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EI JMSO HERALD Wesl-Ena Edition, September 11-12. 1920. JEWS WILL BEGIN ANNUAL CEREMONY JEWXSH New Year servfeea win be held commencing; at t:S0 p. m. Sunday at Temple Mt SlaaU rabbi Hart in Zieloaka officiating;. The rabbi -will preach on "And Where Is God The services will be held early in time for reunions and dinners to be held In Jewish homes. Sabbath school will be opened at 930 a. m. for tne enrolment of old and new pupils Further observance of the new one of the most Important Tesmalu on the Jewish calendar, will ha Mndav To Ireaeh on MotIc Play. Home corning day will feature ail the service Sunday at the First Chris 'ar church. BiMe school will be held nt 9 4S a. m. Da Bandeen, man Rer of the chamber of commerce, T address th? Men's Bible class on Iiow tne Chcrch and Bible Sohool 'Jai Assist in Building a City" Communion serfce and sermon by e pastor. Re Milo Atkinson, will be at 10 45 a. m The anthem, "Seek the Lord" (Roberts) will be sons tv he choir The Christian Endeavor A rreet at 6 30 a, m. The topic will te Miracle and Its lessons. Fall opening of indoor services will be at " 30 p m. The pastor will be-S-ia a series of Sunday night sermons or r3we themes as seen through a preach-- eyes. The first of the e- -3 w'li b "Sonls at Auction." i -x in eiy Are Thy Dwellings" Miil Orders Receive Oar Prompt Attention Whether It Is By Mail or You Call In Person We are k the Kodak supply and finishing business to give service to our patroas. Our locatioD is most coaveaie&t if you live in town; tot yoa get the same standard of service if you deal wkE us by mafl. The Photo Shop la Scott White Bros Stare Your Home Problem Will Become Serious This Fall There is no logical reason for paying rent and remaining uncertain regarding the fact of per manent residence. AUSTIN TERRACE the most beautiful spot in El Paso offers yoa all the charms and practical points for a tome you could desire. The (recent rains have brought out the w3dflowers and the verdure of this section in all its glory. REASONABLE PAYMENT DOWN AND THE REST LIKE RENT James L. Marr & Co. REALTORS x That Will Neva Be 'Anotha Land Crop 304 E. San Antonio St. Phone 4350 eSSSSSSSBHsbSSBB The Tree of Knowledge in the lumber business is a com plicated affair. If you don't un derstand woods you can easily "go wrong." However, if you deal with us you can rely upon our representations 'absolutely. Oth erwise we would not have such a long standing reputation. Manu facturers and builders supplied. ThedeSherrod Lumber Co. "A Single Stick or a Carload" 1800 Texas St Phone 1028. ! O-iddle) will be sang by W. H. Mc- oonald. xne antnem. -rraise xe ine Father" (Gounod) will be sung by the choir rvangellat to Preach George W. Morgan will preach at both services Sunday at the Austin Park Christian church. Mr. Morgan is an evangelist. At the morning hoar he will speak on "The Program of the Divine Institution." and at 8:10 p. m. be will speak on "Life of the SouL" Rev. M. K. Hudson, past&r of the First Baptist church, will preach at 11 a. m. on "Doing the Impossible." and at 7:30 a. m. on "Is the Jnble the Word of God?" Sunday school will be 9:45 a. m. Junior B. Y. P. U. at 5 p. m. and senior unions at 6:30 p. zn. For the mornln-g offertory Mrs. J. E. Deeds will play a violin solo. "Romance,' in A (Lieurance) and In the evening the choir! will sing "Draw Me to Thee' Xorenz)iThe church Is at Magoffin avenue andr Virginia street. Rev.George W. McCall will preach at 11 a. m and at 8 p. m. at the Cen tral Baptist church. The choir will ting "Soldier of Christ Arise" (Wil son) at the morning service, and Mrs. Sam Means will etng "Abide With Me," (Mendelssohn). At the evening service Miss Sibley will istng a solo and the church orchestra will play the prelude and offertory. Bally Day October 3. At the Westminster church last Sunday 2S2 persons attnded the San day school. Rally day has been set for October 3 and the Sunday school is working for 300 members by that