Pesos, 51 V4c; Xencu gold; $50; nadonalee, S25J0;
bar silver, domestic 9954c, foreign 67Hc; copper, 13
iS'Ac; grain, tame; livestock, steady; stocks, lower.
El Paso, fair; west Texas, fair; Hew Mexico, fair;
Arissna, fair.
fOTTflN SLUMP i m o iw
Many Growers Will Return
lo Alfalfa And Buy
Back Cattle They Sold.
Goodyear Rubber Fight
Due lo Cotton Losses;
Phoenix Growing.
POHNTJC Aril, Jan. 5. Cotton's
stamp in price has hit Phoenix
and the Salt river valley of Ari
zona very hard.
It is scarcely possible that half the
acreace cultivated this year Till be
planted next year. This year's crop
amounted to about 186.000 acres and
w-here a price of M cents and more
was expected, except where termers
had contracted their sale in advance,
u-ey can't sell for 20 cents now.
One of the thins that put the Good
year Tire and Robber company into
financial difficulties and is fords;
rr-uK a. oeioerung to met tne bat
tle of his life to save it from the
hands of a receiver, which certain
stockholders are clamortnc for. is the
Salt river cotton crop. His firm of
fered to guarantee M cents for cot
ton of the long- staple variety grown
here and actually contracted for a
majority of the crop. The company
"made good" on its promise, but is not
In the market for another crop next
year and cannot set rid of what it has
How El Paso 1 Interested.
El Pssosds axe Interested in the
matter of Salt river cotton, because
cotton was Introduced as an El
Paso crop during the past year and
many farmers thought that at last a
crop had been secured that would
fr-rever prove a money maker. People
of the Salt River valley until very
recently thought the same tring.
Bat next year there will be
si ore alfalfa In the Salt rlvr val
ley than there will be eottoa aad
the tea who pleafffcea' up their 1
raas;e and grapefralt grove t 1
plant cettea are aw vry.
Alfalfa is at present bringing S3;
a ton in this valley, but cattlemen are
authority tar tan rtal ant fas
can be bought in stacks in Kansas
and the middle west for 15 to 11 a
ton. and they feel lat the present
high price here is just a loeal condi
tion and that the price of alfalfa is
likely to drop too, as soon as it be
comes the ntaitle crop here, as it was
before the cotton erase.
Selling Ont Gotten Land.
Cotton as a Salt river valley crop
v. .u not be abandoned but it will not
1 ring such prices again as it brought
he last few years and at the present
ort of labor, it cannot be made to
liar, many fear.
It is said the Goodyear company
is now attempting to sen off a lot of
i' cotton land to homesteaders
farmers who will make a small pay
ment down and pay off the rest in
rotes. The plan is to sell these tracts
in 46-acre plats. It is also reported
mat the company is to surrender all
:ts leases on cotton land around
"handler, where It first started the
long- staple cotton industry in this
alley and confine its efforts next
i ear to its newly acquired meaa lands
r.i Litchfield, along the west banks of
the Agua Frio. Water is pumped from
xbaUow wells, with electric power.
1 rom the Salt river dam, for irrigating
this acreage and moat of it was put
nto cultivation this year and last.
,-uh large sums were spent to re
claim the land and erect homes for
the workers including a town with a
..mmunlty center, school, church.
t c all handsome, modern, well
. quipped bondings that the company
means to hold onto this land.
Destroyed Cttras Orchards.
Farmers in the Salt river valley, in j
their enthusiasm tor cotton, oisposea
.f almost everything else. Jinny of
them ploughed up producing orchards
of oranges and grape fruit or al
monds, because, regardless ot the
usual mild climate, they occasionally
have frosts here and this causes
partial, if not complete, losses. Cot
ton seemed a certainty and who could
ask for better than a bale to the acre,
with the price as high, always so
Contlaaed on page X. coim .)
How Much Does
Mabel Weigh?
HOW tall is little John?
School children should be con
stantly weighed and measured.
By careful inspection at home it
is possible to tell whether the
child is making the proper pro
cress In growth, and to detect the
presence of disease.
The American Red Cross has fi
nanced a new booklet, which was
Prepared by the American School
Hvgiene association, that contain
complete height and weight table
for both boy and girls from 6 to
18 t-ears of age: 48 page3 of text,
tables and illustrations.
It is now being distributed tree
by the Washington Information
bureau of The Herald.
