Newspaper Page Text
Wednesday, Oct. 23, 1912. - I WODROW WILSON ON THE TARIFF AS A I ] PROTECTOR OFIVbRKINGMEN; Jo::■•■'. ' ■■■■o: :■•■'. By Oliver P. Newman. ; '^L • 1 —— ■ 0 ■'C». « This is the second of a series' of articles by Oliver P. *.». Newman, special correspondent of this newspaper, who has * x- been with Gov. Wilson every day since his nomination at V . « Baltimore, and who has had exceptional opportunities to • study the democratic -candidate. ■ ~ - ~~ . EA GIRT, N. J., Oct. 28.-^Many extreme tariff re visionists were disappointed in Woodrow Wilson's tariff utterances in his speech of acceptance. They though he was not specific enough in his declara tion for downward revision. As a matter of fact, he was specifically radi cal in theme, but hiß language waa moderate. Since then he has made his position on the tariff so clear that no one who has been constantly with him, who has heard all his speeches and talked with him every day, as I have, can hold any doubt that the democratic candidate for president Is radical enough to suit the most extreme downward revisionists. This is what the governor himself says: "The tariff must be revised downward, imme diately and unhesitatingly. I do not believe In attempting to revise all the schedules at once, be cause that Inevitably causes log-rolling. Neither "■ -• • • . do I believe In attempting to revise the tariff by a program of steps downward—a certain percentage of reduction each year or two years. That sort of thing Is bound to fail. No congress can bind the succeeding congresses. I favor taking up each schedule or group of related schedules separately, in such order as our Infor mation permits and the interests of the peopls demand, fixing these ./oinpoipg j&motns (In 3ujmn ueio puu 'ego) }q3no jCeqi ejeqM sann.P Gov. Wilson's position on the meat and woolen tariffs shows With explicitness just what can be expected of him. ■' "All Americans are interested in the price of meat," he says." "We have a heavy tariff on meat and our prices have gone up 30 to 40 "per cent within ten y«ara. During this same period the price of meat in London has etbod absolutely still. •' "England is not big enough to produce the meat she consumes. She has to get It from .North America, from South , America and South Africa. And in spite of that she buys American meat in Lon don 30 or 40 per cent cheaper than we buy it here. Don't you think somebody has been\puttlng something over on us? "V.* "One of the mpat protected Industries In this country," he de clares, "Is the wodlen Industry, and yet those poor people in Law rence get on an average $8 a week. A man cannot support himself very well, much less himself and family, on $8 a week. Will any one with braina in his head hereafter stand still and allow an advo cate of Schedule X, which contains the woolen schedule, to tell him that the American workingman is benefited by the protective tariff? The American workingman' is taken care of by nobody but himself, and nobody else has ever taken care of him. Those who want to take care of him want to do it in order that they can do. with him whatever suits their own fancy. ' t "The American workingman never got anything that he did not, by organized effort, go and take for himself." f* ■ <-. Newman will discuss Woodrow Wilson's belief in la , - .bor in his next article. . • ' .