Newspaper Page Text
4 BRYAN IS MING LONDON, Dec. 29.--William J. Bryan arrived from the Continent today. He will sail for America:on the Celtic to morrow. He' says he docs not care to discuss the i presidential nomination, but will support the democratic leader, who ever he may be. ICE BREAKS WITH LOSS CINCINNATI, 0., Dec. 29.-The ice in the Ohio river broke here today. Warn ings wen- sent to all points down stream, but much damage in predicted. A fleet of loaded coal barges belonging to the Cincinnati Coal company was carried away. CAPT. CAMPBELL DEAD BEATTLJC, Dr. 20. Captain John Oampbatl, the oldest BMSlber of the fam ily that formerly owned the Port Makeley mill, the largCHt in the world, died at Inn home here List evening. CaiKitin ('amp lx'll was Dearly 89 years of age at the time Of his death. I'ritil a few months >iH'-> lie appeared to be strong and walked about the neighborhood daily. BOLD ROBRERY WEST POINT. Vu., I>ec. 29.—The night "watchman here • was held up last night by three bandits, bound and gagged and marched to the poatoffice, where he was compelled to witness the blowing of the wife. The robbers escaped with $2,100. MAD MULLAH MAKES APPEAL Rome, Dec. 29.—The Mesaagero »ays that the Mad Mullah has appealed to the Italian government to use its endeavor* to secure peace between the tribesmen and England. t&Su YOUNG WOMAN IS VICTIM OF TIC CfiNTRALIA, . Dec.' > 29,—Mre. Josie Elder, a young woman,, wag assaulted by a tramp between here and C'hehalis yester day, lie demanded her money and threat ened to kill her with, ■ big stone he held in his hand if she did not do os be told her, Instead of obeying him, Mrs. hlder screamed and ran. The tramp followed tier, but' with a fair start and a good road she could outrun anyone under the. circumstances. The tramp pivo up the chase. It is supposed that the thus! rame back here, but he has not yet been cap tured. t „ , , ■'< MARINE GLIMPSES The iteamahip S'rbia is taking on coal at the Commeraal dock bunkers. Slu- will xhit't tins afternoon i» Ute Puget Bound Olouring nulln. The ooUier Montaru blushed loading at the I'.lfitru- bunkera ami left this morn ing for Ban Francisco. The I*orth«rn ftSet*O liner Olympin. ii taking on 30,000 sacks of flour at the Pttget Sound flouring mills. The suit-wheel tug Favorite waa in port this morning from Port Blakeley. She will take out a raft from the St. Paul mill. . ■■•::.;;'..:• The government • has ordered the sale of the former coast survey steamer Fuca. Sealed tender* will be received by Captain J. F. Pratt of the Patterson at Seattle. COAL BUSINESS IS NOW BOOMING Speaking of the condition of the coal mines of this state. Mine Inspector Charles Owens said this afternoon that the past year had ■ been one <>!' prosperity to the coal industries of this state. New shafts are being sunk, tunnels extended and new fields opened. Indications point to a steady increase of tonnage next year. The • Northwest Improvement company in sinking a new shaft between Koslyn and Cle Elum. The Pacific Coast company has sunk a new (halt at Franklin to a depth of 1,350 feet, and will project a tunnel from the old mine to the new one. The Carbon Hill Coal company has sunk a shaftsouth of Wingate hill, across the river, and will sink down to a fifth level in the one being worked now. Is us. 4 and 7 are closed down on account of danger of explosions. ■ ■ > • ■ The mine at (helialis owned by Taeoma parties principally has been shipping since the last of October. A railroad has been put in - connecting the mine with the Northern Pacific, enabling the company to ship coal as fast m it W mined. At Tenino the Great Western Coal co. m na.nv has built a line connecting the mine with the Northern Pacific and has com menced operations. Before putting m thia branch line the Great Western transport- Ed it* coal to the railroad on wagons. The coal at Tenino and Chebalis, unlike Pierce county coal, is of the lignite variety. The Snoqnalmie mines have commenced operations. The Gale < Creek company at Wilkeson has put in 25 coke ovens and is installing a washer. The general prosperity of the country has created a good market for coal and the demand exceeds the supply. Carbonado shut down for a year and a half because the Southern Pacific stopped using coal and burned oil. The road re mimed its old methods and the Carbon ado mines are running with a full force of men. '' 1 The minerß of this state are satisfied with their i>ay in most instances and strike* are infrequent. FAST TRAIN DEMOLISHED FORT WAYNE, Ind.. Dec. 29.