND VIEW 8 Room Sonsalsw Half bloe of car line. hardwooJ floors, sleeping porch, built-in fea tures, etc South front on 2 full lots. AT THE AMAZING LOW PRICK of 24600 00 for Quick sale. 51000 cash, balance easy. CLOSE IN 5 Room. Red Pressed Brick Soath front on 2 full lots, extra large rooms with kitty ceilings. Ground alone is worth the money. 36000; 2100 cash, balance long time. P. W. WILLIAMS AGENCY Heal Estate and Insurance 214-15 First Kat'L Bank Bldg. Phone 1144 Member of El Paso Real Estate Board MANHATTAN CORNER BUNGALOW. Attractive t room home. Uvlnr room across entire front, large dining room and there Is a seacsoes porch on front eacircilng south side of house, a basement and heat ing plant, one of the best enrtrusted hssses in Manhattan, only tStee. terms. XUSKX U. DIOJS LUSTAM. Phone 2S24 410 Caples Bldg. ARK, YOU STILL WWTTNG FOR HOUSES TO GET CllElPtmi What is there in the situation to r-fv you out to think this will ever ban- pen? They have already struck oil at Valmont-Tularosa, and they, we pre dict, will do so at Hueco Basin. The pen 10 aaexico wui soon open. If pros pects are reliable, and the population of El Paso will double before yon know It We have one of the best lists of bungalows and residences In the city If you want to look them over, call Mr. Ming or Mr Bonner, and they will drive yon ont and show you what yon want Small payments and easy terms TRI-JTATB COMMISSION CO. 224-225 Trust Building, Phone 141. For Sale Country Property WILL sacrifice on account of tearing city Muvtui, pasiesjrer. gooa Urea, bnznnera, motor meter, ehtin tr esth, win dtmonitrate. Ph. 471 L 10 B SALE Ford tonrlng. new Hay, 1319 Fisher electric starter, demountable rims and 19 other extras, perfect rnnnlng order and good rubber. SMS cash. Ph. .. CTraiop. I O.VN OIL STOCK that sold within the past year for IS999. prominent companies. sTTien uS W Oil and Dot.. Servleo. Kveco Ofl Co, Hueco Jvr. Co., Ranger Bark. Ranger Central, etc. I offer the entire col lection for one good touring car 42i Trust Bldg. ForSalFnrtoe FOB SALE Flat top mahogany desk and chair. Ph. 1MI. HOCSEUOLD furnltare for sale, I earing town. Wring room, dining room, bedroom sad kitchen furniture, also rag 111 Ft. Boulevard. TWO Axmlnster rues. xl0 and 9x12. also small rug X rockers. HIT N. Ochoa. Apt. 4 Ph. 774. CTJBMTUBE FOB BALE Bed, springs. dining tabic chain. 11 rut running machine. gas ranee, steel couch. aeTeral small ar 7U N Virginia. iOU rtlLL find our display of storage and commission furniture Is our new oca tlon. 101 to C9S E. an Antonio best se lection and largest stock of used furniture In city, look us up before yon bur O. P. nOUSEB FTJBMTCBE CO- PH 4110 nATED Second hand rcmltura, any amount and quality, wo pay cash, phone M OUUlIUiU, 1031.UA. LU. 0f a pan antonio. rn. aa. For Sal.2 MuceIIaneo:u FOB btst SALE OftKe leas Ph. iu. and fsrnlture. SEl.tNO maenine gone wrens tr repair lag. Ph. 4T11J, Cherry. ONE $M9 diamond ring for sale, bargain. 791 Mesa. Apt. 4. FOB SALE Complete set clothe a Ph. (IK of new baby Wo bny and sell second hand bags. TEX. BCBBEB fc METAL CO-. Tit S. Ore. FOB SALT; Automata card printing press, aranex camera, aeccx. 4ii Aesa. Ph. 7fi. FOB bALE Thra cash registers, reason able. 1 new largo double door safe. IfM. Ill 8. Florence. WOOD FOB SALE Hundreds of cars dry 4 foot split oak wood. Warren CtereUcd Lumber Co. Oakwood. Tex. FU KM TO RE. planoa reflnlsbed. rcsatred wo can match your furniture to any color. expert work only J Uegna. Befinlshmc ut c.1 .raso riano ua. rn. itw. A L1UKBAL szlce will be allowed ta ex c banging your eld furniture at the flOHE FCRMTUBE CO. 3U Texas St Phone ISfS. WILL PAT HIGHEST casb price tor sec ond hand furniture or will exchange new for old. BIO GBANT1E FrBXITtTBE CO. Phono 1191. 