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A TERM IN JAIL FOR THE FATHER WONT PUT W£.: BREAD IN HIS CHILDREN'S MOUTHS; HOW JUDGE ll ARNSTON APPLIES HIS "GOLDEN-RULE" SYSTEM i •v'»r"»"«" 'KV---0,.;* ,"-""i'- ■ •?>„— - *~ ' - ■• s,'*| "I've been | drinking, • Judge; Itsl ' the booze and the crowd I run' with; I ! don't know i"l what's the i matter. Judge, but I—-".:'.'.' *,- The '. prisoner was * •': sturdy worklngman. His hands were ;, horny with toil. * He bore the marks of being a good man, but •drink bad him in its grip. : •"He was the best man in the i world until he got to drinking," his wife had told Judge Arntson. , They have four little children at their cottage in Tacoma. They lived happily until the htrsfoand got to going to the saloon. There ; he met companions who- drank. ' They treated and he drank. He treated and, - his 7 money 7 went. When he went home, there was . nothing for the wife and four lit tle ones. ■■' * • ■ '"- His wife stood it as long as she . could : and then went "to ' Judge Arntson. "Can't you do something to save him?" she pleaded. But she did mot want him arrested. - A week later she came again. ; He was getting worse. In a drunken fit he had told her be would give her no more and she would have to care for the children herself. She finally signed a complaint after much hesitation and the con stable went for the husband. And when he stood before the court yesterday he saw his plight. The ' glamor of those companions at MORE SERIOUS CHARGE MADE The .bail of Conrad Lind, one of the men who while In a drunk en carousal Sunday morning at the home of William Cook, par ticipated In the assaults on Cook and his wife, was raised from $•100 to $1,000 yesterday. He furnished the cash. It is alleged Lind assaulted Mrs. Cook and that she is in a precarious condition as a result. Cook is still In the hospital. Jacob Hargert, who struck Cook with a hammer, was bound over to the superior court yesterday. RELIEVE HILL BACK I OF NEW ROAD * (By United Press Leased Wire.) g&i HELENA, .Mont., May * 20. — S That James J. Hill is hack of the Gllmore. & Pittsburg railroad in -" Southwestern Montana ami that be purposes not only an invasion gpt California, but also intends to 'protect his present Northwestern territory by shortening the dis tance (between the Twin Cities and | Puget Sound and Portland is be lieved here. . _ ARREST YOUNG GIRL AND MAN : Tony Millos with a 16-year-old girl from the South Side, who left her home a week ago and has been, living with him, were arrested last night. The girl will be sent home and Millos will "be prosecut ed. • -Royal Dairy Ice Cream. Both phones. M. 95, A 2195. •*• Although a VISION UPWARD has struck the butter market. The Cow Butter Store , Pacific and Jcf fcrsons Aye*, will sell the very Best Fresh Minnesota Creamery at 35c a Lb. • Direct from the churn. ,3 lbs. Best lowa Creamery .SI.OO 2 doz. Fresh Pierce ' Co. ■ Ranch £ Eggs ........ ...-;;:;....*... 55c "Imported Swiss Cheese,* 1b...35c >2 \ lbs. Best Domestic Swiss. . 55c 1 Pineapple Special, 2 lb.' cans I Fancy Sliced Hawaiian Fruit, 2 cans ................... 25,. ,i That famous ThUs" Brand Im ■* ported Norwegian Smoked Sar dines in pure olive oil, can. ,10c * Domestic Sardines in mustard or 1 'Soil, can ........'.......... 