Newspaper Page Text
Friday, May 20,1910 ■ME_-_»_-I-r J&iJ^l^^lMEi^^ B3^:«-, 8U51NE55 PROPFRTY-VACANT LOTS -HOMES-ACREAGE >£ BOARD SUBMITS QUESTION TO PEOPLE The people of Tacoma will de cide Che Ferry Museum and His torical building site question. The school board Wednesday adopted a resolution declaring the land be yond the stadium not needed for " school purposes and called an election for June 18, at whlce time the people may decide whether the site shall be sold to the high est bidder, the intention being that the museum shall bid the property In. THOMPSON EXPECTS TO BE GALLED SEATTLE, May 20.—City En gineer R. H. Thomson has not yet been summoned as a witness at * the Ballinger Investigation, but anticipates a call. "In view of the fact that I shall probably be ca;lled to Washington to testify," said Mr. Thomson, "I must decline to comment on the truth and falsehood contained In > dispatches regarding my corres pondence with Mr. Ballinger con * corning a trip to Alaska." In the vote for International officers of the Typographical union yesterday local typos gave W. M. Reilly of Dallas, Tex., a clear majority over James M. Lynch, the present head of the , union Wednesday local typos gave and Lynch 24. The result of the vote throughout the country will not be known for two weeks. Chicken dinner Sunday at Lake sldo hotel, Spanaway. *** Northwest — ■ Grocery i . Co. Proper prices for posted buyers. One of the oldest and most relia ble cash grocery houses In tho city. I Below wo mention a few articles. Compare prices with what you aro _ paying. Potatoes, KC#» per hundred 03C When purchased with other goods. Butter, Ofl-. per lb OUC Eggs, 97»-» per dozen _ I _'U S ee. 8 17aC 20c - Ham, Of!** per lb _UC Shoulders, IC*» per lb luC Breakfast Bacon, 09«% per lb aCuC English Bacon, 01 #» per lb ; _ I C Medium Whito Beans, OK*» 6 lbs. for _3C . Bice, Sago or Tapioca, lE—, 4 lbs. for ZOC split Peas or Pearl Barley, OC, 4 lbs. for _JU Bulk Cocoanut, "IK** per lb IOC Bulk Cocoa, ORf» per lb i. 3 V Italian Prunes, OK#» 4 lbs. for _3C French Prunes, OE«. 8 lba. for _UU » Extra Special while It lasts. Soap Lake Soap, OK«! 8 bars for — wis. Inquire about our Saturday * Special Coffee Sale. Arrange-! ments have lately been made to 1 deliver all extreme North End orders every afternoon Instead of Fridays only. NORTHWEST GROCERY CO. 1302-4 Commerce at. * ■ - r#fa2 H^_l a ' g— M %Ml H J c* m a J aM_JI I |^ ■ i■' if "_i__J___. ■ ___KBEJ HRSJ H HwMMIH H ,U____M_2_if_tt____ 7*: Never have you heard in any musical; instrument a tone so ' wonderfully sweet, clear and mellow. j; Hearing is believing. Come in any time— obligation, Sherman,Clay&Co m y- c-8-830 C uemo+WV3oßsk It______________________!m^L_^ B™B|pl _K,__H lei "i Wmffl-_wMl; ____■__■[ Census Man Did Good Job Here The counting of noses In Taco ma was a pretty good Job, accord ing to Special Census Agent W. A. MoKenale, who has been here sev eral days checking up the work. He says the Tacom work was well done and that the reports will aH be ready to send on to Wash ington probably tonight. By July it is expected the announcement of the population of this city will be ready. Grays Have first call this season as far as colorings are concerned. You will find this popular ...' color as well as a goodly assort ment of other shades in tweeds and worsteds. Good Suits $15 to $35 MENZIES & STEVENS Clothiers, Furnishers, Hatters 913-915 Pacific Aye. Provident Bldg. Look Hereip/ j Your father had it pretty hard in his day. There was no way for him to get tho spe cial training to promotion. With the opportunity offered young men of today by the Interna, tional Correspondence < Schools, .it's easy tor you! If you don't get a high position and a good salary It's your own fault. * Today our students are hold ing the most highly paid posi tions all over the country, as superintendents, overseers, fore men. What the I. C. S. has done for them it will do for you. • SPECIAL OFFER This ad la worth $20 to you on almost any one of our 208 courses If brought to my office before 10:30 Saturday night, Bookeeplng Stenography Illustrating .;;";;. Mechanical Drafting Surveying "■ -» ' French, German, Spantsn Advertising • Mathematics . * . Poußry Farming lira t Show Card Writing Mechanical Engineering Sign Painting » - ' Stationary Engineering Sheet Metal Drafting Electrical Engineering Telephone Engineering Architecture ... *i: » 7;;' Structural Engineering Plumbing - -.. - Civil Engineering ■^y^^yjfe^-' Mining Engineering Chemistry ' v Tacoma Office, 720 St, Helens 7 1 Avenue, \. tha ; Hyson', Bldg. ,*<■, W. A. CARSON, Representative. ... : Remember *-— Our ; office Is open every evening until :10 ' o'clock. •?