Newspaper Page Text
• PAGE TWO ■y^t^i't.: •^■^^■^'^'---'"p^-^ ■ --, •_ ' *_ - gTTT MO BUMS-REAL SPORTiJrfEWS TIGERS ARE SKINNED AGAIN 7 Sporting life over- In the King county metropolis |Is getting too strenuous for the Tigers. They , don't feel well this morning. It Is thought some good fresh Taco ma atmosphere will do them good so they came home last night and I will try to brace up out at Athletic park this afternoon. It ha* been a bad time at Seat tle 7 this week, however. Three mornings out of four the Tigers needed- Ice on their bead's. Turk pltchrs and Turk (batters -were al ways getting them In trouble. It was worse than usual yesterday. .Zackert served high balls among other things and .they went against the Tiger constitution. They were not straight high balls at that but he lost the corkscrew in the thing on each delivery and after the Tigers had had nine rounds they felt much worse than j usual. . Charley Schmuts tried to outdo Zackert in hospitality and be had the Turks going some but they were too much for the Tacoma boy*. The score as far as Taco ma is concerned is not worth men tioning. Seattle got three tallies. Here Is the way it looks: BHE Seattle 3 6 1 Tacoma 0 4 2 Batteries: Zackert and -Custer; Schmuts and Bliss. New Zealander is Champion Sculler DICK ARNST. .This husky young fellow halls from New Zealand and Is the champion sculler of the world. He probably will visit this country before long to try out any of the American cracks at the rowing game. Arnst won the title in 1907 from Wm. WeUb, also a New Zealander, and he has held ;It . since against the best oarsmen of England and the British colonies, "••here rowing la far more popular and better known than it is in this country. TACOMA THEATER TONIGHT TONIGHT ' •}'; Mort H. Singer Presents HENRY WOODRUFF in. . . '"IHH FMJfCaV OF TO/MIGHT" * a. musical gem in a beauty set ting direct from 2»0 nights at the Princess theater, Chicago. A whirl of fun. music ami girls. ►»'«--• -;.•: Prices— to I.SS. . f ' y<7 SATURDAY,.MAY 21 r7;_. The Noted Prima-Donna ..-'r?- Comedienne - ■'%:■■ DOROTHY MORTON 111 J. J. McNally's Musical Comedy 'V "-*♦•'. :,"• "WIDOW JONES** Company of 30. Lavish Production . Prices—2sc. 50c, 75e, $1.00. • , ; Si-ifls now selling. ■,-■-,• t-*X ':': t SUNDAY, MAY 23 77. " Brandon Bros. Present Ethel Bar .*; rymore's Greatest Success '' ? ■ ">. ■■■-- i- "COUSIN KATE" - "-- ':r; ■ . '.-■'.■■■; With 1 -,r .'..'', JEANNE RUSSELL y , And Excel lent Company. .- Prices—2s« to $1.00. v ■ Beat sale Saturday. ' PANTAGES /THEATER . I Unequaled Vaudeville All Week 7 DAfBNafJ : POLLARD ". ■X Australia's .Vssstrat. Comedienne I ,>Seven Other Stellar Acts i - triceslsc. 25c !.; 77 Box Chairs 60c. GRAND : THEATER •«; iMonu'a Leading Vaudeville House ! p-r-'-** pr -r ' •<-' K.Hiiw-gf... >;;l " Greatest Jocader la VaaAevtUe . omm -. ■even i Otns* Star -, Acts .- »•-» H -7 Admission ~ lower * floor, r *S"c; box teats. Ma ... Matinees, .y except "isfldsys fen« Sundays. Its. =-, B*a**ttf'-.»".'»>J': "-■*)•*-. I '•■■:,«> '• •;- -. <*»- •..!- I; Coast League I Gomes Yesterday. ';**.' ' At Los Angeles-^-'" RHE Vernon ■■'.' .'.. ■,'';. .57 2 Los Angeles .......... 4 10 1 •At Oakland ;yy R H E Oakland ............. 6.54 Portland .*..'..;...... 