Newspaper Page Text
Monday, April 8,1912. The Ilium--.!i-hil club -.i\.- a sur prise party last week to Andrew Nelson at his home, 2117 Wilke son street, aud another to T. S. Hull, a member of the order, at 0636 South Warner street. • • ■ I'ugrt Sound HouieMtead No. 82i», will meet at Eagles" ball Tuesday evening. • • • A very interesting ri'port was reed Saturday afternoon at the state assembly of the D. A. R. by Alra. O. G. Kills, state historian. • • • A rard party for tin- l>onofit of Bt. Leo's school will be given April 15 at Eagles' hull. « • • An all-day meeting of the wo men interested in the rare of those confined In hospitals with conta gious diseases will be held tomor row at the South Hide Club house. South 56th and L streets. Smith, Florist. Main497B. »(>HC. * Gone Forever? If you neglect to copy the old and fading picture of your loved ones. I guarantee a better result than the original by combining "Art and Photography." Harriette Ihrig 906 1-2 Pacific ay., Tacoma. Out-of-town trade solicited. YOU TAKE NO CHANCES WHEN YOU BUY YOUR ' ' GROCERIES HERE. WE SELL NOTHING BUT PURE HEALTHFUIj GOODS, THE PICK OK THE WORLD'S HKST PRODUCTS, INTELLI GENTLY HANDLED BO ; fc THAT THEY REACH YOU IN THE BEST ) POSSIBLE CONDITION AND THIS FOR : ■ - LESS MONEY THAN YOU NOW PAY FOR INFERIOR GOODS. COMPARE OUR PRICES. SPECIALS FOR TUES DAY AND WEDNESDAY 4 cans Yelo- 0 C#» ban Milk £3C Violet Oats, 1 flr» j per package I UC 2 pkgs. best 1 X*» Domestic Macaroni lUC Best Oregon Creamery Butter, 2 -if* ' bricks for ....... I Ulr 1 lb. can Royal QQn ; Baking Powder ...Gulf ; lOc boxes , C _ ; Safety Matches .... 3C Rising Sun Stove Polish, 5c per package. Extra Solid Pack Tomatoes, lie ran. The quality oth ers ask 15c for. Good standard Tomatoes, 3 for 25c. ' ■ ■ .. C Good standard Corn, 3 for h 25c. :■ * • - ■■' • Good standard Peas, 3 for ' -25c.. ... •_.;" Salmon, 3 for 25c. - Red Kidney Beans, 3 ■ for •■•<• 280. .• -;>■: ';:•■'■.■ .->-.■ Norwegian Sardines, 3 for • 25c. ■ i : , ■ .'.■"- Fresh Asparagus, 4 lbs. for 2Sc. ;< :■"■"■"■-■ Fresh Rhubarb, 6 fbs. for Sso 2 doc. Navel Oranges, 25c. National Blscut Co. and Ev erybody's Crackers, 10c a box-, 8 for 25c. Campbell's Soup, 3 for 25c. j Table Syrup, 2 lb. tins 10c; 5-lb. tins 25c. Pure Eastern Sorghum, 25c a tin. Log Cabin Maple Syrup, quart cans, 4Oc; half gal- ' lon cans, 75c; 1 gal, cans, 91.40. Cottolene, 10-lb. palls, 91.50; 5-lb. palls, 05c. Pure Lard, 10-lb. palls, $1.35 5-lb. pails 70c. ' Pure ' Lard In bulk, 12 l-2c lb., 0 lbs. for 91.00. The economical way ■. to v buy, you don't pay ' for the tin. %_.■-•■■ ■:■ -■ : .•:,..*:■. ; Diamond "M". Flour, $1.25 . per sack, 94.05 bbl. , ■ It's worth more than any ■- other flour on the marker. '. A trial will convince you. Coffee that's purified means 100 per cent core coffee and 25 per ■ cent more flavor. We purify all our 3 coffee carefully. :./- ', Give you more for 30c than :*'•'■: you get elsewhere for 40c. | Our 35c and '40c coffees are not-equaled at any price. I lbs. fine Tea for 91.00. Mac Lea n Brothers "QUALITY GROCERS" •; 032 C Street. ~: " _ Main »00. > 2510 North Proctor. Main 000. ■ Ho. Tmoim Store, B4OS So. Union. Madison 108. . "WB SELL THE BEST • ! FOR CASH FOR LESS" And The Only Trimming Fs An Uncur'ed Ostr eh Feather Singleness Is the cry of millinery this early season. If you vat hag a simple cockade, wing, or plume that is sufficient trimming. A beautiful hat for a young woman is of pink chip with a pearl gray feather. The form of the hat is a semi-low crown and a broad brim. This 1h brought high on the right side of the fare, where an uncurled os trich plume 1b placed. The chip is of a rose pink and the feather is touched with this color at the end*. Chinese Suffragist First To Register in Los