*•■?-..■? *-~. '. ." ■--•'*-* ;■.- .• 7 ■ ■■.. Sunset Main 1147 Horn* A 3128 "_■ •»,**./*><•; row f-e"+*i-."-!>*-*'■s*-- ■"•**•.-'--7*3 ■=I* ■ ■■-.■. ■■■■•■'■. ■■■■•■■.. ■■■ -!■ ■,-• BUSINESSMEN READY FOR EXCURSION Everything is ready for the big business men's excursion to East ern Washington starting from Ta coma May 23. It will return May 27. Thirty-five cities will be visited in the five days. It will be a great sight-seeing trip as the run through the mountains and Eastern Washington will all be by daylight. Havo you seen It? It's free. Tho Giant Viking, 600 years old.; 8 ft. 6 in. high. Now on exhibi tion in the lobby of tho Areado theater, 1314 Pacific aye. Free to all patrons of our theater. *•! You can have all the fine or heavy shoes you want, $2.50, $3.50 or $4.00, Including "Tilts" at 315 So. 11 th, bet. C and D sts. li. H. sessions Administrator must sell (to close an estate) 40 acres of land on Halo's passage. Will cruise 1 620,000 ft. fir and cedar. Phone M. 9088. No reasouablo offer re fused. Easy Savings Plan $100 down and $15 monthly buys a homo on 2531 South O st., near X st. car line. 3 rooms down and 2 bed ana 2 small rooms upstairs; also clothes closets and porcelain bath. $2,100. $175 cash buys 5-room house and 2 good lots, all In fruit. Balance like rent. Street graded and cement walks and sewer in and paid. 1430 South 64th st. $1750. j Go to 4WW North .1111, street on car line, near Proctor: beautiful modern 5-r. bungalow, with one and one third lots", cement walks, sower, etc. Concrete basement and spaco In at tic, for 3 more biff sunny rooms- Fine view across gulch, giving lots of space for light and pure air. Complete abstract; price $2,600; $260 cash, $25 monthly. INSTALLMENT 111 II him; |,| ||>. LENNOX TRUST COMPANY 952 Paclfla aye. FOR SALE BY OWNER CHEAP— ' 5-acre tract at Milton. Tnquiro of owner, R. J. Hughes, at Milton. __—mmm mmmm —__________.. ; MARINE VIEW HOME NO. 29TH 6-room, bath, basement, beamed ceilings, etc.; 2 full lots on PAVED • STREET. A snap that w e can de liver on easy terms—ssoo cash, bal ance $25 a month. If you are look- ' ing for a comfortable home in an ' excellent location, see us about this. < I a_-_______^^^ ' IkiHllil'iafSlaaa*] ,s'l iSsfi ——_—_W_M>__a_____'j j Loans. 106 10th at. Mortgages ' PRICE CUT IN TWO *250 cash buys 2 lots, corner No. ' Commercial and Market at. Lots I 1 well worth $550. Remember all ' cleared and on a corner. . J MUTUAL REALTY CO. ' *"* 204 California Bldg. We list only snaps. North End Home •! ! $1100—$400 Cash, $15 Mo.; Beautiful marine view, 2 blocks ' from Point Defiance car, In rapidly " growing section, 2% lota on corner 4-room house: fruit trees, berries and garden; North End water lon , place, also good well; all fenced ' and well cared for. Excavation I started for new house. Owner going ' out on farm. Will sell forjltoo. J $400 Cashlis Month : A. H. Barnhisel Co. 423 CAL. BLDG. '•••■•_. . M. 7800 .. ■ • ' '. rmr —n « At Stellacoom, 4-r. cottage, fur- ' nlshed, fine view, near water, close S to car. - . . . 1 In Tacoma, 4-r. cottage, furnish- * ed, sewing and washing-machines, : everything necessary to do with; on car line; rent cheap to good tenant, . Two other houses, furnished. i ■-• I ' -- - . - , •',',. - . c JESSE 11. READ, 518 Cal. Bldg. d :-~ '•' • ' •■■' "-:- ;: ? Will trade 65 acres of land, good r Improvements, for Tacoma well lm- , proved ■ property or first mortgage ' securities. R. R. White, Sumner, Wash.. For Sale or Exchange '■ 140-acre dairy and poultry farm, fine location. $7000, or exchange.;,, Ideal poultry ranch, good 7-room house, five 60-foot i lots, bearing fruit and 60 fare, -, for vacant : lota or small house. ;.«j '.- ;. ..---.-•.,.„> . 8„ acres fine cleared valley land In Puyallup; small house. $3200, Ex change • for vacant lots or small house - and lots. For rent, 4-room bungalow In Mc- Klnley Park add., new and . clean, $11 per month, or would take pair of vacant lots for equity, balance at $15 .per. month. ... -.-., .._ -.-.