Newspaper Page Text
Week-End Edition, September 11-12. 1920. 19 1 K Real Estate & IaiyaBce DOUGLAS C. CBOWELl AGENCY. C34 M in Bide. ftow W. P. W. fflUJAMS AGENCY. gll Pirsl Natl Bark Blds PIOn 1144 TURNER, KEMP COLDWELL. 'vr Man. satioaal Back. Phon3eS0. For Sak City Frepty FOB SALE Br owner, beautiful & room buoealow Ph. jS-I FOR SALE Furnished house, will take ord car for jrt payment. 3313 Mobile. BABGAI Fob room cottace. 2 blocks from Cleveland) Square. Missouri at. Sttly S2350 Ph. Jl. BY OWNEE Die e room house, good le-batla-- plant, tun auon. Phone SI44 BCN'GALOW ocatlon, tS Ph t78aJ Four rooms and bath. jno4 Owner, 2108 Treeaoai. SlTJSOe Somethine extra, rooms, 109 foot lot. restricted addition, aak aboot th-a. Fh. 339. BEAFTIFCL borne. 7 rooma, hardwood ( oors. r tile bath rooms, gang, furnace. leut;ulllowre1 Ph.5l. 1 OB s -1LE By owner, i room, beauti- lu-n shed bungalow. 3110 Montana, -- i ot- furnished la mahogany and i e-- all new Phone 7MUL UABGAIN LeaTlnc city, bungalow. 4 .- rooms, furnished or unfuniisaed. modem conveniences, crape Tinea, fmlt t-ees. JS0Jeaal- 3201 Copper. Ph. 4444. JEDERAL STREET, half block to ear, S oo"i bath, ateepl&ar porch equal to two -oo-ns elegant finish. 43444, $750 cash. ( h ::.. 511 Caples Bide. FOB bALE rBjr owner. bangalow of 4 -coins, glassed la sleeplnr porch, base- neri near to ear line, fine location. 32944 ash will handle. 209 Louisville, after I r. FOB SALE Bungalow, Handy Helelrta, ery desirable home, minutes' walk from iI&xa, 17358 Excellent Investment, brick bungalow r building sites. 6 fall lota. Im mediate possession. Phone owner. 1HL FOB SALE by owner, new ft room bongs- w furnished throughout wtn penoa tor- i.ilure. Located on two corner lota two blocks from car line and pavement, atx o-ka from Graadvtew school. Terms, 3' 0 csh. balance easy Pb. 427IW. BIG BABGAXS BY OWTvEK. e of nicest modern boncalowa In llan hattan Belchta. on Tory rholco corner Iota. -heap, aa owner ts learme cltr. Pbone ,-h or call at 1817 Pledraa. FOR SAIJ: BT OWNER Tt9 room brick bonsalow. new: In Man- attan aeiehta Hardwood floors throEk . basement, boatlac pburt. en foot ut aide walk and partner; partnc paid. !: Sen Jose St. CXOSE IS BAROADi. Br'ck house on Wyoming; street, fire jooms, pa inn paid; faoase wlthont tie lots could not be ballt for th 1 nro askert. a oargtn at SSSOS. I.EtTELL Jt SHEHIUX. Realtors ;3 Tea St. Phone 423S VRE YOr GOKG TO BUILD f If "O let us fitrure yoor plans. We baiM anythina: from the smallest iioue to the la-Best skyscraper. We hai e built some of the finest reai upiiw in El Paso and can Krse yoa s.tis. action. We will furnish plans irl specifications and finance your bu.Mia RAHET BHOS. roitractors and Builders : ' : Canlea. Bldg Phone tie -A REiX HOMB." nc room1-, service porch, fall base- i .n:. 1 eating plant, brick 'garage, concrete driveway, lot 40 by 12. pav nc paid- located in Franklin ReighU, he cir lines pass door; this prop "-t. is an exceptionally desirable hcrre, uell linlH and admirably ar ranged in the interior; the price 3e i a great deal less than It is actually -a rr i. terms are 91000 cash; balance See M- Koffman. BOtKHX C. CHOWEIJ. AGtWCT " Mills rjl.lg Phone MOO GOOD B4.BGAINS: ; Tu! -oaa, 4 room frame cottafe. lots j. 4" tf'0 $00 cash, i rooms and i .f-f.ii room, new bnnsalow, hardwood s throughout, host, etc. s lots Man- I -.. S6300. tirtO cash, balance l n't- lDludinr Interest, lhnawdlato pos- K EJI.TOKg. It TEXAS. FHOHE 11x7. BlllJIr. SITBK IN KKACTrFUL ISTIN 1KEKACE. i --o B mo5t hif hlr lnrproTed rosldomco - paved streets, with maanlfioant .-l-ip gardenias in parkways; we wttl -. 'r1 to show those lota, and to JL - t-.'-im terms for the financing of - tiUmt. Call Reynolds. JAMES L. XABB COMPANT. Realtors. -ro r 4 5 30 304 San Vi St. FIVE ROOMS TWO STORY. Ua'f block from Ptedras street, a lit- l r."rth of Manhattan Hgts, house out to years old. Price UtOO; rr S500 down, balance to arrange. J VI F. KOI CO., Rr-altors. 1 'apJes Bldg. Phone 2x6. WXHATTAN HEIGHTS. "c la-s?t rwoms. hardwood floors v-rouehout bulltln features: tile 1 !! dram board; beautifully intjrat-d, large basement and heat ,n plant, brick garage; dandy lawn, '-.-c and flowers. 2 south front lots; -ai 'ng paid. Only .7500: terms. NE4.R S POINTS. 7iv room bungalow; hardwood floors; ' u'r in features, basement and heat: naxmg paid, best location; Pershing n-iv,r. $57 "0 good terms. ROOMS. s(x 'arge rooms: hardwood floors; bu'U i i features, nice lawn and '-- garage and outbuildings! pav re paid, Tularosa street, 5000; imu K ROOMS. F'ie large rooms, all up-to-date fea tures, basement, heating plant, pav ing paid, this is on Pershing Drive; J5C50. terms. SCOTT SALES AJjD REALTT CO. 424 Mills Bldg. Ph. T7K. FURNISHED HOME ("lose in. modern, two-story and hasemert, heating plant, hardwood "oors. elegantly furnished, immediate uo&session. If you want a home of this kind you will buy this on slghL Jl 1.500 terms. HOME AT PRE-WAR PHIOB LArge, modern, six-room cottage; tile bath, large sleeping porch, very large living room, large dining room wtth elaborate built-in features, pantry with built-in features, hot water heating plant, large garage; Imme diate possession: 57,560, terms. TOUR MONEY'S WORTH Six rooms and sleeping porch, red pressed brick, bath room cement porch. If some kind friend made yon a present of the lots, yon couldn't du plicate this house for the money S4.7a0, terms. a DAJfBX Brr Clcie In. five large rooms, bath room, a very valuable lot. house in very good condition; 14.300; 5560 down and sso per month. Including interest. WALKING DISTANCE In close-in high-class apartment die tnct, few minutes' walk to post office; five rooms, bath, sleeping porch. We will make the terms m yen can buy this; price 55.750. OBXDOBFF A HEYXACD 30! Mesa Ave. Phone 2551. