Newspaper Page Text
Matrimonal Gymast Is Wedded Again HKLFtf MAIiONKT RKCOMKS WIPE OK HERBERT 08 --iuhim; FOR si com> TIMB. SPRING LAKE, N. J., Feh. 2.— The marriage of Helen Maloney to Herbert Osborne, for the sec ond time, today marks the cul mination of one of the most tp markable matrimonial tangles in the history of America, having in volved the Justice courts of New York, the Vatican at Rome and fcavlng been marked by two elope GIVES SLOT MACHINE AWAY W. E. Ketcham, said to be a Seattle man, this morning remov ed eight large slot-machines from the office of Constable Fred Shaw at the city hall and carted them away to a train. The slot ma chines have been In the possession of the justice court for two years, and until this time no person has made claim on them. In order to get the machines out of the way Prosecuting Attorney McMur ray gave Ketcham the right to take them away. It Is understood that the ma chines, which were confiscated during the raids of two years ago, will be taken to Alaska. SELF-STYLED MESSIAH TO BE ARRAIGNED LAST OF WEEK Prosecuting Attorney C. L. Mc- Murray announced today that ow ing to the fact that Charles E. George, attorney for' Joshua Klein, Incarcerated in the county prison for alleged assault of Miss Dora Culbertson, is out of the city and has had no time to pre pare his caso, Klein will not be arraigned until the latter part of the week. Klein, whose mysterious power is holding Miss Dora Sauvageot and Miss Rose Karasek in Switzer land and Vienna, respectively, does not seem to chafe under the enforced confinement, but exists in the rosy light of the great things he says he will do after being released. The man will probably be ar raigned directly In the superior court, as the formality of a Jus tice court procedure will be mere mockery, according to the county attorneys. GIRL SENT TO REFORM SCHOOL THANKS JUDGE Bessie Powers, the 17-year-old girl who was arrested two weeks ago on the charge of stealing $75 worth, of clothes from the room ot Mies Bessie Hunter in the Bost wick hotel, was arraigned before Judge Easterday of the superior court this afternoon and sent to the reform school at Chehalis to stay until she Is Id. The parents of the girl and members of the W. C. T. U. con ferred with the Judge before the hearing and it was decided that the girl shVild be taught a lesson. The Judge administered a kindly «, promising to visit the In a few weeks to see how b progressing and when he con^ sd the girl seized him by the hand and thanked him with tears streaming from her eyes. STADIUM DEAL NDT SETTLED An agreement between the N. IP. officials ' and - the school board .' on the stadium proposition has not ; yet been reached but a conference will probably ', be held this | after noon at which the matter will be settled."'wit is believed that Pres ident Elliott will agree to the con ' cessions . needed \ to J put < the ; sta dium t project n through.'}■>■* :■': . I (llt United * Press, loosed Wire.) w• SEATTLE, Feb. 1 ».—After . forc ing his wife to flee for her life '. from their room at the Illinois ho : tel, . John i ; ■, Farrell, -' a • bartender, locked the door and turned on the gas. v.-.j>,-■ .-/:'»-:.-:.;,■ ,:■:. ■,[■ "■" ■■-•.