EL PASO HERALD EDITORIAL and MAGAZINE PAGE Tuesday. Sept. 21. 1920. OKLAHOMAN OFFERS PLAN BY WHICH WE CAN INCREASE MEXICAN TRADE -L PASO weaves a spell about people 1j reside a snftjaent length of tuna to get acanaratea with tie spirit of the place and with the people who are building the dry. Sometimea men more away either from choice or from necessity, hot they generally regret having left El Paao. Hot a few return after their wanderings, during which they sought to hotter themwlTea and sac ceeded only in watting, -comparatively speaking, the years they spent away. Prom Oklahoma City conies a letter to the chamber of commerce, from a man who says he tired here a number of years and hopes to retro here and make El Paso his per manent home. He is in oil engineering and apparently rtmrniea a noat of some importance hs a city of great wealth and tremendous energy. Yet back here. But the most notable thing about hit letter is that fts entire contents, fire closely Hype written pages, are devoted, not to asking for something or proposing something of personal interest, but solely and entirely to closely thought out and wen expressed suggestions for El Paso's permanent benefit. El Paso is his dry tSB, eren thongh he resides temporarily elsewhere, and he takes Us time to outline a broad constructive puigiaai tor El Paso, because his heart is here. This El Paaoan in Oklahoma expects El Paso to become a cty of 500,000 inhabitants. But he insists that mere time ought to be spent winking out the few big vital prob lems of development, and lees on the minor things, that accomplish comparatively tittle but dissipate energies. "While EI Paso baa worked hard," says he, "it has slept on its opportunities longer than any other dty in theUnited States." One of his interesting and constructive suggestions is that El Paso prepare to make itself the base of all Araer ican manufacturers and jobbers desiring to do business in northern Kezico. Be proposes that EI Paso organise a baik with branches in all the principal cities of Mexico that our merchants cat teach, and a strong branch in Mexico dty. The parent bank should have a large capital, and devote itself expressly to developing Mexican trade for El Paso merchants. Each branch bank in Mexico would act ai an agent of El Paso shippers, advise on trade conditions, transfer funds, pass on credits, make collections, negotiate acceptances, and in general represent El Paso to the Mexican people and busy itself in creating in the minds of Mexicans the idea and habit of referring to XI Paao for anything they want. The Oklahoman further suggests that when thm bank with its branches has been organised it should notify every national advertiser in the United States that it is prepared to handle basin ess out of El Paso to Mexican points. Through the bani, connections these national advertisers would be induced to erect and fill warehouses here and establish branch offices here, while branch faetariea and assembling plants would naturally fellow in doe time. Why are these great firms net doing business in Mexico today? aaks the Oklahoman. Or in the past? They havenf the facilities and dont know how that is the answer, says he. let El Paso furnish the facilities and notify the world of it, and her reward will be immediate and overwhelming. He has another suggestion to promote closer interna tional relations: the organising of an international college, paying special attention to business courses and languages. He would ten all the world of it, and be believes that a large attendance would be had from an ever the United States and from Mexico and Latin-America, of young awn and women asxioua to gain knowledge by actual and prac tical experience in business and customs of the different countries. He believes that aside from the direct and im mediate results of such specialised schooling, the social contacts thus formed would have much to do with pro moting international friendship- and geed win. He would nave the board of regents itself an international body, with membership equally divided between the two countries. Says he, EI Paao should lead the world as a center of Spanish-American culture and partfc'nlaily