Newspaper Page Text
HUMPHREYS POINTS 1 OUT STRENGTH OF JAPAN WASHINGTON CONGRESSMAN $M- INDICATES -y THAT <;,' LITTLE BROWN MEN HOLD ABSO LUTE CONTROL OF PACIFIC. '{By United Press • Leased Wire.) i^rNEW i YORK, Feb. 2.—The ab ?. solute control of the Pacific ocean by Japan was indicated today by Congressman ; W. E. ', Humphreys of; Washington In discussing a Speech delivered by him last night before a convention called to con ' sider plans for a larger and more efficient merchant marine. • '. JHK Humphreys j said j that while he did not believe there would be a war with Japan, he declared that It would be a simple matter for Japan to land 100.000 men In Ha SPAIN THINKS SHE HAS BEEN SNUBBED BY AMERICAN FLEET '(By ' United ! Press Leased Wire.) ||$#: MADRID, Feb. 2.—The failure got, any ship of the American fleet '>;to.visit a Spanish port while in ■j; the Mediterranean has caused an * ■ undercurrent of resentment which ,la plainly noticeable today. While || the officials think it would not be &'diplomatic to voice any displeas ure, unfavorable comments are be *}! Ing made generally in government circles,.t"':v-■.■.*„■ • ■ ".'■»■; The Spanish statesmen consl'dei .:•: It a show of bad policy on the part Tof the United States government ;■to I lay . itself - open to the | charge of harboring ill-feeling as the re : suit of the late war between the si two nations. >. ■ ■■:>?. ■/,..' ISjS^They say that a show of friend liness toward Spain would-*have S been' more In line with the ad ||T«nce of civilization in which 3*America prides herself she Is one ■pot the leaders. SAVOY ACTORS pssifflfipiiy fp«* Claiming that they have receiv -4 ed no remuneration since January I Virginia Thornton, Harry Cleve land ? and i other , members of the ftavoy I Stock ( company, filed suit yesterday against Mandel Lurle »nd Noel Travers to recover Judg ment for $656.75. J. R. Gray baa boon :« assigned the salary claims and will force the matter Into the courts. Harry B. Cleve land . also ; filed suit against .the Andrus-Cushlng . Lighting & Fix ture/company and Sheriff Morris (or an " alleged ' unlawful attach- Kment;t-A:.->i- .. : r- ■ . ■; , f&\The lighting company was I re cently granted judgment of $50.60 against the managers of the thea ter. It Is alleged that when the | sheriffs * office attached the pro ." ceeds :of the box , office Saturday .' afternoon they took as much as $80 away. ;; . CROMJEJiDOnSED By PIERCE CO. | sop (By Flitted Press I/eased Wire.) OLYMPIA, Feb. —B. A. Crowl was endorsed by the Pierce coun ty legislative '• delegation > for the new judgahip In Pierce county i yesterday.'•> The vote stood 8 to 3 |In i the I delegation, ; Metcalf, ;. Ryd ' •trom ; and •■• McKinney voting for If. L. Clifford.; v v'r V>-- ■■■■*>: te Later | the T delegation ~ made f It unanimous * (or *< Crowl. " ; Acting Governor Hay: will >*> not , appoint •without consulting Governor Cos ferove.'^;;--;-'::. ,<',,'. ;.■. -, ,>•■.■■;■..;■.,; %MSsijt^ "~—' ' ''""" " *"'' '" ";; ' ■ -"., EDITOR TO BOOST THIS CITY ■: ■ fijfe>; . ,_^_ V. . Tacoma will get liberal space in I the official f guide \of the Alaska- Yukon-Pacific exposition, which is ?to be published by Albert Hess of the I Portland i Oregonlan | staff. 