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By "Bud" Eutherford week-End Edition, somber 11-12. 1920. EL PASO HERALDSPORTS, RECREATION and OUTDOOR LIFE Tris Speaker INDIAN PILOT IS SHOWING OLD FORM AND IS CLOSING UP CHICAGO, HL, Sept. U- Tris Speak er, manager of the Cleveland In dians, regained his batting eye during the past week and tied George Sialer. the St. Louis star for batting honors in the American league, ac cording to averages released today and which include games or last Wednesday. Slsler went into a slump and dropped to -331, the mark which Speaker has attained. Joe Jackson, of Chicago, stands In third place with an average of .384, while Babe" Ruth, the New Tork homerun king, is In fourth place with 375. Ruth cracked ont his forty-eighth homerun during the past week and broke the homerun record held, by Perry Werden. of Minneapolis. He now Is the greatest homerun hitter of all tlm1 Roth Trends Run Getters. Rath Is leading the run getters with 140 runs to his credit, while Rice, of Washington, is far in front to stolen bases with 49 Other leading batters for 0 or more games E. Collins, Chicago, Jfr. . Meus&L New York. .36, Rice. Wash ington 343 Judge, Washington, 32 Jacobson, "St. Louis, .317. Hen-drj-x. Boston. .M7 Nicholson, of Pittsbsrc nm de throned Horasby of St. Louis, for batting honors in the atlonal league. The slugging Pittsburg outfielder Is hitting -3ST, while the St- Louis star losaDed to .353. I with Esyres, of Boston, pushing OUBLfc GRW AT iTROUBlf n If yon would double your cash or your fame and bring rtal-j glory to your family name. avoid the blame and also tie shame of appearing 31-dressed while playing life's game. Trot aroufid to our shop and give the FaH styles and ready made wearables for men a min ute or two inspection. If you've never visited oar shop you will be delightfully sur prised. We treat our buyers and lookers all me same. 103 Texas St &&? &r JFZS slKJWb t7r i i ' l ssssLsaViassssnW AB&r- r yyHtr WM .-attCwi Our Chicago Tailors Ed. V. Price & Co. operating under their fixed policy of holding tailoring prices down, through their buying power and splendid or ganization, have helped the retail market by attracting similar high grade woolens to a more "moderate price level and forcing inferior grades down to where they belong. It vnll be interesting to even; man "oho ap preciates real quality woolens to see our offer ings on suits and overcoats, priced in the neigh horhood of $50, $60 or $75, tailored to in dividual meaiuremenL Make sour selection now. Richard V. Pearson 110 Texas Street Local Home of Ed. V- Price & Co., Hand Tailored ' Clothes. him with .331. Williams, of Phila delphia cracked ont another homerun "and .has brought his string up to 14. while Carer, of Pittsburg, continues to show the way to the base atealera with 48 thefts. Bancroft, of TTew VorL. I. the beat ran setter with Sa tallies. Tonne la Well Up. Other leading batters: Tonne. New Tork. .344. Roush. Cincinnati. J10: J Smith, St. Louis, .328. Stock. St. Louis, JIJ, Z. Wheat. Brooklyn. J! J. Kins. New York. J21. Hollocher, Chi cago. S 18 Wlckland. of Toledo, has batted himself Into second place in the American association with an aver age of Jit. while Hartley, of Colum bus, tops the list with J 51 Margrave, of St. Paul, and Brief, of Kansas City, remain In a tie for homeruns with 2 each, while Rapp, of St- Paul, is oat In front in stolen bases with 43. Other leading; batters Rondeau, Minneapolis. 13); Har grave, St. Paul. JI2 Hyatt. Toledo, S27. Tlncup. Louisville. 336; Good. Kansas City, 325. Wade, Minneapolis, MS. Rapp, SL Paul. SSI; E. Miller, St Paul. 220, Brief. Kansas City, J18. western league oaner eon tlaned to be led by East, of Wichita, with .377. while Yaryan, a team xaate la the numerup with .342. Lee, of Omaha, heads the base 'atealera with 33 thefts, and Yar yan la far ahead In homenms with 31. Other leading batters. Bogart. Jop lln, .338; Pitt. Oklahoma City. .220. Piatt, Omaha. .337. Shestak. SL Joseph. .335. Tierney, Tulsa. .224. Beck, Wichita. .321: Lellvelt, Omaha, . .384; Waker, St Joseph. .323. Grand Jury To Hear Players Chicago, III, Sept. 11. Subpenaa for all members of the Chicago Na tional league baseball dab to appear