Answered Letters
A scalp means poor circulation, con
sequently a starved condition of
tne nair. Ton can remedy uu easily
by massaging the scalp with the tip
or tne nnrers. or by treatment witn
the use of the vibrator. Ton can give
oorself these treatments at home in
either case. If you massage the scalp,
do It rigorously, all the while, trying
to loosen the muscles from the bony
part of the head. Do this every day
until the head tingles from the exer
cise. Pulling the hair will also help
tne circulation.
A Reader These fatty pores yon
find increasing, most come from some
internal disturbance. Possibly you
have an Impacted colon or a sluggish
liver. Drink water abmndantly be
tween meals, several quarts of it a
day, and also maxe sure that your
digestion is perfect. Ton can relieve
the condition also by using an astrin
gent every night, after oleaslng the
face by applying a weak solution of
alum or a solution of boracic acid.
Rosetta. Too are about 2 pound
overweight. From your account of
yourself, I fancy yon eat too much
and have become dyspeptic. A con-
CM HOW 00 n
After Taking Tanl&c Samp
son Says He Can Do as
Big Day's Work as
''My health was so poor It looked
like l woman t oe sdio to plant
crop, but since taking Teniae I can do
as Dig a uyi worx as i over couiav
said A. D. Sampson, & well known
farmer of Moray. Kan.
' "I was lust about laid out alto
gether, and I had tried all sorts of
medicine out wtttiwg neireo. me. xy
me more harm than good. , Malaria
was all through my system and at
times I had pains all over my body.
I was badly constipated, fait bilious
and had a mean taste la my mouth
nearly all the time. I was subject
to terrible headaches aad at " times
was so dlxxy I would almost fall
right in my tracks. I was too nervous
to sleep well, and felt so weak and
listless all day long that I was just
able to get around the house.
"A little more than two months ago
I started taking Tanlao and it has
pat me back in fine shape feeling like
my old self again. I have a corking
good appetite and can eat anything
I ever could without a sign of indi
gestion. I am not constipated now,
and am never troubled with head
aches or dixxy spells. The malaria
has all been driven out of my system
and I never feel bilious or have that
mean taste in my mouth now. I feel
well, strong and healthy like a man
4 ought to feeL This is what Taalac
has done for me and I don't mind
telling people about It."
Tanlac is sold in SI Paso by Oor-
t dell Drug Co.; In Ft Hancock by Ft!
: , , Hancock General Mdee. Co and Ib
Fabens by Faben Drug Co Adv.
Dont streak or mm Jtm r terhl fa
poor dye. Insist "Maawew. Dye."
MzkeLciBan Lotion to Double
Beauty of Your Skin
Squeeze the Jules of two tenons
Into a bottle containing thro, ounces
of Orchard Whit, which can be had
at any draff More, shake well and
yon have a quarter plat of harmless
'and delightful lemon bleach for tew
Hamas, this sweetly fragrant lo
tion Into the face, nock, arms and
hands each day. then shortly note th,
beauty of yotxr akin.
Famous stage beauties an lemon
juice to bleach and bring- that oft.
clear, rosy -white complexion. Lemons
have always .been used as a freckle,
unburn and tan remorer. liake this
up and try It. AdT.
Headaches Neuralgias
Colds and La Grippe
Tree Vowr Ate S4T-M8
Apftfitt fku x yfctae fbt lite Bite
esstej, sstirfnttlik SesM ctviat-
bosi Try it Canjy aatl ice seam
f the fkett aftj iuiia4Jy doMrcr-
Chocolate TasdHa Strawberry
Maple Hat MarehmaJIew Nat
Heepelttan Tsrttl Fraftl
nesameoe Meatrese.
l Measse
mmmftUmmi St- l
recsn rBaesmg
weaage Asrleet
atant craving tor food indicates in
digestion. Ton can help this by diet
ing, but must relieve the distress by
fooling the stomach whenever it sets
up that knawing condition. Try
drinking water, which may be all that
the stomach requires to quiet it. If
that does not dot it, nibble a hard
cracker, taking a long time to dis
pose of It. This method will 'ncrease
the flow of saliva in the month and
the stomach will begin to act on the
cracker as if it were a meal. Eat
less each meal than formerly and
watch your condition; if you do not
improve as fast as you desire, consult
your doctor.
H. C You are & blonde and a de
scription of you would be "a blonde
with brown eyes." The shade of the
hair and tint of the skin decide the
type more than the color of the eyes.
Tour hair is a light brown with a
suggestion of glint to it, a shade us
ually found with a blonde who has
blue eyes.
