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3 WHITE HSS TEN TRIESFORBELT SCHOOL DA YS By D WIG Copyright, 1920, by McClure Newspaper Syndicate. EL PASO HERALD i i r m 4 Vi Chicago Lightweight Has Boxed 10 Champions but Never Successfully. By TOM ANDREWS. Milwaukee Wit, Aug 4 Charley Whie- Chicago lightweight, has had more chances to annex championships than most any other boxer, bat he never succeeded in wearing the crown n any of the classes he tackled. In all the Chicago lad had ten tries at the tiles in the featherweight and lightweight divisions, gains against Aba Atteii (twice), johnny KJinane. Ad Wolpaat. Freddy Welsh, Willie Ritchie and Benny Leonard. When he fought Ritchie in Milwaukee he had him down and nearly ont in the first round, but failed to follow his seconds' advice and let the champion recover Had Another Chance. It was the same with Attell once and he had the best of Wolgast In one fignt. also with Fredy Welsh, but lacked the aggressiveness at the right time, nis tenth chance came with Benny Leonard at Benton Harbor, Mich., July S, when he sent Benny through the ropes, but again he failed to follow -Qp his advantage. From those close up to the ring it Is clamed that Charley caught Benny off balance and hit him on the coin as he was going back. The blow sent the champion against the ropes and Benny, as he said after wards, thought he would rebound from the ropes a la Johnny Dtmdee, and catch White before he could step back, but the ropes, instead of hold ing, slipped ever his head and this let him slide through to the floor. Referee Smith began to count as the seconds of Benny pushed him back into the ring. White nor his seconds irade no complaint and the referee naturally let it go, although there was a chance for a technical fouX Failed To Use Judgment, However, there would have been a wild howl from the big crowd had the championship been taken away on a iiuae or tsar Kina ana tne-rer-eree used good judgment tn paying no attention to it. However this Is where White fell down. In the past, under the direction of Nate Le wis, he had been coached to always follow up an advantage, but seemed unable to do so. The time of the Ritccie incident I can remember Nate Lewis calling to Charley what to do, that is In a low tone of voice, which was heard Just the same, but White lorgot an ne nao been told and let the chance of his life slip by It was too same all through his matches Lewis always tried to make him take the aggressive for that was his forte in boxing In his final chance for a title against Leonard, and acting without a manager, he be came aggressive, but at the critical point fell down. To his credit It must be said that White put tip the best fight of his career and It Is too bad he did not start the same tactics sooner He needs Nate Lewis or a man like Lewis to help htm in the pinches. Charley seeks anoher match with Leonard and no doubt will be accommodated, but he will find Benny in better shape next time. I What Do You KnOW About SpOTt? I veral i boat, a ""MM mmoMnnMntf MnrDhv Hf? W?Mz7c& S& w.e -" fltt Q Toot ner J m Wfo "C The- C&& - cwrt6"01 . x. ''&W 1 ,- -TOjort gf Si ten 'pRKwS? CU wS&fj "" v S ? r gnl Ti in IL'SB9L Xijll u vt( .e&jr- . i-r h - mimsiir f iffl iyjc -rrfmFn'fcSifi-- V Riii.sPniweOWUCKeo' i u Jt . '-i'SUC- v Sees ie yo-" EXTIMt -DmMCl- AND joins Trte 8-4- fclM . SPAHK&D AHD IPCKtWiv 5b. oKEftoCR, Decioes ovj tutn AMD BE A FREg , OMSPAHHCO SfttLR. fooTPRitTif DAV BJTff Cf feo-Djj Three Titles Are In Balance Scrappy Boxers Training Hard THREE dlles are fc&ngtss In-the baj- Amrrrr. to Toterdor'a Qneitloiu. 1- CicoUe pitched a so hit eame In llt i. Geore Qibaen Joined tha Pi rates In IMS. X. Travis won th. sattonal -ama-tenr polf title In IMA, 1M1. and lMt 4- The SolUran-Hltehell light -vras itaged at Chantllly, France. 5. Bresnan lost to Xevinskr. drew -with hbn and beat him. each time In 12 ronnds. 6. William K. Johnston won the national clay court tennis title is ISIS. 7 Garland won the intercollegiate tennis title in 1111. S. Stalling! managed the Tankees in lMt and HI. S Johnson's no hit same against Boston. July 1. was his first. 10 The ace is low In catttss is w&Ist hat highest In slay. Sew Questions. X. From what clnb did Claude Hendrtz jomp to the Federal leaea.T 2. When was Trus Speaker traded to Cleveland 3. Has anyone held fh& women's national gott title three times since 100T 4. When did Batch Hose first win tne snot pnt event tn an ulymnladT S When Jack Johnson and Jhn Jeffries fought for a parse of $101. 