Newspaper Page Text
PAGE SIX FIND PEPOON GUILTY (By United It-es*, teased Wire.) ■ .SPOKANE,- May 20.— George Pepoon was yesterday found guil ty a! murder In the first degree by the jury who tried his case at Colvfile. Fepoon poisoned his wife at Northport, Wash., last August. £; • . ':_;,: :'^y ; MILL OWNERS REFUSE GENERAL RAISE ■ (By United Press Tensed Wire.) ATWIRiDEEJN, May 20. —Mill owners announced today that they will resist the demands for a wage advance made by the' striking mil] employee. -Four hundred mem are now out and .several mills are running with crippled forces. - The men demand 25 cents a day more. LIEUT. ANDERSON TO BE TRIED (By United Press Leased Wire.) PORT TOW'N'SELVD, May 20.— First Lieutenant R. F. Anderson, of the 149 th coast artillery, will be tried before a board of court martial within a few days. An derson was in charge of the mor tar battery which fired an 18 --pound sub-calilber shell, which struck the quartermaster's steam er Major Evan Thomas, May 10, while towing a target. FIRST Ptt ■ ENTER GAR IS TRIED ( The first pay-as-you-enter car was tried out on the Sixth avenue line yesterday afternoon and it worked" all right. Everybody seemed satisfied with the idea. Others will be built like it and then the old cars will be trans ferred to the McKlnley park line. j FLANNERY ACQUITTED , (By United Press Leased Wire.) SAX RAFAEL, Cal., May 20. — Harry P. Flannery, former presi dent of the San Francisco police commission, was acquitted of srand larceny in connection with fake poolroom steals here yester day.' Special Railroad Watches Elegant Waltham, Elgin or Hamilton 21-jewels for rail road men at lowest prices. A. ROSE Jeweler and Money Lender 1315 Pacific Aye. BUELOW SAYS: BUY SATURDAY Fancy Burbank potatoes, fully worth 85c, Sat- 14. urday, per 100 .... wOw Beauty of Hebron, a good potato to plant and . 'A On eat, per 100 HOC Oranges, large, fancy, juicy fruit, fully worth 45c a doz. Saturday, , Otlrt a dozen wUli A box $2.25 and 92.00. Lemons, thin skinned, juicy 'lemons, a A C _ dozen only I 3 C **: ' ; STRAWBERRIES Plenty of nice berries QC. at 2 for COL 7 Home grown, at 90 1* a box cUC Coffee—Drink our good cof fee at nc a pound aCaJty 6 lbs. fresh 9En rolled oats ........ Z.3C |8j lbs. Imported QC. Japan rice ......... —3G M*n*£*...;,:;.. OK* beans .... . _,«JU [ 6 loaves best bread. X « Eat our bread _>ww Cookies, so many good kinds Saturday, T9K#» ,' 8 dozen at 3C^ Doughnuts, everybody likes' ■ our doughnuts. Satur- 4 ft _ day, a doz.* only .... lUC VegetablesA 'f large assort- BUfLol BIIELOW GROCERY CO. ;7::': 1144 C GROCERS BAKERS 7 Main 600-AISOB Goes to Funeral of King Edward I Mrs. Wm. Waldorf Astor, Jr., photographed on board the Man retania just before she sailed for London to attend the funeral of Hint; Edward. Jap Prince Has Brand New One; ''Canned Interviews for the Reporters CHICAGO, May —Prince Tokugawa Iyesato, head of the house of peers of Japan, stunned the reporters when he visited Chi cago, by the introduction of the "canned" interview. •It will be used in all cities of the United States where the prince will be Interviewed. Other inter views are already "canned" or in process of "canning," which will cover the situation in England, France, Germany and Russia. When reporters called on the prince he handed each a series of answers to all probable questions. These are beautifully printed on Bilk. This distribution took place before the reporters could say SUN HATCHES EGGS This particular species of the spider family weaves a silken cradle about its eggs and then holds them up to the sun's rays, turning the eggs around and around until the warm sunshine hatches out the little baby spiders. HURLS HIMSELF FRDiyr_PLNNACLE &AN FRANCISCO, May 20. — After hurtling through the air from the topmost pinacle of the Call building here, the body of 'Nicholas Llchaskl. a Greek, struck the pavement on which a throng of persons was passing today.; That no one was killed by the falling body was due to a shout of warning that " went up when Lachaski was seen to hurl him self from the building. . The Greek had made arrange ments for his burial. 