Angeles Miss Myra Lee, First Chinese Girl to Become Voter In Los An geles, Swearing to Her Kegintrati on. Miss Myra Lee, a Chinese girl, was the first Oriental woman to register in Los Angeles as a voter. Miss Lee is a suffragette. She is going to teach it to other peo ple's children—here and in China. Miss Lee, besides being Chinese is accomplished. She graduated ■with honors from the grammar schools of Los Angeles and later took a four years' course in the Polytechnic High school, spec:a- 5» kjE^Summit •■ ■nwCxWlliiilHr /fiU^ : : •., tJlis summer? C. The soft stand-up collar that is right on the . shirt does the trick. •: Guiterman Brothers, Makers \, r . i- St. Paul, Minn. , Mzing in literature. Miss Lee is 22, diminutive, round-faced, rosy and the picture of health. She speaks Emglish with a sweetness of expression and a grammatical thoroughness that are most -winsome. A firm believer in woman suf frage. Miss Lee is going to China soon to teach it, along with Eng lish and literature, in a govern ment school, probably in Canton, the birthplace of her father, Lee Kwal Sing. THE TACOICATtfIMES 1 After <<Hl& ii ii ■ i i■ I I IT n v A^^C^ , •• " FItOM ALASKAN < iii;i;i:si-i)Viik\t. - :. "\ \ ■ IH'«r Mlh GN]r:l «m a constant reader of your paper, and - j deeply Interested In your corner. I muNt tell you of the good your jp advice has done one inothcricttb girl away u|» here In the froae* north . sh.- is about;lS rears of ago, and had gotten into bad S /" company and wan gHting so sla c didn't earn what become of; her. In about a mouth site came to me and thanked mr with i. i- in her eyes fur naviug In i from what surely would have In-. her downfall. - I chiiiiol ac<-ept such praUe, ho I must n«>iid Jit on to you, for it was your words that prompted me to send ' them, .mil sho has asked me to thank' you for her.- • - * -► VKKV UItATRFVIi. A.—My Alaskan reader, you should.,have Just as much satis faction and thankfulness for the good done. that girl as I, but It is fine in you to paw it on. It warms the."cockle*" of my heart, and spurs me out noew efforts. *.^ -> . .;;■■•:..■. HAS AN AFFINITY. ' Dear Mix* (iwy :1 mn a married woman, but my husband and 1 art- nut congenial. He gets Rood wages hut de|>cndN on his \ wagon every Knlui <Uiy niitlil. | lVople tell me he spends his money on oilier women, But I have to w* it before. I l><-lie»e It.'- About • a year ago I met a man and think he. in my affinity, If there is Kurd it thing, lie keeps begging <"•*' to leave my huithaud and fly with him. I have thought It over and hate to break up my home, ■ as I have everything I want, 11.- hau notltfag to offer mo but himself, IMi-iis, tell me. what to do? FOOLISH MX. A. — And a mighty poor Belt at that. Not even an aeroplane to "fly" in. Don't do it, "Foolish Liz." No decent man would sug gest such a thing. ,'-■.. ■ . — -. • , THK MAIL IK STIM. HKINU "OPKNEI>." l»<-m- Minn «.r.-t . We are Interested readers of your letter*, especially about husband aud wife o|»ciiing e«ch other's mail. Wo ■ . belie-ve that no lady or gentleman would think of opening the other's mail. Wo almost always «iv.- each other our letter* to rend If they mv not oi>ened in the family . ii. 1.-. Could y*n give uk » cure i..i corns? . A COIUILKK AND HIS WIFK. A.