as a place to master the intricacies of in Lei aational trade. El Paso, the Oklahoman further says, should have per manent and commodious showrooms for all goods produced in Mexico, in charge of tstyTHgenr and eTpmrncfJ men who could quote prices and tell of conditions Then he would have a special dab, a social and business club on the order of the Tottec but conducted especially for the benefit of Mexican business men coming to El Paso to buy goods. He says, what we-aH know to be the fact, that Mexicans visiting El Paso on business are not entertained here aa they are in Dallas, San Antonio, and Los Angeles. I About Broadway B BIOK NEW YORK, Sept Jl. The writer j of this column attended a vauda vffle show yesterday, the first rn a Ions; iw, It was a good -one. bat what attracted our attention, roost was the program. Almost ovary mala j performer whose name was shown there was billed as a "Jlmmle," "Walt," "Tommy," -Johnny." c Jnst as though they were all ten-year-old boys. Last night we got hold of a oopy of the Vaudeville News, an en tertaining little sheet published in the Interest of the vaudeville playera and we found the same condition obtained o far aa man's names went. In It we saw the names of Willie Tierney, Jimmie Donnelly. Connie CDonnell. Al Fox, Eddie Leonard. Loney Has kell. Billy Sullivan, Jack Gobrecht, Walt Winchell, Sammy Smith, Law Dockstader. Willie Hale. Harry Hay den. Artie MehUnger. Skeeta Galla gher, Bud Boyd. Lou Morgan, and so on. All these men are of age and aU arn men's salaries, yet from the list you'd think It was a gang; of klda. Wouldn't it look funny If wa ahoold read In the papers of Johnnie Boeka- reller, Fierpie xergan. wooaie wil son, Warxie Harding, Sir Jlmmle Should Men Wear D ID wrist watchea ro out of fashion with the war? Some say that none but stsatea would be seen In public with a timepiece on bis wrist, but still there are a number who de clare that they wore them when the bullets were flying fastest and are content to hold on to 'em In peace times. Some go so far as to say that they would like to see any one re move them. So there we are, and we have the week to decide the question. Lois of girls think lha their little wrists, and none others, were made for wrist watchea Hew lefs hear from all fans on the subject. Oil up the old typewriter and ans wer the question: SHOULD KEN' WKAB. WmigT WATCHES t Shoot the answer to The Herald. Here's what eome say: Jade Ftaaer Certainly, if he wears It on his ankle. Palaatfa Joe I have no sympathy with the she-male who wear wait How in ,i By WALT THE panic men forecasted has not yet cantered by; our, flag is aot half masted, and we are living high. What though the prophet rages throughout the heedless land? We're drawing princely wages, our work is is desnaad; we find the money growing upon the eteigietna, when we are bHtbery geisg to work in limousines Where once the gmldeTs trickled, they now in rivers ahtse; how many have you pickled, how many are in brine? The times, so brisk and breezy, have lasted until now; and money's been so easy we feed it to the cow; and I am not predicting a dreadful time to come, or drearily inflicting a preach ment out of plumb. But if you wake tomorrow and find the boom is dead, will ycu be forced to borrow before the week is sped? For months you have been tickled, the dollars came so swift; how many have you p"-fc- because of inborn thrift? How many have you carried to some safe banker's vault, while foolish spendthrifts tarried with grape juice and near malt? It is a I'm, en chanted, when roubles grow like weeds; how many have you planted, how many helpful seeds? r r: r'?M by George Matthew Adams. WALT MASON. Dallas, he renin 3s he desires to come can get a square deal the midst of a vast it would net have put it into wheat, horse that can do RraawaTiv the who com here ui the only means i tuxamx, us In Artona the tractors have been se successful that a special section of the state fair wffl be devoted to a demon stratiea ef them. Prof. K. S. Hawkins, a member ef the faculty ef the University of Aritoaa, win be in charge ef the desaosBtratioa. . There should be a tractor and a silo en every farm aad raaek. -Ttme