4% 9 1 At Sacramento— R HE Sacramento ........ .',-^1 1 0 San Francisco ......... T 0 r4 : 0 I American League 1' l , i a Yesterday's Games. •At New York—' R H E New York ..........."4102 Cleveland '.:.',. 3 7 2 At Philadelphia— RHE Detroit 14 19 0 Philadelphia .......... 2 5 6 At Washington— RHE Washington ....6 8 1 St. Louis 0 7 0 At Boston— R H E 805t0n...... i.... 3 8 1 Chicago 0 6 2 National League Yesterday's Games. At Pittsburg— R H E Boston...'/ 0 12 1 Pittsburg 3 4 0 At St. Louis— » ;R . H E St. Louis „....'. 09 1 Philadelphia 17 1 At Cincinnati— It H E Cincinnati ......8 11 2 New York 7 11 0 At Chicago— : RHE Chicago ;, ... 4 7 2 Brooklyn ............ 2 7 3 BRYANT JUNIORS WIN. Bryant Juniors in the Grammar School league will now play the Logan boys for the championship. Bryant defeated Sherman school 8 to 4 yesterday In a hard 'battle after each had won one game. • • ( AT THE TACOMA. I • , « "Cousin Kate" Sunday. The attraction at the Tacoma theater Sunday night will be Miss Jeanne Russell In the comedy "Cousin. Kate." This is the com edy in which Ethel Barrymore made her biggest. hit in New York. Henry Hubert Davies Is the author. 3 •■■- ■■'-■■ xm Dorothy Morton Totnttrrow. ■ • Dorothy Morton, i noted prima ■MM cmedientne, in J. J. MdNally'3 musical cmedy, "Widow* Jones," will be seen at the Tacoma theater Saturday night. The chorus Is said to /be an unusually attractive one both in looks and manners. Woodruff Pleases Good House. iHenry Woodruff In "The Prince of Tonight," assisted by a very pretty chorus and an able com pany, pleased a full house at the Tacoma last night. Several of the songs made hits, especially "It's a Good Old World After AH." It will he repeated tonight. Grand—Vaudeville. —-Vaudeville. „ Chicken dinner Sunday at Lake side hotel, Spanaway. •*• I E. E. PETERSON las moved to 1133 So. C St., op posite the postoffice. ... ;; *•* Four Big Piano Specials For Saturday Only These four pianos are the pick of a large stock In our bargain room and are very un usual bargainsunusual not only because of the well known makes and the tremendous cut in prices, but also because of the fine condition of these in struments. They are all prac tically new,* having been used but a .very short time. Four homes will be made happy. If you would have yours one of the four—be quirkthere's no time to lose. These big bar gains will go with a rush. Sterling — Mahogany case, fine condition; sella regularly at Goes'at $176 Goes at $1(0 —Orcheetrelle. mahog any cose, superb condition; reg ular price $425; ... >•. 000/ I little used .......'.*'/f. 9<CO4 Ceciltan ; Piano —• Large , sire, colonial case; used but COCK few months ......... *>atD3 Boardman ft Gray Baby Grand -^•Almost new; cost $750. Goes to quick buyer o>l*7C for only ............ •?•+/D . Pay cash or a little each month as you like. -,—.-■:„'■'/•• ■*. ■>a-aa»: ' ' .aS^SBsW ,^m WVm Xmmß^ Successor to D. 8. Johnston Co. MsV4A C Street >":, \-yj;; Taronut's Pioneer Mnnic House. ' Victor, Edison and Coftmnbia ' Talking Machines. ''.' CHICKERINO and other fins pianos. ''..7;,,7*v. ,*,.--,,| ' *^^s^"**&^» R-«,T^< .'"i ■*•" lts*raf*»»Wlst a*!; - "' '','•;** i*".'HV, J PAPKE KNOCKS OUT THOMAS (By United Press Leased Wire.) ' SAN FIRANIODSCO, May 20.