Newspaper Page Text
Friday, Kov. 3, 1911. JUST FAILS TO AGREE IN CASE of irs. ran OI'KLOrSAS, La., Nov. 3. — The jury in the case of Mrs. J. P. Mcf'ree, charged with the murder of Allen <!arland, reported a dis apreement today. The case went to the jury at noon yesterday. Immediate steps are ibelng tak en for a second trial. Complete Cast for Fairy Playlette The cast for "The Toys Awake," a spectacular little play to be given the evening of No vember 10 and matinee the fol lowing day at the Taconia theater under the auspices of the Y. W. C. A. is practically completed. The story of the pluy is based on an old German legend of a toymaker at Nuremburg. The "biene is laid in the kiiiK s palace, Correct Dancing Dreamland Dancing Academy Cor. 11 til and So. I) St. lvil gore's Full Orchestra Every Saturday Evening. Gentlemen 50c. .Ladies Free. THE SECRET OF SUCCESS The secret of success is not so much in knowing how to lnako money as in the ability to hang onto it. We asaist people in thoir efforts to save money. If this matter concerns you, call and sco ub about it. 4 o/o BANKERS TRUST CO. BANK 4 o/o Capital $300,000.00 Bankers Trust Building, Tacoma, Wash. 18 Button Calf Hi IVB» £2rl2*ii***& SCSS& i 16-Button Tan Hi Tops, $2.95. j |rES§EMIK I Rf§R9iI« Tops, $3.39. SHOE SALE, Saturday We want to introduce the Cutter & Chippewa shoes for boys to those who are not acquainted with the wonderful wearing qualities that have made them famous. The saying with us and by those who know them is, "Keep soles on them and expect nine months' wear." They do even bet ter. It settles the shoe question for boys if you will try one pair. The shoes will do the rest. All sizes of all styles on hand for tomorrow. A new shipment of Cutter and Chippewa shoes for hoys has arrived. Chippewa 10 V^B^^p^^^^^^P^F /^"^^ Chippewa 10 inch Top Tan 4: • «l Inch Blaok Crome Kip. f' wrffifly v "v ■3S Crome Kip. On- pair lasts nil HEsiiilii&^'jSa* *$&&&,*^\ **■'•**Hi •;;1 '"'" '"" double r with half wSn^m^'J^W^^fSK^' "' !f|bU soles, double fns- B - . W3b tenod, hard fln twho. they keep Sj^fe^^^^M^^BP |3jßj|]tf~i£jf full bellows tho boys' feet M mrnrfßlTii SrKßtf'StK tongues, one p»ir idry uiul hi' if^H9tt)i uwbSb lasts "H w<nt>'r ' health Rood; Bfi HmPI^P'W? I ' 1 "''"lo "" "'"'" sizes 2 1-2 to C, jJlK^f^^^V^. wl '■'' I 12 l 0 2, '$8.001 a liair £j&T^&^ '&£•;■' WSAflpr 2 1-2 to 6, a pali I m mtt BBKHSHafIL^CJSI^ A 3L?«* '-s» /W ( > lithß^ffix 111 I I I Chippewa Extra High Cuts Black crome oil calf uppers, double fastened soles, full bellows tongues, outside counters logger style, sizes 12 to 2, $3.35; *fcQ OC sizes 2y 2 to 6, a pair >T . «PO.OO Cutter Shoes for Boys Chippewa Boys' Shoes Regular height boys' shoes, good for nine months Regular Height of the hardest wear If you keep soles on them; Made of the same good leather as th« 10-Inch they are thick and heavy, made to wear, not for tops, closed fronts, full double nailed solos, all looks; sizes 9to 2, $2.28; CO Cfl wide width; sizes 12 to 2, 92.25) An EH sizes 2 1-2 to 6, a pair .. . «p£ivfU sizes 2 1-2 to 6, a. pair o)c.,%JU Ladies' Dull Calf Low Heel Tan Russia Black Velvet Top Shoes Button Ladies' Shoes ladies' patent vamp velvet top Russia tan calf, button, ext.eo- button shoes, tiger eye buttons. New short vamp, high toe style, slon sole shoes for ladles and extension welt soles, high toes, Just in, heavy soles, genuine big girls, with medium heels, Cuban heels, short vamps, new <»lf vamps, dull kid tops, Oub- about 1 1-4 In. high, gervicea- neat and up-to-date, all sizes an heels, all sizes and widths; ble style for winter wear; sizes and widths, $8.50 shoes, a 13.G0 shoes. Special CO QQ 2 1-2 to 7, $4.00 shoes CO DC pair CO QQ for Saturday, a pair . .s£. ■ *JQ a pair $£iUU Saturday $£iO3 in n■ ii i\it ¥i • Ladies' 16-Button Shoes on Sale Ib-Dutton Dark lan Russia Tomorrow Oal< shoes for ladles new short vamp, high to, KllKf^SXS.' ffii^SSJ ££? last, Ouban h««ls, extension soles; $4.00 shoes. extension solos, dull kid tops with 16 buttons: On .Mile Saturday, »q QQ sizes 2 1-2 to 7, $4.00 shoes, on On (JC all sizes, a pair «pJi Jd Bale Saturday, a pair y&itlw Homey Comfort Shoes All Felt House Shoes Flannel Hn«d kid «ho«« for old ladle*, "awful" __,. . , ' Wide. toe.. »}6s and lw»I% eoUd comfort, warm Felt BhoM - folt tO P". houM Bhoes - °™ Ml*»' iraoes; sices 4to 8. On salt O1 MQ style to "*lt around In," good Quality; 0 4 Bf| tomorrow, a pujr ................... V I i*rU sizes 4toß, a pair $ 1 lull Km ' .