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. Six large rooms and breakfast room; living room 15x23 ft.: all other rooms large, has tile bath: tile drain; hard wood floors throughout; handsome built in features; attractively deco rated; large basement and heating lant; stationary laundry tubs; 2 cor ner lots: paving paid; high class fur niture, draperies, rugs, etc This house was built for a home: close in, n north side; can give Immediate possession. The price Is right. See at once for terms. SC4MT SALES AND REALTY CO. 424 Mills Bldg Pbone 77EC. OWNER'S BUNGALOW MUST BE SOLD. I must sell immediately my attractive fir tom bungalow, hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, buffet, large, light -oems. good clothes closets, large bright lichen, cement front porch, cement baek rortbee, laundry tub on rear porch, con- .-ted to boile- 3 lota, SSxlSS, stone wall .. nd prupert, newly decorated Inside -0. Pi. i-imedtate possession, half block i " P'ec-aa tret in Altnra addition, a -1 - ' 6Jvsir' a' hn-c Prlc SS250 --- .:s -jsi B'og, ?,o phon. BRINGING UP FATHER THANKS MR Jkfe PE (J !?.-? THevORM- ) HHS I . JlpO P THAT IS WfK OOIOO 1 O LETOIN- ME THlUlT. Jrl" " WE liiul ' ' J ' A WILL TEACH Gf LOOK AT WE C lV50l-OrTHAveBEeN HcMTtfrr T --EU-4-. HIM LiS v .' ! tV' HIM A OOD 3 LIKE THAT? ft. ? IJ ABLE TO CO TO THE B-TJ,$'r TOT TO LEAVE 'fl , .A "LEOH-nL W . . ji " 1 1 THANKS MR Jl4& FE 1 VOUt-Dr"T H-WE BEEN A&LE To 0 TO THE VJUXN'T For Salt City Property SOU SALE BT OIVXBB. Bascmlmr rar PIT Point. rooma, breakfast room, hath ud eaaras aleeplnc porch. Iwbi niant aa beatlac plant, gn raco and oemant drfre. DaTlmr Dald. M5M twma. refaction for caah. Ph. I3J. MA3THATTAX HEIGHTS ajlEO. New bnnKalow. basement heat, hard wood floors throughout; four large rooms, sleeping- porch and breakfast room; finished In ivory enameL HAWKINS & STBTEXS. Phone 2S1S. :M Mills St. DOWSTOVrS 1KCOHK MtOrEKTY Choee Investment, two brick cottaces ad iemtng: ate'.jaic temple, arasd location overlooklax park. Easy terms. Address uwner. y o mox c. si Paso. A GOOD BUT IF BdUflHT QUICK. BUSINESS COKNEB. 39x131. '! S. B Face St. and Tatrd. WU1 sU for tit. net cash. Inaah-e S:(-S27 S. Kl Fsso St WB BUILI)." We have been in the bnildinc; busi ness in El Paso conticnonsly for the last twelve years and have bnllt nearly n thoBsand homes and business houses. On aeooant of our larere voldme of business we claim that we can Etve yon a better building for less money. We are contractors and builders and build anything from the simplest bungalow to an office build ing. Building of all kinds financed if desired. MAYriELD BUILDING IMP. CO. Canltal SlSejBOe. Phone 684 ;i9 Texas St ATTBACIiTE SEC ROOMS. Bangalew of real rooms and breakfast room, handsome bnllt la features, hard wood floors. Ivory woodwork, tile bath. tile drain in kitchen, also tarso cabtset. there Is a basement, beatrnr plant and service porch, elesant neighborhood, em paved and parked street, only SCfas, aboat Sloes cash, balance easy. HENRY B. STONE Jt COMPANT. Phone :S34. ! Caples Bidg. "HAAT1SOMK IUCII3IOSD TERRACE MCMI5" An Ideal rome of rooms, bath and double glassed sleeping porch, hard wood floors. Interior r nisi ed In ivory enamel, basement, heating plant and brick garage. . 'tLated on fine lot 4 by 140. tn the best section of Rich mond Terrace; this property is a real bargain at 3S250 and must be seen to be appreciated: the terms are ssves cash, Dalanee notes. See Mr. Koffman, 'M4 Mills Bldg., Phone 8809. SSBOO MONTANA ST. SS500 Just think, this house has rooms. 2 baths, S deeping porches, 3 full lots (ground alone worth 5500O). absotate lv the finest nelghhorltooa in El Paso, walking distance, paving paid 'and the house Is now vacant: we can give yoa immediate possession; terms. 51500 cash: balance easy. Herndan Kemp, with TCTtNEB. KEMP COLDWELL. State National Bank Bldg. Phone 3080. CLOaE TO ALTA VISTA SCHOOL Four room bungalow; builtta fea tures: only 55250; 5505 cash, balance 525 per month. FURNISHED FOUR ROOM BUNGA LOW Classed sleeping porch: fence; sheds close to school and car line: 55756; 5750 cash, balance 525 per month. LESLIE JIBED, Realtor. 910 Mills Bldg. Phone 140. NOW BUT A HOJIB 51000 down, balance aboat like rent. We have eight strictly modern bun galows on these terms. Five rooms, sleeping pores, all under brick; nice bnUtin feature, heating plant; In Manhattan district. Priced tttOO. Montana St--rtrictly modern bunga low, on south front 45 foot lot, close to Alta Vista school. 5 rooms, 2 sleep ing parches, hallway at hath, extra 1 rooro bouse In the rear, garage; 58400: about 52600 down. 54506 Jast off Montana St, on Ange, east frost. 