was when empty barrels were given away to get rid ef them; now they ik advertised as a bargain at JUS each. Is a spedal session called to cover what was. forgotten or to head off what a comisg? One iJep fioove the sublime makes the ridicalotu, mi one step above the rotiaaetu makei the sublime agan- Plays And Players DUDLEY. Barrio, Willie Bryan and Idas George of England? Why is it. boysT Send your replies to Bldie Dudley, but don't he angry. We prefer to do all our argwtns at noma. BhTGAOBD FOR "KVK" SHOW. Orion and Colby, producing the musical play, "The Tsmptations of Eve," sow In rehearsal, have engaged Thomas Conke). Qlln Rowland aad Mona Desmond for roles riUted to their abilities. Another engagement by this firm la that of Morris GU more, noted as an artist's model. It was aha who posed tor Howard Chandler Christy's Fifth Liberty loan poster. A3 BSNDBL SBBS IT. Robert Bendel of -The Storm" met a friend recently who told him he was going to Cuba. "Ton have a good right to go there," replied Bendel. who is an Englishman. "In 1898 yon Americana fought for the freedom of Cuba and won it. Ho wonder you an go down there to enjoy it now!" BUT COHF1ICT THET WILL. Lee Shubert announces that, in or- Wrist Watches? ers 'vests, klddo ties, wrist watches and have patent leather hair. Jack Hearts I wore one with the Fighting lOSth and am still wear ing It. Nothing was said then, so why make wise cracks now? Beey If a man wears a wrist watch not an alar racloek. Its all right, -provided he doesnt look at it all the time. Han aad Dearie Don't some of these foql men look silly enough with their near moustaches and pinched In waists without adding a wrist Waton to their make up? Uaslted Wrist watches were made to grace a pretty wrist, not a clumsy one. Carauuielln Certainly not, unless he doesnt mind being called a sissy. Practical Pete I'm not a sissy, but I find a wrist watch useful, comfort able and pickpocket proof, which is to be considered in these days of ECL J. H. DoUay No. Some men would like to wear skirts If they were allowed. Many? MA SOS us, m nuking a special drive for Mexican trade, is issuisg her publics uoas ana catalogs in pamso, and getting in close touch with leaders in Mexican trade and manufacture. An these proposals are interesting, and it just shews hew valuable suggestions can often be bad from men whose naiads juet keep on working over a subject even though their bodies may be at a distaste from the pbee which the imagiaatios keeps vividly before them. El Paso cannot afford to let other cities think faster or wrk harder than we. Nor can we overlook good suggestions, from whatever quarter they come. Some of these proposals are worth careful consideration. The fint time a man rides in an airplane he wonders why the earth was built so. far from the sky. Federal employes on the interaatisnal bridge are getting so courteous that tourists begin to inspect if s propaganda. It's best net te tarry in Tanytows, if you are a Bolshevik. The Farm Bureau. FfPMKPc: 0f El Paso county are invited to Join the county farm bureau. An effort will be made to get about TOO farmers into the organisation. There is a possi bility that the wunen'ef the farm also wiH be invited to join. This is aa opportunity which so farmer should overlook. As a means of caring for the agricultural interests of the country ao method can beat organization, in the county farm bureaus. To issue the operation of these bureaus in the interest of the farmers, the farmers ifcoaH all join and thus aU get a ssy in things. The county farm bureaus are united in state organiza tions, and many of the states are Hatted in a federal bureau with headquarters in Washington. As was pointed out by an organiser, such a federation can never fix or control prices to the public's injury for the reason that the crops of ether countries will always ester into competition with American crops and be the determining factor in price Uw. Birt iirsMh the national farm bateau tie farmer and also assure one te the consumer. ; The drive for new memDers is to start nut auvai ber 15. Ho farmer should hesitate to join up. Ex-kaiser William has made a new will. Te posterity he bequeaths a curious