Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD Army Officers, Wives and Friends Will Enjoy Moonlight Riding Party j Br FRANCS DICKSON' OFFICERS of the Seventh cavalry, i airplane to Elephant Butte dam one with their wives and gnests. win day thr week. have a riding party tonight. leav- jrr ' f i ing Fort Bliss at sundown and: riding VV OmEJl 5 KJTgOTUZaiWnS. to Casa Colorado, where they will The gna of u,,. rlrst preshTterlan have dinner. Some of the party will church will meet at 4 ocloek Thursday motor oat and all will ride and drive afternoon at the home of Mrs. O. Hal back together by moonlight. Tho ! ISfcJ! who are Included In the party are im 7t K- rwn twi n r tz. Mm The Woman's Missionary society of the Asbury Metbostst church will meet at 3 ocloek Thursday afternoon In the church parlors. Mrs. W. B. Sharp will give the Bible lesson. Mrs. C H- Rhodes will talk on the work In the rural districts, and Mrs. A. A. Lawler and Mrs. James Morris will sing a dnet. Mrs. Vance Fulkerson, 181$ North Stanton street, is hostess this after noon to the members of the Wednes day Embroidery dub. The rooms are decorated In Shasta daisies. Punch and an Ice course will be served. Mrs. W. O. O'Brleat. sister of Mrs. Fnlker son. is a guest of the club for the afternoon. The clob members In clude Mesdames M. Outlaw, TV. H. Green. G. B. Estes, Nora Wallen, G. W. King. P. Cant-well E. M. Whltaker. IThursday's Calendar I Of Social Evenlsl Lieut, and Mrs. W. R. Hamhy, Uest. and Mrs. Fred "W. Koester, Capt. and Mrs. W R. Stlckman, Capt. and Mrs. D. S. Wood, Mrs. Anna Moffett, Mrs. B K. Dorcy, Lieut. C. H. Martin. Capt. T W Cunningham, Lieut. Shaw. Lieut- Rlngling. CoL Parker, Llent Larson, Lieut. Roy E. Craig, Ueut. Van Ingen, Lieut. W. L. Hamilton. "apt. L. E. Collins, and the Misses tCatherine Symonds, Belle McNarney. Margaret Gething, Geraldlne Whlt Tiore Those who will motor down will be CoL and Mrs. Symonds, Dr. and Mrs. Wetmore, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Goodwin and Mrs. C. M. Burke. The officers of the Seventh cavalry who have been stationed at Elephant Bute dam for several weeks, wul re turn to their quarters at Fort Bliss this week. Sergt- Ben H. Dorcy. Jr., son of CoL Ben H Dorcy of the Seventh cavalry, who is with the aviation corps at Fort Bliss, will carry the mall by Frank Logan and B. Bailey. a miscellaneous surprise ssower I SPECIAL I BARN DANCE g S At tkc Root Garden To- Bj flg morrow and Friday Eg 8 nl&htM. Com and 70a Qj IBj n-lll mare tic time of B flU Special farors, caps, IBS Ma serpentines, etc will be H9 Iff Siren to the xnentm. Hal BE Everyone Is rcoiest- US H ed to vrear OTeraJU or 03 BH rlaikam In recnlar Cii- MS IS ele Kram style. ' S1 ml popular rmens. B 1 ROOF GARDEN I 1 Pasa Be! Norte Bate! m 9 THE BEST MUSIC IX H SAY "DIAMOND DYES" Doiit streak or rain yssr jsaterijl in a poor dye. Insist en "DUnoad Dyes." feasy dhitHmis ia package. "FREEZONE" Lift Off Corns! No Pain! kUk Soesn t hurt a bit! Droo a little Freesone os an aching corn. IsstssUy .nac corn slops nomas, tnen enosuy you lift It right off with tuttn. Truly! Tear druggist sells a ttar battle of Freesone for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft earn, or corn between the toes, and the cal luses, without soreness or imtatton. Adv. WEURALBIA tl EASES ATOKCE BY THE V OLD REUABLE REMEDY- DEPQHJABLE ASSOLUTELY- was given Tuesday afternoon by the Susanna Wesley juioie class 01 tne Asbury Methodist church for Mrs. C D. Donovan, a member of the class and a recent bride. The shower was given after the regular business meeting: of the class at the home of Mrs. B. B. Brantly, SilS Douglas street. The entertainment of the afternoon included a guessing con test, won by Mrs. H. M. Smith. Punch and cake were served. The guests and members of the