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EI. PASO HERALD t7 9 H S ' Secrels Of The 1 Movies Revealed QVIlt materials are used la the . nnla te simulate a licit snow IUUic ana also to portmy snow ait the ground! A. Small bits of asbestos are used to Imitate a snow flurry, while tho ground Is covered with nit to par. tray the fallen snow. 4J. How Ui Is the standard hot Ins; ptetare film! A. It Is l inches is width. L What aetress, who olsred In she original stage east of Dltrleh stela's The Concert," ha since be nmi famous as writer of statfo and film plays! A- Alice L Pollock. This famous ' comedy U now being timed. , Q. What famous fUm star cot bis first real ehauee en the stgc because the n playing the Juvenile lead eloped wWh tho wife el 1 theatrical agent! A. Bert Lytell Is the ess who was has favored by cupld. It was at the old Columbia theater In Newark, K. J and ths play was "Men and Wn men " When seandal made a vacancy la the east, Bert pleaded with the muster for a ekanea and mads good from the start. L To whom Is Louisa Half mar ried! A. Sbs Is now the wife of Bdgar SUllmae. a New York millionaire. She has a little girl. Mary Louise, by her first husband. Bdgar Joaes, onto a director tor LuWb Copyright, 1J0. Thompson Feature Service. What Is the aas of the pre- Minute Movies -PART three - 1 lOMZBO I I OF THE 1 mmim WE BRIGHT SEPTfcMBEE MOBA) SOME 23 yEAES AFTEB THE tUM6 HSIE. OF THE 5AEL. OF HEMP HAD SO MVSTEfclOUSlV DISAPPEARED. TH5)5E SWLEP FEOM JONtiOft A DI5l7AGUISHt AflTVEAlr IST AMD HI3 LOVELY DAUSHTE.R, .... (Copyright. 19J0. by George Mathew Adams Trademark Registered TJ S Patent Of fee By WHEEL AN Creator of "Midget Movies." gROF. VJILMCT BVfrSO'J.A.BrC. -e.KG, -t-OFF TO AFRICA FOR STUD AVD RECREATlOM liaiAM, WIS DcUOTED DAUSrlTEEl LKsIbbbbbYH jolly a I teuv-'i MJWBW WO HAS B5EW SSPARATEW FROM HER FATHER BECOMES UysTEElCftL, ANO LEAPS FROKJ THE UPE-BORT Orl.TOP-'A t TTM0iH PACT. fovjb.. SteeIo) TpapIvLH l v. vp-J-j " r e3c rif - -c j-' i o 5L recs tue4 In pkotocrspMaff the eyeslac 9f flovfcrst Tils depart ment tomorrow will glTe the nn wer te this ant a number ef other Intereatinsr uei(on- Fi 0? rVfA Pencil 9 r s jo. -4 t ' S '6 ,. "' a'" 65 'id,15 2o S5 2X 6S !). SB """K. 51 M . 61 feo . 61 28 51 5o 29 a 8 J, 53 4? . .Si JW T ,. 37 -Hgf y . 41 35 45 4 .. 3 i 4 y?f2rj 4o Tbay f I Prom The Herald of This Date, 190. rB Pioneer association of El Paso at Its reenter meeting last night heme, at the corner of Kansas and Ooverland streets. The money wtn be raised by selling stock tn ths pro poseg nenje. JUQCO JOJOPH usgpilin was aspeipteq a committee or one to confer with the city as to the pro posed lease on the land. A beautiful wrangle, ending In har mony and the exchange of the oltvo braneb. characterised the Republican Bounty convention, which met In dis trict judge 6cggln's room at the oourt house this morning. Scott White was endorsed for postmaster and the following ticket was nomi nated: J. 7. Stewart, representative. W, If. Snyder, district clerk. H, B, Qlllebrsnd, sheriff. Colonel Xiewls, county clerk, 3. D. Bryan, district attorney. li K. Momis, county attorney. S. $sge!klng. county Judge. W, H. Barle, county treasurer. M. S- Floras, county assuror- James I ilarr. county collector. S. O. Lessor, qstee of the peace, precinct Ko. 1. R. r. Mitchell, constable. H. P. Bloom, county commissioner. O. H. Baum was named as county ahalrsaas, sucoeedlng Charles B. StSTSHS. C 