5 rooms and kitchenette, 2 glassed porches, house In -fine shape; 51000 down, and good terms. "W. C PORTER Ci, Ml Caples Bldg. Phones 1722; right, 2C0S. , "BE TOUR OWN LANDLORD." S45O0. A nice cottage close in: walking dis- i&nee; au nve rooms ana two sleep ing porches. This Is an excellent lo eations and one of the best buys in Bl Pass. This wont Inst. Pit usee cash aad the rest is like rent- call Mrs. Delaney. Phone 5838. SBCBRITY REALTY CO. 46 First National Bank Bldg. GOOD BUYS. sasee. Three rooms, large sleep ing porch, bath, basement garage, near Alta Vista, schooL Terms. sx'SO. Five rooms. sleeping porch, basement, built In features, in Manhattan Rgts. Terms. We have a cash buyer for property around 54750. List with ua. PKAHCE REALTY CfV 115 Roberts-Banner Bldji. Phoc 3515. MANHATT.Uf HEIGHTS. aimciiie oungaiow sonetea in very de- I elrable neighborhood on paved street. 4 I large rooms, glased sleeping porcn. break fast roots. double hardwood floors throughout, basement and heating plant. 3 blocks from Five Points, convenient to cars and school real bargain at SSIse. only 5350 cash, soJa&e conveniently ar raaired. Phone Mr Gross, HBNBT B. STONE COMPANY. Phone 3534 Realtors 41 Caplrs Bldg. BUNGALOW BARGAIN CLO-tE IN. One of tb best values offered on the market re months Large bungalow, ar ranged In 3 separate apartments, wtth 3 tiled baths, basement and heat, hardwood floors, large doable brick garage, 'rent drive, located on one of the best streets In Sunset Heights- this home Is bantl- foUy tumlahed. will sell aa It stands for 'ls.toe. wlta st casn and easy terms on balance For an appointment to re this property, call Bottorff v th JAMES L. MARS Jt COMPANY. Realtor Fhon 43H . San Antonio St. For Sale City Property IF TOD wlrh to tar homo. Iart or amall. or aaTo on to aeO. call m p; no troaDle to snow rov. A. O. LOVELIDT. lti Herald Bide Phono M4. A IIOHB M1AK FTVE POINTS. 8tx Uurg-e rooms, alaoptag porch, fflaesed service porch, breakfaat room. tHo bath, bnllt In tnh, mirrored doers, tint class hardwood floors, aomeroas larre efesoia. extra ballt rn fiatarea. laree partitioned basement, haatlar PhaBt, driveway sad saraa-e, fmlt trees, a&ade trees, flowers, house 1 year old. Fh. S1IIW. A barsaln dlroct from owner. "RBSEI.TS" Results are what yon want, property listed for sale with ns is soon sold If properly priced. If yon want to buy or sen. eoasalt as. See CHARLES R. KOFFMAN DOUGLAS C. CROWELL ACBNCT. M4 Kills Building. Phone M SOME GOOD BUYS: Alta Vhrta. Near school, atores, eta. beautifol hems of 4 rooms, rlassed m sleeplar pereh, bnllt In features, base ment, alee htwn and pavlac, for only Ills. Dandy large corner, on Richmond at. C alee large rooms, famished completely, doable garage, extra large lot, for SssM. Near Manhattan. Dandy s rood banrs- low, with latest features except heaitac plant, nice targe lot. south front. ferSiTSa, W. T Sprull!. Ph. Six: Bes MI4W. PARK FmLAU RE.M,TT CO. 14 Bl Base Bank BHr. BITXGALOW, S37S0 Four rooms. glassed porch and screen porch : located in Altnra Park: dose to car line; this is a splendid buy; S7S0 cash. I. T. MlDler. witn I,I1AVZ:II. & SnEBJIAN. lis Tejsis St. Phone 4tl If yon want a home we have K. If yon want a farm we have H. If you want business property we haVe tt- If yon want a rooming nocse we have it- If you want a business we have 1L j extra large, hardwood floors through If you want insurance we have it- J out, nice breakfast room, heating If von have anvthinsr to sell or rent we can do it, if the price is right. N. A. Bogue. Mgr. A. W. Blttlck, farms. F. W. DeWolfe, homes and busineeg property. R. C. Hines. homes. F. B. Neblett, homes. C C Julian, rooming houses. N. A. BOGUE A CO. Bsm't El Faeo Bank Bldg. Ph. 1577. CAX TOU BEAT TUESEf ALTA VISTA FOOT room bungalow: In excellent condition: good location; modern conveniences; price 54506; 51000 cash. FTVE POINTS Five large 1 rooms; glassed sleeping porch: large grounds; hardwood floors; basement and heat ing plant; price 575M: 51700 cash. P. W. WILLLOIS AGENCY REALTOR -514 First National Bank Bldg. "Phone llti. GOOD C BOOM BUNGALOW gooeO. This place has 3 foB south front earner lots, double garage, good ontbsnidtturs. lawn, trees, etc- and on a paved street, elooe to Alta Ylita school: a beautttal TOUR CHANCE TO BEAT BIGn RENTS. Four rooms aad sleeping porch, bath, back yard fenced, dose to AUa Vista school. S350 down. beJaaee 515 per month. mm E R. FHCener. 4; lue, ?!. MeKEE BROS 208 MILLS BLDG. modern 5 room. tw story home: 2466 block Montana street; price $14,666. 53500 4 room brick. eIus-J) steeping porch; Mountain Ave. 7 room, 2 story brick, dose in: on West Rio Grande; 55566; terms. 55566.00, bargain. 501 North Bl Paso street, lot 43 by 150 feet, 2 story brick. 16 rooms. 4 sleeping porches. 2 lots and 5 room house in Lincoln Park, $1560-0. Terms. I still have a few 2 and 4 acre tracts 3 miles below El Paso on paved Toad and near car line at $350 to 5564-00 per acre. Easy terms. W. F. PAYNE , 401 Mesa Phone 1350 Members El Paso Realty Board EL PASO'S BEST BUYS Six rooms and breakfast room, hard wood floors throughout, basement with servants room, good heating plant, 2 fall lots, Manhattan Heights. With this house Is Included window draperies and curtains, gas range and other household ai-actes. Price 511.006; $5566 cash. Four rooms, slaosed in sleeping poreh. screened porch, on corner, near Alta Vista school. A dandy bay for $6256. A 2 story 5 room red brick residence, 2 bath rooms. 2 full lots, walking dis tance of town; 5540. Can make good terms. . Six rooms, finished In old Ivory, hard wood floors throughout, basement, heating plant, on 2 full lots, Manhat tan Heights. This house Is new and, if sold immediately, price 555. 51000 cash. Call O. B. HOCKBE. with BROADOCS &. LE BARON. 