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PAOK^ POUR. ■mm aor ~ THI ■ ICUPPt' XOItTHWUT I.EAUI 1)1 NKWSI'APEHS. Trlrsri>|>hl<- Nf« 111111 lat «hr I »llrd 1-rtM AHMlttlw by street l«w< Wtr». :.,■/■-•-■.-».,■ .-,-■• ■ iin -•■■•■. .■ . Batmd ■( Ike pHtoffln, Taeaaia, Wa.h.. ■• ■M*ail-rla« nUlrr. i'ul»Ushr<: hr Ike Tmuw TtaiH ,!•■*. Co. K*«rr »»•■!•« Birrfi Bu«uJ«r. INSANE Sometimes the United States is referred to as a Christian nation. And sometimes a thing occurs which enables us to see just what sort of Christianity we have to prove the claim withal. Such a thing occurred the other day in New York City. A workingman had saved up nearly $300. He appeared on the street and began giving this money away. To any who wanted he gave. At once people in authority were charged with the duty of classifying this man. Why did he give money away? He was not a millionaire. He needed and had actually earned this money. He seemed to be giving it to others because he wanted them to have it. It gave him more pleasure to give something he himself actually could use than to use it himself. A Christian community, so-called, never thought of classifying him as a Christian. A i>oople who were familiar with the letter of the Golden Rule, never thought that this man might have thought, "I have |300. I cannot keep it while others want. I should not desire others to keep $300 while I wanted. Therefore, according to the command 'Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them,' I cannot keep $300 while others are in want. So I will give it away." So they took this incomprehensible man away and held an inquest to see what sort of insanity he was afflicted with! Yet, in Jesus's day those Christians who learned directly of Him did the very thing this man was called crazy for doing. They sold all they had and gave to the poor. They were communists, "having all things in common." And another crazy thing existed —we are told that "none wanted." They were poor, but they felt no poverty. Neither would any feel poverty today if all men would do wisely what this New York working man did unwisely. There is enough for us all, if the Golden Rule were kept. Enough for all, were not real Christians so far from our souls as to seem insanity. Jesus would be adjudged crazy in any American community. OBSERVATIONS TWO "retired farmers" are on that Indianapo lis dynamite case jury. Now, what in all creation is a "retired" farmer? Must be one that's ready to go to sleep. MORGAN says he gave $i:*0,000 to Teddy's campaign fund and only $30,000 to Taft's, all for the sake of good government. If Bill wants to kick on this size-up, we've space for him. ALBERT HENRY YOUNG, ex-Washington university student, is under arrest for kidnaping * 'the most beautiful Japanese woman on the Pacific coast." The heart of anyone who has seen a most beautiful Japanese woman will sure go out to Albert. THAT Indianapolis case is a bit confusing, but if all those charges of traveling with dynamite are proved, we do more walking and loss raiiroading hereafter. A MILLION dollars is a pile of money just for run- Lng the city. LATEST MARKET REPORT FOR TACOMA HOUSEWIVES >v' ,-: - : •-• ■ Fruits ... ."''-Strawberries, 15e box. . ...Huckleberries, 3 lbs. 25c. ."■ Cantaloupes, 2 for 25c. . I Peaches, box. 65c. • Pears, box. 11.50. \ Oranges, 30<9«0c. Lemons, 40a. M . ■. -■■ '-, .' Cocoa nuts, 100. 'U Bananas—3oc do*. Apples, box, 75c@31.21. ' Apples—Clraveuntuin, H.EO box. , Meats ;.' V; Roast Beef, prime rib. Ib. IS© 20c. Pot Roast. 12V4015C. gS.; Boiling -Beef, 8010 c. ' .■.-.>,•. Sirloin. JOo. v ; . Porterhouse, 16021 c ' T-Bone, Mo2sc. ME Round «Steak,; ISO. -,r*i*vH ft^ I,' ? Let; of Lamb, spring. 20c:f; ■>-'.'; Unb rChops, i shoulder, 15o; loin %£*«• and * rib, 20c. .;.---<. . ■ ■ :,-• ,; Shoulder of I^amb. 12Hc SEimb:Bte«r,,in,, 7a ,■",■'■....-; -;; ; Koast Pork, 20-22-25 c.■ ' • ! ; Pork * Chops,'* shoulder, : f 20o; loin ■' and. rib, > 25c."—■.-"■-..-..,..* . ■ ' .. . Veal Koast. 