3. Hoberts was at Paatano to see to the shipment of two carloads of ore from the Total Wreck mips near Tucson to the Bl Faso smelter- This Is the first shipment made in twenty four years from ths old and once paying ellrer property. Mrs. EL Alnsa, and daughter. Miss Cimjellta, have returned from Cali fornia, where they haTO been spend ing the past few weeks. Ik -. Men nas returnee irom an ex tsnded trip to New York. Patter And Chatterl By S E- IOSKR. uiiiiiiiiiiiiBmillii'"iiiannwnB " ! mmmmmmwmammmm The Empty Cave BJ2F0RE 70a enzne I never cnessed Upw prentlr U thlasn misfct be chaacjedi Straase netlena that onee peueysed. 8(nee yon hare coiqe arc rearransed. BKFOKE 7011 esmo I eften ilcbtd er pleasnrea that were far away; Mr efforta Qtt were mUappIlei, My TentTrea often failed te pay. BBFORQ yo eatae the daya were Jona-. K tasks were hard my Akj day dreams fewi Sly heart, it seemed, was filled with sons 'Vrhen first my ajUnce eneevntered ytyix. S1W yen smlHac;. nnd target The thlnsTS that eaee had made me sadf Joy seemed to fill my every thoncht l zanexeq au tne world was siaa. TI1AT day In June 111 net farsreti I The world had never seemed so fain The rosea had not faded yet. And loveliness was everywhere. I OFTEN thonsht before you eame. That I weald seek n hermit's cave And cease cndeavorlns; to claim Untroubled rest this, side the crave. nrfOH yon have come, that hermit 7 staff Appeals no moref the seasons tnroash I'm hnaj ftntUns; time enoax-k To Hstea to appeals from too. TCLI. AXD POPXD THBTABI.H. .-.. It Is wseltfs to try to coTtnce tho erowd wtt a, ntrpns argnment If it li oKer4 te a jwW wanner- IT lYEVrJR GETS YOU AjrTWHHHK. "I always try to look at everything froaa tth pistes. -When nave yon looked at a chorea from Uw Jjurtder -Ob. let's Aran tha mMtet T Tn&dA nn vav miBsf -vsars aero it that It was foolish to arffue about reTlpion. f HOROSCOPE Trace thirty-three, t-ij thlrty.four Ad m jay Eleanor. Tlraw from aae to two and so es to tne ex. I A Line 0' Cheer i Each Day 0' The Year I By JOHN KWJ-TJBICK BACS. mmA OX A UMTS BAY GER but rs blue today But 1st a different way Frost yon I Fa blue as skies are blue' Thai wsBdreas asure hue That seesss to smile Just all the while. Aad paints the skies Like tha sett eyes Of 10ms fair ehfid that sever knew A thought of me. That's why I say To you today Let the sky's blue stream into you And with its brew Of smiling cheer Drive from your soul all thought cf fear (Copyright. 1IM, by Mcdare News paper Syndicate. CARFBTB QUCANBU the best way by tha best cleaners. WILSON-MIL. IJCAN Plaat S. Phono . ACT. Sell Oil Stock to Cnrttss Co Adv. The Young Lady Across The Way It"" Bf Xvei&if, , nnI'sWwsavi Y- 1 1 " 1 A MllMTsTZHaaffsl ?yspl) KW1Z. Str. n. & Pat Off. Aaawers to Yesterday's Kwts, L, Cocnmbers are a spec!ts of Baall goqrd, stowIes upon a traljlne vine, t, Aoburn hajrsd persops are erected with having kUdly. sympa thette dlspcsltloss. J. Said rsountaJn is a noted peak In Ue Raoseley lake district of Maine, familiar to northern woods men aad sportsmen- 4. something of the same meaning. hot In different fens is a varta- jT A variegation Is diversified cotarlng. as In a flower or ribbon. t. Captain John Alcoek, and Lieut. Arthur WWtton Brown were the first men In the world to fly across the Atlantic ocean In II hours- Their of ficial time was IS hours, IS mlnstes, from St. Johns, N- F. to Cllfden. Irs la ad. Both sugar and starch tn ths pro cess of human digestion change into the heat making chemical elements of carbohydrates, and should therafsro bo nsed in moderation during the summer term, Tho centre of the Iron mining dis trict In the United States Is at Lake Saperier and In ths state of Minne sota. . "Catchpenny" means that a thins Is cheap and showy, especially made to attract buyers. 