112 Texas St- Phone 1558 DONT MISS THESE Six rooms, red pressed brick, two sleenine norches. three full lots- double garage, good location, all fur-Six nished and ready to move into, this is a rare bargain ana won t last long; $2400; will take $160 cash; balance 350 per month. Six rooms, brick, basement, two lots, ideal location; $5600; $1006 cash; bal ance $50 per month Six room, concrete block house, in heart of city, lots 45x160. paving. basement. furnace heat. double garage, for $0000; $2000 cash buys thli. On Hueco street. lot 50x140 feet, four roim. stucco and two room stucco good location, paved, and a bargain at $3800; $800 cash. See Neblett N. A. BOGUS ft CO. Basement El Paso Bank Blag Thono xsn. siiMPrfwupFbchiiwfc&dHH BY GEORGE McMANUS Fee Sale City Property j S BOOH HOUSE and Hi mil In aleopmc parch. 47 River St. J. K. Prsther. lit Jatus Bt. opnoatto postornce. UP TO DATB HOME doss In. Ph. M77 for partlcmiara. BUNGALOW AT A BARGAIN. Four rooms, sleeping porch and breakfast room, basement and regis ters set. This Is an attractive home; Wo tinder the market. Location Gov ernment Hill, only halt block from ear line. HAWKINS STETKNS. zee Mills 8L Phone 2S1. FURNISHED ALTAVISTA BUNGALOW. This Is a good 4 room bungalow with large scroonod porch; the location Is good. Just north of Pershing Drive and close to Alia Vhrta school. The hoaoo alone, with out lots or ramitare. la worth mere than price asked. This Is a buy; don't put off rjtl tomorrow mquirmg about this nlaoo. Phono E. H. Veteher. 449: Bea Til3W. MeKRE BB4S. tss MILLS BLDG. A BARG.UNi Beautiful wire cut red brick bungalow, south front, splendid location, near ear Une ant! schoot lawn and flowers, three porches and sun parlor, good basement, house built 2 years, in flue con dition; a real bargain and a home you will be proud of; the price Is un der the market, only 47(0; quick action is necessary as real bar gains do not last. To see above home. Phone 556. A. J. Bacher. with XBWMAN IWESTMBNT CO. 100 San Antonio St. FINE BUNGALOW HOME. Modern brlck-buna-alow. six rooms all plant, tile hath and tile drain board, built-in laundry tuba Located on corner lot of Elm street in Manhat tan. Owner leaving. For Immediate sale. Price 59500: terms. LEITKLI, ft SHERMAN Realtors lit Texas St. Phone 42C SO ROOM BRICK TENEMENT, CLOSE IN. CORNER. Bring nearly 54060 gross income a year. Special price of 536.600 on terms. Some trade In improved prop erty considered. This is a good propo sition and well located. JAY F. KNOX CO. Realtors. 501 Caples Bldg. Phone 29. A BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW HOME SIX GOOD SIZED ROOMS BBST LOCATION Living room has attractive fireplace with bookcase, French doors to dining room which has five windows, hall from living room to bed rooms and bathroom; best grade of oak floors through out; linen cabinet In hall, tile floor In bathroom, best plumbing fixtures, base tub, pedestal lavatory. Ivorite seat on toilet, medicine cabinet, two large bedrooms, big closets with electric light in each, conservatory, den or sleeping po.-cb. has a red clay tile floor, something different- The kitchen was designed with a view to economical housekeeping, it's replete wixh the many features that go to make kitchen work easy; screened service porch, basement with guaranteed heating plant; yard graded, lot 61 feet front, paving paid. The price is five hundred dollars under the market. Will make easy terms. Ready to move In. Price $756 00. ORNDORFF ft RKYNACD. 502 Mesa Ave. Phone 251. A BARGAIN. A 4 room bungalow w 1 tb large screened sleeping porch, almost new; this house was built about 2 years ago when they used good material and built large rooms, bouse alone could not be duplicated for lose than $5500: because the owner lives out of town and is Tory anxious to sell this house immediately. It can be sold for J3500. 5566 cash, $25 per month and Interest; If you care to purchase this house as an investment we have a customer ready to lease it at $25 a month; better see me today or you will be too late. P. M. Ria-don. Phone 550. Home. "It J. NEWMAN INVESTMENT CO. PIIOPIIBTT OWNKBS. ATTENTIOjr. If your property is for sale aad you ds atro quick action see us at once. We have a waiting list of over 20 families that ar dr-drou of buying homes ranging In pries rrom iteov to stoves. E. R. EVANS CO. Mllli Bldg. Phone 3444. MILL SACRIFICE Six lots, seven blocks east of Alfa Vista i.cbool: two on Montana street snd four on Tula rosa; 51006 tor all, cost $1240 five years ago. ' 1a j. iviDier. vvnn LEAVELL ft SHERMAN. lit Texas St. Phone 4225. CLOSE I'X. Six large, airy rooms, facing south', good location, near high school: nice lawn and trees. $6000, easy terms. SEE THIS. large pleasant rooms; beautifully tlecorated and well Kept, dandy lawn and trees, near nig& scnooi; 3xH; terms. SCOTT SALES AND REALTY CO. 424 Mills Bldg Ph. 7756. LOOK 8ome real good bargains in Real Estate. Price Cash 4 r. & s. p, K Boulevard, $4750 $100 6 r. & a p.. Grand Ave 6500 1500 ! 4 r. . p . Jackson Ae. 4600 1100 4 r. & s p , Travii St 4000 750 5 r. & s. p. Louis-. Hie St. 4500 12S0 S r Nevada St. ... 