Newspaper Page Text
"METEOR" IN DITCH Many Passengers Killed and Injured in Kansas FORT SCOTT, Dec. 21.-The St. Louis & San Francisco Meteor train was ditched by. spreading of the rails near Godfrey, Kan., at 0:30 o'clock this morning. The train consisted of seven coaches, includ ing two sleepers. The dead are numbered variously. One report says six and. an other nine. It is reported that scarcely a passenger aboard tin train escaped injury. A 10 --lief train with. surgeons and nurses has been sent from here. A later report from the scene of the wteek; says it - took. place at a switch, which either spread or was misplaced. The train was going at full speed. The en gine Wat demolished and the baggage ear hurled 100 feet from the track. The mail car was reduced to kindling wood. The smoker was telescoped on top of the THfiinje. The engineer and conductor were in htantly killed. Nine dead were taken out before the relief train arrived. The injured fireman lav beneath the trucks of the smoker ami was taken out by digging a trench. ■ • - ■ • ■ ...•■•■ MASSACRE ON XMAS BERLIN, Dec. 21.—The Tageblatt re ports that a new massacre of Jews is being planned in Kisehineff which con templates a complete extermination of Israelites on Christmas day. The Jews are panic stricken and are Hying from the city in ereat numbers. The new governor is no longer friendly toward the Jews and has notilied them that he will be unable to answer for the troops in case of an outbreak. The newspaper Weltamentog confirms the Tageblatt dispatch and slates that the governor has received instructions tH in St. Petersburg to adopt? a ho/stile attitude toward the Jews. THE PITTOF IT! BERLIN, Dec. 21.—The Lokal Anzieger today announced that the Czarina of Rus sia recently gave birth to a dead wm. The Czar and Czarina are in the deepest despondency. The latter's grief is uncon trollable. "1R0RN01R?" INJHE FUR EAST LONDON, Dec. 21.—The Exchange Telegraph company today states that the Japanese embassy in London guardedly admits that the situation in the Far East is unimproved. The Exchange adds: "It is probably true that Japan is asking Russia to re consider her reply," WOMAN'S SCREAM PUT BURGLARS TO FLIGHT Karly yesterday morning a burglar WU ■Cared away from the home of \V. A. Power, 2512 South Twelfth street, after .m unsuccessful attempt to break into the house. The thief was at a side window when Mrs. Spike, who lives in the house, was aroused. She screamed for help and the would-be houfie burglar made his escape by running. Chris 11. Binding, a native of Denmark, was arrested this morning by City De tective Moran on a charge of being drunk and disorderly. THE BATTLE CRY OP j PATRIOTIC CITIZENS It is the duty, of every Tacoma citizen to call for Tacoma made goods, and make it a point to have no other. ../,;■.' The department store is cutting out the small dealer and selling some things below cost to make a hit. Now, how can they do Tacoma any good by sending East for everything and selling below cost as a bait? Eastern manufacturers of candy don't pay taxes in Tacoma; they don't help build up our' city, .lolls makes as good candy as can be made by any firm in the East, and sells it at the lowest price; then why not patronize a fellow citizen in preference to an Eastern manu facturer? "Home industry" should be our watch word and we should help those who help us. ' Every penny sent East out of Ta coma is a penny -less to help our own city and its citizens. Therefore, again, I fay. let us_buy goods made in Tacoma. .