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10 Week-End Edition. September 11-12, 1920. KL, PASO HKRALD Britain Is Coming To Grips With Her Revolutionaries . . Socialist Mine Workers Using Strike Weapon Not Only to Better Conditions but to Force Public Ownership Program; Labor Now Dictates to Government; Radical War Veterans a Grave Danger; Anarchy Spreading in Scotland N1 By BUGE.VE J. YOUXG, TEW YORK, Sept. 11 Decision of the miner- federation of Great Britain to strike, not soleJvWar better wages and conditions for them reives, but to force lower prices for the consumer, marks a decisive point In the struggle which has been brew in? between the British government and parliament, on the one hand, and the revolutionary Socialists on the other On the outcome of the struggle thus begun hangs the fate of British in stitutions at home, perhaps the British empire, and in great degree the de velopment of world politics. British ers know that a great crisis is rapidly approaching. The radical r!emenfs In the huge labor unions have been Intensively organizing for the conflict ever since the armistice and have been shrewdly maneuvering for position. The de cision of the miners is an almost conclusive sign that they believe "the day" has arrived for a test of strength with the government. They are aware that a real tieup of the coal mines of the kingdom for lany extended period would brtg wide spread Idleness, disorganization and distress at a moment when the whole empire is strained and conditions at home have reached a critical state. Yet they are pressing the mine strike and demands tn other Industries with a boldness and determination which can bring but on cosehtsion that they think they are strong enough at last to force their Socialistic program through. Strength of the Unions. Here are elements to he considered as labor opens the conflict: The miners federation, 900.90 strong, represents practically 101 percent of the industry, and over two thirds of the members have voted for the strike to enforce the double de mand of higher wages and lower prices. Their ales is to wipe out en tirely the profits of the private' own ers and so compel public ownership, and they have notified the govern ment that the program "must be treated as a single and Inseparable demand." The engineering trades have pre sented fresh demands which the em ployers say they will resist, if neces sary, by shutting down all the works. Shipping interests say the unrest among tne dockers is strangling their industry. The transport workers and railway men are oressine for fresh concessions in the face of big deficits. The two latter have formally backed the miners program. These unions control the Committee of Action called the "Labor General Staff which is able to threaten the government with an order to "down tools by 6,00,000 workers if its be hests are not obeyed. This committee Kabibble Kabaret CoCTTittt 1020. fatgwuHonrt Fetlsre Bftfrlcn. tat Betuund V. S. runt OOce. X HMJS LOST TUEES W0S9AMQS -?Hoom r. wCK.y t-UUETH f StfCUtfjW B5 TRUSTED utfTW ArtOTefcTl is the outgrowth of the railway strike of last autumn, when the labor lead ers decMed they must build up an organization which could successfully cope with the government's power. Jtany veterans of the war are show ing grave disaffection. Almost 200,000 are still unemployed, accord ing to lord Haig, many living on the unemployment dole, and all dissatis fied. The National Union of ex Service Men, a large and frankly So cialist organization, is forwarding a great rent strike and demanding pub lic ownership of all land. In Scot land veterans have been seisins: land all through the northern and western districts and holding it by force. In waies soldiers councils nave been formed on the) Russian plan. Police Organise for Trouble. The government ia preparing for widespread disorder. The police, which had been controled by the local authorities, have been reorgan ized on a federal basis, controled from London, with oro vision to concentrate strong bodies quickly in any part of tne Kingdom. They are being ortuea on army principles and taught to shoot. The employers have also formed a strong central organiza tion and got together forces of their own to guard their properties. The middle classes are alarmed and are forming unions to protect their interests and uphold tne parliamen tary system. More than 150 of these unions With an average membership above 1000 have been organized to fight bolshevism and to 'prevent In dustrial nationalisation and sectional tyranny. Tney are enlisting volun teers to keep necessary utilities and industries going in case of strikes. Working along similar lines is a Lib erty league, with a powerful member ship, whose special work is to fight bolshevism and radical socialism. The worst feature is that the gov ernment Is crippled by the rebellion in Ireland, the serious troubles In Turkey, Egypt