5250 .1750 5 r Nevada bt 700 2066 5 r, Ptedras St 5500 1175 5 r.. San Jose St 6000 1000 ( all DeWolf, V A. BOGUE CO. , Esnit. El raoo Ban Bldg. Ph. 1977. S1S0 DOWN. S3S PER MONTH, Including Interest; J2S for nice 4 room and sleeping porch bungalow, full depth lots near cars, tn Gov't HI1L I-HILLIPS-CRBISL ItBAITT CO. Ph. 43- 397 First Nat. Bank Bldg. NBAR HIGBT5CTIOOI' FINE BUNGALOW PRICED RIGHT Owner offers for quick sale, a well bant bungalow of six rooms, bath, sleeping porch and basement, situated on fine lots 4 by 130: this property is a. real bargain at ov; terms are elOOe cash; balance notes. Immediate possession. See Sir. Koffman. DOUGLAS C. CROWRLL AGENCY. 221 Mils BWg. Phone Set. WHS IS AX EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN. Splendid x.stery red brick residence, close In on Mon tana. 16 rooms aad fall base meat, splendid heating plant and bath in basement, hard wood floors throughout, ar ranged as duplex, or can be toed for one fatally: 2"s lots; coed brick garage. Price $17. 50. Would be bargain at $2000. W. F. PAYNE, Realtor. 41 Mesa. Phono 1250. IMMHULVTU POSSESSION Three bungalows, Hueco and Lamar streets, each has 4 rooms. 2 porches, oak floors, at car and paving, 350 caah. Four room bungalow, glased room, lust off Mon-ana St. west of Piedraa St, $'50: $75 cash. FRANK E. COX. Realtor, 21 Caples BMg. Phone 5415 ONLY $300 DOWNi 25 PER. MONTH. COOD LOCATION FOR SHOPMEN A good 2 room brick, with bath and pantry, on 2 Iota fairly close in. on Wyoming street; rooms are very large and house can easily be re arranged Into 4 rooms or more. Only $520; easy terms. Why pay rent? W. K. RAMSEY A CO Successors to Flsk-Rarasey Realty Co.. Ph. 10. 3. New Trust BMg. MANHATTAN inTtmrrfi iklum pis la a hoass bwat for present owner f" i-5?i' " S? "- massed In eteef-tag porch sad lam mint with heating plant UuUUed. hon. fin ished In tvorr f li i i !. wtth h.JLji floors aad the finest of built la features. y1 "a -wis wTxa une awa owner wishes to ssn the house fsrnisoed and xnniHure cotua not be reefaeod under !; this U for sale tar limited 'une only, so Invntigat at one prlc It-. $35 cash, balance very easy terms. Jan jaaraiay, JAMES X. MAXR COMPANT. RmIum Phone 4350. 34 San Antonio St. LOOK! If VOn don't flnri wVmr wn. want 1u. j where. let us show you a real buy in a nix room noose, close in. modern in every respect, hardwood floors throughout: only $50; terms. Call BoutweU. With II. r. HADFIBLD ft CO. Rsadtors. First Nat. Bfc. Btgg. Phone 1576. IT MAY BE VALUABLE TO TOU TO READ THCSBi $2356 3 roams, 1 block to car line, two large lots; 5256 cash, bal ance easy. $2560 1 rootx brick, bath, sleeping porch, tao full lota, 5350 cath, balance $55 per month, inctudihg interest. p 156 I room new. red brick, bath, sleeping porch, $500 cash, bal ance 555 per month. $1600 5 rooms, bath, service porch, new. It yoa have $560. we can arrange the remainder of $2000 payment for you, balance easy. $560 s rooms, heating plant, south front. eersei-Jeta. paved on side and paving paid; paving now go ing In on front. About $500 cash, balance easy terms. $5150 rooms, sleeping porch In cluded, service porch, heating plant. $050 cash, balance easy. We have 2 of these houses. $5000 6 rooms, basement, heating plant, garage, two blocks to Five Points. Cash $1260; balance easy. $650 5 room, beautiful flowers, everything alee; Alta Vista sec tion. $2600 cash, balance to suit. $5500 6 rooms, bath, garage, front driveway, dose in. This house Is one of the prettiest lnarM that yon will be shown, it Is cheap at the price, and we can arrange payment and terms bet ter than orauaL $10.500 Large, two story beauty, lot 50x120. paved street, and paving i-u-j, wen-en, nt-aiing plant, everything to make it modern. ravmenE and terms rrmtei $12,506 9 room residence on Montana street, garage, lot ouxizo. This house has to be seen to be ap jir eclated; strictly modern and luxurious In every detail, and it is underprlced some three or tour tnouaanu aoiiars. if you want the- best lp arrangement ana locality. Detter nave us show you this boose early. We have many more priced In be tween and above these prices; our salesmen have good cars and will take a pleasure in showing you whether you buy or not. Call any of them, Mr. Bonner. Mr. Ming or Mr. Comer. TRI-STATB COMMISSION CO. 224-225 Trust Bldg. Phone 244. CLOSE-IN BUNGALOW. Modern foar roort and crlaasad porch, south front, oa paved street. This Is a beautiful home. Price ssofld. Terms $1560 cash, balance annually. Phone 281. : Mills St. SUNSET HEIGHTS BARGAIN. ! One of the best laeome properties in the dt. Is ahowtac a net Income of over 13 per cent, this property Is priced eerer! thousand dollars less than It would cost to build the buildlnr today. If jou are in terested In an apartment boose you should arrange to see this at ones price ISf.oaa and about 1 10,990 cash, balance easy terms. Call Bottorft. with JAMES L. M VBB COMTA3IT. .Realtors. I Piwnt 4159. SOI Saa Antonio St WKT ooou LOOK AT HE UKg THAT? For Sale City Property AN BXCBLLBNT BUY This handsome home tn the 106 block on Montana. Six large rooms; bath; basement heating plant; fireplace; hardwood floors; garage; nice lawn; paving paid. $7006.-, $400.66 cash, balance to suit. A AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO. 260 Texas St. Ph. 3705. YOU CAN AFFOBD A HOME, Listen to this: Pour tbosh. bath aad slespmg porch, aa largo let, only 3 blocs from ear aad Is ffae resUeae sscttee of city, only $30 cash wnt uindle this, balance $35 per saoaxn. ssvestlgat Ojtrk-klr. Can Marktey. with JAMBS L. MARR A COMPANT. BeaKera, Phone 43S. 304 San Antonio St AN IDEAL nOHE. Beautiful 2-story home oa Arizona street. 2 fan lots, hardwood floors. 