Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD "Wednesday, Aug. 4, 1920. rs r 4i OIL JKMY IN BIG SPRING FIELD Big Spring. Texas. Aug 4. The pump and tubing tor McDowell No. 1 of the General Oil company have ar rived and the well will be connected with the storage tanks, which art al ready completed, within the weak. McDowell No 2. drilling SM feet west of the discovery welL has en countered a fishing job in the neigh borhood of 306 feet. McDowell No. 3, 500 feet north of No 1 will apod in soon Three other locations have been made on this lease by the Gen eral Oil company NeaJ No 1 of the General Oil com pany, in section 31, township 3 sooth. has resumed drilling below 606 feet. The Branson tesi of the Omaha Texas company Is setting SL Inch casing preparatory to resuming drill ing at 1706 feet. All of these wells are in Glasscock county The Underwriters Texas and Pa cific No 1. near West brook. Mitchell county was shot with 500 quarts of n'troglrcerlne and is now standing mere than 1000 reet in oil Anutori ties believe It will prove good for 200 t arrets or more. The Lats.a well of the Colorado Texas company, iust over the Mitchell county line. Is drilling at a depth of 1300 feet and mating satisfactory progress. Drilling has been resumed by the McCarley Oil association on the Douthltt ranch, following a shutdown doe to inability to seeaxe fuel oil. All the Howard county wells of the General Oil company are making' progress. Roberts No. 1, depth 60 feet. Read No. 1. depth 700 feet; Sand Hill-Johnson, depth l&M feet. Qulnn No 1 of the Big Spring Pro ducing company at Marietta, has at last recovered tools which were lost in the hole some four months ago. The depth is 2000 feet. The Cushlng Ranch Drilling asso ciation spudded in the first test os the Cushlng ranch. Many drilling contracts have been made during the past week; among which are those made by Jack E. Ke'Iy and associates, of Wichita Falls, who will drill a deep test in section 39 block 30. Howard county, on a 2160 acre lease granted them by the Big Spring Production company, and C A. Akin, of Grove City, Psu, who will sink a well on acreage controled by him In the eastern quarter of Howard county TRYING TO SHUT0FF THE WATER IN PECOS WELLS Pecos. Tex, Aug. 4 Two weeks from now It will be known whether the water problem of the Pecos has been solved. Sixty sacks of cement were pumped into the Bell discovery well and will be allowed to "set" un til August 17. On that day this ce ment and the rock filler below will News Brevities LOCAL AMD GENERAL. Train Bulletin. All afternoon and night trains were reported on time Wednesday. Dr. Anna Reum. Buckler Bldg. Ph. 57 C Advertisements.) notify him of the serious Illness of his son. Eugene Martin, who is In a hospital at Mason City. The telegram said the boy had been in an accident and that the father probably could be located here. Ill mt Hotel Dlen. J. I. Glenn, dispatcher on the 1 Paso-Tucson division of the Southern Pacific is 1U at Hotel Dleu. Held for Grand Jury, Charged with the theft rf a pocket book containing $80 from Santos Iu cerp. a week ago. Jose Antonio Plores was arraigned before justice R. B. Rawlins Tuesday afternoon. Follow ing a preliminary hearing he was held for the county grand jury on bond of $600. Trouble, avoid trouble. Leave oaggage checks at Lon gweHs or telephone No. 1. Iowa Man Sought Here Police are searching for John Mar tin. Mason City. Iowa, In order to Ex-Service Men Want Jobs. Discharged soldiers and sailors are calling dally at the local American Legion post headquarters in the chamber of commerce looking for jobs. F. M. Johnson, jr., adjutant, said Wednesday it business men need ing employes would phone him he could send them men for almost any kind of work. Dr. Auer, Phys. & Surgeon. (Spec. Disease of Women). Over State Nat. Bank. Ph. 4842; nights. S140. Sergeant Will Lecture. Sergt. Charles C Coburn