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Ty fA- * . -- *".'*-^--V-^*'*-" '<''r^'-' * ■■',---.----■*_-*- ONE MINNESOTA!! BINGS PULLMA N TRUST; ANOTHER WHACKING EXPRESS COMPANIES ' >-.'; The success' of one Mlnnesotan ;• In lifting ' the scalp- of the palace % CAT;, trust has i Influenced • another _ ; trust-buster from - ■ the r, same ■ state .to 7go after „ the express trust with renewed energy. When gßen Sundberg, a Minnesota | farm er, heard of the great victory won by Geo. 8. Loft us, a St. Paul mer ' chant, before the interstate' com merce commission a few . weeks 7 ago, when the Pullman Car. Co.'s 1 rates and rules jj were * regulated by the commission more with an • eye Ito the j public's welfare than the company itself had ever seen £.fit ,to ; regulate them, 7.; Sundberg ■ pressed his case j against the ex ,: press companies with greater *? vigor. yyi- ■'y-y.'.-y^ d'V",jr ' '■• ■ ■' ':! - The Interstate commerce com er mission - has been taking evi dence in Washington in the first big anti-express monopoly case -ever" tried in the country. Sund berg is right on the spot fighting *-for the rights of every shipper ;■ and every person who directly or I Indirectly pays toll -to the ex " press monopoly, as warmly as if it was hie own case and no one else was Interested.-- - /• | Loftus started out to force the " railroads of his state to deal fair ra- . ■ ■ - «ly with the shippers. After a few!] | hard raps at them, he specialized ] -.on the Pullman Co., and the in-l' Interstate commerce commission up- 1 47 CARS OF LUMBER * IN ONE TRAIN • : CENTRALIA, May 19.—Within '..'•» the next few days people between !-if Centralia and St. Paul, Minn., will 3have an opportunity to see a solid i„" train of 47 cars of lumber, mak , Ing one single shipment from the •j; lumber manufacturer's agency of ,- this city. Each of the 47 cars will have DOG OWNERS NOT THE DOGS WILL DE TAKEN TO PONND NOW -" Every cop a dog catcher. ' Won't that be tough on the dogs, or rather on their owners? l|i Commissioner Freeland intro j duced a brand new dog ordinance it the council. It will fine the ! owner of a dog if the dog has no license. Heretofore the dog him self bore the brunt of the thing. If the owner failed to tag the dog the dog was taken to the j pound and burned in the furnace at the pump station. Doggone it! REFUSES TO ORE! COURT BECAUS JUDGE DID NOT WEAR GOWN (By United Press Leased Wire.) i M VANCOUVER, Wash., May 19. Because Judge W. W. MoCredie did not wear a judicial gown, as prescribed by law, when he heard a suit against and found a Judg ment against Henry Van Atta, the flatter declares the Judgment Is in *: valid and refuses to pay, Ms share 'of the costs, l . The superior court .'has levied on some of Van Atta's [ property \ to secure payment. .„ a . sale will be held at the court house June 25. ' " , L W. HILL VISITS MEOFORD, ORE vf (By i United ] Press Leased Wire.* »';;' Z. i MfiJDiFORD, :v ~ Ore., May 19.— g.Louis W. ; Hill find 1 his party who '& have been touring Central Oregon fl In] automobiles, is expected ' to ar :"v rive fin this % city this J evening. <vElaborate preparation* have been I 7 made* for '' their; entertainment ."' here. ?"' .-'? - '."•;';.''_■ :'■;'■,.'yy "■',' "'.■''■ 71 r: f It ?■ Is expected , that Hill will , ..make, some 'announcement regard ing the extension of the Pacific and Eastern'road while here. Chicken dinner Sunday at Lake lidu hotel, Spanaway. • .