•i,ll-i is working day and night in making the best candies and is selling them at the lowest • possible prices. ■'■ ' Special rates to Sunday Schools, Churches, Lodges, etc. • SPECIAL SALE OF CANDIES of the very choicest grades each 'iv at .TOLLS', and all candies you get at .TOLLS' are strictly HOME MADE. •*' LITTLE OHIO GIRL BECOMES AN EMPRESS BUT SEEMS DOOMED LONDON, Dec SI. (Spl.) The em press of Korea, formerly Mis< Rnuly Brows, of Ohio, is accused of having caused the murder of a Inch official of Korea beCaUM he was opposed to her sharing the throne with the emperor. It i- Mid the empiess MCUTed the sci v th,' most distinguished women of the land of her adoption. She was beautiful, with the quiet, peace ful beauty of the country. Hui'ij; the daughter of a staid and dignified Presby terian preacher of a small Ohio town, she did not possess the vanities of the eity hrcd woman nor the means to satisfy MID-WINTER GAME THEY ARE PLAYING "BUCK EAST" j» The Home j* WHEN MY SHIP COMICS IN. When my ship comes in! What one of us has no ship at sea?. What one of us is not straining eager eyes to light a distant sail? Upon the- turbulent sea of life WHAT ships we have afloat de termines our destiny. What have we launched, and when and why? What precious cargoes have we sent from shore ami whither bound? What generous thought*, what gracious blessings, have we, this year, this day, this hour, Bel afloat?* What cheer do the good ships bear? What love, what hope? What one among the poor and needy have we fed? What suffering have we soothed? What erring one forgiven? What sick one healed? What thought that's good and beautiful have we this day pushed out to sea? . • What are the ships returning bearing home? What wealth qf glad good will?. What precious stoic of peace? When all our ships come home from sea may there be joy and peace and pride in the safe return of these swift tailing messengers of thought, the ships of deeds and words, which once we launched. CHRISTMAS, HOME DAY. .Christmas day is the home day of the year. It is the family day, the day when sons - and daughters and , grandsons and granddaughters flock back to the old home and .turn it topsyturvy with parcels and merriment. They begin to come in the early morn ing. A puff of cold wind break ing in at the front door heralds their . arrival. Hats and coats, muffler* and I mittens litter the hall and best bedroom; overshoes, . gafitcra and leggings fill. up THE TACPMA TIMES them. Two new frocks each year, simple and severe in, style, Furnished the adorn ment for her, charms. She did not rare for fine clothe, nor for other little adorn men la that other girls earned lor. She was am bitious. ; Once ( after choir practice, when she was walking along the rodwav from the little meeting-house ,to her humble home, she told a girl chum that she : lie lieved a ; woman, if she only trie I could reach the HIGHEST POSITION IN TliK LAND. "I mean to do it." she »dde Perhaps the rccwuu she did noi become wife ..i ilk president of the United States is that her father soon alter went to Korea as a missionary. Emily Wat Ins zealous helper in the missionary lield. She led the sinking in the mission choir and her beauty was reported to (lie king. The king invited her and her lather to 'hi' palace and promtply fell in love with her. lie invited her to join his household. Inn ,il tirst Kmily declined. The cmpci-c r was insistent, and she at last consented, lirst obtaining the emperor's promise to many her. The life of a (Jueen in Korea is not very pleasant, even though she is known as Lady om, which, in the Korean language, means "I'm' Dawn of the Morning." The empress did not take warning from the late of her predecessor. The former Lady (tin married the emperor, and when she finally became i|ueen. political intrigue DEMANDED HER DEATH and one day she WU muiured in the palace bj assassins Who were jealous of her power. The king declared her a traitor and said that she deserved her death. This was where Emily BrOWn'l chance came. The king, while lie had plenty of other wives, failed to 7-aise any one of then to the dignity of queen, and the little American girl knew thai her time had come. The sttory of the Hie of the American empress is strangely incomplete. the eorneH and hang to dry about the stoves; parcels and packages, neatly «li iij' ped or mysteriously bulging, arc Strewn ovei stands and tables; Huffed up cushions in tlicir patchwork coven are creased and crushed. From parlor to kitchen, from cellar to attic spreads the hurly-burly