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PAGE TWO - llipn - , ..^r-, - I LUar^ararn — ntrr TIMES TIP WRIGHT HOT 808 VERNON I'SPORT M. BALTHASAR AbL HI s^^^~ • BBBbWSbW mmmW .. »VWVVMVN*VVVWWVaMVtMaMArVWNAf 5 " ^*^^ , - ast^a^^^Mt^^^t-^MWa-ttVtjSlVt^Wa^Ms^^MMMMtsSMM^M^ | a»V»»»eMS^»l^»^^»*^^^^^^'*^^^^'*^S^^^S^^^^^^^^^ Annis Pitches Pretty Game. Tacoma Winning NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE. Yesterdays Results. ?3sff| " Tacoma 7, Seattle *2; 3 Vancou ver 6-3, Spokane 4-2. Games Today. .. ft \. Tacoma lat Seattle, Spokane at Vancouver. ■ . -i -,-;,*■ Standing of the Teams. . , .-- V Won Lost Pet Tacoma .........".,.'.15 ' 10 '.600 Vancouver ........14? 11 .560 Seattle .. ..,.*7..;.;1:l 13 .458 Spokane ......... 10 18 .385, (By United Press Leased Wire.) '- SEATTLE, May 10(Pride goes before a fall and Seattle was get ting pretty chesty over those two Victories, so yesterday they took a tumble.;; Mr. Ann's, who has about seven straight victories to Ms credit for this season, went In the. box and held the Turks to (four-hits. He had them guessing all day and eight of the famous sluggers ;on the ,Si wash, team ] fanned the thin . atmosphere.' I While this was going on Taco am showed them how the game of baseball Is played. It was all so ' Seattle batters say Annis throws a ball that looks like a hoopsnake j and that nobody can hit it except by accident. Only four accidents happened. dazzling that Mike Lynch became so coinfused he muffed a nice fly out in center field and allowed Ta coma an extra score they did not need. -'•' s A fellow perched on ceoterflelt fence created a lot of comniot. and stopped the game ten min utes.' He was making great ges tures and Tacoma thought he was tipping off signals to Seattle bat ters but they could not hit any way. Score: * R H E Tacoma , 7 11 1 Seattle 2 4 5 Batteries: ,- Annis and Blacken ship; Hall aid Custer. * FIGHTING PREACHER PICKS JIM JEFFRIES TO WIN . SAN FRANCISCO, May { 9.— minister of trie gospel has com* out with a prediction on the Jeff j Johnson fight, claiming that Jed ■will win from the "big smoke." ; He is Rev. F. R. Wedge of the ' Monroe '. Presbyterian church -ol Omaha, Neb. The divine wasn'l always a minister, however, and It was only & few years ago that lie was known in sporting circle! as "Kid". Wedge, quick on his feel j and , handy with his "dukes." V He boxed his way through college - and from there to the ministry I giving sparring lessons to pay hli -expenses.': -'-'. 'y . V l .' :y : yy "If Jeff Is, In any condition a all by. July, and shows any of nil old time strength and skill, ! think that he will make shor ", work ,| of ; Johnson," says Rev i Wedge.'.' I?' ''.' '..■.-''■ »': "Jeffries In his prime," he con * tinned, "was " the terror, of al : heavyweights,. and . has knocked out better ' fighters than Jacl . Johnson 'ever vt ill ' >c. Johnsoi may be clever and a fairly hare hitter, but he has never beaten i good big man. It ought to be x. ] great fight." ..:■::•....->: Thus ;; this. minister, who ■'. was once a fighter himself, sizes up ■ the relative « ability •of * the *• two - JUmU.^-fi^c.'r' «yj—i'^",*",- V. .'-.-'VTX'.'T': ;"; Rev. Wedge has "a few peculiar Ideas which do not always con form with those of some of his flock. For one he thlnkß the fight game '- : the greatest : thing \ln the World— kept clean. '.',. ; ' BLOWS UP PACK OF WOLVES *£> v-S^***i£w4V.