OCR Interpretation

El Paso herald. (El Paso, Tex.) 1901-1931, December 08, 1920, HOME EDITION, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88084272/1920-12-08/ed-1/seq-3/

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Wednesday, Dec 3. 1920. 3
A Creator Sale of
Girls Headwear
Reduction of 50' and
, More.
7SJT undreds of beaver sailor?,
also those of velour. vel
vet and felt. Picture hats of
Lyon's velvet for the larger girl
as well as smart tailored effects
of broadcloth, velvet and other
rich fabrics for "little sister.
Such eU known makers as
"Madge Evans' and "Had"
have shipped at their sample fines
at peat price concessions, (his to
gether with even) hat in oar reg
ular stack, makes this sale possi
ble for Greater Popalar Dag.
Tain to IliJO at -
Values to t S-50 at $10$
Vanes to $ Cso at 3lSi
These are arraagad en four large
tables to male selection easy be
early aad choose the best. '
Bay the girl a bath reie for
Christmas at special pre-holiday
Kwtirtfc Floor
Skates are $2.95 as a Greater
PoptXar Das Special in the Toy
We offer 500 pairs of ball bearing
steel frasne skates. These an the
well known Kokomo brand extra
heavy robber cushion with pressed
steel wheels, extension frame. Spe
cial for Greater A r f &
Popular Day j. "3
Tor Aim-H Pteor
Women s Boots
at $5.00
Oar special purchase of somen's
high grade boots still be con
tinued for Greater Popalar Day.
We have added this lot 300 pairs
of boots with low walking heck,
very much desired for girls" school
wear. These boots are from 7 JSO
to $10.00 valoes. A Greater Pop-
SpecialT. $5 O O
Downstairs Store Shoe 9 Jetton
Men's Shoes $5
We offer men's fine Gocdyear welt
shoes in golden brown kid, blacker
lace style, a dressy last with me
dium round low toe. These are
neat fitting dressy shoes that win
give splendid service. Extra Spe
cial for Greater t gr
Popular Day . .. . . J J
M Piss
Cumfy Slippers
Greater Popalar Day Only.
Men's felt cumfy slippers in
brown, bine, gray Q PA
and wine. Price. tXf
M Mm
Sewing Lamps
lamps equipped with scis-
sors, darning cotton and thread
mahogany finish, - QJ
metal shade. Each 0 7
Birch aad mahogany candlestick
two popular specials in GoVaial
Small sizes, per pair Me
Large sixes, per pair $Le
stfc Floor aad Street Fleer
Women s Cumfy
Slippers $15
'00 pairs cf women's cumfy slip
pers in sizes 3 to 8 Colors in red.
blue, gray and brown. Slippers
that, make an appropriate gift.
Santa Clans
row. Santa will welcome
every little friend daily in the
Toy Asnex from 10:30 to
11:30 a. m.
Come and bring your children.
Santa Clans will be in the Toy
Annex both morning and after
noon, receiving bis little friends
from 10:30 to I1JO A. M. and from
? 30 to 4:30 P. M.
M Floor Tmr Anei
Use Time to The Best Advantage at The
Fancy Pillows Half
Here h a Wonderful Greater Popular Day
, Opportunity.
We secured at an imderprice a sample line
comprising 250 handsome pillows and
cushions. 1
The Window Disulay
We call your attention to the window display of these beautiful pil
lows. We know of nothing that would make a more appreciated
ru ' ci t tt i .1 ... . .
uuaaiua fncsciit. .jftup eariy i nursaay, as uie preruest ones Win
sell quickly
Kid Gloves $1
A CLEARANCE of broken
lots nf tlrT sIavk ftnAef
lots of kid doves hW
of kid leather m black, white and
colors all are perfectly made
and represent the most expert
French workmanship. While
there are not all sizes, those who
are fortunate enough to find their
ttze will set a rare
Values range to $4.00 S- street fjoof
i grand chance at i KflU PetUCOdtS $1
Street Floor
An Exceptional
Women's Fleece Lined Union
Suits Made of long staple yarns,
slightly fleeced in high neck and
long sleeves also Dutch neck,
half sleeve, ankle length style. A
superior made garment that is
ideal for El Paso winters. Sizes
34 to 44. Extra Special for
Greater Pop- 2 -l O
ularDay spl.jj
3rd Floor
Christmas Trees
Saturday morning we will place Christmas trees on sale in the Texas
Street Annex. These are Oregon pine and are perfectly formed,
prices range from 75 cents to $6.00.
