OCR Interpretation

El Paso herald. (El Paso, Tex.) 1901-1931, December 23, 1920, HOME EDITION, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88084272/1920-12-23/ed-1/seq-8/

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Thursday, Dec. 23. 1920.
Miss Verna Altman, Bride-To-Be,
Honor Guest At Pretty Luncheon
Br OLUB p. ulnsdkn
l Mrs. Lucas. Hostess At Delightful
Party Honoring Miss Charles Carter
WISS NELL SMITH gave a luncheon
yl of pretty detail today to com
pliment Miss Verna Altman. a
bride-to-be of the coming week. The
luncheon was given at Hotel Paso del
Korte and sweet peas and roses were
th dainty flowers of decoration.
Hie Happiest Thought
of All
We have a tremendous
stock of everything in
the market, but you had
better get yours before
all are sold.
101 Texas Street
Phone 3262
For Headaches and Neuralgia
Place cards depicted tile bridal motif
and marked places for Miss Altman
and the members of her wedding
nartv. inelndina- Hiss Evelyn Ellison.
Miss Vilas Simmons and the hostess.
Following the luncheon the party
motored to the station to meet Miss
Airman's fiance, L. O. Dntton, Jr., of
Fort Worth.
A bout El Posoons.
News comes from C H. Lester. Long
Beach. Calif., of the ssrlons Illness of
Mrs. Lester.
J. D. O'Connor Is recovering from
an operation performed a week ago
at Hotel Ineu.
Little Billy Howell son of Mr. and
Mrs. H. L. Howell la recovering from
an attack of pneumonia at the Howell
home on Upson avenne.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lynn, of Dallas,
left for home Tuesday after a visit to
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Riley, of JlOt Au
rora street. Mrs. and Mrs Lynn were
recently married in Dallas.
The condition of Kathryn Payne
rtrrcs, wno is surxermg wren, an at
tack of pneumonia at the W. F. Payne
home on Montana street, is quite sat
isfactory. The news of the death of
her grandmother. Mrs. Allen, which
took place Thursday morning, has
been kept from her.
Women's Organizations.
The regular monthly business meet
ing of the Altar guild of St. ClsmentV
Episcopal church was held on Tues
day afternoon at s oelock. After the
business session was held and annual
reports given. Mrs. Ward Worthlng
ton. In a few appropriate remarks
expressed appreciation on behalf of.
the members of the guild and con
gregation of the excellent work and
faithful leadership of the retiring di
rectress. Sflsa Gerrnde Tale, who
after service of four years, declined
reelection. The officers for the com
ing year are to be: Directress, Mrs.
J. B. Watson: subdirectress. Miss Hel
en Swift: secretary. Mrs. Ward Worth
Ington: treasurer, Mrs. B. 8. Lane, re
elected. The next meeting of the
guild win be held January M.
El Pasoans Away.
Jerome Dale. Jr. has gone to Los
Angeles to spend the holidays.
Miss runs. Bosserman lert at noon
today for Sedalia, Mo., to visit her
sister, Mrs. IX P. Dyer.
Out of Town Visitors.
Misses Helen Calkins), ma W. Van-.
vllle, Ethel Pickett, Gnssie Dyer and
Lillian Burgess of Silver City, X. X
are in the city to do their Christmas
RS. W. F. LUCAS was hostess
Wednesday evening: at the Lucas
home to a very dellgntfal party
to honor Miss Charles Carter. Decor
ations were of the Christmas theme
and a holiday atmosphere pervaded
the reception rooms, with k Christmas
tree all ag-Iitter with tinsel and lights
containing- presents for Miss Carter
as the central feature. Mrs. Lucas
was assisted In the hospitality of the
evening by her mother Mrs. Laura
McKinney and Mrs. Henry G. Bnchoz
Bnneo was the diversion of the eve
ning with Mrs. M. H. Filey winning ,
first prise and Mrs. Paul Nafe, was
consoled with a dainty prise, not
minding In the least her low score.
Refreshments were served following i
the games.-
Miss Carter will become the bride of
John Fassett, on December 29, and
will be honored with numerous social
courtesies prior to her weddinr.