— ! Billy Papke knocked out Joe Thomas In the 16th round of their bout heer last night with a hard right to the body. The fight was tame and the fans were disgusted with Papke, who plainly showed that lie was faking all through. He could have put hie man away a dozen times before he did. As a result of Papke's raw work, three i bouts In which be was to have been a principal have been called off. ÜBS. JONES WINS GOLF MATCH Mrs. William Jones yesterday lefeated Mrs. H. S. Griggs In the 501/f match at the Country vl-ulb md won the championship cup. r/he winner defeated all comers] >oth in Tacoma and Seattle. I H. S. PLAYS V. P. S. The Tacoma High school this afternioon plays Puget Sound uni versity another game. Some of the regulars of the High school team will be missing but there are plenty to take their places. ILL HEALTH MAY FORCE CUBS X LEADER TO QUIT PLAYING FIRST FRANK CHANCE. Bad health, it is feared, will compel Frank Chance, boss of the Cubs, to retire from active play in.-,' and take uo the role of -jeuc't manager. Chance has been ill since the beginning of the pres ent season, and his physicians say ♦.lie- strain of managing the team and playing the game has caused the breakdown. Under Chance's leadership the Cubs have won three pennants in' "Wt "" "'T77' r ""r" t--~t— -'T— ■ ■ |i '■ ■■■« 5...-1... j is, —■ i nay^ii—a—.i ■■ i. v t -■ l? ,,ay —.■.«.«-,,— ,■ . A—■■•*•-■—■ —a-af^. f^iPP fn jK^^m/Fj-^£m r --' t S aß^^^^^amr^B^^^^a^^l^ WL^BV- ' ; -is-a-J ~ -—a ■ .. . ■ | | ■y Ryner Malstrom Says:^^^^^^^^K I MOST conscientiously believe that weij|p§=- TOmS^I. are all on the era of a wonderful busi- »|ps- ness boom, and being a believer in doing ', wj*»«l*#l business in a modern store, lam in the M^m^^^M^i '^11111111 midst of scaffolding, painters, etc. Its ms^M inconvenience does not affect my ambition fifpat J*» $*$$/ to give the people of Tacoma values that W:. mW^:''^ \\\\\\\\Y *-3.y cannot be equaled. So for tomorrow I W B^r>-t#y \wmM^^-^ have decided on a few sensational remod- 'fPlllll^' 'WsW. cling specials that are worthy of your m -'" "W*^ quick attention. Fels Naptha Soap, Jit* sOe Almond IQn 6 for aLUIf Cream ................ ..I Ul» * 50c Nature's Remedy oi\,P *3.00 StorAsilk Elastic &% AA . Tabtet» *" stockings T- .51.00 250 Nature's Remedy .0/* -« cv,„„i,i„. a*> Tablets ........ ... .... IsCC 1QA^°.T.................:■£l QA^°.T................. :■£ ...;19c _ A , . _ Brace I H Cutlcura 1 A n Soap ....... .........a IIC 25c Tooth IH. BOtj Herpicide Hair OQs BrUßhe" *- ' " IUU Tonic .......«: ...aCaJC BOcToothj} Qft '.. $1.00 Herpicide Hair CQ- Brushes. .0 ; ....OUC. Tonle .........V •" ..... .336 25 PER CENT OFF on Perfumes. 25c Swansdown C.% Face Powder «.#........' 3C 25 PER CENT OFF on Toilet Waters. Waters 9*™8 '. .1 d! C....;... . 14C M PER CENT ° FF on Halr Brußheß* 25c Bromo - .'*"'-* *« .* " .lArt,' Just received, a fresh supply of Lowney's -. Quinine A . .* ,;..'.. I *rC Candies, and Park & THford. 1 25 c Chase's Kidney and 'fi ' If). I.' ol'*'; ,?° nirt- Cure «*rani eed to cure Liver Pills . .' 1 1 C * f°J* jn,.?(^" or money refunded. 60c Chase's Nerve "; : r f:'.7, 14.