>**,. t ••• PAttE EIGHT GEO. S. LOFTUS. held his charge about Its ratet) being unequal and entirely ' too high for the service It rendered. The commission hit the car com pany good and hard when It de cided that upper berths should not cost as much as lower ones. There were also some other points in the decision that gave the palace car trust a bad taste. Sundberg was a state senator five years ago and also a farmer. One warm summer day a piece' of casting on one of the farm im plements • broke, and he tele graphed to Minneapolis, 100 miles away, for; a' new casting. It came by express all right, but with an express bill of $32. .The casting cost but $2.50. It didn't take Sundberg long to realize that he had'been "soaked." - He looked . around and saw that his friends j and neighbors were getting the same sort of treat ment - from- the express carriers. He studied the matter over, but as a - state ' legislator found he must go higher. *'• The interstate commerce com mission was his goal, and he started toward that point at once. .He la rich and can well afford to pay any express rate demanded, I but It is not for himself that he has been fighting; It Is for his am immense placard on each side bearing the legend, "Shipped by the Lumber Manufacturers' Agency of Centralia, Wash., via Oregon & Washington railroad and Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound railrcad." These placards are to be 24 feet long and seven feet high. , When the new ordinance pass es the owner will be burned. He will be scorched with a fine In police court. And the mounted cops will fer ret out the dog owners. That was Fawcett's suggestion. By next week when the ordinance will be up for passage they will probably have it fixed so not only the mounted police, but all the bob bies will have to hunt dog own ers. - Say Boys and Girls Will Do Better Apart (Br I'nlted Preaw Leased Wire.) SPOKANE. Wash., May 19. — The boys and girls of, South Cen tral High school may be separated in their class work and their rec recatlon next year, according ;to plans now being discussed by the factulty and the : board iof educa tion; ] The change,* If found suc cessful, may . later be ; adopted in the" North Side High school and possibly in the grammar school*. Principal Halt said: - "I belle vo that both the" boys and the 7 girls . will do more satisfactory work it i they are , not j placed in; the! same class rooms. >. The girls often prove . a distraction to the boys."' SUSPECT RELEASED (By United I Press J Leased; Wire.) » ABERDEEN, • May 19.—Lorlti Jensen, supposed to be a 7 pal lof William and who 1* thought to; know about the alleged ; drown ing [of I three non-union * sailors ;by Oohl, f was released7£from ?3 the Elm a t jail ; yesterday.',, .*-;, THE TACOMA TIMES neighbors, the citizens of his state and of the United States. , Sundberg • has paid the expenses of lawyers who have been- all over the j country taking testimony.- He has been met. everywhere •by the bitterest opposition and tightly sealed lips,' and still he got evi dence which, he says, will convict every express company In the country of illegal practices. He says that . his evidence will prove that the 'express companies work together without competi tion, and monopolise the business; that they secretly . establish ' the rules and fix the rates which they enforce throughout the country. NEW YORK GIRL A SUICIDE AT SPOKANE (By United Prem Leaned Wire.) SPOKANE, .May .19. — Lola Draught, 26 years old, a beautiful New York girl, committed suicide; late yesterday afternoon in the fashionable.Brlggs apartments, by drinking carbolic acid and shoot ing herself. Before ending