museum specimen: his reputation. The nearly 2flO0fiV boys and girls in high schools ought at least to be able to put the world out if seaebedy sets it afire. Tract tors. ONE tract of land of 200 acres arousa xu ommw, Texas, is to be plowed up with tractors aad planted to rh..r th. -natch af wheat lead does set seem large in empire of grazing land and desert But occurred to the owners w piow it bad itnot bees for the tractor, the iron the work of a doxen males. t rattan are winniBe west Texas. Fee land previously unulewed aad dry they are the bestif net Thomas Paiaa. der not to conflict wttootheropen roas. William Hodge wm begin his Breament at the Broadhorat theater tonight instead of last night. And then along cocoes William A. Brady with the stetement that he put Alice Brady's first night at the Plsjrhouae over from last night to tonight "in order that tt may not conflict with any other opening." CASTS. For "The Mirage" la which Flor ence Reed will he seaa at the new Tinea Square theater on Sept. 27. the Selwyne have engaged Alton Dinehart, Florence Nash, Malcolm Williams. Reginald Mason and Cathe rine Proctor. For "Daddy Dnmpllna" Bnri Carroll has signed UP Maclyn Arbuckle, Florence Flynn, Kd Mor dandt, Louis F-' " IsMor Maxell. Dan Dawaen. Olive May. Andrew and Gardner Lawier, Helen aad Leland Chandler, Oeorgina Hal do ran and Elisabeth Gulick. GOING BACK HOME. Maybe after a while The Charm School" will light somewhere and tie ap. It opened at the Bijou: then it moved to the 19th street, and now according to an anno an cement jnst in, it is going back to the Bijou. Yes terday w were told it was going to the Nora Bayes. Wotell. "Charm T" GOS9IP. . Km eat Truex became the star of "Bine Bonnet" at the Princess yes terday. Ernest says tot, tut, It's nothing. Lew Fields has arranged to have -The Poor Little Bits Girl." produced in London. Edward Dolly, brother of the Dolly Slaters, mads his debut as a dancer in "The Midnight Rounders" last night. A THOUGHT FOR TODAT. Women who kiss each other are al ways glad when ifs over. FOOLISHWHKT. There was a young woman la Thayer. S large it took hay scales to weigh hen , Her bean, jnst the ante, WwH hoM the fair dame. Aad so the towa ran him for mayor. FROM THE CHBST3 UT JREE. "A man Is known by the company he keeps." "And a company is known by the men It keep. THE HEADLIXBS. "Unlawful for a Man to Kiss His Wife l the Streets of Madrid." says The Herald. Who'd want to kiss his wire if he were te Madrid? "Italian Volcano Is Not a Real One." says a scientist. But he's from Los Angslec "40,006 Useless Employes In Wash ington." says Blantoc Besides him self, does he mean? The story of the widow, the widower and the 21 Paso realtor was a good one. Anyway, It should teach widowers and bachelors to stay away from El Paso realtors. "Texas Can Be- Pat In Column for G. O. F" says a headline. What a aad old world this womd be without its optomlsts. " '14 Points to save World. Says a German." He must 'o meant pints. Country Station Agents A conference Is being held to Brus sels under the patronagcf of the queen of Belgium where problems in cident to the rehabilitation of dis abled war veterans of the allied na tions will be discussed. SCHOOL DAYS esusvb yip A SeHO-' j rWrTA - Motorists Utterly Disregard Speed Regulations Of City Bureau Aims To Solve Farmers' Problems On Business Basis "r-kKNG only a three-day visitor In .5 your dty. I know nothing about but I can tell you a few things about your speed." said James H. Flynn, a traveling man for a paint house In Chicago. "I think I have been to all the larger cities and to several small ones, but never in large or small places, nave I ever seen such utter disregard for speed laws and such wilful disregard for human life on the "r persons who drive motor oars. "I saw a woman in a $5000 machine making SO miles an hour within four blocks of the Sheldon hoteV In front of the same hotel in one afternoon I saw four small delivery, wagons driven Sy boys going from Xt to t miles an hour. I have crossed most of the downtown streets and I have eadaagered my life every time. "It Is not just a happen so when I notice the speed. The speed erase is prevalent ail over the city. It seems. I took a ride in a car out In the resi dent part of the city. I saw every thing from two motorcycles in a race to automobiles overtaking me and other persons, running from to miles an hour up. I have talked to a few citizens about the speeding here and they have said. 