7 Oratorical Contest Tonight. Irving Scott, the Tacoma High school declaimer, will go to Seat tle tonight to take part in the state contest at the Washington university. tun. MACV tfiaiim Eye, Stomach, Rheuma tism, Chronic and Nerv ous Diseases.. All drug less methods. Lowest prices. Consultation free. 1146*4 Pacific ay. Dr. M. C. Macy, City. Dear Sir: I had . been bothered with stomach and: bowel trouble for two years previous to taking a course of your treatments In July, 1907 I . have been , entirely free from this trouble since coming to you. I heartily commend your treatment. Yours '■"spectfnllv ' H. B. COLEMAN, 3815 South Yakima aye. ■—a*a*____________ Blank Books Office 7 Stationary: Everything la the took :?- Una. y/: ■;■■ 7;" •;'■;■; yj ! ■ VISEL & EKBKRG I'..'^ ':l 7Kw]lioeaaJOai,':'^' !l V-^. v- ; IMI P__fl al* c. V* -_--»-.--_■ II fc-inn diTinm" anything. Then one blurted out: "You are a Japanese prince, aren't you?" That was what Tokagawa want ed. He pointed to the tract and his grin was seraphic. "No. 1," he qualified. The tract holders consulted par agraph No. 1. It averted: "I am Prince Tokugawa Iyesato, present head* of the illustrious Tokugawa family, grand cordon " "How do you happen to be in Chicago?" "Number two," declaimed the prince, pointing a chubby finger at the distributed documents. * Paragraph No. 2 enunciated: "I am crossing America on my way to the Anglo-Japanese exhibition in London. My visit has no political j significance whatever. I am under- | taking it quite in a private capac- j lty and only for my personal en- i joyment." "What about a war between Japan and this country?" "Number three," elucidated the prince. That paragraph read: "From time to time the newly coined phrase 'the Japanese-American war' appears in the foreign news papers in Japan. Personally I can not imagine such a thing taking place. America has assisted mate rially in Japan's progress, and is her honorable benefactor, with whom the best terms of cordiality and friendship exist." "Goodby, prince," said one vis itor. "No. 8," replied the prince. No. 8 read: "Goodby. I will Ball from New York to Liverpool May 11, and return to Japan by Europe and the Siberian railway." A Straw Hat <§} And a Feather -TlLllU €X 1 CaUlCl •. tfK^jJE ,^*fe^ Weight Suit H(\7 } fffllllY. weijarnt 01111 -jbhhw?i in Coolness written all over you during hot fllfjl__^** '!_ #"-_»P;^Br \ | ' weather. And you'll be really cool with a Illli-Bi*/- fr^g. m mVlll •1 f ii STEIN-BLOCH smart, sheer and airy- ' [ Ii Hk W 111 ill light summer suit. Here are sergesof the., JRNl«^_^^^^M^'^_ s 1111 llf cool blue color of deep —homespuns, >^^^S m |^S»i«^^'w^^-_wlll ll' I If grays, and crashes just built to foil old Sol. fljfi B^^HKfi^^4|^_R' it til I 1/ 'Come in and see how thoroughly you can be '-Jnm tl-W^'T--S ii>'^^>i /***—^l? til 11/ outfitted in STE I -BLOCK Clothes. g " 'Wg iTfe.^Sw^* ff_ l ill! I 1 7/ They are the fullest dollar's worth in-- ; -!■ - r STRAIN & - WilP „.. MOORE /JiPHr 1154 PACIFIC AYE 07' W X TAgdiiyAflapgg' !§3Efl_*M^sHJ"VMv<M_vHM_B«Afc__ap__fl 000 FUNDS BODY OF SUICIDE „:; I KrttV'WUE, May 20.--The barking of a dog called the atten tion of people in the vicinity'to the lifeless body of a Swedish la borer, who had committed -sui cide in the rear of the First Na tional bank building. y The man, apparently, had hang ed himself with a rope to a poiti There was no way to Identify the person, except a paper in his pocket on which was written in the Swedish language j the' name P. Leek. BLASTING BRINGS FISH TO TOP Fishing was fine down along the Ocean dock' at the Oriental warehouses yesterday. Dredging te deepen the bay oft the dock ran Sale of --■'"■:. !)