before a grand jury in connection with charges of camblinsr In base ball, which were ordered issued, are being held up. It was learned Friday nlAit. tor cnlcaro team, now Playing in the east, does not retxtrn home for more than two weeks ana conse quently it Is possible that only & few players may be called at the present time. It was saio. The errand inrr wlU convene Mon av and will Immediately call Presl dent Veeek of the Chicago dub and ! other league officials. It wa said. Besides looking into the cnarges tnat a recent game between the Chicago and Philadelphia teams was "fixed" tnr 'Phiiadelnhla to win. the Jury has been charged with Investigating every form of baseball gambling. narv PHETEVTS RACING. Hartford. Conn, Sept. 11- Rain wmiv nr,nntd the final day's races of the Grand Circuit meeting and the" majority or the staoies were tpmeoi shipped to Syracuse, me ni siup. The colt race, unfinished Thursday. was declared completed by the Judges, with Worthy Chief. Crossman driv ing, the winner. Jane the Great. (Cox), second, and Silver Bertha. (Sherrlll). third. Ttam-;n. VAUre OVER TERMS. Prank Baker paid his promised visit to New York last week and held a conference with otflleals of the Yankees, but nothing definite seems to have been deciaea aDoui nim re. Joining the team. wrrrrn GOES TO CUBS. Oscar Fuhr. Omaha pitcher, who has been rated as one or the oest in ine wt leaene this year, has been sold to the Chicago Nationals. He la a southpaw, and strong on striking them out. ' Z&Z Jr'ZZZ a. eT V JMhflKS".- V The -Merchant ' Tailoring Situation We are building our service for men who demand wookns and tailoring of known excellency, at prices they consider eminent ly fair. & 'teprP Z jar Te ISomebody is Always Taking the Joy Out of I . . CCoTTfUht. l2t. N'rw Tortt Trlbon. inc. YOU Aftt Pt-rtr A 4rCT urrrus. Coulab. umit gAMS AND Vov H7-J ThC Deduce, Tnwee, pam1 FrvECP HEARTS Yov DRAutf OfJS CARD Of COURSE TMr4OrlS Tbtf MIGHT AT LEAST fiu a puun eveRritftf FLUSH- - BUi HOPtMGr - HUrUMG"1-"- 11 ?&A. jS!- -S5 CaT'. I 11 t&BIt- 1 " 0X - CHAMP BENNY SLAMS KAYO ON CHALLENGER Severely Punishes O'Loughlin in Eight Rounds; Latter Game but Was Outclassed. Camden. N. J, SepL 11- Benny Leonard. lightweight champion, knocked out J. O. Loughlin, Bethle ham. Pa. In the ninth round of a scheduled IS round bout Friday nlcrht. Leonard weighed 137 H pounds and Loughlin 1S. Louehlln Teeeived enough blows to have knocked out the average fighter in every round, but he Kept coming is for more. He succeeded In landing a left hook that slowed up Leonard In the fifth rosnd. In this round the champion delivered a body blow which Loughlin claimed was fouL Boxlnr" commissioner John Smith ordered the referee to begin counting Loughlin out. but the latter resumed boxing. In this rounds Loughlin ex changed punch for punch with Leonard. In the sixth round Loughlin was greatly weakened by body blows. Ee continued to bore In. however, until the ninth, when, after S5 seconds of fighting, Leonard landed a right to the Jaw. knocking him through the ropes, and he was counted out. Joe Benjamin, San Francisco, knocked out Frankle Conlfree. Brook lyn. In the 10th round with a left hook to the Jaw. Army-City Notes WITH only a little over & month left to Play and all the clnbs and neck In the Arzar-Cltr leasme soma tight games should be In store for the fans. The clubs are all closely bnnched and every one of them has a chance to win the pennant. Tne iort isiiss aua has just re turned from X hike and have resumed their place In the schedule after a montns aDsence ana tne coys are ail in good shape. They trill line up In the first game of the regular Sunday donhleheader against the lister Motors, who seem to have finally shook the "Jinx." which has been hanging onto them since their start in tne league. Uest. "BUT' McCnIIonch plans to start Coombs right bsk again with Dnnlap on the rreelTlng end Sfanager Treft, of the Lesters feels confident of the ultimate success of Us crew, and Trill probably start 1T against the Army staggers with Mnscoof catching. The second game Is sure to be a corker when the Knl?hta of Cnltrm- luia mill .la.Ti ...t.h .Vk ....a C..1 Manager Doyle, of the "Caaeys". is out xor revenge ana the