The only cost is two cents in
stamps for each name which Is
used for return postage-
Frederic J. Haskin. Director.
The El Paso Herald.
Information Bureau.
Washington. D. C.
I enclose herewith two cents in
stamps for return postage on a
free copy of The School Child's
City .
Good Faith
nr i w m voxth iv tk .v. m
Wife Goes On Hunger
Strike To Make Hubby
Embrace Her Reli
U Ernest R. Harrington has
fasted 17 days, and declares
she will continue to abstain from
taking nourishment nntll her hus
band Joins the church of which
she is a member.
"1 do not believe in her kind of
religion and besides. X am not
ready to Join the church. said the
husband. He added his wife had
been offered food every day since
her fast began, but she refuses to
eat. A doctor today said she was
rapidly starring to death.
Washington, D. C. Jan. S. The im
migration problem is the most vital
confronting the nation." Frederick A.
Wall is, commissioner of Immigration
at Ellis Island. New York, declared
today before the senate immigration
committee which is considering legis
lation to stop temporarily the flow of
aliens into the country.
He added that the more damrerous
phase of the problem was in the "im
migrant himself." rather than in im
migration as a whole.
"All Europe is bending this way,"
Mr. Wants said. "Conditions there
have not improved greatly since the
war. xou cannot niame tne people
for coming, but that does not mean
they can come. The question is
transportation. Only 10M4H can get
here in a year.
"We have a perfect right to skim
the cream of those who come, but
that skimming should be?in on the
other side,'
Republican To Offer New
Tariff At Extra Session
Washington. D. C Jan. 5. Plan
for the introduction of a new Re
pot) I lean tariff bill soon after the
convening of the extra session of
congress which president elect Hard
ing is expected to call in March, were
announced today by chairman Ford
ney of the house ways and means
Mr. Fordney said it waa proposed
to continue hearings on tariff ques
tions with only brief interruptions
until all interests had been given an
opportunity to lay their views before
tne committee.
Tomorrow the committee wfU begin
formal consideration of schedule A of
the Underwood tariff act. embracing
cnejnicais, via ana piinnT,
Mexican Labor For U. S.
Is Reported As Certain
the imilarstlwi MB wfO aaSuSnro-
rislon for seasonal immigration of
Mexican farm labor has been given
the Texas delegation in Washington
ty members of the senate committee
investigating the subject according
tc a telegram received here from Wal
ton Peteet, manager of the agricul
tural department of the Texas cham
ber of commerce. He headed a Texas
delegation which pleaded before the
committee the necessity of Mexican
laborers in agricultural work of the
Senate Resumes Probe
Into Army's Coal Costs
Washington. D. C. Jan. 5. High
prices paid by the army for it coal
during the ahortage scare last sum
mer, were inquired into again today
by the senate eontmrttee on recon
struction. Lieut. Col. James B. Bar
ney, in charge of coal purchases for
the army, testified that only three
bids, for a total of ?5do tons, were
received when the department adver
tised for a million tons for the east
ern department last July 1. The
price ranged from $4. at to $1-50 a
ton and since bidders had offered to
supply coal in the west and on the
Pacific coast for a little as J 2.70 a
ton, the eastern bids were rejected.
Few Slackers Escaped,
Is Belief Of Palmer
Washington- D. C Jan. S- Attor
ney general Palmer informed the
house Judiciary committee today the
department of justice had made
every effort to arrest and convict
violators of the selective service act
and he did not believe any consider
able number had escaped.
Chairman Volstead of the commit
tee said he believed adequate efforts
had been made to arrest violators
and It was unlikely that seeretaiy
Baker or Mr. Palmer would be called
to testify, as requested by S. W. Gal
braith, national commander of the
American legion.
Mr. Volstead said he did not be
lieve men should be branded as slack
ers until convicted.
Legion Chief Seeks Light
On War Slacker Cases
Washington, D. C, Jan. 5. Re
quests that secretary Baker and at
torney general Palmer be -called be
fore the house judiciary committee
"to ascertain facts surrounding the
mysterious official silence" which In
vests the war slacker situation," has
been made by F. W. Gal braith, na
tional commander of the American
legion, in a telegram to representa
tive Volstead of Minnesota, the com
mittee chairman- The committee has
before It the Watson bill to make non
applicable the statute of limitation in
slacker cases.