_?** Mont «_»«* «%a*te_» Sale of canvas shoes fESS£Mi£RpRQS« tennis oxfords ■ 'MtVOKt nut aMMU aakots gWirCK slaJa* SHOE SALE SATURDAY If there is any desirable summer footwear that is not represented in this store now it must have escaped the critical eagle eye of our buyer. Never before have we had as many seasonable kinds as is collected here this year. And the prices are so moderate that sometimes we hesitate to name them for fear that the quality will not be appreciated. Call tomorrow and inves tigate. . '. " ; • Children's Five-Strap :- a .' I Infants' 3 Strap High Sandals mmwkm Sandals Brown kid straps, patent top and B__li^)l___ Sizes 2t05, no heels, patent leather vamp, also all patent leather; sizes ____g_3__P9i vnmps, nil kid tops. Regular price X to 11. »2.00 value. £>* CO IKifliam 11.35; .sal., pries £ | Ilk Sale price tomorrow, aBI.DO M t|wA tomorror, >l |II a pair V,,ww MRL- J_y P vi/« a• v Children's Five-Strap V-^raHt Children's Brown Top Sandals ~ __|8- Shoes Sizes 4to 8, red, brown and all pat- "<B_?*!__ Patent vamps, dark brown blurher ent leather, new wide toe last, lit- ■__•__ toPB- spring heels, plain wide to.-s; c r vai cu ye. boot tops. $|.38 ■__* ' lz'"i '■' .W'-JX^" $1.38 i 2pair' alUe:.. ajl.aJO \%JSt *.!..^^^ ajl.aJO Saturday, 7 to 9 P. M.. $2.50 Doll Kid Pumps for $1.49 —— ■—-—■-——"———■—- —~-~—— ~——"—~~— $2.00 Brown Kid Ox- $3.00 Ladies' Kid Shoes $1.75 Boys' Shoes $1.20 fOrdS $1.49 "*! $2.39 Sizes 12 to 2. real calf laco shoes ~ JS*J with absolutely solid oak soles Stylish blucher cut oxfords, Cii-' New up-to-date style, with low throughout, dressy enough for ban heels, extension soles, tip 1 1-8 Inch Cuban heels, patent school wear; guaranteed not to toes and nicely lined with kid; tips, blucher lao« cut; sizes 2to rip anywhere; (f»| <IA sizes 3to 8; (ft Ato 8; widths Cto BR, <T»1 Ofl ■»'« price tomorrow. ,nl-_,ll widths Dto BE, \1.43 Real 13.00 shoes in JI£..JU a J- ail' V.'*,*T" a pair V" ■•• wear, a pair a——■—'—' $2.00 Black Vici Kid $3.50 Gray Ooze Button $2.00 Shoes for Big Oxfords $1.48 Shoes $1.98 Boys $1.69 Street soles, Cuban heels, pule-' land turned soles, Cuban heels. Sizes 2 to 6H, heavy grain calf tip, narrow toes, blucher fo- .ssy shape toes with too caps -uppers, double soles, as solid as hole lace cut. arch last: si . iiie as uppers; sizes lM to 8; can bo made, uppers guaranteed 3to 8: widths <t»l A to EX widths, a»I AQ to wear two pairs of 4P| £A Dto EE. Jhl.-Tv- Pa" ah Is 70 fxtre. soles, a pair J I.Oil. a pair ; .M*" ■*» t tomorrow ayssaJV tomorrow .M"*"~j*' Boys' Tennis Oxfords Boys' Canvas Shoes Thickest sole, best quality blaok canvas top ten- Brown canvas shoes, dark brown leather trimmed; nts oxfords; sizes CAr» stzes 12 (or small boys, (f| A 2*» to s«x, worth 750 per pair. DHL to 6 for bl * boys, . tM.IU a pair a^a»v any gl2Ci a pa [ r —i> m 1342 PACIFIC AVENUE. V> SHOES SXLEOF BHOES HtHESTORE THAT MAKES I_WEK PACIFIC AYE.BUSY SHOES BHOES |_THEI>TOt_THATM/U^ Against come j old fellas oi the former : P. ■coal inkers. ,They _d to be blasted out and eve/y Mast Brougtit lot out __ eve/)* t Drought a lot of ifla lo the top of toe. water- Men in boats gathered them up and had fresh fish for supper. NEW BUSINESS AGENT FOR THE CENTRAL • LABOR COUNCIL A. O. Wfoiteman, "of the Cooks and Walters' union was elected business agent of the Central La bor Council at the meeting a week ago Wednesday night. Mr. White iniam aside from his duties as busi ness agent will also take care of the financial affaire of the council. Since the retirement of T. F. Burns sometime ago following a long controversy, the council has been without a business agent. SMOKELESS SMOKER! TONIGHT _____ af*f| A smokeless smoker will be giv en at the Y. M. C. A. tonight for the extension committee which is planning for new