-,' For information about the Golden Rod Vacuum Cleaner, the Tacoma Times premium, phone Main 12. • . H. Ton, Chines* t . Medicine Co. fl^jk Testimonial: V 1 have been auf- V%tt£ V ferine severely H»f^t"la from kidney trou- Tlssr^*:"W bio "n<l rheuma )flEgMlr tlsm (or the past t yrs., and liave l^kw been doctoring JTJh continually with- ■mit relief. After ■'^^■■irylngf your won derful ' remedies, under your treatment for' I weeks, th« pain and soreness have, entirely dis appeared. Tours truly, P. A. Sni der, 6710 So. Takltna ay., Tacoma. A wonderful Chinese medicine. Send 2a stamp for question blank to 114«H Pacific ay. Main «88. A Clearance Sale -' • ; =OF Electric Fixtures ■ '£f2 - : •■' ;; ;-_ • :-'■•■. , In order to clear our stock to make room for new goods on the way, and for a large stock of holiday goods, we offer 4 some very marked reductions in all our Fixtures, Porta- ■ bles, Andirons, Fire Screens, etc., for this week only. These are not old goods, but fixtures that command the, best prices » at all times. - ' ' fr "lf you arc furnishing a house, or need new set of fix- ■« tures or a few odd pieces, this is an opportunity for. a very material saving on high class goods. We* quote a few. prices that give you an idea of the values that will prevail for the week: i ..' •»? . ,r !i. 3.00 Fixtures .... $ 2.00 . $20.00 Fixtures .. r. $15.00 II 4.00 Fixtures .... .-$ 3.00 $25.00 Fixtures . $13.75 .I i 5.00 Fixtures •:....$ 3.75 $35.00 Fixtures ..... $26.25 i! 7.50 Fixtures $ 5.75 $50.00 Fixtures $37.50 i 110.00 Fixtures '..... $ 7.50- >1 $75.00 Fixtures ...:. $56.25 115.00 Fixtures $11.25 - $100.00 Fixtures ... $75.00 , -f 14, to V 2 off on our very extensive and handsome line of Portables; . ■'- * - ,^ ;; ;,- ; , ; ;^^4 to V off on Andironsand Fire Screens. *' " 5- I SPECIAL ELECTRIC IRON OFFER . I Six-pound Electric Iron, guaranteed for X d»Q (\(\ . 10 years, during this week ;....v:;;. -,-':'I .. !:'•r*f*V:V. .. All goods will be sold for cash and under ; our "Ifon- " clad guarantee of satisfaction." The earliest to come j. get > the' best selections. :* . ■;,'.'{,'■ '•.-•■.•"'-, "■ The Andrus-Cushing Co. ';:;}:: - :':V-^ 742 St. > Helens Avenue.-vr:^ '.. -."':■ .i.i^v...- .- . ■■■-.• ' J',..-i-- ;')-■■,>.•> «-. ■.'•" _.*»■: -■•-.■■*: ' . -', ■■•;* .-.-<• i"| ~^-'^-'-: CAMPAIGN ON D ST. SHACKS Building Inspector Scott Sny der reported to the council this morning that the old sharks com plainnd. of on" South D street were condemned two years ago. He Is now going after the owners to have them toon down. Judge -Stiles told the council the city could tear down any building which had become a menace to life. "I'd like to put a gang of men to work and keep them at it two years tearing down old shacks," said Mills. CAN'T DO IT EH P. Morton, yrogreseivr. can didate, for the-legislature in the 1 3Cth district,, wrote the council this morning asking that the ord nance prohibiting candidate's cards on telephone poles be re pealed or amended. He thought It a. great education to have cam paign cards on the poles. Council denied the motion. £ . ', •■ COULDN'T COLLECT Elizabeth V. Belles asked tM tor $2,000 damages this morning because she fell down on the municipal dook floor and hurt herself. She did not get the money. i>li<- just simply slipped and went down. His First Big Game f ' * ' ■ — i ■■ —. THE TACO3HA TIMES. fiddling up isn't so easy after says This very young fiddlish Miss Catherine Srlmlt/., who thinks Itcing nn actress Isn't quit - the i\-isiest .fob in the world, and her two violin girls. From left * > right: Miss Adrllo Allmn, Miss Schultz and Miss I l-.i Weins. <S> . THEATKICAIi. ' ' <S> <S> ■ /* i •—| —U« . <S> <$> Tacoraa — Next Saturday <S> •§ night, "The Chocolate Sol- '.«► <§> " dier." . v. «> <?> Empress— "La Dance au.<s> <t>>. Violins," leading attrac- <$> ♦ • tive raudeville bill, afttr- <$> <s> noon and evening, this <S> 4> , week. '•- <?> <?> Pantages — Ned Wayburn'a <$> <$> Minstrels and other vau- <!