■ >^\ I, When Mrs. Farrell | returned ', to plead, with her husband she found y the door still locked..' Calling the • landlord, the door ; was C forced" J open I and " Mrs. Farrell i rushed j in! ,to s ted j her husband dNtM I incuts, a sensational trans-ocean pursuit by an angry father and innumerable other extraordinary phases which at one time left the girl in the dual role of Mrs. Her bert Osborne and Mrs. Samuel Clarkson. Martin Maloney, Standard Oil multi-millionaire and papal mar quis, has come as near "moving heaven and earth" as money, power and position could accom plish it, in his effort to restore his daughter's good name. MAY HOLD CITY FOR DAMAGES That the city may be held liable for the deaths of Arthur Charlson and John Ohratrom, who were electrocuted yesterday morning, is the general belief expressed by electricians today. The fact that a short current was discovered at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon, and that the current was not turned off from the high tension wire, it is claimed, is indicative of mis management. Several electricians stated to the Times today that the current should have been turned off as soon as the fact was known that the circuit had been grounded, wey declare that such a precau tion is usually taken. City Electrician Lauzon stated yesterday that he had been told of the trouble on the Bismarck high tension wire, which was di verted into the 110 volt city feed wire, and that he had sent out gangs of men to locate the point where the current had been grounded. This, it is claimed by aome, was the height of folly, as no efficient electrician would dare Investigate with a treacherous wire holding 2,200 volts. A test with a mag neto-hell, say the electricians, would have told the city electrical workers definitely whether the wire was grounded or not, and, if the latter were the case, it was the electrician's duty to cut out the circuit immediately. CHANGE OF VENUE I IN ASSAULT CASE A change of venue In the case of A. Wynkoop was ordered yes terday and the trial will be heard in Justice Graham's court instead of Justice Card's. The hearing is set for next Monday afternoon. Wynkoop is charged with assault with a deadly weapon, the warrant having been sworn to by J. J. Dunseath. Wynkoop struck Dun seath, his employer, on the head with a piece of lead pipe, it is alleged, because he was refused overtime pay. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Marriage licenses have been is sued to Henry Montgomery and '■Mlth Elliott, to Herbert J. Fin ley and Emma Luclle Allgood, and to C. T. Kipp and Ellen Pearl Phelpa. DHUSGISTS ARRESTED R. A. Calenborn and L. H. Col per, proprietors of the Eagle Drug company, . 1325 Paciflo avenue were arrested late this afternoon on warrants sworn to by Captain A. S. Read, charging them with selling liquor bn Sunday. The drug men, it is alleged, sold sev eral bottles of alcohol and whis key to plain clothes men Sunday They will be tried in Judge Arnt son's court tomorrow afternoon. J : Up to a late hour today neither of th« men had been allowed bail. WOMAN'S GUILD TO ' 1 - '■■"■■' _• : MEET TOMORROW • The - Woman's « guild, - of tr All Saints' parish, Larchmonth will meet with Mrs. Hubble tomorrow afternoon. <>i> All members and friends; are Invited. ' v , / , ■>:. y.-1« *1«7 BACH FOB"- ■..--.... ■•«« CORNER THREE] LOTS i>! *.'> One block from South Tacoma ca. line, on South t. at, 1 blooka from Horace Mann school. ■.;-. » --w •, - HI!A, CALKINS A C 0.% ■ '-fM: Phone M. 865. ■ 11« So. lath St. » PI,AN -■ TO '; GET *; A HO MR $10 down and .20 I cents dally will « buy two nice level : lots, within walking dlatanoe «>*-Bt. Paul mill and R. It round houses. Price 1250 per lot t ', •?,■*.-. Remember: Room , FOUR. :• 'Mf * i"'" *i' U '■ one • West * Side ># acre ?■?«<? .?«"i on South mh •*- tor 1 fcat'il^i«!fii M ■Mthly.-.dSnwr.' TACOMA REAL ESTATE BARGAINS V:. ' ANNOUNCEMENTS. FlßE!!