5c I ;'6 lb. Best Home Made Lard, .85c Van Camp's Pork and Beans, 3 f cans } ...........< ......... 25c p S Look for the Electric Cow— . hangs 1 directly / above - - our . en rtrance. Make no mistake. pM'rfiiJ;..ji,'.-»,,, ;,c:... \ ■. "- £~- .-, Look Twice .:': ■:•-■■-•*■■■■ '■' -"?,...iv-..7.. . .r, ■"-■'."":;•■*"• <W:*<| ' • mmmto^mt***^******^***^^***********-*********** Championship Baseball Tacoma vs Seattle B>_i<>». iTHßaw<eaßF^^'l'*T'Ng^J»ataVi»,»'ar»3»i^ fe:* Tacoma Athletic Grounds , ;■" TOMORROW ■?Jutaitetfont»£*^r^sw Grandstand 250 i I the saloon departed then. - They were Jolly good fellows while his money lasted but they were- not there to defend him now. .''■■''':■*' l The Judge saw the useiessness of sending him to Jail. That would . not put ', bread In the mouths of those four little ones and that wife. He sent him, Into the . 'back office Instead. , There was the wife, called as a witness In the case. ' ; ' '-i - The husband' looked for a min ute, then the tears started down his .face. There was no .defiance now, no complaint of the wire that It was her fault.'*' It was the drink and bad com pany and that was all there was to; It.; So he told the Judge as husband and wife both were full of tears.* . ■ S~ "-''• " Judge Arntson saw there was hope for reformation and asked what he wanted to do. He want ed to quit it all, to stay at home, to be a man. And he got the chance. His name does not appear on the books but it does appear on a little pledge written by Judge Arntson to abstain (from all in toxicating liquors hereafter. The pledge is in the Judge's desk and husband and wife went out of the office as happy as they were on their wedding day.. "And I believe he will keep the pledge and will make good," said Judge Arntson this afternoon. CELESTIALS AT WAR OVER GIRL Ah Suie, the Chinese beauty over whom Lee Sang' and Sing Yee are at war in the superior court here, the charge being that Die latter abducted her from her husband's home at Portland, • was released on $1,000 cash hail de posited by her alleged husband yesterday. She Is charged withi having robbed Yee of a lar>se sum of money. The whole coterie of Celestrials is to appear in court this afteraon and settle their dif ferences. Lee Sang charges that Sing Lee held the girl as a slave for three months after abducting her. COMMISSIONERS APPROVE REPLAT The county 'commissioners yes terday afternoon agreed to rec ommend a replat of the tideflats. No provision was made for mu nicipal docks. *•( The » commission ers, however, declare they have reserved; the proposition of Rail road avenue for the future and that this will still be left open for the city or county to swap with property owners .for munici pal docks if so desired.. Tfeßest Bargainsleft — 5 **" ' ■ii-.— — .i—,. .— „. . I, _ ,i mi .ii - i . , _. . _ - i i i ,r About $5,000 Worth of Goods Left at the Central News Go's Closing-Out Sale. This Stock Is Now Priced at Ridiculous Figures ALMOST GIVEN AWAY .. * • * -- .-...-■- • A FEW ITEMS ARE: ; -__—. i_ $2.50 Box Carbon Paper, CO»» J0« Pencils ." \ A_ cut to i. ..... Out* cut to ............... .-... ZC $1.00 Typewriter Ribbons, 9fi#» 2Rc Box Writing Paper, . ;I 7, o*. cut to ..:.:..... _OU cut to ..'..- _.... OC ■•--•-..- ... * * ' '..-...-.., .| - , .. .-...