Lu 3. S. Red vaseline will make the
eyebrows grow. It is rubbed into the
roots on he tips of the fingers. Care
should be used not to have it get be
yond the line desired for the brows,
or the hair will grow where it Is not
A Han. It seems to he In the na
ture of some hair to pack. The sort of
hair that does this Is generally very
fins and poorly nourished. Too say
your scalp is perfectly healthy, but I
doubt it; hair of that description can
he improved If the scalp Is invigor
ated by massaking it well or having
the vibrator used on it three times a
AU inquiries addressed to Miss Forbes
la cars of the "Beauty Chats' departm-nt
will be answered In these col macs In tneir
turn. This requires coRSsdarable time,
however, owing to the great number re- ;
osived. So If a, personal er quicker reply
is desired, a stamped and self-addressed
envelope mast be enclosed with the qaes- !
Uoa. Tfaa Editor. '
Questions and Answers.
QWhat is meant by preferential
TeHiiK.. c A. W.
A. This Is a system of voting;,
as at primaries. In which -voters are
allowed to Indicate their preference,
usually first and second choice, so
that if no candidate for the office
receives a majority of first 'choices,
the one receiving the greatest number
of first and second choices mar be
Q. What weeds should be used to.
make posts on tae farm! R. O. ja.
' A. Almost any of the hard woods -Inrlnfllng
cedar and locust. If pro
perly treated, may be usedfor making:
Q. Please five me a reetpe for a
preservative lor fl.hlns HnesT A. I.
A. Boiled linseed oil. two parts
and one part good stse. of painter's
Slue. Apply with a pieoe of flannel,
expose to air and dry. After using
line a few times. It should nave an-
outer coat, uepeat application oc
(fc. Are ball-bearings msed on raH-
read locomotives r W. A. R.
A. The bureau of standards says
that ball bearings have never been
employed on locomotives or railroad
cars. This type of bearing is best
salted to comparatively light loads
ana merer ore wotua Be entirely un
suitsd to the heavy stresses to which
the working: parts of railroad rolling
stock are subjected.
Q. Is the Joan of Are -at has
lately been tainted, the one that -was
killed In 1751 A. D.r s. A. z.
A. The Joan of Are who has been
cannon! ted lately by the CatsoUe
church ,1s the Joan of Arc who was
named at the stake to Jill. She is
new known as St. Joan. This is tne
only Joan of .Arc of whom we find a
-When vras Frank; James la
K. M. C
After Jesse James death.
Frank surrenderee and was held In
Jail in Missouri awaiting: trial for
mors man a year. te -was. never
oonvieted of any charge, however.
ana spent tne last z years or sis me
as a mum.
Q "Why does Venice have Erects of
vraeerr I. x. n.
A. Ventoe is bo lit upon islands
which served as refuge for -inhabitants
of aetgnboriag cities dratec attacks
by barbarians. Its atragetia advan
tage was so great that aaay ibsj-
ttves remained aad the lagoons which
separatee ma islands wereTHa natural
streets. These islands were formed
from the silt and debris BrooKat down
by rivers and the soil is an oozy mad
that makes bmOding difficatt. Bead-
Boas would no extremely- to
make, wkfle canals are etrrionsly
easy to construct and mtnmm
Q- 'What city Is known as the Gi
braltar of America? S I
A. This name Is often applied to
Quebec on account of its position and
strong fortifications.
4. Please tell me hew Wallace
Trsrti&s; aarted to make his plcturest
A. B. D.
A. Mr. Nntong was a minister and
became Interested in nhotcurraafale
work while taking a sauuirti- va
cation on a farm. He was so ssc
oesafal In taking artistie pictures.
Fill Out With Pencil
He leaves today for Wrfe? tciosl
Ami says KeTi mtct break a rale.
z& .apt
which he afterward tinted, that he
has made this work a profession.
Q. What Is the largest steer
known r P. H.
A. What is claimed to be the big
gest steer in the world Is a 3.500
pound Shorthorn In Ontario, named
Sir Douglas Haig.
Q. How far Is It across the United
States r B. B. ,
A. The distance varies from 2,153
miles to 2,87 miles. '
O. When did our Income tax go
into effect, and what were the ex
emptions allowed for married and
ingle persons? G. V.
A. The first Income tax law under
0 1M9 Ehaaaas CB9ax
In the Stores
Leading Merchants
of this City
The woman who knows the Facts
about Beds in relation to Sleep
will furnish every bedroom in
her house with
Built for Steep
Twin. Beds, Day Beds, CrSw aad
Simmons Springs, in every -way
worthy to go witkStomooa Beds.
the constitutional amendment went
into effect March 1, 1913. The ex
emption then allowed for married
persons $4,000 and single presona,
(Any reader can get tne answer to
any question by writing The Herald
Information Bureau, Fredrick J. Has
ktn. Director, Washington. D. C
This bureau cannot give advice on
legal, medical and financial matters.