101-11 a Stanton. WE HAVE an extra lair stock of used furniture and rugs In first class condition at Ttry reasonable prices. HOUE FTJEMTUBE CO. Phone 1211. Ill Texas St We buy and sen all kinds of fur- tore and tools. DAVIS BABDWABE rCBJtTTURE CO. Corner OrcrUnd and Oregon Sts. Ph. Ht THE WESTERN FCKMTUBE Ce. wOl pay cash for your furniture or wo wfll ex change It for new. Come to the star that saves you money Ph. 14 II. corner Stan ton and Overland. LATE 1919 (v passenger Maxwell car. looks and runs ilk new, plate glass la rear, hew batierr and BHitrir harn no murJt M. t rear, fabrics In front, original patet. me- CHIFFEROBE, 119. drain g tab-. !: cnanieallr perfect, never atr iv.rtiiM- ' cnaira, m complete bed. ill. base burn- . wsw uirsjiBg t-t7t43. !, ucraxy isoie, 11 davenport, tie famed oak buffefv tit refrigerator. Sit Weed chair, S. ruga, tables, rockers, books, etc far sal reasonable privately used, 7t cash, might arrange arvu .cm tq responaiDie party For aem ut jouan, aaqress n. is, trsro Herald. OBIENTAL OARAGE. PHfiE sjuc til N. Kansas Sl. General Repairing Independent Shop by W. V Stokes. used cars bought sod sold on cntBrnlssfoi-n AUTO SALE. Bulcks, ...17IB-SU Fords, 1175.112. XI'V SI?-t' "0VIm Truck .. SIM C4ds Truck new S117S 5raith Forma T S4U fl. . C Truck Silt Kissel Kar . Sltt FARM TTUt ralST tBaVVBLL A bllEBMAX. JS M rJw haPreved. .' I.jiTtS iesssxK-rs ' 1M acres, partly elearnL ei' n all or ewrt ... ltt acre, attt lead, ein stfl ".r "" Bar.SKS.;B a"' f "ear Uatluga.1" LBATBLL & SHERMAN. lit Texas st For SaJe Farmi sJ Ranclitt eh-tensjs. County Road aad Interur- CORNER BUNGALOW ALTA vlTAoa nntirv 310 month. Including Interest: on two inn corner lots. ive rooms ana sleep ing porch. Ivory woodwork through out all built-in features. On paved street one block of cars and near school. Price only 34 50 CLOSE-IN BUNGALOW; 3300 DOWN About eight blocks out has four large rooms aad porch, 34. month, lnelnd- ine an interest l-Tlce 33.70. urown street, just off Magoffin. prrn.i.ip.rTr p"t. rpittv -. Phone 436. 207 First Natl. Bank Bldg. -REAL, CLOSE IN BARGAIN" Piv rooms, screened sleeping porch, situated on beautiful terraced lot 22 by 100 in fins residential district, close to schools and oar lines This is a real bargain at 3J000. Terms are 31000 cash, balance notes. See CHARLES H. KOFPMAN. DOUGLAS C. CROWELL AGENCY, -.1 sm-i minding Phone leap IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Six-room modern bungalow, base ment heating plant brick garage, on corner. Now Is your chance to buy a clow In bungalow at fne old price 6800 terms. CALL a B HOCKER BROABDUS LE BARON ill Texas Ht Phone IMS ,, .BARGADIB EVERY ONE. awe Jurt north of Manhattan. S reem woera hangalow with heat easy tor 3SSS Sear Alta l-a school 4 room ,,,B,Salow, furale-ed. terms a" Tw. Uoeks from Flie Points. I room modern bungalow with heat sarage, 3 lots and In one of the pret---."j! Net. In the city, good terms. strs--4rrarnznt Hill 6 room bunsalew with carat-e. S-5"-it-.,lfr pb- " r'a J613W MeKEE BBOS. g MILLS. BLDG. REAL E1TITK. For ranches, farms houses hotels. smess property apartments and 'H Fee . A. BOGCE A CO. I jne ent El Paso Bank Bldg TeL 1277 rBRSHING DRIVE HOME -args porcn on two sides of house, living room over 15 feet long, tile floors in bath room, hard wood floors In all other rooms. You win find wall space for your piano, davenport and dressers. The woodwork and fin ish throughout the house will please you; closets, kitchen conveniences and breakfast room will bring Joy to the housekeeper. Two large oak doors opening on the front porch from living and bed room. French doors between living and dining room. Price 37800J0 with unusual terms. Let us convince you. ANDERSON INVXSTKENT CO, Ttesltne. 