*;/%.itf^ : -'**#rtW'«B>W*s&^i«sa>i<HßsSss^^ WITH STICKS OF DYNAMITE '%, HAIFNH6, Alaska, ;* May 19. —A pack of timber ; wolves ' howling-"; at his door, a rapidly rising creek threatening pi, to carry aiway his Sautes boxes and wipe out the work of weeks s and his rifle jam med ' sad useless, Joe De Blea- j Coast League | »' —'i Games, Yesterday. - Aat San Francisco— R HE Portland .........'..... 3 41 Oakland 2 8 4 At Los Angeles— ' R H E Los .Angeles 3 50 Vernon*..'.... '.. 1' 6-4 At Sacramento— R H E San Francisco ....... ...594 Sacramento .......... 4 9 7 Sunday School League . Sunday School .League . Games Yesterday.' R H I First Methodist 10 6 -! St. Paul Methodist .... 1 4 I ■v'-.'-, : -•■ -.' -_'.' "-' i j. Central Christian ..... 8 r.9 : First Christian ,-7 8 ! *& & . -^—, pi •■ i '"' mm SIS««BSMSa.«SSS».S«S»SfSSSSsai MM a.| »■ !■ MlllWi II p 11J jl I National League ■ Yesterday's Games. .. At Chicago ' R H E Chicago ....3 6 2 Brooklyn 2 5 5 At St. Louis— R H E St. Louis , 5 8 .2 Philadelphia .......... 271 At Pittsburg— R H E Pittsburg 8 12 y l Boston 5 12 '5 At Cincinnati— R H-\B New York 10 12 » Cincinnati ;.". .'.... ..:'.' ■ 6 .111 6 American League Yesterday's Games. At New York— R H - E New York ...... ..-.«.. 6 9 -1 St. Louis 3 9 -;3 At Philadelphia— R H E Philadelphia, .......... 4 7| 1 . Chicago .......... .... . 2 .6^.5 lAt Washington— i RvH'E Washington ........'.., 4 7 3 Cleveland .....3 10 1 No game at Bostons-rain." The Laurels, a newly organized baseball team, desires games with irry team 17 years of age or older, in or out of the city.. Address Melvin Severance, manager, N. P. wharf, or cal "Main- 750 'between 12 and 1 p. m. Wednesdays. REV. "KI!D" WEDGE. MTHiliaiAMATriip^ •- The Pioneer Bindery & Printing company ball team is In the mar ket for a game Saturday or Sun day and would like to meet some other amateur team for a tryout. , Call up Robert J. Kolliher, Main ", 438.- - '." "*"- :" -'■ V -"-:"--- ' 1 ————————— ——^_____ 1 deau, a Haines prospector, hurled lighted dynamite hito the yelping pack, blowing ft the animals to shreds and rescued his imperilled sluice boxes. The ' news of the lltle -frontier \ melodrama reached here tod»" , • , •' • • EXTRA II ' - • • v; • • Remember Everett True • • at the Ball Game, those fun- • • ny picture stories published • • In the Times in 1906? • • Remember what he did? • • Well, at the request of a • • great many fans, the sport- • • -ing editor of the Times has • • 'decided to republish that fa- • , • mo us ": series by Artist Condo • • and f the first one will appear • [•.on the sport, page tomorrow. • • :.v (Don't fall to see our old • • friend Ev. True at his best. • • • i VANCOUVER TAKES TWO GAMES . VANCOUVER, B. C, May 19. —The local boys put up a great day of baseball yesterday amd moved tfb to within hailing dis tance of the league leadership by taking two games from Spokane. The Indians made it close but could not win. scores: ' First game— R H E Vancouver ..5 11 1 Spokane ~. 4 5 2 j (Batteries: Gardner and. Sug-~ den; Holm, Bonner and ; Brooks. Second game ' '' R H E Vancouver 3 4 -1 Spokane 24 2 ißatterles: Chinault and Lewis; Hlckey and Ostdlek. , "'^ „".f TACOMANS WIN IN BIG SHOOT (By United Press Leased Wire.) WALLA WALLA, May 19.