Houston Approves Bill
To Amend Banking Laws
Washington. D. G, Jan. S. Senator
McLean, Republican, has announced
that secretary Houston and the fed
eral reserve board had approved Ms
bill providing for the use of profits
of the federal reserve banks for re
tirement of outstanding treasury cer
tificates of indebtedness.
Manila Editor failed For
Criticism Of Lawmaker
Manila, P. L, Jan. 5. Gregorlo Per
fecto, editor of La Nacion, organ of
the Democratic party, was sentenced
here today to two months imprison
ment following conviction on a charge
of having criticised members of the
Is The Foundation Of Business
Mock At Death In Raging
Storm For 42 Hours
Before Landing.
Wander 4 Days In Frozen
Wilderness; Near Ex
haustion When Found.
HEARSTS- Ontario, Jan. .5. Tales of
terrible hardships endured with
the utmost fortitude by the three
stranded American naval balloonists
from Rockaway, X. Y-, in the frosen
wilds of the Canadian north were re
lated here today by Indian trappers
arriving from the lower Hudson Bay
Their stories in the main corrobo
rated reports from Cochrane that the
airmen were on the verge of starva
tion and were forced to eat their two
remaining carrier pigeons to keep
alive. The men now are slowly wend
ing their way back to civilisation by
dog train, with the thermometer reg
istering 19 degrees below zero. Un
less unusual storms are encountered,
they should reach Mattice no later
than Friday. A Pullman coach will
be placed at their disposal when they
leave tne irau were.
Saved By Dogs.
According to the stories of the In
dians, the howling of a moose dog
caught in a trap as Shipsands. the
original trading post of the Hudson
Bay company, was responsible for
the safety of the airmen last Sunday.
When they heant the dog's cries, the
ballonists decided: to land. The great
ballon struck in a clump of trees 10
miles south of the post and its occu
pants were almost stripped of their
clothing in the perilous descent.
At the time of the landing the mer
cury waa only 19 degrees below zero,
the mildest weather for this season of
the year in the history of the trading
post. When the men extricated them
selves from the wreckage, the first
words were uttered by Lieut. Walter
Hi n ton, a veteran of the historic
trans-Atlantic flights in the NC-4 who
extended "gracious thanks to the
Almighty for their existence.
Mock at Heath.
The next thought of the airmen
waa to express thanks to the unfor
tunate dog whose howls caused them
tunate dog vhw
ilk if nanii Fir
American had m
mocked death In a fasc
ine storm hisrh In the air and for the
time being they ware toe exhausted
to oo aayuuag Dot congratulate
themselves upon their safe landing.
Th. airmen had been drenched to
the skin and ideies hong over their
torn dothinsE. For four davs tnv
wandered aimlessly in the wilderness
and were at the point of despair when
mey were aisoovereei ny a rrigntened
Indian trapper.
Jockey For IXonr.
Before attempting a descent, the
balloonist told George McLeod. an
Indian mail carrier, who brought the
news of their d sweat to the Outside
world they Jockeyed for eight hours
to find a safe place. During that
time they were tossed by a raging
sale that at times TMehid vAlnnlrv
of 7, miles an hour.
xney decided to chance it when they
heard the howling dog and as they
descended. Lieut. Stephen Farr.ll
spied a smokntack in the distance.
It disappeared from view as they
struck the tree tons and vim th.v
crawled from tbfj balloon there was no
sign or a habitation. They at last
made camp for the night and waited
for daylight.
With renewed spirits they set out in
the morning in a southerly direction
until they again saw the smokestack
In the distance. Making for it they
met the aged Indian. Tom Marian. He
took to his heels; pursaed by Liuet
Kloor who caught the old man and
Induced him to lead them to a refuge.
He took them to his hut and from
there sent his wife to Moose Factory
to notify Hudson Bay company men
of the appearance of the strangera.
Worm Once More.
Company employes then came to
their aid and took charge of them.
Warmed, fed and dressed in dry cloth
ing the men told the thrilling story
of their flight. The men are in good
health, although Farrell suffered
from frost bite and shock.
After their departure from Rocka
way. N. Y.. they said, the balloon
drifted nothward toward the Adiron
dack until the vicinity of Fork
Mountain, near Wells, N". Y.. it waa
caught by a terrific storm. The offi
cers felt no alarm, however, and de
cided not to send out any of the
pigeons, reserving them for a more
serious situation.