It does no attempt to settle domestic
troubles, nor to undertake exhaus
tive research on any subject. Write
your question plainly and briefly.
Give full name and address and en-
I ' r .'
Can you
Huilt for Sleep
close two cents in stamps for return
postage. All replies are sent direct
to the inquirer.
Nanchang. Kiangai Province, China.
Sept. 1. Floods, said to be worse
sleep in
CD CartngYou g
Kaitssv iP?PBYtrf I
Eitx, Caansen 1
D crCeMnancr V ,
YOU know therelief at getting
backhome after trying to
sleep in someone's guest-room
Your own bed "fits" you, while
the strange one does not!
Neither of them built for sleep.
You may grow used to the
whims and cranks of your own
"bed but you canneverperecfy
relax until you find a bed built
for sleep.
A wooden bed has. no place in
the modern sanitary household.
The longer it has been in the
family, the worse for the:person .
who sleeps in it.
t And in the interests of sleep,
the ordinary iron bed is no bet
ter. Its creak and rattle a strain
on the nerves. Its crude design
an offence to the eye.
A woman will welcome
Simmons Metal Beds. Not only
sanitary but noiselese&i7f or
CBxecttriec Office: Kenosha, Wis.)
than any recorded in the past 10
years In the district north of Nan
chang. are reported to be subsiding
after having devastated a wide area.
People of the districts flooded were
on the verge of starvation. The dis
trict that has suffered most extends
Answering The Call
Cf EI Paso's coming International Exposition de
pends ob dte united effort of EI Pasoans to make it
a success.
CJ By answering the call to buy season tickets you
will do your share.
tj There is another call which intimately concerns
your welfare. It is the call for judicious spending
and consistent saving.
Q On your answer to this call depends your ability
to grasp those opportunities that lead on to fortune,
tj Deposit regularly a portion of your earnings m
"Everybody's Bank." Then you will be ready to
answer the call.
Let us Be Your Banker.
; Dveryjbodgs
Stanton and Texas
Dctito 194J fa Twin Fair
a strange
SHe will welcome the Twin Beds.
A separate bed for each sleeper
in her own room, the guest
room and the children's room.
She will welcome the exquisite
Simmons designs so authentic
and in harmony with her ideate
of dainty furnishing.
Desl&n 190-inTwfa.?ar
lasfJred by the work ei the matter
designers in the reign of Qseea
Elizabeth. Simmons aew Square
Steel Tubing; seamless, smooth,
beautifully enameled in the accepted
decora tire colors. Simmons patent
ed pressed steel noiseless ComerLocks.
Easy rosHsg casters. Your choice of.
Twin Pair and Dou He WW th. SttdsHy
pleasing fax Tmnfair.
If your dealer does not show
you tiie Simmons line, you need
only write to us. We will see that
they are shown to' you.
Free Booklets on' Sleep I Write u Jvr
"What Leading Medical Journals and
and Sound SlsH"and "Kmr fr a
Ptrfect Night's Rtst. "
northward from Nanchang along the
east bank of the Kan river to
Poyang lake. At one time the streets
of Nanchang were under water. It
la estimated that about 1M persona
lost their lives In the Zloeo.
So easy to drop Cigarette,
Cigar, or Chewing habit.
Kb-T-Bae.hu hlpd thousands to
bTMlC th costly, nerre-fth&ttftrlng to
teeeo habit. Whenever 70a bare a
iMfdng for a amolce or chew, just
stae a harmless No-To-Bac tablet
a your aoath Instead. Ail desire
stops. Shortly the habit Is completely
broken, and yon are better off man
tally, physically, financially- It's so
Mir m. BiBsDle. Get a box of No-To-
Bae and IX It doesn't release you from
all erarlzig for tobacco in any form.
yosx ormaYiSX vtu rerona your mu.ipj
wtthnaft tnMttoa. No-To-Bee Is made
by the owners of Cascaretsj therefor
is uorovsa-iy rwiaoii. aut.
Old Folks Need
Blood-Iron Phosphate
Oftea Mtkes Tbtm Look aatl Feel
Tweaiy Yean Yemgtr.