Is arrang ing to show on the screens of moving picture shows pictures of marine life. He will likely give short lectures on life In the marine corps as the pic tures are shown. be drilled through, and if the water ft V T J. 7 V. Is then found to be shut off as ex-iij I OU LilVe tlCre I OU pected the well will be placed on the pump and tested to see if it will at tain Its previous production of ISO barrels of oil per day If this cement job proves a suc cess, it is possible that this method will be tried in several wells in the local field, where it Is expected that the drill had passed up a pay sand while the casing was standing full of water. Airplanes To Circle Cortege Of Locfylear Fort Worth, Texas. Aug. 4. Avia tors who were comrades of Ormer Locklear In the army will fly over his funeral cortege here next Satur- oay. me mers will come rrom Bar ron and Taliaferro fields at Fort Worth. The funeral of the former army aviator who was killed with his companion. ex-Lieut- Milton El liott, while making night motion pic tures at Los Angeles, will be held upon the arrival of the body from the pacific coast. ACTIVITY OF GEM THIEVES REPORTED TO DETECTIVES Gem thieves have begun activities here. Mrs. E. Chandler, of the Bachelor hotel, reported to city detectives Tuesday afternoon that thieves had stolen three rings from her room at tne notet. rney were vaiuea at ap proximately $190. One of the rlncs was set with four pearls and eight diamonds. Another was a solitaire emerald ana the tnira was a diamond cluster. Sell Liberty Bonds to Cnrtts.Ca.-AdT. Baby Has Unique Playmate Must Know Languages San Francisco. CallL. Aug 4. The passing of Magellan's "Isle of the Thieves," the Ladrones, from German ' to Japanese control, marks the third j time within a veneration that the in habitants have been subjected to a change in official language. Tm going home to move my family a few miles south to Guam, under the Stars and Stripes, where they can talk any language they please." de clared Juan Flo res, discharged sol dier, at the marine corps recruiting station here, before departing to the Pacific Isle. He told how his parents were con tent under the Spanish rule, when, in 1899. the Ladrones, known also as the Marianne Islands, were disposed of, the southern Island of Guam going to the United States and the northern islands. Including Saipan, where his family lived, being sold to Germany. The Spanish, In the days when they had taken the island from the Portu guese, decreed Spanish as the offi cial language. The Germans in 1893 made German the official language. Now. as a result of the war. Ger man control of the Marianne islands, with the Marshall and Caroline groups, went to Japan and Japanese is the official language. The population of the Mariannes under Japanese control is 10,00. of whom about 3000 are Japanese. Ana-tut Are Out. Hear them at the Billings Com pany (Successor to W. G. TVala Co.), 103 South EI Paso Adv. FULL line of KODAKS and KODAK supplies at ,Gandaraa Adv. vH. rIS natural photograph was nude at Ocean City, on the Hew Jersey coast, and shows an Ocean City youngster about to ride into the surf on the back of his unique playmate. The youngster and his seal pet are familiar sights on the beach at Ocean City. ?75,000 LOSS ESTIMATED IN CHEYENNE CARBARN FIRE Cheyenne, Wyo.. Aug. 4. Estimates by company officials early today placed the loss at $7,000 from fire which destroyed the car barns of the Cheyenne Electric Street Railways company last night. They said all the rolling stock except two m' tor cars, was Included in the loss. - The firemen soon despaired of rav ing the traction company's property and concentrated their efforts on neighboring buildings. Including the supply yards of the state highway department where 820,000 worth of motor tracks and other equipment was stored. Dwelling houses In the vicinity were aamagea. I I HiKiiP . ' i 1 PS Iff