boys are sure on their toes. An effort Is being made trfSSsat Buster Gillette here In time to pflEth the game with "Old Reliable" Marty in the catcher's box. The Zoners are eausilr anxious to win In an effort to get out In front and break the tie. Sunday's games will be called at 2 90 .oclock, and tho ladles are still welcome as toe guests oz the league. FINLAY-TAMP.GO OIL COMPANY FInlsy, Hndipeti Co, Texas. HOLDINGS 45,000 ACRES. NO. 1 WELLOW DRILL1NC Field reported on by engineers and geologists who state it is similar to the great Tamplco fields of Mexico and has pros pects of develop tag into one ef the greatest producing fields In America or the world Write for oar' Bulletin. DUNBAR & COMPANY, Zslecnsed Brokers Security Bank Blag El Paso, Texas. 1 isier: Thc "of ts OPfleD AND RAiSCD 5EVCT.RAI. TIMES AMD YOU STAY AMD LOOK Aft wse as Possible UNDZB The CU?CUwSTanCS oj SLIP ThG ome CARD AMOtG The OTHER Foot. AMD" HOLt Ybut9 BREATH AmD slo-o-o-o-oww SQUE'-S-E-E.-e'Z-E Them opej---ajo- I - Ted Ray Hits Like Babe Ruth Golf Champion A Long Driver ROSLTN, N. T. Sept. 11-Although that most common fault of golf is looking up that which wrecks many games is pressing More than any other nation of golfers we are Inclined to overdo many shots, to de pend upon sheer strength to play a game which has many outstanding examples to prove that accuracy In both direction and distance are the only roads to success. It is strange that this is so for odr athletic heroes are those who have ever beet wielded the big stick, whatever the sport. This Is proven by the present day examples Ruth In baseball and Ted Bay In golf. Both are master slug gers. They Hoth Time Ball. Unfortunately we think that the power of these men is responsible for their success. While this is no doubt so I am sure baseball players agree that Ruth has mastered that most valuable asset in batting tim ing and I can vouch for thts In the case of Ray. Bay never for a moment is out of time in his swing. Re has balance, rhythm and harmony to com bine with his Immense power The result is the longest ball of all and An that is true to line. No doubt as to this when ws recall the fact I that at Toledo he twice reacoea a green ! yards from the tee and on two other attempts at this same hole was near enough to secure a "birdie" three. , It la difficult to convince golf ers in the Urst year or so of play that they should aot press. ?to one likes to be ixvariably short of the tee. The sole remedy seems to be to slug. And slug we do. The cost is Irish tfnl In slices, hooks, lost balls, topped ones and dubs. But this Is not to he reckoned with if the player occasionally lands u one and gets that delightful thrill which only comes when we see our tee hot- brassle or Iron eat cp space. We Immediately have It bred in us that sneh a shot represents oar game, that It Is always to be striven for. How much better for us If we studied results at the start. Take a round of golf so played and let us Keep onr card. Then let us play an other round, striving not for distance but for accuracy and sureness. I think anyone will find that the latter results in much lower medals and far better matches. After all the result is what we strive for on the links. And this result must bo based on the entire round, not upon our good fortune In occasionally sending a screaming shot down the fairway that any golfer would be proud to claim as his own. It Is this con fusion In our mind as to what the result is, which causes so much pres sing. He Is a wise golfer who early in the day on the links learnz tht the result Is the score of eighteen holes of play, not the result of one or two holes that give rise to undue elation because we have bit them a mile. Do Hot Play Over Club. I have alwra believed firmly In a principle of play that looks better to me with each passing year" And it has one outstanding Quality In that it Is an almost certain cure for pres sing. This Is not to over play a club. Nothing is more common. We take our mashles for pitches of a hundred and fifty yards which are in reality nothing more than three-quarters shots with the mldiron. Thus we have to force the club; we have actually to press in order to get home. And the youngest dub on the course