olass Included Mesdames 15, V. Chaney, M. N. Clifton, M. B. Temple, Mae Sim mons, B. B. Brantly, B; F. Brantly, It. H. McNeace, Henry Gardner. J. B. Boll, O. F. Berg, C. D. Donovan. C H. Brown, T. A. Tonne. G. P. Banks, A. E. BerryhllL H. M. Smith, J. I Morris. A. B. Nuget, J. H. Messer. Rev. H. M. Smith and Miss Winnie Rlson. The next meeting will be held the first Tuesday in September at the home of Mrs. A. B. Berrybllt, 3611 Douglas street. , The Missionary society of the Trinity Methodist church met Tues day afternoon In the church annex for the monthly business meeting ana a Bociai session, urs. u. M. smith presided. Mrs. S. G. Douglss offered prayer. Mrs. w. A. Trayler gave the Scripture lesson. "Conditions From a Religions viewpoint In Rural Com munities," was the topic described by Mrs. Tomas Watson. Mrs. J. Cox, of La Mesa. N. M.. nra Interesting re ports of the missionary societies of senno ana La aiesa. Mrs. wlllls Ransom read the min utes. Mrs. O. A. Danlelson and Mrs. William Sachs save the treasurer's report. Mrs. I. X. Corrington told of tbp young people's societies: Mrs. H L. Graham, of the soda service work and Mrs. A. M. Grambllne cave the travelers' aid report. The thank offering was taken by Mrs. B. O. Brattstronx and Mrs, Eva Penny. "Come TTnto Me," from Handars "Messiah" was sung by Mrs. Bess Bomar. New members Joining the society were Mrs. H. L. Lockhart and Mrs. G. W. Duncan. The next business meeting or the eedety will be held on the fifth Tues day in Axurust. as the revival serv ices begin la September. At this meeting Mrs. A. M- G rambling. Mrs. Lee Meer and Mrs. L. H. Clauneh win be the hostesses. A letter from Mai. Leonard a. Coop was read exnresslmr his appreeiaUen of the eatertainmeBts given by the women zor the convalescent soldiers of the base hospital. - Miss Carrie Moseiey. or jeuersea. Texas, a sister of Mrs. D. M. Smith, was introduced to the society and re sponded with a rief talk. Miss Maria tayng Gibson, of the Searritt Bible and Training school, of Kansas City, was also Introduced and gave a talk along missionary lines. Miss Mesley and Miss Gibson were the honor guests of the society at the social hour which followed the business meeting. Mrs. F. R. Knickerbocker, accom panied by Mrs. H. L. Lockhart. played a violin solo, "Serenade." by Plerna. itexresnments or ices, caices ana 11 JTIDSUMMER festival of Cornelia jyi Branch Stone chapter. Children of the Confederacy, In Cleveland square. Barn dance on roof garden of Pa&o del Norte hotel, with Fred B. Hum phreys as host. Called meeting of the El Faso League of Women Voters for 4:30 ocloek in T. W. C A. club rooms. First Presbyterian church gnlld meeting at home of Mrs. G. Hallett Johnson. 2S2S Pershing Drive, at 4 ocloek. Swimming in T. W. C A. pool. Adults 9 a. m. till noon, llo I and 7 to S ocloek p. m. Children 1 to 4 p. m. Wesley Bible class of Trinity Methodist- church will meet at 3 ocloek in church annex. The Women's guild of St. Paul's Lutheran church will meet at 2:90 ocloek at the home of Mrs. O. M. Ras ter, ills Laura street. Musical. A delightful program was given by members of the MaeDowell club at their Tuesday night musicals In the elubrooms of the Woman's club. The rooms were prettily decorated with garden flowers of the season. Mrs. Ralph Henderson and Miss Florence Crlssey played a Bach concrto for two violins. Thy were accompanied by Mrs. Walter T. Fonsford, pianist. Miss Gardner Leeper played two piano selections. Caprice vlennols and prelude in C sharp minor by Bach manloff. John PrlnaJe Scott's "The Secret" and Cowen's "Snow Flakes" were sung by Mrs. L. G. Wltherspoon, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. W. R. Brown. Beethoven's Largo from the Sonata opus 10 cumber 3 was played by Mrs. F. O. Barrett. Mrs. J. Walter Christie