— Loose shoes and protective pads are the best remedies I know. ronnKcrr markiaoh AGE. : Dear Miss Grey: 1 am 10.. Am I too young to go to parties with ktnf My Kilter says I am. What will darken the hair and stop it from falling? Am I too young to wear, a veil? How old should a girl or man be before they get married? MAUIK. . A. —Not If you know how to behave yourself and there is no older member of the family who will act as an escort. Shampoo the head 10 days apart for three times with a solution of croollne in water. Use only enough to make milky. After the 30 days are up. a diluted isolation may be applied to the scalp, once a day. The above will stop the hair from falling. You are too young to wear a veil, un less out driving In the wind. Th« correct age for a man and woman to marry at depends on their jnattirity. Never before 21 for the woman and 25 (or the man, unlrus'tlio circumstances are exceptional. "WIZAHU" ON UIRI, QUKSTION. lK>ar Mills (jrey: I inn a constant reader of your valuable advice. But 1 have never seen a CMS that exactly fits mine. I am a boy of 19, attending high school. Itnthur good looking, well built, and an artist In the science or Mclf defense. I have many girl friends and one particularly) ho him lately offended me on account of a niLinndevHtandlhg caiiKi-d by the losing of a ring, wlilch I attempted to make good for, hut to no avail. Please give me your l.<--( advice coimerning this mutter, that 1 may get an understanding from this friend. You may think me young - to bother with these love affairs, but I can't help it. Be*lde», .1 think I am mature or rattier a wizard on the girl question. Still, I would like to bear from you. U.K. I A. —If your opinion that you are a "wizard on the girl ques tion" Is unaltered by the fact that' you have lost a v ring with which you had no right, I have nothing to say. TO OR ItH) OK IiKAP-YEAIt OIItL. Dear Mlms (irey: 1 am a man of »7 and a cripple. Then* Is a girl of 10 who in crazy about me, and I don't know how to Get rid ojf her. I cannot walk lint drive a machine I never go to see her. Klin (nines to see me mid wit Iks home alone at 1 o'clock. She Ihih about two miles to go. What shall 1 do? Ido not want to lake her to raise. • TIM >l '111,1 :s< »M I;, A. —Report to the protective officer of the Y. W. C. A. Intermarriage of Different Ke- lulls Sects. . Dear Miss Grey: Will you please help me if there is any help for me. I have been going with a young man for v year and we are thinking of getting married in Septem ber. Itiit my mother does not want me to marry him, » us he is a Catholic and I am not. I'll .>»i tell me what to do. K. H. A. There are oases where peo ple of different religious views are happy together, but It takes very broad minded people to bring about this condition. The major ity are happier if they think alike. To Learn to Sew. Dear Miss Grey: I am six teen .-. ■■:>! old and would like to learn sewing, without pay ing much for the lessons. Where can I get a nice piece. % O. H. •A. Apply at the different dress making establishments in the city. They often take girls as appren tices. The Y. W. C. A. also has a dressmaking school, I believe. The Red-Headed Girl. I/ear Miss Grey: I have red ! hair and freckles.. What col ors should I war? I am going to get a party dress, wltat color and what kind of trimming would yon advise? Is It all right to be game and play kissing games at a ! party? RHVMO. A. Blue, . browns and greens would be good colors, for you to wear. Also white and black. For a party dress I would advise a pale blue or green, trimmed with white lace Insertion. The othe- evening I saw a red haired girl In a white dress caught up with pink rose buds and a band of the tame flow ers in her hair. And they did not clash but looked very pretty. Her hair was not a bright color, but dark. - It is not being game to play kissing games. Really they are a foolish and insipid form ot entertainment. ... ■ Expense of a licap Year Party .. Dear Miss Grey: I am sev enteen years old, and am five feet 6 inches, how long should I wear my dresses.. When a girl inks a hoy to go with her to a leap year dance -, should she pay the cur fare and admission fee? GROUCHO. A. Wear your dresses to the shoe toils, or an inch below. Cer tainly the girl should pay all ex penses connected with a leap year party. "Bido a Wee." Dear Miss Grey: lam deep- * ly in love with a young man ■„' about my own age. He loves . :» me for. he: told me. so. Hut , my parents object to Mm.