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L PASO HERALD TO WEED OUT LIST FOR TRIP ' INTO MEXICO The secret committee of the peac and progress excursion into Mexico will meet tonight to eliminate from the list of applications for reserva tions on the special train those per sons ho are least entitled to make the trip "The list of applicants is so ranch larger than the space available." said a member of the committee 8aturday "In weeding ont the surplus we are some to take out first those who a e the least likely to have a market o- want a market In Mexico and who 'nay be planning to go on a sort of : cation." A. Sehwartx, president of the Popu lar Dry Goods company, and a vice president of the chamber of commerce, la going as the official representative o the chamber. He was designated Friday by D. A. Bandeen. genera manager of the chamber. Robert Sil erberg will be the official inter preter .T R Gwm, secretary of the Asso- ated Charities of El Paso, will make the trip Into Mexico as correspond ent for "The Survey." a social wel fare magazine of New York. Park Pitman and Martin R. ireeney. city commissioners, will go on the trip as official representatives oe the cits BUILDING FOR MESQUITEGIN IS COMPLETED Mesqutte. N. M, Sept. 11. The building for the gin here has been completed and by next week the ma chinery will be Installed and ready for a trial run. The gin is a four stand machine and has a capacity of 4a bales a day. All the cotton from the district west of here will be brought to this gin. Judging from the big acreage and the number of rapid ly opening bolls on the plants, there will be a great, yield. H. B. STEVENS PRAISES WORK OF OIY HEALTH. OFFICER ' I notice that mayor Davis will rec ommend that the health and sanitary departments be consolidated and placed under charge of Dr. Hugh S Whlte," said Horace B. Stevens. "This strikes me as an excellent plan, as Dr. White has proved himself a very efficient officer and his administra tion of the city health department has the commendation of everyone who has business with that depart ment. "That El Paso, with its large for eign population and its dose proxim ity and dally contact with Mexico, where smallpox Is nearly always exJstant, has not had an epidemic is largely due to tne nguance. aciivii? VALLEY SHEEP OWNERS MUST DIP ANIMALS Cbeunberino. N. M Sept. 10 Or. H. K. Kemper, representative of the United States bureau of animal in dustry, with headquarters at Detain? made a trip through the valley this week to notify all persons owning sheep that they must comply with the state dippfoff order, whioh was promulgated by the sheep sanitary board of New Mexico, which became effective June 1. To comply with this order, all sheep mast be dipped in a solution made of lime and sulphur or nicotine. preparedtn accordance with the rales and regulations of the fed eral bureau of animal Industry and this board. It is understood that the Johnson dipping vat is open for dip ping purposes, and Is the only large one to accommodate the stock In this district, which includes Chamberino, Berino, Anthony and Yado. and intelligence of Dr. White, by all means put him In charge of both the health and sanitary department." APPOJAT PROHIBITION' AGOT. Phoenix, Ariz, Sept. IL Appoint ment of William A. Morey as federal prohibition agent for Axixoaa was announced here yesterday by prohibi tion director W. T. Webb, who added that the appointment would relieve him of extra duty he is performing r Those 50' Memberships In The Fewtz-Moore Sellers Club XT JTH remarkable rapidity, the 50 members of the Foulz-Moore v "SELLERS" dub are being enrolled. The absolute superiority of the SELLERS over all other kitchen cabinets is so easily demonstrated that few who see the SELLERS fail to place orders. The club lists would have abeady'been closed if il were not for the fact thai man) orders are for FUTURE DELIVERY when new homes are ready. They are not counted against the 50 membership. The terms of the club are rS S INITIAL PAYMEKT OP and SHALL WEEKLY Payments -. r SCUIKS KlSTtaeaWT Whethr yon are ready now for a kitchen cabinet or not we shall be glad to have you come in to see the SELLERS. Il has all the good features that any good cabinet has, in addition to those features which belong to the SELLERS' exclusively. If you ARE ready for a kitchen cabinet then by all means see the SELLERS and compare il for yourself with others. When you are convinced of its SUPERIORITY buy it on the EASY. CLUB PLAN be one of the 50 members. toore rurnil 111-113 N.STANTON JAIL IS PLACE FOR BACHELOR, 5AYS PREACHER Persons so Inclined will be invited to -hit the trail" in the Sunday serv ice for the first time since