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El Paso herald., September 11, 1920, HOME EDITION, Society, Automobile and Classified Section, Image 11
About El Paso herald. (El Paso, Tex.) 1901-1931
Image provided by: University of North Texas; Denton, TX
Newspaper Page Text
ALD EL PASO HER (Society, Automobile Society, Automobile and Classified Section and Classified Section WEEK-END EDIIIOH, SEPTEMBER 11-12, 1920. i -i M ' MusicWill mSa&sBSmMmm Maids For Feature rMUtBKSSmBBmSBM fJ1ffitfWB?Bgy'3ftwJ!2iti;?f afa$!l9fiB Jfe,- J--. w Ss919nlS3MS35Sp3l!N ssassssssssssssssssssssl 49Bft vbbhb- SKSP BK3WBffzHSftBP SKRiK- MBnSPsBg sssbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI JtL -iJjsSalssMssslB. 'ffSfo bsbbbbbbbbbbbbI A jSHKdM jcg; 1HIMiBiPP .SwiKiw IBHMMwSBMftcSfvLJsBjgMHBBtBl'ffjCMMaiMBWBMMOC 4saSSSSSSSSSSSSSSo w 'ZiBKSwEgfvfg7 Btw9Bwn?nSBmm!ff9BKSii jbt iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBYsf . w jst "jTjnijBMBijMMjljiKraj.'Cj JTjBDBBBK!SCSfcC5BBiBBBBPpBBTy3?iH suttvv abbsbbssSbSbSbsIbbSbSbSbSbbSh?.! BBBBBBBf 3sssaBBBSBBcSBBBsiSBBBBBBB7 Tij3SHflHHHM3V "aSrjaSS BBBBBBBBBBBYf SsSSSSw 'SsSBBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSr flBHr whHmSRHm9Ihf TJtjtfiFJ6 i " ? r P .sjOnssaassBF sssbssssbnIbbbsbi? 93sBBsssBBssHBssslNS!!!kBllr .ssbssssssssssshi w sIsbbbbbbbbbbbki bbVbsLs bbbbbbbbbtbbbbbs siSBBBBBBBi3SBBBs9sT bbbbBf jBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsVf vv bsbbbbw sSBrBBBBBBBBBBBBBSEf B A WEttSk isaSdBsltutt lr .XBHBlffjSBBBBBBBBBBBBBSi , B " b af W" ssbcsSbbbbbiiiiIBisSiiiEbsc9vsssbV "3fff J" " "fciE It sSsSsr IIBbSshh HssissSiSilsssSnVBBsBBSBLsssBiSsBHB t v i. 3k bb w v H9H!1HII jjjjji is- 8 iPB. $tof l&ilBBBEUBi nnnggBBBHjk r saW.. V JIbsssbbbbbbbbBiSiSSBBbbbbbbbbbbbbk 3fiBsSBs7asSssssSsfikflaiBsssssBBVflliSislsB!ff sBbbssb -xbsssssssssbw ttjp 5"P BE33BBBBBasBssssssssssssssssVf MKKB&mSBBSSBSBBBB'rsBIBBISr jIiHbbbsBBbbbbbbiBFbW , flBHifBSBRk9KS'sBMHBB)9biSHB'JKtt isBMBBMf5lLz!CTLCM4iSsasl a 3wHsHBHb J? jBjjaKHjHmgBjgS8IM5BS3BKfl fc -ssBBBBBsf HbbsP B A -wSrig. jg . 1HIRLK''" Winter Bj OLLLE P. LVNSDEX. AN EARLY" forecast of social and club affairs for the an turn n and winter presages toe most bril liant and interesting season for sev eral years It would seem fro-n the present ospect that societv in large measure to return to the more elaborate of lome affairs abandoned to a large extent during the past few year of ar and reconstruction The saramw unlike those of sev eral ears past, saw nc dearth of so - lal affairs sihd the winter social -- eduie is replete with them Par icjU" interesting is tbe work of te clubs planned for the year The v. oipan s club wiU open the season t a card partv on Faturdar after r" September 18 at the Woman s i ' ouse which is to be largely at f special interest to the music lov- pg fo k of the city and those in- i rented in fostering love of good uic in the announcement of the ( op" concerts to be sponsored dur- t: rhe season by the Woman's club. Tt concerts, at an unbelievably n price will be inaugurated on Oc- t r 9 with the appearance of Marie "Pf'am lvric soprano to be followed rt pr b Eddy Bro-wn violinist Marie F appnid dramatic soprano, and Ar th r Middleton, base baritose. Beside being a masicain of world w ide reputation. Miss Tiffany is a v.oman of striking personaiirr and appearance and it is Interesting to ki ow what a busy body she Is too ic is by the wiy quite the correct il ng these days Not like seme complaining folks r claim that their profession or hiress keeps tbeni entirely tied up o that they have no time for friend 1 is native daughter from the state mat hoped to see Hiram Johnson t re dent on the fourth of next March i na plenty of time to do other r i itr then study Ti true that Miss Tiffany has TTan new roles to learn every sea on She is a newcomer to the Metro ivi itan. and she has much to do. In he concert world she has to iearn i -rx new songs, for the concert go j c r -jblic Is continually in wan of 9 jrthfng new and novel hen -r are rew composers a dinger has. t. KU This takes time but ie T!fany knows the alue of run and how to divide K In a