—1n the great shoot here Tacoma seems to be the big thing. Woods won the Spokane Brownlee trophy cup yesterday with a perfect score of -25 In the amateur event. He also took the Multnomah medal, four others tying Ms him with a score of 24. In the Shoot-off, however, Woods beat them all out.' " ': Riehl, Tacoma's professional shot, was high man of the day In the professional ranks with a score of 186 out of 200. Tacoma has won three fin© tro phies in two days. BOXING-MATCH TOMORROW NIGHT LeLe Croft and Arthur Schock, the two Tacoma light-heavy weights, wiiri-;eet in a 10-round boxing contest for the second time tomorrow night at Germania hall, under auspices of the Puget Sound Athletic club. Pete Francis and Carl Fosa will also box ten rounds.' THIRD MAN IN ASSAULT CASE IS ARRESTED -Wllhelm .Hargert, brother of Jacob Hargert, who Is being held for assault ,on William Cook, which - may ; end ;In . the j death of the latter, was arrested at Ameri can lake yesterday for complicity in the assault. Wilhelm says he knows nothing of it, however, and that he was not present when the trouble occurred, coming in. later. The cases of the other men Involv ed was, continued to' May '• 25 by Judge Anvtson yesterday. Jacob Hargert is held without ball until It; is known I whether /, Cook ; will live. S He Is somewhat better but his wife, due )to the night's oc currences, la under a physician's Oar*.'! :^S^^^^^X^mmmWßmM, --■ ■-'...... .-.-".. THE t TACOMA: TIMES Lubb is Out Again—He Hears the Call of the Game TACOMA HIGH LOSES TO LINCOLN IN GREAT GAME The greatest game of baseball ever played by High school teams in the Northwest was shown al Puget Sound university field yes terday when Tacoma and LiiKwlE High of Seattle had It out for It innings, the Seattle boys (Inalb winning 3 to 1. It was a pitchers' duel between McQuary of Tacoma and' Hovej of Seattle. Hovey had a little the better of It with onil.y four hit* against him to nine for McQuary but McQuary. made up for the dif ference by having a stone wall back him up. .j' Tacoma got her run in the firs! inning and there stopped. Sewer; al times there were men- ready, ie Accident Probably Means End of Rubs'^addel's Pitching It looks like curtains for Rube Waddell. The great southpaw pitcher, whose eccentricities have made his name a byword among base ball fans, may never pitch again. Waddell was struck on the left arm by a pitched ball, in Bos ton several days ago and the bones In the elbow fractured. At tending surgeons fear that . the pitching arm will never be able to work again. - Erratic and uncertain, Waddell was, with all his faults, one of the best southpaws who ever shot a, | ball up to a batter. He had every-* thing In the curve line. It has often been said of him that If he had been gifted with the brains of iMathewson he would - have been GOTCH'S DEMAND MAKES SPORTING WORLD GASP By Fat. . „ X:'-:- ' - - i The ability of Frank Gotch, world's champion ' wrestler, to hang on to a dollar until the eagle" yells' for help, has never been questioned, but his latest stunt In holding up Zbyezko for all but $1,500 of the $25,000 for which the two men will wrestle the lat ter part of May, Is just aJbout the boldest holdup the sporting, world has witnessed. '■ Rattling Nelson, thrifty soul, also aaranged it so he would get the lion's share of the purse