—lnsure your nousa and fur niture In reliable companies. Wo have them. H. J. Schwlnn & Co. ili Bankers' Trust Blag. STAR WINDOW CLEANING CO., M. 3«39, A 1639. Janitor service. AHK YOU DISGUSTED with the dyeing, cleaning and pressing bus iness? Now then, try the pluca op posite the Star theater that lias 25 veiu-H 1 experience. We have no horses, wagons or solicitors, hence the reasonable prices for class A work. Telephone Main 7480. J. A. Donaldson, Prop. SPIRITUAL TEST CIRCLE Sundays! Tuesdays and Fridays, 8 p. m., 25c all welcome. 315 So. 19th St., A. P. Swain, Phone A 2751. POII SALE—MISCISLLANnOUSr" PIANO—High grade! must sell, make offer; also ladles' gold watch. Main 8096, after 6 p. m., M. 1268. ItKSTAVHANT for salo cheap, part cash, balance monthly payments. Enquire Sampson hotel office. 11KSTAU11ANT for sale cheap, must sell account of sickness. Apply 1705 Jefferson ay. . Fire-proof safe*—l6l» Pacl4o ay. FOR SALE— Good paying dry goods and furnishing business, subur ban city, owner leaving city, stock Inventories about $7,000. Address, A. J. C, Times. FOR HA I,lO—A square piano. Phone Main 5881. FOR SALE—A 1-chair barber shop. Apply at 2302 Vi Jefferson ay. FOB RENTHOUSEKEEPINU ROOMS, FOR RENT—3 furnished housekeep- Ing rooms, bath, light and phono. $12.50. Phone M. 4852. FLATS FOII RENT. FOR RENT—2 flats at 307 and 307 tt • So. J st. Price $16 and $18 per month. Inquire O'Nell & Son, Phono Main 325, A 2325. SITUATION WANTED, GRADUATE NURSE wants position In doctor's or dentist's office. Ad dress T. S., care Times. HOUSES TO RENT. »-r. house, 1408 So. J St., suitable"" for 2 families $22.50 2 3-r. cottages, rent cheap. 1 4-room cottage, furnished, at Stellacoom. JESSE H. READ, .135 Cnl. BldK. 1213 Div. ay., 6-r., bath, basement and furnace. On Traction car line $40 00 1529 No. Fife, 6-r. and bath $20.00 921 No. J., 6-r. and bath ....$14.00 912 No. 10th, 6-r. and bath .'.518.00 916 No. 10th, 6-r. and bath ..SIB.OO GRAFTON & CO., 502 Berlin Bldg. $18.50 Per Month for a good 7-room house, being 2548 South O st. This house Is In excellent repair, with bath and other conveniences Is within walking distance. WASH. FIDELITY CO. 320-21 California Bldg. Phones: Main 3613 and A 3613. FOR RENT. ~ TWO newly furnished housekeeping rooms. 810 Tacoma ay. TO RENT—3 rooms for housekeep ing. 1644 So. D. FURNISHED COTTAGE. 5 rooms Rent $12 month. Information Bu' reau, 523.Cat. Bldg. BOARDERS WASTED. Wanted, children and girls to board. Plenty freshmilk. 1323 6th eve. HONEY WANTED. WE place money at 10 and 12 per cent net to you on good real es tate security. Room 320 and 321 Bankers' Trust Bldg. . HELP WASTED— ' MEN wanted on street grading three months' work to good men' $2 per day, 8 hours; must take part pay in lots; two miles of streets being graded, three miles of sew ers being put In, in Central Park. A good Investment. A good Job for three months. Get off South Tacoma car, 38th and M sts. Gill Home In vestment Co. WANTEDGood boy* over IS year* of age to sell papers on the street Apply ,to Newsboys' Union or tills office. . ._. . GOOD WAITER wants position. Ap ply Public Market, Stall 23. A. Constan. -. .„ . , UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT—B unfurnished room for light housekeeping. 1209 A St. WANTED TO BUY—I-4 lot, either North or South, between E and Yaklma ay., must be good buy and close In; some terms desired. P. O. Box 998. :.--.■>.:.■.'.■.■ .-■••...■ ■..•.• ■ :.',;.;.'..;• 'wanted. WANTED to furnish a 60-ft. lot and lumber to a carpenter to build his own house ; and •■ furnish work and part money to lay for same. En quire Room 312 Bankers'- Trust. WANT TO BUY—S to 14 room house! ' walking distance. O. F.. Thomas, 510 California Bid*;. ; - , , , . FOR < —DESK : ROOM. Y-,Vi FOR RENT—Desk room, with - fine display window, new ■•■ store ■on Commerce at., between 11th and 13th sts. « Apply -. Room 315 - California Bldg. •-. ■,-.;• -. -;.., :•■.