1 He wag here yesterday gathering data concern A Taccina's "% advantages and side trips, and about a dozen pages will be devoted to this city. "SHOOT POOL" new automatic I tables. \l Donnelly . Hotel - Billiard Room. ,■■■■' '■:'., -■ . "'i'"^™**! ggr- I:^,-.:,.1 :^,-.:,. ;,„.;■ Our new automatic; \ pool \ tables ' have ■; ar-. rived. * >.'','" ' ' ' ' PRINCE'S wall and 200,000 in the Philip pines before the United States could get transports with troops under way. He attributed this to the fact that Japan has a well organized merchant marine and could requisition ships almost Immedi ately upon a declaration of war. He added that where Japan has 550 snips In her merchant marine on the Pacific coast, the United States has but 12. In addition to this Humphreys pointed out that Japan has 600, --000 Japanese In the fishing and merchant fleets, while there are only a thousand native born Amer icans in the merchant marine of the United States. VllilS PREY ON HOSPITALITY • QFJECm A. C. Feeney, Luther Earlle &A( I Charles "Clarke, said to be profes- Islonal "vags," were arrested b; Jailer Mitchell as they applied foi I lodging at the city lodging rooms The trio have applied at the saint I time almost every evening for i I month, and have been given i I good breakfast each morning. Captain Read said this morning "As long as men are unfortunate land need a night's lodging or fooc Iwe are glad to furnish it; bu I when these professionals make t I business of preying on our hospi Itality they will go to jail and bi I given a chance to cultivate theli I muscles on the wood-pile." JAPAN WILL AOHERK I TO PKESEXT POLJCY (By United Press Leased Wire.) TOKYO, Feb. 2. —Baron Ko mura, one of Japan's greatest dip lomats who, in addition to having held several ambassadorships, was the senior peace plenipotentiary at Portsmouth, today delivered an impressive speech -before the house of commons, declaring that Japan will adhere strictly to her present policy of restricting- emi gration to the United States and Canada. 40 WHITE MEN REPLACE JAPS Forty white men replaced 40 Japanese at the Nelson-Johansen mill across the bay yesterday and the Japs went back to Oregon from whence they came under contract. The mill owners found Jap help while cheaper from the point of wages, was less .satisfactory and profitable in the end as the Ori entals could not speak nor under stand English and the mill was operated through an Interpreter all the time. President J. A. Nelson says they will stick to white men hereafter. ENTOMBED MAN IS NOT YET FOUND Gas In the mine at Ashford yes terday prevented the workmen from rescuing Jack Nerell from the wreckage In the mine. A fan will be installed today to drive out the gas. It is expected that then the workmen will be able to clear up the mine and find the entombed miner. DOG-POISONER AT WORK AGAIN A valuable bull pup belonging to John A. Catto, 3216 Sixth ave nue, was killed by poison yester day. Several other doga in the neighborhod have died In the same manner recently, and tbe po lice have taken the matter up. It wan announced this morning that the police had a good idea of who the miscreants are, and that if further poisonings are attempt ed arrests will follow. Valentines, lc, 2c, &C Central Newa So. ••• J SAVED PASSENGERS OF THE WRECKED STEAMERS REPUBLIC AND FLORIDA ARIIVINGr IN NEW YORK Photograph taken at the Whl te tSar line dock in New York