203 Mesa Phone 4K1 BUNGALOW HOME OWNER'S SACRIFICE I own and offer for sale at once un usually attractive bnna-alow. contain. lag large living room with built-in boakcases. Buckeye fireplace, artistic mantel, big bright dining room with Plata rati, buffet large mirror, china eupooara, pnone oesk. well arranged kitchen with built-in cabinet large drain board and bulltln effects, especial closet for lee box. two good site bedrooms with olothes closets, attractive bath room, complete In every way. hall between bedrooms and -bath room Glased sleeping porch, nicely finished. Electric fea tures are complete and high class, wall switches, poreh lights, full width front oerch with cement floor, hrlcv- columns and wall surrounding poreh .wins -"-at.--s.o3 sningie rooi (best known). Pressed brick and cut stone construction, hardwood floors, newly painted aad tinted throughout, oc cupied always by healthy people Property Includes two full lots, with cement walk and paved road, wood shed and garage in rear, lawn, rose boshes, shade trees, grape vines, apple pear, peach, cherry trees in rear yard. Alta Vista section, one block from cars, three from school Immediate possession This excep tionally appealing house was built by a good builder and contractor for his home I must sell at once so have put the price down to 35000 00 with attractive terms. Tou save agents commission on this bargain. Owner's office 425 Trust Bldg. (No phone). FTE ROOM BCNGALOW S4875 Modern bungalow. S rooms. Ivory finish, nice heardwood floors, deep clothes closets, bniltin fea tures, 2 full lots, on corner, paved street, 1 block from car line. owner leaving city, and house priced at rock bottom for Quick sale. Easy terms. 3 ROOM PRAME 1150 CASH. On paved street, close to school. 3 room frame, on 2 lots, large gar den in rear. Price 31700; 3 U0 cash: balance 320 a month. Call VAN HORN'S. BROADDUS -t LE BARON. 112 Texas Street, Phone lo8. SUNSET HEIGHTS "SNAP" Six rooms and bath, mission style house, situated on lot 45 by 120, close to. schools and car line in a good resident!'-! district This Is an op portunity to buy a desirable home at a price considerably less than it is actually worth. Price Is ISiOO. terms are 31000 cash, balance notJs. See CHARLES H. KOFPMAN. DOUGLAS C CROWELL AGENCT, 214 Mills Building Phone 2800 asoOO-00 Six room bungalow, heatin- nlant garage, worth at least 37000 OOOown er leaving town. 31500.00 cash, bal ance like rent HTSO-00 Alta Vista bungalow, brand new, five large rooms, comer lots, 1750.00 cash, balance easy. 13730-00 Four room bungalow, close In on North Side. 3500.00 cash. J 25.06 a month and interest 83000.00 Four room cottage, three full lots, corner, two blocks from street car. Grand View district 3500.00 cash, bal ance like rent Will take piano as ursc payment S2000.00 Four room frame, two foil lots. Coun try dab district 3300 00 cash. 320.00 a raontn ana interest win take piano as first payment 31750.00 Three room cottage, with basement under entire bunding, near Five Points, 3300 00 cash. 320 00 per month and interest This house could not be built for 32000 80 P. M. RIGDON-. phone 50 NEWMAN INVESTMENT CO. .;& s, Sets .iwflrw.. as Binitiriri? - u ". !? -1" .v! "J"- tT.-.-T"-X?'.. f - V ". u-wasr. il. Soathwest Mm .-. W J. OoTdop. Xosalea. Arts. "" -"f-w acres at Moowsin parr. Otero -tuty . NewMratee, 14 acre, under w i.-0- orchard. 43 timbered, en. limited water supply. Por farther par ticulars apply to ... JAS. 1. WATTS CO. 37 CHy National Bali Bldg- El Paso. Tel. FOE SALE OR WILL teade for dty property, a ranch of about 7t acres, wan leoaud. partly In cultivation, fenced, a wen. Irritation dltehea. boos, aad barn. rlrrt class far cotton, alfalfa aad cans. Owner, address S 34. car. Herald. HTntlRRiv rmu 12 acres, 2 room adobe. This sida of Tstets, good irrigation ditch and good drainage, all level and la clttrsUon. VTren 3 Booths. ANDERSON IV1TMENT CO. Realtors. ttt Mass. Phon. I HI. Dependable Used Cars. THE MOTOR MART. Montana and Stantwi Straeta. Telephone 2X2. ELLIOTT SAIS: W. are downtown sew. General repairing and flywheel gear band. far any o-td car. Maxwells, 33. Chevrolet 312; Overland. 