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The Tacoma times. [volume] (Tacoma, Wash.) 1903-1949, September 19, 1912, Image 5

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Thursday, Sept. 19, 1912.
Special Features of leterest Tfo The Times 9 Women Readers
tf _^f ' mf A W M % B "^^^ss^
i lie woman s ciuD is making
■great preparations for the produc
tion of "The Talk of the Town"
by young amateurs of the city.
The play will be given at the Ta
coma theater September 27 and
* * *
Honoring Mrs. F. A. Montelius,
of Grand Rapids, Mich., Mrs.
James Derby entertained with a
bridge party at her home on
North Bth street.
* • •
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Appleby
have gone East on a six weeks'
pleasure trip.
* • •
Mrs. Claude Sexton Gillette,
formerly Miss Marion Brown, is
In the city for some weeks visit
ing her parents. Dr. and Mrg.
Warren Brown.
* • •
A bridge tea,will be given Tues
Don't pay 50 cents for worthless hair tonics---Use
old, reliable, harmless "Danderine"—Get results.
Thin, brittle, colorless and
scraggy hair is mute evidence of
a neglected scalp; of dandruff—
that awful scurf.
There lg nothing so destructive
to the hair as dandruff. It robs
the hair of its lustre, its strength
and its very life; eventually pro
fc duclng a feverishness and Itch
ing of the scalp, which if not rem
edied causes the hair roots to
shrink, loosen and die—then the
hair falls out fast.
A little Danderine tonight —
now—anytime—will surely say«
your hair.
Most Liberal Terms
Famish your borne, pay a small amount down and the remainder,
as it suits your convenience. Special attention to furnishing
homes complete.
A first class Range, special- *Jr
guaranteed; ou terms of $5 JlwlJ^"*
cash and $5 a month if de- !^ =
sired. . ' Heating Stores up from $2.75. .«
Tacoma Furniture & Outfitting Co.
'-- /-'"',.::'•/.-: „ 911-013 O Street. : • .■' , ■ :
A statement that's broad and true.
Take Into consideration the fact that the circulation of the
mes covers Tacoma like a blanket.
Remember, too, that every evening the Times contains a
ANT AD PAGE through which it is possible to reach a majority
people Interested in securing positions or help; selling or buying
il estate, businesses and mlscelaneous merchandise; renting houses
d stores, and you'll realize that the quickest, easiest way to satisfy
want is to read and use TIMES WANT ADB.
It'e only a step to your pboae—phone your want now to Main
IS, the Times
lay afternoon, October 1, by Mrg.
Joorge Llbbey and Mrs. James
tussell at the home of Mrs. Lib
>ey on North I street.
• • •
The members of the girls' and
roung matrons' cliiib who have
jeen together for a number of
rears were entertained with a
>ridge luncheon by Miss Neva
Ooud at her home yesterday.
• • *
The Womnns club of the PH
jrlm Congregational church will
;ive a New England dinner Frl
iay at C:3O in the church parlors,
North 24th andJfVarner.
• • »
Astors. 25c a doz. Smith
Floral Co., 1116 So. C st. •♦•
• • •
Clara White Coolejr announces
In- Thursday classes will lie held
rhursdays at the Sherman-Clay
milding. Other days she will be
it her home as usual.
Get a 25 cent bottle of Kuowl
ton's Danderine from any drug
store or toilet counter, and after
the first application you will say
it was the best investment you
ever made. Your hair will im
mediately take on that life, lustre
and luxuriance which Is so beau
tiful. It will become wavy and
fluffy and have the appearance of
abundance; an incomparable gloss
and softness, but what will please
you most will be after just a few
weeks' use, when you will actu
ally see a lot of fine, downy hair
—new hair—growing all over
th« scalp.
Your Fall Coat
The foreword of the new fitted
style of wrap is given in this pret
ty French coat which is built of
double-faced ratine. A very smart
touch is added to it by the use of
contrasting colors. The outside rs
a creamy buff. The inside, which
shows in the deep shawl collar
and turned back cuff. Is a charm
ing shade of blue. A double line
of pearl buttons on the front of
the wrap emphasizes the close-to
the-figure style.
The big collar is really a
trimming as it extends downward
in long revers to the waist line.
The coat' fastens toward the left,
with three large buttons, almost
at the waistline.
The promise of the fashion fan
ciers to increase the length of the
walking skirt is demonstrated In
this model.
Are y»u reading the whorf
stories which appear dally on the
editorial page of the Times?
7 COATS AT $8.95 %
For Friday's selling 'we place
on special sale 25 \ Coats In
mannish worsteds, tweeds, etc.,
values $18.60,f.517.50 4 and
$19.50. Friday 'v-"-i *Q ;QC
special ....'... .'*;■... fOiUU
SUITS $18.05 .