They expected to take a westerly
course after reaching the St. La,
rence river, bat before arriving there,
they were caught by a southeast gale
which swept them toward f .., o
effort was made to make a landing
until they reached Southlands. There
three attempts were made before suc
cess was attained. At times they
floated at a high elevation and at
others dropped close to the tree tops
in the hope of finding an open space.
When the men landed, their cloth
ing was in rags and they were with
out food, the second of the pigeons
having previously been eaten.
:WaIaw- Poland. Jan. 5. President
Pllsudski. who in miffrtn0- fw .
attack of influenza was reported
slightly better today. He still hopes
t n Aan-v nnt !.. -I.. 1 I nr.
saw for Paris on January 10.
$10 Saoes A Life.
THE people of El Paso have con
tributed less than l?0vo.0 for
the relief of the starving
children of Europe. This amount
has been given by 250 individuals
or organizations, representing
about three percent of El Paso's
If you belong to the 97 percent
who have done nothing to relieve
the misery of the starving chil
dren, please .send in your check
without delay to C N. Bassett.
treasurer, or any member of the
undersigned committee
C. N Bassett J- G. McNary
U. S. Stewart H. D. Slater
H. J. Simmons.
Disarmament may yet be the
basis for the new association of
nations planned by the next admin
President Wilson will not avail
himself of the privilege given him
by the naval act of 1914 authorising
the call of a conference of nations
to discuss the question of a reduc
tion of armaments, but there are in
dications Mr. Harding will call such
a conference.
Members of congress who have
been at Marion reflect senator Hard
ing's views on naval armament as
somewhat dissimilar from the atti
tude of those In consfress who want
to enter Into naval agreement with
Japan and Great Britain alone.
Mr. uaraing is representee: as anx
ious to approach the whole question
in an effort to jcet a aeneral under
standing with all naval building na
tions, and he Is further said to be
unwilling to see America cut down
the size of Its navy until a definite
agreement with the other powers has
oeen reacneo.
Sees Hlsunderatanding.
Perhaps the insistence bv the Wil
son administration on completing the
big building program authorised in
is is nas oeen wiaeir misnnaerstooa
as a sudden turn to naval ism and self
ishness. Foreign critics have car
tooned America as a second Germany,
but the truth is the Meals which ac
tuated the Wilson administration In
the "too proud to fight era have not
been surrendered, but lessons taught
by the war have been taken to heart.
Men like Josephns Daniels, who
came into the navy department in
1911 believing that war was Impos
sible and that America's entrance
into the European conflict when It
did arise could be avoided, are not so
trustful as before. With suspicion
and Jealousy alive, the necessity of
being prepared for further interna
tional disturbances is regarded as es
sential In other words, the Wilson admin
istration is just as trustful as It ever
was of other nations, but it sees the
duty of the present hour as one of
caution and preparedness, letting
changes in policy be made only when
all other nations have signed on the
dotted line a pledge to stop building
ships or preparing for war.
Borah Plan Opposed.
Every effort to cut down the size
of the navy will be resisted by the
present administration until an in
ternational agreement is reached
with other nations. All resolutions
looking toward the limiting of arma
ments of Japan and England alone
will be rejected, as the disposition of
the navy department here is to look
upon the Borah proposal as nothing
more nor less than the beginning ot
Ministry of Transportation Firm
in Opposition; Men
Favor Action.
London. England. Jan. 5. Germany
again is threatened with extensive
railway and industrial strikes, ac
cording to an Exchange Telegraph
dispatch from Berlin today.
A large majority of the German
railway men hare voted In favor of a
strike, says the message.
In the Ruhr and Rhine Industrial
districts, the dispatch add. 91 per
cent of the workers have voted fav
orably on a proposition to strike for
increased wages.
The ministry considers the demands
of the transportation men exorbitant
and has threatened with dismissal
any of them who go on strike.
New York. Jan. 5. All employes
of the American Smelting and Refin
ing company paid less than 350. 0 n
year were notified today that their
salaries would be reduced 15 per
cent. The company also announced
there would be no bonus this year.
Constantinople, Turkey, Jan. fc.
Statements by premier Llojd George
In the British house of commons De
cember 22 to the effect that the
Turkish government had attempted to
negotiate regarding the control of
Constantinople were formally denied
here today by grand vizier Tewfik
Pasha and Sefa Bey, foreign minister.