4 large bed rooms on second floor, large bath wtth tile floor and walls, pedestal lavatory, solid base bath tub, recap tion hall and three large rooms ana large breakfast room on first floor, large basement with bath, toilet and heating plant In base ment, double brick garage, beautiful rose garden, in fact an ideal home. Price $15,600. . easily worth 515,060. IV. K. PAYNE, Realtor. 401 Mesa Ph. 1250. FOR SALE Six room 2 story house, on West Mis souri, close In; $5660; good terms. Five room house, within walking dis tance, large screened poreh; $4600; good terms. Call: BROADDUS ft LE BARON. Realtors, 112 Texas St. Phons 1555 HOUSES FOR. SALE Four room residence, wtth all modern conveniences, basement, glassed tn sleepi-Fg porch, etc This place is lo cated on La Lux street, near school. Two splendid residences, on North 81 Paso street, 10 rooms each, bringing good income. Real bargain, on easy terms. We have residences inVll parts of the city, both large-and small. Per mit us to show you. BORDER rWBSTMBNT CO.. 405 Ravnolds Bldg. Ph. 25 SAVE UluOO RIGHT AT FIVE POINTS Beautiful C room bungalow with basement and furnace. Garage. This house was built before the big Jump In prices and la fully $1 cheaper than similar houses more re cently built. In splendid con dition: offered at $050. it will take $2156 -cash to handle. W. K. RAMSEY ft CO. Successors to Fish-Ramsey Realty Co. Phone 1671. New Trust Bldg. BEAUTIFUL MANHATTAN RESIDENCE Five rooms, large steeping poreh; basement heating plant. Corner lot fruit trees; nice lawn. $6850: $5600 cash, balance $560 annual payments. AMERICAN UTOSTXEAT CO. 206 Teaas St. p-h. 3705. BLOCKS FROM S POINTS Almost new; brick bunga low, living room, dining room: kitchen; 1 bedroom and large glassed sloping porch: hardwood floors throughout; good basement and heating plant. Price $706. ARIZONA ST. S good rooms and screened sleeping porch; good basement aad heating plant. Price $7000. 2S-T PERSHING DRIVE Very large li-ring room and dining room; beam ceilings good kitchen; large bedroom and bath: large glassed sleep ing porch; basement aad extra good heating plant. This Is an excellent location. Price 57750 . Here is the best small place in El Paso for the money; 621 Mountain Ave.; living room; dining room and bed room with hardwood floors; kitchen with good built In features; large glassed sleep ing porch and a good serv ice porch: lot 40x136 with good fence: 2 blocks from Ft Bliss car line. Price $3150. WE STILL CONTEND that this Is the best bouse In El Paso for the money, taking location Into consideration, this place Is close in. tn fact, almost tn the heart of the city: 510 Campbell street: re ception hall; living room; dining room: breakfast room: kitchen and large sleeping porch downstairs; 3 good bed rooms; bath and hall upstairs, grass in front and back yards. Price $7500. 101B E. RIO GRANDE 2 story mission home: large rooms and lots of them: beau tiful floors aad built tn fea tures. This Is close In t-nd Is a-real home; plenty of Muses: plenty of rooming houses and apartment houses aad lots and lots of lots. TVYATT. 1UCHBT ft LATHAM. 118 N. Stanton. Ph. 2550. Realtors. We Know the City. The City Knows Ua ItMEDIATE POSSESSION COMPLETELY FURNISIiaO ARAUTl-piir, r-rn-itn Two blocks east of Five Points. Mast do soia at once, jisuu, 31000 cash. 5 rooms: also a beantlfnl nhnM- On corner lots, excellent nelghbor- overlook this boy o - . -.rl.-w-.W fh, K-v Y w 'nt 1, See KARL P GOODMAN, "with GOODHV BROS. A COMPANY, Real Estate Itcaltora Insamn-cc 205 N. Stanton St. . Pbnnes 2424-3405 ATTKNTIOX. T. T. MEN. Daudy 4 room adobe house, new. on 3 lots price i:C0A S3Z0 cash balam like rtt. Cell Eti JAMES I. MABR & COMPANT. Realton Phone :. .04 Saa AnUnls it For Sale City Property FOR SALE Btdldtng. 74x33 feet, extra good lumber. 3S3 Hamilton. EXTRA NICK 5 room texncalow, 3 years old, modern In ovr7 way. xespt b'at, largo rooms, hardwood floors, garage, thicken houses, room for l'O chickens, ale lawn, fijwers aad vines: my equity 5300 caah. balance 5'3-f. easy paymenta zj. FOR SALV; By owner, 3711 Dousiaa st, 4 laxs rooms, gfaaied-'n sleeping porch, sereanod-ln aervlc porch, alt boHt-ln tea tares, oak fleers la tw front rooms, on two south front lota solid board fence, shed, paving and aldewalks In and paid ones. Ml. Terms. Ph. 7, HEBE'S 'A REAL BARGAIN. Bungalow. 5 noma famished, noar Ftv Feints, situated oa 2 comer Iota bent In foatanra pro-war loaati nt tlon. samge. Hoses. tnmKt-r aad all. 3750. aad It's a real bny If you are looking for your money's worth see ns quick. E. R. EVANS CO. Mills Bldg. I FOR SALE BY OWNER. Five room modern bungalow with glassed sleeping porch; excellent con dition; all rooms extra large: there is a basement and heating plant: mas sive in construction; convenient to Five Points, good neighborhood: a real value Call after t P m, 4006. A BARGAIN WITH IMMBBiATE F06SBS6ION. Five roosa bungalow, laetading glassed sleeping room. bath. hasMaiut aad heat lac plant, hardwood floors throSghout, caauMl finish woodwork. Preach doers btweep living and dtaiag rooma beauti ful fireplace, built ta featu-r: this homo I located la tho edfs of Manhattan Htught within a fw atapa of ear tm. also 3 improved atroots: th owner la leaving aad offers thai property at a price which ts eotBOdderahly lea than cost, nrte Jll. with 31M0 cash and the balance to b. paid $ per month, including Inter-sc Ton should not fall to aoo thia. Celt Bottortf with JAMES I MARK COMPANT. Realtors Phono 43Ml 3M San Antonio St ONLY THREE LEFT. We have seven. Four sold, so you will have to hurry. 