sang "A Summer Wrht fcv Trtm nnrt "since I First Met Thee" by Rubensteln. She was tie chic combination. UXUmy,UIlCU VJT M1B9 eUMJ utviuiauu, at ino piano, uus uiaays iwow. ninnfftt hlavAti Kesrfi e ttxkvs "Arab- esaue" and Seeboecka "Air do Ballet Crlnetale. Charming Creation For Early Fall THIS charming creation, combining the close-fitting turban and wiie, pictnx esqne brini of stiffly wired lace, is for early fall wear. The turban is of black velvet, which, seen through the lace brim, adds to the attractiveness of El Pasoam Away. nnrr fs. Mit-tln Is In California visiting Mrs. Martin and son. who are antnrflTC at fhn beaches. Mrs. Lottie Condon and her small daughter, Lozier, of El Paso, visited at the William MacNeely home at La Mess, N. M for a few aays. rvr Pant Rlroev. his little dauch' ter. Ann, and Mrs. Benjamin Condon went to La Mess, N. M. by auto for a short visit at the some oc -. j. ig ney. Mr. Ja,n9 T Edwards and son. James W. Edwards, have left for Wheeling, W. Vs-, and Joints in Ohio. Later they will join Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Tucker, in New Tork city. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Orndorff. their sister. Miss Olive Davis, and children. Virginia and Lee. Jr. are making a motor trip to Colorado, where they will spend the remainder of the sum mer. ? About El Pasoans. TTnbert Sharp, who has been spend ing the sumratr with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C T. Sharp, 1413 North Brown street, will raturn next week to Berkeley, Calif, where he will re sume his studies at the university. Miss Zella Prater, of El Paso, who has been connected with the Alpine schools, will arrive in Alpine August i for a few days' visit with her sis ter. Mtss Myra rraier. wno is in stroeting In the Sul Ross Normal col lege rammer sehooL Miss Zella Prater will be connected with the Dallas publicschools this fall, and Miss Mvra Prater WHi again ne prin cipal of the Beall school at El Faso. Aulomobiling and Oulings. Mr. and Mrs. John Cain and Mrs. B. Strickland have left lor a motor trip by way of the Grand Canyon and the northern route to California, where they will spend the next two months at the beaches. A camping party of 28 persons will leave El Paso Monday for Elephant Butte dam. Las Vegas and Cloodcrott, where they will be guests at "Dixie." the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Howard, for two or three weeks. Former Pastor Of Central Baptist j 1 Church Is Guest Oi Friends Here I mints were .served by the hostesses, j The party Is in honor of Dr. and Mrs. ITS: with and LAPUDINE ITS LIQUID - QUICK EFFECT Mrs. G. C Roberts, Mrs. T. M. B Mrs. J D. Groesbeck and Mrs. Avers. The rooms were decorated wicker baskets of daisies boquets of zenlas and gladioli.' El Pasoans Returning. Sam Dreben has returned to Bl Paso, after an absence, of several months in the south and east. Mrs. John MeWhorter and son have returaed to ther home after two weeks' visit at Clotidcroft. N. M- A. W. Norcop, 1610 North Stanton street, has retsmed from a two weeks' visit to various points In Cal ifornia. Mrs. Ella Grambliag is at home In the Knickerbocker apartments, after a month's visit in Dallas and (astern Texas. Mrs. John 8. Crozler and Miss Helen Crosier. 