and India, the chaos on the continent of uErope which hampers British trade and finance; the serious financial conditions due to the huge debt and other burdens and the impossibility of finding new revenue to meet them satisfactorily. Labor troubles at home wfll aggra vate all these conditions and render more acute the already serious dif ferences within the government It self. Lloyd George Recognizes FeriL How gravely premier Lloyd George takes the situation is shown by the words he addressed to the labor coun cil of action when it came into being suddenly In the midst of the Polish crisis, tl had been intended by the Socialist leaders not to bring their general staff into play until It had received the sanction of the annual labor congress this month, but the announcement of the premier that Britain would use "all its resources to prevent the destruction of Poland oy tne noisnevuci rorcea it into the open. It served notice on the gov ernment that British action a rains t Russia would be followed by an order f u JM I S is mfflm calling Inlemalional II j sff ' ! fell Exposition jl Milliard 8?:ffl I Carnival. fi4 BuyersVeek I SUN MON TUB lW JHU FRI SAT , I El Paso is Vailing loVelcomeMu 14 Years Ago Today I Frooi The Jlcrald ol ThU Date, 1S04. BRIG.-GEN. WILLIAM S. STCASKBT, U. S. A commanding the south western division. Including too department of Texas. In his annul report recommends that Fort Apache. Ariz, and Fort Duchesne be 'aban doned, and that Fort Clark be dis posed of In the same way. At the meeting: of the representa tives of the railroads entering this city, held at the Sheldon hotel yes terday afternoon, it was decided that the expense Involved while a leased car. bound for Mexico, is being held at this point unavoidably, should be divided equally between the road holding the car and the one to re ceive it. From three to six men are arriving daily from Alamogordo and are going to work in the new Southwestern shops. Some of the machinery has been installed in the new building and the men are set to work as they come from the old shop at Alamo gordo. General superintendent R. J. Parker and division saperintendent TV. K. Etter. of the Santa Fe, left last night for their respective homes. Topeka and San Martial, after attending the conference of railroad men held in this city yesterday. J. E. Colland has resigned as mill manager at the Las Veeras mine, near Coyame. state, of Chihuahua, and has remrnea 10 ms asree la Al .raep. Mrs. Fred Buchanan left Monday for New York. Mrs. J. F. Dieter and children are back from Clouderotti Miss Elizabeth ScfaHdt. sistci of Mrs. Wm.' Moeller. arrived yeateruay from Hamburg. Germany. EisEio Chahber fwHHeike To the Jobbers, Merchants am Manufacturers ol f El Paso: Reproduced above is the official poster of the "Week" of El Paso's International Exposition, Military Carnival and Buyers' Week. . We ask your co-operation in using this poster to an .nounce the coming three-fold celebration as widely as possible throughout the Southwest. Use This Poster -Use It Now The poster design, in miniature form, is in the hands of the following printers: Burk Printing House, EUis Bros. Printing Co., E! Paso Printing Co., Hughes-Buie Co., Ideal Print ing Co., La Patria, La Republica, McMath Printing & lithographing Co., Modern Printing Co.. Revista Ca tolica. It is also at your call with the "Herald" and the "Times." We suggest that you use this design on your ad vertising literature, your letterheads, your envelopes, etc '(The above printers will imprint it for about $2 a thousand) We suggest also that you use it in our newspaper ads. This poster has also been printed in the form of an envelope enclosure. These can be obtained in quanti ties and free of charge through Mr. Rufe March, of the Chamber of Commerce. Use them, please, in your correspondence, particularly in the mailing of Oc tober statements. Let's put this "Week" over BIGl Let's proclaim' El Paso as the Home Market of the Great Southwest Use the poster! Use it every chance you get! NOTE: Season tickets for the International Exposition are now on sale by Willis H. Ransom, Chairman ticket and Gate Committee, 216 San Francisco St Phone 565. EI Paso Chamber of Commerce to the unions to dwa tools." Net .only did it forbid "direct" war. bt an indirect war, either by a blockade or by the supplying of munitions or by assisting the forces that are now at war strains t Russia." f The premier told parliament that tne zormation or this committee ox action was "one of the most formidT able challences ever (riven to democ racy He declared the resolution of the committee had "aroused deep fear and anxiety in the minds of millions in this country fear that democratic institutions are to be suovertea ana some new tyrannical idea Is to be imposed by force" of. arms. There la nothing which conduces more to revo lutionary wars than that fear which thrills and