KBi M I SevaVdlBWwSH ' ft 1 wWm If i WMitjMmz MINING COMPANY PROTESTS AGAINST TAX ASSESSMENT Phoenix. Ariz, Aug 4 In Its sec day's session, the state board of equalization today heard a protest by the United Verde Mining company against the assessment fixed by the commission. The assessment was made against an item added by the state tax commission, covering a pe riod when the mine's operation was Interrupted by a strike, creating a basis of valuation of about J 500,000. On behalf of the Standard Oil com pany, protest was made to the board against the assessment fixed by the suu tax commission on tne com pany's Iron drums used as contain ers for oil and gasoline. These drums were valued by the commission at $10 each and $14,000 of them through out tne state were listed, it was claimed for the company that ? each would have been a sufficient valuation. ,3 Thursday specials Those who look 1 &e Globe for exceptional values will not be disappointed if they shop here tomorrow. children's dresses Attractive little dresses made of fine ocgawBe sad cambric, daintily trimmed in lace and taeks. Sfaes 1 to 4 years. 48.75 and $3.75 values, special for Thursday only $1.95 and $2.95 Main Fleer. infants' and children's caps and hats Beautiful caps and bats of sheer organdie dafatfly shirred and trimmed in lace and ribbon. Sites up to 5 years. $2150 and $4.00 Tallies, special for Thursday only, $1.95 and $2.95 Main Floor. BLACK SATEES BL003I ERS Best quality black sat een bloomers. Generously cut, well made. Sizes up to 14 years. Special for (t4 QQ Thursday only P1. at7 Underpriced Basement romi du jjord Grac- HAM We have just received a shipment of this popular and dependable gingham in fasci nating new fall patterns. Spe cial for Thursday ACkrt only, the yarl fx f C Underpriced Basement. PORCH BLANKETS Full sir cotton blankets. Yoa wHl soon need them. Special for Thursday only, fcO Jf each ?. 7 Underpriced Basement HiU a call efjergexs Piskt f the Eght hti threcgh it! hi erjstal transjarenee tells jest Juts ftrttt xs The instant you feel tired -new freshness Thrnghiel heart ef fight tht atrepUce tnut it entttssafff drives et maxmsa sfeed. That is tshj m Sft ts measured a ninths, zehile the aatiachtlfs life is measured ujeari. THAT excessive fatigue fs a poison, proouc-bgchangesinthebloodzndbnin-cxlh sap ping the energy and undermining the power to achieve is now an established fact in science. The men who achieve the most never permit themselves to reach this state of dangerous fa tigue. Nearly every great worker has some sys tem of momentary relaxation which enables him to renew his energy as he goes along. By a moment or two of rest at the right time, he guards himselr from ever getting to the point of exhaustion. Harriman, the great railroad builder, tireless worker as he was, could switch off his dynamic energy at will and in a moment become absorbed in his favorite author. Steinmetz, whose won derful inventions have transformed electrical engineering, finds the relaxation he needs in smoking long, thin cigars. There are a dozen simple ways of getting this moment or two of rest in the midst of work, that will en able you to guard against over-fatigue. One simplt method o getting momentary relaxation Most of us have noticed, for example, that merely washing the face and hands is re freshing that is why many people do it instinctively when they are tired. The next timeyou wash use Jergens Violet Soap see what an instant delightful sense of refresh ment and relief you can get from this simple act. Jergens Violet- Soap is especially made to refresh as well as cleanse. It contains an in gredient so cooling, so refreshing, that physicians often recommend this ingredient for its effect on the skin. The moment you use Jergens Violet you will feel its wonderful refreshing quality. Your skin will take on a smooth, cool, rested feeling you will experience an