her life the girl sent a note to a friend saying she was going to end her life, and just as her. friends reached the door of her apartment, she shot herself. Nothing of the woman's history is known hero. MOHDELL DILL -IS FAVORABLE TO SENATE (By United Press Leased Wire.) WASHINGTON, D. C, May 29. —it Is believed the senate will act favorably on the Mondell bill, which was passed by . the house following ' the favorable report made by Senator Dixon on Mon tana, who Is on the committee of public lands. The bill provides for agricul tural entries on the surface of Coal lands. About 15,000,000 acres of land has been classified I as coal lands, and 45,000,000 i acres has been . withdrawn for classification. ■ i ia ■ i. ■ a.aa.-—_---—_» CATCH LAUNCH THIEF WITH GOODS PORT TOWNSEND, May 19. The 28-foot gasoline launch Wan na, the property of G. Wilcox, of the Stetson & Post Lumber com pany, stolen from the East water way at Seattle Saturday night, is now in the possession of Chi., of Police Clouse and Sheriff Mclnnls, and F. A. Rogers is locked v > in the county jail, awaiting the ar rival of officers to take him back to Seattle. Since Monday the officers have had a description of the launch and have been on the lookout for it. Yesterday the launch camu in here and tied up to the dock, and Chief Clouse boarded her and ar rested F. A. Rogers, a young man of 22, the only person < board. HAPPY WOMEN Plenty of Them in Tacoma, ' anil Good Reason for It. I •Wouldn't any woman be happy,' After, years of backache suffer* ing. Days of misery, nights of un rest, *, . .■.-,.•.. ' The distress of , urinary tron- Dies, , r,, i -.. -..., She finds relief and cure? No ■ reason why any" Tacoma reader* y: ■-,.,,. .■.,, ..,,..,,. : Should suffer in the face of evi dence like this: * Mrs. George McCaddon, 1508, South *X ' street, Tacoma, Wash., says: . "I used Doan's Kidney Pills and value them highly. I was greatly troubled f. by , severe pains. through my "• kidneys . and loins and at times my whole body ached. i i The * kidneys •' secretions were irregular in passage and dis tressed me greatly. While In that condition,': I * saw Doan's v Kidney Pills , advertised . and I had -. my husband get a box for me at Mai- Strom Bros.* Drag J Store. , They quickly removed my backache and 1 % now have : but * little • can** for complaint. Whenever ;I < learn of anyone > afflicted p with. •' kidney trouble. I advise a.trial of Doan's Kidney Pills.";* >"* *iiV .„'.«'.■. v%- U For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. x Foster-Mllburn % Co., H Buf falo, i N*w t York, sole ; agents I for the United •Slitea.^."*; - C ? gßemember '. the y nam*—! s <—and ' take no other. ***;-- lyt'y** * yy-f\fi~fy\v*-t-^y ""*:*•''■ -. ...:-- .. .„-■-.. ■ -■ -'j-*. :■.& ' ;"V' . ; 777 M Any Ladies Suit or Dress In I the House 1-3 Off Reg. Price I Or In Other Words You Save 33 l-3c on Every Dollar You Invest I '♦'■■-"'' Bm The Headline Is Sufficient to Impress You With the Fact That This is I ■ an Important Sale—But Can Give You No Idea of How Important I 4- ' ■ ' V\ "*: - - •- I fAny $15.00 Suitor Here Are Any $21.00 Suit or I Dress $9-98 theßegu- Dress sl3.9B I Now.. M>%#-5J© theKegu- Now q}JL*£.*7o _B_l A ' .__ -a' _•■_ _■_. --- -M a. AUA A A A __ __, __| __ _, M _» HB Any $18.00 Suit o^j.^^j Any $25.00 Suit or I Dress (1 1 QQ Keaucea Dress 1C £%*% I Now JLm&O Prices; Now $*v.OO I Any $30.00 Suit or Dress <£ % Q QQ I Now . . . <qpj_^_^jo I Women's $1.50 One Or - SHKMJ his offer is for Friday and Sat- ■ '"."' ;; >;,'"" _ , _- Vi >Cg% II1,I;|.V only. A variety of popular ■ tWO Clasp Kid. ' Gloves 9mM V-WJ* shades, including plain black to ■ - = - ==== - === - = —-—-^-^^^^^^^-j.