knows what pressing will do I like to see a golfer play well within himself. One who sura the wood In place of the Iron for a shot which would require our very best with tho latter Is fol lowing a good policy. It prevents pressing axtd permits of accuracy. One playing within himself can concentrate on those things which go to make up successful execu tion. One straining for distance Is easily a victim of faults. Few players, even few champions, can continue to play to the limit of their game without coming a cropper. There are times when all rales have to be set aside In a critical stage of a match In so far as playing the shot Is concerned. Take Harry Vardon at Toledo. Vardon had to secure a four on the 17th to win. Only a tremend ous carry with the wood would get him home and make it certain. Fail ure roeant-well It meant Jnst what happened The great Vardon fell Rio n aloni. i " ;r . i 'zp- c fm J- ) f S mam k short. He was unable to supply the power needed. On occasions of that kind tho golfer has to give his all to a shot. But the average beginner should forget such Incidents. They concern him. not until he has reached a place In the golfing world wherein experience Is his friend and par golf not unknown to tho dubs In his hag. There Is no other good cure for pressing than to play our shots comfortably, using the club which will surely get us where we want to go. Unless we do this we -will leng delay an Improvement ta our game for any other plan will force us to slug the ball. And as most golf faults come from too great a desire to succeed tie rem edy offered Is not so much a cure as a preventative, always a better scheme to tie to. Copyright. 1SJ0. Sol MeUger. SportQuiz ew Questions. 1 when did 'Washington use eight pitchers in one game? S When- was the last no hit. no man reach first game pitched In the majors? T S How many times did Larry La Jole lead the American league at batT 4 Is Brooklyn a charter member Of the National league? E Did Chick Evans and Francis Ouimet compete In the 19S0 national open golf championship? 6 In tennis, is a ball served with a sharp cut t"" bounds back across the net a good service? 7 Is It a good return In tennis If tho ball strikes In the proper court, though It touches the net? 8 Who won the series of Ice skat ing races between Bobby McLean and Oscar llathleson ......... 9 How old Is Jos Lynch, the boxer? . . , 10 How many cards are used In euchre? p 11 How many times did Jack Dempsey and Billy MIske box each other before this year? i; How are points counted In Olympic track events? IS How many times has Canada tried to win tho America's cup? 14 Which American cup challenger was disqualified In a race? 16 Which was the first yacht es pecially built to defend America's cup? It Which organization defends America's cup? , 17 Who Is out In a batting out of order nlav? 18 In a game where ground rulesJ are in force, la it an out it tne xieiaer Jumps over ropes and makes a catch? U Is It against the rules for a player to return to the gams after some one has run for him? 24 In a squeeze play who Is out when the batter Interferes with the catcher? Answers to Yesterday's Questions 1 The batter Is not credited with a hit if hit by his own batted ball. 1 Comisky owned the St. Paul dub before helping form the American league. 3 Starting with 1914 no National league dub has won the pennant 4 Braves' field Is the biggest ma jor league park. 5 In addition to the national open, Hagen In 1919, also won the metro politan open. 6 Seuchlro Kashio and Ichlya Ku magae were Jap stars in the 1919 na tional tennis tournament. 1 Richards was ranked No. 12 in 1919. . S Oldfleld's record for the five miles is J:SJ.60. 9 Pete Herman Is S5 years old. 10 In euchre the light bower is ths Jack of the trump suit. (Copyright, 192s, Thompson Feature Service.) 