-. ? Farms to exchange for city prop erty and city« property . for farms, houses and lots for lots, and lots for other - lots. > We can 1 exchange your property, and kind, any, where m BURK & WHITE i — 614 Bankers Trust Btdr.'*»*w,H. I SEE BURK FOR VALLEY, LAND g iaisil*siSi U ' ' THE TACOMA TIMES Gills Sea View Park Lots $175 to $400 Terms $10 down and $5 monthly, Includes all Improvements, clear ing and grubbing, grading cement sidewalks, sewers and water mains. Liberal Contract —No forfeiture for missing payments on account of sickness or loss of work. Perfect —Abstract free. You buy direct of owner and save want's commissions. Houses constructed after plans selected by you for $50 down and $10 per month. GILL HOME INVESTMENT CO. 920 Pacific Aye.,' around Floor. ACREAGE Good S-room house, % aero good soil, on ear line, near school and station. $600, easy terms. Good 2-room house, good well, 1 acre of ground, 3 blocks from car | line. $500, easy terms. As much ) more ground as desired at $175 per acre, on easy terms. Ii >,4 acres of desirable prairie land , for $376, on very easy terms. Liberal discount on above prices , for cash. Call at 306 California Bldg. $2,000 HOME ABSOLUTELY FREE ' New. modern fl-room house; 2 good lots, covered with fruit and berries; only 12 minutes' ride from business center; street improve ments ail in and paid. If you are paying rent all you wilt have to do is to pay us the rent and we will deed you this homo. When you have paid us $1800 In monthly payments of $16 each the home is yours. Surety Bonds. Fire Insurance. • E. F. Gregory Co., Inc. S. R. Webb. E. F. Gregory. 120 Twelfth St. Lte__u mWrntm ' WILL I'it \mi: .. We have a client who will' trade 20 acres of land, .1 miles east of Spanaway, on the Mt. Tacoma road to the mountain, and M. - mile from I a station on the McKenna branch for a second-hnnd automobile that Is in good condition. , J. A. WIVn-'HMUTI? A BRO. (Berlin Bldg. • * Rooms 306-7 , SIDIMI',II HOtli: Foil BALM lit Harbor Heights, by owner, .1. C, ■, Wheeler, Olympic Club Barber Shop. 11 BY OWNER — Five room bunga low, 1 block to car; 2 lota In fruit? garden, roses and lawn. All lm. provements in and paid. Clear ab-C strant. Worth 12,600. Quick sale, 11.950. Terms. Apply 4509 So. Sheridan. Do You Want to Sell j You* Hi';* i i;siu'i or lIIiMVI'SSf If bo, see us iii once. We guaran tee to dispose of your property for ' cash within 30 days. Refereuce... P. M. Ruthfield 408 Provident Bldg. Main 3302. ! FOR SALEI2O acres 30 acres . under plow, crops all In, 8 head of , stock, 7 good cows, over 200 chick . ens, good young team, weight 2400, . wagon, buggy, light wagon, plows, i harrows, disc, etc.; 5-room house, , barn and plenty chicken houses, hop 1 house. $4,000, $2,500 cash, bal. con tract or mortgage. No agents. Ad dress G. H. Miller, R. F. L\, 11. No. 1, Box 33, Sumner, Wash. ! $8 PER MONTH HOME New 3-room house, lot 40x145, . about "4 of an acre good garden and fruit land, within the city limt its. Price $400. $10 cash and $8 fid- month. It certainly beats pay ng rent. , ' 11. ROBERT PAUL « CO., Owners. 311-312 Bankers' Trust Bldg. : FreeHomesteadFree OREGON, MONTANA AND CANADA that you don't have to live on; fin est wheat and alfalfa land. A mar ried or single woman can take land. Send 25 cents or call for Home stead Book. Join next party in few days. t FOIIBEST LAND CO., Locators 1013 Pacific Aye. Fori est Hotel. FOR SALE BY OWNER 40-acre tract, 25 acres bottom land, part cleared, about 20 acres In grass; stock, farm Implements and everything goes with the place; a good location for dairy and chick en ranch. Price $2500. Can give terms. Inquire H. A. Huff, Sumner, Wash. FOR SALE OR TRADE ' Ten acres near Puyallup, 3 acres cleared; will tako a good team as part In trade. Price $100 per acre. G. Anderson. 1709 No. Oakes at. ' STOP J READ!, i BUY! 7> 1 of C. A. Ballard at "Spanaway. Lota, acreage, homes. Bargains in each. ' FOR RENT, SALE OR TRADE Will give the rent of my 'A sec tion for 5 years to party who will put 60 nannay goats on It. Good house, barn, sheds, etc. - 100 acres of grass; % mllo from town. Ad dress Box 62 care Tiroes, . For Sale By Owner 9 rooms, I fine lots, 1 block, from «th aye.. V* from Traction. Will throw In- carpets, shades and part of furnlturo for price of house. Phone 6615. ' • Stop Paying Rent - and buy a new 4-room house, Just completed, with' tt acre of good gar den and -fruit land, city water and electric lights can be had, 60 car fare. Price only $800; small cash payment and $12.60 per month. H. ROBERT PAUL ft CO., Owners 311-12 Bankers Trust Bldg. r V i $1.80 PER MONTH HOME Four good lots and a new house ready to move Into,' in a good loca- ' tlon, only 2 blocks from car - line. This place Is not Just sold. Price $450. on terms of $26 down and $7.50 per month. ' Bring this ad with you. ..,-•> _.