wh en the Baltic dim-liui^'U MM DWK songers taken from the steamers Republic and Florida. Many of the women were scantily clotlu-r and without bats or bonnets. THE SMASH THAT BROUGHT ABOUT THE GREAT DRAMA OF SEA How the bow of the liner Florida looked as the steamer that rammed tne Ki'jjuuuc limped into New York harbor. The tarpaulin covering hides the mass of ruins within which, when the picture was taken, still contained the bodies of two members of the crow, who were killed when the collision, at sea occurred. JACK BINNS, HE SAVED 1650 LIVES He is J. R. Binns, the brave operator who Rat in his bnTtem! and splintered office on the deck of the steamer Republic and sent out wireless distress signals until responses of help came from all directions. Binns is 25, an Englishman, and has been a Marconi operator for five years. Had there been no wireless system on thr Republic, and no brave operator, the 1650 persons aboard Would probably have perished. BALKAN WAR CLOUD IS DISSIPATED '-,:■ CONSTANTINOPLE, Feb. t. — The porte officially announced to day that it accepted Russia's offer to : cancel Turkey's long standing war Indemnity, of $25,000,000 in lieu of ' payment lof 'an ' Indemnity to i Turkey >by Bulgaria for Tur key : loss |of the i eastern . Rume lian ; Railway. V^£«S^eßSSni3SP4 s« Bulgaria will ; now pay Russia $16,400,000, which Is the amount of I indemnity the Bulgarian* oM-i 1 THE TACOMA TIMES ered Turkey. Russia will lose $8,600,000 by the transaction but will gain prestige politically with both nations. '';-»■ r^JT^-Mg-''■ Diplomats t here, liowerer, j he liev* In reality Russia will lose lit tle financially jas the Bulgarian debt will bear Interest while the Turkish debt didjjiot.^;^^^'.:. v Valentine*, t lc, at" 6«.'SS Central <j«w«co. : . .skmm**K. RADICAL CHANGE IN NAVY YARDS (By United Press Leased Wire.) VALLEJO, Cal., Feb. .. —Con- solidataion of all departments in the Mare Island navy yard, with the- exception of the storehouse and naval magazine, went into ef fect this morning in accordance with a recent order • from Wash ington, similar to one sent to all the navy yards of the' United States. - The order, which Is the most radical in the history of the navy yard changes, reduces four bureau heads to inspectorships under Lieutenant Evans. MAY PASS THE ANTI-JAP BILLS SACRAMENTO, Feb. :.—That the assembly will in all probabil ity pass the anti-Japanese meas ires pending before it, was indi cated today, when, by a vote of 33 o 17, the lower house frustrated in attempt to hinder the progress of Drew's substitute nntl-allen Mil. The judiciary committee returned he substitute to the assembly vith a favorable recommendation. OLO CLUB TO CELEBRATE ; The 8010 Club of Tacoma will •^lebrate the anniversary of ; the lining of the Philippine Insur rection; Thursday night with a moker and entertainment at the '.icoma !. Hotel. ; There ,wjill ( be plenty to eat and all sorts of ora tory and music for the occasion,^ All k former Spanlah-ArnerJfijdß, war ' veterans j are * Invited %, to the event. -:, : ;v '■•,,.™;"..v .:'.-■ .