>. <J> deville, all this week. . <$* <$> . * Twenty minutes' work, 'three times a day, and nothing to do the rest of the twenty-four hours but lie around and be beautiful. ' You've thought of it v thousand times, now haven't you? Where? At the vaudeville show, of course. And by way of a mental cont parison of your own hard lot and your day's routine of irksome du ties with the apparent idle ease of the actress, you've sighed a great sigh and wished yourself, The Gadder Is On the Job Travelers Don't Fear Strange Dishps.,Stuart's Dysiicpsin Tab . lets Kniible the Stomach to Stand Anything, A Box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tal> ; lets Is Your Best Traveling Companion. "Railroads tell you about the wonders of Nature along their lines; hotels describe their mod ern accommodations; but they nevei" fail to ring in their 'cui sine unexcelled/ The- wise trav eler knows he is taking 'pot' luck when he leaves home, hence a box of Stuart's D*yspepsla Tab lets is quite as essential as many of the other traveling requisites." Thus commented a philosophi cal traveling man, speaking of hotel life, restaurants, grills and Junction lunch counters. "Tli«t agitations in this world,"' he con tinued, "are the result of one sft of men trying to compel the ott er set to think a/rod act agalnfct their own inclinations. It is tne same in religion, poliUcs, and eats. I have learned from expe rience to eat what they serve; to forget the food experts, read the I current news and jokes and leave the stomach to the best expert in the world—Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets." And Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets actually do the work assigned them. They relieve weak and overburdened stomachs of a great portion of digestive action. Their component parts assist the digest ive fluids and secretions of the stomach and they simply take up the grind and carry on the work just the same as*a good, strong, healthy stomach would do It. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are, for'sale by all druggists at ,60 cents a bpx, and they are the one article that the druggist does not try to sell something In the place of it tlhat's "just as good." The4r unqualified merit and success and the universal demand for them has placed them withla the reach of everyone. a inousand times, out ot the wotKI of care and in her dainty bajle't slippers. Eh? One hour a day of work! Eight, say, of sleep, and the other fif teen to do as you like. Well, It must be admitted, that very na turally must appeal. Hut doing what you like during those blessed fifteen hours of idle ness, the actress herself will tell you, is generally liking what you do, and to be more explicit, liking it liecause you must. At the Empress Is Miss Cath erine Schultz, the wholesome and charming girl manager of the headlyiner, "I>a Dance Au Vio lins." She's just the sort to luring •bout those sighs of regret that you are not an actress, too, When you see her on the stage. In the wings or on the street Miss Scliultz is an attractive, sweet tempered, calculating young worn ,uu. Miss Sfhultz dispels all those ethereal delusions about the stage in the twinkling of an eye and in just two words, "It's hard." JLIjSHYS £r^HAMWS V&ffilA^h — mm Wb ■---"■ \ M i——^w^——:i —i Nearly a thousand post cards Sddreaaed to different .persons and received at points wiely scattered almost cost James Berry his free dom yesterday. The police found the cards. made Berry ex plain, thinking the names his aliases. He said he was formerly in the navy and had a hobby of post card collecting. His ship mates had given him the cards, he said. He was released. J. Harold Roscow says today he will invite comparison with other unfortunate individuals for the honorary place ;of unluckicst man. He's bad some experience. Monday night he was in the street car wreck at X Btreet and Sixlth avenue. ,- .' He was buffeted" about inside the car as it rojled down the hill JEfe./ sale :'J • j^'J Extraordinary /WK^\ ' For Thursday JUS - SELLING *\_—^« Izsc/ "^ Suits in navy blue serges, ehev ' yS* "^ ■ v lots, also -brown cheviots and * / / '• \ • tweeds, also a few mannish wor " ' ff I ' \ »teds; regular value - $19.50, ! // I -.V $22.50 to $25.00.. ff-IQ 'Kfl" I h>* \ Thursday special .... y I Civil ;'L.. 75 Suits In navy blue serge, chev i I '|«-'* tots, tweed and mannish worsteds; M \ . *Z values up to $24.75. CIQ 7C I -' Thursday Bpecial.... ylwi I v 1 I OOATB AT $18.50 nl ' \ " I ' 60 odd Coats In tweeds, serges, \\\ \ 1 . ■;: diagonals, also shaggy worsteds, VElfa I "' values up to $23.50. d» Q r/\ lip's I ',♦' Thursday special ... «J)lO.0U l\ ' / Women's & Misses' »> Al i 'Cm*. 