- - -,: J. M. CURTIS ft CO. I 814. Bankers Trust 81dg.".',.. . . < [V '; ._ FOR fIALB - ' u,'.\.' r -A ■ Lots ■or <"rn«r. N. iE. corner ' l«ti and No. Washington . sts. Bargain prices. -.:.--•• • -•-:. -i--.. -.-.-.' ■■ v -. O. P. MKSftER ' , -:',\*. .>'.*.■■■ .':.-. Gig Harbor. Wash. • ' For bargains 'In the great Puv allup • valley, call -or write J. 'c." Harvey and Co. at Puyallup 'second door north - of - • postofflee. ■' Homo phone, office. ■-. Main .« 206, i Res..-- Red* * ** ■+**o%y^So r wiiKUmm\mm J FOR | SALE—Two 6-acre tracts of' the very best Puyallup valley, berry. land. Will sell one or both. $100 an ■* acre cash, balance in 4 years. R. R. White. j Siiroav.*.-. Wash.,. PUYALLUP AYE. BARGAIN $3,000 cash will handle I lots on Puyallup aye., close to 11 St., at a fanes that will insure big profits in the next 2 years. Balance on your own terms and at low Inter est. OTTO B. BOEDER Ml California Bldg. Lots for sale cheap by M. Morton, 924 So. Q st. MAKE AN OFFER for 10 acres at Midland, good soli, easy cleared, close to car line. 50 acres of waterfront near Rose dale; good 7-rooin house, 300 bear ing fruit trees; 8 acres under cul tivation: 1 mile of waterfront. This can bo bought nt a bargain. 20 acres near Redondo Beach; fine, water view, splendid soil and good beach. Come In and see about It. Jos. Sparling 220 Bankers Trust Bldg. Phone 2665 North End Bungalow $500 Cash, $25 Mo. Buys new- 5-room bungalow, strictly modern, large attic, full con crete basement, furnace, beautiful dining room, best porcelain plumb ing. THIS IS CLOSE IN between North IC and Point Defiance line. Owner must Bell by the first. It's a bargain. YOU'LL LIKE IT. GET KEY HERB, » D. M. Morgan 208-3 Bankers Trust llldg. 5-18 ' FOR SAI.K2 corner lots and modern 5-room cottage. In North Effil, for $1,660! $300 cash, balance fa suit purchaser. Call M. 6900 be rayed! C and 8 evenings. BEST BUY IN TACOMA ! Almost new 6-room house, com pletely furnished; 2 large lots, 21 largo bearing fruit trees, large dhlcken house and chickens, garden tools, lawn mower, garden hose; ev erything complete and ready to move into; only 1 block to car. Price $•1,800— 51,000 cosh, balance in 3 years. This is $650 below the mar ket. 1 H. P. KESSINGER 410-11 California Bldg. Close In Lots Cheap I have 7 lots, 2 Improved with fruit, located at 38th and So. D st. Streets graded. Will sell at $700 and $760. Adjoining lots sold for $1200. Bobbins & McDonald 208 California Bldg. A Bargain 20-acre ranch, all In alfalfa, small 4-room house, goon young orchard, $ horses and harness, 4 cows, 3 2 year olds with calf, 2 hogs, 2 wag ons, mower, hay rake and derrick, all tools, cream separator, 1 range, stove and heater. Call or write. Price $5,000; % cash, 3 years on balance. J. 0. Harvey & Co. Puyallup Home Phono Main 205 office; Res. Red 113. 6 ROOM HOUSE And 10 Fine Lots All kinds of fruit, fine water, good barn, In city limits, 5c car fare end good car service, right on car line. Price $2600; $500 cash, balance to suit buyer. McColley & Hall 407 California Bldg. M. 4094. A 4685. Will sell for good, first mortgage loans, or for part Tacoma* improved property, my 14-acre ranch at Sum ner. This ranch has a commercial orchard of 5 acres, best varieties, 8 years old. Balance Is all in small fruit. Price $8,600. Improvements are A No. 1. Located on the edge of city limits. Address P-22, care of The Times. BUY. THIS BEST. HOME SNAP Six lovely lots, 4 Improved; gar den, berries, grapes, 21 large bear ing fruit trees, 6-room heuse, pi one, electric lights, etc., near school, stores and car line; five cent fare; fifteen minutes' ride;. In Ideal neighborhood. I dare not advertise the —It's too low, —but if you want It as a home or for Invest ment, write at once. Owner going East and must sell. Drop this paper rlivht now and address: "HEAL BARGAINS" Lock Box 1120, Tacoma. —, -------- i ii ' , ■10 MONTR HOME Ready to move lato, with two good lots, near car, church and school. Take Pacific - Traction car at. 9th and Commerce sts. and get off at Queen Anne Park. and 38th at. See Mr. Bruggemann, owner. STHASIEIts ..I >, * .. - fly oFthe~f Iyer •JJaeoma-BsattU Route. : Four Bonsai Trips Dally, Leaves Taeoma 8:8$ a, t 9- UIV- 8:66. 