date. Rev. Watson M. Falrley will preach at the church at 11 a. m. and at 5 p, zn. At the morning hour Mrs. J. Walter Christie will sine TThe juord Is My Light." The Seenior Christian Endeavor, which disbanded far the summer, will reorganire at 7 S. m. The Intermediate Christian Bn eavor will meet at the same hour The pastor. Rev. Henry C Schneider win preach at the Altera- Presbyterian church, Idalia and Russell streets, at 11 a. a Sunday on "Joy Forever more," and at 8 p. m. on "Four Im peratives of the Soldier of the Cross." Special music has been arranged for both services, Sunday school will be at 9:30 a. m. The Christian Endeavor will meet at 6 45 p. m. with Miss Lorine Moore leading. The topic is "A Great Miracle and Its Lessons." with scripture lesson from Mark 2:1-12. The Christian's great respon sibility and srrvilesre of bringing oth ers to Christ; and how fatth helps us and others, will be discussed during the evening. This Is to be a "quiz" meeting In which everyone win take part. Announcement, information committee report, and meeting will dose with the Mizpah benediction. lletaany lTeabyterxan Cnnrcn Sunday school at the Bethany Pres byterian church, at 160 Pledras street, will open at 9.45 a. m. Rev. Henry C. Schneider will rive an exnosltiOn on the lesson. There will be no meet ing Wednesday evening. The con gregation will attend the meeting at the First Presbyterian church at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, which, will be ad dressed by Mrs. Preston. Dr. Jfioya oe wm preach at 11 a. m. Sunday at the First Presbyterian cnnrcn on -a. xneoiogtcai .orunay. " The sermon will be discussion of the need of God In the world today. C J. Andrews will sing the offertory solo. -u uome to aiy ieart, iora Jesus" Ambrose.) Mrs. R. I Holllday, Mrs. A. H. Goldstein. Mr. James G. Mc- Nary and C J. Andrews will sing the MISSION Of Jesus Is To Save Souls; 1 Salvation Originated With God Christ Sent to Bless Men, to Help Them Turn From Iniquity; He Is God's Missionary; Wei i May Have Many Plans to Escape, but God Has Only One Way, Through Qod's Chosen I Way; To the Unsaved Jesus Is Only a Man, but Bible Says He Is Divine. I BY EEV. Text. AcU Jill Oi "God. baTlns raised up III. Son Jesus, Mnt Illm to bless yon. In turning? niray eTery one of yoa from hi. Iniquities." THESE words are the summing up of the great sermon that Peter preached In the courts of the temple to a large crowd of people who had come upon hearing that the lame man who had "a pitch" at the temple pate Beautiful, had been healed of his lameness and now was with Peter and John demonstrating; the cure by walking and leaping;. The sermon was perhaps as great a miracle as the healing. As recorded in this chapter it was plain, pointed and direct. A statement of tacts of both ancient and recent history which appealed to the consciences of the hearers. It was a wonderful por trayal of events to which they bad been witnesses, a strong indictment of their conduct, at the same time recognizing that it was through igno rance that they had acted. They had misconstrued the purposes and facts of the life of Jesus Christ. Christ Only a Man to Some. This Is a common weakness even today. To the Jews as a whole Jesus Is recognized as a great teacher only. The unbeliever can see only a man. the moralist merely a great example, while the rationalist declares that the great plan of redemption wrought anthem 'They That 'Wait Upon the Lord Shall Renew Their Strength" (gtainer). The evening sermon sub jJSwin be "God Laughing At Us" Mrs. H. M. Long, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Andrews and Tom WIDiams will sing the anthem, "Comes at Times a Stillness As at Evening" (Wood ward), lira. Andrews win sing as the offertory sold, "Jesns, Lover of My Soul" (Tours). At 9: Sunday school will be held. The Men's Service club. Women's Guild. PhUathea and the newly or ganized Young Men's class under E L. Johnson will meet in their respec tive rooms at this hour. Mrs. Neal Grosheider will lead the