Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, May 19, 1910 f—. «. £U "^. —^ r=- p. -WC* 'tmmmmV rC _L ~D VflSSl /____■__ V *"/a\ * - —' ——————11^- | 'Will ' fes^V.- BUSINESS PROPERTY-VACANTLOTS -HOMES-ACREAGE fe ;^C*g DENVER ADOPTS RECALL AND REFERENDUM (By United Press Leased Wire.) DENVER, May 19.—The offi cial count ie not completed but It is known now that the people have adopted the initiative and referendum and recall for the city charter amendment and have elected Miss Ellis Meredith, a prominent author, for a member of the election commission on the citizens' ticket. The democrats will control the hoard of alder men, however. WICKERSHMH AGAIN IB BE CANDIDATE i FOR DELEGATE (By United Press leased Wire.) ; JUNEAU, May 19. — James Wickersham, delegate from Alas ka and anti-Guggenheim man, an nounces his candidacy for re-elec tion In a message from "Washing ton to the Dally Dispatdh here. The cable reads: "In answer to Insistent demands of my friends In every section of Alaska, and In ■unalterable opposition to the Bev erldge bill and Guggenheim dom ination) in Alaska, I deem it my duty to again be a candidate for delegate from Alaska." $500 IN GOLD MELTS IN FIRE (By United Press Leased Wire.) j ASOTIN,.., Wash., May 19. When Philliman Ramsdale lost his' ok smith in a fire Monday night tot also lost his fortune. The. smith had over $500 hidden in a keg partly filled with nails and scrap iron. The heat- of 5 the fire fused the gold and Iron together, «Bd when Ramsdale found his 3d when Rnmedale found his hoard today it presented a sorry flight. The blacksmith is now looking for a friendly smelterman to return his savings to him. • Chicken dinner Sunday at Lake side hotel, Spanaway. •*• f Have you seen it? It's free. "Tho Giant Viking, 600 years old, 8. ft. 6 In. high. Now on exhibi tion in the lobby of the Arcado theater, 1314 Pacific aye. Free to all patrons of our theater. ** ft_£Ss£ 2 Corner Lots $700 So. 57th—$150 Cash. Two fine corner lots, street grad ed, assessments paid, 1 block to car line. Bargain price, $150 cash, $10 MONTH. L Summer Cottage ;v Harbor Heights Large, roomy and comfortable, on beach, . Including tideiands and spring water piped to house. Price $1250, $250 cash, $10 month. A. H. Barnhisel Co. 422 California Bldg. M. 7200 IONE THAT CAN'T BE BEAT Two 'fine corner lots, 2 blocks from car line on East Morton st. Beth streets graded, cement walks. Lots 50x180; 2 houses, 1 5 and 1 6 room. This place can bo bought for $2300. Will give terms. It will pay you to look this up. J. W. Hoops Sons , . 204 Bankers Trust Bldg. Easy Savings Plan $100 down and $15 monthly buys a home on 2531 South O St., near X at. car line. 3 rooms down and .2 bed and 2 small rooms upstairs; also clothes . closet* and porcelain bath. $2,100. $175 cash buys 6-room house and 2 good lot*, all in fruit. Balance like rent. Street graded and cement walks and sewer in and paid. 1430 South 54th at $1760. .«■ v Go to 4008 North 84th street on car line, near Proctor; beautiful modern 6-r. bungalow, with one and one . third lot*, cement walks, sewer, etc. Concrete basement and space In at tic for 3 more big sunny rooms.. Fine view across gulch, giving lots .of space- for -light and pure air. Complete abstract; price $2,600; $260 cash. $25 monthly. INSTALLMENT BUILDINO DEPT. LENNOX TRUST COMPANY . ;, r ;.; 952 54 Pacific aye. . i , ■"T"™""'™"""" *m°mT mT m "^"** FOR BALE BY OWNER CHEAP— E-acre tract >at Milton. ■ Inquire of owner, R. J. Hughes, at Milton. tA? MARINE VIEW HOME i'|?:."'; NO. 29TH ,~. ? 8-room, bath, - basement, beamed ceilings, etc.; 2 full lots on PAVED .STREET. . A snap that we can de llfnr on easy terms —$500 cash, bal ifii $26 a month. If you are look- I ing ' for (a j comfortable home in an excellent location, see us about this. fa'wa3iii^,T_y»«i»'**>.-3.--»-T.-.ra ■.-, - y.-^, y _*aael#aa i___J __] ai_l_-__l_g Loan*. 103 st. Mortgages FARM DEPARTMENT Do You Want TO BUY A FARM OR RANCH? WE HAVIi THEM FOR SALES. No. 35. Something good; can you handle It? 160-acre ranch of the finest kind of muck land. One 5-roum house, good out buildings, 2 acres fruit-bear ing trees; over SO acres un der cultivation, balance pas ture. Price $75 per u.cre. Beat of terms. If too large i piece It can ba subdivided to suit. No. 44. 40 acres. 10 acres under culti vation, balance pasture. Oond buildings, good well, black loam soil. Price $2 000. No. 53. A Maury island 10-acro tract; 5 acres under cultivation; 1 acre In strawberries, 2 acres in potatoes balance In gar den and various kinds of bei rles; 8-room home, new; chicken house; also root house; soil shot clay and es pecially adapted to fruit. Call at office for price and fur ther Information. Price $3200 No. 66. 