7:80 p. R- Single ' Fare. $5o- Round Trip, too. ■; First I Dock. A. B. Nessensoa, Agent j ' Wnsi'a sjiu'aum- jL-i-i.. "jssj'.il liiu—iij's m mv .■■*' 1 Bflßß^sVls-^iTsflflß ' Ba__K_l__________l B^DIAnSuBS Lia"' **;;"• ' '•"•■''' '".'■'!>-"'-..,:.,'.■--,'*.- *-,»■ I - The s fastest - and * finest } day ' I I steamer on the coast. -•">,- »•-** t 1 I j FOUR ROUND TRIPS I DAILY ■'. >..- Leaves • Tacoma -. frost ;N, P. 7 ■ ■ wharf 7:00. 11:00 a. m.; 1:00, H I ; T:OP p. m. •-...- -j *_■- ...r ...--., H ■ }'■ Leaves Seattle from Colman ! I. DoaJk, 9:00 a. _.} 1:00, 6.01, Hi I »:00 p. m. •'.. >-'. v-.-.i"-,v. f '- , $m (Vmi-s*. SINGLE PARIS '• Vim ■ ,'■ "ft ff ' . A.- ROUND TRIP Aooy.^yyii' ■ - A. '.. B.^MSlaNaKaW i "'Air_« M i; B Phene Mai a 1448 , | ~_7 - ■ -^___-w ■ -- - --■ ■ ■ * ■ «■-,:. £f*fM'illi§> I IWliijsW^ _* _-4_T __% ._ Ron MIB—MiaX-ni.l.AttatOt'S ' a^^^^^^^^^^^^ srfMa^rfasrfa^MMa^tfWa^aaaaaa^sa! FOR SALE—Fine team, wagon and harness for express and transfer business-. Phone Main 92143. , i FOR SALE — Well bred driving mare; bay, 7 years,', weight 1100, top carriage, 2 seats, harness. Main 4643. 6 p. m . - r . FOR BALE — yards of now rag carpet, also White sewing ma chine. Apply 3583 McKlnley aye.. phone A 2959. New and Id nans satoa. D. A. Tyler. 1619 Pacific aye. WM. FITZ HENRY, Auctioneer 913 Commerce st. Furniture bought outright on han dled on Commission. EGGS for hatching from Rhode Isl and Rods, Barred Plymouth Rocks, full-blooded, healthy, coun try raised stock, $1 per 14. Stock for sale. O. M. Pudor, 607 Bernlce Bldg., M, 6815, or Htellacooin, get off M sharp*'! place. i _^_ —w _ - . BUFF ROCK eggs for hutching, 50c. 2115 No. Oaken. INVESTIGATE our prices on new and 2d hand furniture. 1347 Ta coma aye. M. 7184 3 ranch horses for sale cheap. Sav age Fuel Co., M 2390-81323. CARLOAD Oregon horses, work, driving, saddle. Well broken. Wallls & Son. 1626 C st. FOR SALE — New 6 h. p. motorcycle. Cost $300. Will sell for $200. Own er leaving town. Call or phono room 220, Greystone hotel, between 6 and 7 p. m. FOR SALE or will exchange for runabout automobile, one new 20 --ft. launch, has never been In the water. Up-to-date model. She Is a • dandy. For further particulars In quire of M. J. Morse, l'uyullup, Wn., a n. FOR SALE CHEAP 20-ft. launch, 3H horse power engine, glass front, canopy top. In first class run ning condition. Cheap at $300, will take $200 If sold at once. Apply SMITH'S BOAT HOUSE Stellacoom FOB SALE—One fine riding marc, • good saddle and bridle. Price $75. One work horse, 1 colt, 1 heavy • wagon, 1 light rig, 2 good cows. Call or write Sanders farm, half mile ] east of Spanaway station, PIANO certificate of $115 for sale cheap. Apply 1308 Center st. Call ' Main 5388, A 1142 evenings after 6. FOB cement building blocks, call up I 1184. Prices reasonable. ■ WANTED TO BUY If you have a lot, residence, ; rooming house, farm or business that you will muke a sacrifice on for ii quick sale, list It with "Real ' Bargains." Address Lock Box 1120, ; Tacoma. WANTED WANTED— or 3 children to board. Call after 4 o'clock at 1412 So. 1. ANNOUDi CKMKNTS QKNERAI, housecleaning by expe rienced nun. We also make a spe cialty of new houses. Main ISG7. ARE yo*i disgusted with your cleaning, pressing and dyeing? Now try a firm with some experi ence any way. Not how cheap but how good. Class A work only. Clothing sent to us by express will receive prompt attention. Tel. 7480, 811 9th st. J. A. Donaldson. Nice clean baths, 16c. Open Sundays. Also hand laundry, 1537 So. C. FREE— SSO set of plana to every buyer of Gill' Be a View Park lots. Prices $175 up, while they last Terms, $500 monthly. 020 Paclfle aye. Upholstering. Hart. 1021 Yak. M.7174 BUSINESS CHANCES * An Interest In a live money mak ing business in Tacoma, for sale, or will exchange for real estate. Ad dress X, care of Times. Aro you looking for a bargain? Have 10 rooms completely furnish ed, will sell as whole or In part. Phono Main 0200. 