Bungalow Aprons
Bungalow aprons made of stand
ard quality percale, m light, dark
and solid colors braid trimmed,
round and square necks, front and
side openings, finished with belts
and pockets. Greater Popular
!.Pri" $1.45
Derm talrs Store
Shawls $5.95
New arrivals of the finest brushed
wool shawls, finished with fringe
two pockets, patent leather
belts. Colors, black and white,
taupe and peacock, buff and
brown, brown and Roman, brown
and heather, navy and buff and
Oxford and Roman. Greater
Popular Day C Z
Special at D.JD
Children's Sweaters
This is a sample line and we se
cured it greatly underpriced. The
styles are Tuxedo, coat and slip
on. This being a sample line it
offers you an unusually wide
range of choice in color combina
tions and models. .! g
price is epic
Dovrastaira Store
&e Stoke o;
Goods Compaq, Inc.
hey come in a variety of shapes
and colors.
"apHEY are covered with change-"-
able taffeta and solid colored
'affetas and superior quality of Ve
letian cloth many are ornamented
.vith dainty rosettes. Regular prices
range $9.50 to $25.00. You have
choice at a reduction of
3rd Floor Art Department
Ivory Mirrors
French ivory hand mirors in both
nunu) on4 rarol .L.u.
tionaUy heavy weight French
bevel mirrors.
In some instances you w31 find
slight defects, but in most cases
the mirrors are perfect. While a
xttr- $1.59
Knitted of selected yarns in Mack,
white and stray grounds, with con-
trastibg borders. Specially priced
for Greater Popular -
Davat. each
Silk Top Vests
Kayser made vests with sheer silk
lisle bottom substantial weight,
glove silk tops. Two styles to se
lect from. Pink only. Sizes 34
to 42. Special Greater Popular
3rd Floor
fiats at $3.85
100 hats just transferred from the Up
stairs Millinery Section, comprising
values to $20.00, will be sold as a
Greater Popular Day Special at
Choice $3.85
Extra Special
Serg'e Dresses
At $7.95
AGAIN an overstocked manufac
facturer contributes to your
Christmas saving. Just in time for our
Greater Popular Day we received a
shipment of Amoskeag serge dresses, in
navy, blue and black. These are
trimmed in colored yarn, metallic and
silk braids, in the favored loose fitted
models. Even before the war, we can't
remember of having found a more at
tractive value than these. As long as
the 100 dresses last they will be sold at
DoTTBstalrs Store
THE second Thursday in every month
throughout the year is set aside for
values entirely out of the ordinary.
The one tomorrow has been planned tuith
special reference to provide holiday gifts.
Every department, even though not repre
sented here, contributes some one Hem of
special interest to Greater Popular Day.
A Request
We ask the cooperation of Popular custom
ers in facilitating Christmas shopping. Two
important items ars:
Please carry your small packages.
Pledge shop during morning hours.
1 Paso's Beautiful Christmas Store.
. 5D)tw Ail
Fourth Ft-oogg
SANTA CLAUS has provided us with 3000
balloons to help celebrate Greater Popular
Day. These will be given free to all boys and
girls accompanied by an older person, or they will
be given to parents of the boys and girls who are
in. school and cannot come to help celebrate
Greater Popular Day.
sfKi Dresses
Beautiful Christmas Store
ys to Shop
A Merry Christmas Sale of
Men's Shirts
IN THIS sale you will find Man
hattan and Emery Shirts in high
grade madras, fibers and madras with
fiber stripes that will be appreciated by
the man who likes to be well dressed.
A complete assortment of sizes and patterns
that are the newest combinations in fancy
colored stripes, checks and neat patterns that
will appeal to the conservative dresser.
Thf M nzTii Chrislmn; Snip. Prices Are'
$3.50, $3.85, 34.60, $4.90,
$5.95 And $7.00
Street Floor.
Merry Christinas Sate
Boys' Shirts Blouses
THERE are only fourteen days to do your Christmas buying for
the boys who can use them to the best advantage in the Pop
ular Boys Store.
Here you find everything ihtri the boy mU appreciate in the Mj
of sensible gifh.
$1.50 "Skirt aad Blouses for Greater $3.00 Shirts aw! BImks for Greater
2Tfr.. 95c S0.!.. $2.25
$2.00 Shirts and Blomes for Greater $330 Shirts and Blotues for Greater
,top"Ur.D,5r. $1.50 l0".' $2.75
$2.50 Shirt and Bloote for Greater $5.00 Shirts aad Blows for Greater
Popular Day fi oe
at . i. ,
Cut Glass At 50 c
A Striding Feature for Greater Popular Day.
THOSE who attended our $ 1 .00 sale of cut glass last
Thursday will certainly be here bright and early
tomorrow morning, because the values this time are equal
ly attractive.
In this sale we offer light weight crystal clear glass in
genuine light cut, artistic designs. Jn the offer you will
find: ,
other useful articles. You have choice as ff"
long as 500 pieces last at Ls J C
Safe starts promptly at 9.-00 oc"ook We make no reservations, none can
be JelirereJ all sales final. Sale lakes place in the Jemdn Section on
the Street Floor.