112; Veiie. Jit. Osr ex perlenc win sav. you noser. FRED D. ELLIOTT. 213 E. San Antonio st DEPENDABLE USED CARS. CHANDLER t passenger, new paint cord tires. CHEVROLET -3 passenger, llltn-ed-...,. -" "shtly used. ALLEN I passenger, 1IM model ussd only as demonstrator. DODGE I passenger. 1313 model, good condl tlon. BDTCK 3 psssenger, Hght six. BTJICK ROADSTER New patct over-tz. herd tires, excel- 'nt r-eehanlcat cendrtron. DU1CK SEDAN ( paneager, good condition. BUICK 7 passenger. Big Six. MAXwi-LL passenger, lilt model VBLIE l passenrer or efaunuay. THE MOTOR 3IART. "Desendable Used Cr. Montana at StentM. Fhens 3T2- WANTED TO BUY. See-sad hand furniture, old, broken up chairs, or anything seooed hand. w. pay cash. Ph. 3t. Wallace Fur-ltsr. Co lts B. San Antonio. SINGLE and double beds. rugs, stoves, coal aad gas range, linen, bedab-r. dress era. ehlx-ooieres. ehairs aad tables, tin ol.. L, aUverw ar.. dishes, kitchen uten sils; come aad see for youneif. 4tt E Rte Grande. FORSAI-E. An furniture, rags, draperies. kKehen te-alla, wood aad coal range. 80 feet f garden hose, Uaole-ma, ornam ents, sals Mltaaeeus entire hoese. ttT m. us eon, rn. s -. it IN CHESTER, 2t caliber carbine rifle, worth, wUI sell at a bargain. Cad at Ut N Oreron. FOB SALE Bre. su-g suit size It tar-q-o-tse wool reater. IS, sport skirt silk dreea Pa. 1Q7T. A FEW seeond hand typewriters, excel lent condltioe. different makes, far sal. by Royal typewriter Agency. Sheldon Hotel Bldg, Ph. 4143. FOR SALE .-tt-ttet hl-power Savage rifle, perfect condition, peep right gsod scabbard, cost 3te new. a bargain at 340. Ph. 224 or wrRe V 2t. care Herald. BEAUTIFUL gaaraateed geanin. Navajo lndlaa ruga, hand mad. and all wool, won derful designs aad cose legs. Just received crom reeei ati-en. See them at 14 Fabs s Conrt. 332 Missouri st TsL 7TT3R. aEVTINBL The new Improved model check writer Spanish type. Phen. Mr. Williams. 1421 or P a Box 2tt. El Paso. Tex. KCrFEL ESSER t-unrt. series 1022, eiectrle fan, eleetzie bottle sterilizer, tea wagon, manogaay center table, aat-ojn. sofa. Ph. H. BASE BURNER, l: ban bearing taws mower. 31t. Singer machine. 33t. sqnar. pUne, SIM. record cabinet tl-tit 3t rec ords. 311. olaeorat. embreidered tab!, cloths, dress, skirt aad crochet counter. pans, reasonable Ms-ntesorr! system. 32. 2ft volumes Xnekeos, 33t, Junior Claasfc (new) 312. directory. It 1222 Nevada. Ph. 211-rw SHOW CASES, s,cw and second hand; casb rsristsrs, desks, chairs, small sat. Rem ington Monarch typewriter No. 2. Rite new; ceenten, table, and office partltWna complete soda water fountain, expert cab inet work done. W. bey all kinds of office aad store futurea. Chenoweth-Lcvy Ce, 111 and 21 W Overland. City. Ph. lttt. -ror: looki usTENr FOR ONE WEEK ONLT. Ose hundred, full else. 40 pound. aB cot tea mattresses for only 32.47 each. Oss to a eertomcr "BETTER BnsrNEM TO BUY AT IH Texas. BUROIITS.' Ph 34t4. Mniical In3trnrfleBti 2150 YICTBOLA and records for sale eheap. Ph. tl. 20 AEROPLANES. S-jn.- .. -Iu ... . .,-,A. Puselsges. wings complete, tail surfaces. uiwv uc-c... vdu, iitungs, aerepian. fabric propellers, cabes and other parta GROUND SCHOOL OF AERIAL INSTRUCTION. Gardner Bldg. 8. San Antonio. P. O. Box M. Open Sundaya Take Ketly Tleld street car. FOR SALE lit acre farm. 17 miles lower valley on North Loop, 45 acres cotton, it acre, alfalfa, good young orchard. 2 room house, tenant house, largs bay barn, good teams. 