instant sense of relief. The delicious fragrance of Jergens Violet, like the perfume of fresh living violets its rich, snowy lather, which bubbles up even in the hardest water add to this unusual quality of re freshment. Its flawless transparence tells you how pure it is. Get a cake of Jergens Violet today and use it whenever you feel tired. The same qualities that refresh you in monents of fatigue make it delightful for general use. You can get Jergens Violet wherever soap is sold 15c a cake. Send 6 cents and learn the surprise of its refreshment For 6 cents we will tend jto a ssun size cake ef Jerreas violet Soap. It win pre yon a $esx of refreshment yon hare nerer experienced froca any other soap. Send today to The Andrew Jertens CompaaylSCS Spring Grore Atc Csadfoatl, Ohio. If jem Svt a. CajdJf aJJrtu TU jfairrm Jerftnt Canpenjt LnauJ(i()JitrhciU &rea, Pent, Oturii, JERGENS VIOLET SOAP TRANSPARENT ARIZONA TO ASK FEDERAL AID ON PHOENIX-GLENDALE ROAD Phoenix. Ariz- Anir. 4 The secre tary of agriculture has approved the recommendation of Thomas Maddock. state engineer of Arizona, for the ap plication of federal aid funds to the bulldln.? of the Phenlx - Glendale road, according: to advices received today by the state highway depart ment. The road Is seven miles in length. The amount of federal ak) win be determined after the specifi cations have been prepared. It was said. Federal aid has also been allowed for three miles of the Phoenix-Tempo raad. a. section teodiBtr from tbe city limits of Phoenix to the hospital for the Insane. xavtiex staiit prose op oil fields op alaska "Washington. D. C, Aus 4 Navy and geological survey officials are investigating recently discovered oil supplies In Alaska, secretary Daniels announced today upon his return to "Washington after a tour of Alaska and the west. It Is hoped, he said, that the Alaskan oil lands eventually wfif yield a large part of the oil sup ply necessary for the Pacific fleet. Coal deposits totaling between 4W. 0M aad 500,000 tons are already in sight in the navy's coal reserve lands In Alaska. Mr. Daniels said, with good prospects for a very nruch larger sup ply. Arrangements are being made to cne and wash the coal for the use of the Pacific fleet, the secretary said, adding that the Interior department also would develop lar,fe deposits of coal on government land for commer cial uses. COL HEARINGS BCGC.V. 'Washington. D C . Aug. 4 The anthraette coal commission, appointed by president Wilson to adjust wage schedules In that industry, met here today and started at once on the preparation of its report. The com mission has just concluded hearings which extended over a period of sev eral weeks. The report probably will be ready for submittal to president 'Wilson In ten days or two weeks, it was said today. If the women of Virgin la are grant ed the right to vote they will de com pelled to pay J 1-50 poll tax. 1 This Bathing Costume f I OutrufflcsFluffy Ruffles I CHILDREN'S BATHIHG SUITS Made of cotton jersey in pretty eorar eombinaUeas. Sizes tip to 34. Special for Thursday QQ. only OcC Main Floor. PEPPEREIX SHE ETS Special selliBg of the well known Pepperell sheets in size 81x90. Very special for Thursday lO'lQ only 3t.lt7 Usderprieed Basement. P1XL0W CASES Soft fin ished pillow cases. Size 42x56 inches. Special for Tlrarsday only o pillow (& O cases f or JJ X Limit S to the customer. tTnderpriced Basement. F0S ALL DEPTS QBE COR- OVERLAHD & XfiSE SAK JACIHTO STS. 