16. A halyard Is a rope for hoist ing sail or flag New Questions, X. tvtat " sortie? z. How many points has en try leaft 3, What is the celebrated Casa Grande tn ArisonaT , What Is protelat B, Who Is Madam Frances Alia, the operatic star, in private lizer . 'What U a precedent f 7. What Is a president! 8. Who wrote "TtaytJiondr or Life After Deathf 8. When Is Anatellaf 10. What Is a canlsht THURSDAY, AUGUST 5. ISM. ALTHOTJGU Jgaturn rules strongly for good early today, astrologers ..a fii.f, iiiviiaisv m .Tin rii There Is again danger of aerlous strikes and even of riots that cause great loss of life. Mars Is In a place supposed to arouse the baser emotions of men and to cause them to seek ignoble meth ods of retaliation for wrongs, fancied or otherwise. Speakers who appeal to hate and discontent wilt exercise much laflu enco while this configuration pre vails. Libel and slander will propagate under this dlreatton of the stars, for there la a sign believed to erase the memory of good deeds while It mag nifies the appearance of evil condt tlons. Saturn Is In an asneet that is most threatening- to older persons who held Many cultured itusslan women formerly of high position in their na- I tivo country are now waitresses In Constantinople. Want Kodak Finishing? feeo G dara. Adv gwwociiiiiiin iii iwmwwwiwsiii)imiimniiciMiniitwB I OPHELIA Tt MnttntrmHwniwHttnBnnwfflnRFntBWMWMui im 1 1 issTPsifi THS young u&y across tie way says A she Hkte The Merchant 0: Venice best bat Shelctsnere'i Ibi3 seems to be tie aoit wifely quoted of an Mi works. ployes may lose employment at this time, since there will be mere and more demand for vounjr mtn and women as executives. Accidents in mines seem to be lore shadowed and there may be labor troubles that bring about grave con sequences. Industrial progress may be Impeded owing to unexpected complications that will became apparent in this deean. Owlnr to the spread of belief In astrology it will be studied by soUo tists and will be as much exploited as the spiritualistic Investigations of the last tew years, the seers announce. Isrottszn may be increasingly re vealed at this time when both men and women seek public approbation, for there is a star In strong domina tion that causes the mind to contem plate self and gain Impressions that are too optimistic. civio eriorts to promote eommuitltv spirit will gain a decided Impetus at this time. San Francisco. New York and Washington, D. C ooma under a planetary government that makes for Old Fashioned Dances Barbecue Dinner Home Made Pies Lots of fen for old and young at tie Midsummer Festival to bo given Thursday, Aug. 5, In Cleveland Square By tie children of Cornelia Brand) Stone Chanter, TJ. S. C Tie money raised will be cted to tend Cosfedsrate Veteran to tie reunion at Houston in Octo ber. Conercsinan Hudspeth wfl call tie dances. Tie adraiuion is only a quar ter; ifa for a worthy cause. Have fun and HELP. Barbecue and 'Watermelon Dinner at a o'clock. largo enterprises that promote public welfare. Persons whose btrthdata it is may have a year of more or less stress. They should avoid work asM worry Young women wOl have offers of marriacre. Children barn on this day are ULely to be fond of adventure and ebange Copyright. 