service of the Christian Endeavor so ciety at 7 p. m. The FresDvtery or JSl I'aso win meet in the First Presbyterian church Tuesday and Wednesday. Ministers and other representatives from Marfa, Alpine, Fort Davis and Fort Stock ton, and from the Altura and Bethany nhnrchea of El Paso wUl attend. An open meeting of the Presbytery will be held in tne irst cnurcn weones day evening at 7:18 when Dr. Charles L. Overstreet of Dallas will speak. The regular Wednesday evening sup per will be served this week. Rev. Burke Culpepper, evangelist, will preach at the Trinity Methodist church twice Sunday,- continuing the revival campaign which has been in progress all week. At 10:45 a. m. he will preach on "Was Jesus Dlvino or Jnst a Common Man. At 7:45 n. m. his subject will be Tbe Auction of Sonls." John TJ. Kooertson win conduct tne singing. He and the evangelist are from Memphis, Tenn. Sunday school, superintended by Robert Lander, will be held at 9:M a. m. Homecoming Day. Sunday is "homecoming day" at the will be observed with suitable aerr- will be observed with suitable srev ices in Sunday school and public serv ice. The morning theme of the pas tor wiU be "The Blessings of Home." The Sunday school will meet at t:4S a. in. witn preaexung at 11 oexock. Bpworth league will be at 7 p. m. and preaching at S oclock. Rev. Hubert M. Smith will nreach at the Asbury Methodist church Sun- A Reliable Drug Store Service You are not looking for bargains when you patron ize a drug store. There's too' much at stake to buy cheap drugs. Pure Drug Perfection' is the one great aim of our business. SUN DRUG CO. TheREXALL Stores Store Ifo It Texas and Mesa. Phone 731. Stero X. 2i San Antonio' and OUve. Phone S337-3.TC1. Chocolates end cofectu Get Prlmm's Protlt-eharlas CouDens Exehanseabl' for 8. A H. Green Trading iiamps or pmUoinj, fillip .fft JJ nvtirnnivz' IIMU' jwi? W. S. HTCGETT, Highland Park Methodist Church. out by Jesus Christ is opposed to hu man reason. The personal note In this sermon stands out prominently. Read the nr.tit- T denied him to Pilate. "To denied the holy one and desired a murderer," "Ye killed the prince of life." He emphatically disclaims mat It was through any power that he himself possessed that the man was healed. He attributed it entirely to this Jesus that the healing was ac complished. He whom God had raised up. He makes a strong appeal for re pentance. Salvation begin. In conviction of sin in one's self. Is followed by repentance from sin, then faith in the atonement of Jesus Christ for (hat sin, nnd thus the sinner is saved. Peter calls attention to the fact that this was the fulfilment of God's promise given by the prophets. That His whole desire is to bless men, that this desire found Its expression in the mission of Jesus whom He sent for that express purpose. The prophet Isaiah spoke of the "suffering ser vant." and Peter describes Him as "servant." so that we may say Jesus was God's agent, God's interpreter, God's representative, God's mission ary, i In all of HU earthly life HsJ bore this character. References In the New Testament are many confirming this. In nil of Ills work His great day morning on Tie letter Versus the Spirit of the Law." The choir will sing an anthem. "One Sweetly Solemn Thought," by R. S. Amorose. Sunday school will be at :0 a. m. and preaching at 11 oclock. The day will be devoted to a homecoming service. Baptismal services for chil dren will be held in the primary room at 9 5 a. m. In the evening chaplain Walter B. Zimmerman of Fort Bliss will occupy the pulpit. The choir will sing an anthem by Thompson "Great Is the Lord." Martha Faun will lead the Intermediate league and Miss An nie Harris the senior league at 7 p. in. At St. Clement's. Sunday, the 15th Sunday after Trin ity, the order of services at St. Clement's Episcopal church. Montana and Campbell streets, will be as follows- Holy communion, 7:0 a. m.; church school. 