4 rooms, large sleeping porch, south front, 40x130 feet; $350 cash, balance like rent. 4 rooms, basement, glass sleeping porcn, convenient u scnooi. i.veo Street and car line. 500 cash; balance terms. JLiAAAjftA 4 rooms, basement, modern conven ience, two Mocks from car Una; fnr plfthotf. Jl-JOtt caah; balance terms. Furnished. A rooms, glassed porch. eontr, 2 blocks from cat Him, amall cash payment, balaaco eaay terms. Kw bungalow on Montana St. 5 rms b&Mment, &0xl49 feet, J3 caah, balance $5e per month. essuaa ua New 5 room bungalow with break fast room, basement and heating plant. Two blocks from Alta Vista schooL $750 cash, balance eaay pay ments. New bungalow on Pershing Drive. 5 rooms, breakfast room, basement heat, sidewalks. Bavin nald. 5750 cash; balance monthly. S7S34J.S New t room bungalow oa Pershing Drive, hardwood floors, basement, heat, atdewalka, naviutE nald- Work manship aad material same quality I before the era of high prices. $1000 oaianca easy. CTZfioauee Or Mesa Ave. Beautiful bungalow. ( rooms, breakfast room, basement, steam heat, laundry. Ivorv finish. A home without an apology. Above are only a few of a great many good buys that we have to aaow yoa. ANDERSON INVKSTMENr CO. Realtors. 20 Mesa. Phone 4051 60 CAS Hi BALANCE EASY Four room bungalow, In good loca tion; $5350. 57SO CASH, BALANCE S50 per month. Including interest room bungalow, near Five Points. S10OO CASH 5 room bungalow, heat ing plant and hardwood floors, in Manhattan Heighta. ON PERSHING DRIYEi 4S500 CASH A beautiful 5 room bungalow and Biassed In sleeping porch. Must, be sold Immediately. 55200. SI5)0 CASH On beautiful Copper St. In Manhattan Heights. room bunga low, bulltln features: 50500: balance easy. Be sure and see us before you buy. these 10any OU,r --"S'-'---" "- Call KARL P. GOODMAN, with GOODMAN BROS, ft COMPANY. Real Estate Realtors , Insurance 205 N. Stanton St. Phones 2424-2405 rale CejintiyPc-tj' un. MLE- Bautifal home. ! xaOea down raiiey. Brines reTecne year aroanZ No axaats, write a 14. esn BtraliL W-V'M sartcultiiral land Balck or Xedce auto is part payment. Addresa F lit, care Herald. "-- KOB 8LE S3 acre farm at CUnt. within ? of postoffi-e. S room hoase. home jretord aad alfalfa. Win taha bancalcw m trade. A. I Coctrtll. 'JJlnt. Texas. CftvrmviTtnv INTBfiTMENT ANIK SFECUIeATION M ar-ree untmprored on the Ieland, eottonwood timber. Price 1M, unas 1M caah, balance in 1 aad 3 years. FABENS RE.1LTT CO, jr-aaens. Texas. For Sdltfzimt and Rancbo !? rOK SALE Bert ranch In Boaaue county. nM te cnltttatlott, near town, cood FINE SHALL RANCH for sale. 3 welta sprlac. orchard, etc, will support about I neaa ox catue. wiU cocaii.p i ' property W.T. JOHNSON. gQCOBHO. N. H. FDR HA1LE .Ttr nnar HnnM . " . S?.. STLo- B?T ""' " WgHly lmprerad, with equipment. Ot tne VS.! lev IS Hnlitnl-Mi awin fresh, l sprlnc calv beautiful registered bull. tocther or ejrate. 0c Weeks, -3fc dan Antonto, Ph. i44. rPrERVALLBTFABM FOR SALE Near La Beea. N M, W acres alt under culti vation, farm Implements and stock, no veepase. no alkali, no Johnson fn est soil In vail-j, must be sold n 39 days. Phone Own-, n'ehts or Sundays. TS5SW. or writs Nicholson. ;i0 Texas, For StJFai-guaadRaccIieii EXPERIENCED Japanese farmer wants land. 50 aerea np, for lease or b7 shar. Ph. 4(t. or writ A. R, C14 Trust BMg FOB SALE Quick, only 310 per acre, :41 aerea. rich, water bearing, valle and hill land, near Ft- Selden. Address Obiter. hi" B'j-el St.. Lea AngelM. EL PASO VALLEY LANDS. Improved and unimproved. "See ns before yon boy " FABKNS REALTY CO. Fabaa Tex, TSLBTA TAL'ET BARGAIN. Bight in tho heart of town. 11 acres, farr adobe hcata aotn alfalfa aad cottn prtco far quick ai 340 JSM cash. $40 pqr year, get boar. Call EUa. JAMBS L. MABR COMPANT. Real tors. 4350. 34 San AntonloSt. KIDS WANT THEIB. MONEY sal. 31 acres, black land, t, THE miles Denton, county seat. 3 college. 7 railroads, osnstmctlng county, paved rosea, farm H ratio paved read, on mai reut 175 Mftt cuMvatisn, 35 pasture. rood fences, new mem. $30 bungalow shad trees, bam 4x4I, windmill, sof water, price 514. toon. O. TomUattn. psatuii. tc 12S ACKitS. half mile from R, K station aad Las Cnaces-El Paso road, sod on gra !d road. 3 acre alfalfa. :s cotton, other tmck. Good adobe tens-neat house, fercsd. drainage in Adjoining land priced from 515 to 333 an aer. For quick sale. !) aa acre. $350 cash- Thia pine is positively going to aalL If yoa maea hustaesa. get ber oa taia 354 acres rmiarr cotton lani at Toralllo. 15 acres In eettcn. 315a an aer. eae-thtrd cash, long dm on balance; w(,l divide. A SMALL TRACT BELOW TSLETA. oa paved road, good 3 room house, 4 ac-sa win consider property in exchange. 0 acres, all in cotton and alfalfa, good hoos, wftti, pump aad tank, orchard, rtne yard, no better land In th valley, fr from alkali aad Johnson grass. BOGCE COMPANY. Phone H77- Ask for mtllek- TO COTTON GROWERS, ay hav had a number of calls la re sponse to oar pre vloua "aV and we wlah to r-pcat that oar manager may be in a posltiini to help yon sol your prob'e-irB. H Is faml'lsr with tho culture and hand ling f eottoa. Ho baa agent almost 1-is eeUo life hi either prodtrcing or baying and salnng ootaon. It will not coat yea anything to consult us. aad tf w can hlp you w shall b glad. If w can X. eaough farmers Interested we wi-l st range to haadl their eottoa this fall to set them the best results'. Nothing too Uttlo or too big for ns to give attention If yoa have any lands for aale. list theei wtth ns. wo have a big eastern connec tion aad expect to sell many thousand acres of land this Sanson. TBI-8XATE COMMISSION CO. Phono Wt -g-i-m Tmst Bldg. VAIXET FAKM3 TOR SATE. 4t acre In CUnt. tt aerea 1b a'faif and remainder In eottoa. teams, ail kln4a of Implements, cows, hoca, chickens, ttc . SO with th place. Immediate possession. 