*.-;-■_ : ' ■-.■-.-■■ ■ - ■..- ' ■ ■■--■■ ■-■- ■ - - ■■- .l Women Acquit Man Accused of Printing Obscene Matter i (By VtaHad rr«».,s I.eii-cl Wire.) LOS 4NOBLJM. Nov. 3.--•■We, tlie women of this jury, find the defendant, A. A. King, editor of the Watts News, not guilty." Thete words, coming from the first woman jury ever to try a BMe. in the state of California, to day me still rmgiuif in the ears of King, who was on trial for hav ing circulated an "obscene and indecent newspajier." King had accused members of the Watts board of tfiMteea of having applied pro'ane epithets to him, and printed the exact words which be aliened the city tinl event being the anniversary of the queen's birthday. Mrs. Sydney Anderson will .play the role of the fairy queen and Mrs. L. J. W. Jones the part of the queen of toyland. The queens' attendants will be Mrs. .1. A. Wol bert. Miss Frances Hubbert, Miss Virginia Caesar, Miss Margaret Temple, Miss Jessie Loose and Miss Nellie Bennett The dancers in the minuet figures will be Mrs. Grant S. Hicks, Mrs. T. I). Cur ran, Mrs. L. H. Dean, Miss Ava Jane Raze, Miss Margaret Dana her, Miss Rhoda Vaeth and Miss Elizabeth Metcalf. The tambour ine dancers will include Mrs. Chandler Sloan, Mrs. James 11. Page, Mrs. George B. Smith, Miss Louise Stone, Miss Dean Wade, Miss Katharine Skown, Mice Jes sie- Roberta, Miss Mary Snyder. • CONSOLING. • • She —.Do you really think • • I am so very fat, Mr. Smith? • • He — Why, no; 1 saw a • • lady in a circus the other • • day who must have weighed • • at. least 50 pounds morn • • than you. — Philadelphia • • Telegraph. • l official uttered. These words cast aspersions on KinKs parentage, with the condemnation of the Creator prefixed. In explaining the Jury's de cision Mrs. Mcl He Moouinu, the youngest member, who is 22, said: "Our verdict did not mean that we approved of such lang uage. It meant that we believed the defendant was honest in his endeavor to aid the public when he pflnted the article. It isn't half so shocking to read tmch language iv the privacy of our homes as it Is to hear It on th« streets." KILLS STRIKER, CLAIMS SELF DEFENSE PORTLAND, Nov. 3. —Under arrest today pending an investi gation into the killing of W. A. Wortnian, a striking machinist. Hun Hicks, an employing ma chinist, who shot YVortman last night in a clothing store on the KiiKt Fide, ciiintuined that lie fire,,! in mM defense. Hicks said Wort man, whom he had never seen before! insulted him and thon attacked him. Hicks said !.<■ uhot, believing Wort mail meant to kill him. FIRST SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE DEAD (My United Tress Leaved Wire.) ST. LOUIS, Nov. B.—Stricken with apoplexy, Norroiin J. Cole man first secretary of agriculture, aged 84, is dead today, alter an attack which seized him on a train. Coleman organized the de partment of agriculture under President Cleveland. THE TACOMA I't*mp«» Bargain Annex 1151 C STREET Let's Get Acquainted The Prices and Good Goods Will Do the Rest The Money Saving Center in Ladies Ready-to-Wear Goods If I knew you and you knew me, 'Tis seldom we would disagree. How little to complain there 'd be If I knew you and you knew me. Bead these prices carefully and then come to our store and convince yourself that every article is exactly as advertised— $35.00 Silk Pongee «Q QQ $1 R. 50 Ladies' Long CCOO Suits ... $ZidU Coats «pU.OU ♦to.oß wool jc OO $19 I>H(I , OS . , -_ QQ tSfig?. $11.98 !«!;•• -<"- Long $8 98 $27.50 Wool CIO DO CoaU *0.00 Suits ...-...■...•.. (lIOiUU $25.00 Indies' Long *. 