090, was It the hlgb-st till that tlmST S. What was Battilne Nelson's epeea record m knocxiiis oat an op ponent? 7 Where was Charles S. Harland raniced in the tennis lists tn 1SU7 II Where was Holla BJarstedt ranked tn the tennis list in BU! 1 Hare tho White Sox ever fin ished lastT JO. Have the Cabs ever finished. laser uopyngni, isac, xnompson ifearnre oervice. anca at Fort Bliss, and six op timistic Tonne athletes are cast ing longing eyes at the championship belts which will be contested Friday night. Charles "Dutch" Crosier, champion of the Pacific fleet daring the emer gency and Tommy Carter, holder of the southwestern llshtwelirht title are to meet in the headllner event of the program. Carter has held the belt since his memorable defeat of Otto Wallace on July 2G. 1919. and has suc cessfully defended It at Fort Bliss on mnerent occasions. His last 15 round contest with Tommv Morphy. proved one of the snappiest vix BiiuuiHnicia ling History. Sme More Ulrtor-r. And Incidentally his coming battle with Crczler is expected to result in making some more glove history wmen will De remembered lor years to come. Croxier and Carter will not meet in the only titular bout of the evening as .uaaie uanion ana Batuine Sha- Iplro, the husky welters are to meet tor tne Hi pound championship of the border. -e---0--0--.4-0 MIMM1ZKS TUK EVII. It being admitted that the habit of intentional passing of a batter Is considered a serloos menace to the life of the game only when Babe Bath is the passee. perhaps we can trust the solution of the problem to manager Stil ler Huggins, of the Tankees By his present arrangement of batting order he at least has reduced the number of intentional passes Ruth s Ukei7 to get from day to day and perhaps as Bob Heusel becomes better ac quainted with big league pitching Huggins plan will have almost entirely elimi nated the evil granting al ways that the evil exists, only when Babe Ruth is passed, and that in the case of other batters it does not amount to a "problem" that must be solved. TXaalon ha. won every bout he ha. participated in at the punch bowl this year by consistent punching and he X. expected to meet an able rival In the ragged Shapiro. Eddie ha. had remark able luck in two of his contest, particularly hi. lart when Sailor tViatersteia unit la the third round of. a scheduled eight round battle when he was away ahead on points. Shapiro ha. defeated everyone of hi. weight In the dirtrlet and 1. undoubtedly one of the cleverest or southwestern welters. The third title to be contested will bring together Battling Twyman, fly weight champ of the southern de partment and Tiny Refeld, two sol dier scrappers. Refeld halls from the Remount station, while Twyman Is a veteran of the (2nd artillery Each packs a hard punch and each is confi dent of victory Twyman has a tre mendous following among the soldier boxing fans of the district. Refeld is credited with a victory over a num ber of fast boys and Is popular with the soldier mitt sllngers. It will be a real ehamoionshln battle and no misuse. u f. Anafb. ft Kid Cznarkl. of the motor group has been matched to box Al Roga. a tougn. ciever coy witu a cara puncn. These two mitt pushers will meet tn the four round curtain raiser. Their meeting is the remit of a challenge hurled recently at Fort Bliss by Ttogan and whleh was immediately accepted by hi. op ponent. Wane the curtain raiser win net be for a title It will un doubtedly contribute to uphold ing it. end of the championship card which Kent to be the cream of all shows staged this .ensen. YATK3 HAVE PEACH. Ty Cobb is Quoted as savin it that the Stew York Yankees not only have tne puncn, out xne Dest pitching stair in the American leacroe. Mavhe robb said that If he did well. If he did. It's a case of what should be expert opinion slipping a cog. some lii'rriNc The games of Tuesday. July 20. looked like old times In tha Wont league, every one being a free-hitting contest. Every team but one ran Its hits up into double figures and 96 hits were mads by the eight teams. - Kodak Finishing. &ee Gandara Adv Why Itch and Burn With Skin Diseases? There la a 'Way to Get Bid of the Torturous Suffering Those who rely upon local treat ment such as ointments, salves, lo tions, washes, etc, which are applied to tne surface of the skin, will never be free from