Mr. Lloyd George is reported to
have asserted that the Turkish gov
ernment had proposed that if a guar
antee should be given that Constanti
nople should not be taken from the
Turks, they wouli bear the loss of
Syrarna and Thrace.
Santa Fe. X. M., Jan. 5. Felix
Baca of Albuquerque, member of the
Albuquerque armory board of con
trol, and W. S. Cortner, of Laa Ve
gas, regent of the Normal university
at Las Vegas, have resigned. Their
successors will not be appointed un
til the legislature convenes.
Husband Canned Fruit,
Now He .Starts Suit
To "Gin" His Wife
CINCINNATI. O. Jon. 6. Claim
ing he washed the dishes,
scrubbed the floor, washed
windows, put up preserves and had
to gt his own breakfast, Michael
W. Cunningham has asked for a
divorce from Ruth S. Cunningham.
Cunningham claimed his wife
was an Incompetent housekeeper.
Boon after the honeymoon, he
said, his wife started to pout,
threw food away and bought ex
pensive clothes beyond his means.
Finally she left him, Cunning
ham said. They were married a
little ofir two 3-pars ago
a political alliance with
Japan and
The Wilson administration ts grati
fied that senator Borah has seen the
necessity of an International agree
ment of some kind and has given up
the position he took during the cam
paign that be dldnt want any politi
cal alliance or agreement with any
nation, but so long as the proposal
contemplates only throe nations and
does not include all the powers of the
globe. It will not have the sanction of
the present administration.
Moreover, to call an international
conference now would mean a meet
ing not earlier than the last of Feb
ruary or early in March, when the
Harding administration would be
coming late power. So It is practi
cally certain no move toward tne as
sumption of responsibility for such a
conference will be made until after
March 4.
Mean white It cannot be taken for
granted that congress will cut down
the stse of the American navy, as It
is reported that senator Harding docs
not want any move made that might
take the cards ont of his hand when
ho alts down with the representatives
of other nations to discuss the re
duction of armaments everywhere.
Hardlnc lm Interested.
Senator Harding is deeply Interested
In the provision) of the naval act of
ltlC. under which the present build
ing program was launched. He need
not ask congress for authority. He
need not go to senators Borah and
Johnson, or members of any other
group In the senate, for the law is
already on the statute books and the
appropriation for the expense of such
an international conference Is al
ready made.
Mr. Wilson did not call the confer
ence, because he believed the league
ot nations would tackle the question. ;
It' has but America, being an out-1
aider, could not participate officially i
in the dlscassion of armaments, i
Through the question of disarms-.
raent the whole subject of Interna- !
Uonal cooperation may be opened
and the way paved for an agreement
with the rest of the nations of the
world to prevent war and preserve
Zi8armameat has come concretely
before the peoples of the world. In
cluding America, through the enorm
ous tax programs involved.
The Wfleoa administration by stick
ing to its naval building program has
emphasised, the necessity of interna
tional agreement and some kind of a
league of nations. That Is why an
effective move toward disarmament
will have the approval of the Demo
crats in congress even after the Wil
son administration passes ont of
power. Copyright. 1931. by David
WaahlKlnn. n. C. Jan K v.
tlon of world war Armaments by vol
untary agreement among the princi
pal jwr -was oDssiierea again to
day ny the senate forele-n relation.
Senator waleh. Democrat, Montana,
appeared to savport his resolution re-questiUE-
president Wilson to anooint
an American representative to sit with
the league of nations disarmament
commission, and senator Borah. He-
-Ilkll-.- T., 1 I 1
looking to an agreenunt between the
United States, Great Britain and Ja
pan to reduce naval construction by
half during the next five years.
The hearing today was the lan
scheduled by that committee, and
prominent members raid they had
every hope the committee would re
port the Borah resolution favorably,
but with amendments. Committee
sentiment was said lo favor includ
ing France and Italy in the proposed
building reduction agreement.
It also was said to oe probable that
the clause to limit taval construc
tion for five years would be amended
so as to remove the time limit.
Girl Fails to Keep Engagement
Third Time; Disappears
With Another Man.
