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Independent in All Things TOI,. 1. XO. 174. JUDGE PARKER WINS NOMINATION— HARMON TIPPED FOR SECOND PEACE Turner of Washington Not Mentioned by Leaders For the Vice-Presidency—Convention Convened This Afternoon to Select Parker's Running Mate—Bryan Fought Valiantly Against New Yorker in an All Night Session ST. I,oriS. July —The tip is Strong that Judson Harmon of Ohio will he given the nomination for vice president. All early delegates in the hall claim his nomination is cer tain. Turner Not Mentioned. ST. LOUIS, July 9. —Shortly be fore noon the leading delegates rep resenting New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Missouri went Into consultation on the vice-presidential nomination in Sheehan's room at the Southern hotel. New York brought out Gray of Del aware. Senator Tillman, who later joined the conference, urged the nomination HIS WIFE. MRS. A. B. PARKER. of Senator Daniel of Virginia, stating that it is time the South was recog nized. Del mas is representing Hearst in the conference. The conference broke up at 2:20 ■without announcing a definite con clusion. Statements were made, how ever, that Judson Harmon was prac tically the unanimous choice of those present. Session Opens. ST. LOUIS, July 9.The conven tion was called to order at 2:48 p. in. It is said that New York has defi nitely declared for Judson Harmon for vice-president. Conferences are proceeding all through the hall and there is a rumor that the silver men will try to compel an adjournment jmtj) 8 o'clock, in order to allow them an opportunity to rally their forces. The heat in the hall is terrific and enthusiasm' is at a low ebb. DETAILED VOTE SHOWING RESULT OF FIRST BALLOT Parker 058 Hearst 200 Olney 37 Cray 12 Ceckrell 42 Miles 3 McClellan ; 3 Wall 27 Partisan 4 (Jllllll)lll 3 Towne 2 Osier l Total 002 Necessary to a choice 002 tore I In- result of the ballot was announced, Idaho, Washington and! West Virginia changed their votes to Parker, giving ili•- New Yorker a dear plurality.. Governor Dockeryj of Missouri thereupon moved to make the vote unanimous, which was carried. Scenes Unparalleled. ST. LOUIS. July 9. —Amid scenes unparalleled in national convention history the Democrats at 5:40 o'clock this morning nominted Judge Alton B. Parker for president. Lacked Nine Votes. Parker lacked just nine votes when the first roll call was ended, but be fore the vote was announced Idaho changed six votes to Parker and Ne vada followed with two. Parker now lacked but one vote and West Vir ginia gave him 13 and Washington The Tacoma Times. fell in line witn 10, making the total 089. Is Made Unanimous. Before this could be announced, Governor Dockery of Missouri with drew Senator Cocki-ell's name and moved that Parker's nomination be made unanimous. This was done wit!) a yell and the demonstration started. Adjourned With a Yell. Everybody was too tired, however, to offer very much, and a motion to adjourn wan greeted with a howl of affirmation as the 11,000 specta tors and 1,000 delegates made haste for the exits. Fought to Last Ditch. Bryan fought to prevent Parker's nomination and to do it rallied all the favorite sons and the anti-Parker forces. He urged each to try to hold THE CANDIDATE. JUDGE PARKER. MRS. CHARLES M. HALL. his own men in line. The anti-Parker people played for time all night, while at every oppor tunity they hammered at Hill and the people back of the Parker boom. Anyone hut Parker, Bryan made a speech seconding the nomination of all candidates except Parker. He named each and said that upon the new platform the party might stand united if only a man worthy of the people's trust could be named for president. He said all the candidates except Parker were such men. Nebraska Asks Nothing. These candidates were Hearst, Gray, Olney, Miles and Pattis'on. Then, turning to the New York dele- MRS HARRIET STRATTON 1 PARKER. Judge Parker's Mother. gat ion, he said: "Nebraska asks no thing. All we want is a man we can get