Newspaper Page Text
I Wednesday, Oct. 23, 1912. - Special Features of Interest Tc^The Times 9 Women Readers ' 4T i^ Ma ttißf^^^mm^m^^^^^^^mm^mi^^^^^^mß^^^^m Cynthia GreyV Answers «'ARK PARTS OF AMERICA STIw/IJNCIVIMZKn Dear Miss Grey: • We are only sailors ami our station is a • very lonely one, but to most of us this is our life work. Wo are all deeply interested i,. your good work -and all 'wish y,,ur opinion of this mutter. . « . - J • We are members of the crew of the life-saving tug Sno. liomlsh, now at the navy yard. Our crew consists of 40 men Tlieir records are good, there being very little drinking among them. In spite of this, we are insulted by the people of our home port, which is Port Angeles: Although the majority of us hold good positions in the service, we arc looked on an an In ferlor grade of animal. , . ... All of oar stores are purchased here, and most of our pay goes to tlie merchants. One Saturday night an ofricer in walk ing up the street, with his wife was set upou by three iuen who came out of a saloon luid knocked him into the gutter. Three other men were mistreated,that night, and in each case the atr tack waa unwarranted. ,*•.,... •* The people are divided Into two classes. One class is known * as the 400. We have most of our trouble with this crowd. The rest of the people are not so had, and I can truthfully say some of them treat us with respect. ', -. , .A number of the men are married and have -wives with I them. The women are subject to cold receptions wherever they fc go. Three members of a notorious barber shop Hlaudered these . women and even iniiulted them as they passed. The police re fused to take hand, and the harherM were forced to desist only after some of the men had gone up town and threatened to wreck the shop.. ' s "." c- The government at one time ke|>t a fleet stationed there; but withdrew it because of the hostile attitude of these same people. • % .. CRKW I'OHWAUI). A.—lt is true that all sailors suffer for the misconduct of a few, Just as other classes do; but people who act as described above , lire far worse than the average eailor, and as bad' as the worst. IiKT TIM GO FRKEi BUT I'IIOPUKLV INSTRUCTED Dear Miss Grey: Regarding "chaperoning of the young. I taught my girls everything they should know in plain litnKttiige. Therefore, my girls go iinchaperoncd and keep .straight, and are worth having. "Loose them" and let them go free, pro[>crly in structed regarding themseU'es, and the inconsistency and per fidlty of men, the dangers they muy encounter and how to avoid I Therefore, they'will need no chaperon. .. straight, and are worth having. "Loose them" ami let them go free, pro|x'rly in structed regarding themselves, and the inconsistency anil per fidity of men, the dangers liny may encounter and how to avoid Idem, and l!n'.v"«ill"n.cil no chaperon, liead Cynthia (Jrcy's column to them If very young mid ■how how those troubles could easily have been avoided. •'What fools these mortals be" from ignorance. The road to ■ hell is full of fun and folly; but it's not worth while to leak it, for it is unsatisfying and short-lived, ami degrading. Why don't the schools and colleges teach tho all-import »nt things of life? .. .' j;. ItIGHT. X JACK, TO YOUNG MKN Dear Miss Grey: To read the letters in Cynthia Grey's page of the I inns nowadays one would - think the young men had turned traitors to the young women and were seeking their downfall, rcmeml>cring that of old man has been a constant protection to woman, and correctly, he should be. It is rather difficult to comprehend such a change in society. The mothers of the nation feel that they cannot trust their daughters with *" the young men, and judging from the remarks men on the streets>.- to girls und about girls one would conclude the mothers* fears were well founded. * . ' Young man, take a tumble to yourself. You imagine your self brave and smart to throw familiar remarks at a young woman as.«li<* passes you on the street corner where you are occupied killing yourself with cigarettes and weaving cob-webs in your deluded brain. You are not brave; nor smart. You are "" a coward, and ignorant. You are" a coward because you have Iseif brave and smart to throw familiar remarks at where ' woman us sin- passes you on the street corner wliere you are occupied killing yourself with cigarettes and weaving cob-webs in your deluded brain. You are not brave; nor smart. You are a coward, and Ignorant. You are a coward ltccause you have not the nerve to approach the woman in the nlmosphere where she rightfully belongs and delight in helping her to remain there, instead of trying to drag her down to your level, only to leave her stranded. v* 1 Can you blame the mothers for wanting to watch yon? Oh, no, you don't want the "old lady" sticking around. Well, if. the •> "old lady" Is wise, she will "stick around." Young man, you are a fool! Instead, enjoy life with the young woman on a higher plane, a pleasure wherein the mothers can also partici