■,-■:■ ;-. ».\* '■ WANTED TO BUY. :r,i.-^^ WANTED—A good kitchen range or "T stove, with water-front; must be a bargain. X, care Times. ifvi/fw^ Go see these bargains: lust what you have -. been i looking for. - Seize this golden opportunity to save the rent and own your home. v Signs on the property will -explain I terms: - 3 lots and .an ' B*i' house, 1608 South I; 1H" lota and iO-room house, 2206 South G;- 1 JO-ft. lot and 6-room house located at 1612 South G. See these rent savers today. «*■»«<*&,«*» />;^ MUTUAL REALTY CO. '-;' ,*,/, 204. California, BId». p^S S ?gi For Sale i Cheap :': ? • S j«lots • and 5-room: house,'-Owner i &i?z'&u*fF i psS' mumy ••» Mtouoi »non« :i* Call > Bast >O ■» and m 14th ps •». * THE TACOMA TIMES TACOMA BUSINESS CHANCE AND UK VI. KBTATK OPPORTUNITIES We don't advertise anything that Is not a bargain. - . HERE'S A HEAL SNAP r 22-room house on C St., not far from Postofflce. This place has ax ceptlonally good furniture, good piano, good Iron beds; hard wood furniture, bath; everything first class. Kent only $80. Price $2,500, with terms. NOTICE THIS ONE ,4. The finest house on C street; In come $600 month; fine furniture; 63 rooms; steam heat. $11,000; can make terms; lease, ANOTHKU GOOD BUT. . . 39-room house on C street, first class condition; throe years' lease; steam heat; net Income per month $200. Price $7,500; $4,000 cash, bal ance time. -■ GOOD VALUE FOR TOUR MONET A 43-room apartment house In an Ideal location; good furniture, good tenants, good lease and low rent. Price only $3,600. THIS ONE IS ALRIGHT. 13-rm. house for $525 cash; splen did location and has cost the pres ent owners over $600. Good reason for selling. ' HERE'S A GOOD ONE. 15-room house, on Tacoma ay., near 11th St.; Rood iron beds, good hardwood furniture. Rent only $45 per month. Price $1500. ANOTHER 16-ROOM HOUSE] This one Is on E St., In good lo cation. Runt only $25 per month. Price $950. If you are In the market for a good rooming house, store, fruit and cigar stand, restaurant or real es tate, wo have some good bargains In all of the above, and if you do not see here what you want, come In and see us and we can find what you want. TACOMA BUSINESS CHANCE! AGENCY E. McColley, Manager. 407 California Bldg'. Phones: 40:11 and A 4091. WRECK AUCTION SALE Tomorrow, at 10:30 a. m., at 913 Commerce st. Goods from the S. S. L. R. R., consisting of the fol lowing: y.v_. M • Clothing, groceries, un packed cases, sewing ma chines, brooms, machin ery, go-carts, toy wagons, folding beds, iron beds, pictures, scales, cash reg isters, couches, dressers, commodes, crockery, trunks, hardware, electri cal supplies, etc. WM. FITZ HENRY Auctioneer 913 Commerce St. A LETTER A Bargain Offered at Magnolia Mr. Jesse O. Thomas, Jr., Tacoma, Wash. Dear Sir:— Your favor of January 20th re ceived relative to the lots on the beach near Magnolia at Quarter master Harbor. Will say that I will be pleased to have you sell them for me. I am willing to sell the prop erty on the following terms: Both lots. including house and furniture In the house, for $1500; half cash and balance In one year at 8 per cent, or will sell the vacant lot for $650, or the house and lot, with fur niture In It, for $900 cash. (Signed) If ydji are in the market for • a nice summer right on the beach with the tidelands Included this Is what you want. The house Is a good one and the price Is far b» low the market. Jesse 0. Thomas, Jr. 1005 A St. McKinley Park Add. A fow good lots left, close to oar. and school; on terms of $25 cash and $5 per month. These won't last but a few days. <• Also have a few In Park Avenue Add. on sama terms. ° E. P. GREGORY CO., Inc. &RWebb izomhs XK tF- 0re *ory- WILL SELL :-:;-:|j The following stock and ( bonds all Too 1" KSoEaVo Mb*>ct t0 prior "ale: B' -1,000 H. E. M. Mining. 