man-r- van bes suits the oecasslon , Of course she Ukes outdoor sports. J o hails from Calffornia, and her f eal hv looks netray that she Is not J iat e Kew Torker She finds time ' - good sports, hut there are t.mes en she likes to have home parties - prepare the dinner, or lunch or atever one cares to call It, herself - e enjovs the repatatlon of heirg a fd cook and to date no phvsician her 'han a guest has ever been M In to administer a dose of septic powders. She also likes to v pn hr own gowns, and when the -esmaker Is present, she takes up needle which she handles with an fp manv a modste would watch th admiration And yet. she claims io have no spare time and tht Is the on she is al wavs ready to do "Teth'ng els -worth while. For tbe Immediate davs of r -eek. end and of the Incoming week ihere is much of Interest noted Th c t Important of the week end af- fi r Is the dance to be gtven th s ning at the roof gard-n of Hotel rao del Norte by the Calumus cljb pnbers to honor their irl friends Aire are leaving soon jT school els i re The details or the dance are f aborate and interesting The usual dance of Saturday even vz will be given at Miss on hail "W "St Tsleta, and the men of the m'U tarv service will enjoy a dance at tie district service club at Fort Bliss this ening Mrs. Julia A. Sharp Is receiving, this afternoon to compliment Mrs Blanch a Foisom Wheeler supreme worthy l ph priestess of the White Sbrtee of le-usalem who ' a much feted guest in the cltv On Monday afternoon at Z oclock the Daughters of the British Empire v ill met with Mrs. William Jen nings 2804 Hueoo street John C Brown camp of the 17 C is to sponsor a dance on Friday eemng September 17 at Liberty hall, to be given in benefit of ill or needy members of the camp. On Wednesday Mrs Paul Glather V.U1 entertain with a bridge luncheon for the members of the committee, ho are in? -charge of the arrange ments for the card party at the Wo man s clubhouse on" September 18 On Thursday afternoon a social will bo given in the parlors of Asbury Mehodiat church by the Missionary society of the church in honor of rcetnbers reoeived during the recent campaign On Saturday afternoon the society Tiill give a party at the residence of Mrs. R. C Peters for the baby mem hers of the society and their mothers. The borne snow for the first of October is creating any amount of) interest among the fair esquistriennes 1 who are making reaay xor n ana an other social affair which Is to be especially delightful is tbe dance which is to be given on October 2 b the directors of he Toltec club fo the other members of the club. Musical. The MacOowell club will present a ognun at the Woman's clubbour at 8 oclock on Tuesday evening This program will be of especial Interest as at this time Mrs. Charles Vear. who recently has come here from Chi cago to live will make her first ap pearance to the El Paso public. She is a pianist of note and a material addition to the musical circle of the city She will play three groups of numbers and Mrs. Robert Holliday win oe soloist tor the evening sing" ing two groups of numbers. Mrs. ear's number will include "Scottish Pondo aud "Minuet" (Jessie W Kent), Gavotte in D minor (D Albert), Etude in E major ( Chopin) and Fantiatic Etude ( Friml) "Improvisation To the Sea" und "March Winds i Dae Dow el L Mrs. Holllday's numbers have not been an nounced. Dinners and Luncheons. Tfr J H. iaget entertained with a dinner at the Automobile clubhouse 3- nJay etening prior to the dance for the Automobile convoy, he and his Houston Named gruests rema ntns for tbe Tiauce Flov ers of te season were used in - table and covers were placed for Miss Sue May Whlte- ixiuitWn- Ky Miss Louise Sanborn. Dr Hunte- and Dr Pagret. Dinners and Luncheons. Xiss Louie Liesay. of Antnony, N ' M, entertained a party of friends j from Las Cruces with a dinner party I at the Modern cafe Friday night as i a compliment to Edwin Holt, who is leaving next week for lale. Place cards were marked for Mr. and Mrs. L Rice Mis Marv Peebles and Aos I tin am. Miss Ethel Summerford and I Uil Lane, Miss Louie Llvesay and Ed win Holt and Miss Ruth Livesay