The guests present for the courtesy
to ner tenaerec Ty Mrs. iucas in
cluded: Mesdames Hershel Gee. Jack
Bibbs, Georgre Newman, M. E. Bates,
C W. Fassett. Richard- Fassett. Ho
mer Holmes. W. W. Wamel, Wyatt
Cutler. W. F. Fowler. Walter Fried
en berp. Paul Frame, Ralph Fleck,
iom i-iasiey. ruicey i.;. tiincie, fit. a
Kiiey. h. (J. uurhoz. Faul Nafe. Flor
ence Roush. B. H. Hensley, Chris Fox.
wanace Lane, tiugn Atien, ixeeanam,
Ross Arnold. O. H. Thorman. Misses
Bessie Routledge. Louise San bum,
Grace Fleck, Lilly Bell Warnock. Con
stance Pateman, Nelse Coleman. Eli
nor Wrisrht. Luctle. Steward. Hln
Lucas, Blanche Lucas and Katherine
Calumus Club Christmas Dance To Be
I One Of The Season's Brilliant Events
INVITATIONS have been issued by
the Calumus club to Ue!r Christ
mas dance which is to be one of
the season's most brilliant events. The
presence of a number of university
and school folk at home for the holi
days will' make the dance a happy
get-together of friends. Numerous
details of especial interest will marK
the evening and a cumber of the
unique innovatlves will be delightful
features of the evening.
The word Calumus 's Indian, mean
ing "brotherly love" and in appropri
ate keeping with the origin. The
name the envelope for the invitations
bear a pictured head of an Indian
With the announcement that
! dance is to be given at the University
other in a long list of brilliant af
fairs Is added to the holiday calendar
of social events. The Christmas mo-
til wni oe utilised in decoration
the club and all of the details are to
be beautiful and appropriate. The
dance is the first of a series of formal
arrairs to oe given at the club and
only members of the crab will be
gmfrrr BALTX fsJjslatbe jSJ '
Cord ell Drug Company.
Friday's Calendar
In Local Society J
AMERICAN LEGION dance at the
Woman's club house.
Christmas party in tile evening at
the army Y. M. C A.
Sunday school of the First Presby
terian church will have a Christmas
party in the evening.
Program Announced For
Midnight Christmas Eve
Mass At St. Patrick's
The program for midnight mass at
St. Patrick's Cathedral, Christmas eve
will be as follows:
Rur. j. x Jrrne. chaplain find Held ar
tillery. oelebraaL
Rev. William A. Nugent, deiees.
Rev. J. J. Backtey, nbdeacon.
Ssv. I. R. Beandoln. pastor of ccre-
Rar. P. H- Boy!, pastor, will sire the
Soletsts. Mr. Isabel Flato. Mr John
W. Murphy, MKs BBvita QeleBtta, R. -
Canon. T KeaTlatn, Walter Davis.
XI: to IX Ocfeefc.
Orsaa prelude, MSaa Teresa Torper.
"Fall Ob Tost Kneea (Adam), by the
eharoa, wtta soprano solo by Mrs Iaa.be!
Silent Nlcht. by the
'Aaaela We Have Heard On Hlsh." hr
the choroa. with bass aolo. by R. J. Car-Orsjaa.
"Holy Night.
Offertory, "aaecte Fldeiea"
Third mass la B Cat. by W. A Leonard.
fejrne Kietaoa.' cnoi
"Christ Kleiaon," soprana mo&o, Mr.
Isabel Plata.
"Gloria In Zxretslm.
"Grattaa." tenor aolo. Waiter Davta.
"Qui 'Tom.- cfaorufl.
"QoonlajB tu Boiva sanetna." choroa.
Crad In Unum Deum.' cnoroa.
"Et Incevrnatna," duet, Mrs. John W.
Murphy and Mlsa Srtira Oaleatlae.
"St Reaorrsalt. chores.
"Et m Sptritmn 8aetnra,w det. Kn.
Isa.be! Flato and Mrs. Jaha W. Morpny.
"St Unam Samctsm.' ehsrss.
"Sanctoa,- dhoraa
ecMdletna," coatralto aolo. Kit Setm
W. Murphy.
"Agans Dad," 4 set, Walter Davis and T-Kaaviala.
"Dona Nous." cbors wtth
by Miss Elvira, Gajentina.
Director, Walter Da via; orgaslst. Mil's
Teresa l orpey. a
Sopranos. Meadamas Isabel Plato. W. J.
Walsh, Bert Anderson, L. P. Voal, L. L.
Mnmty, B. J. Kerley; Mlssea Mary Stad-
man. Evelya 8tadmsn, Elvira Oalentlne,
Aatana essentia, Krtxla, Marie Guan, Ba
sel Ouna. Margsret Hisea.
Contrsltos. Meadamae John W. Morphy.
R. I. Saldaaa; Mlaaas Beatrice Mead. Jo
aephiae Hays, Reglna Carson, El ma. Gal as -Um.