Tom. srroBv and vlforoas at
seventy vooM be the rule and not the
exception if you onl7 kept jour nerves
strosc aad your blood rlcn In Iron. If
yoa want to cover your frame with
solid Sean. If you want the courage,
strens-th., health and endurance of
twenty or thirty years as;o, go o
Oaraail Drue Co, or any other drug
gttt aad set a package of BlooS-Iron
Phosphate aad take one tablet wits
eaak aitnl Nothing; that we know cf
win aa aalckly aad surely restore
your nervous energy and vitality so
positively supply that iron which
makes rich. red. strenstb-butldin?
blood. So positive are we that Blood
Iron phosphate will make you feel and
look: yoanser. stronger and more
Ttaorova tnat we ancnorize ioru?u
Drag Co, and all other druggists to
raffead the purchase price la full to
aayaas who la dissatisfied. Get a
rkree weeks treatment today : it costs
oaly XiMSte a week and note hew
qajeklr you bealn to feel better, now
ranch better yon sleep, how your ap
petite improve, and. beat of all. the
gradual ratura of that strength, en
durance, energy and Joy of living yon
used to feel twenty or thirty years
mm keeps
Ufa Cfeaadmet-aes's reeetpe to brine
hack eMer. TtaTalsesa utf laatre
Bwexybedy M smas tt j
OrxT hair, however haadsom. de-
BOtos advancing age. We all know
mnragea oz a yoauuiu apavr
lotr hair is yoor charm. It
or mars the face. When it
st, twrns gray and looks exreasd.
a few applications of Sage Tea.
BnlDhur enhances its abearance
a htpidrsd-fold.
Don't stay rray! Look young
Btthor prepare the recipe at home or
aw-t from any drag store a bottle of
"Wyeth'a Sagre and Sulphur Co m -pOwUM,
which is merely the old-time
reetee tmoroved by the addition ot
other tasredienta. Thousands of foTks
um reaay-io-ose prepara-
lt oarxens uie nair oeau
es no one can boss. b It
tea, so It aarkens so naturaliy and
efssTy. Too moisten a sponge or soft
brash with It, drawing this through
the hatr, taking one small strand at
tL ttassw- Br morning the gray hair
disappears; after another application
or rwsw 11s naiarai coior is restorea
and tt becomes thick, glossy and lus
trous, and yoa appear years younger.
Wyeth's Sago aad Sulphur Com
povBd Is a delightful toilet requisite.
It Is not intended for the cure, miti
gation or prevention of disease. Adv.
Teaaster's Life Saved
Wrttea a Ix-tter That Worth
Rendtes Very Carrerally.
Oietment Oa Int. Buffalo.
N T.; 1 was afflicted with a verv
severe sore on my las for years I m
triad all medicines and
salves, baX without success. I tried
doctors, bat they tailed to cure me. I
couldn't steep for many nights fro-n
pais. jjoetoTB susu l ovuiu not i:to
for sure than two years. Final! v
Petareen's Ointment waa recommend - d
to nee and bv Its nee the sore was n-
tlreiy healed. Thankfully yours. Wr.I -las,
Raaaa, West Park. Ohio. March
is is. care v. o. Kelts, box
Tetaraon aara: "I am nrond of th.
above letter and have hundreds of
others that tell of wonderful cures of
Bcsema. Piles aad Skin Diseases.
Peterrcn's Ointment la . 10 cents a.
large box at all druggists and thera
hurt a broad minded druggist in
America that won't praise It. Mall
orders tilled by Peterson Ointment
"ft xncL. sFUxxaio. At. x.
Cardell Srug; Co, er Scott-'Whlte &
Co. will aapply you. Adv.
A Square Meal
A Square Deal
aarefa a samara deal for the people
ho oaat oat a aonare meal without
attar pain aad irattroon
Go to your druggist today and get
a M cant box of HVO-Na Tablets, the
great prescription for indigestion and
stomach troubles.
Take one. or if Tour suffering Is In
tense, two tablets with or after meals
and at the end of ten days if you
cant eat a square meal without dis-
as go anu get your money dscic.
That's where the aquara deal comes
But ifl-O-Ka la reallv a stomach
waballder of great merit.
The quick and positive action rf
Ml-O-Na on the stomach in case of
gaa, waterbraah. soar stomach and
heart-burn la worth a lot of moncy
to any suff arer.
War not try Vl-O-N'a at drns.
gists everywhere.
1 1 tmmmjm-arfte) I
Bds Catanli or money bsck. fast
breathe it in. Outfit inclodca inhfilft.
Extra bottles at all drnggists.
for HAIR
aw pota taetdmm of
vm Cmt Ktlw laitndtaot.
M imt ta aar otbar ttatr srtpvi
twa, aUotlto bu wfrwdan ta jmmm$
OM tt MSBim. Mas kJr strseT
cr ftrit.
eVatat If WM Ma aw
kjvt If tbm km ektanMa a m rrowm or
mmrm iiyann u wromn. or rappea Txuiat utfr
Samuh KoMBssV M m met fmf Qn a btm
f RSTALKO aft aay -vy twai or m3 is
Braw from on, to two and so on to
the en. -