behind and work for and trust. I'rjnii Is Eloquent. "Eight years ago the Democratic convention placed our banner in my hands. Four years later my commis ■ion was renewed. I now return Hie standard and take my place in Hie I party ranks. You may charge that my leadership was faulty, that T f;iil« jd. but I defy you to say that 1 have been untrue to the trust or false to the Democratic faith. A God of Gold. "Do not compel the Democracy to choose between militarism and plu tocracy. Do not force us either to acknowledge a god of war or now* down to a god of gold. Give us a man of and for the people." Speech Causes I'itroar. Bryan's speech threw the conven tion into an uproar, but the plans of the Hill-Sheohan-Murphy combine were too well laid to be shaken. Their followers and delegates were alert and watchful and acted with the precision of military forces in their obedience to command. It was a case of Parker on the HIS DUGHTKR. first or second ballot or Parker was beaten, so it was that Belmont, Hill and Sheehan brought together the forces organised during a campaign of months in a supreme effort to land the New Yorker. A is Outgeneraled. At a final conference of the op position leaders it had been deter mined to attempt to wear out me Parker forces and force an adjourn ment, until today, but the Parker managers were not long in discover ing the ant is' plan of campaign, and with the discovery came the state ment in grim tones that if it took until 4 o'clock in the morning the fight would go on. It did take that much time, and then some more. Everything that had gone before in convention affairs was preliminary to this trial of strength. LEADERS WAGE BATTLE : . AMID EXCITING SCENES ST. LOUIS, July 9.— nearly ten long hours the masterful leaders of the Democratic party battled with all the strength and ingenuity that long years of experience has endowed them with to win the fight. Twelve thousand excited men and women cheered their favorites and jeered the opposition forces. Urged on by Spectators. They hurrahed, yelled and shriek ed for half an hour at a time. They stamped until the building trembled. In the reservation on the mam floor, the grim leaders, calm despite the awful strain to which they were subjected, directed their forces. Beaten Leader's Stand. Bryan's last stand In the conven tion was made with hollow hut blaz ing eyes, and the force of his husky voice ii seemed would tear the very flesh of his throat. Dawn shone in upon the sickly lights of the. convention hall, where thousands of people, weary to the verge of collapse, sat listening to the proud justification of the beaten lead er. Bryan Exhausted. A great demonstration" toUowed Bryan's speech, and as the roll call proceeded the Nebraskan left the hall on the arm of his brother, and five minutes after his arrival at the hotel he was fast asleep. His marvelous strength had been taxed to the ut most and as he walked to the hotel TAOOMA, WASH., S.VITIUMY KVtCXIKf). .U IV ». ItMH. iwo blocks a\\'B> $»,•''leaned heavily on his brother.' % '-'l[ No Sleep for Klfly Hours. Bryan said to atjjcripps News A* socintion man: "A« the end of tnf roll call approached, I saw. Parker was near enough jo the nomination to win on the first ballot.' Then I left the hall to got some needed rest. 1 had not slept for M hours." \i,i,-\h;ht hksn-ox CLOSES. WITH I»ARKK<i;H'NOMINATION ... ■ . ■■ :;{•"* £.■••'■•■•■ The greatest crowd of the conven tion gathered 'at' tie session which convened at 8 o'clovfc last night. Ev erybody wax eager] for- the nomina tions, and such' a (tin"prevailed that it was nearly. an lour before the resolutions committee could get a hearing. , Report Is Adopted. The report over which Bryan and Hill had fought for many hours was read by Senator Daniel, and it was unanimously adopted. A mighty yell went up-as the result, was an nounced, and the bead played "Hail Columbia." : ••■•' }•?;■ Nomination* Mmlr. The roll call for nouiiunt ions wan commenced, Alabama yielding to New York, and Martin \V. Littleton