~~±::y:-^ HOMIIKII BALKS DBATn PLOT. It seemed to J. A. Stone, a civil war veteran, of Kemp, Tex., that a plot I existed between -a desperate lung trouble and the grave to cause hla death. "I contracted a stubborn cold." ha writes, ■ "that ■ developed , a cough that atuck to me, in spite of all remedies, for years. My witKlit ran I down >„ to ' 110 pound*. Then I began to use Dr. King's New Dle covcry, ■ which - restored Imy ■ health completely. *-pi I •; now f weight •■:, lit pounds." For severe Colds, obstinate Coughs, ; Hrmorrhaues, Asthma, i and to prevent Pneumonia If* unrivaled 500 and; 11.00. Trial bottle anteud by all Druggists, TODAY'S MARKfT ■;> ••- i Wheat. Export—Bluestem, $1.05; club, 95c; Red, 90c. ' Milling prices range 2c above prices paid by exporters. ' Livestock. -Steers — Choice, 4%@5c; common, 4%c. ' ; * •i Cows, Be; heifers, 4%c. Hogs, 7@7'/4c. Sheep—Ewes, 4%c; wethers, Oc; lambs, »!!■:<•. COMMISSION HOUSE WHOLE SALE PRICES. ' (Corrected Dally.) BUTTER — creamery, 36 @38c; do dairy, 27®28c; East ern creamery, 33 @ 35c; do stor age, 28® 3 oc. EGGS—Washington,' 46c; Ore gon, 35 @ 37c. | CHEESE—Tillamook, 16c; Dia mond Brick, 17c; Wisconsin full cream, 17c; Oregon brick, 17c; Swiss (domestic), 17c; Llmburger, 17c; Block Swiss, 17c; Roque fort, 1-lb. doz., $4.75; Edam, $9.25. FRESH FRUITApples, local, 85c@51.15; Yaklma, $1@1.75; pears, $1.1001.75; banannas, II)., sc; cranberries, $14@15;New Jersey cranberries, $12.50; dates, Hallowii, bulk, 6%c; Fard, per lb., B%c; figs, Cal., 10-lb. boxes, 75c; 25-lb. boxes, $1.15; Malaga grapes, $7.50; Tangerines (box), --$1.80; grapefruit, box, $4.60; 'lines, doz., 15c; quinces, box, '1.10; lemons, seedless, $3.75; lo choice, $3.25; oranges, fancy, 52.75; navals, $2.50@2.75; Jap anese, $1.50@1.60; Camella, 12.75; pineapples, Hawaii, $2.50 @4; do Jumbo,' $4.50; persim nons, box, $1.25; $3.25; pome granates, box, $1.50; huckleber it's, box, ] Oc. FRESH VEGETABLES—String nans, lb., 18 20c; artichokes, !oz., 80c; new beets, doz., 20c; abbage, lb., 3c; new carrots, loz., 20c; celery, 50c; egg plant, '@6c; garlic, 12c; onions, local, "2.50; potatoes, Wash, new, ton, '25; Yakiraa, $30; sweets, $1.90; :>arsnlps, sack, $1.2 pep pers, green, lb., 20c; spinach, 4c; California tomatoes, $1; turnips, 'oz., 20c; pumpkins, l@l%c; tma beans, " 10c; cauliflower, '2.50; squash, lb., 2%c; lettuce, rate, $1.50; rutabagas, sack, = 1.25. FRESH MEATS—Cow beef, c; steer beef, 9c; wethers, OVfcc; spring lambs, lie; ewes, um,;q . —Wash.7(7honeytfl.:ft V&c; pork, B@B%c; trimmed irk, 13c; shoats, $2.75® 3; veal, ressed, 7® 10c. HAMS AND BACON—Hams, ie; picnic hams, B%c; cottage .ams, 12% c; skinned hams, 17c; breakfast bacon, 17c; English ba con, 15c; T. C. bacon, 17c. OYSTERS AND SHELL FISH— Olympia oysters, sacked, $5; do, gal., $2 2.25; clams, Backed, $2.50; crabs, doz., $1.50; shrimps, 10c. . - SALT FlSH—Pink salmon, 200 --lb. bbls., $8; sockeye, $18; salmon bfcllies, $15; Holland herring, 15 --lb. keg, 85c; Alaska herring, bbls., $9; smoked bloaters, 100 per box, $1.50; spiced herring, kegs, 75c; cod rolls, 5%c; Puget Sound herring, 100-lb. # bbls., $4.45; scaled herring, 20c;*mack erel, No. 1, 15-lb. kegs, $2.50; 25-lb. kits, $4.15; codfish, 2-lb. bricks, 714 c; whole cod, 4%c. FLOUR — American beauty, $5.25; Amoeat, $7.05; Athenian, $4.70; Drifted Snow, $5.35; Five X, $4.90; Gold Medal (Dakota), $7.40; Helmet (Eastern), $5.85; High Flight, $5.85; Lyon's Best, $7.35; Mistletoe, $4.60; Olympic, $5.35; Poppy, $4.50; Purity, $6.35; Pyramid, $5.35; White Down, $5.35; White