1 Sample Coat & ■•:« .^^'B^tS^iSi^i Suit shop ,t ; 6OU- 10-1 1-12 ; Fidelity Bid*. v> T \*»;; "Vlt J. Quick, Prop. Take K(i>vnlf>r to Sth Floor. Liook at her and you 11 say sne haen't a trouble in the world, and as for having lots of time to bo beautiful, there's ,prlma facia evi dence enough to convince you of that. There are ten.people In the cast of "I>a Dance An Violins." Part of them speak English, part Ger man and two of them French. And Miss S< hull/, la nnstt<:i. of these three tongues. She has to be. "One of our girls just quit the company," said Mise Schultz. "We had words. She didn't like the idea of five performances a day, which wo have to endure sometimes in other cities, so she quit. "Well, it takes a lot of pa tience replacing an actress with another who is unfamiliar with the part. That's rnoro worry, but I had a very dear girl to deal with this time and I rather en joyed her. She's In the act now. "So there you are. Easy? Well, it looks easy, perhaps, but try it." and when it finally brought up 'was punched in the ribs with a beam. He took a check for $75 as damages for his injuries. Yesterday he strolled into a cigar store at 13th and Pacific to get a smoke and cash the check. John McKay looked over his shoulder and told him the check was without value. Roscow thought McKay was trying to take the check away from him and a fight ensued. Roscow blocked a vicious punch with his nose. Two cops camo along and took both men to the station. The only piece of good fortune that oefell Roscow during the whole series of misadventures came when the charge against him was dropped in police court. FIRE APPARATUS . Commissioner Mills will buy a $11,000 gasoline propelled fire engine and will buy a gasoline tractor to replace the horses on one of the old engines in Tacoma after the first of the year. Bids will be called at once, but tile commissioner has already decided what he 1b going to buy. DUELLISTS DIE ( llj l iiiii-d Press l.fjivcd Wire.) BASLE, Switzerland, Oct. 23. —A' duel was fought in the lead ing restaurant here as a result of the eloi>ement of the pretty young wife of a middle-aged German merchant named Spelßer. Speiser tracked his wife and a neighbor, her lover, from Prled- Ingen to Basle to a restaurant, and after a fusillade of shots both men fell dead. Mrs. Speiser was mortally wounded. Drives Out CATARRH No more Blowing, Snuf fling or Morning Hawk ing to Dislodge Mucus, When You Breathe Germ Destroying HYOMEI. HYOMEI (pronounce It High-o nie) is glfkraateed to end the mis ery of catarrh or money back. Breathe it, destroy the catarrh germs, and soon hawking and muffling will cease. Breathe it and crusts will no longer form i.n the nose; muciiH will uot lodge in th<> throat; all inflammation will leave the mem- brane of the nose anil throat and your head will feel clear and fine. Breathe it for coughs, eotfla and sore throatr Its Roothing. healing, antiseptic action is bettor than all the stomach dosing remedies In creation. Complete ontflt which includes Inhaler and bottle of HTOMBI, $1.00. Extra bottles of HYOMIOI 50 cents at Crown Drug Co. and druggist! everywhere. To break up cold in hoad or client overnight or to nioro quick ly conquer ■tubborfl catarrh, pour a scant teaspoonful of HYOMKI Into a bowl of boiling water, cover head and bowl with towel and breatlie the vapor for several minutes before going to bed. s.vnun.w nkiiit, o«t. uo Return of.the Popular Idol "THE CHOCOLATE KOMHKII" Produced with tho full strength of the WHITXKV OPERA CO. Including Special Opera Orchestra —CURTAIN' AT 8:15— Prices ."»0c to »2. Seat Sale Friday. Another Big Bill XKI> WAYItIKX-S MINSTREL MISSES POUR otiikk HKJ ACTS "prln~cess~theater" Main 77G0. Tins WEEK "THE THIEF" PRIORI —2Oo, «Oe, 50c. Uargiiin Miitineo Wednesday and S:itiii'd;i.v —lOc and 23c. GEORGE P. FISHBURNE ll.nn>. mil.