frightens Britain. Not Seeking Bolshevism. It Is not bolshevism that British labor is seeking. The Jnne confer ence rejected union with the Moscow Third Internationale by more than 13 to L Lenin e angrily says the worst foe of bolshevism, is "the op portunist working class" of England. The program fs modeled largely on Marxian socialism with some more modern trimmings such as the self determination of -oeonles. Public ownership of utilities, labor control of industries, breaking up or large estates and distribution of the land.g wiping out oi tne proiiis vl capiuu fern." are the basic ideas. The moderation so far adopted has gtvea much of the strength the move ment has shown, since It is backed by the more conservative classes In labor and by many agriculturists. Yet with all its moderation the program wosld upset the whole present scheme of government in the coun try, and would. If adhered to, bring the empire tumbling about the ears of England. As I hr i shown before. tme leaders nave cectarea xor seix gttKament of Ireland and against holding' any people such as the Egyptians. Turks and Sast Indiana. lHbJectlon by force. Bitterness of Var Vctcraju - In this crisis, one of the worst fea- ftmrw for the government is the bit- ueaess ox large seotapns ox ine war veterans. It cannot be said that they are generally lined tip on tho nde or the labor unions, for many of them have a grievance on that aide because thev have been barred from member ship and jobs by these organisations. Bat in general tney xeei max tney were entitled to some special recom pense for their sacrifices to save the nation and they have found them selves really penalized by conditions rather than rewarded. Manr of these men have been par- Uenlarly hard hit by the shortage of bouses and consequent high rents. At The HOU Closed WHITE w9 Store Closed m H On account of Holiday Ac store of HI - iffl feminine fashions BtU remain dosed H fflj Bead tbe-Sosiaj- Times and the Monday H H Herald tat anBooaeraeat el iaportascs yj jffl for Tandy's boskets. jjj Mod. Little Plaza 'The Store Or. Service' Phone 4580 SUFFERING OF YOUNG WOMEM Thia Letter Tells How it May be Overcome all Mothers Interested. Tort Dodge, la. Trom the tuna aj dsogbter iras 13 years old until' me tras io sua suffered so badly each month that sometimes I had to call in the doctor. She had headaches, back ache and such pains and cramps that she roaH have to stay in bed two or three days. She became terribly run down in health and at Ust a friend who had used Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound told her about it ana she has used 18 bottles, and we al ways have it in the boose. She feels fine now and sh has no trouble at all each month. We always praise it and advise any friends who suffer to nse your wonderful medicine. Mrs. Mrmtrx Haxmxo, 1005 S. 18th St, 4. 10th Ave, Fort Dodge, Iowa. Girls who are troubled as Mks Man Seiko was, should immediately seek restoration to health by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Those who need speeial advice may write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass. These letters will be opened, read and an swered by a woman and held is strict confidence. Ther have fon&d tltos vim at.-.. at borne Is possession of tho hot places, while they haye been forced to pay high prices for poor accozn modatloss, often out of Inadequate wages. In this I take no account of the 1M.MM unemployed who care to make the government dole do tar their necessities. Out of this situation has grown the National Union of ex-Sarrlu M.n frankly socialistic, even leaning towards bolshevism. wltn a member ship of about S46.M and growing. It is waging Its campaign against profiteers In general and Is center ing on a nationwide strike against the landlords. "It Is sound strategy." exnlalns secretary A. B. Mander. "tn attack the weakest place In your enemy's line with the greatest pos sible force you can brine to hesr The landlords are the weakest part of the line of the vested Interests and they happen to be the people whom everyooay can tut. Scola Openly Jtebeniou. In Scotland the movement of the disgruntled veterans has taken on a form of opes rebellion. These men some of the best fighters Britain, had in the war, returned hungry for land ana insisiea tnat tne Big estates in t given to them on easy terms. They were promised land, but the govern ment board which waa given the task of carrying out the pledge has found Itself Mocked by the owners of the estates. The result haa been a serious situation., continuing for almost a year, but only sow revealed to the general public through, the Issuance of the report of the Scottish board of agriculture. It shows that in 1913 there were "extensive forcible seiz ures of land" in the northern and western highlands and says "It Is to be feared that the seizures will In- : V d&ov u AisAuvoa wiu muu e,w )& to other parts of the