of the home-coming. There it a flamming of doors, a Halter of feet and a babel of voices. LJp and down, in and out! Every body is every where, for there is much to do and nmeli to tvf before the Betting ol the sun. And just today \g home day. In an bout the old bouse lias been dressed in holiday finery, and what a gala dress it isl Against the window is liung a holly wreath and spri green deck the pioturm. George Wash ington peers forth I'liun B frame of mis tletoe and over the parlor dow "God I.los Our Home" i- banked with holly berries.. Napoleon glowers undei a coquet i-h red bow, intertwined with tendrils of gay BToau. Never mind Napoleon, there is oo Waterloo today! It ia IIOMK DAY. The world's struggles are forgotten and the doors of the old home arc closed to people's defeats and victories, 'tis a day of peace and love and harmony. And when the day is done, when the liiifj. turkey and mother's famous turkey "stuffing" and nuts and apples) have dissip peared, alter the great and small, have delighted young and old, then sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters, bury themselves deep in the familiar bed* ,ni(t bolsters. The home »ti linens steals through the bousje, and with the cheer ol ttie HOME DAY in their heaJtn, drowsj with home comfort and the Lid secuiilv. they all sink into the luxiirjj of the old Ijome sleep. There an iew American! in Korea and the Empress Emily is very reticent. She does ft to see Americans, and the lift) Of tht court has sJw*)« been like a sealed book. DEPORTATION FOR ALIEN CRIMINALS During tile past month the officer* of the United states immigration " bureau have been preparing statistics showing the number and names of all alien inmates of the penal i institutions ;of the state. The object of securing. this information is • to enable . the 'officials to ■ clear-the state of this undesirable clement. Aa the statistics show the expiring date of the terms of ' all alien prisoner*, , it will -be possible to : arrest them upon their re lease, tor being unlawfully in the United States. They will then be deported. BETTER WATER UEfiVICE PROVIDED The new city reservoir at Twenty-third an. i Wilkeson streets;has been completed and in a very few days will be in use. Mayor Louis, I). Campbell, when !Been by a Times reporter this morning. mid, "The new reservoir will have a capacity of 1,000,000 gallons and is J one of the largest improvements that has been made in the city in yean, It will be but a low years before '1 aroma will have , as line a water service as any city on,' the coast. The reservoir will be put into use as soon as the pumps can get the electrical ap pliances. "During the past year as much money has been spent in improvements in Ta coma as during any year in i the boom days." PARIS' NEW SENSATION TARIS. Dee. 21.—A woman with bright green hair is a patient at one of the Paris hospitals. She denies I hat she has ever used dyes ami elainin that the color is perfectly natural. Physicians are all at s<-a over the phenomenon. THK "KNOCKER." "Knocking" in its present Ugly signi ficance is a comparatively new word, but it stands for a condition of mind ok old as man. This peculiar condition of mind IS not a desirable one and in found most. often in one who, while he believe* that the world owes him a living, has tailed to do his iiarl and collect it. The "knocker" knocks hardest hi* ene mies, who are invariably those who have succeeded in doing what hi' might have done, but when enemies fail the "knocker" does not, spare his friends. He who knocks is jealous, ugly, Hellish and indolent. He spends time which could be employed to advantage trying to con vince the world that lux enemies and friends are as jealous, as ugly and selfish a- he is.' Though the "knocker" aims at others, lie il is who is always hardest hit. Always: bruised and bleeding, he lavs his sorenew ami distress at someone else's door, but the truth is that in knocking others he has injured himself. The "knocker" is not harmful, lie makes too much fuss), he