-■• Navy! Blue : Sergt Suite / '
Extra special Navy Blue ■ Serge
Suits in plain tailored and ; Nor T
folk . styles. „ Friday 01 Q QC
Bargain Sale ..... y IwtwtJ
SUITS AT $24.75
100 : Suits la navy blue 'serge,
. diagonal serge, cheviots ■? and
, fancy worsted,?; good 135.00
values. " Our leader *O>l "IE
for Friday's , selling. $&•}• I 0
Women's & Misses'
Sample Coat &
Suit Shop
500-ia Fidelity Bldg.
It. J. QUICK, Prop.
Take Elevator, fifth Floor.
€am\ GREtfr Aotem
Dear Miss Grey: Having rend your reply to Newlyweds
-In last week's paper, I will thank you to go Into detail * little -
further and toll us how to cultivate the "holding" qualities.
You gay it takes a wise woman to hold a nurn's love; also,
making a slave of yourself and doing everything to please him
won't do it. Please tell us what will do It,
- .< k vkuv ANXIOUS iu:.vi)i;it.
A.—The first step is to gain his respect, and keep It by being
strictly truthful and honest; but not telling him things that con
cern you only, and would not help htm to know; the next in Import
ance is to give him bis freedom; allow him time and solitude to
write a letter, or take a little walk, or to entertain a man a half
hour, without feeling you are neglected. Coupled with these must
be the habit of having meals' well cooked, the home tidy— stiff
—and yourself as attractive as pure water and soap will make you.
Some of. the little "don'ts" are:
Don't always Insist on your own way— may be Just as good.
Try It once in a while. '. i-. '• ■ *
Don't nag. Nagging will Irritate a saint.
Don't ask him the moment be comes in "what kept" him. Walt
until he has had his dinner. -:T',;,
Dou't rush after him In the morning when he is trying to catcb
a car with a request that he get a spool of thread, certain number,
color, and make. He will have to stand in a store half of his noon
hour to get it, and swallow bis lunch whole to get back to his work
on tline.
Of all foolish don'ts, don't ask him to do some silly thing "be
cause you love me," and don't make a selfish brute of hlni by doing
everything to please him. If ■ thing la nut right, doti't do it to
Dear Miss Grey: With your kind permission, would like
to write a few words of advice to "Honest Girl," who's letter
appeared Saturday, Nept. 14. I would say, take Cynthia's ad
vice and go to the Y. W. O. A, hi. once, and put yourself away
from evil thoughts and the company of the «ii Is who urn not
good. You will also be with friends who are not only willing,
bat able to assist you.
■', , "J'ivil .is wrought by the want of thought, as well as the
want of heart,"— Hood. i "*••..! i ■ ,
.. Now you have a good heart or you would not come to
Cynthia Grey. -What you want is to have your mind so occu
pied that you will not hare time to think of anything but the
highest in life, thereby' making your mind strong and healthy
and eliminating evil thoughts. Do just as Miss Grey has told
you and in after years you will thank your lucky stars and
Miss Grey too, that you took the first step in the right direc
Dear Miss Grey: lam a young ludy stenographer and go
home at the same time the working men do.
• \iry night, raiit or shine, n crowd of woman shoppers
get on somewhere. Of courne the car is crowded, and they
stand in the back and wait for one of those tired working men
to get up and give them a spat. If one makes a move they
muke remarks to each other until everyone is looking at those
men and they are obliged to get up or he humiliated.
Now, Miss Grey, is that just? Is that Kqual Itights?
Whut risjlil have those women to come home at that time and
demand seats of those tired men who have probably been on
their feet since curly morning, or walked miles during tho
"day? Would it not be just as. easy for them to plan to get home
an hour earlier and avoid the crowd?
Women cannot expect to receive equal rights when they
are uot willing to grunt equal tights. Thanking you.
.A.—There Is a class of women who do this, and they are tho
same ones who never think of thanking a man for giving up a
seat he has paid for. I have noticed this repeatedly, and wonder
as many men give up their seats as often as they do. All women
.fire not like this; but all women suffer for th« conduct of the
selfish few.
AMI \l>i:i> LAW
Dear Miss Grey: A reader asked If a magazine or news
paper roiilil collect for a publication which was sent for 12
months after the subscription had expired, and you said they
could if it wasn't refused at the post office or postman.
Now, I want to ask about thnt law that was passed some
four or five years ago, that it whs against the law and forbid
den by the government for any publishing < oni|Miny to continue
sending a person paper through the mail more than six months
after the subscription had expired. I may be wrong, but
would like your opinion. UNCERTAIN.
A.—There wag a law passed a few years ago in which the time
given to renew a subscription for newspaper and magazine was
different, but at the last session of congress that law was amended,
making the time in which a publication can be continued, and col
lected for, one year.