40 acres In Lewis county;,l acres In cultivation, balance in timber; good buildings and good water; lots of good fruit trees, 150 bearing; soil excep-1 tionally good. Tills place Is I only a short distance t'cim school and is near a sawmill. It is 2*4 miles from a good station on the N. P. P.. H. Terms very easy. Price $2500 No, 68. 40 acres. 10 acres under culti vation, balance pasture; one 4-room house, 4 CileUen houses, 1 milk house, tug barn and other outbuildings; two wells. This place is , lose to school; soli, loan). Good buy and for sale cheap. Price $1800. No. 57. 5 acres good fruit lan-1 in Puyallup valley, I*4 acres cleared, balance stumps blown out; 1 acre In pota toes, 85 apple trees and va riety of berries planted this » year; good shot clay soli; one 1 story house. 2 rooms; new woodshed; good cistern. Price $1,200; small payments, easy terms. No. 59. 70 acres, 30 acres cleared, balance of land In timber; nice, large house, good out buildings, the best of soil, abundance of good water, 1, --500 fruit-bearing trees; close to school and less than two miles from good town. If you want a place, this Is surely worth Investigating. Price $7000. Do You Want TO SKLL YOUR PLACET ■'•IF go LIST IT WITH US. TACOMA REAL ESTATE AGEKCV . *-■ t-. $03-4 Bernlce Bldg. i . 11106-08 Pacific Aye. PUYALLUP AYE. BARGAIN $8,000 cash will handle 2 lots on Puyallup avo., clot* to D St., at a price that will insure big profits in the next 2 years. Balance on your own terms and at low Inter est. OTTO B. BOEDER 80S California Bids. . SOW N. M I'll ST. • OO AND SEE IT Dandy 6-room modern bungalow for sale cheap, cash or terms. Take Point Defiance car to No. 2«th and Proctor, go % block west. Fine lo cation. You can move in tomorrow. For bargains In the great Puy allup valley, call or write J. C. Harvey and Co. at Puyallup second I door north of- postoffice. Homo i phone, office. Main 205, Res. Red I 113. A Bargain 20-acre ranch, all in alfalfa, small 4-room house, goon young orchard, 3 horses and harness, 4 cows, 8 2 year olds with calf, 2 hogs, 2 wag ons, mower, hay rake and derrick, all tools, cream separator, 1 range, stove and heater. Call or write. Price $5,000; % cash, 3 years on balance. J.C. Harvey & Co. Puyalluf* : r. ' * ■. Home Phone Main 205 office; Res. Red 113. • 5-Room House 2 Lots, Paved Street PRICE $900 . . This house Is on the street car Una on South 12th st., where all of thai Regents Park and Stellacoom cars pass. Two beautiful lots on grade, good fruit trees and' nice garden. City water. House is -well built and with a little fixing would rent for $15. Is This a Snap!! JESSE 0. THOMAS, JR. 100$ A at. WHO GETS YOUR MONEYT Are you paying the landlord a good (tiff rent and only getting a piece of paper every 30 days which permits you to live In hi* house? Why not quit It? We will help you. We are now offering a neat new 4 room cottage on corner of So. 61st and B at*, on payments of $12.50 per month and the price is only $1, --600. It pays to buy from the owner. Surety Bonds. .7 Fire Insurance. E. F. Gregory Co., Inc. & R Webb. *. E. F. Gregory. - 120 Twelfth St.: BEST BUY IN TACOMA Almost new 6-room house, com pletely furnished; 2 large - lots, 21 large bearing fruit tree*. . large chicken house and chickens, • garden tool*, lawn mower, garden hose; ev erything complete and i ready - to move Into; only 1 block to car. Price $1,800—51,000 cash, balance In $ years. This 1* $550 below the mar ket ;£;-; ..'< * H. P. KESSINGER . 410-11 California Bldg. Close In Lots Cheap ys - I have .7.' lots,' 2 Improved with fruit, located at 88th and So. D st. Street* graded. Will sell at $700 and $760. Adjoining lots sold for $1200. •-■,---, •-" -..:••;- ■'-%» Bobbins & McDonald f; 7 20$ California Bldg. 7 : i i ,nl " ' '«, FOR» SALE <BY OWNER—Modern 5-room bungalow, just completed, gas range goes with It. . Ea»y terms. Phono Main 4665. FLETCHER HEIGHTS 3 Blocks West , End 6th Aye Car. . „;!. Office on Tract FIDELITY RENT & COLLECTION CO. Gills Sea View Park Lots $175 to $400 Terms $10 down and $5 monthly, Includes all improvements, clear ing and grubbing, grading cement sidewalks, sewers and water mains. Liberal Contract —No forfeiture for missing payments on account of sickness or loss of work. Perfect Title—Abstract free. You buy direct of owner and save agent's commissions. Houses constructed after plans selected by you for $50 down and $10 per month. * GILL HOME INVESTMENT CO. £g $20 Pacific Aye., Ground Floor. ... We Want a House From $1500 up to about $2000. "We mean business. Call at 402 Bernice Bldg. $50 to $200 Each For lots located within 15 minutes' walk of South Tacoma car shops<-and close to car line. Terms, 10 per cent cash, $5 or $10 per month on each pair. . Call or send for one of '«ur maps at once. ' Albert C. Philips & Co. PHONE MAIN 132. .403 FIDELITY HI,DC. BUY THIS BEST HOME SNAP Six lovely lots, 4 Improved; gar den, berries, grapes, 21 large bear ing fruit trees, 5-room house, pi .one. electric lights, etc., near school, stores and car line; five cent fare; fifteen minutes' ride; In Ideal neighborhood. I dare not advertise the —It's too low, —but If you want it as a home or for Invest ment, write at once. Owner going East and must sell. Drop this paper right now and address: ••REAL BARGAINS" Lock Box 1120, Tacoma. STOP! REAB! BUY! of C. A. Ballard at Spanaway. Lots, acreage, homes. Bargains In each. FOR RENT, SALE OR TRADE Will. give the rent of my "4 sec tion for 6 years to party who will put 60 nannay goats on It. Good house, barn, sheds, etc. 100 acres of grass; "4 mile from. town. Ad dress Box 62 care Times. For Sale By Owner 8 rooms, 2 fine lots, 1 block from 6th aye., M from Traction. Will throw in carpets, shades and part of furniture for price of house. Phono 5616. Stop Paying Rent and buy a new 4-room house, Just completed, with % acre of good gar den and fruit land, city water and electric lights can be had, 6a car fare. Price only $800; small cash, payment and $12.60 per month. H. ROBERT PAUL- * CO., Owners | 311-12 Bankers Trust Bldg. NICE LOTS CHEAP Near P. I), car, on Proctor St., cleared, level, above grade, street improvements In and paid, fine view, good neighborhood, good terms. JAMES Q. JOKES 8010 IV. 20TH ST NOTARY PUBLIC. MONEY TO LOAN Installment Homes List $2,1005100 down, $20 monthly; nice 6-room house and I*4 lots at 2531 South O. $2,600 — cash, $25 monthly; 8 ... room house and : 1 1-8 lots, '*'*: 4008 North 84th, near Proc .,, . tor. Above I* extra well built and there 1* space for 3 more room* In attic. $1,760 — $175 down, $16 monthly; 2 , .' .. nice lota, all in bearing or chard, with 5-room .. house; 1430 South 54th, near Asotin. : LENNOX TRUST CO. 952 Vi Paclfio aye. * V,, :■'.-;,., ■■ ..-■,■■ ...... , .',-■ V....X, 97.00 PER MONTH ■ HOME * Four good lot* and a new house ready to move Into, in a good loca tion, only 2 blocks from car - line. This place I* , not Just sold. « Price $460,, on terms of $25 down • and $7.60 per month. Bring this ad with you. .■■-.■ •„ >■ -.•!. - - J. M. CURTIS A CO. - ,814 Bankers Trust Bldg. ;. • —___» ___-______________, 'L'-VV' t>" FOR?BJaXHv:^\:-7-",l: * I Lot*'by owner. N. |E. 'corner ' lstii and Mo.. Washington . sts. •-. Bargain prices. ■ ■> <■■■- ■-.- •■■ • » O. F. MESSRR Gig Harbor, Wash. - r.-.rt..- ..-"--'■'♦ --•'*■ ---»•-- r;»T"t $10 MONTR nOMS •" m Ready to t move \, Into, with pf two go >d '- lots, near t car, ii church '/!> and 1 , soliool. Take Pacific Tract!jn « car ,at - 9th 9 and I Commet t at*, ; and * get" off at Queen Ann*; Park and 88th »t. B See s Mr. ■ Bruggemann, , owner. § > . ■ '• ■.- - . ' THE TAQOI^A TIMES' - '"' YAKIMA VALLEY High grade fruit and hay lands, $40 to $60 per acre, one-third to one half cash. Want purchasers enough to take a large tract In small amts. of 10-20-40 acres each. Get In your application before it is all applied for. Have few good In bearing orchard and hay lands. ... Have several sections dry wheat lands, $10 to $12 per acre, which will come under Irrigation soon. . For particulars address inquiries to W. M. Duffy. Puyallup, Wash., 2 doors north of postofflce. Five-room house. 2 good lota, fruit trees, cement walks, lots 130 xSO. See owner, 4331 So. Yakima after 6 evenings or Sunday. BY OWNER — Five room bunga low, 1 block to car; 2 lota in fruit, garden, roses and lawn. All Im provements In and paid. Clear ab stract. Worth $2,500. Quick sale, $1,950. Terms. Apply 4509 So. Sheridan. Do You Want to Sell Your REAL ESTATE or BUSINESS* If so, see us at once. we guaran tee to dispose of your property for cash within 30 days. Reference. P. M. Ruthfield 408 Provident Bldg. Main 8302. FOR SALE—I2O acres 30 acres under plow, crops all in, 8 head of stock, 7 good cows, over 200 chick ens, good young team, weight 2400, wagon, buggy, light wagon, plows, harrows, disc, etc.; 6-room house, barn and plenty chicken houses, hop house. $4,000, $.1,600 cash, bal. con tract or mortgage. No agents. Ad dress O. H. Miller, R. F. D., R. No. 1, Box 33, Sumner, Wash. $8 PER MONTH HOME New 3-room house, lot 60x146, about *4 of an acre • good garden and fruit land, within the city lim its. Price $400, $10 cash and $8, per month. It certainly beats pay ing rent. • 11. ROBERT PAUL _ CO., Owners. - v 311-312 Bankers' Trust Bldg. BRING IN TOUR TRADING PROPERTY -j, Anything from a cow to a farm In exchange for* city lots and houses. Our trading . list •Is the . largest <• In the city. -j-''i--,.