pate. Hold her high In your estimation. Keep your love for her elevated. If you must go to h • through your own choice, you should, in justice to humanity, give the young woman, tho future mother of our race, a chance to choose . for herself which direction she wishes to travel. JACK. - |l«te. Hold her high AWAY estimation. Keep your for her elevated. If you must go to h through your own choice, you should, In justice to humanity, give the young woinnn, the. future mother of our race, a chance to choose for herself which direction she wishes to travel. JACK. IF YOUR WIFE RAX AJVAY WITH AN OLD SWKBTHEAKT *" Dear Miss Grey: What would you do if you were a man and your wife whom you loved, respected and supported well for two years, ran away with an old sweetheart? Would you shoot her down with him, or would you try and win her back? Reinem her, I love her, God only knows how I love hen Thanking you for your advice, " BROKKN-HEARTKD. A. —I would not shoot her down because 1 would only hurt my bwn character. It could not possibly hurt her, and there is no need *"pf your punishing him. . He will bring that on himself. If you really love her, and think it would hurt her if you kill the other man, end do it, then you do not love her. Your work is with yourself. To get over this hurt so wrongly Imposed on you and to continue your man's work In the world In ■plte of it. It is hard I know; but you can do it. '• * CAN A CIiASrCRAWIi? Dear Miss Grey: Can you, through your columns, find someone that has seen a clam crawl? . " Years ago I saw a clam crawling with the hinge straight up, sliding on the edges of the shell like a i«ir of runners, the shell being partly open and the tough, muscular wedge piut of the body stuck out, manipulating itself along in a sliding man ner. It could go fast<enough to beat a snail in a race. I have never met anyone who has seen such a thing, there- g fore all to whom I tell this, seem to think I am mistaken, and some go far enough to insist 1 had a "pipe dream." If no one - but me ever saw a clam crawl, I shaUalways know it is a fact; but would like to find someone who could • verify that state ment. • i *: WEBFOOT. HE ACTS MAD AT HER Dear Miss Grey: lam a girt of 16 anii lam keeDln com I>any with a man 25.: j ■* ■■* ':.- " . Now. Miss Grey, ho says he loves me and shows it in every • way; but whenever we go out my motlier goes with us, and he says he wants her to go; but sometimes he acts mad at her; but when lask him«if he wants her to go lie always says "yes." Do you think a man 23 really love, a girt 1«? Please let me know as I love him dearly. . 1' STUBBORN. A—Yes. sometimes a man of 25 really loves a girl 16; but you are too young to marry, or to promise to marry, and your mother knows A girl of 16 rarely knows what love it, and mistakes emo tion for the real thing. He Is probably your flrts lover, and I would advise you to follow your mother's guidance for a few years. -: Do not notice his moods, and if he truly loves you, he will wait for you until you have at least completed your education." My dear, your writing and spelling shows you-should be attending to your studies. :-" . .■■-' .*.<■". ' ' - I' <■ >.* • m • - '•'"•' ' ••-■•- --^ — : ■ —• "J Cynthia's Answers to Miscellaneous Questions j Consult the Motion Picture . Magazine for addresses of photo play companies or secure them at the public library. - John D. Rockefeller was born at Rlchford, Tloga county, N. J., » July 8, 1839. :<**:'•; ".■•?. :"*-. f '* . A non-citizen may obtain property by mortgage and can will it to whom he pleases. .^' • . ,' y , ,^ "- /"., - - 'It is necessary to vote wheife one 1 haß registered. In case of ..non-registration, he is deprived of. his vote. „ * : The address of Anna Howard Sfiaw, suffragist leader, fa 1706, 605 Fifth Ay., NBw York City, N. YV w-£ ; ... 2" To remove pitcn from woolen goods, sponge weU,with kerosene and hang outdoors until it has evaporated;*," ;. , ' ..-■■■, . ,:„ ■* To remedy oily hair, shampoo every two weeks with pW ivory * ■oap.and the week between use a dry ahampoo of-powdered orris • root. <:i fpu.} •> . , m - 7''^'*^::,:' £rfi S •-•■ V * '~'H':": -v V S ' * Ihe Philadelphia Americans ; Athjetlcs) \ and New York Nation als (Giants) , played. for the ' championship ■of the world'B aeries t last • year. Philadelphia won 4 games to 2.;«? V.