1 1 QO $30.00 Wool &4 CQQ Coats *l I • <JU Suits .. r . I J.JO $30.00 ladles' Long Pl) QQ $2. BUr Silk. C■! CQ I Coats $IGiUO «f.Vr C'« tS ..' -- «PliOO $15.00 Black Fur $4.98 $1.25 Muslin m 8P(8 $4.30 E![°"""::::: ::::;:::::::: 79 C ---"" 79c $2.50 Ladles' Whlto 70_ i $7.50 silk *< 00 Waists IDC I Pottl<'OHtH «Pll«JO Csc Corset ' Oil $1.25 Tailored Flannel CO* Covers .......... tHC I Waists , UUC 7»c Cornet AQr* $6.00 Ladies' Dress **) QQ Covers *.., 'WC Skirts <|»/. •DO $35.00 Long Oaracul 01 R OD f $«S-75 Ladles' Dress AQ QQ Coats <j)tJ,JU Skirls $UiUO $16.75 Long Rain CO QC $7.75 Ladies' In.-..; mil QQ Coats »... »>Ui«j3 Skirts $6.50 Black Silk CO QD $1.98 Long Crepe QO/» Waist ptidO Kimonag . . . JOb $1.25 Cotton CQ« $2.25 Cotton OQ« Blankets , OjC j Illankcts DOC Choice of Any Trimmed Hat $2.25 Bargain Annex 1151 C Street. Olympia Boat M I AMI.II NISQUALLY ', EVKHY DAY 10:4S A. M. and 4:45 P. M. from Municipal Dock 3I,YMPI.\ & TAOOMA NAY. OO M. 6808. A 4808 "^PFAFFcst EYES TESTED. GLASSES FITTED Opposite Arcade Store. A Little Reflection WILL Convince most any one with a reasonable mind that a little money epent on their tooth, once in a while la the money spent to the greiitetit advant age. Watch (or the small oavlttee. It is much cheaper and better to have a cavity fiMc-d v uen they are timall than wbon theY get to aching and too large to hold a filling properly. By neglecting l\6 9IX»aO cavitl«| they soon have td te oapped with gold crowha, ooetlng in the long run fire to ilv tlmea as much to care th,e tooth. So reflect a little and get busy with those small fillings. It will pay you in th« long run. ; Consult a dentist you have confidence In at once. Our prtces are as low as Ja consistent with first class wort TAOOMA DENTAL PARLORS Rldpath Hotel Dldg. 1146%Pac. ay. Phone M. 4282 Lady Attendants.. Opposite White Lunch. Dm. O. F. Korrls rud D. L. McOaw, Props. Strs. Indianapolis v and Flyer The faiteat p.nd /meat day (teaniera on the coa«L KiaßT HOtnVD TRIPS PAILT nlttlpU X>oak at 1:00. «:00. lFiOt a. m., 1:00. »iOO. 8:00. f!so t:00 p. m. . *r» £?**s%.* from Colmw (Jock, 7 100, /IW). l\:v0 ATM. 1:00, 8:00. BiOO. i*vo,_riff? p. m. • Real Tailor Service jO U- /Jf\ now within, xraf JKMlni '9 vSi rciicli of #^aKlll every man: iJiMMMm^Ji ®\ ii There J a me ■ivlPSSlv 111 when man's sense JtllWtmw II oi econom y die- Q ffiMl?»\ / I tated that he buy yCinr H Rea d y Made' \ uuilll I 1 clothes ("cold I jpUI " f clothes ("cold stor \ W II \ \ 1 UNION LABEL IN 1 JIPfC dothes" VVC 1 \b 1 » " " EVERY GARMENT lit ;w' J J call them). Now that time is past. There's no need of yoat wearing a poor imitation of the tailor's art. Why? This is the reason, pure and simple: you can n-o-w wear real high class, made to measure clothes and pay less for them than you did for your last season's store suit. Our system gratifies that secret desire of most every man. That is, to wear garments whose very cut bespeaks Ms tailor's skill. You'll find it worth your while even to see the great array of new woolens. Pwre wool—and shrink proof.' Suit or Overcoat No other tailor on earth can duplicate our values H^feJGi under $25, HB •The Scotch woolen -^ mm i ~^+ (T World's Greatest Mills were the origl- A\^P Tailors. natore end the first iff/)7i/D7f aiiore. tailor, to make $15 jMJmJK^tittf* ****&* •lilts possible^ and \ Sf jFWrwr&Wfm'Wm§ SOS always first in value-, IFT T'l'llHPiimwiimPiiiilff 1 Ml'ilffiP^ *&***+& riving in the face of 1111 j " F^l I a BTBP^ w% •/•• * fh«most.unßcrupu-' milylllPi ' raCIIIC AVCI'Dlie £ovp oompetiaoo. "^^^l^^^^^ umm*m w nmvtroftg "Distinction in Clothes" SE^9*- 080 MANSFIELD Bradley & Prewett 942 Pacific Aye. This overcoat is one of the many In our stock that we nro specially proud of. It combs just below the knee and fits in snugly at the buck. The colors arc gray mixture, brown mixture, dark oxford, gray and black. The Price Is $25.00 Then wo have other loose box back coats in knee length and full length — $20.00, $25.00, $30.00, $35.00 Come in and talk the matter over with us. We will bo glad to show you. The weather is quito uncertain now, and you never know when you may need an overcoat. Better buy early and bo prepared. PAGE SEVEN