2—Big Bargains—2 ROOMING HOUSE Containing 12 rooms, located on Tacoma aye.; rent only $20, Includ ing water. Extra good furnishings. Gross Income $74 a month. And best of all, the price Is only $400. .GROCERY STORE • Located on a prominent down town corner; rent $50; cash sales average about $1,000 per month. Good clean stock and first class fix tures. Will sell at INVOICE, or "lump" It off for $1,050,. with terms of $550 cash down, balance monthly. If yon are looking for a HOTEL. ROOMING HOUSE or business of ANY KIND, don't fall to so us; as wo make a specialty of this class of business. * - ■• - 20 YEARS IN THIS BUSINESS. TACOMA REAL ESTATE AGENCY ■ 303-4 Bernlce Bldg. 1106-8 Paclfio aye. Easy Money Electric shoe shining machines. If you are interested In making easy money. Investigate these machines Address F. A. Brlggs, 4509 12 th aye. N. E., Seattle. FOR SALE. HOTEL — If you want a good paying proposition call up owner, phone A 4508. - • ANOTHER SNAP — 7i'-' Hotel on best corner in South Tacoma, 48 furnished bedrooms nearly new furniture; every con venience; ■ more than "40- regular boarders; board bills guaranteed; large transient -trade; low rent, long lease; owner must go on his homestead: will take $3500 for ev erything; $2000 'cash,' balance $50 monthly. The trade at this place la the best In South Tacoma and . is rapidly Increasing. If you mean business, and want a money-maker, you may stay at this hotel a week. I'll pay your board If ■ you buy or If you don't find everything just as I have, advertised. . Address "Real I Bargain!,," Lock Box 1120, Tacoma. I ' i ■ . ; BRING- IN YOUR TRADING j-;«... j: -3 ; ■ ". PROPERTY ,' .7, ' !• I Anything from a cow to a farm la exchange for city lots and houses. Our • trading • list -la the • largest »In the city.-.".;-• -.-..-.,.■ .'. ■ .," -'— 7 MUTUAL REALTY :OtV.'#*'-;'" . . 204 . California Bldg. _. , FOR SALE BY ' OWNERModern 5-room bungalow. Just - completed, gas range goes with It. • Easy terms. ; Phone Main 4055. »-,-■>.- iVi*. '.■-.;■ m ..- --— ii ——______________ ■j If you t want .to bus t a,»• rooming house.- farm,, lot, residence or- busi ness below ; actual 'value, write; me. stating what i you Want. Al sell bar gains-only. Add rest "Real i Bargains" • Lock Box -• 112$, .Taoomavi;)?.^"*"*.-^^ i. Pool - room for., sale. 6407 Union avr., - South Taooma. »>■*-; «,*«a*«—#T:ii»— 1 <-t ■-■■■■ ' ••• -i iV" | -•--■'--,- ■ '--» - : , FOR RENT—Cosmopolitan rooming house.-,. C. E. Palmer. 410 Fidelity' HELP WANTED—MAUI - *******" -*i»»|—,— — — ■,■ ■ ■ , ■ > )*U%S**a» J'aOjrVVVV*»J->J\| PINSETTERS wanted Bowling al ley, 71« Pacific aye. « r SALESMAN wanted. Call on Rut ledge-Ponder Piano Co., 311 11th st. WANTED— coy* OTer II years ' of age to sell papers on tha street Apply to Newsboys' Union or this office. CARPENTERS, carpenter helpers, plasterers, lathers, plumbers and men for street work; top wages to reliable men. Gill Horn* Investment Co., 920 Paclfio ova. WANTED—Carpenters good prices paid; part cash and balance to ap ply on house and lot or lots. . 11. Robert Paul & Co., 311-312 Bankers' Trust I WANTED—-Good gun and bicycle repair man. E. E. Peterson, 1133 C at. ' THE COAST BARBER SHOP Up-to-date 4-chalr shop, strictly sanitary, operated by American barber; all work first class; lowest prices; hair cut IRe, shave 10c. chil dren's hair out, Hat.. 26c. Open until I p. m., Sat, 11 p. m. 1339 Com. St. SITI' ATIONS HIMIH—HAM STEADY man wants position to take care of first class rooming house or hotel; best of references. Address Joe Flynn, Rockwood hotel, 1141 Commerce st. HELP WAWTRIV—FISMAI.B WANTEDGirI for general houso work. Apply at Graham's Mil linery, 933 O St.- WANTEDWaitress. Apply at once, Edison hotel, So. Tacomn. 60 GIRLS WANTED to make berry boxes and tin top baskets and other light work. Hague Box & Lumber Co., phone Main 749. WANTED — Chambermaid. Call Hotel Revere, 732 Pac. aye. WANTED—For general house work, good girl. Good home, good wages. Mrs. Hurt, 017 North (lakes WANTEDOIrI for genera] house work. 1008 No. X st. WANTED—A chambermaid at the Elgin hotel, 10th and C st. WANTED to learn chiropody and tako charge of office. Mine. Petri*. 771 0 St. WANTED — good girl for general house work. Phone Main 0423, A 3909. MILLINERY cheap now at Beeman's McKlnley aye. and Morton St. Rldgewuy's Millinery. 6225 So. Un ion aye.. So. Tacoma. Qroen stamps. WANTED— permanent.woman for housework, good cook, no wash ing, good Wages. 