members. When the membership campaign' is on the members declare it will be worth while to "'Watch their smoke" then. Improvement Club Meets, The Sunset Improvement clul) will meet this evening at South Thirty-fourth and Proctor streets to discuss the giving of transfers .between the Traction lines and the T. R. & P. Cancel*, Dr. McClellan nays, can be cured without knife or pain. Consumption can be cured In early stage and wonderfully helped in any stage. Make hint show you. Hotel Gordon, Pacific aye and 13th. Phone Main 6167. *»* Tacoma Public Market D ST., 111_ TO isxn. Open Until 6:80 P. M. " .... Saturday UjO 10." "LOOK FOR THE SIGN" Tacoma Peoples' Market Grocery MOCERY & CANAL* BROS. 1110 D St., Public Market Phone your order; we deliver to all parts of city. M.5572. A 4316 THREE DAYS SALE Friday, Saturday and Mon day sale of groceries and all staplo goods. SPECIALS The very best flour, Of QC a sack «p 1133 Best Japan rice, OC« 6 lbs ■.. ZDC Best beans, ftp. 4 lbs ttOC Best seedless raisins, IJC« 4 lbs ZOC Beat Italian prunes, OC. 4 lbs ZOC 2 gals, corp syrup. Reg. price a gal, 65c. 7P now, 2 for I DC Best home grown CC»» potatoes, a sack 03 C 0 gar. 5.. 1!'! $1.00 2 large bottles lE navy catsup Z.3C 7 big boxes of Ot\n Searchlight matches ... -.DC 3 cans of OC« peas , .. Z3C 3 cans of, ORf» corn .._3U French peas, regular Of) a 25c can for £>Uu FISH DEPT. SPECIALS 6 cans of Of,',, sardines s£3u 3 cans of imported Norwegian or French OlCfa : A .Unci , .... a£3C * big OR. mackerels .... atwv Holland herring, C rt 2. for 3C 1 Norwegian OOnC n herring i..... ~.3l» 3 cans of OC»% good salmon a£3l> Codfish, 2 lb. IC, bricks ...... 13b COFFEE COFFEE Special for Kona Blend coffee for this sale 00 1* only, a lb . ...CC.C BUTTER? YES! Beet ranch butter, Ofl#a a lb. .T.-.:r. uUC Best lowa butter, © 4 flfl 3 lbs. for $ I lUU Orange Day ■ AT Markhams The Cut Rate Grocer The 50c Kind FOR 30C Doz. 1130 D St. City Market TRY THE New BAKERY 1134 D Street HOT BREAD Every night ; . Buttered-Biscuits . Rye Bread All kinds of am alio OCa cakes, 3 dozen cub Hot rolls, 'p.m. OK<» 3 dozen at DC - Feddelsecs Bakery odKery ,7 * 1184 D st. ;"',-'.■. 7 Public Market '7;.,^^ ; * -■:-■■ ••- ■•:•■■■•■■ ■-. - - ■ '-- ...7 ''-. . ■■-:U,7 --■'" ""■"" ' ' " '■ ■—■"■"■ ■■■n— I IS—l.l IS- ■ —■—■■ ||. _, PUBLIC MARKET GROCERY F. L. HEIDRICH & €30.*J \ Saturday and Monday Specials You can cut your grocery bill down by trading at the Mar ket. Compare our prices with what you pay elsewhere. Be low aro only a few of our bar gains: Pride of Tacoma Flour, none better, A 4 Aft per sack »J> I itu 6 lbs, best IE-. Rolled Oats . ...Z3C 4 lbs. Fancy OK*» Head Rice ....Z3C 8 lbs. Muscaltel OC#» Raisins Z3C 7 lbs. Fancy 0K« Seedless Raisins ...... 4.3 C 8 lbs. French QC« Prunes a£3C We have a full line of But ter, Eggs and Cheese at right prices. Try our Tea and Coffee. Free Delivery Phone Main 6488 Thurmond Market Place M. SHIVVERS Phones: M. 4570, A 1007 Free Delivery Headquarters for Strawberries. Yellow Eastern *lfl«' Peaches, a can I U C Extra large bottle of OC#» Olives _3C Home grown Potatoes, CC. a 100 lbs 33C And other good things to eat, call and sea i H. Shiwers Phones M. 4570, A 1007 BLUE GRASS BUTTER STORE Eastern Butter, 3214 and 35*' lb Wash. Creamery Butter. . . .35c Local Ranch Eggs, doz. 27*^0 Thurmond Market Place STALL NO. 4 Dreamland Market OWN STAIRS HI AMI AND BUILDING Trees Rose Bushes, Dahlia Bulbs... Cabbage and Tomato Plants. . Seeds of All Kinds. - . 4. 3. DEMINU ■•". -. " sum 40 For Lowest Prices on MEATS ' Call;at:•■■.-: !• PUBLIC MARKET MEAT CO. 1116 D St. "■'■•.y- -,: ■ ' ""' ■■^■y'i..*., The Quality Butter Store - Two Stores ,1" s i '';■■ 7 1118 D st., 1106 Commerce st. SPECIAL :-M Llpton's Beet Grade COo Tea, j per lb ......... DUG Mt. Vernon Milk, 4C. 2 cans ........ ...... I 3 C Fresh Local Ranch 07* i» Eggs, per doz ........_.( 20