3110 Louisville street, have returned from a two months visit with friends in California. Mrs. R. J. Pritchard and baby have returned to El Paso, after a visit of several months at Ocean Park. San Diego and other places In California, Mrs. Ella L. Pickering, worthy ma tron of Pleiades chapter O. E. B, who has been ill in Los Angeles, where she Is visiting relatives. Is Improving and will retnrn to El Paso next week. vi ioa tsisnop has returned to EI Paso after a two month's trip along the Pacific coast, stopping at Port land, oan rraneisco, xyis Angeles. Long Beach and various points of interest. O. J. Wade, Mies Madge and Miss Ada Claire-Wade, pf Texarkana, Ark. Parlies. REV. AND MRS. O. J. WADE, Miss Madge and Miss Ada Claire Wade, of Texarkana. Ark., are visiting friends In El Paso. They will be here a month. Dr. Wade was forraei ly pastor of the Central Baptist church. Mr. and Mrs. A. & Howard, 1815 Arlsona street entertained Tuesday night with a dinner in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Wade and their daughters. The rooms were decorated with pink rosea and sink shaded candles and lamps. The same color scheme was used lor the ice course of the sinner. Besides the guests of honor and the host and hostess, covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. c M. mania Mr. ana Mrs. C V. Naie. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Morris and Rev. and Mrs. F. W. HatoheU. A reception lor au members oi tee Central Baptist church will be held Friday evening at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Howard, ISIS Arlsona street, in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Wade and their daughters. Dr. and Mrs. W. C Thomsson and children. Evelyn and Olln, of Pitts burg. Pa. who have been making a two month's tour of the cob n try. es- peeiany the Pacific coast, are guests of Dr. Thompson's sister, Mrs. A. L. Foote, and Dr. Foots, of 3113 Hueco street. They will be here several weeks. Misa Daisy Mae Langford Is spend ing this week at Chamberioe. N. M. after several weeks spent In Bl Paso with her brother, Tedddy, who recent ly underwent a very serious operation at Hotel Dies. - Mrs. E. W. Teed, who has been vis iting her daughter, Mrs. F. B. Shot well, of J5J: Mountain avenue, tor several weeks, left today for an ex tended visit In Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Bmmett Lewis and daughters, of Oklahoma City, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ' h. u, omicn. zsw wneeung sireex, have returned to their home. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Woodwork, of Toronto, Canada, have come to El Paso and will make their home here. Mrs. Woodwork is a sister of J. C. Echlln. 1519 North Florence. Dr. E. R. Carpenter is visiting old friends in El Paso, from his present home in Dallas. He has recently un dergone a serious operation for kid ney troubles. Mrs. Gilbert Laird, of New Tork city, who has been the guest of her sister. Mrs. A. H. Kraft, will leave El Faso August If. tor her heme in New Tork. Miss Marr Shannon, of Maria. Texas, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Den Kchey. for two er three weeks. f T XQftI2 It In Our if .s&. For Thursday, Friday and Saturday's Selling Here is an opparlumly to supply the children with present and future shoes. Our sale pricing has produced values that will cause these shoes to sell rapidly. In order thai joa may have the full advantage of selection we advise your coming early while the goods are plentiful. Included in this sale are about 500 pairs short lines in' Wliite Canvas and Patent Ankle Ties, some Oxfords and a few Brown Pnmps:- $2.00 and $2.50 Values Cut to $1.45 $2.75 and $3.00 Values Cut to $1.95 $3.50 Values Cut to $2.45 $4.00 Values Cut to $2.95 $5.00 and $5.50 Values Cut to $3.95 $6.00. and $6.50 Values ditto $4.45 $7.00 Values Cut to $545 Guarantee Shoes Are a -"Guarantee" of Fit d Comfort. No C.CD.'s No Exch'ng's (Th&m S z GREATER EL PASO'S GREATEST SHOE STORE i UUIMUUMT' SHOE- cnMPAHY. No ApprovMs No Refunds 203 MESA See Display in Center Shoe Window. WOBrANGE' IS A STRONG PICTURE "Romanee." featuring Deris KeaaeO b rii sMnev. is a splendid fea ture picture that Is being shown at .,.. x,i- ttiul, tfcla wreak, en- H- L. Younr. of Lordsburg. N. M iT.--.., . .rnrata selections en who has been in El Paso for a few .,.