the Cul pepper revival meeting began at Trinity Methodist church, a week ago. Speaking on "Tne World Bids for a Man." Mr. Culpepper Friday night assailed the growing inclination of men to remain unmarried, and at tacked bull fights, asserting that "no decent, clean thinking, humane Amer ican ever went to see a Mexican bull fight the second time." No man is complete until he has married." he said. MU a man goes until 25 wlthotft marrying, he ought to be fined 910O for every year he remains single after thai; if he lan't married before 90. he should be in the penitentiary. I don't blame you women, who are single, fer God known you've done your beat. "The world is suffering more today for baked biscuits and a spanked baby than any time since the world began. "There are two classes of men busxards and eagles. Buxxards have the downward look, eagles the up ward. In our parka we find the buxxards ready with smiles for our daughters. You see them gambling in Juarez, and places nee frequented by eagles. MX man can nte tobacco and be a Christian, but he'd be m. nasty one" the speaker declared, attacking petty vices. "If a billy goat chewed as much tobacco as some men he would die In two months. If a donkey kept the hours that some men keep he couldn't stand the pace three ADY FOR YOUR INSPECTION Finest Imported and Domestic Fabrics We can offer splendid rakes because , We buy direct cloth, linings and trimmings We make every suit in our own Workrooms We sell direct to you no middleman Fabrics from tbe best mills Tailoring by the best artisans Come in and join 9te large tbiosg of discriminating men who find clothes satisfaction in tins tailoring establishment "Despite tobacco, liquor and lewd women, man lives to be fr -m 7 to 163 years old. wheu he ceases these vio lations of nature he will live 200 or even 600 years." Mo service will be held tonight, though Mr. Culpepper will speak three times Sunday to Sunday schools at 10:15 a. m, at the church service at 10:46 a. m. and at the church service at 7:M p. m. KAISER WOULD MAKE HEADS FLY AS CHIPS FROM HIS AX Berlin. Ger.. Sept. 11 An extra ordinary declaration made by former emperor William made on the grounds of his residence at Doom, is reported by Vorwaerts in a story purporting to emanate from a Prussian Junker who recently visited him. It is stated that the former em peror was chopping a tree when he suddenly exclaimed as he straek furious blows with his ax: This Is the way heads will fly to the right and left when I return to Germany. Vorwaerts says "It shows Wit helm In all his old greatness as a politician." WOMAN SECOND LIEUTENANT IS SLATED FOR DISCHARGE Omaha. Neb, Sept. 11. 'lea Helena Sehaoeefeldec. only woman second Hestenant at the local army recruit- tng station, has been ordored to re sort at Fort crook. September 15. to receive her discharge. Kiss scnajoenreiacT is an army cierK with the rank of second lieutenant. She will return to Washington. D. C where she will attend Georg? Wash ington university. LAS CRUCBS F.R DATE. Las Cruees, X. It, Sept. 11 The Dona Ana county fair this year promises to be the best fair ever held m the county, Tne are Septem ber 12. 22. zt and 25. SPOf We tarn tie epetttgnt oa ourselves Because we like to tii fie abest spats. Grease spots and other kinds of spots cease to be when em expert sees them. Spots and stains axe of vari ous kinds. All require spe cial treatment which varies with the ldad of doth and the ldad of spot. Thru carefal stw)7 and long experience oar operators know exactly how to handle spots without detnsest to the color, or textare of fab rics. Send your spotted garments toss. Wilson Millican "The Best Cleaners." Phonz 4400. FRANCE SEEKS U.S. HELP; WILL ACCEPT POLICY By JOHN LLOYD D 1LDERSOX. I Continued from page Ui was sent at this critical Instant. France saw her chance, and grabbed it. In proclaiming her solidity with America on the Russian question. France, however, did so wltbr-maay mental reservations. It was soon made dear from Wasotegton that we have no Intention' of reeognndnjc Wrangle, and rather disapprove that step. What Is of vastly greater im portance, the state department Indi cated that unless France accepted the principle of the integrity of Russia, the viewpoints of the countries were not Identical. Behind -the scenes in Paris for the past week, ever since that intimation was received, there has been anxious debate. For unrealized by the public of any nation, there lurks In that phrase Integrity of Russia" an Issue big enough to set the world ablaze some day. and Mr enough now to Use up the great Ptfwsis who fought to gether against Germany into opposite camp?. flanntlet to Bngland and Japan. The phrase "Integrity of Russia." which America now champions, throws down the gauntlet to England and Japan. In maintaining such a poller, the United States has hitherto stood alone. Wilson and Colby ban setzeoythe moment of the French cry for help on the issue of Poland and of bolshevik recognition to propose a bargain. France cried In effect to America. "England has abandoned Poland. If Poland goes down, we have lost the war. England wants to make peace with the bolsheviks. If she does Rus sia wilt never recover and France wtH soon be crashed by a bolshevik-German alliance, or by Germany alone." Russia is potentially the greatest nation on earth. Who can expect her to sit still under this Insjdting. de grading and crippling situation that will confront her when her present agony Is over? What can possibly Be expected but a great world convul sion In which Germany, of course, TtJil ally herself with Russia and the two crushed and beaten nations turn, on England and Japan? mertean policy, designed solely to prevent this terri ble prospect, desires Russia's heritage to be kept for her In trust Wo wane England to realize and acknowledge that Russia went down after she had made our common victory possible by her efforts, and not to despoil the prostrate giant. It Isn't good ethics. and its also bad policy. As France Sees It. French policy has all along object ed to the British sustaining the Bal tic states, and has insisted that they ought to be handed back to a regen erated Russia: that Russia ought ul timately to get the Dardanelles, and a considerable part of what Englas-I not of course, what France has taken In Asia Minor. But until the last few days France was in no mood to challenge her aUr across the channel on this stupendous question. French statesmen believe that Rus sia, when she does return to sanity, will be filled with rage and bitter ness against her allies for the war they hav treated her badly. This worries France, who would like to have Russia some day tor her ally again against the ever-dreaded dan ger of the Rhine. Now that the United States has for mally and publicly announced its Inter est In the Integrity of Russta." France appears to have given her ad herence. Just what this means it is too soon to Judge. The Qua! dOmy Is tricky and may merely Intend to whisper to Downing street, "America is against your Russian policy. She wants us to Join her. Between us we can make things very awkward for you. So you'd better give us our way in Poland. let us continue to try to overthrow the bolsheviks, and be less selfish Is Syria. If you'll do these things we'll not bother more about this Integrity of Russia.'" V. S. Too Wlby-Wahy. Yesterday a Frenchman of Import ance whom X was trying to sound on thess high matters suddenly took to sounding me. "Isn't It really the Pa cific and cot the Baltic or the Dar danelles, that Interests you?" he asixd. "Provided you couldA scare England by these pronouncements In to bringing pressure on Japan to keep out of Siberia, wouldn't yea promptly forget about the integrity of Rus sian in Europe" And after I hal told him I didn't know, be said ab ruptly. "Tour policy has no eon thfutty. We never can bank on it. What view of the integrity of Russia can wa expect from the white houss after next Mareh? Will you get js to commit ourselves against Kngland and then leave us in the lurch " Not In Russia only, but in the other smaller Slav nations. Csecho- Slova kia and Jugo-Slavla and Bulgaria. !s the feeling growing that Britain has set out to choke the Slav races to death and take their heritage for her self. This explains why no help against the bolsheviks can be ob tained from any of these countries. A prominent Jugo-Slav recently ex pressed his opinion as follows: Strangling the Slavs. The Russian nation collapsed, but not before It had saved Britain and France and these then proceeded to dismember Russia and imprison the Slavs even more effectively than be fore the war. A glance at the map will show how 1SO.400.000 Slaves have Ven artificially excluded from free access to the world at large. Russia Is cut off from tho Baltic: wo are denied Flume, and .with Italy at Valona wo are bottled up in the P $m iav,w l-ZAi',: ?." $a Phone 795 Wrought Distinctive design, beautiful tvortmanthip, and reasosaUc prices are emphasized in our present showing of diamond jewelry in platinum. The designs were created by artists of unusual soffit? and hand wrought into exquisite jewelry in our own workshops. We bought the diamonds, unmounted, before the sharp advance in the diamond market. The prices pheed on this jewelry are proportionately low. You will be interested la viewing this splendid collection of