2 cows. hogs, turkeys, chickens am. aU farm Implements needed, win sell for a baraaln. all cross thrown in a, n--. address Owner, L. L. Hay Cltat Vex. FOUR lots and Liberty bonds to trad, for nd ir J BOX VS T. HUSS. TCX. TEN ACRES land, beautiful cantry homeT fimllv .rfhaerf ,w, K..nv k f- t pears, will consider city property aa part payment HORACE M. ADAMS. 711 El reap nana mag., pn. 8842. S420CU0 Four room bungalow and glassed in sleeping porch, built-in features, hardwood floors, on paved street half block of car line and close to school. 300 00 cash, balance like rent Been built one year. Price reduced 3550 00 SAVE S1000-00 Two and half blocks of Five Points on paved street five room bune-alow and glassed in sleeping porch, built-in features, narawooa floors, beating plant south front Built for a home; 3(000 00 MUNDY HEIGHTS B4JIGAIN. PIve room bungalow, and classed In sleeping porch, all bulltln features, hardwood floors throughout heating plant brick garage close to car line and school. This is a good buy at 36000 00 r E BUCHERT with t. C. POnTER A. CO. 201 Caples Bldg Phones 1722 or 2691 after 6 pm. FOR KXnifASasr Eeulty la brick tenement for automobile or cottage. loU In Plains, Tex, for valley land or bongalow. small tracts of valley tend; this rid. of Ysleta for cottage; busi. nesr property on S. Stanton street 3 btoele from Overland, alto brick tenements 2 Dsocas rrom raso ael Nort. betel far Im praved valler farm, equity In tats on Es trone street for auto' 40 acres of land, all has been la esttlvatlon. te Cameron county near Brownsville for cottage. 3t acre, of unproved valUy land at Alamosa, Colo, water rights paid, tor El Paso property, house on Ft Boulevard street at a bar gain tor cash., slso Yell auto, ltt acre, of land on paved road, about 11 miles dewn th. valler. fla. tor cottoa or alfalfa. far baatacss property W. N. CARL, 3.2 Caples Bldg Phones tl and 112 SOME NEW CARS FOR THIS WEEK, HUP TOURING. 1JH. HUP TOURINO. Itll. HUDSON SUPER, lilt. WITH DC LUX TOP, t WIRE WHEELS. CORD TIRES. HUDSON SPEEDSTER, SPORT MODEL, lilt. COLE ARIO 2. SPORT MODEL. 311. OKE lltt FORD SEDAN. WALTERS ft DURHAM. 31(-2tt W Saa Antonio. Phea. 4041. For SaltFtoaoi WTLL BUY for cash, pianos er players which I can us. to rent Jos. M. Oeehsntr. Ph. ttit. STORAGE piano, cheap fer cash, mahog any finish, almost ilk. new. Can let E. Sa. Aatonlo WANTED Te purebas. tor spot cash, siaed pianos or player planes, suitable fr rental purposes 13 Paso Piano Co- 213 Texas St Used pianos bought and .old. JOS. M. OECU3SER. Tuning and repalrtnr ttl Brown Ph test. orittTTarid Pet Stock FOR SALE Thoroughbred Angora tena tl E. Missouri. ktt- Sverytalag tor Poultry. BORDER SEED CO. I'lOKONS FOB SALE. II per pair. 3114 Frankfort GOVERNMENT GOODS. Just received large eemetgnment govern ment tents aad tarpaullaa. an arses Heed aad marehrag shees, O. D shirts: blankets. ptUew eases, sheets, suckers, poseses. pup teats, breeches, ieggiags, bona, tren Liberty ceu, ptekles. etc 1 rreeer. Ice box. 4 ft 8 ha. by t ft French beveled peate glass, perfect eemsntion. seed Itta than 2t days: greeers scales, desks, cash reriaiera. etc INTERNATIONAL SALES CO- INC. Main aad Kansas Bl Paso Ready Reference Baiiaest Directory Carp eaters rHONE 3S9T for ftrtt da peasterer and cesaeat work. jsanager v carpenter. L. A. Brown, PHONE S014 Carpenter wort, general heeuo repalrm plaatertag; cement work. ALL KINDS carpenter work m or out of town, sablnrt work. Ph. 7438W or 2214. FUleroaii A Welch. CARPENTER, building and remodeling .tor. front and cabinet work, brick, stone, cement and painting estimate, furnished. owtck arv4oe Ph. IttsJ Dancing Leuont. PRIVATE LESSONS BY APPOINTMENT Clasa ssssons, Tuesday and Taarsday sve man. Ittlll CotlUlon HalL Ph. HI. Ftirnitare Packay FUBNlTTJRE PACKING Paekers, better furniture, cat glass and aa essty. u. V. uoueer nr. -o. svi- San Aatonlo st Ph. 411t WE PACK, SHIP OR STORE furniture. cut