'A - : ;, , 188 Comstock Uolden Gat*. " 200 Bishop Creek *»"*• 1200 British Guiana.'' s£tZ V-. U r-■!'•;"/ 100 Rosebcrry Rawhide. '^ '' « 400 Manhattan Combination. "* 4 ' 400 Manhattan- Buffalo. "*"" - 20-American Telegraphone. r' 7 50 English Marconi Wireless. WILL BUY Subject to prior purchase: ;-; :: 60 United Wireless pf& ;;20 United "Wireless pfdi«; * "v - 100 Springfield i Mining , (Cat)" , ."r J. E. McFarlancl Stooks and Bonds 4X7 Provident BIdJL . Z. BUY A LOT OUT DAY ISLAND for your summer home. It is the only suitable WATERFRONT PROriSRTY Between Point Defiance and Stellacoom. The water system Is In. The streets are graded. Tim bridge Is built from the Island to the main land. Boating and fishing good. . Beach Is fine. Is an Ideal place for chil dren. Price list and maps on ap plication. Eugene Church Company Tel. Main 230. loth & A Sts. Good Investment And the price Is right. Northwest corner of So. I and Kith, 65x130 ft. Fine apartment house site. For a short time only we can de liver for $4,200. F. I. MATTINKI.V * CO. COS Fidelity Bldg. $250 CASH We have 10 acres close to the city, partially covered with fir, which we are. offering for $1,000; $250 cash, bal. payable per month. Call and see us If you want this. J. E. Darling & Son 323 California Bldg. '• For Sale by Owner EASY TERMS ■ New 5-room house, full concrete basement. in North End, near paved street and car line; electric lights, porcelain lined fixture In bath and kitchen; fine Al slash grain finish. Call up owner. Tel. A 3016. BIGGEST SNAP IN SCHOOL. SEC. TION 34 tOTS AND mil si:, $3,800 . 1 BLK, TO MASON AY. BOULE VARD Improved with handsome home, en tirely cleared and under cultivation, fruit trees, etc.; only 6 blocks from Proctor St., a thoroughfare graded from 6th ay. to North 38th; in the best part of the school section In a district being rapidly Improved with pretty homes; on the extension of the North X St. lino. Good terms. See this quick. We have sold blocks 78 and 182 In the last three days M. 11. Km 111 111 * co. 4th Floor Berlin Bids;. F. B. CAMPBELL & CO., 311 Cali fornia Bldg. Heal Estate, Loans, Insurance. A Fine Little Bungalow $23 DOWN, $10 PER MONTH 2 lots and a new bungalow Just completed, In fine location, facing on car line. . This is the best offer we have ever made on such easy terms. The place is worth morn money than we ask right now, with good prospects of advance. Price $050... ... J. M. CURTIS * CO. 314 Bankers' Trust Bldg. HOW Would you like an Investment that will net you 10 per cent above taxes. Insurance and repairs? We have It. A 10-room flat and 4-room cottage In rear on paved street. Ce ment walks. All assessments paid. Price $3500. Terms. • • . A beaitiful North End home. Un obstructed water, mountain and city views. Fifty foot corner, 1 block from car line. A new modern B room house. Basement and furnace. Cement walks on grounds. Price $6,500. One-half cash. |gg§SEE Us for lots In all parts of city. Four acres near Puyallup. Good soil. On good road, near car line. A bargain. . ;^.»..- -, ... ■ > _. . : . 6-acre water front • tract, . Includ ing tldelands on Quartermaster Har bor, 5 minutes' walk from wharf. Modern 7-room • house. , Good soil. Will make a splendid home or plat ting proposition. « Can be sold under .market value. See this, - and yon will buy. Good terms. -- v . IRRIGATED TRACTS ' For sale or will exchange for city property, two 10-acre tracts near S'orth ' Yaklma, «4 miles from sta tions. : One tract In fruit 1 trees, - the other plowed and ready ror crop. - 15. acres, 2H miles from Sunny side; 9 acres in orchard, the balance alfalfa. See us for a trade. , \ -■■ H. E. Wright & Company 420 Berlin "Bid* ■■ ' ■„ Phones: M. 7278: A IRI4. ' .', ■■iS^.rrt- ""■•■">■'".