If You Have a Kick- Tell it to the Times. The Times N iau TTnlted Presa I.enned Wire.) TONKERS, N. T, Dec. 26.—Clara Morris, the actress, who went blind recently, is slowly recovering her sight, according to frlonds here to day. It Is said that she can now distinguish between light and dark ness and her friends are confident that she will be able Boon to see again. laid that he took poison and pre :ended to be in a dying agony. On the 13 th of November he is klleged by his wife to have loaded i revolver and locked himself up n a bedroom, telling his wife that le was going to blow his brains nit immediately. Black is still alive and able to >am $126 a month as a book tee per. There are two children in the 'amily. NEARLY $160.00 CONTRIBUTED BY THE PUBLIC CHEERLESS HOMES MADE HAPPY AS RESULT OF HEARTY RESPONSE FOLLOWING LETTER OF ALICE, WHO WANTED A "DOLL WITH BROWN EYES LIKE MY DEAD PAPA. The Times Santa Clauß made four 'hundred children of Tacoma and vicinity happy. In tills 'he was assisted by cheerful givers who contributed $162.19 to the Santa Glaus fund In. addition to' many toys and articles of clothing;. - Almost all the packages have been delivered although there are still some let*, in the office. Be lated letters made it impossible for the automobile to reach all the houses and when the number of chH'diren aided is taken Into con sideration it w-ilil 'be seen winy some ihave ibeen asked to visit the office. • _ Some calls came from Puyalluip. Children w:ho wrote from Puyalhiip and whose names are on the Santa Glaus list may come to the office if they choose to get their bundles and their car fare will be paid. Other children who ;Mved on the SOME LITTLE DIGS AND OTHER THINGS Go It, Carnegie! Go It, Rocke feller!- You may be poor but hon est yet! • • • Mrs. Eddy's iheirs now promise to make a flght against burial in Mt. Aulbuffin oemetery, Boston. First thing those (heirs know, tlheyll find themselves to be ex ceedingly unpopular. • • • . They can't find one single thine to warrant changing that New York explosion to organized labor. • • • Having flnleflied his gift of $35,- World News Sf In Brief Jo NASHUA. N. H., Deo. 28.—The bite of a dog three years ago caus ed the death today of Charles I. Richards, 48, local agent (or the New Hampshire Woman's Humane ■oolety Richards was taken 111 with pneumonia, and yeaterday ■ymptoms of hydrophobia devel oped. GREENFIELD, Mass., Dec. 26.— Tames J. Casey of Waterbury, Conn., charged with vagrancy, attempted to {rain his freedom by eating the Commonwealth's evidence. He succeeded in getting one large bite of th« wrlttan avpcal with which he had been soliciting alma. "Very convlnolng," said the court is It glanced at the rtmnant of Casey's lunch. "Six months in Jail, Casey." HANSON, Mass., Dec 28.—When Chester Truner was ready to arise this morning he could not move. He had dislocated his hip while asleep. ATLANTA, Dec. 24.—Tn response to the request of Charles W. Morse, made through the warden of the fed eral prison, members of the "Mid night Sons" company made a trip to the prison and with itong, dance and Jest mode happy two hours for 700 men. CAMDEN, N. J., Dec. J?«.—With their arms about each other, How ard Newoomb and Mrs. Nellie N. Hall were found asphyxiated In a room where they .had 11/ ed a week. A gas jet was found opes In the room. TACOMA, WASHINGTON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1910. outskirts of town and whom the Santa auto did' not TeacHi will be given their car fare at the Times office. Last week was perhaps the most strenuous ever sipent In the Times offilce. It is (generally a task ito pu'blisih a newspaper with nothing to- interfere. But with countless children coming to the Times building, with gifts and foir gifts; presents to-be bought and wrap ped, the regular diutles would have seemed light." Since the day two weeks ago when a little girl named 1 Afllce wrote for a d 0.1,1 with, brown eyes because her .dead 'papa had brown ey«s the public 'has responded heartily