1310, by the Meravre -News paper Syndicate. GLENDALE GETS THIRD BANK; IS CAPITALIZED AT $423,000 Olendale, Arti, 4 The Olendale Bank of Commerce is the name of the newest banking Institution te be es tablished tn aiendale. IJeease for the iBstltsUos to eondoct a banking easiness was wanea uua weeK oy superintendent of banks Jesse L. Boyee. The new bank, which will be the third bank in OUadala. is capi talised at UM0 The officers are A W Appleby, president; R. Hughes, vice president, Q. A. Appleby, secre tary, ana u. A- wmte aaa k. jf. positions of authority. Aged em-H Hashes, directors. Kansas men are Interested with looai the new enterprise. capitalists in FIRE DESTROYS GROCERY AT TUCSON; 570,000 LOSS Tucson, Ariz.. Aug. 4, Albert Stelnfeld Co.'s grocery store stock was destroyed and the building badly damaged in a $70,000 (Ire in the busi ness district yesterday The firo lasted about five hours- The sec ond floor was damaged by smoke only while the basement aad lower floor were almost a total less. About 80 percent of the damage was covered by insurance WIGWAM TODAY AND TOMORROW Max Under The Faraoui French Comedian "1 LiTTLl ?J Don't bum tik very funny comedy. Added Attraction Weekly News Bn J& PANTAGES VAUCIVILLE LHA THREE BIG SHOWS TODAY 3:00 P. M. 7.30 P. M. 9:15 P. M. Added Attractions Excellent Entertainment Questions and answers i Q. Which end of an airplane leaves tho ground nrstr L. ?L A. The tall Slick ill is lust befero the wheels. The machine rights itself on a level and the nose then starts upward. Q. How nearly is the government forecast of crops borne out by the actual yield t W. D. L. A- Within the past 10 years the estimates of the department of a&-l-oulture have averaged within IH Per cent of the crop. Q- now many Impeachment cases have been tried beforo the senate! L. W. K. A The United States senate has sat as a oourt of impeachment nine times. O. What does the word "mercer ise" meant C F. 8. A, Mercerising Is a treatment for ootton goods or fiber that gives It a silky luster It was named for John Mercer, an English calico printer, who Introduced the process. Q. What Is the other half ef the quotation "Put a beggar on horse back!" G. L T. . A- ,Th phrase "Set a beggar oil horseback and he will ride a BansV waa first used by Robert Bones. There Is a translation from tha Ger man, "Set a beggar on horseback, hell outride the deviL" ' O Is It Injurious e trees to empty Ice cream tubs near Ihemf C U, A. Slnco salt in excess is very In jurious to trees, toe cream tubs should not be emptied near them. Q. The rock of Gibraltar Is said to resemble n lion conchant. Which way does It facet C L. . A. The Mediterranean lies en the east and the strait of Gibraltar at the west. The rock stands north and south. Its highest poini, or head, be ing at the south end. O- I have a vertical aieant boiler waleh I me only In winter time. What hall I do to keep It from rusting out In the summer f L M, C A- The bureau of mines says that the best practice la to fill the boiler entirely with water. . What eastern slates produce the niest srrapeaf K, T, W. A. New York, Michigan, Pennsyl vania aad Ohio lead in production of eastern or American type of grapes. A Are most of the metals in the world put to some use N. M. I. A. Nearly half of the known met als of the world