glass and ehlna. satlrfactioa. guaran teed. K. L. DUlTEL, F. M. FACTOKT. Ph. IQtt-lttt FnraJtoe Repbta; FURNITURE REPAIRER, refinlshed or R. L. DANIEL. T. X X. Ph. lttS-ltTt suhastsed FACTORY. FURNITURE upholstered, high grade up holstering by expert workman, aatisfae tJcn gaaraateed. s. E Hamilton, with Da Seair A Wellborn. Pa. ttt Hardware aad FarBitnrt) Everything la FURNITURE AND HARDWARE. DAVIS HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO. Corner Overland aad Oregon Sea Pb. ttt Jrak Dealers. EL PASO IRON at METAL CO. 11H Saa Antonio. Dealer. Is aerap Iron, rubber, peeper, braea. bones etc Ph. 41tt Mattress ReaoTatag MAKERS OF MATTRBS5BS Repairers. reaevatera Ph. 147. list and 1070, 2312 Myrtle Clark Mattress A Rng Co. Matfcal WALTER DAVIS Plana and voice tesoh er; plants 3t month; roles, 32 month. No. t. Brazos Apta. Ph. 2182. MRS. WM- S. VAOVER. tGradaat. of Daaa'a Musical Icstlrata. Warren, Ohio). Teacher of piano. vfoUu. pipe organ, and theory of music including Socfeggto. Harmony. Counter Feint In Mramentatleei and arranging for military band and orchestra. Ph. TL Ft Bttga. Tev YELTON FAINT CO Faiatlng. paper hangisg, decorating 32 R Staaton. Fhl247 SIGN, hens, paiattsr aad tinting, beat work .lowest prices. Jos. Fuentea, HI S. Orecon. Pa. 11 evratags 2A SPECIAL ATTENTION given to Interior deceratiee Suggestions and eettraates fur nished free. Pboa. HtlW Bcrder Paint lug Co, 413 S. Kansas st Painting in all rts branches. OR. AUER Spec chronto diseases: dis eases of women. Over State Natl Bank, Ph. 442. nights 814. Plssibers PRONTO PLUMBERS W. doat hold you up far that repair Job. Office Ph. lttt. resedeac 8042. tot Texaa BORDER PLUMBING CO. Phon. 21. Quick repair service. 31 C Missouri Prinasi; COMMERCIAL stationery blank books, briefs aad loos, leaf aunpliea society printing. IDEAL PRTNTrNB CO. Leo Fertai. Mar, ltt M OarapboM. Ph. ta4- ETXIS BROS. PRINTING CO. lie s. oregeai St. Esebaegs your oid gas stev. far a new one a FOCTZ-MOORE FURNITURE CO. 111-112 N Stanton. FOB SALE. Fine imported fsi altera, all hand carved, at a reaseeisoeo figure. It! N. Oregon, Ph. t:t Ready Reference EntUtess Directory Acconntacb AatSqrs NORMAN E. VEAZTY. Psblle Accountant Auditor. Herald Bldg. Phone 2ttt EL P.TO AUDIT CO. W H. Payne Accounttag: Rma 314 and 21t Mills Bkt Ph. 2120. 8ELMAN AUDIT CO. Accountants, auditors, laenm. tax reports. Ph nil, lit Trust Bldg Amyers aad Chemists RECKHARTS ASSAY OF1TCE. Jl Saa Franelaco 8t Agent tor or. shippers. Ph. 7t P. O. Boa 82. NE1V ZEALAND does and rounr. also buck, for sals cheap. 3210 Ssn Jose. BEAUTIFUL Angora kittens Hit E. Missouri. Ph. 3747W OlSTEB M1ELL for poultry, 8L78 per ltt pouada EL PASO SEED CO- Pa. 313. 521-822 E San Antonio. Tito Urge hutches, it does and 4 busks for sale or will exchange for cblektaa At end Government HM line. KAFFIR CORN for chickens. 12.80 per ltt DOaode EL PASO SEED CO- Ph. 222. 822 E. San Antonio. BYARS USED FORD DEALERS. One 1812 Roadster with demountable wheels. One 1118 Touring car On. new Sedan body, vm exchange for touring car body. New and seeond hand F.rd parts. BYARS A: COMPACT. 221 W. San Antonio. Phon. 1372 Garages For Real FOR SALE Complete valeaalstag plant at a bargain for cash. Address R 77. care Herald. FOR SALE Three lots In block It E. Bl Paso Addition for Slot or will trade for late model Ford touring oar. Address 2221 Alameda av FOUR passenger Chummy Roadster, 8 good tires, new tap aad paint first class me chanical condition. 