and the Times wae glad to do Its share in making the youngsters happy. f Gocdibye, says Santa, ■until an other year. 000,000 to Chicago university, Rockefeller says he'll now quit and let the university do its own begigiiig or growing, as it were. Ab a labor of love, Editor Spreckels is now telling Hi-nam Johnson how not to kick tine S.P. out. c • • Several Pacific coast elites aTe trying to stoip the speed craze by putting "bump gutters" In the streets at tlhe crosewiaJl.ks. Ought to make 'em deep enough for near victims to dive Into. •THEN IT HAPPENED^ Our Dally Discontinued Story. For an ardent sportsman lignatz Hassenipfeffer bad all other Nlm rods lashed to ' the mast. And while they were laahedi to the mast Ignatz . took ■ advantage of them and hied afield to shoot the succulent hare and the delectable! Boib White. , ~ ■ - , .;, ; - Ignatz bad one Calling,. bow ever, that made 'him a fea/rfjully bad risk for accident insurance. Lgnatz was careless -with firearms. ■ - On a .particularly bright | crisp, November day- I&na-tz dragged bis double .barreled- shotgun throuigjh a fence, end—• •-" - ;■ . . .--i. --:■; : (THE , END.) / WAITER BADLY SCALDED ■ Arthur M. Olson, employe of the lunch counter in the Board 'of Trade saloon, was badly scalded to day, and 'it - was ' necessary to - re move him to the county hospital. Boiling. water ; was ■•: accidentally spattered over his face, neck and arm» ; .:m^^SSa^iS^SS. -<■ BULLETINS^ \TTTOIJIA, B. r., Dec. 2fl.— Advices Just reaching here from the Orient mij that hi rue quantities of arms are lM'iug sliipin ed Into tlie country noverned by IJrltaln by the ««> of tilto H<u tiding wJlure the ex plosive is bellcvd to ha/ye been l*laced, a low grade of dynamite van used and was got off by ■ long fuse. A portion of this f.us«. has been found and is being held by the police. Estimates of the damage done vary. The more conservative place It at from $10,000 to 916,000. It is possible that 125,000 is nearer the correct figure. Night Watch mas .1. E. Asbury, a negro, who was the only person injured. Is un able to g'lve the officers any ma terial assistance. Asbury was badly bruised and his right arm cut by the explosion. The authorities are searching for three men ween running from BRIDE DESERTED AND LEFT PENNILESS AND IN DEBT Did Otto Ashbaugh, a laundry i driver, deliberately desert his wife, or has he been unavoidably detained somewhere? A poor little woman, slight and tearful, Is revolving this question over and over In her mind today, ml her home, Sl7 Thirteenth; street. She is not sure which Is! the case. She hopes It is the lat-| ter, but fears the former, for she I begun a careful investigation on Saturday, and the results lead her to the belief that her husband had everything carefully planned out. "Why, I would have staled my 1 life that otto would have returned Saturday night as he promised! me," the said to The Times this morning. "He was alwaj'R good to me: we never had a word in disagree- DOYOU KNOW That mimsliimi carrot* nnka n fairly good sui'ostltute for i*k* in puddlnig« and are a lot oheaiwr? Tlint Rev. T. M. Iriine of the First Methodist church ukiiKil- Ist, Is the ;proud father of a little 'daughter? That there were Just two drums left in Rhodes Brothers' 'fetore at half poet eigiht o'clock last Sat urday night Tlint efforts are being made to provide for t>be free use of radium for medicinal purposes by persons unable to pay for treatment? That, Tacnina Iwid a lienvy snow In tlhe flrßt week of December a year ago ■ several articles of J«wedTjr that That Taeoma handles more cars had been stolen Friday night from of freight than any other city In the residence of C. J. Oarr. Ryan the northwest? and SraKt had t.he Jewelry In their ———' [poeseeatoin and claim It w«e given That Frccmont Campbell was In them by a stranger. The at temp tbe grocery business In Tacoma In ed robbery In the galoot* netted 1880? - )the two prisoners nothing. Two Children Burned to Death In Seattle H9ATTUB, Dee. 26—Lying In