have not yet been put to practical use. Q. What dees "AbC" mean In con nection with proper names t F. N. M. A. In the Arabia and Stmetis laa gcagea the word generally Eneas slave" or mut?' as Abd-Allah. servant of Allah. Q. How many freight cars are used in transporting automobiles from fac tories! V. L S. A. In MM. Hi.717 freight cars were loaded whh shipments from au tomobile xaotorles. nough aotomo- 1 ! biles were driven overland 1o their 1 1 destinations to have filled an addi tional 40.000 car. Q. Did the government coin any dime. In I8W! O. W. T. A In I'M. the United States mints coined HO H (0 worth of dlmts. (Any reader can get tho answer to any question by writing Ths Herald Information bureau, Fredsrlo J Ks kin. director. Washington, O- C The bureau cannot give advice en .Vral medical and financial matters. It does not attempt to settle domestic troubles, nor to undertake exhaustive resesreh on any subject. Write your nestien plainly aad briefly Olvo full same and address and enclose 1 cents In stamps for return postage. All re plies are sent direct te the Inquirer ) ONLY FBW DAYS LEFT TO B-tLIST FOR RHINE SERVICE Information received at the 1 Faso army recruiting station Toes day said only Infantry enlistments for overseas service can bo received for service in Germany. Cavalry, field artillery and the quartermaster corps already have been fllMk Only a few more can be accepted for the infantry, it was announced, and thsso must bo made in threa days. TOWN CHANCES 5AJTE. Milwaukee. Wis.. Aug. 4. By unan lmous vote of the city council last night the name of Grand Rapids. Wis, was changed to Wisconsin Rapids, to avoid the confusion wlh the city of tse same name in Mleht gan. i BILL i ALL NEW I TODAY! H The comedy feature of the H year I Olive Thomas K ui the latest "Siixnick" K pro&Ktioa I "The 1 Flapper" Itb straight, clean aeasedr. fm ttUt& with numerous far- B clal situation, nnfoldtas; a I somewhat aketehy plot, and j holes Interest to the finish, H Yon will lfhe It. The New "Fox" Hews reel, the mightiest of nil U news reels will be shown HE also. SneBBKI EKb 0BBwSicr K? BSVrwwisfMfr iwiiitfisi THE BSATJTT OF A EOSE, THE VOICE OF A NIGHTINGALE, THE HEAET OF A BTJTTES FLY! This w Rita CavaifEU. greatest of aH opera, Messrs, who fetrad reaiace rtiere he leart expected itl "EVEN AS YOU A.ND 1" You rnt see this picture to fuiy ap predxte its xafe eharra its vrarra ap peal to the heart its exqeaite beauty I nhi mm aad ,J5 From A. H. Wood's Famous Stage Farce &&J&AM -t-SFl-'jyrV? lilJmlAAMlilS Tonight and AU Week Bargain Matinee Sat 2:30 The N. Y Comedy Success "THE NKlSi '? With Otis Oliver and a Select Cast. JKff'iraBOgrSaBaKslBeS' MM DOJ3IS HaKvVtHk CeM3kM J llllldIl'i s-m-sWHa piKckdJgf 1iseI1IMM. CHETirffiy i y(ftj FOURfcJORE VV mil H vrONDERFUL DAYS Sk V Hi TODAY $S$r $?&?S& ElwH NO ADVANCE IN PRICES 5:30, VStSO.'ld Sj LAST DAY! JACK PICKFORD IN O. HENRY'S "A DOUBLE DYED DECEIVER" Wliat in the world in terests you most? Feepl. men. women ssd eMtdrca: the most attractive faces ta lit. ars hsmsa bemfs pssssrs by- Herbert Rawllnson tn rii By C. Had Ion Chambers. Rialto Coscert Orchestra i Vaudeville Numbers Between Acts. Nights ESC SOe, TEC, SLOO. Sat. Mat. Adults COr. Children nnder 15, 25c Fins Wnr Tax. Children tn Arms Not Admitted. NEXT wEKSCHWE BABY If you would know what real I oUve oB tastes Hke try tsi ported Pompeian Olive OU THE SHADOW AST Fark Your Carea TODAY rO mM rt riHt w cp"'