agonizing skin diseases, because they are going about the treatment Just backwards. They are treating the results of the disorder, and not the disease Itself They are attempting to boll water by applying the heat in the wrong place. These terrifying skin irritations, eczema, utter, bolls, pimples, etc have their origin In a disordered con dition of the blood. They come from a coony of tiny germs which get Into il e blood and multiply by the million. Do rot expect to be cured of any form of skin disease by the use of lotions, salves, ointments or other lo cal treatment as such remedies can not possibly reach the source of the trouble, which Is the blood. When any of these symptoms ap pear on! any part of your body, you should take prompt steps to rid the blood of the germs which cause them. And the one remedy which has no equal as a blood cleanser Is S. S. S. which is sold by druggists every where. Begin taking S. S. a today and write a complete history of your case to our Chief Medical Adviser, who will give you special instructions without charge. Write at once to Medical Director, 512 Swift Labora tory, Atlanta, Ga Adv. Helps Peck, But Rice Gets Huffy TirHHK the Washington team was W in New York Sam Rice walked over to the Yankees' bench during practice and handed Roger Pecklnpaugh a hat, saying: "Peck, do you want a bat to bit fungoes with? I tried to fatten my batting average with It, but hit nothing but air, so you can have it- There wasn't a hit In the whole forest they cut this bat from." Peck tried the bat in the game that day and all he got was a three-bagger and two doubles. Ho hunted up Rice after the game and asked him If any other Washington player had a ""fungo bat" he'd like to get rid of, but Rice was too sore to answer him. TOMMY CARTER. Juno Outclasses Circuit Field Toledo, Ohio. Aug. t, Juno, the favorite outclassed the field In the News-Bee 2:10 pace for a purse of JJWO In Tuesdays grand circuit rac ing. In the first heat she passed the bunca and finished by two lengths. In the last heat Peter Look stuck his nose out and got the decision. Dr. Kick, driven by Tommy Murphy, won his first race of the season, when he outtrotted the favorite. Peter I In the 2:07 trot and won In straight heats. The free for all pace was won by Sanardo in fast time. In the first heat the halt was run in 1 62. the horses going the rest of the way In S9 1-4 seconds. Princess Marv taklni? tne intra neat. Eliza Dillon took the 2'10 trot In straight heats. John McCloskey J No Longer Pilot Memphis, Tenn, Aug. 4. The Mem phis club directors have removed the veteran John J. McCloskey as mana ger of the local Southern league team and named Jack Lewis, second base man of the team, as his successor McCloskey. it Is stated, will be re tained on the payroll as a scout for the club. McCloskey rebuilt the Memphis team last spring and had It going well for awhile, but It fell into a slump a month ago and has been dropping toward the bottom. One of the reasons given for re moving McCloskey was that he was handicapped in managing from the J Dencn Decause or the accident a cou ple of months ago whleh resulted In the loss of an eye. Intimations of tlj change were given a couple of weeks ago when the club directors sent McCloskey on a scouting expedi tion. Polly McLarry was '.hen put In charge of the team, as Lewis was out of the game with injuries. U.S. Riflemen Win Olympic Beverloo. Belgium. Air .fTtv m Associated Press) The T7nltA Ktt nas won a sweeping victory in the Olympic target shooting of eight events. Including rifle, pistol and re volver contests, they won seven first places and were second In tha other. In the seven Individual events they won four firsts, two seconds and four thirds, taking first, second and third In one. They failed to place in one event 200 meter rifle firing from a prone position. Medals were awarded Tuesday The final standing of points is as follows- United States. At: Sweden. 11; Norway, , Denmark. 7; Switzerland, 5H; Brazil. 5. France, 4. Greece. 