placed the name 'of,* Judge Parker before the convention.': I Demonstration Started. An outburst , of cheering followed Mr. Littleton's address, and a gen eral celebration was|:; started, .which lasted for 30 minutes. I'The delega tions for Parker, lonned a precision and marched around the hall, yell ing and cheering. >|<'';; i Hearst Hits til* Turn. When the Parker)'men had been quieted down, Hearst!sj name was'put in nomination by Delipaa: of Califor nia, and another outbreak of the en thusiasts ensued, f* 1 Other nominations • followed and seconding speeches iwere; numerous, so. that it was neai»'f "oJo'clock .this morning before thej%r«t ballot was completed. I ,V Parker's nomination was seconded by Senator Tillman. S. Cunimings and others. Gray of Delaware was nominated, and Wall of Wisconsin. The North Dakota "delegation placed the name of John f Sharp Williams before the convention, but It was im mediately withdrawn. . Roosevelt Receives News. OYSTER BAY, June 9.—President Roosevelt received the news of Judge Parker's nomination'early this morn ing by telephone from his office. What comment, if aur, was made by the president is not. known at the executive office. HOW THK DELEGATES VOTED. Alabama —Parker ", 22. Arkansas — Parker 18. California — 20. Colorado — Hearst 5, Parker 4, Mc- Clellan 1. Connecticut—Parker 14. Delaware—Grayo. Florida—Parker tj, Hearst 4. GeorgiaParker 86. Idaho —Hearst 6.-.' Illinois —Hearst M. Indiana Parker 30. lowa— Hearst 26. Kansas —Hearst 10, Parker 7, Miles 2, Cockrell 1,5; Kentucky—Parker 20. Louisiana —Parker 18. . , Maine —Parker 7, Hearst 1, Olney 4. • ■•' •:■ •;• :':■'-■ -X *;■ ■ : Maryland —Parker ; 10. i Massachusetts- -Olne\ 32. Michigan—Parker 28., Minnesota—-Parkei; ft, Hearst 9, Cockrell 1, Towne 2, Gray 1. Mississippi—Park en 20. Missouri—Cockrell "36. Montana—Parker 6. Nebraska —-CockreU 1, Hearst 4, Olney 1, Gray 1, Wall J, Miles 1, Pat tison 1. Nevada—Hearst 0. [ New Hampshire—Parker 8. New Jersey—Parker 24. New York- Parker 78. North Carolina—Parker 24. North Dakota—Williams 8. Ohio Parker 4li. Oregon—Parker I, Hearst 2, Mc- Clellan 1, Coler I. : Pennsylvania- Parker 68. Rhode Island Hearst <;, Parker 2. South Carolina —Parker 18. South Dakota Hearst ft. Tennessee—Parked (24. Texas Parker 3 «.r Utah—Parker 6. j" Vermont- —Parker is. Virginia Parker 24. Washington— Hearst 10. . West Virginia Parker 10, Hearst 2, Gorman I, Wisconsin—-Wall 26. Wyoming—Hearst 0. Alaska Parker 6.' Arizona —Hearst C. District of Columbia— Parker 6. Indian Territory — Parker 5, Hearst 1. y, Hawaii-—Hearat <>. New Mexico — He;. 6. Oklahoma —Parker 2, Hearst 2, iiicClellart I, Olneyyl. Porto Rico —Parker 2, Hearst 4. ■■■■•*■:, - -v DRUNKEN MAN IS STABBED TO DEATH BY UNKNOWN ASSAILANT Victim Is Identified as John Alexson-A ISegro Named Jake Field Arrested Early This MornlngHeld on Suspicion of Being Implicated In the Crime ■ .Take Field, a colored porter, was arrested at 6 o'clock this morning by Detective Smith and Captain Law rence, on suspicion of being impli cated In the murder of John Axelson. a laborer, who wan stabbed to death on Pacific, avenue near Twenty-first street \ shortly after 1 o'clock last night. ' ' ' Stubbed in thr liicnht. The murdered man was stabbed in the breast, and fell face down ward. .The body was discovered ly ing in a pool of blood by Officer Busn, who was on his regular beat.' When THREATENS TO PUT THE SLOT MACHINES OUT OF BUSINESS F. H. nnldie, who. It Ih alleged, has the management of the slot machines now operating in Tacouia, says that he has no knowledge of any action being brought against him by one B. L. Mead. "I haven't heard of any suits being brought against me." he said, "and don't see why there should by. This man Mead used to run Home ma chines in Olympia, but I don't know thai he hut any here. My time is taken up with my own business and I don't have time to look alter iik. affairs of anybody else." The above statement wu» made )>y Mr. Baldle when he was asked about ihe frietlott that Is