after he became the champion, bat the Dane never had the nerve to put across the deal i Gotoh got away with without a murmur. I- It apeak* pretty well 'for Zby ssko that he accepted this plain holdup without complaint. . The Pole '. said . all he wanted j was*the match, and if Gotch wanted the money ho could have ■- it. Of .come home but the needed hit I could not be found. - In the six-] teenth for Seattle with the score 1 and 1 after two men were out McQuary weakened and a couple I of hits brought one man home and put another on second. The ball j was thrown inlto the crowd get ting it back in the diamond and I the second score came in. Ta-i coma got men on second and third! 'with one out but still could mot I score and the game ended with Cdblentz fanning. Score: R H ■ Lincoln 3 9 3 .Tacoma ..> 1 4 1 Batteries: -Hovey and Kerry; J McQuary and Terry. RUBE WADDELL. the king of pitchers. Connie Mack, managed Rube better than any other manager, and the Ruho re sponded by pitching the Athletics into a couple of pennants. If he ever had a sore arm no one ever heard of it, but there was never any telling whether Rube would appear at the ball yard or go on a hunting or fishing trip. In Houston this spring Rube renewed -his antics, and Jack O'Connor had j a heart to heart talk with him. O'Connor told him he would either keep in shape to give his best services to the Browns at all times during the season, or he would be. released. O'Connor meant it, too, and the Rube kept close to the line. course the men hanging up : the purse had nothing to say about how It should be split, but it's a pretty safe bet they blinked hard when Gotoh sent In J his stipula tions. ■-? ■'. '•- '..->.-„;■ The grab-all pollers of, most of the top liners |In ' boxing and wrestling has disgusted all fair minded lovers of these branches of sport and Gotch Is champion of a game which has been In bad re pute for a good many years. His holdup of the 'only man jin this country who is conceded to have a chance against him hasn't made either him or the game he repre sents any more popular. Formerly a. champion - of .the world went along and 3 met : any man who wanted ito -j meet him. Now. the ehaplon; meets , whom < he; pleases, and before this i meeting j is arranged demand's the lion's] •hare; of the money offered. It's a great business DISTRICT ATTORNEY WILL HAVE TO SEE BIG FIGHT («y United: Press Leased Wire.) •MM PRAfNOISOO,. May 19. j Should the Jeffries-Johnsou fight be staged in San Francisco Dis trict Attorney Fickert will be one of Its most interested spectators. Asked, what attitude he would i take if the promoters attempted to stage the big battle, Fickert de |clared that the only way In which he could determine whether the; mill was a boxing contest or ft] prizefight would be to attend' the exhibition and intently watch the first few rounds. "There is a great deal of con troversy as to what constitutes a boxing match," he Bald, "and [should a permit be granted to the promoters for the encounter be tween Jeffries and Johnson the only thing that I .possible could do would be to attend the affair and watch the first few rounds." flarkets FRESH FRUIT. Apples— winter Per mains, $1.50@2; New Town Pip pins, $1.75; Winesaps, $1.75® 2.75. •' Cherries — crate. ' Grape fruit $3 353.50. ■ Grapes— $4 bbl. —Navels, $2.2503.75 