^ - --••- . ; rf '■■ ■>•-;•,. .' .... •.-...[; SO. O ' STREET, $1800 ■£v/. • « 1.05r.-I\ : T-ROOM ) HOME. TERMS ■' 7-r.* house In good condition, plas tered, electric lights, closets, * pan try, well arranged for two families. Now rented for < $14.00 monthly and worth s more; t vLv, block » from S- ca> paved street. S This is only. 6 blocks from the Milwaukee depot and close ;o all . the depots. The finest specu lation In Tacoma. Part ; cash, 1 bal ance t year* A snap. Si'-^SJt, B. KOKHI.KH * CO. ; 4th Floor Berlin Bide JLv.. $100 Cash and $15 per month buy* my new 4-room houao, nicely finished, 2 good lots, 1- block from car lino and school, 10 roluutoa' ride, to Pa cific v.v., all for 91200. Call at next door to concrete store on Kast II and Division lane, McKlnley Park car, -. D. J. JOHNSON, Owner. Must sell, party leaving town, 40 acres good soil, near: dock, 7 miles from Tacoma, 25 per aero. Terms. 803 Kentucky Bids;. 9 LOTS 4-ROOM HOUSE 6 of these lots are. In fruit and berries, 3 easily cleared now used for a chicken run; -2 blocks from car line. The house Is very comfort able, right In town, one of the beat schools In the county. -Right on a main thoroughfare. 11760 will buy It! $350 cash, balance to suit pur chaser. Tills Is $500 under value, the owner Is leaving the city Is the reason for making this sacrifice. Is well located, on the corner. This Is a first class home, or speculative buy. If you are from Missouri, 1 can show you; then you will be convinced. D. M. MORGAN 208-9 Bankers' Trust Bldg. O. L. Tock, realty broker and build er, 38th and Yaklma, M6924-A41>02. REAL ESTATE AND I INSURANCE A. M Richards & Co. ' 08 Bankers Trust Bids;. $10 Down and $5 per month buys a lot In the famous McKlnley Park 4th ad dition, best located addition for sure advance In price In th;< city, walk- Ing distance to the terminal grounds of 3 railroads, with the extension of the P st. car line on 1 side and the McKlnloy on the other; good soil, view, schools, etc. Now Is the time to Invest. Bring this ad with you. Take McKlnley Park car, get off at office, corner of Morton and East M St. T. li. OREOORY 10 Acres For $200 Near Dupont Station, on county road, improved' farms adjoining, good 8011, easy terms. J. A. WINTEHMUTE * lIHO. Berlin Bldg. Room* 306-7 NORTON & HILL Real Estate, 201-2 Berlin Building 8-room house and 2 lots, near 6th ay. to exchange for small ranch, or acreage. COTTON * MOM It One hundred thousand dollars being, spent for improvements In Central Park now. Come, see; lots $175 up, with Improvements, only $10 down and $5 per month. Get off 80. Tacoma car at 38th and M ats.; office one block west. Gill Home Investment Co. * - "'"■''' ■" - • " ' '■ > For Sale By Owner New 4-room house, bath room, electric lights, water, finish In Al condition, 2 fine lots, 1 block from car line; price $1,500, on terms to suit you. Don't fall to come, today If you want a nice place. Take Pa ct flu Traction car and get off' at 36th st. I am at corner house. > L. H. Williams, owner. AT MILTON 5 acres logged-off land, 10 min utes' walk from lnterurban depot; good shot clay soil; Al fruit and berry land. Price 00. Terms $300, bal. 1 and 2 years at 7 per cent."- I Jno. S. Williams J • EAST 20TII ST., 3 LOTS ; ■. ■". GOOD 6-H. - house: .V barn V, PRICE, $3BOO|; 91,000 CASH Some lots In this block are held at $5,000 each. ■ This ■is ■ the ,s best East End bargain offered In 3 years. Close to the permanent terminals and shops of the T. R. & P. street railway. A future : flat-house : loca tion. ■-.:, ■■.