Clinton, Ia Jan. S. The relatives
early today atUI were awaiting word
concerning the whereabouts of Miss
Celeste Lamb and Robert & Smith,
jr.. who disappeared yesterday morn
ing. Miss Lamb's wedding to Ensign
Harold Holcomb of Pasadena, Calif,
was to have taken place last night at
Woodlands, home of Miss Lamb's
mother. Mrs. E. A. Young. Ensign
Holcomb. thrice disappointed, departed
last night for his home.
The wedding originally had been'
planned to take place on the inland
og Guam, la mid-Pacific laat summer.
Ensign Holcomb, on duty with the
United States navy, having headquar
ters there. It waa postponed and an
nounced as a holiday week event in
Clinton. On the eve of the date set,
it was announced that Mia Lamb had
become seriously ill. aad the marriage
again waa postponed. Then the wed
ding was announced for last alght-
Headliners In
Todays Theaters
-Broadway And Home,- Eugene
The Song of the Soul." Vivian
"Fixed by George," Lyons and
"The Mark of Zorro." Douglas
"The Devil to Pay."
"Ton Never Can Tell," Be be
'"The Fortune Teller." Marjorle
Ram beau. '
(Read amusement ads on page S.)
And Society, And Cannot Be Trifled With
Unite In Plea For Effi
ciency And Fulfil
ment Of Pledges.
Only Able Men And Re
publicans To Be Recom
mended For Offipe.
SANTA PE, K. M Jan. 5. Tie
Republican slate executive
committee adjourned this morn
tag auhjeet to the call of the
chairman without having recom
mended any appointments. This
action was taken to nllow all who
desire to do so to file their applf
eatlon. The next meeting f&ely
wfll be held soon after the eon
venteg of the legislature.
SANTA F2. X. xCjan. L Plea for
efficiency in administration in all
departments of government and
for the fulfilment of all party plat
form pledges formed the keynote of
tt abort speeches made at an open
conference which the Republican state
executive committee Held wita parry
leaders from all over the state.
Senator A. B. Fall returned from
Washington to attend the conference,
which had been called for the pur
pose of forming plans to assist in
making the forthcoming Republican
administration the best and moat ef
fective in the hiatory of state and
nation. As senator Fall expressed his
understanding of the purpose of the
conference, it was to enable -fighting
Kepublleane to organise xnemsexves
Into a committee of the whole for the
good of the union.- In a subsequent
talk in which he outlined his views,
senator Fall declared he is not
pledged to any applicant and has no
candidate for any office.
Only Able Men to be Recommended.
-While I am charged with the
responsibility." the senator said. 1
will not recommend the appointment
of any man who is not qualified for
the office he seeks. It is certain that
a fight will be made upon the con
firmation of any man who is not
qualified, and I do not propose to
have to go into the aenate and con
duct a defence for an applicant who
does not merit the office. Every ap-
(CenrJsned on page 4. column .)
Financial Conditions Declared
To Be Sound By Leading
Bank en.
Mexico City. Mex Jan. S. General
public alarm, caused by sensational
newapaper reports of unstable finan
cial conditions, was declared by lead
ing bankers as the cause of a mild
form of panic which brought about
the closing of one bank and caused a
run on another yesterday.
Seven representative bankers de
clared that rumors published here
were without foundation and there
was no need for fear on the part of
The run on the Banque Francaise
pu Mexique. which began Monday,
continued yesterday. Hundreds of
depositors crowded the building and
all were paid their deposits in silver
coin. When the bank closed its doors
at 4 oelock yesterday afternoon more
than 200 persons were outside at
tempting to enter.
Jules Lacaud. manager of the bank,
asserted all demand would be met.
Intimating that other banking insti
tutions would come to his assistance.
Torreon. Coahuila. Mex, Jan. 5.
The Com pan i a Metales y Mimerales.
owners of the Mapiml smelter and
mines and the Torreon and Mon
terey smelting plants, who have be
tween 99 and 40 engines and 1909
freight cars, are to place thl rolling
stock at the disposition of the pub
lic Due to the low price of silver and
fuel shortage the smelters and mines
are closed and in the meantime the
metals and ore company will operate
trains over the National lines of
Mexico in the northern part of the
republic for the benefit of other in
dustries. This move will enable large ship
ments of merchandise at the border
to be moved and will also give the
ranchers In the states of Durango.
Coahuila. Chihuahua and Zacatecas
an opportunity to ship crops. It will
result in a further lowering of prices
of fruit, corn, beans, chili, sugar,
etc.. in the local markets.