'S0 a. m.; morning prayer and sermon, 11 a. m... proces sional hymn No. lit; the national anthem. "Venlts" In D (Crotch); "Te Denm" In D (Vogrleh); "Jubilate" in A flat (Hindis): hymn No, 3ft ; ser mon; the doxology; offertory; so prano solo, "Consider the Lilies of the Field- (TopUff) Miss Constance Fateman; fivefold amen; recessional hyan No. 403. Rev. Fuller Swift. Ph. D.. is this rector; Rev. George Daland, curate, organist and choir master, and B. M. G. Williams is dea con. "The Larger FalCh" Is the subject of tile sermon that wiU be given by Rev. William H. EUrlng at the First Congregational church at WUllams and Rio Grande streets Sunday morn ing at 11 oclock. Mrs. H. M. Long will sing 'Come Te Blessed" (Scott). The church school will have Its first study hour Sunday. At the Lutheran Gauren, At the Zlon's Evangelical Lutheran church, 110 East Saa Antonio street. the following services will do held Sunday: Sunday school and Bible class, 9:39 a. m. A short service preparatory to Holy Communion at 10:30 a. m In which the pastor win speak. In the main service. Rev. Erwln Umbach wiU speak on 3 Cor. 3. 19, subject: "Two Facts Which Should Make Us Zealous in Our Missionary Work." Mr. Um bach will take charge of tSie Luth eran mission work at RosweH. N. 1L, and in the Pecos valley. At present, he wiU fill the pulpit hers for the pastor. Rev. J. H. C Sleek, who nas been granted a leave of absence for lour weeks. Special songs have been arranged by a male quartet. In the evening service at 3 oclock. the pas tor will give a talk on the Lutheran church of Texas. Bible stndv will be held tc 10 . in. Sunday at the Church of Christ, Mon tana and Raynor strata. The pastor will preach at 11 a. m. and at 7:45 p. m. At Christian Science Church. The First Church of Christ Scien tist. Stanton and Montana streets, holds services Sunday morning at 11 oclock. Sunday school at 9:30. Wed nesday evening service is held at 3 oclock. The reading room is at Hi MiUs building. Sunday services at the Church of the Nazarene, Sacramento street and Fort Bliss car line, ars as follows: Sunday school at 10 a. m.; preach ing at 11. evening evangelistic serv ices at 7:30. The pastor. Rev. W. 17. Banner, wUl occupy the pulpit at both services. A UNIQUE RALLY DAY AT ST. CLEMENTS CHURCH The lesson at Sri Clement's church. Sunday school will be presented to morrow in the form of a mystery play or church pageant, entitled "The Great Trail." This is a revival of the an cient custom of presenting mystery plays In the chancels of the churches or upon floats drawn through the streets. The presentation will take Elace at the regular church school our, 9:30. Parents, relatives and friends of the pupils wiU be wel comed. The attendance at St. Clem ent's has been remarkably good throughout the summer, but this Is to be a homecoming day for those who have been out of the elty. The cast toUows: Towering Pine, an Indian chief, Cbarlotts Hayes. Red Wolf, called "First In the Race." Betty Johnson. Brave Bear, another Indian boy. xieiea jonnson. uncneeda, called "Crying in the N'lKht.- Etbel Atkinson. Gentle flower, a -white Elolse Croons. captive. Spirit ot Missions, an Era Jenkins. Inspiration, The Mother of Us All, Eeclesla jjocens. Anna jonnson. AnUphon. Verslcle, Zonabelle, Traf . ton. J Response, Thelma Trafton. Advent Sunday, Lanra Lawsen. v Second Sunday In Advent, Barbara Brown. i Christinas Ere. Catherine Cook. Christmas, Grace SherrlL Feast of the Circumcision, Dorothy Perkins. Candlemas, Bettr Cameron. Epiphany, Alice Arnold. Sundays After Epiphany. Alma Cornwall. Clara Sersrenr. Septuageslma, Annie Lyles. Sexagestma. Lola Cameron. Qulnquagesima. Evelyn Walker. Ash Wednesday. Alice Root. . Days of tnt. Vlrgie Lee Dickson. Palm Sunday, Mary Parker. Maundy Thursday, Marigold Dunne. Good Friday. Katherine Harms. Easter Evening. Alice MetseL Easter Dar. Linetta Robes'. Great Forty Days, Franees Turner.1 Ascension iay, josepnine uurney. Whit Sunday. Betsy Dixon. Trinity Sunday, Ida Glen Montgom ery. The Saints Days, Dorothy Atkinson, Alice Brnnner, Catherln Lawson, Mar Joris Beiden, Eleanor