18«2I!c Veal Cutlets, ; 20@25c. •■• *■ ■ . :•:'• Bam, sliced, 125030 c > ,'. .- M Halt » Pork, 1 Bo. : - ■.*.■■-:-*" -'■-. "■, ■■- , I-orK Sausage,, link, lie: bulk. 13c. Bacon, 13036 c Corned Beef, boneless, 15c. Tripe. < 10c. «;•" -a.; *v.- 1,,,. • ;;•;■. S rains, 16c rer, 10c Penury Spring* Chickens, 36c. • Hens. 20c. :; Spring f Dunks. Ha Squabs, 86c urn to the Bm mT. Want Ads editorial Pase of Cfie €acoma Cimes Flak. * Halibut. 2 lbs. 25c. Crabs, $1.50 ©2 doz. Trout, .25c Hi. Salmon, 16c Black Coil. 1 lbs. 25c Kock Cud. 15c. Sound Smelts. 2 lbs. JSO.X--' Shrimps, 15c. ■ Codfish, brick. 26c. Olympia Oysters, $1 qt. Anchovies, quart, 25a Kippered Salman anil Cod, lie Kippered Herring-. Ha. ■■» -■■ \»«<-ini.ira , .v Celery, bunch, 6-t-100. • • Green Corn, 20c. . Cucumbers, dot. 20c. Tomatoes, a lbs. for lie. ' Squash, Ib.. 2c. ■-4 Bell Peppers, It., 10c. Eg* Plant, lb., 6c. • ■■• Globe Onions. I lbs. 10a Bests. ■ Carrots. Turnips, Onions, Radishes, all bunch, stuff, I bunches for Be. | j Cabbage. 5© 10c. ' ' Potatoes, saotr, - 800. Hpinurh. * lb., * Be. '■' - - • - Sweet Potatoes, selected.' 8 lbs. tie. BI'TTKK. CIH'.iiSM AMD BOGS Butter, tub, 15a lb., 3 lbs. $1 00. Beit tub. 37c lb.. 3 lbs. $1.05. Fancy Brick*. 38c. %-, ' - S. i Washington, SSc. : Oregon, Its. < lbs. $1.09. ■ ■■ >.->. '•-,.- • < ■Ml ... , h "■ ', ■ '.-' ■ ' Tllamook, 20c. r. -.•>«* Wisconsin. 200. > ' '-'-, -m I ' 'Zsiwh New York. 30c. ■ (Wm Imported Swiss. 40c '. • . Roquefort, «oc. ' <.-»•-. .^ ■•A Fresh Ranch, fancy. 45c. • C* - Regular, -Eastern, Ida. ■»-.;,-,: *;™^i#^ PKKTTY SLOW Friend—"Why did you discharge your errand boy?" Butcher—"Customers complained he was too slow; said ha took so long that when they ordered veal it arrived as beef." Wo laugh at the way that he swaggers and poses And talks of his triumphs in various parts, We grin at the tale which he grandly discloses. And yet—there 1b sympathy deep in our hearts; For his ii a life which is brief in its glory And long, oh, so long, in its struggle and strain! Who minds if he boasts of a fame transitory And tells of It over and over again? For when on the stage he Is placing before ub The passion and beauty and wonder of. life, The work of the masters who never can bore us. The love and the laughter, the stress and the strife. He makes us forget, for the time, all the real, The everyday world, In the world of romance; He wakes us again to our youthful ideal When love was a melody, life was a dance! And this he must do, though his own heart Is breaking, Though life has been cruel and fortune a Jade; Though fame stays a day and is years in the making, The "play is the thing," and the role must be played! He serves us full well where the footlights are gleaming, So give him his "bravo," his glad curtain call, And leave him in peace to his boasts and his dreaming— He's earned thorn, in truth, and he's paid for them all! Comic Personals MR. SKYGACK FROM MARS That astral man of science and explorer, Mr. Skygack from Man, ThuTßdayed in this office last Wednesday. Mr. Skygack is thin and wiry att ever, but he is enjoy ing his stay among the earth peo ple and is even beginning to mas ter the language. He has picked up several perfectly fluent words from overhearing mothers talk to their little children- —words such 'ick-ick" and "ogle-goo." He ex presses himself a« very proud of this accompllshmont. In the meantime be is still taking wire lew observations In h> note book, Jotting down all the peculiarlaiea of the earth-beings who inhabit this planet. When he goes back to Mars he intends to write a work of several volumes, but he promises to continue his sojourn in the Comic Page for a long time before completing his labors. English, French, German. Y. W, C. A. "Advertisement." EDWARDS' CANCER REMEDIES CURE CANCER, GOITER, ADENOIDS, UNNATURAL GROWTHS SKIN DISEASES; NO KNIFE USED. LICENSED, REGISTERED PHYSICIAN MANAGES OUR BUSINESS. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. EXAMINATION FREE THAT'S ALL. EDWARDS' CANCER CURES. TOURIST HOTEL, 1019 PACIFIC AYS. THE TAO9MA TIMEa LAST WORD IN FALL FASHIONS FOR MEN '* * "*" •« IT <>< IKS 1.1 KM A CHIME i to separate a boy from a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Ills plm plea, boils, scratches, £ knock*, sprains and bruises demand It, and Its quick relief for bun scalds, or ctTts Is his right Ko p It handy for boys, also girls, Hea • everything healabl* and does I I quick. Un«qualed for piles. On 25 cents at Ryner Malstrom Dn Co.. 938 Pacific avenue. :■ ■ ... | Olympia Boat ."•'..'" Tttm ■ If«w' lt>lßW I. NIBQUALLY Imt« Municipal Dock Dally at .;■. •,--- -j »a. m. and I ■ p.' m. •■:..:■-.:.« Th* 8:00 p. «a. Trip CkinnecU ,■;-,;. /.... ;■■-(or Sholtoa. ;;,-;..-■,. ,.; X returning: L«*t«« Olympla y; , 11:15 p. m. and «30« m. 01, MAONOLIA—Lntn K| Olympia for Taeoma and 8»»ttJ» 7:l* a ■a. Pboa* Mala CIAS. •'.. ■' I SUPPLICATION " By Ida 11 McGlone Gibson To the«, dear heart, I jray; Hear thou my prayer; Re with me every day And keep me from the snar» Of desperation. Let me not call in vain For thy dear hand; Help to assuage the pain And make me understand My tribulation. Thou art my all, my god In thee I live; I'm just a soulless clod Unless thou deign to give Me consolation. Love on my lips is loss Unless it reach thy heart; The gold of life is dross Come thou and heal this smart Of desolation. JOSHING THE FINKST Policeman: Look here, boy, I thought you told me there was an armed man around here? Boy: That's what I said. Policeman: Well, all I found was a man with, a piano stool under his arm. Boy: Welt, Isn't that carrying a revolver? TACOMA PUBLIC MARKET Is Located in Concrete and Steel Bldg. on Southwest Corner of 11th and D Streets. WATSON I ' ""ST™ I I OOK" THE FLORIST • Yellow Tomatoes for pre- JLjl^^^^^r JL «Li BULBS OP AM, KINDS serves Concord Grapes, Ban- , ri , T , r .,1 1 i»h M fl n « p h - m tTfli anas> Fancy Eatins and Cook" 2 cans Mt. Vemon Milk .......*............ 15c llth and D St. Phone M. 1761 ing Apples, Gravenstine Apples, Washington t> Egga> guaranteed , j ok Tomatoes for canning, Washington Ranch Eggs, guaranteed, doz... .35c Peanut Butter, lb aoc Eastern Eggs, the kind that you can depend upon, F*nf"<*f*rkY*i<«P> Free Delivery. <!• »zcii ......:......... 30c « - \ - SHIVVERS • 5-lb. pails Carstens' Pure Lard, pail 75c Market 1128 So -D- ' Mam 4570 __T^l_ A : :-: Quality Butter Stores HOLLIS MEAT /"\CIIIC 1106 Commerce St., near 11th St. MARKET m ■- 1118 Pacific Aye. ; ■■- Poultry a Specialty Kllff ■ — Shoulders of Lamb 10c »^**»■*•*** VASHON PRODUCE 00. . :^ 1142 So. D. Main 510 (1, *Fresh Home Grown Vegetables and Fine Fruits . ■■':.-.:.' jTOlTtf^^ Stalls 25-26. KHI.i: MEIJTKnY Main 2946 LOOK! LOOK! 2 STORES ■'■'■' "- _'' ,' '\-. . * ' _,„,„,, M 1105 C St., with Paulson Bros. T^l " * ' /; : Genuine Salt. Rising Bread K; r .- ' , loa Kat . I K/\ .. i Wholesome and Good 1103 KSU I lIH lOc Ix>af, S for SBJc , A fine quality East- On« ~V .., v*. 1-'}- ,-^x.-•- « -1131 South D St. s"cn™ wi»«.«»i 30C National Meat : Co. ' ■ ' ■ - Every egg guaranteed. :* l^CHlVfllCil ITJLV^CIL \«/Vl» S-S^fiiESSrJif :cKr^..-vli:.:v2oc; -•■--••••■•-■•■■-- •■■■^■^^:-.-;:--^.-^^ Fresh Crabs, 3 for. .r.'. ...85c v Tlllamoak { product — th* SPECIAL :I J : ';V ■;;•;> SPECIAL Silver Salmon, Ib ....... .100 ****?' '.V *' >-'^ ■-'-. '■/"•• '•'- ■' ' ■ APPT Vfl^lf-S ■' ' Fresh Oysters t Opened Dally. Carnation Milk, . OK*» ! -"li. -: ArtrLibO '^;.,■:.■:■>■■: Wuhbicton Fish 1 Ov s tcr n» 3 laFgß CaDS 0C ' ' B°X 75C alld UP l^^ s " '' ■ W-.hU.gton l.Uh^Oyster Co. i ACMBTnirrrEB WASHINGTON PRODUCE CO:,-v mo so. d. Mam -: 7207 .1105 c. . 