% Any Truss In the store »1 CA PI"» aC«fC Saturday for ............. $I. JU frf RYNER MALSTROM 1 *Jk PRESCRIPTION SPECIALIST . J& A SUCCESSOR TO MALSTROM BROS. ■Jarisga 938- PACIFIC AVENUE- 938 M THE TACOMA TIMES EVERETT TRUI AT THE GAME BEAVERS TRIMMED BY SPOKANE 2-1 VANCOUVER. B. C, May 20.— Spokane kept Vancouver out of first place -by taking the game yesterday, Jesse Baker, the Ta coma boy coming to the rescue of his old town club and trimming the Beaver*. Baker held . the Canucks to 3 hits. Milder kept Spokane down to 2 but they won | anyway. Baker - helped In the scoring by a two-bagger to the fence himself. Score: RHE Spokane .' 2 2 1 Vancouver .., 1 3 3 Batteries: Baker and Ostdlek; Miller and Lewis. the National league, and the world's championship twice. The White Sox beat them for the title one year, and this probably was the hardest setback Chance received while at the head of the Cubs. He has bien a prominent factor in the greatest base,•"•rill machine ever set in motion, UrJMt Is a question whether the -Cults can keep up the gait with their leader out of the ,-Mine and on the bench. J $% Chance started out as a catcrf er, and is a native of California. He went to Chicago when 10 the late Frank Selee was mariaglnji. the team, and In the beginning: worked back of the bat. Ho.was. Injured so many ii nes that Mm switched him to first base, aji-1 Chance soon became one o'a tliet greatest first basemen In •*«'* history of the game. V. M. c. A. BANQUET. Promptly at 7 o'clock tonight 200 mem or more will .sit down :o dinner at the Y. M. C. A. and tear what the association is doing n other parts of the world. The •nesting will Ibe in charge of J. C Haley. a»aa»-aaaaa<aaaaaja^aa^aaaiaaaaaaaaaa>aaaaa»aaa<aaaaaaa]aaa>iaaa Ors. Thomas, Osteopaths. **' OFFER SITES FOR RIO SCRAP (By United Press Leased Wire.) SAN FRANCISCO, May 20. — The announcement made by Tex Rlckard that the Jeffries-Johnson fight will take place In this city has created quite a flutter in real estate circles and for the next few days the promoters will be swamped with offers of sites. Rlckard and Oleason are In no hurry to pick the spot, however. Superba grade of Puyallup made ice cream. Extra extraor dinary quality and purity. Quart, 35c; pints, 20c. Jersey Butter store, 1114 C st. *•* WEARY WILYUM SAID he was a sailor by profession, but the Kind Lady at tho sldo door said, "I don't hear you using any nautical expressions such as 'shiv er my timbers'." "I'm not an ocean sailor," explained Weary; "I'm an airship sailor. When I swear I say, 'shiver my gas bag" or 'shiver my propellors'." The fight is on between the gas bags, and aeroplanes. As the fel low'said, "It's aeroplane to mo I'm aero-not." Still, aeronauts ire going to be very popular. Soon the K. & C. shop will be selling aero togs. Just now it's auto togs and we want every auto man to sco our new auto coat with the raglan collar. Great. WILLIE, with KLOPFENSI'EiN A: CONRAD 1322 Pacific aye. ,^A . Of , Mfw h fc, fj YOU •,.'