1IAUSEH OX JOB. Mike Hauser. catcher No. 10 on the Joplln list this season. Is doing good work for Jimmy Hamilton and tho Joplln manager hopes he will not have any mors changes behind the bat. Hauser was secured from Gal veston df the Texas league In ex change for catcher King and out fielder Ruedy. Al Hammonds inning a surprise on the wise ones when he turned the heavy hlttlrur Bllssers back and won rhis gams. 1 Four" Linin Life - - Bysnggs A couPLe. op plavers ARC STAUDlruG PAT- (nM!5W (H? THeKlNG. OFlCLUBS.M ROSWELL LOOKS FOR FAST GRID TEAM THIS YEAR New Mexico Institute Athletes Already Start Training for Hard Games This Season. RosweU. N. M. Sept. 11-The out look for a championship football team at ths New Mexico Military Institute this year is brighter than it has been for many years past, not omj- , a majority of the old stars back in school this year, but there are a i number of promising new men who are expected, to make the first team. Tt R. Brown, who delivered two , championship football teams on the Institute campus Is back again this year and Is already making plans for ths training. Coach Brown is recognized as one of ths most suc cessful coaches who ever had charge ef athletics at ths Institute. Old Timers Betmrsu Ths game with ths State College will be played this year on tne m stluta grounds, while the cadets will .mt tfc TTniverattv of New Mexico at Albuquerque. The Claren don college game wiu pruoaoiy ee played at AmartUo. and tho Texas School of Mines game Is to be played at El Paso. John Shearman, of EI Paso, one of ths stars last year, has been training this year In the Kansas wheat fields and Joe Ford Jacobsen, the Institute star, athlete In both football ar,d track. Is back and In better condition than ever. The Institute has opened this year with an initial enrolment of SJ. which breaks all previous records. Kodak Finishing Bee Jandara-Adv Hunters will find here a com plete stock of supplies of ajl kinds to make their trips more enjoyable and successful. ' Remington, Winchester, L. C Smith, Parker and Fox Shot Guns. Remingtoa and Winchester Rifles. Colt, Smith and Wesson and Remington Rerorren. Full line of ammunition for all maJes of guns and aers Vni of game. Hantisg Coats, Game Bags, Fishing Tackle, Vacuum Bot tles, Lunch Kits and Camping Supplies. Fall Sports Let ns figure on your equipment for football, basket ball and ten nis. Maegregor golf dobs and balls better your game. We bare them at reasonable prices. Hcaiquarien for Sporting Cooii ARMS COMPANY 317 Texas Street. rTT"UUTrvi U II si r i ' nHBfloKiJlvISI III TEXAS LONGHORNS LOOK FOR BRIGHT SEASON Oft "GRID" AUSTDJ, Tex, Sept. 1L The strus Ele for the tootbaH cbampion t t..i will beain next week when the -Bis Four" spill their prospects on'tne uera ana jcsuj winsowtns process to determine who win form th -rarslty elevens. Baylor salTcrstty Begins its hjci ov AH.h. ii rll Tn, A. & AL. the University of Texas, and Rlee instl tnte, the other three Me contenders .. 4k. Ah.mntnfMhln h4BOXS. haTO called their candidates to assemble the following day saortaorns 10 rj. fSeveral new features appear la the Texas football schedules for this season. Texas A. A SL win play tho first game of a two-year contract with Louisiana state university at College Station on October 1. and Rice institute of Houston also Is carded to meet a Louisiana team, the schedule caUine for a same with Tu lane university at New Orleans on October 16. ....... Tkeae raffles will oe x j Texas teams have played with Louisiana elevens In several years. Another laterestlnz; de velopmeat Is the reramption of athletic relatlona between Texas A. jt U. and Rlee lastltBte alter a saspeBstoa of several years. On the otaei hand Texas university will not xseet Baylor. team with which It clashed frequently In the Advance reports indicate that the elevens which will repreesent the Big -DA.... kTa vr win Hr&w their slay- era from at least MO men. some of them with national, and in some cases international reputations as athletes. Some Stroaa- Men. The University of Texas Is perhaps the most favored with prospective materia, because practically every nMhip nf ,h Shorthorn team of last year Is eligible to play this year, and a considerable portion of the Lons horns. or regulars, also will appear te uniform. The Shorthorns, composed of men svho were Ineligible because of the transfer rule or other reasons, last year were considered by many as the strongest team In Texas. It Is an open secret that In practice with the regular lexas squsa wuiu. . .. against Texas A. & M. last Thanks giving Uay. uu onorcnorns mm w Longhorns for thirteen consecutive downs