■■. $1.50 Ream Typewriter Paper, QOi» $1.50 and $2.00 Books, AOm. • cut to ;. OUU cut to "... .:......;...... ............ HOC i. $2.00 Teddy Bears, n« $2.00 and $8.00 Ladles' Parses, r. An cut to _0C cat to .. ~ * CO C $1.2.**. Post Card Albums, 1 fin $10.00 Lawn Tennis Nets, , at 70 cat to IOC cat to ................ -. $I■ f 0 Besides Ink, Blank Books, Pyrography, Leather Goods, Etc., at YOUR OWN PRICE. Painted China and Japanese Ware $2.50 Hand Fainted Tea Seta, r 7flf» $15.00 Hand Painted Tea 'Sett-;.' '' #C 00 7(6 cups, c saucers) ."......... ... . IUG (Kutanlwarc,' 15 'pieces) . ... . . a>3iUU $2.56 Hand Painted Bon Bon Sets ::-..,.. '""-;, 'Qft« $25.00 Hand Painted Chocolate Set* ---." ■>'•_»' CO (7 pieces) ............... .............. OUC (18 pieces) .......v...;...'.......... ... ..-.. fOiVa 7 $3.50 Hand Painted Berry Sets $»J OK $125.00 t.enalne Satsuma Tea Set , (07 M 47 (7 pieces)^........ .....v.......;....,.... ;.^i .W (18 pieces) .....V.:..T.-.r.V.. ............. »>Z liOU Hv - Vases, Jardiniers, Stands, Screens and Brass Ware at less" than cost. CENTRAL NEWS CO. 916 PACIFIC AVENUE IHT INCREASED RATES WOULD RUIN INDUSTRY If the . Great Northern and Northern Pacific railroads Increase the rates on lumlber shipments as announced In a dispatch from Washington, D. C, the action, -will spell ruin for the business in this state, according to prominent lum- bermen of the city. y,.JiX is declar ed that prices are now down far below whs they were in 1907 and that an Increase 7in rates to the Eastern -points remaining would be impossible for the mill men to stand. .'.^i-.T...,-_..' 7 .' "_!...--■'"■ MEMORIAL SERVICES TO BE HELD TONIGH The memorial service in honor of the late king of Great Britain and Ireland, Edward VII, will he held tonight at Trinity Episcopal church, commencing at 8 o'clock. Bishop Frederic W. Keator will preach and will be assisted in the service by the Episcopal clergy of the city. The foreign consuls who reside in Tacoma will attend in a body, as will various organizations in the city. BOWLBY FIRES GILLIAM (By United Press Leased Wire.) OLYIMJPI'A, May 20.— IH| Gillian, superintendent of the con- vict rock crushing plant at Mes kill in Lewis county, ' wrote a "sassy" letter to Commissioner. H. L. Bowlby and the latter prompt ly discharged the offender. He will he replaced by F. W. Beld- Ing. SEATTLE ASPHALT PLANT BURNS (By United Press Leased Wire.) SEATTLE, May 20.Fire de stroyed the Independent Asphalt company's plant, the Occidental Coal .. company's plant anil % the bunkers of the Vashon Sand & Gravel company at 5 o'clock this morning. The lose is estimated at $30,000. .7- .::*•. • .7 ... . The fire started when hot as phalt, leaking from a tank be came ignited. • . •-■ aiaaa^Ma^aA^a»aava#a»MMa^aja^a*a^Ma^a*Mi*a*a#a*a^aaaaaaa' WILL EM, FOR LESS Come and convince yourself that our up-to-date hats are away down In price, as we wish to close out our trimmed stock. Hats dyed, cleaned and reblocked. Plumes dyed, clean ed, curled, remade and wlllowed, at the Model Millinery Parlors, . 