-•', '.■• V: , " ' MUTUAL REALTY CO. ".." 204 California Bldg. " Free —Homestead— ' OREGON AND CANADA - that you don't have to live on; fin est wheat and alfalfa land. A mar ried or single woman can take land. Send 25 cents or call - for . Home stead Book. Join next party In few days.<!-.-••--**-* —.. »*■>• ..-..»»•;:. r.x.:.v -'.; FORREST LAND CO, ' -"■. ;.V„ ■ ■■•-»•<- - ; Levator*, ..-<-, '*■•■•*■ 1013 Pacific Aye. Forrest Hotel. "^ —™"™^™* ■-^^^ ■—a FOR SALE BY OWNER ' 40-acre ■ tract, 25 » acre* bottom land, part i cleared, I about 20 acres In ■ grass; i stock, farm • implement* and everything goes with the place; 61 good location for dairy and chick en i ranch. •; Price : $2600. ■ Can -- give hrm.«wf»*«>«..<> -ii^.-' -...,-* "■.,... Inquire H. A. Huff, Sumner, Wash. •yF~ -S FOR > N4LK tOR TRADE iswi f: Ten _aero» • near Puyallup. 8 acres cleared; « will s, take ■a i good * team a* part lln * trade. Price | $100 1 per | aero. O. Anderson. 1709 No. O&kes j North End Bungalow J $500 Cash, $25 Mo. ,' Buys nsw 5-room bungalow, strictly modern, largo attic, full con crete basement, furnace. beautiful dining room, best porcelain plumb ing. THIS IS CLOSE IN between North X and Point Defiance line. Owner must sell by the first. It's a bargain. YOU'LL LIKE IT. OET KEY HERE. in D. M. Morgan 208-9 Hankers Trust Bldg. 6-18 '■ '■ ■ —i- ■■ .i ..—.—■—._■ i ... - SI. II 6-Room Modern House |j $1,600— Down Strictly modern 6-room cottage, near car line, with lVi lots, for $1. --600; only $300 down. House cost $1900 to build, Is first (lass through out, built by owner for a home. Tho plumbing, plaster, hardware,, etc., are selected and far abovo the aver age in quality. Everything in ex cellent condition; fine roses, etc., beautiful electrla fixtures, full at tic. slash grain finish. This Is the best offering on tho market today. Tallman-Thompson Co. Safe Deposit Vaults. 11l 10th MUST BE SOLD NORTH END BUNGALOW LESS THAN COST $100 CASH. PRICE $1500 6 rooms, plastered, bath, full at tic and basement, located on corner near Whttworth college No assess ments. This Is a snap If thero eevr was one. WILLIAM Q. STEARNS 304-.", Natl. Bank of Commerce Bldg. FOR BAUD.— corner lots and modern 6-room cottage, In North Knd, for $1,650! $300 cash, halanco ialt purchaser. Call M. 6906 be • »«lt purchaser. Call M. 6906 be ws<fi ii and 8 evenings. BUSINESS CHANCES ';" h Easy Money "ißlectric shoo shining machines. If Foe.' are interested in making easy money, investigate these machines. Address F. A. Briggs, 4509 12th av</. N. R., Seattle. c- FOB HALF! BY 11. H. I IIKIMI CO. 301) BANKERS TRUST BLDG. MAIN 400U— AS741 ■ ONLY SIOO CASH 111 :i( I 1111 ,1 ( 21 rooms, located on a prominent [corner, on a busy street; close In. The price is only $900. Terms $100 cash; bal. $25 month. I Best small speculation In tho «-lty today. Don't lose any time looking this up. 13 ROOMS PRICE) ONLY. SKflO Hero Is your opportunity lo get a nlcfly furnished house for $41 a room; rent $25 month; clears $50 month above all expenses. Part housekeeping and bal. single rooms. House full of steady roomers. You'll havo to hurry. E ST. BARGAIN 16 rooms very nicely furnished; cheap rent and no vacant room in house. $400 cash, bal. easy terms, will swing this place. BUTTER AND EGO BUSINESS ' Very fine location, all cash busi ness; handles butter, eggs, coffee, tea and light groceries; no solicit ing; no credit. Book will show a net profit of $142 month. Will sell in lump for $2,000 or will Invoice. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN rooming houses, saloons, grocery stores, meat markets, etc.; in fact we have for sale or trade any lino of business you may wish to engago In. Small Grocery Store doing good cash business, good lo cation and good clean stock. $650 cash will handle this. See us at once. Tacoma Real Estate Agency $03-4 Bernlce Bldg. 1106-8 Pacific aye. The Market Building Cor of So. 12th and X st. will be ready for business «rtmc Ist. There are a few stalls yet for rentmeat, $sh, bakery,. delicatessen. Apply to X J. W. Martenis *»---. ■ ■*-■..■■■>;.,-■? ■.