-■■■■ ~--.;.,. >■■'•.■.-;..-:,';"'<■>•< "■' " ' '* f- ■^""^^^■saßßP9HS3&w^B&w>"."f- i"f --\ M. H. KOBHLBR * CO. • v 4th' Floor Berlin Bldg. JOHN B. KINO •' - ..:■■ ■-' - *-.. t., i»r ,-»„ . W W4T,^-r -f:\.i RK\I. ESTATE, LOANS, ': ; •'"* • llKVl' A INSURANCE] ii .*.-.'; 411 Bankers' Trust Bldg. •■. > Tacoma ■>•'-■•■'Vi' Y::'>' t 'BK»T nvr>%t^^/^:t Two choice lots, cleared and grad ed, -on North : Prospect ■ St.. ;2 ■ blocks from «th ay. f- Price <•<? $1100; * half cash, , balance at 6 per cent. - .:•■ ,'*, '?" Thompson *" bunting'-'* £" ;■-■-■; 315 California Bldg. ;=;-%.'* '.f-J.r'J '>Y"m.,>....v,..,.■•.• —<-—».,...„:, CI.OSK lit <■' On \ South I.' at^eto«V to 13th, we have 5a i practically I new, i modern 7 room 1 house, • with alls the street im provements ■( In. w Can « be * sold r fur nished. If ■ desired. This fls a good Investment,« as » Well as »a . rery de sirable home buy. Price $8,000. BEHDEHT WEST, to» CalUorai* Bids. HERE ARE 3 GOOD BARGAINS I—TIIKKK HOUSES AND 3 LOT!) OX lIX IMA. AY., • CLOSkB «O| WliriillT I-UIK * ■ ;--'■—.,— • -,*!> S.WJi"«SHWM I Ono lj-room ilonMo hounr>, modern throughout and S B-room. hOU—I In the roar; rental Income |911 per year. Owner wants to sell and Will I tak» $8,600; liberal term*. Purchaser to iin.tuniu street assessment.■->- -3—ll!llllll\ s-ii.m.m Hull MIS AM» a LOTS UN X NT, >K. H SIXTH AT. Conservative value of the lota In 16.000. Th« house has brick baa* mont with furnace and laundry, 3 fireplaces, bath, etc., and couldn't •• duplicated for $2,600. But tii.i ownsr wants to sell quick and will take $6,500; half cash. ■ • - .-...:• 7iktTrtiiiitmm —>n>i>i.ii\. Miv t-room HOITSI3 AND A GOOD io-room hours Corner lot 40x130 on Ho. O at. Thla property will return » par cent not on the Investment, and will boar close Investigation., Prloa $S,*oo| half caali. ..... ?i*<MSn Main 3619 B. G. PROKOP A 2201 •19 Hankers' Trust Blflff. ' ft « ; - _ ■ .- ~J**ri CHOICE APPLE AND PEACH ORCHARDS We have eight B-acre tracts In the choicest location In the cele brut Ki'iiwick hlKhlandH, all within two tulle* of town, that la to bo planted to orchard tllls spring. You can, by buying now, select the trees you wish planted, or will plant a part to ■M" ■■■< and walnut* and care for tho orchard* three your* without cost. ... - -■ ■ ■■-■ -.v-is'stwjj Hero Is a chance to secure an orchard whore fruit and berrloa ma ture 2 woeks earlier than at Yaklma, therofora highest prices for crop.- ... ■ * ■ ■ -.- .- ■ >:', ■•■:. .':,.;.--fl^-.L,i Very reasonable terms of paymont are provided. "• . - 4■•%&•»» Wo wish os many as posafhlo to go over with us February Bth. v-v ' Wo pay all expenses to buyers and all expense* If land Is not • M represented. - - -<' T'*"v^pl*sSj? Coombs & Briggs 323 Bankers' Trust Bldg. ':?Wsk IMPROVED ACREAGE V? ■ ■■■ ■:•<■- ''-ij^rfSsas $200 per acre for 10 acres at Edgewooil on main county road, ; with ■• room house, barn, fi chicken houses, chicken parks, Rood well of water. 4 acres fenced, with a (1-foot fence, Rood brooder house, strawberry patch. $1200 cash, balance on terms, % mile from sta tion. -.-. '.''•-i-('3-sst $2500 buys a E-room house, with 2 lots, on Bast 26th St., adjoining tha Milwaukee. Uar/suln. Terms. .'.•...,■,-".««* - - , ,■;.■.■" .«■ >A"l^| $4500 buys 6 lots on corner North 24th and Alder, on P. D. car Un«. Terms. :.i. ■'^,j' $2200 buys a now 0-room house, modern, plastered and beautifully fin- j tailed Inside. Tills Is an Ideal home on P. I>. car line, North 26tn»; Bt. This Is an exceptionally Rood buy for this money and loca-; tion, and will be appreciated when Been, and Is put down to th» price for quick sale. Terms. ■.