- ni..., mi, days, has returaed to his home. tv- picture tells the story of the Miss Jenny Mae Elliott, of Midland. Texas, Is the guest of Miss Lenna Rettr. inson tor a lew cays. f Mrs. Alma Collier Porter Is Married I In Kansas City To Sherwood R. Chase WARNING! The name "Bayer" is the thumb print which identifies genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for 20 years and proved safe by millions. LW SAFETY FIRST! Accept only an "unbroken package" of Eenuine "Bayer Tabteb of Aspirin," whfch contains proper direc tions for Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheuma tism, Neuritis, Lumbago, and for pain generally. Strictly American! Eaady tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few tents Larger packages. Iritft U t all afc a Jianr Manatactsre of UaaoscatlcaeUestar et EaCtyileaelS One of the most delightful parties of the week was the garden party and dance given Tuesday night by Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Gatlln. 1J01 East Rio Grande street, tn honor of their niece. Miss Louise dreea. of Lebanon. Tenn and Miss Mary Kelly, of Ki Paso. About Iff guests were present. The rooms were decorated with daisies. palms and ferns. The flower garden I was beautum witn ooiorea ugnts strung about the walks and over the tables ana seats. V Dinners and Luncheons. Miss Myra Pearson will entertain at luncheon Saturday at bar home, ses Xavada -street.- In honor of Miss .Elizabeth Woodsefe, house guest of Misses j&ajone ana Atisarca row. Peach Greatest Short Season Fmil Crop Washington. D. C Aug. 4. Peaches lead all other short season tree fruits in the United States in the number of carloads shipped from producing re gions anna&uy, according 10 iietbb collected by the bureau of markets of the United States department of agri culture. Considering aU fruits, peaches rank fourth in carlots sent to market, be ing surpassed only by the long sea son fruits applet and oranges and by watermelons- The approximate yearly average number of cars of the four fruits mentioned reaching mar ket during the past four years are: Apples, 67,M0: oranges, J5.000: water melons, IS.WS; peaches, !5,000. The only close competitors of peaches on the markets of the United States are grapes, of which about 3Z,0o0 carloads were shipped annually, and cantaloupes, the annual ship ments of which were approximately 17,000 cars. The carloads of straw berries and pears shipped were slightly less tban hair those of peaohes. An average of approximately 7M0 carloads of grapefruit and 3000 ears of plums and prunes combined were shipped annually for the oast four years. The combined peaen shipments or Georgia and California are as great as those of all other states combined. ANNOUNCEMENTS have been re ceived in 81 Paso of the marriage of Mrs. Alma. Collier Porter, for merly of this city, to Sherwood Rlght myer Chase, of Tulsa, Okla., in Kan sas City July IS. Mrs. Chase was ac companied to Kansas City by her lis ter, Mrs. D. A. Toureene, of Denver, whose guest she had been for the1 last two months. Mr. and Mrs. Chase left for a tris to Chieaira. Buffalo. Niagara alls and other places in tlie east and in canans They will make their home is Tulsa. Mrs. Chase will be remembered here by a large circle of friends. She had been a resident of this city tor many years previous to last September, when she wsnt to Tulsa. The marriage of Miss Inez Luce, of Bl Paso, daughter of Harry Luce ef Clint, to Sergt. Monte N". Haywood, ordnance department. Fort Bliss, took place Saturday afternoon In Las Cruces, N. H-, at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kills. The ceremony was performed br Rev. Mr. Rodrianez. pastor of the Las Cruces Preebyterlan-I eoureo. The pride was given away by her father and was attended by Mrs. Betty Murray, of 3 Paso, as