378. part eaea. terms on balance. Can bo aeon at 21t 8. Oreron. BUICK D 45 RMdater. good mechanical condition, good rubber and paint a bar gala Harrall Auto Co Second and Kan sas. SMALL, well equipped garage, centrally located, working 4 men. for sale or trade for Ford car owner leavlnr cltv Ph. 71SX aad ask G " "WHY CR1VK AND CCSSr" Have your Ford magneto recharged vhile you wait oldest roodele crsnk like new. makes strong lights. COIUMRIA STOR AGE BATTERY 4 IGNITION CO, Ph. 377 rOB RENT Garage, 83 per month. a. tampoelt GARAGE with room for 2 cars, cool light hoosokeeplpg rooms above Ph. 8723J For Sale Motorcycles FOR SALE Harley.Davidson motorcycle. 3 spaed, electric equipped, good condition. 3818 Sacrameato. BUY PURINA TEEDS AND NEW AL FALFA HAY from PURITY FEED CO. 183' Magctfln. Ph. 717 11ADY CHICKS for sale White Leghorns only. II cents each, Mra Let Reeves, Bex 4tt. Lea Crueee. New Mexico. BELGIAN rabbits and hutches tor sal. wsuld trade for gas water beater or faml tere. 817 N Ettr.Ua. Ph. 3ttl FOB HALL 10 A, M. Colleg. strain Whit. Leghorn hens fer sale. SIS each. will deliver 35 or mora Four miles south Meillla Park Macula Park. Jacob Davie. FLOCK of White Leghorns. J Whitney Webb and Lord. 380 sgg strain, good lay ers, will b. sold for less than valu. ac- eonnt or leaving dry. Ph. I8T For Sale Pnrnltnje NICE furniture for sale, also rugs, at ill tmppcll. no pnonc FOR BETTER class of used furniture and damaged goods try Houser. ttl and ttf is. San Antonio. Ph. 411. FOR SALE At a bargain, 1 dining room suite m the xinest of turned oak. ttl Aus tin at Boulevard. REFRIGERATOR, dresser, cultar. violin. fruit Jan. table, also house, cash or terms. leave in a lew cays, six B. Nevada. IF IN NEED of desks, chairs, tables, typo wrttera finng cabinets, safs card tndev files, etc. Ph. tlJ during day. THE HOME FURNITURE CO. at lit Texas, has the name of being the most reasonable place Is th. olty ta buy rarsi turn. Ph, 1282 FOCTZ-MOORE FURNITURE CO. win exchange your old furniture for new at 111-112 North SUston 8t IRON beds, springs aad mattress, folding bed. sanitary couch, water cooler, also good frame cottage, clean and sanitary Ph. 2T7tW FOB 8AL23 Six young Barred Rock beat, laying aad rooster. 12 mixed bene laying. t Orpington pollats. I months old. 3114 Hamilton. Ph. 2878W. TWENTY thoroughbred Rhode Island Rad hens and 4 cookerels, 8 months old. 2t Rhode Island ehlcks. 2 months old. all ironi otg oaicaery in is Angeles; Belgian hares, pedigreed stock, an ages. Ph. gtit. SATISFACTION SCRATCH Is a clean grain teed for chickens that Is mixed far South western conditions, not a theorltlcal feed. a practical one Hundred pounds fer 35, tt pounds. 82 tt. Tours for satisfaction, BORDER SEED COMPANY. 821 Mills St Phon. 827 B4.BY CHICKS Whit. Leghorns, 18c via parcel past prepaid, safe arrival of ohleks guaranteed, hatch off eaeb Thursday and Monday Mesitla Valley Hatcher, Mrs. H. V Bundy. Owaor Las Crueee. N. M. GLO. B. EBERENZ CO. Chemists and assayers (formerly of Puebl.). rtpa. fer ore shippers at 51 Paso smslter eU flota tion testa, 12t San Francisco. El Paso. Roofers WE DO ALL KINDS OF ROOF REPAIR ING Reofa painted with onr Everuuti" Raflnr Cement Never Leak. GuaractM Roofing Oa., Ph. 243 .rentage., 8482. Roof Palais EOOF PAINTED with Leak Seal Com pound. 1 coat takes the plae. of X eampl. fr... Ph. lit evenings 128 Second Hand QoUia, HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR MEN'S. LADIES' 2ND HD CLOTHING. FH. UK. VERY BENT PRICKS PAID rOB UtVS SBCOVH HAND CLOTHING PH. ISM. WE PAY MORE fsr used ladiea'. man a esethea. etc, than aay other store la town try aa pa. itss NEW STARTERS wm sav tou beat prices fer your men's and women, second hand clothing Pa. 17t. HIGHEST Miees said for ladles' and men's seeond hand elothlnr. shoes, hats. trunka Call 33tt befor. anyen. elae. I PAY HIGHEST prices tar men's aad ladies clothes, suit cases and trunks. IVm-t ..II h.f.r. canrar 328. Second Hand FrgTHtere EXCHANGE NEW JLKN1TLRE Far seeond hand. Western Farnitura Co, iis-ire sl stantoa. pa His. Cl'SIim ASSAY OFFICE Critehett 4 X"........ ....v.i.. eh.cilrt.. metallurg ists, representatives for or. snippers. 218 Ssn Franclsee St EI Psso. Texss. Abio Accessories AUTOS WBTgCKED W. buy sen or x ehange cars of all makes, largo stock of repair parts, w. deal In rubber and met. ala El Past Auto Wrecking. Ph. 4384, 82 Loon St. K. Tratehtanberg Prop. HiaBEST PRICES PAID far used and wrecked care STAR AUTO WRECKING CO. Lergeat Wrecking House la th. Southwest 480 West Overland. Ph. 3418 Beauty Parlors corns. 10 buckler bldo ph. sh Hair dyeing, hair goeda combings aead. np. facial aad scalp massage, manicure. 8U"ERFLUOUS HAIR aad molts removed by eleetrolysi. permanently guaraaued. face peeling Grace A Benson. 3 Btfefel Bicycles HEX CYCLE CO Bicycle, gun. umbrella. key and lock and lawn mwr rtpalrtag. "We Can Fix It" 347 Myrtle St. Pa. 518. Bicycles aad Repairs. REGULAR FELLOWS at repairing Meyles. gesa, lawn mowers, keys, etc General Re pair Shop 4tt Texaa Tel 1184 WRITE WYANDOTTES. Tb. beet .11 purpos. American bird. BLANCO POULTRY YARDS. 231t Memphis St Pheae 41st. 8TlSFACTIOS MtbU Th egg prodao Ing food chleksas require, contains .he best f giwuad grains, also proper amount of meat scraps, bone meal Unseed meal gluten flour, alfalfa meal with a sprink ling of wtnow charceaL Manufactured by us to meet local conditions. Hundred pounds for 25 50 pounda 3; to. Tours for satisfaction. BORDER SEED COMPANY. Th. Handy Corner Book Bindis aad Ruling HAVE yur eld books made new. aad magaslnes our specialty Ralhrg. any style Ph. (854. El Paso Trade Bindery. L. Daauble. Mgr. ltt N Campbell Special Radiator Snop. THE SPECIAL RADIATOR SHOP Repairs year radiator right Loag expert mm, eemplat. eqepraasL A8 work guar anxeed. 32 S. Santa Fe St, Ph. 2708. Storage rVtrthomes TOUR GOODS STORED as they should be. R. L. DANIEL, F. a? M. rACTORI. Ph. 128-171. OUR ePECIALTXi storing heueehord geoda. lowest ratea EL PASO STORAGE WAREHOUSE; Ph 31. Soda Fonatais aad Fiztsres ataat''ar'a.'.el SODA rOUNTAINa. A complete stock for Immediate dshvary and A few usl barralBs. FARROW CROUCH LOGAN CO, INC. 817 Texas St Phono '43X. WE BUT. SELL AND EXCHANGE new and seeoad haad da fwsatalaa aad fixtures eg every deaeripaea: we ar. aso headquarters fer fruits, syrups, extracts and colore. EMPIRE BOTTLING WORKS. INC. Craer Mine aad Ftorenc Streets El Paso. 1111 1834. Taxjdcnnbts MeLBLLAN BROS. St Saa Francis St Pheae Tt. TragsftT CrrlZSrNS TRANSFER Haelteic packing and atorag.. quick orv- ru. seat. Basiaess College DEACaHONS BUSINESS COLLEGE Pe slttoo gusrsntaed. Pitman or Gregg short. hand by nvall or in person B. F Paris. Mgr Qeaciaz aad Pressiat TEXAS CLEANING A DYE WORKS. Cleaning, dyeing, alteration. W. special Ise on dyeing 112 Texaa Ph. lilt fin tractors PHONE I1UW for new coaitraeOon and repairs. J W Chamaers Carpets Cleaned CARPETS Vacuum, dry er steam cleaned. Dtantley Carpet Cleaning Worfca Ph. 3318. EIGHT quart pure aluminum preserving kettles, 31 75 esch fruit Jara any size 50o a dosen BETTER BUSINESS TO BtTY AT BCRCIE'S. 42 Texas, Ph, 3181. Foi Sale Mucellaneoni FOR 8 1LE Medium size safe Ellis Brea rrmtlng Co, lit S. Oregon. COMPRESSED AIR ..& your cts dean. DC SASO WELLBORN. PROVE SOM CARPET cleaning and rug weaving Clark Mattreas A Rug Co. 3313 Myrtle. Ph. 417. Itlt and 1810, Traasfet and Storage PHONE KELLY. JtX Moves everything tnralrur stored and crated, cut rates on car Iota. I'CRArrtBE STORED AND PACKED. WESTERN TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. lltt Texas 3t Phon. Tt Trunk Factory TRUNKS amtcaaea travatiag bags made. repaired aad exchanged- El Paso Trunk rawer, next o Crawford theater Ph. 184. Typewriters 5 BUY. sell, rent repair, agents Co rona. Oliver Typewriter A OCBc Supply Co, ttt MOI. St, eon, postatrlee. ' Woman's bdaBte. MRS. CHOVLA Women err.h.n.. .. Bales shop of band made articles O-d-ra tasi tor caa in n Cami.o.1-