••-■-*•.■ '*;i On premises. Tel. M. 90 »'i ■■:''.-■■■-'■.- :-■ -..r''-'.;.- > "-■■■''.' l r ,FOR SALE. HOTEL — If you; want a good paying proposition call up owner, phone A 4608. »:■'•;-;-■'- kg I, i , ii l';--"-. ANOTHER SNAP !« 'Hotel '. on • best corner In South Tacoma, 48 furnished ■ bedrooms . nearly furniture; every con venience; more than -. 40 regular boarders; board bills guaranteed: large transient trade;* low.: rent, long lease; owner must go on his homestead: will take, -$3600 for ev erything; $2000 cash, - balance $50 monthly. The trade at this place is the ■ best in . South. Tacoma and *' la rapidly increasing. If you mean business, and want a I money-maker, i rou may stay at this hotel a week. 111 pay your I board llf you I buy .or If you don't find everything Just as 1 I have ■ advertised. Address aj "Real Bargains." Lock Bos 1120, ■ Tacoma.] i •4 If l you want <to '. buy - a m rooming house, farm, I lot, residence or I busi ness below actual value, write me.i stating I what you want. I sell bar gains only.- Address "Real Bargain*'' Lock Box 1120, Tacoma.•»>-,' .-*, a- Pool i room for - sale. '-.-. 540? , Union I aye.. South Tacotoo. j^*iij4iii;,i; %jj > I FOB RENT—Cosmopolitan rooming < a house. ? C. E. Palmer, 410 Fidelity; ': ■: iiiif?llfjlSS I • t-*on»AI.B—niII'RI.I.ANICOFI FOR SALE—Finn team, wagon and harness for express and transfer business. Phone Main 9285. New and Id nana ssros. D. A. Tylor. 151* Pacific aye. WM. FITZ-HENRY. Auctioneer _ 913 Commerce st. Furniture bought outright on ban died on Commission. EGOS for hatching from Rhode Isl and Reds. Barred Plymouth Rocks, full-blooded, healthy, coun try raised stock, $1 per 14. Stock for sain. O. M. Pinloi'. 607 Bernloe Bldg., M^CSIS, or Steilacoom, get off at Sharpo's place. FOR SALEA go-cart, compara tively new. at a reasonable price. Phone Main 7609. HUFF ROCK eggs fur hatching, DOc. 2115 No. Oakes. INVESTIGATE our prices on new and Id hand furniture. 1317 Ta coma aye. M. 7184 Buff Hock eggs- Main 1683. J ranch horses for sale cheap. Sav age Fuel Co., M 2390-81522. - ■ CARLOAD Oregon horses, work, driving, saddle. Well broken. Wallla & Son, 1526 C St. FOR SALE and cheap, one Estoy organ, mahogany case. 2115 So. O. FOR SALE—Fresh high grade Jer sey cow, gives 4H gal. per day, 5 years old. 401 So. 58th st. FOR SALE—Furniture of 7-room house. $300. 307 H So. J. A 3857. FOR SALE—New 6 h. p. motorcycle. Cost $300. Will Mil for $200. Own er leaving town. Call or phone room 220, Oreystone hotel, between 6 and 7 p. m. FOR SALK or will exchange for runabout automobile, one new 20 --ft. launch, has never been In the water. Up-to-date model. She Is a dandy. For further particulars in quire of M. J. Morse, Puyallup,"-Wn., Q. D. FOR SAI.K Kxtra good sash, doors, frames, baseboard, 2x4s, 2xfis, 2x Bs, 2xlos and timbers. Call at once 1207 A St. FOB BAUD CHKAP—2O-ft. launch, 3Mj horse power engine, glass front, canopy top, In first class run ning condition. Cheap at $300, will tako $200 if sold at once. * I Apply SMITH'S BOAT HOUSE Stellacoom FOR SALE— fine riding mare, good saddle and bridle. Price $75. One work horse, 1 colt, .1 heavy wagon, 1 light rig, 2 good cows. Call or write Sanders farm, half mile east of Spanaway station. PIANO certificate of $116 for sale cheap. Apply 1308 Center st. Call Main 6388, A 1142 evenings after 6. FOR cement building blocks, call up B 1184. Prices reasonable. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY—Light express wagon and light buggy harness. Phono M. 1239. Must be cheap. WANTED TO BUY If you havo a lot. residence, rooming house, farm or business that you will make a sacrifice on for a quick sale, list it with "ileal Bargains." . Address Lock Box 1120, Ta-:oma. rKIHUSAI, a<KMaaaiaswa<a^a^swa<aaaaaaa<Ma<aaa<aaa<aaaaaaa<aaa<aaas Turkish Baths Scalp massage, lady man ager, 930% Pacific aye. Phone A 3625. Flat Nos. 25 and 26. FlßE!! —lnsure your house and fur niture In reliable companies. We have them. 11. J. Senwlnn & Co. 316 Bankers' Trust Bldg. ANNOUNCEMENTS GENERAL houseclennlng by expe rienced met.'. Wo also make a spe cialty of new houses. Main 1867. ARE you disgusted with your cleaning, pressing and dyeing? Now try a firm with some experi ence any way. Not how cheap but how good. Class A work only. Clothing sent to us by express will receive prompt attention. Tel. 7480, 811 9th st. J. A. Donaldson. Nice clean baths, 15c. Open Sundays. Also hand laundry. 1537 So. C. FREE—S6O set of plan* to every buyer of Gill' Sea View Park lots, prices $176 up. while they last' Terms, $500 monthly. 