and Charles O Hara. THE PICTURES FOR TODAY MISS E. JEAN GIBSON of Los Angeles, top left who is nere for a visit to her sister Mrs Julia A. Sharp Miss Gibson, like Mrs Sharp, is a prominent clubwoman a member of the A K, chapter of Los Ang:eles and a member of other organisations She is a writer and pro ducer of pageants and each June se d-eets a pageant In Los Angeles entitled Poppy Land ' In the paireavt presorted in June of this year 2d0 girls and children tooK part and it was a ery elaborate and beauti ful a'-fair I hoto by Bergner MRS. KNIGIIT and Jack jr wife and son of Jack B Knight upper right. Mrs Knight who is one of the young matrons active in the city's social affairs is one of two pretty sisters the other daughter of Mr and Mrs. J P Robertson being Miss Edna Robertson Photo by Bergner MISS ELIZABETH PTTf nnper cert r niece of M-J John L. Pcid who has recently returned after a yea; f pent In Memphis. Tenn and New Orleans. Miss Pitman Is to be a house student for the year at the El Paso School for Girls Miss Dolly Pitman her sister who is pleas antly remembered here. Is studying at Sophie Newcombe college In New Orleans. Photo by Feldman Studla. MARIE TIFFAJfT, lower left, lyrle soprano, first of the artists on the program of "Pop" concerts to be given this winter by the Woman s dub. She will appear here about October 9 FRREST UNDERWOOD and Mabel Louise Haughdrill talented children of Mr and Mrs. W. Underwood Daughdrill Forrest and Mabel with Lida Belle and Eugene Link, visitors at the Daughdrill home gave a program of readings and music during the past week at the Red Cross nonse at x on xjiiss. wnico was enjoyea Dy an assembly ot Zvo rlSS CATHRYN BALLARD, daughte- : a L. Ballard, who recently re- wrnw irom iew urieaos, VDttt sne was uie gitest of Mrs. w C Freeman, her sister for some time Miss Ballard la naonfef min. ber of tic oun;er set anu is recusing a cordial welcome home bne is another of the interesting group of girls who are to be students ai the El Paso School for Girls during the autumn and winter term Photo by Haderer ivr El Pasoans Reluming. Mr and Mrs. Charles Snider and family visited the Henry Veck home at Vinton this week. Mrs. M, L. Naquin. who has been visiting on the Pacific coast for the last month, returns home today 2 MIsa Julia Cooke, deputy county clerk, returned Saturday morning from a month s visit with relatives at Clarendon. Tex Mrs Frances Weil returned to the city Wednesday, after a visit of ten weeks to points on the Pacific coast. She Is at home at lllo Montana street. Lodges and Clubs. Thi Tennis ciub held a business meeting on Saturday morning at the Howie quarters j.t Fort Bliss, with M s Harriot Howie as hostess. Ml laS SADIE RUTH AXaORIDGS. sponsor for the south for ths Confederate reunion which Is to ve held in Houston from October. 6 ' to 9 has received official notice nam fsg the other maids and matrons ap 01 n ted to sttb wttfe her. The ap -ointments were made by E. M. Van ZandL. general commander and A. B Booth adjutant general and chief of che confederacy and are as follows matron of honor, Mrs. Roy W. Mc Klsnev Paducah. Ky, president gen era of the U D C chaperon, Mrs. C M- Richard, Lake Charles, La sponsor for the south. Miss Sadie Rntb Aldrldge. B! Paso maMs of h nor Miss Lois Moseley. Batesville M'ss Miss Augusta Sheperd Little, ! Wadesboro. T C Miss Theresa Corey Birmingham. Ala-. Miss Alma Arledge. Nashville. Tenn. Miss Kloise Bord ages cousin of Miss AMrMge has hsan anntlntsuf tii Tnatrt ftf hnnnr The headquarters of the reunion will be at the JUce hotel and elabo rate preparations are being made for the social affairs attendant on the occasion. Miss Eva Workman and Miss Helen DePew leave tomorrow afternoon for school la the east. Miss Workman will go to Petersburg, Ya to the Southern college, and Miss DePew to Cornell aarreTSfty for her senior year. They wiU go by way of New Orleans and thence by boat to New Yortc city. Bobby Dorman Mlehelmore son of Mrs. Nell MJenetmore. Is attending aessOoX Itr San Antonio, Texas. Army Affairs. The opening dance of tbe season at the district officers" clubhouse at Fort Bliss