522 Provident Bldg.. Paclfio aye. THE TACOMA TIMES MRS. FORBES IS lie TO Jin. (By United Press Leased Wire.) BRIDGEPORT, Conn., May 20. "Jessie Livingston Forties, wife of Holland Forbes, the aero naut, was taken to the county Jail yesterday for contempt because she had failed to pay a Judgment of $3,750 secured against her' by Mrs. Ida Rowley for alienating the affections of Mrs. Rowley's . hus band who was a ' chauffeur for Mrs. Forbes. • GRAIN WAREHOUSES IN 4 STATES MERGE (By. United Press Leased Wire.) SPOKANE, May 20. —Over 100 co-operative grain warehouses In Washington, Montana, Idaho and Utah will be merged into a unit organisation following the action of representatives of the various farmers' warehouse companies yesterday. The . new warehouse system will buy and market Its grain as one body. GOV. BRADY IS AGAINST SALOON (By United Press Leased Wire.) BOISE, Ida., May 20.—A vote of thanks will he tendered' Gov ernor Brady by the deelgates at ending the state anti-saloon con gress heer today, following the governor's speech before the con gress in which he clearly intimat ed that he stood for temperance and would assist in closing the sa loons in Idaho. '-"7" FIRST SENTENCE FOR STATUTORY OFFENSE (By United Press Leased Wire.)' OHEHAiLrS. May 20. —Ed Brown was yesterday sentenced to the penitentiary for an inde terminate term for living off i the earnings of fallen women. He pleaded guilty when confronted with the evidence against him. It is the first case of the hind ever .prosecuted In Lewis county. MORTALITY NOTES The funeral of the late Fred' Harkins, who died May 1G at his residence, 2805 South I street, will be held Sunday at 11' a.' m. from Hoska's chapel. •-■ ••■>• <Mll< > .*. \N TO IHI HI VI The Ohio club is planning a big picnic for- the afternoon of Decor ation day at Point Defiance park. Everybody who ever lived la Ohio is Invited and orders are to bring well filled baskets of lunch for an afternoon and evening. IIS. GUNBOAT DRIVES AWAY MADRIZ BOAT BTJITEFIELDS, Nicaragua, May 20. —The United States gun-boat 1 Paducah yesterday drove the Ma rls guniboat Venus away from ths port of Bluefields. The officers of the Paducah re fuse to say how near they came to a clash with the little Nicaraguan boat. .•■': ; •. .'■ .. ' '. , TEACHERS GET DESERVED RAISE Tacoma school teachers got a big boost in salaries at the board meeting Wednesday. Some in creases amounted to $300 a year. The lowest Is $120 a year. It will amount to thousands of dollars in the aggregate. A report for a lesser Increase was voted down and the minority report for the Ibig boost went through with a whirl. ._ .... • TRAIN KILLS WOMAN ROSBBU'RG, Ore., May, 20. — An inquest will be held today on the body of Mrs. Francis Russell, aged 68 years, a prominent local woman who was killed by a Southern Pacific passenger train at Wilbur last night. FOUND SOMETHING TO CURE ECZEMA Trial Results in Complete Cure of Fifteen-Year . Case in Two Weeks In a letter published In his lodge paper, Mr. F. O. Thompson, of Elizabeth, N. J., states that ho was a sufferer from eczema for fifteen years, and one day spoke about his trouble to Dr. L. E. Todd. "Dr. Todd replied that ho had something that would relievo If not permanently cure me," says Mr. Thompson, "but after treat ment for. so many years I had grave doubts. The doctor pro duced a box of poslam, and I prom teed to give it a faithful trial. I followed directions, and in two weeks' time find myself entirely sured. The fifty cents I paid for :he box was tho best Investment I sver made." " Not alone eczema, but every surface skin disease is