1M within S miles of Clint, o-rev '9 la enltlTatlon, 37 hi eottoa. altt on. Tailor m p. i of the Trr best farms te the this ptaee win be sacrificed for acre, ineraiBf the present cro. easy terms. Ws bao farms ranstms from i9 to 1990 acres; some sptesdM bars; let ca ahu TO. border nmssraiEXT CO. 4W Ba-raohis Bids'. Phone ZIS TUB tWTA FE has built a ae- b-u h railway Use throve the Sovth Plains n glpa ot West Tex. A aew farmlss a)7 imsta-eh region with ow towns ts aic apeaed ap. Thia tafTttorr already la par ly occupied by a rood class of settlers anU crop possihflltlea proraa by actcal exper eaoa. Hen yoa caa profitably raise to' ton. core, sersbaBM aad frott. It ts an ideal Uvwatock aad dairy country lo prtcea for antllled lands and Terr ' tertae. More in osrly and take first pi Writs today for free Urostrated foid--T. C S-pesrmsn. U Sasta JTe BldC Btbe Tea. BABurNS IN VALLEY LAVD. L-t acres and splendid amal! res -le-i-r oa pa-.d road and near the Interrb" one oz the most attractive mil px--i I ta the rallay, for qolck sale, tw, toi 1 down aad the remainder In 4 years. Tea acres aad C room realdenc. v - down the valley, garage, chicken hotw- 3 acres in a If if a and -e- mainder in peaches, applea apricou. pears, phu-as. grapes and all kinds of berries. rasidenee modvrn and on of the -lost bwstifa! m the valfcy. Two acre aad 5 1MB resfdesc w -a all modem convesliaeaSi eleetrto lights hot and cold running water, ete iars chicken houses, le Wbjt Leghorn hen this pines Is located within 7 miles of r Paso and oa the paved mad. We hav anything la th way of ti!1." ranches you may dttrfre: permit u' t-3 shew ytm. BORDER INTESTMENT CO. 44 Raynolda Bidg. Phone 3 SPECIAL BARGAINS I-S VALLEY LAM) For SaU 130 acres 3 mites from El Faeo in K'. Grande valley. 50 acres good atfaf Balaam not la cultivation. Gc-i las 3135 pr acre. All fenced with wa'er ant seed ditch eysta-x Aba 75 acres well located land 13 miles f-o-n XI Paso la Rio Grand valley 41 -t cotton wtth 3500 home and other -nt provemeuta 3iS.04t taaea it- Terms : Also acres lxanroTed land with water riches 5S miles fraes EI Paso ta Ria Uride Mi ley. Only 3SM. Terms If desired. ... ACRES TALLXT UVND IS Acres Bcartsa Orchard. With $15.49 lmpro-rementa eoBatstlac -r ftea home, bars far aO ktada of noc hay barn, fanaea of all kinds, corra-s. horses. and cows. AB rest of land tlr-st (dass. 17 miles from EI Paao In R'o Oraada vaBey. S3S.444 tahes It. Aad Tills SplcndM Bey Folly equipped modern farm of 244 acres. Values mow aa faro as follows: Alfalfa ,S09t m i 400ft JaO'. Cora, la field Cotton, la field Cotton, leased oa shares.. Horses aad moles Machinery ,. Boss Cows :oo o Home and other modern Boildta-fs 19.n0 tf acres now in alfalfa. Best of fju-ft la cotton, corn, -and barley Value -n plaoe 443.344 Price now aaly 4359 per aero with everything: oa tha farm. Cao gi passesaioB at ones. latt 5t Not th t-sast. Far eale 4 small tracts of from 1 ts '5 acres each, only T nttUes down the va ley. Ail facias eeaaty road and oa str- et car Bne, with sood teat See GEORGE FENCE, 4 US E. 3aa Antonio m Tn the SI Paso Seed Sto-a. Fw Sale or Exchange Real Estate IN EERKKA 8FRJNGS, ARKANSAS. Serea city lotsvWQl exchaare for aa'.cmo atie or pjr si faae property. Ph. it: or J59i FOR EXCHANGE 79 acre frT-. w U. sood aooae. n?r tne cty ror bunffxio See Pcnnebakr of vh B. F. WHITK COHML-WON CO. I HAVE 149 ACRES -rood farm l-Lnd. free of lacumbraace, x laterast In sprinje. te to drill Imp oil well. located 4 roll -a from Tnlarosa. N M-. la La Lus anroa to trade for El Paso property Imprirv-l or anlmnroved. No stents. W'll aL-iar5s. herUTs office. 944M H-OME OB INVESTMENT 15 modern, cool, sonny, sel-fhberhood Kl j eon-i nunotM to business district, no water, earning IS per cent, larca 'in! caah or installments, taveetlcate. Dav Hanter, Am. Natl. Ins. Bldx-, Galveston. Tax. "THE LITCILI.E" In cool, healthful or-aado-free Atlanta. Dnplsx. 4 rooms eacft separate eatrancee; eonrnlencee tiled crates, xood repair, porches, shades; gar den, trolley, deeirable section. near sehools. churches. socd tnTeetment home upper vacant now. leavins city. Owner. 1 Sinclair av Atlanta. Ga. FOR EXCH.VNGE. Cit-iirt In brii tenemmt for .ntomohll "" cottage, loti la Plate. Tex., for j-v -nd or bancal&w s"-ail tracts of wlVj land tnis eiae or isita xor eoctaae. ousi- ness property on 3. Stanton st--?t 1 b'ock from Overiand. also brick tenemTPts I blocks fron Paso del Norte hotel for Im- P""- --'v tsrm . d-alty In lot, on E- tre'ia street "or auto 4 acres or Lann. aii has been In co Una tlon. In Cameron coiiar near Brownsville, for oottace. 30 acrra of 'ruprovij Talle lac at Atatnosa -j 3 . water ricbts paid, for El Paso pro--e-To-. honse 00 Ft- Boulevard street a a bar gain for cash, also Veils auo KO a-es uf land on paved road. abo . rn1 es down the ralley. fine for cotton or a faifs, for business property W. N. CARL. 393 Caries Bldx- FboneJ sal UU