Fleming; TO SLEEP TVKLL Take Uoraxords Add Phosphate Half a teaspoonful In a glass of water, taken before retiring. Insures restful sleep Adv Sell Liberty Bonds to Cnrtlss A Cc-Adr heart throbbed and beat in sym pathy for mankind. He was the expression of the Father (neb. It3). In Ills preaching, this was prominent in nis healing this was demonstrated, in Ills suffer ing it was evident. "Surely He hath borne onr griefs and carried our sorrows.1 Jesus emphasized the fact that "He was sent forth." This statement oc curs no lees than six times In the 17th chapter of John's gospel. He cams not merely to make men wining to be saved, not merely to turn away wrath, but to reconcile man to God. Thus Paul says to Corinthians, "be ye reconciled to God." and to the Epheslans "that He might reconcile both to God In one body by the cross." Salvation Is Gods Plan Salvation Is not e. theory, not an Invention, it Is the great purpose of God bnd originated with Him alone. There is a wonderful picture in the art gallery at Venice of Jesus being sent forth by God. Jesus in the fore ground and God behind Him. Jesus was God's missionary, sent forth not in a Tague way but special, with a specific mission to bless men. So to day He comes to us by the holy spirit, whose office is to "convince the world of sin." He pleads with men by the preachers of righteousness, lie comes to bless. To terrifyf 2Vo. To appaUf No. To destroy? !fr. -Ue sent His Son to bless." This is the best commentary on that beatitude which says "bless them, that curse you." God sent Him first of all to those who committed the firreatest crime. Blessing, it is of the highest kind, be ing a restoration to tne zavor oz uoa. Jesus first word was "blessing" (see Matt. v:l-). Lnst Act a Blessing. When John was in despair and sent messengers to Jesus, He took them around with Him on His errand of mercy, then bade them return to John and tell him what they had seen, and finally above all to tell John that "the gospel was preached to the poor." His first word was blessing A. P. COLES & BROS 204 North Oregon Street. In Business Over 30 Years REAL ESTATE, MORTGAGE, INSURANCE AND BOND5. Exclusive agents for Cotton Addition a specialty. Best warehouse and factory location in the city, with trackage any size up to 50 acres; with prices lowest of any around El Paso. Choice residence lots on Grant Avenue and Boulevard, as low as $700 per lot. Terms one-sixth cash, balance one-sixth in 1 , 2, 3, 4 and 5 years ; 6 percent interesL If you want a GOOD HOME we have it at the'lowest price. We try to please our customers in houses, valley lands and choice business properly. Salesmen Beckley Copley Coles For Insurance see JIM G00CH. For Legal Bonds see BURGES & BURGES, Attjs. and Ukwls hta last act on earth as He bade Ms disciples farewell "He lifted up His bands and blessed them (Lake xxiv. 50). ReHsIon ! not a fire lasixranee policy. It la a tnrnlng away from latqnjty. The bible eallfl sin. sin It declare that there Xm only one way of escape While Tre may hnre many plana. God has but onr, nnd Jnst aa we are 1 .aJ- 4 ... Wings of the morning! Begin your day with a really goocf cup of coffee. Get the delightful fragrance. the smooth rich flavor. . the invigoration and cheer. the set-up for the day's work. Get Schilling Coffee one of the coffees packed in vacuum-sealed tins the only way to put the full fragrance, flavor, cheer and invigoration of good coffee into your cup. Your money back if you want it. Schilling Coffee bora one by one. ns we sin one by one. as we die one by one, so men are saved one by one. This la the purpose of the great Father of na all, to fflre via this freatest of all blessings, the very purpose for which Jesns Christ ehme- M6od bavin; raised op His Son Jesns. sent Him to blesn 700. In run. Is k away every one of yoa from his Iniquities. L. J. OVERLOOK BROKER PHI V ATE (.BASED WIRE orrvspondents. Logan A Bryan. Chleag. ffew Tork. Paine. Webber Co. Bee ton. Dnlatn. SIT Jtortb Orecoa St. Pbeae SCSI St. Rest Hotel. rV