302 No. Tacoma aye. SITUATIONS WANTED — rKMALH i^l¥WS*^^l^lA^^^_MVW«^V_WV, Curtains laundered," $5o pr. M. 2141. LADY wants washing by tho day, $2.00 day. 1760 80. 44th. MONEY WANTED a^A^^A^a^^A^^^A^AW^aA^wa#VM%A^Ma<aaaaaiMa, WE have party who wants $1,000, will give good security and pay 12 per cent net. For particulars see L. P. ROBERTS LOAN & INV. CO. 108 So. 9th St., Bowes Bldg.' iflEl___i^s!s£j__l c^tL#i t jHa^^»*g Aus in is OK TirL,aa o+*+**»*>***S***m****m****<*+*>*'i*>*,***,+ Commonwealth TITLE' CO.. Tel. M. 101. 109 So. 10th si ' TITLE INSURANCE & INVEST MENT CO., Phone 6063. 1005 A si *" AMBULANCES T. C. ft B. Trans. Co. M. 48. A 4841 109 Bth. Stables. «th * St. Heleni Pacific Transfer ' Co., M. 64. A 2961 " ATTOWX; I|I - „„ nr^w . 3. J. LANGFOKD. 942 M Paclfio avi Phones: M. 6371. Home A 2608. J. B. Aldrich, 819 SaTage-Bcofteld L~W. ANDERSON. Cat Bldg. Al67i CLEANING ft PTB WORKS Reliable Dye Wks. 622 No K. Up -to date dye works, M. 8067. A l»i» "** CARPET CLEANING Carpets and rugs on the floor. Ex >crt Vacuum Cleaning Co. M. 1284 „'075, A 1036, store 116 So.' Bth. O'NEAL ft HOUCK7 carpet heating refitting and laying; feather ren ovatlng and upholstering. Rear $0, South J St.; phone Main $26. A 2226 CARPETS, rugs and everythlni cleaned In your , home. Satisfac tion or no pay. Santo Vacuum Cleaner Co., 762 C. M. S4Bl. A 2144 CONTRACTORS i W. B. young— nth and Yak. ■tore fronts, shelving, screens, al kinds of Job work Shop equipped with machinery. We send men oul by day or hour. A 4610 M 4510. :•;• C P. MADBEN. 1728 80. L st, estl , mates furnished on all kinds ol concrete work. Main $484. A 4918 PRINTING AND BINDING *X" \flJ\Wnf\f*~w~^*~^f*^*~" m' —***»*»- a**!' ■■■ i****| COMMERCIAL Bindery A Prlntlnj i C 0...758 Commerce St. • Main 417. - -• =-. .- /UNIX DEALERS ;,* TACOMA JUNK CO. Best prlcei guaranteed. 2124 Com. St.. M. 7312, . LICENSED CHIROPRACTOR; i ,-itm-.'i'''i-i- --*-*---■--*-,- —i-.-y-K-ii-Liijin., 3lve up drugs and try chiropractic i Dr. Nina A. Derby. 711 So. X it" *■—-_, __; •>*? -■- _*-y '.< OSTgpS'AT-IS ■?, -f-M ■,< yfcfc JR. • - MACY—Skilled v •■ Osteopath Hopeless cases a specialty; sixth rear In Tacoma. 1144% Pacific aye DBS. A. L. ft W. P. .graduate; - of Still College - of .» Osteopathy 3alls * promptly ; answered — day •», light.' Phone fc',i>s;^_7t|sJ7 t -..^--^ S.A. Stotenbur, 8 IT*. In Tacoma The Webster, Cor 7th ft.St,' Helen! «*■•» PBYSICTAffai '»:?r-z*°srj<*m *]—>**»C'i*'i~~~~~~~*' — — *■ » ""*»*-*ir "**~W>«f»jSa«jsL| ,;; i ,DR.'WARRIW^ROWNafWUB >iU"S Of He* Hi tt Pself la •*?b.MS| X Office 952H Women; and &&&M Diseases of Women and !{ Genlto-Ufinary Diseases. */;i*i>. Consultation: >> until 4,:^3 WZir^'SKi Evenings: j .7^ I* g f.*^^_§^ a——«a~—_——~_.ll~ i ■ ... . KDR. C. B. CASE """"*■* 802 So. X at. gaJTOtf lea ■■ Hours: .- 2 .; to j 4 ) p.l .m^SI JR. B. ■■ O. S SUTTON, French I Bid., at 6452. : Res. U. 4868; 10-12;: $-4; 7-1, SQfrVßftft ~Sa PLVMnsa fSfSfSMft'.; '»j(-...;; w^i^^^-^^, jji^'w»^^^^^#s^ j.-^v^^^^\*vv,^a^'aiva,, vT». B. t COFFEE ;" PLUMBING CO. $ 101 A st, "It's all to t the, work." PAGE SEVEN IIOVUKKKRPINa ROOMS St'ii Well fur. 3 A 3-r. hskpg. suite*; light, sunny A convenient. 611 8. 7th. ;- TWO room suit.-, nicety furnished, Ii good neighborhood, also single housekeeping room, rent very rea _ sonable. 618 80. I at. Main 4686. a . I MODERN fur. or unfur, ants. 1994 s D st. or 1945 E. Reasonable. A 2505 . FURNISHED housekeeping inn Ma*, i, gas range i and lee trio lights. 939 1 So. J* . . : .;; 0— i i 1 NEWLY fur., overlooking Wright park. Main 9139. 70S No. 34. I nilisiMiK" room* I. TWO suites of housekeeping rooms. r 904*4 So. Tacoma aye. - EIHIEWOOD, ISOJ Center st. single i? and hoskpg.. $1,00 week and up. 3 ■ THE WHITEHALL. first class • rooms, heat, hot and cold water In every room; excellent view: 10 -- cation best. 10 and 12 Cliff aye. -I - 1 Fill. ■OVUM aa^a^^a^sA^^a^Ma#a^^a#a^a*»a^^^#a»Ma^a^a^aa^aaa*aaaai I FIVE-ROOM bungalow, with base ment, North 24th and Proctor, 3 1 blocks Point Defiance cor line. Will bo ready for occupancy about June 1. Call Main 4094 or 1962. i ■ FOR RENT—2-room shack at 36th and A. Walking distance, $2.60 , month or $25 pur year. G. It. Irv ing, Samson hotel, 13th and E. FOR RENT -A 4-room bungalow at , No. 33d mid Cheyenne St., $10 fur , nlshed, $8 unfurnished. Phone Main . 3886, ask for Mrs. M. Fowler, 1 __—_b____mm . FOB RENT—S-room cottugd, with t bath, 245 St. Helens inc.. $17.60 per month. . 