Tenor, Walter Davta, I. P. Togel, S.
Porras, J. C. Arnold. 1 Tobias, P. H.
Nolte. Leo W retail. Lao Hlsler.
Baaa. R. J. Carson. J. V. Palmer. T.
Keavlaln, W. R. Glardoa, J. Ratennani.
Charles Roka.hr.
Chrisrmas morning mass will be
held In St Patrick's cathedral at :30.
. 9, and io:-o.
St. Ignatius Pupils
To Give Program Sunday
Pupils of St- Ignatius Parochial
school will present at the theater of
San Ignaclo. at 7:30 p. m. Sunday,
"Xabal " or -The Shepherd of Bethle-
1 bem." a pastoral melodrama in two
The cast tm as follows:
Abdtaa, lather of Kabai, Ramon Sun
anlego. Nabal. Joaquin flamasiego.
Bermmbe. Maria da la O. Ley an do,
Iasac. EI icio Contreraa
Abner. Antenlo Saiaa
MnerL Ramon Sanchez.
San Jose, Ramon fSamanlego.
Lactfer. Reynaldo Ortls.
Choroa of shepherds.
Choroa of angels and little demos)
Carmen Hernaades. Coseepcloa Mcndlvtl
CsTJa Torres. Emtio U BMajeda. Rayo, Ra
fada y Esperansa Pourxan. Mereed 8am
aalego. O fella Calleroa, Ignacto Csrreon,
Manuel Estrada, Manuel Provteete. Gre
gorlo Mlrmnds. Astonlo afalas, Aug tin
Ortts, Ahraaa Carraaco.
Last Minute Practicable, Acceptable
Gift Suggestions For Women
$39 JO Fr Ned: Pieces, Now $19,75
$4830 Fur Neck Piece. Now $24.25
$75.00 For Neck Pieces, Now $3758
$9830 Far Neck Piece. Now $49.25
Otter piece op to $165.00 Same Redaction.
S3k Under Garments Evening Gown
Silk Kimonos Coats, Softs
Silk Negligee Fine Wool and Silk Scarf
Blouse Fine Wool Sweaters
Dinner Dresses Dainty Corsage Bouquet
H Hard Yrieaaned Fibre Trank, made by tie In- H
H destracto Traak Factory. Beaatifsl cretonne Ira- H
H mg, 4 drawert, 7 kangert. Regakr price $65.W.
Redaced te
$41. 5Q I
AJto osr calve stock ef aand bags aad sak case go at
sale prices al saitable far CkristBias presents.
218 S. El Paso St Opposite Ike New Palace Theater
rerware fer Christmas
And she will remember you for
rears became the gift wil give
long and lasting use aad pride
of ownership. We've a won
derful assortment of silverware
m a variety of patterns and va
rious soed sets knives, forks
and spoons, salad forks, etc
Let us help you choose a most
desirable .gift from this assort
ment J.B.WOOD
Hdw. & RubBer Co.
310 Texas St
TeL 49.
Open Nights, Including Christ
mas Eve.
Nothing Better For
104 Pioneer Plaza
A ToitiG
TONIC restores Energy and Vi
tality by Purifying and Enrich
ing the Blood. When yon fee!
Its strengthening, invigorating
effect, see now it brings color
to the cheeks and bow it im
proves the appetite, yoa will
then appreciate its troe tonic
TONIC is simply Iron and
Quinine sospended in syrup.
So pleasant even children like
it The blood needs Qsinine to
Purify it and Iron to Enrich it
Destroys Malarial germs and
Grip germs by its Strengthening.
Invfforating Effect 75c.
Blood and
a Healthy
System is Humanity's best
protection against Colds,
Grip and Influenza.
Solemn high mus will bo heM at
St. Iffnatiua church Christmas at
midnight. Cinnoroaa's Military zaaaa
will b sane hy the choir, accompan
ied by an orchestra. The martial
spirit predominates in the music The
Gloria and the Benedlctus are the
most Interesting parts. Prof. Trini
dad Concha Is general director. Prof.
Raro Revea. director of the orehestra.
-and Miss Mannella Matens, choir
leader. The soloists will be Mlsa X.
Matens. Miss I. Armendarta. Miss X
Miranda, V. Gnereca and C Concha.
Ob the ffospe! side of the altar, a
scene, depleting Chrlsfs birthplace,
has- been erected. Afiratnst a scenic
baekjrronnd of Bethlehem and brought
out by intricate lighting effects, ts
placed the manger and grouped
around are the figures of Mary. Jos
eph and the three wise men of th
After the midnight mass Christmas
are. carols will be sang.