'Well, there are a lot of cars here,' or Well. this is a west ern town. Well, that may be true, but where there is a lot of cars there Is more danger, and a man killed In a western town is as dead as one killed elsewhere" "The state and national farm bu reau federations are acclaimed by their leaders to be not class organi sations nor organisations seeking class advantages." said H. U Mc Knigut, organizer for the national federation of farm bureau. -When the American Farm Bureau federa tion, of 1,000.000 members, asks the bankers of the United states to re classify the securities upon which money Js loaned, and asks those bankers to base the price of their money, the Interest, upon the, pro ductive value of the securities rather than upon the speculative value, they are not seeking class advantage. They are endeavoring to place the agricul tural industry where it justly be longs. The farm era of this country, through this great federation, have an opportunity to assume a leader ship In national affairs such as no other organization can even hope to attain. The State and national farm bureau federations are concerning themselves principally with the study of economics and trade conditions and, with social betterment. A large amount of their funds will probably be spent on tne garnering oi sta tistics. "Such Investigations are tremen- itnnilv Axnenafve and the direct re sults are difficult to show to the In dividual member. But statistics mast be available In the solution of eco- nimlr nrnhlAms on a business hSSltf Certain -commercial enterprises paid S7&.000 for statistics but were re warded by a saving of more than 11 AAA 000 In frela-hts. to the coal and steel Industries. The farm bureau federations are endeavoring to place the business of fanning on a plane equal with other great Industries of ABE MARTIN T1 SEE'S certainly some underproduc- j. tion when you can't get a enema girl fer love or money. "I nke roastm1 ears where th kernels rum in a straight line. I Jest can't hold th road oa a ear o' Country Gentleman," complained a drummer at th' New Palace hotel fday. Copyright. National Newipspn Service, the country. Their main efforts seem to he lor i the betterment of agricul ture, not through special legislative favors, nor through political powers, nor yet at the expense of any class of dtlseas, but through a proper re lationship with all. These federations were not born In a spirit of revolt. They were not nourished on class hatred. There Is no destructive strata la their pedegreea." "I favor a aational department of education." said Carrol C. VanArk. "I think such a body should decide when teachers examinations are to he held In each state, and where, and that it should send out the questions which are to determine what class of certifi cate the teachers should receive for Hogwallow Locals By DUXK BOTTS. THE ether day Luke Mathewsla was wondering what had becoate of the oid-fashioned country dog that used to ait out in the front yard aad bark all sight leag at no thing. Poke Eastey says the dog has been duly shot. Thm rooming the Eye Straw store keeper made a mistake aad opened a box ef crackers bettom-siae up, aad Sile EUdew went and get choked eating one of them upside dews. Salem Barlow, our eminent' banjo picker, can new sing aad play at the same time. We don't know whether thm is a good idea or net, as the two noises together drawn est each ether. Short Snatches 'From Everywhere Nor is joint the only tiling the world Is out of Boston Herald. Interest in the election so far seems to be most Intense among the candi dates. Boston Globe. So far the eamaalga ts dry enough. It seems to us.. to satiafr oven a nro- hlhlUontsC Columbia Record. The government is waking a liquid fuel from straw. The campaign kind should produce aa extremely vola tile gas. Sun aad New York Herald. The cost of living would be not near the burden It Is If