—The westbound limited on the Pennsylvania railway this morning collided with a freight near Larwill. Fireman Stafford and Bapßageman Snyder are milling and are believed to Ik.' dead beneath the wreckage. Engineer Herbert was pinned beneath the engine and probably fatally injured. A number of pawpngcrs are reported Injured. A relief train hai gone to the scene. > .1.4 Later. —Raif-nyderV body was recovered. Fireman Stafford wax found probably fatally injured. Seven others were injured, none fatally. The paswenger wag run ning 30 miles an hour when the collision occurred. The locomotives were telescoped into each other. The property loss ex ceed* $30,000. DOWN! UP! NEW YORK, Dec. 29.—Another turbu lent KCBM wax enacted on the Cotton Ex change this monung. The bears beat May and July ootton down 40 points in a ii w mimites. The bulls then rallied and Ctnied the price back to the 14-cent level. MILEAGE BOOKS VERY POPULAR The chairman of the Western Passenger asso(ialion in his report for the jmst two vents ihow that the increased demand for interchangeable mileage book* and cre dential ticket! in marvelous. During the month of November, 1902, 1,638 mileage ticket! were sold, and in November, 1903, it increa«ed 52 per cent, or 2,500. JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER MADE THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO A CHRISTMAS PRESENT OF $1,850,000.- Newa Item. PRESIDENT HARPER: GEE, THAT'S A FUNNY SANTA CLAUS; HE HASN'T ANY HAIR. THEY WANT THE CANAL JACKSONVILLE. Fla., Dec. 29.—Fol lowing the action of Pensacola and other Southern . cities, the board of' trade this afternoon holds a meeting for the purpose of calling on senators to vote for the ratification of. the Panama canal treaty. FRENCH I ITALY'S SONS ■PARIS, Dec. 29.—A council of ministers today approved the Franco-Italian arbitra tion treaty. CABINET TO MEET TODAY WASHINGTON, D. C, Dw. 29.-A THE TACOMAVTIMEB MIXED WASHINGTON, I). C, Dm. 29-There •idermbk gossip here over the dates mentioned is an interview with Perry S. Heath at Ixmisville. Heath ig quoted as saying; thiit MeKinley told him in the White Hoii-i>, ■ few days before the as sassination, that he hoped Hanna WOnM be his successor. Now it is said that M< - Kinley left the White House July 6 and .never returned. He WM shot at I'.uftalo September fi. Frienda of Heath are await ing hU reply. MUCH LIKE DOWIE Qaatavo A. Kugrua, who ig under the illu.-ion that he is the Christ, was before Jadgf Snell today on a charge of infinity, lit- wmn in his hat a placard bearing ntrange figures, below which are the words Socialism tad Cascade." t'pon being re quested by J)r. Ijibby to give a statement of hi.i beliefs Kagna gave the court a sermon upon the evils of the present state of alfairs in general, closing witli the solemn declaration that if they would but believe him he would be able to right things very shortly, lie was committed to the itoylum at Steilacoom. Annie Burgoyne of St. Helens, Wash., wm also examined for insanity and com mitted to Steilacoom. Annie has a dancing and singing habit. HE MADE GOOD HARTFORD, Conn., Dec. 29.— J. Allen, president of the Hartford Steam Boiler In spection & Insurance company, and pio neer in that class of insurance in Am erica, died this morning, aged 70 yeara. TREASURE SHIPS The (steamship Umatilla, loaded, with 1 bullion: for San Francisco, got away last night from the smelter. The Selkirk is due there tonight with ore from - Lady smith, B. C. ' ■■>■-"' ,'■;• W __„ ____„ - MORTALITY RECORD The funeral of .Mrs. Helen M. O. Have land -late wife of the superintendent of ■ McKinley park, who died Saturday, was. held from the Norwegian Lutheran church at 2 o'clock this afternoon. ,' ]• ' '.'■. Mrs. Cerlina Stonequist died last eve ning at the family residence, 1008 South M street. A husband and three small children survive her. The funeral will be held Wednesday .at 2 o'clock from the residence. ■. ,■'..