Hi'«r Miss Orey: lam 2» yeurs old and have never been
In love, unless that Is what I am afflicted with at the present
There Is a young lady employed in a bnkery near where
Inm working that I want to get acquainted with. I'lea.se ad
vise me as to the proper way, as I want to make a good impres
sion. Could I send her a box of flowers with a note giving my
reasons for so doing?
A.—The box of flowers and the note seem very romantic, I
know; but the girl may have common Reuse enough to resent that
sort of introduction. If she has a brother, get to know him, and
meet her through him. If not, get some friend of hers to Intro
duce. If you were to get acquainted with the proprietor of the
bakery, and don't act a fool about the girl, ho may introduce you.
Dear Miss Grey: I have known a young lady for over .
two years and I think a lot of her. I have bought lots of pres
ents for her and she has accepted Hum. I asked her to go to
a party when I had known her about a month and she would
not go. I met her on the street with another mnn, and I want
to know if there is any way to find out if she thinks anything
ci. me.
A. —If you cannot Judge by her actions, the only other way
la to ask her —and then you may not know.
Dear Miss Grey: lam In love with a very sweet girl and
I know she loves me. I want to ask tier to marry me, but do
not know what to say when I propose to her. Can you give
me a suggestion? BASHFUL HIM,IK
A.—l'm afraid not, Bllfle. I have never had any experi
ence in doing the proposing stunt.
- [ Cynthia's Answers to Miscellaneous Questions f j
r • ■-•' :V\W -.- •-, -.-' ■'■'■•'■ '■■"fe~-i''~:-*i'\-; 1 ' ■'■ ,'->)-':■■':':" >-:.',\^-"
;- There are said to be 3,424 "spoken languages in the world. :■■■','■
■pi\si-^*i\\i '\^;Cv^':\s-?M>*&~' "■■ !.'i".■--;-. ,■-■>:,- ? ■•-■■■ ''■■ l \'-' i'^-^V-;'«^-f^i
..-'The college colors of the Washington university are purple and
«%<-2;. r-M -_^-: ;-..:"■-•;..;■/■ ,
'V rj! Children > should ibe < taught to ; say, "Yes, Mrs. ; So-and-So," not
"Yes ma'am." ,_„ - jj „•*.'" .-•. ' ....
•I- 1.-: Sir Francis Wyett was bom to 1576, and died In 1644. He
was appointed governor of Virginia in 1620. -:',v C'f:,,u-*-^"'J??
i:?. '$''* "r'-'v","' Sl*« iZ":, '!>'&;"%„' >'".") v ■*<'■ t '■ ■". •"'"■■-'*• -«• **'' -^**J-- - ■' *■': i
i<£*"jt. There will -be a partial ■ eclipse of the moon' September 26, risi
ble in the United ; States except An the extreme east. '... S'hWt'-l
••' Women 'possess equal suffrage at' all .elections ■in i six : states—
Wyoming.v Colorado, r ah, Idaho, California and Washington.
-„«.-... ,<wi^,s< '.. —.—-— '■' .vv-^.^jwraftrfriiX
if ,'.' The I Dickens i Fellowship Is | »1> world-wide J league fof English
speaking' men ' and women I whose' purpose Is Ito exemplify j the' teach
ings iof Charles Dtehens^. l" 't>* *r - ■ « ■ -. -
;, i'.'':A;\ solution |ti teaspofcn : oxalic . acid , crystals \ and 11 1 cup | luke
warm water wIH remove, 1« stain from white material. 'Rinse well,
or it will eat t%*gop^t>t^t.wiH:t«ke;the dye t from colored material.
Be i careful; of i scVfttaMsfTaa sit* is i said \to< be ! poisonous. '. , -,-~ : }
SS A man is | liable; for f only debts of : necessity] made Iby his wife
and cot for luxuries, as jewelry, etc
THE I i i:s i WOKI)—Vou ran have anything thut you want In this
world if you want it bad enough.
My mail Is full of letters from
•iris who want to be changed in
the twinkling (if nn eyo. Girls be
wail the fact that they are fat, or
they are lean, that they are tall
or short, that they have had com
plexions, ugly teeth, scanty hair,
and other imperfections, and they
want these blemishes made beau
ties right away.
Do yon suppose a girl would
practice the self-denial to Insure
tho not too rapid melting of her
flesh? When people tell me that
they do not eat anything and silll
remain fat, 1 know that they are
not only deceiving me, but them
If one who wishes to grow thin
will walk five miles a day and eat
no potatoes, white bread, pastries
nor sweets, no rich gravies, and
W. Yon, Chinese
Medlcln© Co.