box. Strawberries —California, $1.25 ®$.1.50; home grown, $5.50® G. FRESH VEGETABLES. Artichokes 6oc doz. Asparagus sl @ 1.25. Beans— 14c lb.; green, 12c lb. Beets—sl.7s sack. Cauliflower—California, $2.25; home grown, $1 doz. Cabbage — 3 % c lb. Carrots, new—2oc doz.; $2 sack. Celery Csc doz.; $3.50®4 crate. Comb honey—Yakima, $3.50 case; California, $3.25. Cucumbers — Hothouse, $1@ 1.25. Lettuce —Head, 4 sc. doz. Onions — $1.40@2. "" "-• * -* Green onions— 2oc doz. bunch es. Parsley— 2 5c doz. bunches. Peppers—Green, 25c lb. Green peas:—sc lb. Rhubarb—2%c lb. -' Potatoes — 2^@2%c lb; Yakima, $12@14 ton; home grown, $B@lo. Sweet potatoes — s3.2s ©2.50 cwt. Spinachsl.lo crate. Radishes —Hothouse, 20c doz.: I California, 25c doz. bunches. Tomatoes Florida, $2.50® 3 crate. Turnips— sack. EGGS. Washington ranch, 27c; Ore gon, 26c; California, 25c. BUTTER. Washington creamery, 31® 32c. Eastern, 32c; California, 29c. MEATS AND POULTRY. Hens, live 21c, dressed 23c; ducks, live 17c; turkeys, live 24c, , dTef'sed, 25@26c; broilers, live, 25c; dressed, 27c. , Fresh —Cow beef, 9% ® 10c; steer beef, 12 %c; wethers, ; 12 %c; spring lamlbs, 16W>c; ewes, 12V6c; hogs, 14%«; trimmed pork," 16c; veal, dressed, ' *8® 12M-C * * ' . , r'-. 'LIVESTOCK, i Prices offered by packing houses for livestock: Steers, 5% ©6c; cows, 4 Mi® sc; heifers, 6® 5%c. Hogs, 10c. Sheep—Ewes, 6%c; wethers, 7c; lambs, 7 1 / 4 c ■_ FISH Steelhead salmon, - 12c; Chi nook, 12c; Tyee, 13c; kippered, 12c; salmon trout, ,18c; salmon backs, 7c; red - snapper, . 8c; hali but s@6c; sturgeon, 15c; ling cod, 8c; rock cod, 10c; black cod, 6%c; carp, 6c; black bass, 8c; oysters, $2.50 gal., $6.75 7.25 sack; clams, $2 sack; shrimps, $4.15; crabs, $1®1.25 doz.; herring, 4c. OF INTEREST TO EVERYONE The "Want" news in The Times.. VICTOR sJ«V Dow*. Jfi&^ma^lyß The BETS are three to ONE that lubb WILL SEC A BALL <"*A*EV |T LOOKS LIKE A SURE THING.! OF COURSE ME MAY CAUSE A. WOT BECAUSE HIS PANTS DON'T FIT (jut then,did The rummy ever- own any That did? Agnes, please carve the OYSTERS! Ma— ■ . .. AN IDEAL HUSBAND is patient, even with a nagging wife, for he knows she needs help. She may." be so nervous and. run down in health that trifles annoy her. If she Is melancholy, excit able, troubled with loss of appe tite, headache, sleeplessness, con- stipation or fainting and. dizzy spells, she needs Electric Bitters, the most wonderful remedy for ailing women. Thousands of suf ferers from female troubles, ner vous troubles, backache and weak kidneys have used them and be come healthy and happy. Try them. Only 50c. Satifcation guar anteed by Ryner Malstrom, pre scription specialist, 938 Pacific | avenue. TACOMA THEATER TONIGHT and TOMORROW NIGHT Moi-t H. Sinner Presents • HENRY WOODRUFF in "TUB nuHoa OF TONIGHT" A musical gem In a beauty set ting direct from ?f)n nights at tho Princess theater, Chicago. A whirl of fun, music and girls. , Prices—soa to $1.60. *" SATURDAY, MAY 21 The Noted Prlma-Donna ■ Comedienne DOROTHY MORTON In J. J. McNallv's Musical Comedy "WIDOW JONES" Company of 30. Lavish Production Prices—2sc, 50c, 75c, $1.00. Seat on sale Friday. SUNDAY, MAY 23 Brandon Bros. Present Ethel Bar rymoro's Greatest Success "COUSIN KATE". With ■. JEANNE . RUSSELL And Excellent Company. Prices — 250 to' $1.00. Seat sale Saturday. PANTAGES THEATER Unequaled