people could manage to get along without such luxuries as the necessities. Detroit News. Soma papers spell the mayor of Cork's name "McSwlney," and others "McSweney." The British gov- rn xnent seems deter xilned to spell It "Dennis." We used to get excited about a coal strike. Now it's just like a bad cold that comes every fall and winter re gardless of precautions. Grand RaaMs Herald. There are two sides to every Ques tion, and even if there were three we belleee that each of our splendid Ohio candidates ror president couia De on all of them at once. Grand Rapids Press. A New York man has sued a drug gist for selling him hair tonic which caused his head to double in size. Thirsty New Yorkers are likely to make a run on that drug store Sc. Louis Star. A smart husband encourages his wife's social activities, on the theory that she will get all the salad she craves In the middle of the afternoon Instead of at regular meal time. Kansas City Star. 'ti'V' By D WIG their work In various examinations. Not that this national board ahould say what text books should be used, but a standard of requirements might be obtained which would enable the various states to use what text books It might" desire, provided that the standards were fixed. This board might well have authority on the maximum and minimum salaries to be paid teachers holding the various classes of certificates, but might well determine these salaries as much upon the number of successful years of teaching as the kind of certificates held by the teachers. The enforce ment of this -could be insured by withboldlng a national allowance for schools to the various states until their teachers' contracts had been signed." 14 Years Ago Today Fna TbeeraM ef This Date. 196. pli-TY people are believed to have been allied and protnoiy so in- lnred and almost the entire busi ness section of Jellico, Tenn. wrecked by a terrific explosion of dynamite early today in the car yards of tbs Louisvuie aaa r.asnvuie rauroaa. The explosion occurred about hundred yards north of the depot and near the center or tne business a la trict- Every warehouse In Jellico along the Louisville and Nashville road is totally destroyed and nearly every store building blown to pieces or damaged. Yuma is to be the lcinc point for the Armour refrigerator cars between Los Angeles and this city in the fu ture. Instead of Tucson. It Is esti mated thafzS.OOA tons of Ice will be used by the Armour cars at Yuma In a season. The members of the tenth Interna tional Geologist congress, held In Mexico City. Sept. 4 to' 15. arrived in Juarez, at noon today. Some of the scientists got off the cars in Juarez, where they are being entertained by mayor SUvano Montemayor and the city officials of that city, while others came to 1 Paso and will spend the day here. An unexpected termination in the franchise matter which the council has been considering for the past week came last night at the regular session of the aldermen when judge Peyton T. Edwsrds, representing Frank Tobln. withdrew the Tobin ap2 plication for the franchise. The with drawal came after judge Edwards had declared that In the franchise asked by Tobln and that asked by the street car company "one had been played against another." though not Improp erly. He thought It unfair that the street car company had been admitted at all after Mr. Tobln bad asked for his franchise. Chief of police Florence Han left today for Albuquerque, leaving cap tain W. D. Greet in his place. Dr. J. B. Brady sprained, his ankle last evening aad will be laid up for a few days. OPHELIA Reflections Of A Br HEXES M ANT a nun waits until after 40. to look for real Jove and men dis covers that his eyes are so dim he can't tell it from all the glittering Imitations. Wba a nam tells pretty Btri that he Is saarrled, sate never aalte Itswws, frees his asaawer. whether he Is aMtes. apstoata ing, or looking far sympathy- In these days of riding- breeches, overalls, bloomers and one-piece bathing suits. It looks as if a girl van going- out of hertihyav to make the "sex-appeal'' when- she wears skirts. Hew fa It that a man eaa get ware service aat at a waiter vnb a growl and a SO rrnt tfa, than a wtaii eaa