2, souw Ainca, z and Finland H One third place was divided be tween Switzerland and Finland after three shoot-otls failed to break a tie. with every gptgfgw Vacuum Cup FLwfviv fa' Tube KmSJKSSmk 6HbBIPCv -AU iG-TOBEii j$PmS V '9 T iiaBfBks. sstsastwiS C5AVEDX 10.65 1 8.75 6.9(1. I Effective today, and continumg throughout the month of August, your local dealer is authorized to give you, with eachVacuum Cup Cord or Fabric Tire purchased,' One Pennsylvania "Ton ..Tested" Tab'e of cor responding size, abso lutely free of charge! You not only save the substantial amount ordinarily paid for tubes,' but you also save on the casings.' For Vacuum Cup Tires, at pre vailing prices standardized net and uniform throughout the United States cost less than other makes of equal quality. - If you cannot secure prompt service from your regular dealer, send direct to Factory at Jeannette, Fa, and your order will be filled through nearest dealer or Factory Branch. ' PENNSYLVANIA RUBBER COMPANY of AMERICA Jeannette, Pennsylvania (Extra Heavy Cord Type) 36x6 $108.40 36x6 $17.75 35x5 80.35 35x5 34x4 64.65 34x42 33x4 56.00 33x4' Qtherstzes at proportionate figures) 'mnsyMmit .. MTVk 4TTSTZt tsmAtttuAUBm " - -'- sTO TEStZtr SP nsjCxHssassssssVezaessesa iK- D .W.. .IE - l r" i 1TZ sWjnTt-!t!Ftsrs r S2iSSI JIWa-LH i f:V-r 37x5 $74.60 37x5 Sexfc 58.20 36x4!2 34x4 40.85 34x4 30x3J2 23.70 30 X3& (Regular) $8.85 7.30 5.65 3.50 (Other sizes at proportionate figures) Real Ring For Amateur Boxers It an honest to eoodnsta retrnla- tlon rinir will help the amateur box ers In their training1 then they Trill be helped to the limit In the new "i training: quarters lor superin tendent Comstock has erected his hie- rlngr In the space formerly occupied by the pool and bllllar tables. The ring is the same one which he built for the wrestling1 champion ships and which met with aDDrova.1 of local wrestlers. It is a raised af fair with padded posts, and wrapped ropes. The wrestlers will hare their mats In the former exercise room so it will be possible for all to work out at the same time. " GRIFFITH HAS FAST TBA3I. Clark Griffith at last has the fast and hitting; outfield he has longed xor ana men oiner pans oi nis team fall him. Such is the fata of ih unlucky manager National leasnie ball Dialers hav started a Cox-Ruoosevelt league, pledging themselves to work and vote for the Democratic national candidates 'Y' Swimmin 'Hole' Is Popular A special short term rate Is beta? ouerea ox tne x M- u. A. TMs will give all of those who have failed to take advantage of the snmmer mem bership an opportunity to make the tnost of It for the balance of the sum mer This special rate will Include swimming, shower baths, gymnasium class, locker, game and reading room privileges and In other words every thing that the T" has to offer Those who have been complaining about the heat will find ome relief through this membership The cool Is thoroughly scrubbed and cleaned twice each week and half of the water Is run out each day These precautions keep the water In excellent condition. American Boy Scouts Win Easily London, Eng. Aug 4 A team of American boy scouts from Miami, Fla.. at the International boy scout "Jamboree" Monday establishing what Is believed to be a world's record In the trek-cart competition. Bight of the American youths, competing against a similar Welsh team, cover ing 90 yards over obstacles with a two wheeled trek-cart loaded with eight sandbags weighing 40 pounds, tn two minutes S J-5 seconds. The team had to unload their carts, get them over a wall reload thera and run through a pool of water. The Welsb boys took more than fonr minutes. The Photo Shoo for hrtA Ita.v finishing Scott White Drug Store Mills Bldg Adv Sell 011 Stock to Curtlss & Co. Adv. English Praise Bill Tilden Like Work Of American Star T ONDON, Eng, Aug. 4 England's J- tennis devotees took William Til den. of Philadelphia, now the world's tennis champion by reason of his defeat of Paters on, the Australian, and former holder, to their hearts because he was a sportsman, every in en. rney liKea niv styia or piay, revelled in his every turn on the courts at Wimbledon that showed the real Americanism, and showered him with invitations to "come back." A closeup of Tilden, as set down by a writer for the London Daily Ex press, preceding the match for the championship, follows 1Ir Tilden.