matron of honor. Following tho cere mony. Mr. and Mrs. Sills entertained the bridal party with a wedding breakfast at their home. sir. and Mrs. Haywood will be at love of a minister for a stage ia voriu. a. noted, singer of the days of lAdaHea-PatH. and of , " Isavedfrem herself by tnnuenee of his love. tBouga was o enousb to rise above the betehu of tnTSmmonPlase In the final an- The fact that woman must "pay the price- for the eSns ofthe jvorti while man continues to enjoy all that Is good, regardles, of what be may do. is emphasised la the Plots". While the Mte. ' no!wha.t, audience might like It to . tUl tt Is what one might expect from a world that recognises one standard for a mas and another tor a wemas. A secondary romanee Is wevsa late the ploture that ends as the audi esee would like It, making assess is a way fox disappointment in the other rsmanee. The seuisos fr the picture are elaborate ass appropriate, including the eestnjpes of the days of lone ago. Sleighing, stately minuets and social courtesies such as marked Americas life In the days after the civil war are depleted with great oare to detail. 3e pletnre is interesting in every respect and Miss Kease and Mr. Sid ney are sees la seme remarkable act ing, particularly towards the finale. Tito picture sad Its first showing last evening and will run the rest of the week at the SUaaay. G. A. M Granulated Eyelids To care Granulated ZreBez, apaiy fc . posmrs ASTEEfTio heausg oh. tatio fewer Eds loat at tie hue ef tie Isiaes. PuS the urrtr Sd m; treat tie eye so that you esa set at It fatter asd avoid tsccalsa the ejtbaO. It reaeves tnstastlr, taxes ect aStaSaa miTtftn ssd heals sad cores the sores. A Hesang Asfljeptie ef the hithest eeeamacded by every dream. sees It. It all depends m the response to stlmalt and the angle of vision and a let et technical But sa1 there lot of satletaetion fo 'the dlfferesee si fsstes which gives eaen of as te"-hepe of seem ing lovely to seS1 Ber Mtd the even finer hope of finding beauty some where. In the power of finding beauty In ui tfcfara in the tender respon siveness which vibrates tn tsne with Onee X knew a little girl very plain. Ton night try her hair to curl, aU la vain. On her cheek no tint or rose Paled er blnahed or sought repel She was plain- But the thoughts that through her brain came and went as a recompense for pain angels sent So fall many n beauteous thing In the 7anng sonl blossoming Gave content Every tkenjtht was mil of grace, pure aaa true. And in time the homely face levlier icrew. 'With a heavenly radiance brlsht From the asul's reflected Ilcht Shining- through. By BBATniri5 FAIItPAX . ,.- WMJ... lukHnul lf tfca WArld heme at 1113 East Rio Grande street. I lies the greatest gift ef all. To di- vine beauty, to respond to it, to thrin i ' In tune with tne Heart ot tne oni III. tM kv , rift of tha fairies. So the simple verse which cele brates the beauty of the child's sool Illustrates this greatest gilt of all feeling loveliness, and so making more of it with whleh to dower th world. Beauty Is Everywhere; It Lies In Eyes Of Beholder To Perceive Or Miss It ! Mothers should watch Aver tha fthll. dren of today tkat they may be 10 efficient when grown. The eyes are a most Important factor. If defects of vision are detected and the eyes fitted with proper lessee It prevents present suffering and frequently glasses are sot needed In later years. Aeea uiassesr ask segau. Bl Paso Optical Co. 108 Texas St. 211 San Antonio St. Advertisement tVe are completely eaulnned to solve your transportation problems, whether wy oe in connection witn Dusinees, bsggajre or pleasure. City Service Co Tel. 3500. Autos. Taxis, Baggage, Moving. Adv. The Jfeir YIeter Vletrola Records tor August Are out. near them at the nmiaas Com pany (Successor to W G Walz Co.), 103 South HI Paso. Adt Allen Slatera Golden Clint Khamnon. Adv. DELIGHTFUL Ctlome!, the Mewl Vilnable of Progs, How Parifted From Its Xftusea and Danger "CatoU.