It is probable that these trains will
be operated under the direction of
O. H. Whitoff. traffic manager for
the mining and smelting company.
Durango Mines Expected
To Resume Operations
Durango, Durango, Hex, Jan. S.
The mining Industry In the state re
mains practically paralysed, but with
fair prospects of an earlv resumption
of operations. The fuel shortage is
remedied by the reopening of the coal
mines of Coahuila and the lew price
of silver has been offset by Improve
ments in the mining laws favorable
tc mine owners.
The only new filing at the nftnlng
office during the week were those
made by Jose VlTlanueva, who Is tak
ing up a number of gold and silver
claims In the Basis district in the re
mote mountainous region west of
The Guadalupe and Crux-Providen-Centiaued
on page 12, column 4.)
Champagne, Imported Liquors, Whisky Taken From Huge Ware
house of Singer Brothers After Deliveryman Made
Alleged Unlawful Trip and Keeper of Records
Is Said to Have Altered His Accounts.
MEW YORK. Jan. 5. The biggest raid in this city smce the Volstead ad
went into effect mi made here today when liquor valued at $250,000
was seized by federal agents at the wholesale establishment of Singer Bros.,
ob lower Third aveaoe. Scores of cases of highest quality champagne and
Volstead Act Puts
Terrific Wallop In
Whisky, Judge Finds
NEW YORK. Jan. 5 T have seen
more drunken chauffeurs ar
raigned in this court since the
Volstead prohibition act went Into
effect than ever before where do
they get it?"
This observation was made by
magistrate House, In traffic court,
after two men. charged with op
erating automobiles while intoxi
cated, pleaded not guilty. They
were held In $1999 and 959 nail
for trial.
"Liquor most be plentiful to ob
tain." continued the magistrate,
but these chauffeur tall mo they
had 'only one drink.' One dram of
prohibition whisky apparently baa
more kick than a doses drtnks of
the old days.
Sixteen Men Slain and All OtbeK Captured With Arms After
Hurling Bomb and Opening Fire on Military Lorries;
Soldiers Uninjured; Escaped Sirm Fein Member of
Parliament Is Recaptured at Dublin. Reported.
T 0NDQN, Eng., Jan. 5. Sixteen members of a party that warlaid a de
tachment of troops at lVleelin.
Hied by tbe sctbers they attacked
party were captered, with all their
dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph
company today.
None of the troop was injured.
This is the first time, it Is declared,
that an ambush on a large scale has
been effectually beaten.
The ambush, according to an live
ning News dispatch from Cork, oc
curred in a secluded roadway. Three
military lorries, says the account,
were coming from Hallo when a
bomb was thrown at the leading ve
hicle. The bomb missed its mark.
Revolver fire was then opened on tbe
lorries, which halted while the troops
poured rifle fire into both sides of
the road.
Use Smoke Screes.
Aided by a smoke screen, continues
tbe account, the troops made a sortie
and accounted for all the attackers
in killed and captured.
James J. Walsh. Sinn Fein member
of parliament from the city of Cork,
who escaped from Mount Joy prison.
Dublin, is months ago, was arrested
early today, it is said in a dispatch
received here.
OXalmghaa to Testify.
Newport News, Vx, Jan. & Daniel
O'Callaghan. lord mayor Cork, who
arrived yesterday as a stowaway on
the American steamer Weat Cannon
in company with Peter XacSwlney,
brother of the lata Terence kfac
Swiney. declared today the editors of
the New York Nation bad invited him
to testify before tbe committee of
199 at Washington investigating the
Irish situation.
The statement was in answer to
that of Frederick C. Howe, chairman
of the commission, who said last night
the mayor had not been asked to ap
pear before the commission.
"The invitation was extended by
Davenport. Iowa, Jan. S. Dr. C L.
Barewald. e'ected mayor of Daven
port on the Socialist ticket a year
ago, no longer is a Socialist. He has
announced bts resignation from the
Purely local, issues prompted the
mayor to leave his party, it was said
today. With him in the council are
fire Socialist and three Republican
aldermen. In an Interview today the
mayor said
"I have had no cooperation from
the Socialist aldermen in th council
work and they have permitted their
radical ideas to Interfere with the
welfare of the city."
Dr. Barewald announced he would
continue as mayor of Davenport, but
not as a Socialist.