* ».v/> :- I, ; ,r*:s WITH IDAH M'GLONE GIBSON ON FAIR FIFTH AVENUE "One of these little marinettes whs brought out, tlrcsscd as a citizen of the French revolution." liv Mali McGlone <(>ihson. New York City, Oct. 23, 1912. The New York soiiety woman will never confess that she pat- ronizes a depart ment store for clothes. "I buy my gowns of Louis c," she will remark Im pressively. Or pc r h a ps it ie "Jeanette" - or "Cecil c" she mentions, for you must know that all the ex clusive dress makers on Fifth Avenue are only known by their given names — not necessarily MUS. GIBSON. the ones Given their by their parents, but more probably the ones given to them for euphonis tlc advertising purposes. So I visited several of these shops in my hunt tor fashion gos sip to write to Times readers. You are seated in a dressing room done in Louis XV style, and after you have told the languid young woman in a trailing black char nieuse gown exactly what you want your dress for, one is brought forth for your inspection. If you decide that you do not wish it, it is carefully taken out of your sight before another Is re vealed. Do not think, however, that the best things are shown you, unless you come with some cus tomer of the shop. You might possibly be a rival dressmaker trying to steal the exclusive style! If you mention to Madame that you have come from one of the department stores, she will take little interest in you, except to say that no exclusive models are ever shown there. She does not want department store trade. Brocaded goods are being used more and more for ceremonious Kowns and wraps; in fact, I saw at one place a white brocaded velvet negligee trimmed with swan's down, and a white la # cc cap to match. This to me seemed the height of luxurious extrava gance. A gTeat many of the evening dresses are in dark color bro caded upon gold, and one of the CONSTIPATED, HEADACHY OR STOMACH SOUR? CASCARETS Turn the rascals out—the headache, biliousness, indigestion, constipation,' the sick, sour stom ach and foul gases—turn them out tonight with Cascareta. Millions of men .and women take a Cascaret now and thon and never know the misery caused by a lazy liver, clogged bowels or an upset stomach. Don't put In another day of distress —wake up refreshed and feel fine. Let Casearets cleanse and sweeten your stomach; re move the sour, undigested and CANDY CATHARTIC^ IO CENT BOXES -ANY DRU« STORE THS TAOOMA TIMES. moat beautiful combinations is the popular taupft and silver. Taupe is exceedingly becoming to every one who has a clear com plexion, but the wrinkled or blotchy-faced woman should be ware of it. \ civet trimmed with fur is to be the great mode of the winter, and after taupe the color most popular among the exclusive; Fifth avenue shops is brown. At a number of these little whops they do not show you full sized models. They bring out the c-unnlngpst little life-like dolls. On these the dress is made with every detail of the de sign in perfection. At one of these places I saw a most interesting exhibit of how Dame Fashion appropriates the Ktyles of other days and even the other sex to adorn her feminine votaries of 1012. One of the little marinettes was brought out dressed as- a Citizen of the French revolution, and Madame kindly pointed out to me the many things in this costume that women a«3 wearing today; there was the high,, turnover collar which revealed the neck across the front, the collar which we know as Robespierre; the frill and the wide revors which we find on many of the newest coats; the cut-away fronts to the coat and the very long sleeve with the lace falling over the hands, and the style of using a different col or for the coat from that of the trouser, as carried out today in our different colored coats and skirts. The brocaded vest is also seen on many of the street and afternoon costumes. Th% American dressmaker is not making her gowns much wider around the bottom, al though there are many over draperies of different kinds which make them seem more volumi j nous. The pannier has fallen away from the hips. I do not know what the win ter will bring forth, but now no one on Fifth avenue is wearing a collar. If warmth is needed they swathe their throats with furs, which were never so luxurious or so plentiful. A fur collar across the back of the shoulders while the throat is exposed two inches below the collar bone in front is a somewhat incongruous, if fasci nating, sight. fermenting food and that misery making gas; take the excess bile from your liver and carry off the decomposed waste matter and constipation poison from the bow els. Then you will feel great. A Cascaret tonight will straighten you out by morning— a 10-cent box keep* your head clear, stomach sweet, liver and bowels regular and you feel cheerful and bully for months. Don't forget the children —their little lnsides need a good, gentle cleansing, too. Tdaring? maybe, but adorably sylphlike, says paris, oh, oui! SOCIETY A. very enjoyable and success ful session of the L.adiea" Musi cal club took place yesterday afternoon in the Y. M. C. A. when Jason Moore, of Tacoma, and Miss Florence Wagner of Seattle rendered several selections, the fornipr vocally entertaining while the latter displayed her skill on the piano. Miss Wagner showed wonderful technique. • * * The third of a series of golf tottrneyi are being run off at the Country and Golf club this after noon in which several society women are participating. Tea will be served. • * • Mr. Mini Mrs. Calvin Phillips are homo again after a pleasant visit in several eastern cities. Journeys were taken into Qutebec, Montreal and Ottawa, also. ■ • • All kinds of bulbs. Snrlth's, 