with less than a ten yard gain. Hide a sT Q.I Tr&F fSMPvMjl SOT hSrv -hI Wu Ride a Bicycle to Work SAVE money! Avoid the iniserable jara of crowded street cars! Get to work on tinfi every time and feeling fine. Ride a Bicycle. ' It pays for itself in carfare saved. It is convenient -always ready to go costs practically nothing to operatti is easy to handle and a pleasure to ride. ALLEX ARMS AXO CTCLB CO. HEX CYCLE COMPAXT 404 .North Oregon. Telephone 678. "we Can Fix It" S4T Myrtle. Telephone SIS. CYCLE ACTO AXT STTPPLY CO. CBXEBAI. REPAIR SHOP 307H-309 Texas. Telephone StL .ijj Texaa. Telephone ISM. C. D. FREEMAN MICE CYCLE AND SUPPLY 41S-4ZO Myrtle. Telephone S1. 409 south El Paso. Telephone ltd. HANDICAPPED I My Success 1st the treatment of Hemorrhoids (Piles) and other Rectal Siseasra has been proven beyond the shadow of doubt. OVHB. STIE HTJX DRED PEOPLE here and In the Immediate vicinity, and over UOO ta West Texas, Xew Mexico and Arizona, ail say that J cored them promptly, painlessly and without detention from their business. So why suffer longest Why submit to an operation, with Its at tendant dangers, hospital fees, confinement, etcf Why waste further time and money for salves, dilators and other useless and worthies home trratmenur PLEASE RBUBSJ1BB, I USE SO K-VIFE. ligature, cautery or strong aeld UJretioui thero Is no bleeding, sloughing or other Injurious aftcr-eifeeta uo sears ta contract, no lajury to museie and no relapses have ever occurred when my direc tions or instructions were carried out to the letter. Embraced In ray specialty also are Rupture. Fistula. Ftasnr. Ailments of the Blood. Skin. Bladder. Kidneys, and other Chronie Diseases and under my up-to-date. Direct Methods, satisfactory re sults are obtained In almost every case. , OFFICE HOURS i n a. m. to T p. m. Sun days. 10 a. m. to XJj sa. BOOK CONSULTATION FREE. Dr. Ketchersid Th International Specialist. (Established 15 Tears.) Rooms 4 to 10, 8 teres BnlXdlBaT. 206H Sffesa, Arenae. El Paso Texaa Up and then, given the pigskin, advanced It seventy-five yards In two downs. Among the Shorthorns who will b eligible this year are George McCul lough, an end from Missouri who was selected as a member of the All-A. E F. teams because of his work in foot ball finals overseas. Kyle Elan and Joe Ellis, backfleld men from Texas A. & M, and several other men who have starred with other Texas school or northern colleges. More than inn candidates are expected to report a' dark field next week'' Baylor university, at Waee, ac cording to reports, expects to build its tears aro-xad Its big full baek. His Dotson. Detsoa gained fame last year for his passlas and. being speedy as well as weighty made a forxnidlble foe when the ball was In play. He Is eaptalat of the squad and has meet of last year's men as well as several promising recruits to draw from. Texas A. & M- winner of las' year's Southwestern Conference championship, has a strong prospec tive squad headed by Jack Mahan who gained a place on the United States Olympic team this year Re ports are that only two linemen will be missing from the linkup of las' year and that 1M men will report for practice at Kyle Held. Rice Institute Is centering Its hopes mostly on last year's holdovers and Lindsay, a ITS-pounder. who does 10 i yards In ten seconds. The school uo has eon.derable sew maxeriaL Owing to the limited capacity of the park and the additional expense of thn Fort Worth series, the free list wiU be suspended. Dunbar & Company LICENSED BROKEBS. Security Bask BIzr El Fase Texas. Write for our tree Bulletin) on Flnlay-Tampleo and Fisher Herger OB. Companies. Bicfde No man Is at his best or can do his best who has a weak or diseased body. A strong, vigorous body means a clear, active brain, and Rectal and Chronlo Diseases such as I treat and euro ars ths most prolific cause of Nervocsnsss, Despondency, Melancholia and lack of energy or PEP. Taking Into consideration the email fee I charge and tho quick cures I effect without detention from your business, it Is a crime to neglect yourself. Write for my new revised booklet on Rectal Diseases, which will be seat to your address ta a plain sealed envelope, free of charge and with out any obligation whatever.