■■■'■■,<,■•', .",; - special meeting of the cabinet will be held this afternoon. It will be the first since the adjournment of congress. It is sup posed that the Panama situation will be the chief topic, although a number of minor departmental matters will be con sidered. It is likely also that the pro posed nttMQCre of Jews at Kishineff on the Jewish Christmas will be brought up. The president is receiving many appeals from various organizations to intercede with thf czar. It is believed that the only thing that can be done by America is n> direct the ambassador at St. Peters burg to acquaint the Russian foreign of- Boe with these appeals. A request to the czar to take action on a predicted out rage would give serious offense without any gain. Simon Wolf Rainbrith called at the state department this morning and per soimllv presented one of thwa petitions. The state department last night received a dispatch from Minister Buchanan at Panama Mying that never before had there been such an election as that held for delegates to the constitutional con vention of the new republic. The dispatch did not state the results. CANNON GET A SCORCHING • ST, DENIS), France, Dec. 29—Fire this morning party destroyed the Hbtchkka cannon factory. The lo«« is heavy. "Banquet m\CLTIQG*S Ha-Oe a Well Earned "Reputation for "Being Economical of Fuel An intending purchaser will see g* . •" , tgg. The operation of reversing cut» at a glance that if the top oven LL—iaL 7 ' -JL«* J^L * off the linkers and ashes and plate is cast iron, lined with fire- fl^f I*l''' ''*i haves a clean fire, clay, and the back and bottom oven HpSsr I -_:rwfl When coal is burned and it iff is rolled plate steel, the heat within VI W == J'OKJ desirable to keep a slow fire at the oven is equalized, and that bak- ,-- m ■ }jZL2mm^3Jkml^iz2*m»^ night, or when the stove is not in ing or roasting may be done with I ft!iU*' Tiy'~'JJ^.'ili''JrW active use, the grate, in a reversed remarkable rapidity and uniformity. KlSSslMr^^lfl 1 position, will be found of great as "Banquets" are provided with nßlVmlE^^fv j\ I sistance. Thu» the "Banquet Combination Duplex Grates, which, <jP^gE<j|igi|^^^a^lJ| Ranges" possess not only the best . i ■»■ r t2 \ PgggL^fiSgih»fe>Ju/j features of modern steel ranges, in their normal position, are for J$ Lt in addition a convenient Pouch burning coal, but .nay be quickly £» JW^^^ Rl^ Feed!" Large Door, affording aecesa reversed, and with the solid side up MJ^^aHl^*fT~r?l'S^|O^Br to grate, a Broad, Smooth Hearth, make excellent wood burners. . p"- ..- \ arid an ample Lift-out Ash Pan. If you LooKingfor a. F^an^e Call and \JTee Ours H.W.Myers <&L Co. Dealers in Hardware and Furniture. Phone James 2576 1021 and 1023 So. lith Street STRIKE REPORTED H. S. Owen, the vice-president of the Iconoclast Mining company, has a letter from L. D. Bacon, operating the Icono clast mining property in the Colville reser vation, in which an ore strike of consid erable richness is reported. The Icono lcaat has nearly 150 Tacoma stockholders. MARRIAGE LICESES Marriage licenses were issued today to PauJ Wuttke and Mrs. Julia Smith; G. E. Lundel and Esther Kricksou; Oscar Hel land and Mabel Miller; H. 11. Hopper and Jennie B. Qregg. A MURDERESS WILL SWING BENNIXUTOX, Vt., Dec. 29.-Mary Rogers, convicted of killing her husband, was this morning sentenced to be hanged February 5, 1904. Leon Perham, her self confessed accomplice, was sentenced to im prisonment for life. FOUND —Ladies' handbag, with purse and small amount of money. Call at the Northwestern Detective Agency, Room 426 California Bldg. "# Specialties at the Edison Theater 914 C Street, Tacoma Theater Building. First Class Family Vaudeville for Ladies Gentlemen and Children Entire change of Program every Monday. Matinee 3 p. m. Admission 10c Evening S to 11. Admission 10 and 20c NO MORE FOR MRS. A. MOORE Anna Moore waR granted a divorce from Arthur T. Moore by Superior Judge Snell yesterday. She charged that Moore was habitually drunk, notwithstanding the fact that he had often promised her not to drink any more. CITY ITEMS The total value of the estate of the late Edward S. Hamilton has been in voiced at $25,871. The inventory and ap praisement of the estate were filed with the county clerk yesterday. > Arthur Mohrbacher, a negro, is booked for vagrancy at the city jail. The man was . found by an officer with a sack of junk. " — , . ....aa MASSACRE WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 29.