'The Store That Sells For Less" PHONE 5200 TMEGL WWlWW silk and wool remnants Our piece goods depart ment has had a busy sea son and many snort lengths have accumulated. They include a great Tariety of qualities and practically all the season's wanted shades and patterns. Pieces range in size from one-half to three yards. To clear them quietly n have priced them at substantial reduc tions. Main Floor. Use McCall Patterns. Fall Fashion Quarterly now in. Arizona Cotton Shows A Big Growth PHOENIX, Ariz Aug. 4. Arizona cotton prospects usproTed tjva points darfngr Jnly. the condition of the crop on July 35 being: reported at 85 percent of normal, according: to the government crop report. Jnst Issued by L. 1L Harrison, agricultural statistician for the bnreau of crop estimates. The condition of the American-Egrptlan is estimated at 14. and the short staple at 95. Maricopa county reports a. condition of SI; Yuma. 34: Final. 77: Pima. 74; Graham. 94. Comparative estimates of American-Egyptian cotton from ISIS to ISM are as follows: 1911 1913 1914 1915 1915 1917 191S 1919 19 At yield acre lint. lbs.. 3M 175 25S 17 225 2J0. IS Production, bales 24S 22M S9 115 3I 15.20 K.4W 4MM Cotton prospects for the entire United States improved 2.4 points during the month, the crop now being estimated at 74.1 percent of normal. This wnduSn1 S'jnUSi"' Te" ,,lSl8,ta,'Ml 7" the tea yea? avera S19.4eCa?e'i!0,VlIt7iiSa,hJ.n'r f S:? S: P"?f ' " - Safes!'5" " thre T" 3: aoT'foS ySS Sgo lM Sugar Shortage Turns Farmers To Sugar Beets 'Winnlner. Man- Anr. 4. Rhnrfp of sugar, wltb accompanying hlgb prices, bas turned the attention of Canadian farmers to the profits of sugar beet production. Sugar beets grown in Canada and used in the manufacture of sugar in IMS totaled 294.817 tons. The crop sold at the sugar factories for J2. 592.715. or 212.22 a ton. Canada had ls.wv acres In sugar beets that year, which averaged over 11 tons to the acre. The acreage in 1919 was was 24.540, and the average yield was 9.S0 tons to the acre. Sugar prices were around 11 cents a pound la 1919. They recently touched Sg cents. Ontario has produced the bulb of Canada's sugar beets In the past. Ex perts declare, however, that agricul tural conditions are favorable to their cultivation In many parts of western Canadx The financial possibilities of western sugar oeet production are especially lntereatinc 1nt nnw In view of tt recent decision of the Hudson's Bay company to close out to farmers all Its remaining lands in the prairie provinces. A considerable acreage Is being planted to beets In uiese provinces and In British Columbia. Soviet Plans To Pay tor Imports In Platinum Chicago. HI, Aug. 4. The soviet government of Russia, according to the cables, plans to pay for imports, when trade relations am rnmri with western nations, with platinum from the Urrl mountain mines. Before the war Russia produced 90 percent of the world's supply of plati num. The mines were near Etatarln burg. where the czar and his fimllu were put to death. When revolution ary chaos overwhelmed the country, the mines closed down. At last ac counts they had not been reopened. The necessity for platinum In the manufacture of high explosives sent the price of platinum to $105 an ounce during the war. The world wide demand for the metal for use In 'ashionable Jewelry has kept It up. he world's chief supply now comes -nra Colombia, In South America. Though Russian money is of no alue under the bolshevik govern ment, every nation in the world would accept platinum In payment for gaods shipped Into Russia. It la said here (s enough platinum In the Ural mines to pay Russia's enormous na- onai debt. NEW MEXICO HAS 30,000 ACRES PLANTED IN COTTON Las Cruces. N. M, Aug. 4-The bu reau of crop estimates of the United States department "of agriculture has just released for publication through R. F. Hare, agricultural statistician for New Mexico, the following In formation on the condition of cotton in the state and the nation on August LET "DANDERINE" BEAUTIFY HAIR jGMs! Have a mass or" long fiyck, gleamy hair 1. 12 : Condition Acres Percent Virginia ,... 4S. north Carolbma 1.5S.9 South Carolina. 2J44UM Georgia 4.972,te Florida I27. Alabama 2.KUM Mississippi 2J4.M Louisiana USU4W Texas ll.lM.tee Arkansas. 