twin] Fire broke out In t>ie O'Connor caskets wher« the Chrivlmas true home at S o'clock Sunday morning, was to have been placed, the bodies' Kvery effort wu mad* to reach of Donald O'Connor, Wo years old, I the room where the two little chll nnd his baby slater, Bertha, only alx.dren were aleeplnc but they ware , months old, are laday awaiting the dead when reacnera cam*. Both drive to the cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor were ter- The babea were burned to death rlbly burned trying to get to tha early yeaterday In a fire which de- children ■troyt-d the horns of their parents. The fire was due to tha exploa- Mr, and Mrs. Daniel O'Connor. ion of an oil lamp. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••* : .-'. " ' •,-•- -. •• ....... . . ----••:» • JGES DOUBLE BY SERVING IiATTBR'S SENTENCE • • • • - NEW HAVEN, Dec. 26.—There are two John O. Pollack* • • in Waterbury, Conn., both looking exactly alike -and living In • • the same house. They are cousins, but John No 2 Is unm*r- • • 'ried.::-v. ■. ;':^; > -.: .-•-:-. ,-•■-• :'""-V.r^'*i i « • ft ; No. 1 we* arrested for a breach of the peace and penmd- • • ed No. 2 to be th« float. No. 2 took his place In court, plead- • • ed »ullty and served the 20 days' sentence. ■ • .-'.■'■ ■'"■■'■■ ■•':~^ r:^i% • „':' - But there was an old fine against* No. 1, and when No. 2 • • was arraigned to explain why he hadn't raid It be said It was • • the last straw and gave the thing away. ,\ The authorities sow • • say No. 2 will have to serve a 2 ) days' sentence and No. 2 »ay» • • he Is golog to sue for,false Imprisonment,"-stt§| • „- -„ -.- -v -.-. -^^-,^-~»-- s^,^V^'*J- I?*^'^ir I'-P™—e-^-- -r- - , 30 CENTS A MONTH. the building shortly before the ex /jvli»Io« occurred by Wll.lLi.in Yin», night watchman for Uhe Lecay Manufacturing company's nearby plant. Vine declared tJiat one of the men shot at him as they ran. The ;;t»";iihl floor officon wex« fr!sinfully wrecked and the tele flhone hi<*.h he was unaibfle to extricate himself. He w*ub re moveil by the police. Mayor Ooorgo Alexander visited the damaged plant late last even ing. He was taken over t'h-o ruins by dynamite export*, who explain ed to him the exact position of the dynamite and gave their rea sons for lmlie-vliiK this explosive was Hie cause of the affair. "Our plaint has been dynamited is certain," eald Secretory John Llewellyn of the oompany today. "This miserable affair is part of a l>k>t to "get 1 üb. It was committed by enemies of the company and I am willing to say they were no: non-union men.. We will spare no expense to ®et to the bottom of the affair." • i ment. It Is like a thunderbolt. If true, that he has left mo delib , erately after only being married since Inst August. I lor* Otto and I still believe In him, but —" Ever since Wednesday after noon when Ashbaugh packed his , things and left, presumably for IBelltngbam, where he told Ills i wife he was going, there have ■ ; been rumors among the neighbors i that he had gone away with an i other woman. 1- She stated this morning that Ashbaugh had taken her Jewelry, saying he was going to borrow money with It to buy Into a busi ness In Bellinghain. Mrs. Ash baugh is left In debt almost (200, ; and lilts only her furniture left. She Intends to take legal steps In the matter of her husband's dis ■ appearance. Mob Shoots Man Dead HOT SPRINGS, Ark.. Deo. 26. —While deputies were trying to take Oscar Chitwood, a moun taineer, qu,icUy out of town, 30 masked men overi>owered the of ficers today and shot Ohltwood to dt'ath. The (prisoner was literally shot to pieces by bulleta. Ohltwood recently wilb »»iaiitp4 ;i chiiii'Re of venue to Hunton, Ark., and wns being taknn t)hor« today for trial on a chtiirgo of having murdered Sheriff Jacob Houpt last August. LLEGED HOLDUP HAS CARR JEWELS The Imldju's of Jnmea Ryan and Harry 6mlU In trying to rob a laborer In broad daylight in a Pa cific avenue saloon Saturday after noon not onJy landed them in jail i-iit resulted in the dlaoovery of