1215 So. <> St., 3 loom flat, $10 pet month. HERBERT RBKWITT A CO. 1217 Pacific aye. — ——__a rUrtNISHDD HOUR*;* Mil Illlt>4f» l^aaa_s*a#a»*a^a^Ma*a**a*^Ma^a^^^A^^^^^^> Business Women's Exch. and Free Inf. Bureau. 621 Cal. A 1429. M.1431 _——— —— i FOR RENT -A well furnished house of 6 rooms at 2815 So. A st. Rent reasonable. Phono M. 9467 evenings after 7:30. _____ . i _ HOTK.I.S HOTEL ROCKWOOD, centrally lo cated; 25c up day. 1141 Com. St. . , Sl'Mail .11 HBSOHTS FOR CAMPING Tents or Summer Cottages Spring Beach Is Hi,! Meal Place. Kino SPRINGS, fine BEACH, good FISHING, good BATHING, easy ac cess, best built service, COTTAGES. TENTS and PLATFORMS for rent. 11. 11. Itlls A .... Mil ( iiliroruln III.Ik FOR i«Evr — STORES STORE for rent; will give 2 months' rent free inquire. 901 So. E St. _ I/OST * LOST —A moss ngnte, gold band around it. Finder return to No. 8 engine house, (M and I* and re ceive reward. . , nnniiiHi aa«i^a^^»ai^a^aa*i^MawA^^a^Aaaw»va>a^*a*a»fc^*a^aas> , Turkish Baths Scalp massage, lady man ager, 9301/* Pacific aye. Phone A 3625. Flat No* j 25 and 26. \ FlßE!!—lnsure your nouse and fur- ' niture In reliable companies. We '. have them. H. J. Schwlnn A Co. 813 Bankers' Trust Bldg. MOItTGAGIS loans prjlE me If you need Money on your real estate. Geo. Walter Russell. ' 938 M Pacific aye. , SCAVENGERS ' WASH. SCAVENGER CO., successor to S. Ri-sta Scavenger Co. Office , 602 Bernlce, M. 6413, a 2001. ! , 8. RESTA SCAVENGER CO. Office 602 Hi nil. M. 6413; res. M. 6076. , Tacoma Garbage Co., Oliver Henry prop. Office 1210 A at. Phone 11 ,»', i 499, A 1499. Res. M. 6406. A 4028. i I- ________ a AMERICAN GARBAGE CO.—Re- i moving garbage and refuse of all - kinds. 1718 Pacific. M. 83, A 1497. . - . . . ' .'. VI Ii I HIM. AND CHIROPODY % MARIE DAVIS halT'dressing p^ I lors; foot specialist in conectton. • 771 C st., M. 1288. - ;? -■ ■ ■ | _ £", ■j NOTARY PUBLIC *;'-^»Fi: SEE W. J. A. Simpson for Fire,ln-?. surance, Borrow Money or making out papers. 204 California Bldg. ——— '".%■: _ SPECIALISTS ■• p DR. H. C. BI'RSON, 1109% C st. Dis- ?; eases of the rectum, the stomach and diseases of women. --';-■ •. *.-.»--S* ——— .*•>.' . HONEY TO LOAN ..: M - «>»«S*»a_sa_«^^^*»» •, •a 4^aa_»a,aaa4 ,a»a^a.*»aa«a ¥ « |- LOANS—Any amount, easiest terms. SK Tallman-Thompson Co. 1 Safe Deposit: Vaults. :;• ill; loth fe MONET, Jesse H. Head. CaL . Bldg. mWI SALARY LOANS ' * "' I- To honest and steady employees, k «_*|lo. $15. $20, $25, $50, $100. •"■.-*'i> NO.MORTGAGE. NO INDORBKR 1 STATE SECURITY CO. i"S ' ••-• $07 California Bldg. - ?* v 2 Hours: 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Wei. f | and Sat. Eves, till 9p. .m.j^ 4 ;i!f > LOANS, for home (vlldiat or to bm -t; off old mortgage. Lowest rates specltl privileges to borrowers. iua_i 8 year*. No commission or delay ii B J. Sehwiixn ft Co., Inc. 316 Banker} S Trust Bldg. ,■■..■•,:-■.? -.y-.',.iv;.V;'.. : **~— I money ! for salaried . PEOPLE ii .. women * keeping house and - other* HI furnished « upon ■«. thjlr ,-■ own > notes. 1 without security. Cheapest rates. - easiest payments. Offices In 66 prin cipal cities. - D. jH. . Tolman. ._» 881 Jf;' Provident -Bldg. l-<-'**y-.«\^t;.^*Ji%ti*.:jX* 6 PER CENT money :to loan on _,* Improved l real estate. * Privileged ■_ to i repay t any amount | after i on* fitl . year. ■■* Loan* payable *In j, small WA monthly Installments If desired, "™, _>'■ R. - MANNING: ft , CO. W^^i Equitable Building. TRANSFER , COMPANIES n££.y X _nj>_r>j'-»w'i» *»*W~'i~ii ■" *—~ —■— ■—- ~i-*-s*-v^i**srisivv%^.j»u^\i* ;rf FIDELITY TRANSFER ft STORAGE -j Co.«i Large » true/:*, i furniture vans -7 and baggage wagons; 6-day storage free on baggage; piano i>. hoirting freighting and teaming. 171:« Puclflo' ' aye., i opposite »N. P. i depot. Phones: Main 83, A 1497. ,ii, - -1 i i•v7„ 7" , fe'-A-ji PATHJrt* ATTORNEYS S*»»»g!i; B, I. Elliott, 620 Bkrs. Trust s«i"ai»i Patents, designs, blueprints. AS 7tv]B| .-;,,. 1?1 , ■.-; OFFICE i SUPPLIES Q9f«^R^» Va—r-T-.-* i- **• * - i-a-1— '^rV*ii- > '^s J-aa J-ar--iii^»s-,VVf\A>>»anr*Lfl_ tflftfi Tae. # Of f.^ Supply £©1*77 typewriters <ft j_§ off. supplies, lit >th. Phones 8498. M$ -s:^*'^**S FUEL DEALERS *»»»W»>J*^^-X>a^*._-«___>-a»>a«._.»-, aaa- - a. r .^, PETERSON BROS., 10th * and itf U. ..; ** wood, coal, hay, . grain, straw; can take orders at short notice. If. Sit,