country." Now the London Times comes along to say: "Since the period dealt with the OQtlooK has become worse, to the onldoker the paralysis of the Scottish administrations Is startling. Are we to understand the henceforth breaches of the law in Scotland are to be disregarded ? The highland counties are developtnr asrarien troubles to a degree unknown for many years past. MEMORIALS DEDICATED TO TWO CONFEDERATE GENERALS Winchester. Va Sept. 11. Memo rials to two confederate generals, Stephen Dodson Bamseur and James Johnston Fetugrew, corn nortn Caro linians, will be unveiled near here during the coming week at the places where they died. The memorial to Gen. Ramseur, which marks the Belle Grove house, where the general died October 10. ISM. will be dedicated on the after noon of September IS. The memorial to Gen. Fettlgrew, which marks the Boya souse, where Be died Jarr IT. 1863. will be dedicated on the morn ing of September 17. Tne two memorials consist of gran ite columns, the irlft of the late Col. P. H. Mayo, of Richmond. Vs. Famous Actress Tells How She Uses Derwillo to Beautify Her Complexion SOUTH A&ERICA IS OFFERING OPPORTUNITIES ON YANKEES All South and Central American countries are offering big opportuni ties to young men who speak Spanish and especially are these countries anxious for Americans, according to Harold Trltt, who represents a big manufacturing company In these countr-es. Mr. Trltt arrived In El Paso Friday and la stopping at the hotel Paso del Norte. He said Jobs were plentiful in all of South America for ambitious young men who could speak Spanish and had any sales abil ity, or who wanted to get out in the businees world. He told of one big company which is training men In Americas methods and paying their expenses In order to send them Into these oountrles . Dr. Carpenter has resumed his prac tice In El Paso. Adv. Sell OU Stock to Curtlu A Co Adv. i pipair El Paso To New York VIA New Orleans And The Southern Pacific S. S7 Co. SAILINGS EVERY WEDNESDAY 10:00 A. M. $32.18 includes first-das ratals and berth on boat. . For fnrtter information, tickets, eitu, call at or write CONSOLIDATED CITY TICKET OFFICES H3bssbsbssk &&- HsssfisssSflssS sssssssssflRWlmHfBsMHPn . sssHssWHHisBs ssssssssssssssssssssssssBP VHsassi MjSS lolisl huff N'ew York Miss Itoalse HcfT. the clever yoans Actress, is famous Xor her beautiful complexion. When her friends Inquired about It she said: "If all dee to a toilet preparation called Derwillo which 1 have used twice dally. The experience I have had prompts me to make my secret public. This wonderful Derwillo in stantly beastlfled my akin and its continued use has made the results permanent.' When Mae Edna Wilder, the well-known beauty specialist, was interviewed in reference to Miss Huffs remarkable complexion, she stated: "Anyone can have a beauti ful complexion when they know how. It's a very simple process. I use the same article, in my work, and until you try it you haTe no idea of the marvelous results. The very first ap plication will astonish you. Go to the toilet counter T any drug store or department store and set a bottle of Derwillo. then make the following test: Examine your skin critically before your mirror, note carefully Its appearance, then cleanse your skin with a good cold cream fUska Cold Cream I have found to bo the best), then apply Derwillo as directed. After you have made the first application look In your mirror again and note the surprising change. A peaeh-like color mounts the cheeks; a baby softness comes to the sk.n. it raises tne skin rosy-white, velvety and radiantly beautifSL It is wonderful for a dark, sallow akin, shiny nose, freckles, tan. oily skin, sun spots, coarse pores, v pimples, blackhead, chapped, rough skin, ruddiness wrinkles nd many other facial blemishes. Now that short sleeves are in vogue yon will want beautiful hands and arms. There is nothing like Derwillo for this purpose. Der willo is absolutely harmless and wl'i not produce or stimulate a growth of hair. It is superior to face powder. as perspiration does not affect lr. therefore it stays on better Hun dreds of thousands who are using it have had the same results as Miss Huff, and I am sure If you will giv it a fair trial yos will become just as enthusiastic as she is and always use it in preference to any other pow der or beautifler. NOTE Whea zkd about Derwillo eu of our leadtnr dmsatets said "It Is trul a wosdezfol beautifler. sway ahead c a&rthlnc we have ever Ktfd before W are authorized by the manufacturer to refund the money to anyone who fcs dis satisfied. This cuarantee would net b possible usleu the product possend un usual merit. It is sold ht .his city ur der an Iron-dad mocey-baclc cuarsnte by an department stores and up-to4a dracststa lneludtog Cordell Drag Co. Ad. I When You Think 1 I Think I HEID BROS., Inc. M Phones 35 and 36. I OIHce and Yards, cor. Texas & Dallas Sts. w f