1103 k Free Delivery. ,: 946 South D. . Main 8433." The Times Daily Short Story ATHANSON'S COUP Hy Harold Carter When Nathangon returned from Europe to his old haunts along the diamond grounds In Kiruber ley, he found a general disposi tion to let bygones be bygones. It was three years since he had left the country to avoid conviction for complicitly in the purchase of stolen diamonds. Witnesses were dead or had disappeared. More over, It was known that lie had come back but with the wreck of his former fortune. Only ou« man was implacable— VanGlahn, once manager of the Ruyter mine—now In control as president. They met In the club. "I don't Intend to allow any stealing from my mine, Nathan son," shouted the angry Dutch man, remembering how many times he had been outwitted by his adversary. "I warn you., Nathanson, I'll spend my whole fortune to convict you." "My dear Van Olahn," said Join the Y. W. C. A, Hospltal ! club. "Advertisement." nil AMCC »«■'«»«" Office Main la. X Mllllr.J Circulation Dept. Main 12. * I*VrXI*JK/ Editorial Dept. Mala TM. OFFICE—776-778 COMMERCE 81. Nathanson, "I'm not going to steal. Why should I steal from you when It's so much easier to take? I'm going to get control of your diamond mine, and you're going to pay mo for taking it." That was the declaration of war. The Ruyter mine was the only Dutch mining company, and was owned by some two thousand stockholders, mostly scattered throughout the country. Of the 2000 shares, 1200 at were held by obscure persons who were never heard of, never voted, ana would never sell their holdings. Of the 800 that came on the mar ket Van Olabn controlled nearly one-half; the balance were traded in around £120. Van Glahn kept his brokers constantly on the alert, and it was Impossible for N'athanson to outbid him. There remained three months before the annual meeting. Nath anaon had left for parts unknown. That ho was not inactive, how ever, -was seen when the shares suddenly leaped up from 120 to 135. The next day they opened at 140. By nightfall they had Friday, Oct. 11,1912. reached 160. Before the week was ended they were at iOO. And as fast as he could Van Glann took them In. "It's a devil of a sacrifice," he groaned to the vice president. "It'll cost me a stiff price when the slump comes, bat I've got to keep control away from that dia mond thief." Two weeks before the board met the prioe suddenly dropped. Van Glahn had lost £50,000 — but he held the shares. He -was In possession of all but a\ insig nificant portion ef those that had come on the market. When ho saw Nathaneon stalk sullenly into the board room he taunted hliu derisively. "So you're going to take my mine away, what?" ho Bneered. "I move that the present of ficers be re-elected for the next year," said the vice president, hastily. "Seconded," cried the secretary. "Hold hard," said an insignifi cant member. "I move that Mr. Nathanson be appointed in place of Mr. Van Glahn." "Vote, vote!" cried the vice president. impatiently. Eight hundred votes against the motion. How many for?" "Eleven hundred and fifty," said Nathanson, coolly, rising from his seat. And before the astonished eyes of the board he tumbled proxies out of his bulging pockets; prox ies from the Fr*>e State, proxies from Cape Colony, from the baek 'woods, scrawled, illegible, badly s|>elled, but Indubitably proxies. The vice president counted them in an Intense silence. "The motion is carried," ho said In a whisper. And Van Gluhn reeling like a man la a fever, stumbled out of the chair and from the room. "What did you pay for them?" cried the members, crowding around Nathanson. "Ten pounds apiece," said Na thanson, briskly. "I spent three months traveling up and down tha country among the shareholders. They were suspicioirs at first, but after all £10 is £10, they didn't care who had control. That's my motto, boys; it'g easier to buy men than anything else. Poor Van Glahn hadn't a thought above purchasing shares; he hasn't a head for business. These proxies cost me eleven thousand five hundred—every cent I had; but he spent a good fifty thousand trying to control the stock mar ket. By the way, I got that fifty thousand he dropped on Ruyters. I said short." Hair Falling? Then stop it! Stop X now I You can do it with Ayeft Hair Vigor. Does not color the hair.' Ksk Your Doctor. . LZ.fn&i