Masses will be held Christmas mora
Ing from t:S0 to. 11 oelock.
Government Hill Baptist Bandar
school will hold Christmas exercises
at the church tomorrow nlKht. be
glnnlng at 7:1 oelock A large Christ
mas tree, beautifully decorated aad
electrically lnrhted. will be BravMed
and Santa Clans is expected to be oo
nana wltn. plenty or cancy and nata
for the children. Mrs. Rose Toes?
has direction of the proa-ram. which
will be as follows:
Soac "Joy to the world. eoscr.'rt
tlon. Hru 12S.
I Miss Tallulah Ellis Becomes Bride
Of A. M. Hef field This Afternoon
A WEDDING of Interest ts to be
A solemnized this afternoon unit
ing In marriage Miss Tallnlah
Ellis and Albert M. Heffleld. The
ceremony will take place at the First
Baptist church at S oelock.
Palms will decorate the church and
during the ceremony Mrs. W. Under
wood DrangndrUl will play violin
solos. "I Lots Ton Truly" and "At
Dawning-." with Mrs. E. W. Earle at
the organ.
The bride will enter the church on
the arm of her father who will give
her in marriage, the ceremony to take
place in the presence only of imme
diate famOles.
Miss Ellis will be gowned in brown
lace with smart hat and other acces
sories matching. She will carry an
arm bouquet of KTUarney roses.
The bride-to-be, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W. T. Ellis, is one of the moat
popular girls of this city. She is a
graduate of the El Paso High school
Mr. Heffleld Is from Mobile. Ala..
and has business Interests in this city
where he and his bride will reside.
They will be at home after January 1
In the Alexandria apartments.
Miss Mable Culver will become the
bride of Charles W. Rowe this eve
ning at 6: JO oelock In the chapel of
St. Clement's Episcopal church. Dr.
Fuller Swift will read the ceremony
In the presence of the family and a
few close friends.
The bride will be attired in a Drown
taffeta frock with hat and shoes to
match. Her corsage banquet win be
of dark red roses. She will be attended
by her sister. Miss Gertrude Culver,
who will be f rocked in a braided trl
cotlne of dark blue.
Charles rulrer. brother of the bride,
will attend Mr. Rowe as best man.
Immediately following the cere
mony the couple will leave for Mr.
Rowe's ranch In New Mexico and later
they will go to Kansas to reside.
Miss Culver has made many friends
in this city during her residence
here of three and a half years. She Is
a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C E. Cul
ver. Miss Mary Heermans and members
of her wedding party were compli
mented today with a lurch eon at the
Harvey house, given t.y Mrs. Will T.
Owen. Crimson carnations decorated
the table and other ippolntmenta re
flected the Christmas theme.
El Pasoans Returning.
Winston Pettus has returned from
Mexico to be with his family for the
Mavo Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs.
H. B. Hamilton, who Is attending the
University or tne aoum at oewane-r,
TAnn rrivmA home to snend the
Christmas holidays Sunday.
"Guest" Quotes Bible
To Judge Pollock
A Christmas postcard, addresaed
to corporation court Judge Charles
Pollack, had written on It: "So saith
the Lord: "Vengeance Is Mine! I
will repay."
"It most hare been written by one
of my guests," said the jadge.
Mlsa Dorethr Una.
Plane wo, James cnvti, rovr yanr
Raadtafc rraaa K-seaey.
Soar. Tlrk. th Hsrald Ansels sins;"
Riming. -nir Kinds or Girts. ' tarea
mall tirt.
some, -wnen Lsor sanies in, eonrre-
gmtlon. Hymn US.
Kescnns vf xiope uoraon.
Piano aolo by Mlsa Evelyn BraseL
Sonc hy the la termed late.
Readme. Searcy Ormham.
Redlac Evelyn Bras!.
Vocal duet. "Silcat Nafc Xrs. Rob
ert Barton aad Mrs. W. O. Abbott.
Readme rne star, toar small sins.
The Star Bserclae. by six seniors, to be
followed by solo.
tbi scar oc ZMtnisaMm." art kom
soar ay eoasrecanen.
At the regular service at Temple
Mount Slnal tomorrow evening at S
ooclock. rabbi Martin Zlelonka will
speak on "A Jewish Chrisrmas les
son Humoresqne." The following
Friday night he will speak on "The
Merchant of Venice." The usual music
for the Jewish religious service will
be rendered by the temple choir un
der the direction of C J. Andrews.