Santa Fe. N. M.. Jan. 5. A general
epidemic of measles is likely to oc
cur within the next few weeks, ac
cording to a warning issued today
by the state health department
The Boy As A Salesman
SEVXHAL fcnsatcd stack? lads ia tke soatbwsst have earned vacation trips
aad otbsr priies fas procariaf aew subscribers for The El Paso Herald.
In doing this, they has, honored themselves by becoming producers. This
work proves the boy. SalesmaatUp is oa of the finest accomplishments
ksews to the bnsnKM wax Id. It is the most ia danaad today of all bosi
aMccoBTBjshjneats. Everywhere the salesman is wanted and needed.
Tbe Herald has hndreds of prizes to offer boys and girls. These prises
can be had for procuring one or more new subscription.
For farther particulars call to see or write to H. H. Fris, tirciuatioB
manager, El Paso Herald.
a Imported wines, with hundreds of
cases of bonded whisky, constituted
the stock seized by the raiders
Joseph Walsh, a driver, and Moe
Herman, a clerk, employed by Singer
Bros., were arrested.
Singer Bros., according to enforce
ment agents, had a permit to trans
port liquor, but Walsh is alleged to
have made deliveries without author
ization, and Herman is alleged to
have altered records.
Polish And Lithuanian
Parleys Reach fmpassc
Warsaw, Poland. Jan, E. (By the
Associated Press). The Pollsn-Litii-uanian
conference over the ptems'-i te
planned to be held in the Vllna dis
trict has reached an Impasse and the
Lithuanian delegation left Warsaw
today for Kovno to obtain further in
structions from Its government. Po
land insists Vllna shall be included in
the plebiscite area,
The league of nations, with which
roiana nas restea ner case, is ex
pected shortly to make a ruling which
win clear tne sit nation.
northwest county Cork. IreiaadL were
aad the remainder of the afiabashiag
9ns and ainmtnrtioH, says a Dublin
the New York people several months
ago. - mayor o cauaghaa said.
Inunicratlon inspector L. R Parkr
ln charge at this port, said today he
uu was awaiting worn irons w ald
ington as to the admissabllity of the
Irish official.
Mayor May Be Deverte.
Washington, D. C. Jan. I In
vestigation of the circumstances sur
rounding the entry into this coantrv
or Daniel J. O'Callaghan. lord mayor
of Cork, who arrived at Newport
News yesterday as a stowawa and
without a passport, was ordered o-
cay by the state department.
Officials of the department 1 n : 1 -mated
that unless some extraordinary
casts for extenuation was found :t
was probable that no discretion
oiud be drawn between his case anJ
that of any other stowaway
OCanaarhan will be held ur."l tha
immigration authorities can c--
mine wnetner ne is umiM, 1 v
said today at the departmr.-. ot
Greetings Sent to Mayor.
New York. Jan. 5- A messae
greeting to Daniel O'Callaghan. lord
mayor or rjorK. wno arrivsu at
port ewi. yesterday as a stowau a
on the steamer West Cannon, was en
from here today by I Hollmrsworrh
Wood, 'Chairman of the committer o'
one hundred investigating the lr-s-
question. 1 ne message asked th
lorn mayor 10 appear before the r,
mittee January 17 to testify -egard
lag conditions in Ireland.
Mr. Wood said mayor O'CaT'agaar
waa invited "some time ago to 1s1r
tne cm ted states for the ranos- of
testifying before the coram! tie. H:r
amvau, jit. wood said, was a sur
Constantinople. Turkey. Jn. 3
me peace aeiegauon of the Turkish
government which, under the leader
ship of Txset Pasha, went to Agra
to confer with Mustapha KemaS
Pasha, head of the Turkish National-
is lorce, in an attempt to bring a-ott
peace between the two parties, "as
been recalled. This action was 'ak-n
when it was found to b ir-p"si tl
to reach an agreement on the t- titls
proposed by the Nationalist.
The Turkish government will b un-
acie to maxe counter proposals fo the
.Nationalists unless the allies as
prepared to make certain corn-ess
If is believed that if the allie per
severe in their refusal to modify th
peace treaty, the Turkish govrnrrtrt
will have no alternative but to resij-r
One of the p ri net pal re as-c as
signed for the failure of the nego; a
tlons with the Nationalist was tbe
presence at Angora of a Russian Bol
shevik mission, nhich has been leak
ing frantic efforts to defeat the