920 Paclfio aye. Upholstering. Hart. ICSS Yak. M.7174 LEGAL NOTICE H^IWWMWie<WW<WWMMMW¥IWMWWWaa Notice of Snle of Real Estate No. «77» In the Superior Court of the State of Washington, for Pierce County. In Probate. In the Matter of the Sale of Real Estate In Administration of the Estate of Lars, alias Louis Sather, Deceased. Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of an order of the above entitled court, made in the above entitled matter, on the 7th day of May, A. D. 1910, the undersigned, as administrator, will sell at private sale to the highest and best bidder tor cash, all the following described real estate, belonging to the estate of the abovo named Lars, alias Lew is Sather, deceased, situated in the County of Pierce and State of Wash ington, towit: The Northerly half of Lot Seventeen (17) and all of Lot Sixteen (16), In Block Seventeen Hundred and Thirty-two (1732), In the Commonwealth Addition to the City of Tacoma, according to the recorded plat thereof, as of record In tho office of the County Auditor of said Pierce County. Said sale will be mado for cash to the highest and best bidder, subject to confirmation by the said court, on or < after the 31st day of May, A. D. 1910, at the hour of 2 o'clock in - the afternoon of said day, and bids for said real estate will be received by the un dersigned at rooms 408 and 409 Ber lin Building, , Tacoma. Pierce Coun ty, Washington, in writing, or said bids may bo left personally with the undersigned ■ or may be filed with the clerk.of the above entitled court up to said date. •*. 3. J. TVETEIi, Administrator of the Estate of Lars, 1 alias Lewis Bather, Deceased, 1928 So. X St., Tacoma, Wash. - THOMAS MATTISON, • Attorney for Administrator. Office'4oß-409 Ber lin Building, Tacoma. Washington. STEAMERS ; - i-A< fly OiT ttJTriyir --.•/>•'.* i.'.'.'i>-&«'.>fitVi»».Si',!\7-iiTM* Taeoma-Seattle Rout*. . Vow ftoual Trips Daily, Leaaves Tacoma $:$$ a, to, 11:1$. 8:65, 7:so p. m. ; Singh I rare, tie. Round - Trip, ' too. First Deck. A. B. , N'aaianaon, •AmwnL.\>#t* j N_Rfc_s__B_PlilliV7a HaMuyaa_i{-_yj 8 -.INDIANAPOLIS ■".•■■ « v****^*'*"'***'*-r^--**? s*;**-i«j'j; ••» '■ The i fastest j and f finest J day j steamer on the coast. **■*<& -.*«»,<« - FOUR ROUND TRIPS I DAILY :•*> Leaves ■ Tacoma*. from N. P. wharf 7:00. 11:00 a. m.; 8:00. i :00 p. , m.'■-•■ -»■•-* •-v '•*"'■»=■«"»'■ --wirt** f*w Leave*' Seattle . from Dolman 1 Desk, t:00 a. M.i 1:00, $.00, E 1:00 p. m.TOC-iv^-sliV,-* "•'"v4j Hi 77*,;. SINGLES. FARE 1 330 " ">7-'»'lf .'. ROUND TRIP BOa •; *'i' ?£a:4.;« B._wa»«aoNjßO w» A,—art "%H J' . Phone Main 844$ . «SWPWWaiHlK'aMa»l*,--.»»■:■■ a,. :r. ,V i\t ■* yifiyai* &*.*J ■■ jfl *'V HELP WANTED—MAI.B WANTED—Good soys star tl years of age to sell papers on tho street, Apply to Newsboys' Union or this office. It PUNTERS, carpenter helpers, plasterers, lathers, plumbers and men for street work; lop wages to reliable men. alii Home Investment Co.. k2O Pacific arc WANTED —Carpenters' good prices paid; part cash and balance to ap ply on house and lot or lots. H. Robert Paul m Co., JU-JU Bankers' Trust WANTED gun and bicycle repair man. E. 13. Peterson, 1133 C st. THE COAST BARBER SHOP Up-to-date 4-chalr shop, strictly sanitary, operated by American barber; alt work first class; lowest prices; hair cut 16c, shave 10c, chil dren's hair cut. Sat., 26a Open until 8 p. in., Sat. 11 p. m. 1389 Com. St. SITUATION! VaVJrnD—IUU ~ JAPANESE boy wishes to take care of garden or porter, in morning before 10 o'clock and evenings. Ad dress Box 97, care Times. STEADY man wants position ' to tako care of first class rooming house or hotel; best of references. Address Joe Flynn, Hockwood hotel, 1141 Commerce st. iiKip wiimSaZ rSSZS WANTED—Lady to learn chiropody and take chargt, of office. Mine. Petrlo, 771 C St. WANTED—A good girl for general house work. Phone Main 6423, A 3969. WANTED— A girl to clerk in fruit stand. Apply 114 Puyallup aye. MILLINERY cheap now at Boeman'a McKlnley aye. anil Morton at. Riitgeways Millinery. 5225 So. Un ion aye., So. Tacoma. Green stamps. WANTED— permanent woman for housework, good cook, no wash ing, good wages. 