permanent ly eradicated by poslam, itching being stopped at once. *. Write to the Emergency Labor atories, 32 -West Twenty-fifth street, New York City, for a free I trial package of poslam. With this sample alone complex! flay be cleared and pimples banished from the face. Malstrom's, Ninth and C st. and 938 Pacific aye., and the Crown Drug Co., as well as all good drug gists everywhere, always carry poslam In the regular sizes at 50 cents and $2. Friday, May 20, 1910 KuIIITY Iff APS H\OUNTS OUNTS IVLlirlll iJ IVOUNTS .:"■'. - . t .- . _. ... ;, .ii ,:*; -. : - . ■_* -■ * _ KITCHEN SPECIALS! FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY EXTRA Special! waffle iron B' m Wagner Wafflo Irons for coal or gas range. No. mSK^Hty>ft^fcf.C h v) m Wagner Wafflo lions for coal or gas range. No. mmWEmWIJmW^MzM' l* a. .***<_ _•_ 8 size, reg. $1.25. OQ M i^si^^m _r*• ■ _r_t s iiai • o**c BKtSSb • lilf*_4 *** Th. _T 9 ■ No- 9 size= regular $1.50. CI f\C Mimzm W •[» n_H I Special apliU3 __ This Steel Range has body of Wellsvllle blued I^UCKCI M IdICU 1 C<* steel asbestos lined throughout, drop fire door, ■■gj_ai___ plain oval-shaped nickel trimmings, duplex ¥ < ~' sal ft.--. grate for coal or wood, extra heavy castings in I^.CttlG Ar^ —**"»w™"*«^^ fire box. A high grade guaranteed Steel Range, ■»— ™»*> »»»*•—%•» II worth $45.00. CQfl AA <*V J Special, only $dUiUU _ j^ The kitchen is not com- i*'f-'~^ffSS^JH *Tl*l*f* f Wi siil Food Chopper. It ■ "^^MB&tal "'"fi; "■' "9SmmWof^ chops all kinds of meat **^H Tj&r or vegetables fine or J^ II coarse as wanted; reg- "(g—IP 11 'JmA Extra heavy nickel-plated Tea Kettle; good value ular price 01 Oft r__B at $1.25. CQr> $1.60. Spec. *p Is — U -"-- Special 03b ' Use Our Liberal Credit Plan— BuyNow —Pay Later Mail Orders Filled at Advertised Prices W M^o\ rtrn^^ 11 ggftgfc 1/ E T^S^^^^-^i_L _ _^8 B_y J^L\mr^ FURNISHINGS §)gf IiOUNT K^^^^^w^Mfli»^BTfl^BM|BirHHH!L_U*l*i*— New Arrivals .. . .. . . . . . . «. By Express: &&:....:::■'. A new arrival in Summer ytr*-. iW'rjW&\ Clothing is awaiting your . V%^f k*sY V approval at this store _j_*yii^i_ —^ Hand-tailored bench work i^ i"^x l^Ti^t^iMfi—^^s clothes that are made by f^L^T l_i/^P^^Mr^ft tailors "who turn out /vlvTl ml clothing second to none. / p^M B**/\s*k't* < VmW&Z^tm $1 MfA (r\Wp*L ' iV'f _Pl TaV Bal _W ■ B r,x. By n,^ vP Jft 1 /.O\J §jßmm%J*fc'r V § A.— Wfym/ -■— ————— . // T^ vi^3?_Ml __AND // r^^R 15— ul'^J For Suits that you pay -|^ M#B&&^Jira-' --$15.00 and $20.00 for else- WJjjk mTjM a-—-——»-—--»■———■—■—-—— ——— ' * ——— ' ' ——__4j . a___M__H____MJ__M__________aM______M_m____M______^^^n_____________MM_______| • ■'■'.. '■.. ' :•. r' ■•'■:'.- 7 "■.'T'.-""':!*r-':?';-'rV. i""*-\!': ; '..'■": v ' ■■■'■'■':.■. A bright, new,"clean stock for you to choose from. Sole agents for the Kingsbury Hat—Beats any $5.00 in town, and sold , "'J77". •"'■ ■ ■;.-" - " here for $3.00. l'F'% KAUFMANN TAILORED READY CLOTHING r : 1323 Pacific Aye., Corner Fourteenth St. • # CHICAGO I 1 Chicago Dentists I Dr. SLAYDEN Eve Specialists hmu pscm* a»«. „ _ . osteopath 3 -"»*«-* Phones. Graduate from tbe KlrkvlUs »8S GLASSES FOR fl ■.^ op^7i^OTT«ia-* I "School « Osteopathy. , 888 Provident Bldg.: I OPBM i*™*™™ ; -k",,;.| Office 821-8 Fidelity Bldg. . ■ ■■■ ________■_■_ ' -Phone Main 1884. *"*;.•>■-■•.*