- ( iinilldnte for ir..«. cv 11 n X Allnrnrr . Submits the following an Ills Blattontt: Thin aliovr all otlierai 1 will •ufurcc tho law. If you do not like the law, repeal it. First —My entire tlmo and attention will be devoted to the duties of the office to the exclusion of all outside hunlniKS —a requirement exacted of attorneys* worWriff for any larK° buslnecs organization. Second —I will employ only thr*e assistants Instead of five. A Prosecuting Attorney, with three assistants who are always on the Job, can trnnaact the business of the office* Third—My deputies will be chosen because of their ability, hon esty and efficiency, ntnl not on account of their politics. I am a graduate In law of the University of Virginia. I have practiced law In all the courts of Washington for seven years: two years associated with Judge O. O. Kills mid Hon. John £>. Fletcher. I am now associated with A. 11. As to my ability, I refer you to the Judßis and otlier lawyers of Pierce County. You choose your lawyer, not on account of his politics, but on ac count of his honesty, ability and efficiency. Give your county tho same clmnce. - .. _ KENTUCKYLIQUORCo. Incorporated WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES AND LIQUORS Sole Agents James E. Pepper & Co. and Louis Hunter Rye Family Orders Solicited and Promptly Attended to. 102 468 10 So. 14th St. Telephone Main 113. No Bar in Connection. . I Men, Women ™d Children I If you suffer from Chronic Skin Troubles, Mirth Mark*. Win is, >r..1.-s, Unnatural Growths, CANCER, GOITKB OR TX'MOIt you must consult with us «t onoe. Chronic Vh*r« any plate are -removed without the knife. lost of blood or time. All cases guaranteed by us. Licensed registered physician mauuges our business. Open evening* for those who cannot com* during tfc* day. EDWARDS CANCER CUBES Tourist Hotel. 10i» P^Mle a*. PAGE THREE. pape'si breaks; a colo at once First Dose of Pape'a Gold ■' Con*} • ■■ pound <>iu!s all grippe"'-,:/*--.' -"' ;« misery,. , • ...£:'i£*s Tou oan surely end Grippe and break up the most" severe cold either la bead, chest, back, atom ach or limbs, by taking a dose of *■ Pape's Cold Compound every two ' hours until three coneecutlva doses are taken. , ; . " ; " It promptly relieves the most miserable headache, dullness,' head and nose stuffed up, fever* . Ishness, sneezing, sore throat, mucous catarrhal discharges, run ning of the noße, soreness, stiff* ness and rheumatic twinges. g * . Take this wonderful Compound . as directed, without interference with your usual duties and with the knowledge that there is noth* ing else in the world; which will cure your cold or end Grippe mis ery as promptly and without anj| other assistance or bad after-ef fects as a 25-cent package of Pape's Cold Compound, which any druggist can supply—accept no substlute—contains no quin —belongs tn every home. Tastes nice. . . /^T^^bWA Mr \ I *sKs^B^^rwW^sP^Vll jfV^h^^^^^^^^^^^^Hsl H^^hbk \2l. 1 J■ 11 LsvV Ninth and OSts.. Eleven Years in Same Location Dr. J.r.Aiisiiii Dr. W.B.Uurua Managers We want to be your dentist W« guarantee to merit jrour patronage and we solicit your future recommendations. Xx- P"ii ; -n and effort have not be«n spared to place us lv a position to render efficient and . pains taking service at a moderate cost to you. ■> -'. . Electro Whalebone and Metaloid Plates . are our spociultU* as they ar» lightest, most sanitary and win stand more stress than any other plateg made, regardless of kind or material, and the price Is within reach ot all— *5 to $15. Kxtracting .../.. * BOc 22k Gold Crowna 4s Porcelain Growne 93.50 and $5 Bridge Work 95 Plutlnae Fillings . . .'..... .91