302 No. Tacoma aye. SITUATIONS WANTE3D _ FKMALH Curtains laundered, 35a pr. M. 2141. LADY wants washing by the day, $2.00 day. 1766 So. 44th. MORTGAGE LOANS iMwwvNae^wwwwwwww^^wwww^MMwai B*£E me If you need Money on your real estate. Geo. Walter Russell. ■18Vi Paclfio aye IMO^KY \VA\IFD WE have party who wants $1,000, will give good security and pay 12 per cent net. For particulars see L P. ROBERTS LOAN & INV. CO. 108 So. tfth St., Bowes Bldg. WANTED WANTED— I or 3 children to board. Call after 4-o'clock at 1412 So. I. Mi »1 ill Kit RESORTS FORCAMpiNa Tents or Summer Cottages Spring Beach Is the Ideal Place. Fine SPRINGS, fine BEACH, good FISHING, good BATHING, easy ac cess, best boat service, COTTAGES, TENTH and PLATFORMS for rent. 11. B. Rita at Co.. 504 California Bldg FOR RENTSTORKS >^^,Sa»S^^V*N»^»'Ni'*Sa^»^»*S»»>«»*»^^^«^a*^«'"a*«i^^^^^w^,^^a l^^^ STORK for rent; will give 2 months' rent free. : Inquire 901 So. !■: at. ~~~ ' HOTELS - HOTEL ROCKWOOD, centrally lo cated; 25c up day. 1141 Com. St. . ABSTRACTS OF TITLE i COMMONWEALTH TITLE TRUST CO.. Tel. M. 101. 109 So. 10th St. TITLE INSURANCE & INVEST MENT CO., Phone 6053. 1005 AsL " AMBULANCES r. C. A B. Trans. Co. M. 43. A 4348. 0$ $th. Stables. 6th A St. Helens. cHIc Transfer Co.. M. 64. A 2 954. ~~ ATTORNEYS ~ KLANGFORD, 942 U Paclfio aye. Phones: M. 5871. Home A 2668. 3. B. Aldrich. 819 Sarage-Scofleld. ~W. ANDERSON. CaL Bldg. A 1670 CLEANING at DYE WORKS .^ l _o t^y^^^-y-> «- t s*-ii*>l^a'*V"**V fca*'ir* i** * * a»>^^%^>^«aa>a^»^^»a**»»^^» Reliable Dye Wks. 522 No. K. Up-to date dye works, M. 8067. A 1923. "™* CARPET CLEANING Carpets and rugs on the floor. Ex pert Vacuum Cleaning Co. M. 1294 --5075, A 1036, store 115 80. Bth. O'NEAL & lIOUCK. carpet beating, refitting and laying: feather ren ovating and upholstering "«"»<>» South J st; phone Main 826. A 2326. 2ARPBTS, rugs and everything " cleaned In your home. Satisfac tion or no pay. Santo Vacuum leaner Co, 702 C. M. »481, A 2144. CONTRACTORS : 7T. B. YOUNGCor. 11th and' Yak. store fronts, shelving, screen*, all Slnde of job work Shop equipped with machinery. We send men out ay day or hour. A 4610 M. 4610., •■ C. P. MADBEN. 1722 So. L St.. eatl mates furnished on all kinds of concrete work. Main 8484. A 4813. PRINTING AND BINDING s ■ .. l_rt_ri^ 1 _|-ij\i-l^nrts~l|---ir*at—a—a—^■"r.* —«—* — «—»««■■ -i-.-m-h COMMERCIAL Bindery A • Printing Co.. 768 Commerce st. Main 417. _________—-__—_ , __ JUNK DMsLBRI TACOMA JUNK CO. - Best - prices guaranteed. 2184 Com. at, M. 7812. ' LICENSED j CHIROPRACTOR v Siva. up drugs and try chiropractic. i Dr. Nina A. Derby 711 So. X st. > ———— —.— -* *. ___.__, ... OSTEOPAT—SV . i.„.. 7„. iOu»WV'»*''a»«"i»^^»i',V**"*^'—a—^i-*^^ aOfWs^sJ^j-y-,-,^ jxw Jai JR. ' MACY— .' Osteopath • Hopeless cases ja * specialty; sixth year in Tacoma. >^1146 Pacific are. DRS. A/L. 1* W. P. QOFF? graduate* -» of Still i College ■» of .-!■... Osteopathy Calls . promptly • answered day -or night. Phone —.698. M. $287. »*-,'. :"f H. A. Stotenbur, S I yra-: In■ Tacoma | The Webster, Cor 7th A Bt. Helen: ■; --i,\ -.-•.-r.«r PHYSICIANS^4.f^r.< j .'^fDR^WARRTO rBROW lN"^'l^W DR. WARREN BROWN ■»„-.'•- Office 9524 Paclfio are. . »-' >' . ".;*-■ Diseases of. Women' and ' ' ■i».*o Gentto-Urlnary Diseases. S&*6 ' * ■;. ■ :■■■ Consultation > , until ,4. '.';, _:. y ■ Er*nlng»:j,t«te>s.f(KS'J^»J ',' .■■-.-..,?••_>„-• C. K. > CASE t ■ .-~~~T i --.-;.. :*>■%.•« 802 So. K'*L'p:">'i:7-*:-v':, j* v •*' Off Ice; Hours: >2jtoj 4j p. Ufc'£*ij"s DR. H. O. SUTTON, French < Bid," M gg 6182. Res. M. , 4686;; 10-12: 3-4; 7-8. (' v". •':■-. .''-'' OFFICE SUPPLIES '.J*:'- -Si . Tee, Off. Supply Co., typewriter* A fag OR. supplies."l 1$ Bth. : Phones 8498. I %*i-fi* ;*#. FUEL DEALERS WfefCflaSSl X»Na»»Aa*a.^a^^'^SSfaJSl'^^ lv^>^^*^^'a>.^^^*W^W^'WVMVS^<'N*MS» PETERSON '£ BROS,*? W 10th » and ti _, P$ wood, coal. hay, grain, straw;' can take orders . at'abort, notice. _.- 318, ii*...-.-; . -..i-' ■.._ «*i i i-.n*. .'.I-.. i ■•■^-■;f ■■ .v.,-i. ■ ■&•-.■..-:■ ft.-...:.". *-„'»:... ■uJiifuß. J PAGE SEVEN y HOI rißKß—nna rooms , Well fur. J A J-r. hskpg. suits* light, sunny & convenient. 511 S. 7th TWO nice light furnished house . keeping rooms, bath and olectrl ' light, $2.25 a week. 1610 S. Yakim sve. furnished housekeeping rooms $1.0 week up. 1942 So. D A Jefferson. TWO room suite, nicely furnishes . good neighborhood, also slngl housekeeping room, rent very roa • lonablo. 618 Ho. I st. Main 4686. FOR RENT—3 rooms on grouni I floor, stoel range, cvciythlni clean and convenient: rent $9.01 ' Apply 1414 So. S7th. Phono A 3430. aIODERN fur. or unfur. apta. 190 D st. or 1945 E. Reasonable. AJSO! rvitNisntao kmmi aaa^Maaaaaaaaaa«a^as>aaaaaasaaa^aaaiaaaaaaaawaaaaa<aaaaas<sl ■ TWO suites of housekeeping rooms 9044 So. Tacoma aye. ■DOBWOOd! 1308 Center st. slngla and hoskpg., $1.00 week and up. HIE WHITEHALL. first clasi rooms, heat, hot and cold. watel n every room; excellent view; lo> •atlon best. 10 and 12 Cliff aye. Kllll RBNTV~HOUSBS IWMW»^MMWWWWWWWMWM^W¥WW^¥y»¥WI FOB RENT —4-room cottage, par] furnished, gas range, $11. 