•-'."' H. B. WALTER & CO., 223 Bankers' Trust Bldg. NEW MODERN BUNGALOW IN NORTH END. '■ ■-..■- .-.:■- ■.•v:»f>t<l Containing 5 rooms, bath, laundry and basement. Very best *at i porcelain plumbing:, and th» house is well built In every way, havlna been built for owner's own home. Situate on a corner on North 27tR: street. '■ .-..;• .;.... ■■'.&'?£Wsm The price with 3 lot* Is $3,000, on terms of $1200 cash and bal. on easy terms at 7 per cent interest » . ! "■;SS'PKi "■■• : ' i.WiSfif Or the owner will soil with lot 40x75 for $2400, on term* of _; on*. ! third cash, bal. 2or 3 years, interest 7 per cent. ' . ':>= . ■■■■:• ■■•■'*: i::'■'■"'.<t.-&&,% 1023 Pacific Avenue. . " • "» Telephone:; Main SSi ■ • _ ■•■■■-■.... .'.■"WKgqaa 20 Acres Waterfront $650 1500 feet of beach land, opposite McNeil's Island, near Longrbranch. ' Sometime* we eot bargains like this, but they never last long, $450. cash- •■• ■ ■ -s: • --:% 80 Acres Logged Off Land ,^ At $7.50 per acre; ',1 mile from waterfront, opposite Longbranch. Noth- Ing in that township for less than $10 per acre. Buy It and forgot it —there's profit In it. < ; . ■■.'i'v t -J^sp A. 11. DA II Ml is 101. COMI'ANV. Room 1. it:.:' Pacific Aye. i} M. 7204 Proctor and 7th St. - ■ ...■ -■■•■ ■■-*■• ,: ::. ■ -;; ■m^;^ 5-room -cottage, bath, electric lights, fireplace; 2 nice ,< lota; 1 block; from 6th ay. car. Price $27SU. ;. . . ' * ",' .' ' ' :"i^-;^* SO. 41st ST. 6-room house, almost new, 2 good lots, 2 blocks from oar line, for $1,« 800., Terms, $200 cash, balance monthly. <■ y'.;,:w!S ■■,;->;■>■-..'^soJ; Bth ST. ' ,v, ;S 6-room house, f bath, plastered, electric lights; I lots; street Improve,.': ments in and paid. Price $3,000; terms. ... v" ■' ■; ■:.: tSfRSSf SO. 13th ST. ; ■ ' ."//^m (•room house, electric lights plastered; rented for $18 per months t ■ • lot; street Improvements In and paid; near Fife, for ♦ 1600. ?i!|rira E. F. Gregory : Co., Inc. I. B. WEBB. ; :•- ■ B. F. ■ QRBUOa«V "■■"- ; 120 Twelfth Street 310-311 Berlin Bldg. If you wish to sell your property we have buyers. *•-;•■ >*-«*-. » ■'!-■>■ . If you wish to buy we are sellers. We I respectfully solicit your pat ronage. ■; ■■ ,'-'■■'■■ ;';' , ■ ■ ■••: • '.' -■, < ;•' Terry & Windley Loans.; ,: „ ' . Insurance. This Is Meant for You S: I 1 oan sell you % good, cheap i lots, close •to car tine, In : good < location and i build I a nice i house, for you - ac cording to your taate and specifica tions. m Small i- payment c down a and the i balance like paying \ rent. v Bet ter see me before buying, as : I; am sure I can satisfy you. _ , ■ -. B. G. PBOKOP ;•■• ■-;•■■■;> 620 Bankers' Trust Bldg.ryii ;.'l ;- 7,.3;r/."'-'*Main'»ia '. . ' ,*s; for Sale or Trade '■ I 1 have f several i good city > and ' su burban is; residences, ■ '■?. small m farms, acreage ' «nd f- lots, ■ for : sal* ■at low prices and easy terras; will consider trade iof rs city * proyerty (or | farms and ' farms - for »tr*g&£@s3lSßlßlßi ■ BAHfWWL I* Uifit, CORNER ■Boxl2o ft. in block ISO, school •ac tion •■ 30, North n 14th and ffi Monroe, t only] $350; j easy s terms. ■ - "- "' >~ --—■"■' --'■'■- *--.-t"<« -^Pfe.'^HSry^*^^SE 1 I VKI.IOY, FINHAND f*lCOiaai Main 1 3878 %si-i 7l *01 pj Pao. Ay* A 10-Acre Tract Near Edgewood ft.This Is'? extremely choice land, lo rated only : a short ■»■ distance from school,, and ' surrounded; by prosper* ' our small farms. xA ■ splendid! locality to i make yottr'; home. THE! PRICE) IS «»O« j :»• Term's ■ can ba . had; J-i -"'ii£fe«l&r- ■ ■"" - ■ This land Is not hard to clear, atid muut rbo aeon ito be ; appreciated, 320-21 California Bids;. .• Phones: Main l and A S«U, WM ARK nUDPARKD. to ' locate , you on HO aortw at timr ■ box land, k consisting of • pIBV «fc^