rings, bar pins sad scarf pins. Jewelry Modernized Our workshops are prepared u eooTert year old jewelry into modem designs at reasonable cost. Drawings and estimates furnished with out charge. Mai Orders Solidled W. T. Hix Mills and Mesa, on the Plaza EI Paso, Texas I Furniture for Fall At a Great Saving OUR great furniture establishment is filled to the limit with high grade furniture for fall. Many people are coming to El Paso, and many are either building or buying their homes. These people can save easily from 20 percent to 40 percent on their fur niture by .buying it at Sterchi's. FURNITURE MMTTT-ir "1 LTFpjj nffinllmlsluW rjypj! nit ti mi 1 ftfJltffiSgB m v? iiii'ii:l Hull I '1 1 1 'III i H i M 1 1 ! llMiii II Ulili I' 1 1 iiTl For Afl Purposes Our stock is replete with furniture forevery purpose Bedroom suites, dining room suites, sitting room suites, chairs, rugs of every description, table?, and a thou sand items of usual Sterchi excellence, and at unbeat able Slerchf Prices. Five Floors Basement & Warehouse It is generally conceded by the public that Sterchi has the biggest and best stock of furniture in El Paso or the Southwest That has been demonstrated beyond contradiction. Five floors, basement and big ware houses are filled with furniture bargains. A Big Buying Trip East Our Mr. E. H. Sterchi has just returned from the east where he went on a buying trip. We promised the public that after our big sale we would expand as never before. That is what we are doing. Thousands of dollars worth of en tirely new furniture is arriving. Come in and talk it over with us. It Always Costs Less at Sterchi's" ros 9 terchi Furniture ompany C 202-204 5aa Francisco Street PhoBe752 lArtmttf Ruimr!. has been driven from the Aegean, while the Darda nelles are to be a new-aioraiier. j mb has been left tree to shut off Russia from the Pacific. "It matters little which party final ly Bains the upper hand In Russia: a nation of so many millions will never submit to this imprisonme t. We see slmadT that Russians of all shades are rallying around the bolshevik Because they see tnai we latter am waging war more for the existence of the Russian people than for the diffusion of communist principles." We Americans have consistently opposed the bolsheviks, but we have also opposed Imperialist designs upon Russian territory. President Wilson fought for a sea coast for Bulgaria. for a Slav Flume, fer a promise to hand back the Baltic states to a re generate Russia. lis was In every thlnE beaten. But be continues his policy, and France, seeing herself iso lated In Europe, now appears ready ts tail in line, lr sne can get assur ance that the state department's pres ent attitude will not be reversed oy the next administration, thus leaving her more Isolated than ever. A well Informed Englishman here with whom I discussed the matter, said: -Tour talk about the Integrltr of Russia ts solely due to your desire to keep Japan out of Siberia. Ton don't really care about tho Baltic or the Dardanelles; you know we will admit your commerce on the same terms as our own. and you like us better than any of these other peo ple over here. You are wrong about Japan. Tour policy Is Mind and fatal, and we cannot follow you. We sit us nights and pray your eyes may be opened. What is It you are trying to do? Japan Is a great power, a nation crowded to the bursting point on lit tle Islands. You forhld her to send emigrants to America, and your do minions take the same line. Will Japaa Turn On U. St -She turns to China. You threaten and demand the 'open door and Insist that rour rlghta there are as good as hers. Now, providentially, alberta lies defenceless, open ana undevel oped. It is Japan's golden chance, it might keep her quiet for a century. -But. no. you cry that the Integrity of Russia must be preserved, and ou forbid hr that loo TA hat do vou ex- keeD her out of the whit man's world. In the west. But to keep her off tho continent of Asia yea win have to fight, and yea will have to fight alone. It will never really come to this, for you mast produce a states man some day with insight enough o see tne trntn. and courage enougn to make people In your country see It-" Copyright. Isle, by MeClura re Cuiiciira Soap Imparts The Velvet Touch Fall Fall Woolens have arrived. Many new and most attractive patterns at very reasonable prices. A good customs-made suit is a good invest ment. Before purchasing your new suit il might be well to see what I offer in quality, fit and cost. Louis Fiichbaiu Merchant Toilet, Gf-e National Bank Bldg. 314 E. San Antonio Street i pect from Japan" She must in the eni defv vou eT natural and human 1 law wij coirpel her to flo so. Xr u can