- said T. after I had run mm to earth m the dressing room at Wimbledon, "I am now about to ask you the most futile question in tne woria. Urtt H Wan. The lanrest smile that Wimbledon has ever known temporarily vacated air xuaen race, ana a joow oi appre hension crent into his tleeoset eves. Mr. Tilden's eyes, by the way, are by no means the least remarkable thin? aoout a remarxaoie young man. MX Know wmt yon are coins: to ay. he said. "Yon are sjolac to ask me how I fancy my chance asalnst Patterson for the world lawn tennis. ehamplonAhlp. "Quite rlft-lit. I said, "and I have already written down the proper answer yon ooxht to Give dip. How do yon fancy your chances a sains t Patterson ? "I have no thin sr to sav now. and T shall have nothing to say afterward. said the vounir American slowlv and deliberately I pulled ont the paper on which I was prepared to make a safety bet, and there it was almost word for word. Is a Real Sport. Mr W T. Tilden is a fine type of sportsman. He is a little theatrical perhaps, from our insular point of view , He certainly does strike attitudes, and, as he said to me "I sore can't keep my mouth shut when I am play Ing" Behind all these slightly exotic mannerisms there is a firm founda tion of good sense and good sports manship. Ton could not conceive of Tilden taking an unfair advantage of any sort, and his genuine appreciation of anything good In an opponent's game is fine to see. His cheerlaess and optimism are absolutely eennine bat un derneath ail this yon cannot help noting- his strength of character. He looks on the brlaht aide of life, bat he Is determined to give as crood an account aa possible of himself In everything- that he does. As a crood American he la, of course, all oat to defeat Patter son. If he can. bat nrobablv no one Is aware of the magnitude of his task than U Tilden. Whatever happens, he plays the game and he win make no excuses. "What do tou think of the Wimble don crowd" I said as bs was putting on his famous "teddy bear" sweater "Think of them?" he replied. "They are mo sportiest lot j. nave ever played before " And. beaming happllv, W. T Til den. of the U. S. A faded brightly away. BETTER PITCHING IX ITATIOXAI. Jack Coombs, after serving time In both majors, says the American has more good players altogether, but that the Brooklyn Club has a better pitching staff than any other clnb either major boasts. OWKVS READY FOR WORK. Umpire Brick Owens, who has been on the shelf for a month with a cracked shoulder, has notified presi dent Bsn Johnson that he has recov ered and is ready for work again. VETERAN CATCHER DIRS. Michael Boles, eight or 10 years ago a catcher in the old Tri -State league, died at his home In Scranton 50 Yard Dash At Swimmin' Pool A 50 yard dash, tn which some of the speediest swimmers of the city wlU participate, will be held Sunday afternoon at the Sunset Heights pooL Entrants are coming In rapidly and Indications are that more than 16 en trants will start tn the event. Some of those already entered Include the speediest paddlers of the southwest among them being Jack Donahue. Wagner Dawson. Jo. Grlssom, Bill Race ana -Dutch" Crosier The purpose of the event Is to de velop swimming In 3 Paso and. In cidentally to learn the best swim mers with the view of organizing water polo teams to play at the pool In the future. Each team would rep resent a business house In El Paso. On Labor day a carnival of water sports Is planned. In which everyone will be Invited to participate. Grady Weeks Is in charge of the special free for all race Sunday and also the water carnival. Entrants for the race may post their names at Tha HcraM sports desk or with the chief life at ue pool, wiuun tne next tew days. Owing to limited space, the racers wlU be given a standing start in shallow water Ft Bliss Athletes Stage Field Meet Forr Bliss athletes met Wednesday ta a district field and track meet. Entrants from every organization In the El Paso district participated in the events and oamnAtltinn ... t Several new races were a feature of the meet, which was tn charge of as sistant district athletic officer Leiut. IL r. Long, of the Sid artillery TATE BVTTLBS SMTTn. Fort Worth. Texaa Ann- t -r;.. boat" Smith of New Tort .,.. awarded the newspaper decision over Texas" Tfttfl EVirr Wap1. ku on July 19 of a throa affection. He weight In a IS round boxing bout J" y.ars or Ke ani Is survived her. Tuesday night. Smith won all oy nis wtie Dat the seventh round which wem to rate on rignts ana lerts to the body, in the opinion of ti. newspaper FULL line of KODAKS and KODAK supplies at Gandam's. Adv. SkimmGdarGh (Chocolates ati ',fecfJng Get Prlmm. Prsflt-aaartas Conpons Exchangeable lor 8. A IL Green Trading Stamps x premiums. L. J. OVERLOOK BROKER PRIVATE LEASED WTKB ' .'respondents. Logan K Bryan, Cblcsco. Jfew .,fcDJSrWMWa5S: aiT Aerthv Oregon St Phono 2431.4 . ttexna uatei. 1 Use Herald Wan$ Ada