ALL dresses which were previously sold
at the special price of $23.00. have
been reduced still more. In the lot you ca
hod beautiful tricotine and serge dtewes in
navy aad black Included in these wfll be
found tricolette dresses in tr n rf
a full range of sizes tj Ij5
Coats $15
New arrivals k coats that offer you a con
plete range of colors, sizes and materials to
select from at this nominal price. In the
offer you wtU find velours and coatsgs k
blue, brown, grey, green and black. Sonte
of these 'show targe shawl collar, others
have kit cooney collars both ptak tailored
and belted model are offered ob Greater
Popular Day g.
Pure wool sweaters of high grade 2ephyr
yam coat, tuxedo and slip-over models.
Colors black, navy, copes, peacock, turquoise,
salmon, rose and white. For Greater
Eafr:.: $4.95
.$1.85 2??.?Z $3.50
Popular Day
Trousers $5.50
We offer aa Extra Sped! oa all
wool tfousera. These sell regu
larly at SlOflO aad SUM. Extra
Special for Greater A r- C-
PopoUr D7 45 .5 CJ
Comforts $3.75
Floral silkoline covered comforts
both sides alike filled with
pure white cotton scroll stitched.
Former value $4.50. Greater
Popular Day
Special at P0, 3
BwBstirm Stew-
Cotton Blankets
She 60x76 in taa and gray,
with fancy striped blue and pink
borders, shell stitched ed?e. Great
er Popular &Q 7 !
Day Offer tp. O
ltorTfTu4fi Store
Plaid Blankets
Wool nap quality size 64x76
in tan and gray, blue and gray,
block checks, with fancy striped
borders. Whipped edge. Greater
Sr'" $3.95
f-DTrBtaln Star
A Cf eater Sale of
Coats at $39.50
Reductions Are Radical
JTOR Greater Popular Day
we have selected 60 high
grade coats and marked them at
a pnenominaUy low price. Id
the assortment you will find both
doth and plush coats. Some
are plak tailored while others are
fur trimmed models all are lined
with sflk. Extra Special at
3tk Fitter
Blanket Robes
For peraoaal satisfaction or for
Christaaaa gifts, we offer an Extra
Special in Beacon Blaaket Robe
"Amm cone is floral and Indian
darigna. Values to S10.50. Extra
Special fer Great- f&g Q
er Popalar Day. . . . J J
Sta Floor
Plaid Skirts
100 wool plaid akirta have beer,
grouped for Greater Popalar Day
rnese skirts sold regular; up t"
$29.50. Extra Bpeeia for Greater
Sfli Ftorr
Silk Petticoats
In great values await yon to
morrow in silk petticoats. Price
are as foltows:
$10150 petticoats at J6-95
$17 JO petticoats at $.75
Sth Floor
Half Price Sole of Fars and
El using Dresses are again a fea
ture for Greater Popalar Day.
Table Cloths
One lot of Jap printed table cloth
in sixes 48, 80, 72. No napkins tr
match. Less than aalf price. tl.V
One day onry. . . . .$ 1 . 25
Srd Floor
Table Cloths
f4x4 hemmsd aad round scallop.!
table dotfaa, beautiful patten
worth up t oSSuS. Thnrsdav on! .
Lace Scarfs
Beautiful fOst scarfs-36, to, M
Baches long. Yaaes up to $3 00
3rd Ki-or
Christmas Gifts galore 9 ill be
fmmsi in oar Thai Floor Ltnen
Bed Spreads
fas satia finished bed spreads of
aliiilanlisl waight and even te
tare aiaea 80x90 inches sH n
patterns desigBed since the rar
The pries win remind you of pre
war sales. For Greater Popular
Hd:. $6.45
t Floor
Mai Orders a9 be fUei anil
December II th. Not prepaid.
Blouses $3.00
Far Greater Popalar Day ne
have increased the special lot of
georgette blouse in the Pre
HoliAay Sale.
IN THE offer you wfl find
a full range of sizes of georg
ette blouses m flesh and white at
well as suit shades. Some are
beautifully trimmed m Val lace,
others are in pretty designs in silt
embroidery, wane some combine
embroidery and beading m har
monizing effects. There are both
the tie-on and regulation warst
Ike. Greaser Popular Day Spe-
af $3.00
Stfc Floor Bleu Shop
Doll Bonnets
TO advertise the opening
of our sewing machine
department on the 6th floor
we are distributing free doll
These are made of good
qualify material in contrast
ing colors. These trill be
given free to little girls ac
companied blf their mothers,
or to mothers tvho have Utile
girls who stay at home tvhile
mother shops. ath Ftow

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