*■- * " " . \ ~ -' * J Can Find Your CLOTHING FURNISHING GOODS AND HATS at EVANS-SCOW CLOTHING CO. 1213 PACIFIC AYE. Everything New and Bright, and the Prices Are Right — — Evans-Scow Clothing Co. 1213 Pacific Aye. I To the Housewives of Tacoma I PLEASE NOTE THAT THE FAMOUS I BRAND OF TEAS AND COFFEES I KNOWN AS J I "THE Perfect Blend" j will be placed on market here at once. These I goods are brought direct from the plantations |S and will be sold by your grocer on the most I economically devised basis. For quality and 8 perfection nothing has ever been brought to I this state to equal these blends no means ■ could be taken to better them or their values. m In tin boxes at the price of paper bags —and ato be had at all grocers. Display rooms for |J tasting and samples with dainty lunch given H free. All cars will bring you to 1538 • Com -8 merce Street. I STANLEY WILSON a - ■ Proprietor. ■ New Enterprise—New Ideas —The Open •1 and Square Deal. B. 8.8. B. B. B. Vacation ( .^mi'hL ) M**Hl a \B sQsm ! / aOUlt^^ aS^asltsW saffos) y\.^ g Summer Clothes that are gust the thing. Dressy, stylish, classy clothes for classy men. Don't pay high prices. See our, ;.«, (ft" Special .....;... :V:.\: V..p*.. *P*3 Clothes for every man in every walk of life. Yes, we can outfit you in the correct furnish ings, too! ; ;-• - ■ ' ;-' ■:/>;; LET'S TALK IT OVER Tailor-Made-to-Order Suits, the very essence of refinement, for as & g% little as ........................... 3>-fc and up. •. "-. . _ ... . ■ Brewitt Bros. :'"y :7. "■'i*.;;*'.*'7 r .''.7-"- : '■■•"'/■•,,'■-'■■■' '-•-." "'-'.- *•'., B. B. B. 1217 Pacific Aye. B. B. B. Friday, May zu, iy 10 Heavyweight Boxing Contest 1 ■ x •' Lee Croft . 168 Pounds VS. Arthur Schock -- ■' 180 Pound* if 10 Rounds Under Auspices Puget Sound . . ' Athletic Club Germnnla Hall, Friday Night MAY 20 Admission $1.00; Reserved Seats, $1.50; Ringside Seats, $2.00. Tickets now on sale at tha following places: Elgin Hotel; Maple Leaf, 154 8 So. C; Prince's Cigar Store; Olympic Club; United Cigar Store; The Mecca; The Annex, 11th and Pacific; tho Peerless, Dryers, Sparling Cigar Store, 903% Pacific avo.; McDonald Cigar store; Donnelly Billiard Par lore, and Warwick. Importers Tea & Coffee Co. 055 So. D st., near 11th. The only store In Tacoma re telling Teas and Coffees at less than wholesale prices. Best Teas Ofin (any kind) lb OUU Usually retailed In other stores from 50c to 700 lb. Other grades from 10c to 30c pound. Best Cold crop) 00 *» Coffee, lb aCttC Usually retailed In other stores from 35c to 40c lb. Other grades coffees from 10c to 25c pound. DON'T FAIL To Visit the White Dental Office Pleased to Show You Around. HUTCHISON DENTIST Stratford Hotel, 9th and C. Office Hours, 9 to 6. Closed Sundays. eyf£wf/Sf^o\ j CROWN a BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY EXPURT OPERATORS IN EACH DEPARTMENT- PAINLESS EXTRACTIMa WE OPERATE THE LAMEST CAREFULLY CONDUCTED DENTAL PRACTICE IN THE . PACIFIC NORTHWEST ; ' IICHT PRIVATE OPEPATIN4 CHAIRS CHARGES A r*^_ '^EXAMINATIONS f»« S^^^/PARLORS Xaw THfATRE BLP6 1 3t- —^- — ■ . taffcLDi AMON p£y Sj *Qf S«A TACOMA fiSV/T ■■»»»»»»--»—»»• ■■ ' I ■■ i I III! i I ——»«« GREATEST SACRIFICE SALE Ever in Tacoma Now on at . NORTHERN SAVAGE CO. \ 900 Pac Aye. fojflf Sunset Coal | The coal that lasts and burn' clean. " .;' Try King coal for your range. It's a pleasure to use It.* £ j TACOMA TRADING CO. g Main SI. \;yr:-■■ v A 2111 Shoes When you want GOOD SHOES for any purpose—for men, women or children—come and see ua? Our - prices always less. Best standard makes. •»■*• £**" WILLS & HAUSER (The Shoe Men. 1512 Jefferson At.'