talks too much, he. carries his hammer always in his hand, everyone knows him. BIRTH STONES I January, garnet, signifying fidelity. February, pearl, signifying peace, i March, bloodstone, signifying wisdom. April, diamond, signifying innocence. May, -emerald, sjgnifying domestic fe licity. .Inn.', amethyst, signifying wealth ana health. : .July, ruby, signifying contentment. Aiigiwt, saMonyx, Bonifying conjugal fidelity. : ' . ' September, sapphire, signifying serenity. October, opal, signifying hope. . November, topaz, Kignifyintr faiihfnlflsae. December, , turquoise, signifying Bucxess. YOUNG BANKER EMBEZZLER AND CAPTOR "ESCAPE" HANDCUFFED Fxtraordinary Career of a Young Man of Only 23 Years- Bribed Detective's Assistant and Gave Former the Slip GABRIEL IIOKKZA, SMART YOUNG HANKKIS KMHKZ/UOK. SHARON, Pa., Dm. 21.-A i desperate love affair led: to the downfall of Gabriel Hossza,' the young foreign banker of this city, who is now a fugitive from justice, charged with ;■ embezzling , nearly f, $17,000 from his clients, all, of £ whom | are poor, hard-working foreigners," employed at the various nulls throughout< the city. . - When lloss/.a came to Sharon lie went to work in the bank of G.: V. llarmory as a clerk. He had a pleasant' appearance, was good looking, and by his genial man |. Her won the friendship of all the foreign ers who transacted business at the bank. ■ While staying at one "I the leading ho tels in the city he met» the daughter of a welt-known city official. , -■. They grew fond of each other anil Hossza. bestowed Ihe :■• costliest: kind of presents on _', her. His salary was small and he toon became financially involved. It was then hi' was tempted and fell. It is alleged -he 'ab stracted sums, 'of - money; from 'the- wife with the result that, ll.uimiiy ' preferred charges of embezzlement; again i him." ; He | admitted having taken some (DO. Friends came to hit- assistance and the case • was settled. Then he went into business for him self, opening the International hank, .5 He secured a large patronage and his brother Charles became associated with him. Large JUST A MINUTE WITH SPORTS ■St. I/mis w,nits Jeffries ami Govbett t>> go through their hippodrome during the fair. Both leave agreed. Corbel I is \iillmg to be knocked out by the boiler maker, if he gets money enough, ami Jeffrie* is willing to punch the monolog champion for any old thing. The American Automobile association plans for an automobile trip to St. Louil in 1904., the members in various cities -tart ing siniultoiicoiisly. It, i* reported that a large delegation "I licimali athletes will attend the Olym pian games scheduled to lake place during the exposition. The Automobile dub of America has voted to allow professional drivers to rep resent this country in the Gordon Ben nett cup race to be held next year in Ger many. Alex Winton has announced that if a Wi'iton car is entered in the international race, Barney Oldfield will driv< it, and the car will be the one Winton used lust year. Coach Morley has announce <i himself in favor of the American league ball groundg for Columbia's intercollegiate gridiron matches in the future. Yale, Harvard and Columbia have form ed a tennis league, the purpose of which is to promote international ititercoßegiate matches with Oxford and Cambridge. Wig Wag, 3:16%, the AiiicniaN troltci, sold to Mr». Dan McFnc*, of Vienna, by John Splan, will be raced >.i this side next summer by George Ketcham. Mrs. Me I'hee died the day Wig Wag reached Eu rope, and the animal was sold to Walter \\ mans, a friend of Kelchaia't. The lat ter believes Wig Wag ti probable '-u.ccs.4or of Cresceus, the champion trotting stallion. SANTA IN THE CHRISTMAS MAIL The poetofflce is ix-ing rushed with business as usual at this time o) the year. The office is working a lull force overtime, and is in shape to handle all the business: that Santa Clans will bring. The Incoming mails are particularly heavy ,is iH also the monej business. Money order Christmas presents appear to In- in vogue this