—A re port received from Minister Lyon at Mon rovia, Liberia, tells of the massacre of Missionary John G. Tate and 18 of his followers by Doos tribesman, who horribly mutilated the bodies. COULD NOT EAT ISARAMENTO, Cal., Dee. 29.—The Painters' union last night were to have held their annual banquet at the Palace restaurant, but were forbidden by the council of the federated trades because Chinese cooks were employed. EVANS SAILS FOR ORIENT HONOLULU, Dec. 29.—Admiral Evans and his fleet sailed for Cavite today so as to be near to protect American interests in case Japan and Russia go to war. COURTMARTIAL SEATTLE Dee. 29.—A court martial is being held today in the federal court house to try Lieutenant Oscar C. Haines of the revenue cutter Manning on a charge of being guilty of conduct unbe coming an officer. He He is alleged to have seduced, under promise of marriage, Mrs. Fannie Fays. It is claimed that he promised to marry her in California before he went North with his ship. USEFUL ARTICLES ; If you have friends to remember upon *y ' II ; New Year's, it will be well worth your [•BsF"»3EffiS2zsWlli while to inspect some of the elegant ar- ttfceSffinftfflHEElßajl tides in the stock of the Henry Mohr [^~~Majggn|MiM ■ |y Hardware Company. pjWßSL^aAJkMfl^^i^ Among other useful things are a few * <~» "■.™*»«l.'i-''£™>«™>» Carving Sets, the best in the city, at very H ifi mmmm**mm^3& liW*^ moderate prices. specialty of Standard Hr«r>» uV^^^Rfl * A Mohr maJtes a specialty of Standard - ■ fttViVtf,fiiSrtßCl 9^\A implements for household use. , . MJ|™*» *| wmW*)m Wringer Sold for Cannot be excelled by any other on the market. Henry flohr Hardware Co. ;- :>' 1148 Pacific Avenue. 1147 Commerce Street. •.;' She met him in Port Townsend several weeks ago when he returned. He refused to have anything to do with her. Finally, to prevent a scene, he said that he would return and talk the matter over with her if she would allow him to go to his ship, which was in the harbor, and change hi» uniform for a civilian's suit. He gave the woman his word that he would come buck, but «he waited for six hours in vain for him. A $15,000 breach of promise case is now pending against him in the civil courts. BIG GROWTH SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 29.—The thir teenth annual meeting of the Pacific Coast Commercial Travelers' association, H.. H. Davis, president, was held at Elks' hall today. The total funds on hand were re ported to be $16,450.77, a net gain for the general fund of $1448.41. The member ship shows an increasgkjq bgkqjkqjmj ship shows 789, an increase during the year of over 200 members. A banquet will be held tonight. BUILDING PERMITS. Building permits were today issued t» A. C. Carlson and E. H. Erickson. The former will build a IV4-story addition t» his residence at 616 North Sprague street,, to cost $350. Erickson will build a IVi story dwelling on Sixty-fourth and Em) F streets, to cost $1,000. INVESTIGATING INDIAN MURDER Superior Judge Snell is this afternoon investigating the murder of Mrs. Anna Smokalem, of which her husband is ac cused. He lias entered a plea of guilty of second degree murder, but the court wishes to ascertain if the plea is justified WANTS "OFFICIAL DADS" FOR GROWN-UP FOLKS ST. PAUL, Minn., Dec. 28.—Thirty per cent of the criminals now in the making, are saved under the probation system, ac cording to A. L. Graves, probation officer of St. Paul. There are 700 children in St. Paul, out of 2,000 arrested for criminal offenses, who ne^er saw the inside of a jail, but who were placed on probation and honorably discharged to go to work or school. Mr. Graves has requested the Ministers' association to work for a probation sys tem for men and women. He also want* a separate jail for children. INTERURBAN TIME CARD. Leace Tacoma (cor. Eighth and A Sts.) —6:15, 7:30, 8.35, Ltd., no stops, 6:30, 10:30, 11:30 a. m.; 12:30, 1:30, 2:30, 3:30, 4:35, Ltd., no rtope., 5:30, 6:30, 8.:30, 10:30 p. m.; 7:30 p. m. and 12:15 a. m. to Kent only. Leave Seattle (First Are. So. and Jack son St.)—fl:3o, 7:30, 8:35., Ltd., no stops, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 a. m.; 12:30, 1:30, 2:30, :i:3O. 4:35, Ltd., no stops, 5:30, 8:30, 8:30, 10:30 p. m.; 7:30 p. m. and 12:15 a. in., to Kent only.