-" tie few Kame. Th madteinal virtues of calomel are io bo war copneeted with Us naueUftff aa4 dance rq us usiHUe, as fa nroTen by Ue (act tbat Oe new calorie) table, called Calotabe, la free from obJeetiooabU effects yet re tains all of the Hver-deansli: and system-pnrlfytnp qatilitifrs of the oM -style cafoaiel. For bWon&aMs. headacltM. ooastlpaUon asd Indiges tion, aad whenever caloml is es sential tae new de&aaseated calomel tablet Is a practically perfect laxa tive. To Inspire public confidence In this new discovery tne manufacturers have autaoiixed drufffflats every where to refund the price if the cus tomer is not "perfectly dellchted" with Calotabs. Sold only tn original packAgea, seeled. Price thirty-five cents. One tablet at bedtime, with a swallow of water. No waste, no nausea, no gTlpingr, no salta uu wake up In the morning: with a clean liver, feeling- fine, and a hearty ap petite for breakfast Eat what you please no danger Ad. So I tell yon little child plain or poor If your thonfirhts are nadeflled yea are sure Of the lovrlinfM of worth. And thin beanty not of earth "Will endnre. THESE lines of verse came to me not Ion? &zo from a man who asked , ree to make a comment or two pi the lines, which exnreesed his Idea of beauty. Old-fashioned lines they are, but wholeeome aad sweet. 1 found In them the fracranoe and sun pllelty one expects to discover In an old fashioned tardea or In one of those oualnt towns where there Is sou are of rreea la the middle of thin its. -with a little white efanreh fac tor out across it. I showed the line to three people. Too don't call that a poem!" cried the Cynic "And yon don't expect me to see this oeaoty stuff m a woman with a muddy oemnlexlon What too eall a soul ehlnlnc through I call a shiny nose. And that can't be Interpreted as beauty, lady. The ArttMs View. "Oh. really now. murmured the Artist. That's only words, and not very charmingly chosen ones, at tbat Beauty mtanrtoie sometimes. 11 may be bizarre or startling or quaint er even ugly, but It Isn't goody ffoody"" Binkum! said the Practical Man "Blah! Also stuff and neoaeasa Beauty Is or tt ain't. And It Hasn't a thin? to do with goodness, as we alt very well know." To we? I wonder. j very tdeallt!e poet has said that there's too much beauty on this earth for lonely men to bear. Beauty every- wtere but it lie In the eve of the beholder to nereetve er to miss the loveliness which eannet be e-iMure aavr bv a plrlt whih responds. wnien or us nasn t !at one av t Diane for typewriter) cllcklnr awav at the fcevs and noticed mid denlv bow seme bit ef .china or srlas in the room rtnonded to a eertaln note? We all know about the lenarth of vibration waves and how ne thine Is tnneed to one len-rth and one to another. well. I sometimes fanev that our feelings and fancies are like i nac- On e of us responds to one stimulus one to another I adore lllls of the valley you love violets. One red rose thrills me to mv Innermost heart a gardenia gives your soul HRtisfactlon. Vaguely T recognise that a gardenia must be a lovely thing ninee you think so and I wouldn't for worlds question your good taste bu to me it's a pale and waxy thina with an oppressive and over-sweet scent Beauty Is there for whoever the eaaaeti ted Pa, I will marry you aggena. Too are a deer bey, .Bed Ma X have u taix wen Ja eaus fx a oey. i oet she wants aim to caJl her a gurL Social correctness demands that vis iting cards, wedding invitations aad formal announcements of every kind shall be engraved. The engraving of social stationery la sure to be In per fect taste if yea entrust it to the en graving department of tha El Paso Printing