os Friday evening was a de lightful and successful affair It was given by tbe officers of the S2d field artillery to compliment the officers. maids and matrons of the Slghth cav airy The mantle was embanked with autumn flowers. The regimental col ors and troop guidons formed other appropriate decoration. Pu nch tv as served during the evening Ires pretty In shades of ptnk wer served with cakes. Officers from all rest ments in and about Port Bliss and a number of civilian friends were pres ent. Music was furnished by an or chestra from the S2d field artillery band. The receiving line included Mrs. R. J Reanoy. Mrs. Van Dus-n CV,I Mnrr T. 'N.VH-bnUI of th S?ri and CoL George T Langhorne. of the Righth cavalry j Miss Dorothy Johnson, daughter if CoL and Mrs. William O Johnson as honored with a farewell dance Thur day evening at the Officers club of the 24th infantry, at Columbus. V V op the eve of her departure with he mother to Join CoL Johnson, at tew York, for embarkation to Panama where they will take up their rest dence. During their brief stay at ( lumbua the colonel. Mrs- Johnson and Miss Dorothy did much to en'i t garrison 1'fe here, and had pla- 1 for a delightful season of social Uvit. CoL 'Walter J Scott, assistant de partment quartermaster, was a guest. Mai- and Mrs. Robert H. Hill who have just been transferred here from Fort Bliss, also were present. CoL John W. French, who succeeds CoL Johnson, as the commanding of ficer of the 34th Infantry and Camp Furlccg. attended the dance. Other guests Included Lieut. CoL V, G Doane. Mai. and Mrs. Robert E. Hill. jlaj. and Mrs. James Maloney Capt and Mrs. Robert L. Williams. Capt. and Mrs. Forrest R. Harsh, Capt. an) Mrs. Homer W Mason, Lieut, and Mrs. Francis H. Wilson. Lieut, and Mrs. W R White, Miss Alma Hodnett. Lieut. J L. Denny. MaL J C Madero Capt. Charles A. WUIoughby Capt E. Herlihy, Capt. Edward S. Johnston Capt. Robert C. Eve. Lieut. Ned Blair Lieut. George W. Booth, Lieut. Eu rne C Callahan. Lieut. Herbert T I Perrin. Lieut. Russel Fisher Lieut Lrisoane jmtjwu ana j&essrz. Horace Maloney and Henry A. Ripley jr Preceding the dance. Miss Dorothv Johnson was'a dinner guest at regi mental mess. Others present included LieuL G. W. Booth. CoL John W French. Lieut. CoL W. G. Doane Capt Charles A. WOloughby Capt. Edward Herlihy Lieut Callahan. Lieut B air and Lieut. Thomas Breenaban. Out of Town Visitors. Mrs. Alice Dalle y and Miss Helen James, of Ranger. Tex are the quests of Mrs. Julius Ratermaan. Mrs. Ida Scott, after a. visit of two two months to Mrs. Irene Kent has returned to her home te TacumcarL Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Raynolds ar rived Friday for a visit to their daaghter, Mrs. James .Graham McVsry and Mr McNary, at their home in Anstln Terrace Miss Phyllis Delf of Calumet. Mich after a visit to her brother Leslie Delf, left on Friday for Appleton wm, where she will enter Lawrence college. Miss Delf was nonored with a number of parties and motor trips during her visit here. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Burrows on an extended motor trip, stopped in the city during the week and were exten stvely entertained by their f-iends Thoy left on Thursday for Las Cruces tor a visit. They will go to Denvr where they will spend the winter Mrs. Sara Van VIeck and daugh ter. Miss Gretchen, were in 1 Paso ono day this week on their wa to their home In Las Cruces from Lonr Beaeh, where they spent a month with friends. Mrs. Van Vl-fc- t Kms demonstration agent for Dona Ana county In New Mexico. Mrs. Julius Shenna. ant tw rn,n children, Phillip, and Elfried, arrived In the city today from their home in Dallas, for a v.ait with Mrs. SheDps s parents. Mr and Mrs. Phlilfn VAr-itr at their home, 3303 Tularosa street e.b route nere airs, sneppa stopped at Ranger for several dava t v.Btr ir sister and brotherinlaw, Mr and Mrs Lester W Campbell, former El Paso ana. Mrs. Shepps will be here s era! weeks, later going to an Frar Cisco for a visit with another sjter Airs. v. (i Drew and fa, nl v aid will return to EI Paso in th ei-- stopping off here before rc rv ura to their home n Dallas.