s. PRICKLY POIIVTS We judge th' big niillionain- not. by uhut they give, but by wbul thej "Mrs I'eckham Ul She thinks she baa a legal Blind. "I know she does. She ask. d her has band as he entered the house the other niixht if he had made a real estate fcf. and all she wished to know wan il he had wiped his f< "Docs your wife do bor Christ man shop ping early?" . "No. Khe only bcprin early. sums of money were Intrusted to "the bro ther* ' for ; transmission I to < the "■ old t conn try. 1",: After a'time, the clients'learned'that" the * money; was not ■ reaching S. its; destina tion. Charges of embeutlmiieni were pre ferred : against "< them s and % they ,;i were • in dicted '.. li.v - the ' Mercer,; county. grand jury. Before ' their trial; they, lied :to New York, and :■ their ' bonsdmen ,were"compelled'^ to ' forfeit $1,500 : became oi their;' failure '' to ' appear in court. :-';.' .: ':■ v i , '" JJetectiveglwereßentUo New York and■■; Gabriel :, was - arrested, "• but hit* brother.' could no! be located. ■•. The magistrate, re lcasi'l Gabriel ' on parole; for ' his • appear-;' ance • later,': but" he again \ fled. 'No • trace of him.; was \ found until j laat week, when * he was arrested and placed j in, the Tombw^ A) Sharon I officer wa« I deputized fto ? )>n^l him buck. lIoNMZa waa haiiilciilVi'il to L^fl Kspyeach,""• one f of., his i accuserß/^B|; • Hotmza bribed, and '. the. two ocii^B the i train vat t; Binghamton,-; N,!. )|H : have not been caplurcd. Hiißsn"Bp^P' money | with ,; a; lavish * hand 1 and s recently J gave Ia 5 dinner ito I some I of ; hie i friends; in New, York that cost him $1,000. While ; in ; the city Ihe | became enamored! of a I chorua 1 girl' and he gave: her / expensive j presents. Many,-' of the > depositors •in the:; city; are * bankrupt as the result' of Hosuza's crook edness. f, lloss/.a ; is; not yet '23 yean fold,! There'arc 29 charges against him/'Sj^g^ DETECTIVE'S HOUSE RIFLED BY BURGLARS The homo ,<- of W. '..", W. " Wingard was ransacked ,by : a ' burglar Saturday noon. More ; than; $100 i worth' of plunder - was stolen, The residences is at ■! 1014 State street, / Ejitrance ; was gained through? a rear door, which was unlocked. '.The burg lar left no clue. ■ - ; FIREMAN'S BALL The twelfth amiiml hull of the Tmhim fin- department will be held Wednesday evening, December 80, In Germania hall. The proceed* will be turned over t<> the Kircnicn's Belief association, The memben of the department are making great preparations for the a Hair and anticipate success. TOO MUCHEE TRADE TIENTSIN. Deb. Sl.—The Times todag thai I'rincc China, minister oi for eign affaire, luih aaked the American min ister not in Insist upon the opening of Moukden to (orejgn trade, Cning Hayti by so doing America will relieve China of a most difficult Hit nation. NORTHWESTERN Detective Agency 426 7 <al. I'.lk. See uk. Tel Black IMS. Pop Smith Kii.vH he will have enough dandy to supply Bvefl '>'"■■ but oonv to avoid the ra»h, Pop Smith Candy Co., I Hi; I'm. Ave.j alwi Lyceum Theater. * WASHINGTON TRUCK CO., J. C. Hew- L itt & Co. \ General '■ freighting, j household i'oimlm. safes • and : pianos ; removed. ■ Office 109 Tenth St. Office telephone, John 2341, Barn telephone, James 2341.-:. liest Ball Bearing Wringer ...........$3.50 Best' Folding Tub Stand ■.... .V.... .$1.60 Ilest olding Ironing and Stove Board. Best Daily Paper one month ........'.s .25 $8.75 Up to (Ihrii' ma* only , $5.25 1549 Tncoma Avenue. — THE— Wheeler & Wilson New Family Machine \n a great improve-] merit ob anything over made in the way of; ii Sewing Machine. Drop Bead Machine, Blight]) Used, $lUO, $16.50,; »20.00 and $21.30. . . Fully Warranted. Child's Chain Stitch Hand Machine given': with | each purch«««, as ■ long as. they | last. FREMMING BROTHERS IMtJ < BTBBBT State Agent* W. W. Mfg Co. ' ..Phono Main 470..'. K. 1. ELLIOTT, 313 Fidelity bMg., ,'phone I Red 0862. j Patents guaranteed at lowest ! iont. • Send vi your idea*. Wt make map* ji machine drawing*, tracings, blue prints. • 1