^^™ choose from as a 2-day QQ« ■ special, only ■ Wash Mccook's'Last-Forever Hose* Petticoats I f-'g^s':.} -J' Two The Hosiery that wears like iron—for boys and girls. Made from $1.75 Women's Sateen and I 1 >QQQS Fl especially selected and closely twisted long cotton yarn and genu- M oree AO I • lJayS me Belfast, linen—on improved full fashion machine. These hose Underskirts «7oC I C 1 Friday and have proVen their superiority to thousands of women and children Just 200 of them! ' Good quality I l39al6s»f„rH»x7 to be the best 35c hose sold. Tomorrow and Saturday we OO r and we made. Tomorrow and ■ '^•Jttiuruay offer them as a special inducement at, a pair ....■■<•**»» saturda no ■ 750 Dotted Mull, QQ- r ' . . ' v Saturday ......38C I 75c Dotted Mull, QQ#» "' selling out 30C ■ now, yard .001/ H Xt. Bsarrr?.^^.-.:.i24c $I*sotos2'ooW rt «™l„lJ«lf D *-« „ . ICD B 2.zs:^xr:;. 9c waists Go For ii early naif r nee Special % ? ars i 50c Congo Suiting, 00 f* ■* '..''.- * rdS- ■ now, yard . _-C 300 in the lot. The greatest collection of beautiful and dainty Nap JTL P» H -—-—•---—^--——-——^— waists shown in this city. Made of finest lingerie fabrics and lino narT , _2_^^ 9 if lnArk Q«-_a^iol en - Various styles to choose from. " ttO**% " * * -fc-i^-rw ■ l_inen special These two days only . WC M Thousands of pieces of mill ends r ■»»_■—■■ —— —a—■ mm Sf Table Linen Just arrived. Val- % OFF ANY WAIST IN STOCK _ _ S ■ ue ß to 85c. Tomorrow OR/* Two Days Only, Friday and Saturday. R| _,-v_- _ _r%^x (3 riranif.- Wavp Just 150 $3-50 and $4.00 #% ■'„' , , v i Uianilc t VYsare -j -, q . :>,': .-■_ mmM r T« 3 s Housekeepers' week is 8 300 pieces of the best grade BOy S Suits / m*| f| C JS^W Hearing an end-just two 1 Triple Coated Enameled Ware on 4~* Q For _Tl I /rtW^7/\ _3 sale tomorrow at the following re- ".'7 V •••••• .^^ ,'m\m .%9\m^ ■'■■ \\f/\ days more left of this .Eg ductions: r Sizes 7to 16 years. Two and three-piece suits; straight / Y/(/\ \ money Saving event. fa 45c 2-quart Sauce Pan, 01. or knickerbocker pants. This offer is for 2 days only. & X e >• M\ \ »' «.:. „ ' IB with lid ........4V IC '.- ■■ . -. ..:-.. ...... . V T * . JVV \ $1.00 Lace Curtains, .CO If 65c 3-quart Kettle, 07« Just 50 $3.50 and $4.00 Little d£*f QC V-L « A\J. pair........ UOU i with lid LIZ Tots' Suits at *,'.v..." *-P ■_■©«£# P CA wri $150 Lace Curtains, gQ « 69c 3-quart Stew Kettle, OQ*» Buster and sailor blouse style, 3to 7 years of age. Two Yl * U»M ?!! ' ~,'.," '""" ii Withlld ZilC days only. U__W Cases 7..' 9C H 600 Pieces Gigantic Sale of Men's Pants Ci^aj^-^ -IS?^?^^^MiS|l • r /^i Two Days Only, Friday and Saturday. Regular Bjlm Towels" 0...... .. 12aC 5 or Vj lass ware $3.50 toss.oovalues. ci «7c m m T SO T urklßh 12'e S Consisting of Olive Dishes, Sugar Choiceat ...... .'. *P *■/ «3 ■ ■ , OWe ■..■_•* M Bowls, Berry Dishes, » Celery 300 pants in the lot. All new up-to-date; a variety of JH H Towels .'■ DC S Dishes, etc., values "to 75c, ,M^ handsome shades and patterns in tho lot.' Sizes 31 "to 42 jmg2s& MA • lEo Turkish '*""" _ 35 ■. tomorrow, each ..;;:;*.J.....4C waist. Special 91.75. ? - 7 . ''.mV^r. .. %f .■ '. y Towels ....;..« ..... DC i* C* •r| Low Prices Our Chief Attraction I n •v 1 Special *U^ Special! mL^^BL. I . - mm km mm *\m J^-mW j'' mm *-**** mT ■kW V.V ylv 'at mm mW fmm a mm mm *^ m\aw '■ 'I '/ * HMaitf '.'^■'?^' IB^ Pacific Avenue at 15th Street •Thursday, May 19,1910