net from aim with a dollar aad a smile f "Experience" is the gentle name. Bedtime Stories For The Little Ones I UKCLE WIGGILY HELPS TEACHES. By HOWARD H. GARIe. m KCLE WIGGILY LONGEARS, the bunny rabbit gentleman, was hopping through the woods one day. and when be skipped near the hollow stump school he heard the lady mouse teacher saying: "Oh, my dear children! Will you never learn? Why is It you cannot understand? Tou are making me so mush trouble!" "Ha! Trouble! Here is where I come int" thought Uncle Wiggily, with a twinkle of his pink nose. "I hope Johnnie Buahytall isn't pulling Kiltie Kafs tall, or that Jackie Bow Wow isn't barking at Susie LittletalL" Uncle Wiggily hopped over to the hollow stump school, but when he en tered the class room he saw no signs of any trouble such as he .had feared. The animal children were at their desks, and the lady moose teacher was walking to and fro in front of her deck on the little raised platform. ! "What's the trouble?" asked Uacle I Wiggily. "I don't see Jimmie Wlbble 1 wobble throwing paper balls, nor Is i Toodle Flat-Tall sticking pins in Bully j No-Tail." 1 "Oh. we haven't any trouble like that!" laughed the lady mouse teacher ' as she tied a fresh bowknot In her ' tall Then what Is the matter?" asked , Uncle Wiggily. "It's their number work," explained ' the lady mouse teacher. "I asked Johnnie Bushy tall If he bad ten mar bles, and gave Bis orotner tsuiis xive. hnw nuiiT would he have left." 'How many Old ne sayr- aaaea T-nr', WteKl'T. He sala ne a nave ten. vuwau the lady mouse, "and when I asked aim bow tnat couia dc. ne wa ue wouldn't give his brother five hi." Listen. Uncle wiggily, cnacterea Johnnie. "I said that becanse I wouldn't have to give Billie any of my marbles. Billie has some marsies oi bis own. stsndTuJtja "I can t seem to mage tnem unner work." said the lady mouse teacher. Suppose you let me try, spoae Uncle W'ggily. "Walt here a minute, Miss Laoy aiouse. ana yon, too, cnu dren." begged the bunny uncle. "Oh. we'll wait:- mewed KJttie sat. 'And nlease come back and tell us a Bedtime Story. Uncle Wiggily." 'I will it you do your numoer work." laughed the bunny gentleman. Away be hopped over tne neia ana through the woods, and pretty soon he came back with a box under his paw. -Now, Johnnie." said Uncle Wiggily to the squirrel boy. "I have here a box of lolly pops." "Ob, goodie!" cried all the animal children, clapping their pawa ox flap ping their wings, just according to what each one had. "Tut! Tut!" said Uncle Wiggily. try ing not to laugh or let his pink nose twinkle too fast. -These lolypops are for number work. Take tea of them, Johnnie." "Oh, are we each going to have ten?" piped up Fettle Bow Wow. "No! Now please hush!" said the bunny. "I Just want to teach Johnnie a little arithmetic number work. Take ten lollypopa, Johnnie.- "I have 'em. thank you." c nattered the equarrel boy, aa he picked out some of cinnamon, eome of lemon and eome of orange flavors. "Hand five of them to Billie." went on the bunny. "And then tell me how many lollypopa you have left." Johnnie did so, studied over it for a minutes and then he counted and said: "I have five loUypops left." "Good!" cried Hnclo Wiggily. "Fine!" said the lady mouse teach er. "At last, by the help of Uacle Wiggily, you are learning your num ber work." -Now. we'll try It without the candy." suggested the bunny uncle, -if you had ten hickory nuta, Johnnie, and gave Billie five, how many would you have left?" "Five lolypops!" answered the squirrel boy. "Oh. ao! That was the other ex ample!" said Uncle Wiggily. "This is just the same, only different. Try again. Johnnie. But first I'll pass some of the lollypopa among the other children. They can oe tainxung sooui their number work then." The lady mouse teacher passed the lollypopa. while Uncle Wiggily asked the squirrel boy over again how : many hickory nuts he would have If he started with ten and gave Billie T- , - ,., "I I guess the answer Is one! said Johnnie at last. "Wrong!" said Uncle WlggUyT sadly. I "RiKht!" suddenly exclaimed a , harsh and unpleasant voice, "and I'm that one' I'm after souse too! Souse from one of Uncle Wlggily's ' ears, I don't care