Rose, $5.05; Big Bend,. $5.35; Peerless, $5.45; Our Best, $5.45. RICE —Domestic Japan, 41% @ sc; imported Japan, 6c. FARINACEOUS — Buckwheat flour, 10c, $4.60; cornmeal, Apex, yellow 10b, $2.50; do 60s, $2.80; white, 10s, $2.50; Beatrice, 10s, $2.50; Wells & Nieman, yellow, 10s, $2.50; do white, 10s, $2.50; B. & M., white, 24 5, $2.30; gra ham flour, $4.40; -xrUte, 10-lb. boxes, $1.8 0; rye meal, v 60s, $5.25; "do 10s, $2.90; rye flour, 605," $5.25; 10s, $2.90; C. C. oatmeal, 90s, per bbl., ~56.50; steel cut, 50s, bbl., $8.50; Rock ton mills, 10-1 per cwt., $4.60; lb lbs., per cwt., $4.50; cracked wheat, $3.25. ROLLBD OATS — ' Crescent, 90-lb. sacks, $3.25; Crescent, 10 --10s, $3.25; Cascade , Cereal Co.'s 90-lb. sacks, $3.60. - • r RYE FLOUR AND MEAL—W. O. & O.s 60s flour, $5.25; do meal, $5; do bales, 10s, {lour, $2.90.- • •■•■;• v- >.:;■.-. SUGAR—Cube, • bbls., ; $6.30; powered, bbls., $6.25; granulated, bbls., 1 $6; do sacks, $5.95; berry, sacks/. $6.96; I fruit, sacks, $6.15; Extra "C," sacks, $5.45; .Golden "C," sacks, $5.36; Domino, $9.40. * COFFEE—. Rica; " 13 %c; Arbuckle's 100 lbs., $16.63; Lion, 100 lbs., $15.62. Green coffee- Java, 17c; Guatemala,' 11 % @ 14c; Salvador, 10He .v*s- * •'/■■; ■ ; HONEY—CaI., S-gal. tins, 8c; 1-gal. tins, doz., $12.50; %-gal. tins,: dor.., $6.90; quarts, I glass, doz., $4; pints, glass, doc, $2.25; in combs, lb., 14Vic.-«:.^i?««" --i HAY—Wheat"s hay, I*, $14 @ 15; clover, i $16©17; • timothy,;, $19® 22; mixed, $16018;, wild, $13 @ 15; alfalfa, $15 ©16; straw, $11 , FEED—Corn, i $34 @ 36; wheat, $32033;. barley, whole grain, $27 ©28; do r011ed,,529@30; shorts. $30.50 ©31.50; bran, $27.p0@ 28.50; middlings, $33®34; oil meal, $40042; oata, $33©34; rolled oats, «S4 0 i6?o*ts&a^l POULTRY — Springs, dressed, 14 @ 16c; hens, dressed, 15 ©16c; hens, alive, 14c; turkeys, 20c; do dressed, 22c; springs, live, 13@ 14c; ducklings, live, 14c; squabs, live, doz., $2.50 ©3; do dressed, 93.50. FRESH FlSH—Salmon, 9c; balibut, sc; perch, 4 He; floun ders, 2 He; black cod, 6c; soles, 6c; rockcod, 3c; salmon trout, 12c; shad roe, 20c; Bound smelt, 6c; red snapper, 4c; herrirg, 3c; ling cod, 3c. LARD—White Label, tierces, lie; Cottolene, tierces, 10 %c; lard compound, 7 He; Silver Leaf, tierces, 11 He; 50-lb. pails, 11 %c; 20-lb. pails, 11 %c; 10-lb. palla, 12c; 5-lb. pails, 12 He; Wash ington, tierces, 10*4 c; 50-lb. pails, 10% c; 20-lb. pails, 10% c; 10-lb. pails, lie; 50-lb. palls, 11 %c; 3-lb. pails, 11 %c; Snow Capped Compound, tierces, 7%c; open kettle-rendered T. 0., tierces, 12c; Autumn Leaf, tier ma, 9%c. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 28. — Wheat—No. 1 California club, per cental, $1.70(8)1.72%; do white milling, $1.75@1.80; ? orthern bluestem, $I.Bo® 1.85; off grades wheat, $1.50©1.60; reds, $1.70. Barley—Feed barley, $1.42% @1.45; common to fair, $1.35 @ 1.40; brewing at San Francisco, nominal at $1,45 0/1.55; Cheva lier,, $1.50® 1.60, according to quality. Eggs—Per dozen, California fresh, including cases, extras, 43c, firsts, 41c; seconds, 39c; thirds, use; pullets, selected, 39c. Butter—Per pound, California BUSiHESS DIRECTORY ABSTRACTS OK TITLBI. COMMONWEALTH TITLE TRUST CO., T*l. Main 101. 