reported to exist OFFICERS FAVOR AMERICAN LAKE REGIOSi FOR PERMANENT GAMP SITE Advices from the American lake region indicate that the federal offi cers are highly pleased with the location of the camps. Their enthu siasm over the situation Is unbound ed, and has been warmly expressed In a number of letters to the war de part ment. The location has commended itself so highly to General Kunston that lie hap expressed himself as favoring ihe place for a permanent camp site. He says: "The territory in Jhis vicinity Is Judge Parker's Grandchildren. ALTON PARKER HALL, MARY MACALIBTICtt HALL, undoubtedly the best suited for man euvers and the mobilization of large bodies of troops of any on the coaat. The climatic condition* are good. , It. is conveniently situated In regard to transportation familitles, and there Is room here for an Immense army,. Hie water supply is as good S I could be asked, mid we already ba«e a ■ -uf nclent supply, by extending our pipes a little, for 30,000 men. The toll is of such a nature that everything drains off and roads for toil reason, too, are always good. Tna roads In this district, I am told, are never muddy, even during the rainy n>n:ion. i have several times recommended that the government purchase a large tract in this neighborhood for >, per manent camping ground, a maneuver district and mobilization point." Captain I' A. Grant, division quar termaster, Is another who !« equally found, the body was still warm and blood was gushing from an ugly wound. The Identity of the dead man wan not known until this morning, when John Batsch, proprietor sf the Oar tield hotel, called at the coroner's of llce and identified htm as one of his boarders. Hatschi stated thai AxHnon worked with a section gang on the Inter urban. Yesterday the murdered man drew hit) month's salary and Immedi ately started out on | drunk. Me wan last seen by Katnchl about 1Z o'clock, but at that time he seemvd to be able to take care of himself. Nctcio taspected. Suspicion at once pointed to a ne- among the slot machine operators In Tacoma. ; .. • ,r . , The story is to the effect that by an arrangement with the city admin istration, Baldle, for h stipulated number, of plunks per month, has secured the lion's share of- the:slot machinebbusines s in Tacoma. 15. L. Mead, who owns ; some machines, tried to butt In for a share of the business, but found ■'that^Baldle,"bo to speak, had a sort of a fence around the business. ; Failing to make a deal ■with Haldle, so the story goes, Mead is reported to have appealed to the. city authorities,,'He did, not get.the glad hand there,-and,now.-threatens to go Into court and put Baldie out Of business.. positive in his declarations, v.'hen asjted hi* opinion he said; "ii Is unquestlonabl) ite beet oamping ground I have seen on the Pacific COatS, It is especially favora bly located as regards transportation by water and railroad. The wator supply 1b of the best quality and tiip pumping plants already here could, by extending pump lines, accommo- date 30,00fl men. They win accom modate 10,000 now. The soil is solid gravel, with a heavy How of water underneath, which l» easily taii]»;i The local ion of the leniMiy 1« ex cellenl as regards the supply of for age, straw and wood. "The facilities for unloading from trains are already good, there being Ridings at Lakfrview, Murray and liUgginß. The Bound is bill a Hhort distance away. There are wharves within easy reach, and others could Be built. There are already telegrapn stations convenient." poweFjranchise rhalrmnn Frank If. Lamborn of the franchise committee ol the city council today announced ihat in all probability he. would call a meeting One Cent SB CEN'TB PRR MONTIS sro: with whom ■ Axelson had; hart rom«. trouble in a saloon - earlier In the evening, anil th« officers followed up their clue, ■ which led to the nr rest Of Field.' ■ • The 'police,;however,'are not' cer- • tain ; t hat. Field ..was iln i any way im plicated In the murder, but. ho will lie held pending a careful