1701 So. X St. Also "-room turnlshri house, $18. Apply 3202 So. Adam st. Furnished rooms. ' FOR RENT—t2-rnom shack at J«tl and A. Walking distance. $2.5 month or $25 per year. G. It. Irv ing, Samson hotel. 18th and 10. FOR RENT A 4-room bungalow at No. 83d and Cheyenne St., $10 fur nished, $8 unfurnished. Phone Mali" 3886, ask for Mrs. M. Fowler. FOR RENT — HeiHitlful. new, modern bungalow; large rooms, porcelain bath, fine chandeliers, basement etc.; In flno neighborhood. In Nortl End; close to Badgerow tract. H block to oar line. Rent, to right parties, only $27.50, water free. Judson-Moore Co. Real Estate Agents Phones. Main 1939, A 2328 954 Commerce st. Fidelity Hid*. FOR RENT—6-room cottage, with bath, 245 St. Helens aye.. $17.60 per month. 1215 So. G St., 3■room flat, $10 per month. HERBERT BREWITT & CO. 1217 Pacific aye. 7' FOR RENT— I3I4 So. I, 7 rm. houso j with bath, modern. Apply 2201 ' So. 1. Phono M. 3665. FUKNISUKD MMH AMD Hll»_ I .^^aaaaa. sa^swa>aaaaa<asas>saaaa^aa>a^aaaaaaa<a<^aiaai Business Women's Exch. and Fro* i Inf. Bureau. 523 Cal. A 1429. M, 14 JI j FOR RENTA welt furnished house I of 6 rooms at 2815 So. A st. Rent - reasonable. Phono M. 9467 evenings after 7:30. 6-room house, furnished. 'I 5-room cottage, furnished. 7-room house, furnished. -'-"*':*, 9-room house, furnished. "... These houses are close In; rent reasonable to good tenants. . ■ .; JESSE if. HEAD 418 California Hldg. 111 ii • ■ LOST ; j A POCKETBOOIC was lost between.! the bridge that goes down to tha .■, Commercial dock and 6th and .1 st. $20.05 in the same. Return to 51$ So. J st. Howard. John Torrloy. j^y'-_-_ ' PLUMmTIO WM. B. COFFEE PLUMBING CO. 1013 A at. "It's all In the work." SG'AVfEIVUKHS S. RESTA SCAVENGER CO. Office 602 Bernlce, K. 6413; res. M. 6074, Tacoma Garbage Co, Oliver Henry prop. Office 1210 A,l Phone M. 499. A 1498. Res. M. 6406, J. 4028. »' AMERICAN GARBAGE CO.—Re moving garbage and refuse of all kinds. 1718 Pacific. M. 83, A 1497. | MlMl'l'lll.NU AND CHIROPODY MARIE DAVIS halr^^essTnT^par^ — l or" fo°'. specialist in collection, 771 C St., M. 1288. NOTARY PUBLIC SEE W. J. A. Simpson for Fire In surance. Borrow Money or making out papers. 204 California Bldg. . .. ..:.:.*. SPECIALISTS ~~ wSJ DR. H. C. BURSON. 1109V4 C St. Dis eases of the rectum, ths stomach and diseases of women. ,-.,:, MONEY TO LOAN -7 a^*^*,^^^*^*.»a^aA—aw*i .** --»- 11 -inr.i-injuxa LOANS—Any amount, easiest terms Tallman -Thompson Co. B Safe Deposit Vaults. : v :, > ill loth MONEY. Jesse H. Read. CaL Bldg.' *"**v SALARY LOANS! --r- •-.■■■■■* To honest and steady employees 1 -^- 610, $15. $20, $26, $60. $100. no Mortgage. • wo indorser. STATE SECURITY CO. - - • •r.-SO7 California Bldg. -'«'■"- Hours: 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Wed. ' and SaL Eve*, till 9 p. m. y,^ $50,000 to; Loan on city property. 407 California , bldg. ■ Ask . for ; McColley. ' .'/|j ■'*' ':',''■ MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos.H etc. Central Inv. . and • Loan • Col I 488 Calif. Bldg. TeL M. 4731 ** -——-——-——_———_ "*•' "'■ I HAVE juet received <s $10,000 ? ot ■ .( eastern money • to: be • loaned l at"! 3S rer cent on Improved city property B nquire Without V delay at 407 Call.* M fornla Bids. >•,.■■■.■■, .;■.■-.. -';■■;■■' ■■ LOANS, for home %-ulldiffg or to parS . eg oft I old . mortgage. *i Lowest it rate- :ff , ■pecltl privilege* to borrowers, 3 to M 8 year*. No commission or delay. H- J. BrhwLnn * Co., Inc.. 316 Banker} IF Trust Bidg. jty.7 r.i.jjAj'tT:iX4.m&am: MONEY i FOR SALARIED PEOPLE women keeping house and other* furnished t upon m th*lr « own :£, notes without l aecurlty. J* Cheapest B ratea M easiest payments. Office* In 65 prin cipal * cities. »D. H. : sTotaiaa.*£«|_4£ Provident Bldg. ...: ■„-, \\iilriittmSkmmM PER CENT money to loan o* Improved real estate. Privileged Si to repay any, amount attar one , year. Loans payable In small M monthly i installment* < If i desired. m-4'- L. 'R- •' MANNING ■ *.- CtSSasSffiS '7; , Equitable; B""'»ng.^^^L^, TRANSFER COMrsMMta—^ FIDELITY TRANSFER isTsTORAOa M - Co. r Large true*!*, i furniture vans end baggage wagons; 6-day storage „& free on baggage; piano hoisting A freighting and teaming. 171$ P_o4ffi «t aye.. opposite N. P. depot. Phones- Main Bs. A 1497. —" pa.TßN'sa ATTORNirrs " '""*)"'' yw-_fy*ir--- i* - -* i**r*-'*a^i~- jT>rv-^-vi^» > t^^fc, l fc „ ■ s R,'*Ll Elliott,'6Bol Trust Bid? *W Patents, designs, blueprint*. At;_s)