Vaudeville All Week imi'lim: POI.I.AItn Australia's Young-cut Comedienne Seven Other Stellar Acta Prices-— 25c. Box Chairs 50c GRAND THEATER | Tacoma's Leading Vaudeville. House KARA Greateat Juggle* In Vaudeville Seven Other Star Acts Admissionlsc; lower floor, 25c;' box seats, 50c. Matinees, except holidays and Sundays, 15c. COAL THAT LASTS. We are the Sole Agents for the CARBON HILL, WINQATE VEIN COAL, $8.00 a ton. Man do ta Egg Coal $5.00 per ton. And it cannot be had except through us. PACIFIC FUEL CO. Main 610. A 2319 MEN'S 3jk) TAILOR./Wri^ SUITS vxlLl !A Tos6o mm O. HARRISON - -lllfffj So. nth St. ti^^U TEETH 22-k. Gold Crowns $5.00 . Best -Bridges .. $5.00 Fillings...... $1.00 Special attention given to plate work, including painless extraction of teeth. All work guaranteed. EMPIRE - DENTISTS Cor. 10th and Pac. aye. in 11 , IT DOESN'T PAY To use your neighbor's sewing' machine when you can get your choice ;of any standard make from $4 upward, from','B.'*lC.' KRONA, Main 5768, 810 11th. ii J I !■'!»■-* '."■"..rl'' i .,*«-.«trL- fe.-".^:iji -I.'.' *"■..- *. ...-,. Thursday, May 19, 1910 WIMiITrS SUBJECT TOMOR ROW NIGHT IS.WORTH : ATTENTION On this page. ; * - Heavyweight Boxing Contest Lee Croft 108 Pounds VS. .Arthur Schock 180 Pounds 10 Rounds Under Auspices Puget Sound Athletic Club Geruinnia Hull, Friday Night MAY 20 Admission $1.00; Reserved Seats, $1.50; Ringside Seats, $2.00. Tickets now on sale at the following places: Elgin Hotel; Maplo L.eaf, 1548 So. C; Prince's Cigar Store; Olympic Club; United Cigar Store; Tho Mecca; The Annex, 11th and .Pacific; tho Peerless, Dryers,- Sparling Cigar Store. 903 Pacific aye.; McDonald Cigar Store; Donnelly Billiard Par lors, and Warwick. Importers Tea & Coffee Co. ■».->.-• So. D at., near 11th. The only store In Tacoma re tailing Teas and Coffees at less than wholesale prices. Best Teas Qflr» (any kind) lb «JUU Usually retailed in other stores from 50c to 70c lb. Other grades from 10c to 30c pound. Best (old crop) 99 f* Coffee, lb ataCU Usually retailed In other stores from 35c to 40c lb. Other grades .coffees from 10c to 25c pound. DON'T FAIL To Visit the White Dental Office Pleased to Show You Around. HUTCHISON DENTIST Stratford Hotel, 9th and C. Office Hours, 9 to 6. Closed Sundays. CROWN a BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY EXPERT OPERATORS IN EACH DEPARTMENT- PAINLESS EXTRACTING . W« OPERATE THE LARGEST CARVUUV CONDUCTED DEMTAt, PRACTICE IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST ■ ' BICHT PRIVATE OPERATIrW CHAIRS n»wMODeRATe CHARGES f "^EXAMINATIONS F»€€ K^l2fc\ ELECTRO '[fflfflti I DENTAL f^AK^/PARLORS I RE BLDG JjjrJM PAC.AVE.KVQ *\ J aa». -' *. " Sunset Coal The coal that lasts and burn clean. ",:-'r: Try King coal for your range. It's a pleasure to use It. TACOMA TRADING'CO.''. Main 21. A Sill - - -,'.""''- '--: ■•" -:■---. '. ♦ ««iaß«a»aa»aj»aafj«»»aa*Mßa»S»»««»illMaßaaaMlMaaMißaMaaMMalaaaaajMtMaMßawaa* , - Dr. SLAYDEN ■ OSTEOPATH '-.;•; Graduate from the Kirk School if Osteopathy. ' ';' '■ Office 821-2 Fidelity Bids. I; Phone Main 1884. CHICAGO I Eye Specialists SB GLASSES FOR 91 '.' \ y£« 832 Provident Bldg. lk<^>^a^^t^^t^a*> l^a*>«l *>tt-tt««i>^-a(«>^t«^»'>^>^a^t>^VVV'a>«^tat*^a>^^^ _ Chicago Dentists 1 J, 1124*, Pacific vs. ■ : ',;j 'I Opp. 12th st. Both Phones. B OPEN EVENINGS ■ f