10» So. IQtli Ht. TITLE INSURANCE * INVITST MRNT CO., Phone 6063:1003 A st. AMBULANCE*. Paclflo Tranßf«!r~Co.. M. 54. A 2984. ATTOHNIDVa <3EO. A. WOTTON, Lawyer. Bank ers Trust Bids;. Phone M. 765 i._ W. D. ASKUEN, 301 Bankers' Trust J. N. ANDEUSON, 313 Cal- Bids. BUILDERS AN COKTRACTOH»^ MORGAN ft LAMLEY, carpenters and contractors. «^ar Stone-Flsn er Co.'s. Main 1473. CARPENTER, contractor and gener al Jobber; remodeling a specialty. W. B. Young, 3U So. 11th st. Phones M. 4610, A 4610. CHIROPRACTOR. VIBRATORY and electric treatment, healing without drugs. Phillip S3. Fox, D. C. 743*4 Tacoma aye. " ' CARPET BEATING ' . O'NEAL A HOUCK. carpet beating, refitting and laying; feather ren bvating and upholstering. Rear 309 Eolith J st; phone Main 886: A 2326. DYKING AKU CLEANING. INDEPENDENT DYKING at CLEAN ING WORKS, 762 C St., Phones: Main 6821; Aim. -. ■ ■ _ DRESSMAKING. FANCY and plain sewing, reasona ble prices, Phlne Main 1762, ask for Mrs. Logan. DEN VIST. ~ ~~ Dr. E. M. Johnson. 609 Fidel. Bids. DR. R A FUNK. 906£ Pacific Aye.. near Ninth. Phone Main 7716. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. L. M. GAFFNEY, 1010-18 Tacoma aye. Phone M. 4734, A 4744. FIIBI. ÜBAmitll _ PETERSON BROa.^ Votin "~maA K. wood, coal, hay, (Tain, straw; can take orders at short notice. M. 813. rVRHITIIBH DBALEBS, ' Highest prices for 2nd hand fur.* stoves. 1606 Com, st Tel. M. 1288. . . FLORISTS. BULBS. Fruit Trees, Shade Trees, Frank F. i Williams, A 2880, M. 8438. Nursery So. 14th A Alnsworth. ;, - H0T141.5... HOTEL ARCADE, cor. 13th and C; hot and cold water in room; bath and steam beat. Phone 6879. .. VUTKL MASON For a nice steam-heated room on the level. Suits with bath. - V. H. HADLEY, ' Tel. 110. ABllO. Cor lOtb am: A 3ts. HAIR RESTORER. **V; . O'Brien & La Plante's 20th Century Hair Restorer. Guaranteed to grow hair on bald heads. Free trial treatment at off. 613 S 13th. M 4216 . . JUNK DEALERS. v . "~" TACOM A^JUNK^CO" Bat"7rTce"s' guaranteed. 8164 Com. st M. 7318 ■. - ■ ' - UPMUHIBI. f.J r; .-• We return ■ It . all - but ■ the dirt Your moneys worth and your clothes back. City Laundry Co 1218-20 Tacoma aye. i Main 68*. ■'•■; .:'•: ».. ■ MOVERS. -. .'.•■ _, v v,.• ,;; WASHINGTON TRUCK CO. J c Hewitt ft Co. General ' frighting safes , and plados, eta. .^ irenoved Office 108 Tenth St. Phone M. 7734 PniWTlMli . AND niMDiMo ,-, A , ; . COMMERCIAL Bindery j* - Prlntfng Co. ,768 Commerce St. Main 417. no.imai.iTß, .%,---.» -" Tombstones and statuary. Pao. Mon umental Wks., 20th and Par., M. 2214 SND ■ HAND CLOTHING • BUYERS " HIGH PRICKS paid. 941 Tac A 4161 ■ |^^<Ss}ClAV»ll(B«M»^tS»j'^ a RESTA SCAVENGER CO. * Ofrlc* -»: 603 Bsrnics. /M. 6413; res. M. $07« RAYMOND,rmtr •» scavenger. - 20(-« w Nat 1 Bk. jof Com. aM. 393—6110. ft' araoona < Qarbnfe Co.. 1 Oliver . HonryT V« OSlo* lilt A sb Phoits 4»1 fresh, extras, 35c; firsts, 33H<>|' seconds, 28c; storage California extras, 31c; ladles extras, 23c. New Cheese —Per pound, Cali fornia flats, fancy, 13 He; firsts, 12He; seconds, 11 He; California Young America, fancy, 16HCI firsts, 15He; eastern, New York Cheddar, fancy, 17c; Oregon flats, fancy, 14c; Young America, fan cy, 16c; California storage, fan cy, flats, 13c; Oregon flats, fan cy, 14c; do Young America, 15c. Potatoes—Per cental, river whites, $1.55 @1.CO; Lonipoc Bur banks, $2; do Salinas, $1.75® 1.85; Oregon Burbanks, nona here; sweets, per crate, $1.75®, 1.85. Onions—Per sack, Oreyjfc, $2.25; California, $2. Oranges—Per box, navels, standard, $1.25@2.25; fancy, $2 @2.50; tangerines, half oranga boxes, 50c@51.50. We Save You Money On Furniture H. W. Myers & Co. 1118-20 So. X St. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY LOANED ON SALARY Flanon, Household Goods, etc. Without removal. Out $10 to $100 Confidential Lowest Bates Easiest Payment* Private Ofllces - STATE SECURITY CO. 807 California Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN—SSO.OO to $5,00} at low rates. Q. I<\ Thomas, 510 California Bltlg. TACOMA CREDIT CO. advances money on your salary. Cheapest rates In city. No application fee, 207 Nat. Bk. of Com, bids. . MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY to loan on ' Improved real estate at 7 and 8 per cent inter* est. Inquire at 407 Cal. Bids. MONEY LOANED on household! (foods without removal; on con* tracts for lots, on diamond* and) other Jewelry; loans made tor build ing purposes. Mortgages bought. Taconia Chattel Security Co., llooma 320-321 Bankers' Trust Bid*. J. E. DARLING & SON, Real KatatO Brokers. Room 323 Cal. Bids, LOANS for home building or to pay off old mortgage. Lowest rate* special privileges to borrowers, 3 to 8 years. No commission or delay. H. J. Schwlnn ft Co. Inc., 816 Bankers' Trust Hiag. M6NHY To" LOAN, Thompson* Bunting, 316 California Bldg. MONEY ADVANCE© BALA iUED PEOPLE and others upon thai* own names without security! easiest payments; offices In «0 prin cipal cities; save yourself money by, getting our terms first. TOLMAM. 310 Provident Building. 6 PER CENT monoy to • loan op Improved real estate. Privilege to repay any amount after one year. Loans payable in small monthly Installments If desired. L, R. i.. JiNiNtj * CO.. Bonltabi' Building. . 1200,000.00 TO LOAN ON IMPROV ED REAL ESTATE AT 6, 7 AND 8 PER CENT. LOANS CLOSED IK A SHORT TIME.' OFFICE OPEN WED. AND FRI. EVENINGS. C. J. JOHNSON, 306-8 PROV. BLDG. , MUSICIANS. ■ '■ __■ - OSTEOPATH*. "" BEST lady osteopath Id city. Dr. Luema Q. Johnson, res. and office, 1014 6th aye. Main SOI; A 3828. " PATENT ATORNEYS. "" R. I. Elliott, 620 Bkrs. Trust Bldg» Patents, designs, blueprints. Art 734. '■ ■■ ; ' ■ PHYSICIANS _ - " ~* DR. WARREN BROWN ""*" Office, 952 H Pad no Aye. Diseases of women. Oenlto-urlnary diseases. ■' ' - Hours: 9 to 1- O. B. CASH. M. D. _ "* . Surgeon. - SOI South X St. Main 683. ■' DR. B. O. BUTTON French Bile M 6462. Res. M. 4*66; 10-12; 2-4. T-IL ; :; '■;:■-. PLUMBERS. ■/■■.■■£ m If". B. COFFEK PLUNMBINO COU' I MIS A st "It's all in the work. - . REAL ESTATE AGENTS, jpjjjj ' QUARTERMASTER HARBOR*"? : 'i'''^'O\tlOVTß.\. '■:-' ' '■**. I Leave Tacoma dally, 9 a. m., 1:11 and 6p. m. - ,: - ' - • - *"■ Fare 26c round trip. % ; Phones Main 6062, A 40Si. fly on the Flyer Tacoma-Seattle Route. Four Round] Trips Dally Leaves Tacoma 8:36 2 m., 12:16. B:6b, 7:3 0 p. m. - Slngli Fare, >86a.. Round TrTp, 60c 1- Flyei* Peafc. a A. a NessensoS, Agent 'fS :j slsX±*?',i - /:~. .■';•:;..;* ■-'>•■•. •■•, .■ ■ -„.. si S S.INDIANAPOLIS The fastest and finest day steamer on the coast FOUR bound « trips • daily *<Leaves Tacoma from . N p r : So ar P . 7m° o> 11:0° •• as W8:0«; « I^»ves - Seattle* from Colmaa .-,.-;,'., VINGt.B' PARS' soe. f-A ai^:4j ROUND ■ TRIP SOe -*s*}& A- B. NBSSMNSON, Agent at Phon. Main 3441 "