Company. Bl Paso Printing Co. Hew Address: 10 Chihuahua, St Adv. The Xew Victor Vletrola Records for August Are one Hear them at the Billings Com pany Sueceeeor to W. 6. Wals Co.) 198 South HI Paso-Adv. LittleBobbie'sPa By WJIAIAJI F. mK a! M Combing Won't Eid Hair of Dandruff BLACXSTOKE was saver yesterday, sed Ma to Fa last site. She was telling tae the latest about thesi Splrrits -which has passed saver, sed Ha lt was susi Pass over wen thes spirrlts passed, sed Pa, a last coed bye, a fond goodbye to Water Bar ben & Mister Rye, sed Pa. You are speexiBE of different spir rlts than what I am tpeeltlac of. sed Ma- I reefer to thejsi brlte spirrlts wleb was oust mortals bat Is sow Is the next world. Ma sed. Mlesss Blaek stene says the whole world will Un derstand about spirrlts (aside of ten years from now. sed Ma. Maybe, sed Pa, but the urn rid will have Its hands Jul for the seat tes yeers, -a sea. nxing ap tee samss peeps! wleh is still alive & ktcklSK. not vary much alive but kicking: plenty, sed Pa. I wast to tell you, wife, sed Pa. that eondUaans is al most ln-ralllbel, sed Fa. Ton mess tn.tolllbel. Sfa sed. Maybe that Is what I mean. Pa sed. but I doast dare to Mr what 1 think, sed Pa. Why. sed Pa. thare Is ismoiys stsrviag IB Veestexs IlnaKry Austry. Pa sed, I w4r what then splrrits wud say to Missus Black stone about that, sed Pa. Spirrlts deant tatsr-est themself about food er eating. Ma eedr Thay float around In spas. Ma sed, dinner 'newer over-Jors tbera like it does you. deer, sed Ma to Pa. Tsar are E-thee.rlsl. Ma sed. like a rain bow or a sunset. How botlfal to think of sed Ma. Polks is likely te clt kind of dippy In the dome thinking teo mssfc aboat them IDirrits. sed Pa. I knew a cost wish west bnthesse oarer ssirrttsH aw ra. ne tset w ssirit or Frltchle was all the time hollering- at htm. Shoot If you mast this eld gray bean bat spare my rested sewing ma chine, sed pa How perfeckly slllr. sed Ma. Wasent It silly, tho, sed Pa. That Is the trubbel wttb these messacee thay claim to nit from the splrrit world, thay doat make Eosd sense wen thay are rittea down on paper, sed Pa. I wand. If ,. will bnw tb. .i1 beefoar oar turn cams ts so. sed Ma, I wish I knew If t wn. he a sclrrlt sssenn A If I wsd be nwr- neo 10 you tne selm as here. Serch me. sed Pa. I have did th bent I rod. sed Pa. I married yon here I cant promise anything- about the beer-after. Pa sed. but IX I have The only ssre way to tret rid ef dandruff Is u dissolve It, than you destroy It entirely To do this, set aboat fear .sseee ef ordinary lUjutd ottos; apply It at Blent when retir Inr; sse ehoueh to moisten the sealp and rub It Is gently with the tineer WPS. Oe this taalfht. and by morn la f. most If net all. of your dandruff will be gone and three er fear more ap plications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of It. as matter how moeh dandruff yon may have. Too will fist too. that all Itching and differing of the sealp will step at sse. asd hair wfll be fluffy, isstrsas, e-tsesy. silky aad soft, asd look aad feel a hundred times better. Ton can set Ilasld arvss at say drag store. It to tsexDessive asd never fails te d. the work. Adv. rOIHElS FRIEND Jas fepectant Mothers ASSISTS MATURE 1 JO Orsrs'SfS WJs-mii..MdiT,N. BUusBXiTBBaxnaca onxao.nwie. W PhfTia TTa" i Phona TJa" Tree Pour Ate 547 -MS. Wednesday Candy Special Assorted Cream Tai fie OC- One-Half Pooad &J t FITTF CO.VtCTI0.1HSa OOMPAST Use Herald Want Ads Oft Midtr! WatA CaKfornia Syrup of Figs'3 For a Child's Liver and Bojvels Motfe Say "Calif ourta," then you win get genuine "California Syrup of Figs." Full directions for babies and children of all ages who are constipated, bilious, feverish, tongue coated, or full of cold, are plainly printed on the bottle. Children love this delicious laxative,