The public la welcome at these services.
Greek and Bnssan wines were ner-
fumed. Rrenerallv bv steenfna- the
leaves of violets or rosea In the
liquor until It had acquired the odor
of the flowers.
Beatly Finds Business
Conditions Here Are Good
"El Paso is one of the few cities I
have visited that shows no depression
whatsoever." said Albert M. Beauty,
manager of the San Carlo Opera com
pany. "Business seems to be running
along as usual and the people them
selves seem to feel nothing of the de
pression which is nationwide."
Mr. Beatty was decorated with the
Legion of Honor while overseas and
was in charge of the bureau of enter
tainment of the T. M. C A.
"Very few people have any idea
of the work done oy tne i. su -in
keeping up the morale of our boys
in Prance or the problems that con
tinually arose which they had to
meet." Mr. Beatty said. Mr. Beatty
is appreciative of bis reception la
El Paso. .
"It la an Inspiration to play before
an audience such as the one which
fined the theater on Tuesday even
ing, he said, "but my people were
greatly handicapped by not knowing
the stage, and tonight's concert should
be much better."
Prison Bars Not Made
For Dogs, Says Marshal
Dogs cannot be accepted as prison
ers and put In iall. according to a rul
ing made by United States marshal
Mrs. Ruth Wilson, who Is under
bonds for S2SM on two charges of
violating narcotic laws, petitioned the
marshal to have her dogs put in Jail
with her while her bond was being
made. She said she had been offered
Sisse for one of the dogs and that
the other, an Italian fox-terrier, was
even more valuable.
"The dors cannot he sentenced to
Jails, they have broken no laws," said
the naarahaL
8. w. Goldstein, wno was arrested
with Mrs. Wilson at CIS Marotfln
street, was arraigned Wednesday De
Christmas Footwear
jor Children
Practical, appropriate,
economical gifts for boys
and girls of every age.
2att Maa
W. Sehmld. and was released on his 1
own recognisance. J
U. S. Envoy On Way To
Negotiate With Japan
Toklo, Japan, Dec 22. Tama to
Shimbnn says Roland S. )forrie
United States ambassador to Japan,
will arrive here Janizary 10 In con
neetion with the negotiations orer the
Call fom lan antl -Japan eaa legislation.
Aayavae Kargettesi?
If yon have forgotten anyone, there
is still time to Seen re practical and
useful gifts from na. We suggest
Binoculars, Sterling Silver Eyeglass
and Spectacle Cases. Thermometers.
Compasses, Lorgnettes. See our win
dow displays.
EI Pas Optical Ce.
196 Taxaa 8u 211 San Antonio St.
Need Glasses? Ask SegalL Adv.
Con-D-Mental wul
scd keep your
ehlekeas healthy.
This Ess Pro
ducer has been
eld far over 14
reazs to tfaoasaads
ef the bast poel
trr rvsen la the
WQ3 ae as ether. Hann-
asd easy to aesEhutter. Gsarasteed to
or roar nvaar sacs.
A Faekare ef Caa-DMtal Fre
For adeawiaisc parsoeei eatj we mm
send three se peeassa for price ef two.
SeB Z piwi to roar oebrabon for Se
each. Send B4 11-2S with aaaw at roar
eraser or aiuaslH. and we will sead roe
t eaekacac prepaid. Write today.
Pert Werth. Texas
fore Ualted States commissioner A. J.
College of Industrial Arts
(State College fer Women.)
The College of Industrial Arts, Denton. Texas, which is the
largest State-sapported college for women In the United States,
and the third largest college for women in the world, announces
that its winter Quarter will open January 1 and 4, 1921; ita spring
quarter, March 19; and its summer quarter and summer normal,
June & Students may enter at the beginning of any quarter, and
find organised claaaes to suit their advancement.
The college has a faoalty of one hundred and ten members,
educated aad trained In the moat noted colleges and universities of
this and European countries; and is modern In Its organisation,
curricula, and administration. Its chief object in to give an all
round, useful education, which adequately prepares for col tared, re
fined, and efficient home life, and for success in the vocations
suitable for voaea
It Is a Texas college for Texas girls with wholesome social en
vironment, offering the beat of opportunities, and with every neces
sary splritnal and religious advantage.
For further Information, address.
WALKER KINO. Registrar,
College of Industrial Arts.
C. L A. Station.
Denton, Texas.