*. We 4 1 are both nineteen years; old, C' what shall I do? ANXIOUS. A. The boy may love you, but simply the sayiug so does not prove it. You are both young, and I would advise you to propose to your parents that you remain friendly with him, and postpone the love part." Iv a year's time they'may have .changed their minds. Retter To Go Hlowly. Dour Miss Grey: I am a young man about twenty years old. and have been going with a young ludy for about nine months and I do not care to go with her any more. Rut she wnuls me to. How can I get away from her. I told her I did not • are to go with her. li. M. W. A. You probably gave tho young lady a "rush" and now you have more on your hands than you can manage, and come to Cynthia. Why can't you stop it gradually and remain good friends? ARKANSAS PRIMARY^ , "ELECTS" GOVERNOR JOSEPH T. ROBINSON. Whose nomination by the demo crats over Governor Donaghey, at th» primary is the equivalent of an election, has been in congress since 1903. At the age of 23 Rob inson entered the state legislature, and has been a figure in Arkansas politics ever since. Taking a short cut home Miss Wllhelmina Timmerman and Henry W. Peters, her escort, started across the Ravenna park trestle at Seattle, and' met a street car. They jumped in the mud 30 feet below, escaping In jury. America's "Mail Lady $>f the Snows" Is Una Barnes Heroine of Michigan Blizzards Una iiarues is IS years old. Sh» Ib—or was—a student of the Western 9tata Normal School ot Michigan. If she had gone ou to school ahe would have graduated In June. Hut Una did not ko on. Instead she put away her books, and with them her hope of graduation, put on "boots and overs" and took up the work of her father when he laid it down. For her father, a rural mail carrier" out of Kalaiiiii'/.ini, was too sick to cover his route any more. Me was down and out; It would bo a long time before h« would be able to drive the mall wagon again, lie was in a fair way to lose hU place In the government service. And thus It was that Una put away her hooks and her hopes and drove to and fro in the rigorous weather of the Michigan winter, visiting dally 400 little roadside mail boxes that the 400 farm fami lies might bave their mall. No, not quite daily, either. One day Una failed. That was a day when she waa snowbound on her route, unable, because of the drifts, either to pro coed or to get back to town. "We Need Antidote For Fool Parents," Says Man Who Trains Boys and Girls for Citizens mmj r.nbnir IMl^litlt lillll|vr>. "Down with the boss; down with the tramp. Down with the pauper; down with the ecauip. Up with the freeman; up with the wise. Up with the thrifty; on to the prize. Who are we? Who we are The citizens of the G. J. R." This Is the "yell" of the George Junior Republics, founded by W. R. George. Most folks think' that George Junior Republics ar» reform schools. Mr. George Bays they are not; that they are wholly op posed to the spirit of reform schools. "The curse of the world," he declares, "is fool parents, and the George Junior Republic is the one and only antidote of this disease. The boy or girl who comes to us Ib certain to make a good citizen, provided that ho or she Is men tally and physically fit. The unfit we do not keep. The citizens of the republic themselves decide this matter. "The George Junior Republics are formed for the youth of tne country between the a>ges of 18 and 21 years. It is the time be tween those ages that make or unmake the citizen of the future. , "The foundation of good citi zenship is an understanding of responsibility. The young people of today, from 16 to 21, are re lieved of all responsibility; they are In society, but not of it. "I hold that this is Just the age that they should be given respon sibility; they they should be fur nished with the privilege of mak ing mistakes and profiting (by them; of learning to discrimin ate for themselves, not being com pelled to accept the discrimina tion of their elders. |N.W.GroceryCo.