22zM Tennessee 79S.W9 Missouri 14S.Me Oklahoma 2JI9.M California Xl&Mt Arizona 241.S0 New Mexico 3 .see A condition of S5 oereent forecast 11.758 bales for New Mexico this year, compared to a production of 475 bales last year. A condition for the United States of 74.1 percent forecast 12.519.000 bales, against last months forecast of ll.45t.M0 bales, or a gain in condi tion during the month of July of 1.0.8O bales. TiIIS bathing suit of mjriad ruffles caused a mild sensation on the beach at Atlantic Cty It was worn by Mrs Charles W Meyers, of Memphis. Tenn. The entire costume Is of blue taffeta, tne nethers much beruffled. topped by a military cape of the same material White silk stockings and blue sandals complete the outfit. Farmer Drowns Four Children And Himself Little Rock. Ark, Aug. 4. News was received here last night that William Crutcher, farmer living near Oes Arc, Ark, threw his four chil dren Into a bayou, drowning them add then drowned himself Sunday n.ght Mrs. Crutcher and her two Ider children were attending church and returned to find the husband and tables missing. BIRTHS RECORDED. Robert Frman Ecklln. son of Mr. and Mrs. John C Ecklln. 2311 San Diego Betty Ann Barley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William W. Barley. 1024 North Oregon. Wyett Doak. Jr, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Doak. sr, 2727 Federal. Stanley Hunter Reed, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Reed, 1024 North Oregon. Abraham Jacob Zlabovsky. son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zlabovsky, 1415 North El Paso. Betty Mary Goode, daughter of Mr and Mrs. W. E. Goode. 1115 Jefferson. Oil. MAX HELD FOR GRAND JURY OS FELONY CHARGE. H. A. Iverson. formerly proprietor of an oil stock exchange, was bound over to the next county grand Jury Tuesday afternoon by Justice Clark Wright on a charge of swindling over 250. His bond was set at 25(H). The complaining witness was J. W Johnston. 4405 Trowbrldea avenn. who testified that he had done abme work on property which, Iverson said, belonged to him. Johnston said he later learned that Iverson did not have a clear title to the property and that he was unable to collect for his work. spje&Kk ylHrifci icssHssLIH ivSaF i2k1E3Sk WmWS Let "Danderlne" save your hair and doable its beauty. Yon can have lots of Jong, thick, strong, lustrous hair. Don't let It stay lifeless, thin, aerag g!jr or fading. Bring back Its color, vigor and vitality. Get a 3I-cent bottle of delightful "Danderine" at any drug or toilet counter to freshen your scalp, check: dandruff and falling hair. Your hair needs this stimulating tonic then Its life, color, brightness and abundance will return Hurry Adv. DtRWILL The Famous Beonfiiler Have yoa tried it yetT Thousands everywhere are asins It. It is . wonderful tonic for tie skin, .efles hot Hummer sun and causes wrinkles, tan, freckles, sallow akin, black heads, snzs spots, roughness, ruddi ness to aolckly disappear. It brines roses to the cheeks and makes any one look 10 years younger Oires a youthful complexion and "A skin you love to touch." A stogie application proves It. See large announcement soon to appear in this paper. Ask your druggist about It. Adr. USE HERALD "WANT ADS. T0 it the sore, scientific v?av. CaDtnra tha J flies before they can get in the home, hotel, restaurant or meat market - catch them with the Cony By Trap "T EcUntific JT Exttnttnatcr" Cm 1 lie B. S. Cert far Cisps saa EKsBata. A Carry FJy Tiap at your back door attracts files keeps them oat of the boas. weeks .ntflrnsnesHr. Cost. lm. tfara sticky fly pipct or pauo&s, in th. iocs' run and abaohctebr no bother. Mad. of gmivaalzed irea u wile ' uo wood abtotetety saauary. Tiro ; igcmo.i.iiTJi;ja.t, uxii AT AliCOOD DEALERS. CCBRY FLY TBAP COU Inc. Tulsa, Okla. UX HARDWAIIE J0BBEB3 AXD DEALERS, or delivered by Parcel Port npon receipt of price Xo. 1 HJOO. .o. j re.oo. Dealers t Write for detallr and liberal tensj crvrtre ordez.