EyeiyUnJy inyiterJ to visit die Chocolate. Shop whether
yoa are baying candy or not to see onr extraordinary
rfiapiaya. Yoa will find a variety of wonderfully attrac
tive package the prices right and many candy crea
boM you have never sees.
2m Texat Street Psswe. S12-S13
Resltattea aad sens. "Away la a Man
ser. Mintarica.
iMmatitra, imia vim Resaa.
Soar. "Marrr. Marrv Ctai-tatTai Batta."
by the primaries aad Juaiora
Avunvx ay atx joatara.
Vecal aela. Otis MclCeimua.
Reading. Tlttla Boekats CbTMea.
2U -jy
No Toys for Gifts at LESS THAN WHOLESALE COST at
386 E. Orerksd St
S. StmstM St (Cor. 2b4 St)
Stock mart be gr early re4ced at reta3 or wholesale uMiiu IS days. Al goad aarked k shk figaves.
CUkkerrs Bbek LMe - p-
Hbee IOC
Caildre&'s TfaaenUrts, from 3 to S
years .........
CSuHren's Ribbed
Ladies' Black fiber Silk
Hose .'
Ladies' Ribbed
VLS0 Ladies' Blue
Ladies' Sport OoaU
MOO rahss
31A00 Ladies'
SSBjOO Ladies Far Xrinuned (in Q r"
Prosn CoaU P JLZ.OO
$15jOO Ladies' Bsrgs
Ireeees .. .
I0J0 XJ. S. GovernBent
S3J0 D. S. Goversnaent
Blankets r
Men's GaoBtlet
26c Usbeeeseed Sheeting,
tlM, Ladles Heavy TJnkm
SOe Oaiieo in different shades,
35e Zephyr Uingtasas and Cretonnes, -J r-
yard IOC
30e Fbnaei, -1 -
yard IOC
&S0 Ladies' Hesse Dresses and J -1 Q Q
AprOBS ipleOa
tittO TJ. S. Benovsted tf -t q r
QoSts jleJ7
$J Wool
ase Hen's Bladt
Toe Men's Winter Caps with
92.00 Hen's Dress Shirts with Q"T
Collars iJ I C
Oue lien's Wool
tlM Boys
Good Blue Work Shirts,
97e and
Hearv Weight lien's Fleeced Lined pe
Shirts and Drawers, garment luC
tM Ladies' Silk Sleeveless tf 1 A
Sweaters B 1 IU
433.00 Ladies' Ptosl and Cloth ' rfQ Q p-
Ceats 47.00
Heary Weight aim's Bibbed Shirts -"
and Drawers, gannent OC
L50 Boys' Dress Bknises,
ires op to U
$1.50 Man's Leather
1J!5 Boys' Heavy Kibbed Union r--k
Suits OUC
L25 Girls' Ribbed Onion SaJts, r-r.
from 2 to 12, heavy weight OUC
fl.00 Heavy Fleeced Boys' Shirts and CV
Drawers, garment OUC
Boys' Heavy Fleeced J2.00 Union
Softs, sixes 23 to 34
12X0 Men's Heary Bibbed Union tf -J -J Q
Sorts $1,117
$3.00 Msa's Fleeced Lined Union f Q r"
Sorts jl.a70
300 Doses Hen's Heavy Weight Q V
Jersey Shirta. worth 2-50 Z) I C
$2jM Manrs Gray
S2JJ0 Boysf Bsavy Gray Sweater 7f"
wtth collar aad pockets. Sizes 2C to 34 OC
$3M Men's Blue and Gray Sweat- rf -1 nn
ers, with collar and pocket 9l .aW7
$20 Heavy Weight Bras Over
alls and J ampere, pair
$2.00 Medium Weight Btne
Overalls and Jumpers
C20.00 Men's Winter Suits in dif
ferent patterns, in all
SSSiW Men's nSf -J Q7
Softs J1 1.17
$35.00 Men's
330.00 Men's Overcoats,
latest styles
34.00 Men's
$4.00 Flannel Shirts,
in different col Ion
$840 Men's Dress
$4.00 Men's Work
$8.00 Men's Dress
$340 Boys' Smoked Elk Shoes,
sines 9 to 12
34.00 Ladies'
$3.50 Misses' High Top Button
Shoe, sons 8 to 2
$8.00 Mackinaw.
J18.00 MackinawB
5000 pairs Rubbers, Men's, Wi
t's nnd Chil
306 E. Overland St
Mail Orders Given CarefrJ and Immediate Attention.
321 S. Steatea St (Cor. 2mi St)
Mnst Be SoM Wnoiesale or RetaJ

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