| Business never was better with us than It la now. The public appreciate tin. fact that buying for cash is the only system. Several changes during the week past but our . prices are still right. A few reminders.. Cocoa Coco* Win. Baker's Cocoa, while present stock lasts, 1-2 lb. tin 20c; 1 lb. tins 35c. ; Cocoa in bulk, lb. 35c. Eggs Eggs All local Ranch, doz. 22 l-2c. Hull. Butter :■, Fresh Eastern Creamery in bulk 33 l-2c. Fresh Wash. Creamery in bricks 37 l-20. Cheese Cheese , New Full Cream, Oregon, 23 l-2c. Full Cream, Eastern 22 l-3c. Meats Meats j Last call at these prices— Hams, mild cured, 16 l-2c. fi Breakfast Bacon, , sugar cured 17c. Shoulders 13c. Coffee Coffee Nothing ."Just as good" as our 35c M. & J. Blend. True to name and fresh roasted. 1 Our Java Blend ft 30c Is better than the average 35c and 40c coffees offered else ■ where.' . . ■ ' : :-<:,/ .. Special, prices on '.. Satur days. .;■ ■ yt - t r;. __ . :j ■/TV. Northwest Grocery Co.' ' '* ;-,' 1302-4 Commerce ! '^ UNA nARNEaTSQUIPPED FOR STORMY DATS. W. 11. GEORGE. "This can only be done by put tinK them in an environment that Is an exact model of our own gov ernment, and allowing them to be Belf-rfoveriilng. The laws of the • ieorge Junior Institutions are the laws of the state in which the par . riEori.ia lo.ih l 111.1 It MONHY ■- ; By concealing It about their person; by storing It away In mug*,' jugs and Jar*; by sewing It up In skirts and ticks; by tucking- It un der tha couches and carpets, In cupboards and bureau drawers; these •re some of the way* by which people lose their mosny. and some tlniofl ibtflr lives* _ PEOPI.K HUB llli:ill momoy * Ur depositing It In a good, reliable bank. Confident that this bank fully meets the public's needs, we tender Its service to all who be- Have la keeping on th« safe side. . . . ; 4 0/0 BANKERS TRUST 00. BANK : 4 0/0 * capital 800,000.00 ■: ', bankers trust BUU4)INO. taooma. WASH. " Give the Children All They Want Germea builds plump, robust little bodies because it's a natural food. Made of the choicest part of the wheat, is full of phosphorous and gluten, known to be among the greatest blood and muscle making elements. Order Germea of your grocer. (Get the Red Package) Sperry Flour Company TACOMA, WASH. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. PAGE FIVE tlcular republic In situated plus Kiich laws as the cttionns of tbe republic may make for them selves. It Is the plolcy lo have th« laws such as will not conflict with the laws of the lan.d "The object la to tear.h the young citizen his part In the gov ernment. "to citizen of the Cleorge Jun ior " Republic will -.!' ever o: rot* liindly, because his training show- Hiilts of hla ballot In a commun ity small enough to see the work. 1 "In the George Junior Repub lics all citizens are self-support' ing, regardless of the means of the home from which they came. Consequently, they know * that wealth ' comes. from labor; and they know the part of the drono and the law breaker In creating problems for the law-abldwlng to meet. v '<-tftoMM After 40 men and women Htood guard at the entrance of the land offlre ready to tile on the farms In the Tleton district tin soon as It was thrown open, the government announces the drawing will be by lot and the 40 have had their three months' vlgtl for nothing.