invent Inn. Vi<l4r*i Made No Outcry. ; : Axeli«on wiui " stabbed I only r one*,' but« the instrument ■: lined had "pen**l,, trat«d '• the man's * vital , organs ; and he :• died '^without ■■' a . ntruegle. The . inurdtwr evidently met Axplson faco ■' to ' face'and; plunged hi* stiletto;lnto his astonished r.vlotltn• before: the lat ter ': could ;■ make i anyJ outory. ,r . , Many* people' were jin * the. vicinity about.' the time the murder was corn- v mitted, and the Hheln' hotel is; only ■ a short distance from the place whim the man was killed, yet no '• one heard ? a sound from the tragedy. " ; < The body.; of Axelson.waS' removed •, to the undertaker's,-;and an imiuetit will be held: over,, the remains ;thts afternoon. BBS ....... . ... .-...,,-,. . '.-,. .- ... ... .■ .-,,..'. i' of the i committee for -Tuesday nlKht \ at 8 o'clock,' at the city hall, to titho up the T.: It. « P. power franchise,*?: which s:lss now In v the 'handsjof the . committee, r ■i There In £ much*!: Interest ;,i being! Hhown by ; business' men ;In this fran-" cliiHe, and undoubtedly^ when :'the committee,' meets ! next r Tuesday to consider the- Question the council chamber, will ;be t filled wlthtTacoma ..•■ citizens who I desire' see i tho; com mittee and the city cooDcil "turn the franchise down inits present form. • MORE BUILDINGS Building Inspector Sherman,today carried his crusade ' against v old f and unsafe ■buildings,'sevcral "i, steps;* fur thet^fe 3"he; biiildiriK; occjpledsby ;|the Svea saloon and tho?»Cable Mtau rant, • 1106 1, and 1108 !: Commerce street, and i owned by Myron:, Cogs well, was ordered removed within the next .mi days,; ■-■>■■'.■. .- The Fidelity. Rent ft &;;;Collection company'was-also 'ordered "Uov tear down the 'buildings at 1109 C street and ' 1110', Commerce, street '. One' of the' old ■;buildings Is; used for a dye works and the other for a carpenter shop. MINER IS FOUND DEAD IN CHUTE • ■ » . ■ ■ .... - ■ - ■ . . ...■■■-..-.■.-. A post mortem examination, wan held yesterday;by Dr. T. B.°Currant county physician, over; the' body ol John Bust, an Austrian, who was found dead In ; <:h uto '■■ No. 17 of \ the {' Gale Creek?coal mine Thursday | last. ' The examination revealed \ tho ! : fact that the left 1 lung was free from air and very black. , The j right lung was half filled with air and was also black, This condition- showed that death was due to suffocation. John Stewart, .the mine foreman, I who found; the body,;said that he went into '•■".''chute 1 No. v 17' about. 21 o'clock Thursday afternoon and saw ;■ Bust lying down with his coat under him, Stewart* thought him asleep, but on giving Ills leg a quick jerk ;to awaken him,' wan horrilied to flnd'tha'. man dead. ', He then called to ' some l other, miners and with their help; the I body was brought to the surface.'.; The chute had been Bred about an hour before and it is 'thought? that 1 Jiu.-l entered It too soon- after the discharge. He had 'evidently tried to drive out the smoke, an miners; sometimes do, and had been over-, come by the fumes. Deputy, coroner Mellinger, who made an examination of the , chute,; concluded ; the man had died from suffocation. The : Austrian", society p of ' Bnum claw, of-which Ihe deceased was* a member, will take charge of Hie fu neral. • f ; DIRECTORY-IB OUT '.■-".;' ■..■;■;:: w'..-, .' The first copy of the new city dl rectory was received from the bind ery by | The Times today. I Although the new book is not quite as large as the;last'one* it contains more names, as they are arranged In double col umn. «.'• ■ ;■■;•, v-i. "■■■■'- ■.■ ■ '.' ■ *'-■■■■■-. \ The number of names in the direc tory is 26,062, an increase over lust year -of • 1.906. It. * also?? contains '* a ! large amount of valuable general In- ' formation. Mrs. Sophia Zulinsky wan fined $10 and costs in .Judge Griffin's court today, for buying second-hand go&ost without '. reporting, the same; to ; the police., Mrs. /tillnsky pleaded ignor ance of the law as an excuse fur not reporting the purchase.