JM^t^W Testimonial:
JHPff I have been suf-
O>Hs4»>V.*2 ferlng- severely
■JS^f^-sBl from kidney trou
■MLSt'SHF bio and rheuma
jmßs&&F 11. mi for the ast
a ■ 3 yrs., and have
jßJMr^^ been doctoring
-.^^■^fccontlnunlly wlth
dn Mont relief. After
your won
derful remedies, under your
treatment tor 8 weeks, the pain
and soreness have entirely dis
appeared. Tours truly, P. A. Sni
der, 6710 So. Taklma ay., Tacoma.
A wonderful Chines* medicine.
Send Zc stamp for question blank
to 1146^ Pacific ay. Main BSBB.
We Have It i and You
Get the Benefit of It '
We buy our supplies di
rect from the manufac
turers, pay cash and
save about one-half, and
our patients share in
this saving. ■ ' .:'. v v ■;;
. Our mechanical work is
done in our own labora
tory by dentists ' who
, know how. %'m 'Vi^-ii
Our prices are * always
the same, not the cheap
est, but as low *as any
dentist can ; make them
and do good work.
'(•\' : We are the originat
ors of .'■ that famous
Metaloid' Plate. . *;#
This plate is imitated
everywhere, but made
only by , "i&g®mm
I«aglow Bldg.
1124 1-2 Pacific rt.
menmiJ&ajrl 8:36 a. m.. 8:80 I
p. in. Sunday, »to 12.
live mostly upon lean meats,
fruits, and salads, cutting down
one's meala to two a day, one can
reduce one's fIPHh, but It is a loiir
and laborious process and few
women have the strength of mind
to do It.
The girl with the high protrud-
The Bank of California
.t y ; ,- I Established. 1804. ....:.., .....; ;;;,!,..',%.,:f;
Capital and Surplus .. i i $16,300,000.00 v
Ban Francisco Portland ''-> Taeoma./ "t« Seattle
The Bank of California Building, Tacoma.
Tacoma Cancer Institute
We guarantee to cure Cancers and Tumors, al
so Goiters, Adenoids, Moles, Warts and all un
natural growths and skin diseases.
30 Tears' Experience. No Knife Used.
Until our Institute is formally opened, we will
examine and treat patients at the Tourist Hotel,
1013 Pacific ay. Tel. Main 394-315.
Are You a Live
- ......... -„ .. .. .y^-:;;;•:.;.■•;•"■;.: -:^~.^^M
;JWP^^|^g|^- '■''■'■JL '• "■
THE TACOMA TIMES now wants a number
of good, live hustlers to sell for us on good cor
ners down town. / .
Now is the time to commence as we have a
i number of good corners open for J boys who are
able to work. .;.;. : ' ':^^^^^^o7o^f^m
*; You will need some money now school has
: started, come , down to the ; office and see mo
* We also have some good routes open for High
school boys and boys attending the university.
We have a number of good, big carriers from
; ; both these schools and we could use a few more.
If you want to increase your spending money or
tif ; you are s^^ trying to work your way through
t school, you will find no job that will pay you as
well for the time required as a GOOD TIMES
ROUTE. Yesterday FIVE boys from the uni
versity came to the office for routes and were
all fixed up and will be earning money com
If you want to earn some money after school j
see me about these corners and routes AT I
Ing abdomen ran . remedy ■it,V by
wearing the long corset and walk-
Ing on the balls of her ' feet. * If
your abdomen is unpleasantly
prominent. It Is a sure sign that'
you are not walking properly.
' The girl , who* has acne or ecze
ma must be very careful of her
diet, omitting all fats, made dish-'
es, pastries, and foods . that are'
highly seasoned. - Bhe must be
scrupulously careful to bathe her;
entire body dally, using a brush
and coarse towel (to remove the
Impurities thrown off by the skin
and keep all the pores open. Then,
If she uses a healing ointment
and antiseptic; she will find " In'
time that her ; face • will I become:
smooth, although I she may never J
have the fine skin of the girl who
has not allowed ', her face to ' be-!
come j pimpled. through neglect.. v
There is, ', however,; ; another.'
cause for pimpled face, and that
Is nervousness, and the girl who
fi •■!:< that her nerves are frazzled
should iiU<(> long walks In the
open air, practice deep breathing
exercises, and sleep ten hours a
day. .:• . .'■'■sy'.'i.
Uon't get Impatient: ' It takes m ;
long to remedy brautjr ills as it
does to develop them. : ':" ■.■'*; &[
Go down to the fish house at
the l .Mb st. dock and get v great
big nalmon for 25c. ••*
For several years a South
Tacoma lady could not eat. po
tatoes without suffering an
acute attack, of gastritis. One
month's treatment cured thin
condition, also neurltli and
backache. No medicine was
given, but the spinal nerves
were treated with the hands
and a vibrator. This lady's
name, address and phone num
ber will be given to anyone
wishing to verify the case.
Consultation free. Main
DR. NINA A. I>l ItliV,
Chlroprartle Neuropath,
711 s..iiHi K.

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