which one!" And , there was the bad old Pipsisewah! --I'm that one and I want souse!' he cried. I "Oh. you do. eh?" barked Jackie Bow Wow. while the lady mouse threw chalk and erasers and pencils Kabibbie Kabaret CpTTlrai laser fciimMMiai ruan Sentee be Bismared O S. Patent, OeVe., 0f3R MR. wavetBBtE. IVe BEbQhfgM OFF tUflH My F(MQCg -SWDUttTX RETURKJ WrS.UTrERS -IS "TOfSt GCOO PEVErOGE ves Aim,"TuenA back -to him. as second -tifcssj EL PASO HERALD OXMCAXRD TO THE SKBV1CK OI THE FBOPLK THAT MO G003 CAC8E SHALT LACK A CHAMPION, AMD THAT SvlL 8BAU. NOT THK1VK raoPrXWKO. ft sad ASSOCIATKD PHSML, AMKM1CA.N KBWarAFXB PUBLsSfiBBS AS60CIA. TlOa AND AUDIT BURSA t! OS CIRCULATION. -tvj- THB ASSOCIATED PBBSS le eadaMvaty atttled te the m tor pabueauea et all aewa dispatches credned te tt or asTeiaerwIee credited in this paper aad also tae leeal aewa published barees. AN INDEPENDENT DAJLT NEWSPAPER The BI Paw Herald was established la Harch. lit L The El Paao Belaid ladedea also, by absorption and sucCMatea. The Dally Newa, The Talegrapb. Tae Telegram. The TrltMBc, The Graphic, The Sua, The Advertiser The Independent. The Joarnal. The aepabitcaa. The ftii-rw TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION Dally Herald In Artsona, New Mexico. Txa California and Old Mexico, per month. 70c 91 rar. 17. 5 In all other states, par mon'h. 11.00 . per year. Sls.ee Wednesday aad Wtk-Esd Msaes wUl be mailed for S3 fio per year. Wsea-Ead editions only, par year, tx.ee. TBUtTT-NIrtTB TEAR OF PUBUCATIC X Superior, exclusive eatares and eomulste news report by Associated Prase Leased Wlrs and Special Ceresr.andeata eovirlna Arizona, Nsw Mexico, Wsst Tessa Mexico. Washington, d C- and Nsw Tort Xntered at the Postotflc la SI Pass. Texas, aa second class matter. - Bachelor Girl KOWLAXa which a man bestows upon his tollies and mistake, a woman gives te har sorrows and failures, and a peat to his sins and emotions. A man never HEARS anything- a woman says; because, before marriage he listens to her conversation with only his eyes, and after marriage with only half an ear-drum. SeeacaaOT, aa asoa as a man and nsiiisu team to lave each, ether, they testa te thtalc a Ways of maktag each other surfer far tt. Alas, way la tt that one eu saly he "Wmt" te peaale tar wham aae earea atevhtac at all! The only way to core a man of wanting anything, from bclsheviem to a woman's heart, is to 1st him HAVE It for a little while. A man is known by the cellar he keeps opening-. Coorrlaht. liSO. by (The Wheeler Syndicate. Inc. at the bad chap. "Well, you can't have Uncle Wlggtly-s souse!" barked the puppy dog boy. "Come on. fel lows, let's tickle t'ne Pip with our sharp loliypop sticks! Come on' Tickle him until he howls!" "Oh, -no! Don't tickle mall m be rood! TO run away aad not take Undo Wlggily's souse," said the Pip sisewafa. and he jumped out of the window just as Jackie and Peetle and lot or the animal boys rusneu at him te tickle him with the sham sticks from which, they had eaten the loliypop candles. , Then the bunny was very happy. aad the lady mouse teacher was glad he had brought the lollypopa to help her in her number work. And. after while, Johnnie learned to answer Mto'Sitea, of five lollypopa. So everything came out all. right, and if the pussy cai doesn't try to crow like a rooster and make the boiled egg jump out of the apple dumpnng. I'll toll you next about uncle wigguy ana tae tumpy Copyright. IMS, by McClnre News paper Syndicate. BIG GERMAN CONCKRX HAOB BIG WAS PROFIT Berlin. Gel meaty, Sept. 21- A spe cial commissi oa appointed try the for mer uilalssi i of war to audit the hooka of the Palmier Motor works has issued ev report which charges the firm with concealing profits ex ceeding SS.6O0.O00 marks. It is stated that the annual bal ance sheVto of the firm during the four years of war production fail ad to include more than 81.000.000 marics profit, which is more than tenfold the amount of its capital. The Young Lady j Across The Way I rE young lady across the way says there's nothing in mending the roof after the horse is stoma. tt tt re u. A. auutss H sailing Five lellymepa!" amswered the sauir. rel her. I Ceesjw. at h Th,C-, - -as om "5 V