1116 So .C "Advertlesment." • • • Mrs. S. Morley Jnckson is al ready beginning preparations for the next salon of the French «lub the first Wednesday in November. Mrs. Jackson will sing in French. k • • This evening at the homo of the bride's parents, Mlse Ruble Ellen Snyder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Snyder, will be maTrled to Frank Fisher. • * • Miss Edna May Smalley, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Smalley of this city, were married today w l7f»efAiiti WTne Oldest Credit Institution on 4; CaSlcrn the Coast,- Operating 23 Stores. >> - ■ \- '; " P COLD AND WET y^^ ?t Weather Necessities • Sj^jfirif^^bcj AT THE EASTERN If2u£^ lC are superior in quality, newer In w|l&'9v" <i£»I &Mj ■ ttuSi Btyle and, lower in prlco. liln^' 111 K^flllr •Short, threo-quarter and full-lenßth iTTTT?TmIJ'^ tcbats, in all the newest materials. Wr \ "'from as low as $15.00 to as high aa ' - j: 'I > !1585.00. RAINCOATS — Some as ' M \\\ ' '• ' •: rift visit OUR mkn's cixmiiNa J^Hsl Hj^^^^ ;*<V; DEI'ARTMKNT .^^assl^^^^^ss^LssL V All the snap and comfort you'll fincl"^K^B |^ ■tJ I W^r ..In BRADBURY SYSTEM CLOTH M|UgU .for men and young men. NO EXTUA I B CHARGE} FOR CREDIT ACCOMMO- I llfl 1 EASTERN COW I OUTFITTING COMPANY JT 1110 C Street <H§ Tiie Store Where Your Credit Is Good j A bit daring? Well. Perhaps. But you are looking at it, aren't you, and way down deep iv your h*»art you are going to turn back to this page and look at it gome more. All right. Go ahead. It's absolutely proper, because Da,mo Fashion says bo. The suit you see Is a straight line affair which makes the figure look adorably 'ayl,ph-l»h" without being in any way unpleasantly tight. The jacket is the handy hip length which can be slipped on In a hurry over a silk waist or a shirt walßt. It is constructed very much on the lines of a Nor folk, excepting there isn't any lx>lt; it is more dressy and la a little closer fitting. The skirt Is cut in the very lat est mode tapering from the hips to the hem. That's about all. Oh, oh, of course. Yes. That cunning, dashy, almost-wicke-a -not-qutte snip way down on the right hem. Its primary purpose, honest Injun, is UTILITY. Indeed it Is. In short, it's Milady's only safe guard if she wishes to walk with any sort of comfort in this taper to-t he-hem costume. It adds width without increasing the cir cumference of the lower edge of the gar^nent. The divided hem, for that's all It is, has a clever trimming of piped »atm in -white, and is fin ished off with two sprightly self covered buttons in the same color. Incidentally, the hose which this chic young model chooses to wear with her becomingly trim costume are. honeycomb-silk in black and white. IT LOOKS LIKE A CRIME to separate a boy from a box of Uucklen's Arnica Salvo. His pim ples, bolls, scratches, knocks, sprains and bruises demand it, and its quick relief for burns, scalds, or cuts Is his right. Keep It handy for boys, also girls. Heals everything healablo and does It quick. Uuequalud for piles. Only 2 5 cents at Ryner Malstrom Drug Co.. 93S Pacific avPiiue. in Trinity church to Albert Jesse Harris, of Seattle. • • * About furs. See Muel'ler, 921 South C. "Advertisement" • • » The Woman's Pnst dub will meet tomorrow afternoon at 2 p. m. at the Perkins building to study marking of ballots. » • « The Angel us Study club will meet Thursday afternoon at 2 p. m. with Mrs. 3. W. Fordred, 2811 North 80th street. • • • The Centml \V. C. T. V. will meet tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock in the hall at 810 9th st. "Kchoes From the State Conven tion" will be under discussion. • • * The Tacoma Women's Isabel league will bo finally organized at 721 Commerce street tonight. A delegation from Seattle will be over and there 'will be an Inter esting meeting. The movement Is Is to educate women to demand union made gooda in their pur chasing. • » « The Varent-Teaclier association of Emerson school will meet at the school at 3:15 tomorrow aft ernoon. Dr. Quevll will talk on the tugercnlosis campaign and there will be other good speeches and music. • • • The United Presbyterian Aid society will meet Oils afternoon with Mrs. Stone of So. Oakea st. Beauty Behind the Web of Fashion; Art of Drapery Adapted to the Veil Is the VEIL a preservative equal to shrimps and raw eggs? Recently It was reported that the "divine Sarah" had attribut ed the wonderful preservation of her looks partly to a diet of shrimps and raw eggs. Though she staunchly denied the allegation, the rumor has raised the question on the value of different articles of food as beauty-preservatives, and with it the moot question of the veil. Does the veil of intricate and pronounced design enhance or mar the beauty of the wearer? There is only one answer to this when the observer is looking at the clever model pictured, who is wearing a fine mesh veil through which runs a large vine-like fig ure. She not only shows the veil, but also the most approved man ner of wearing it. It la drawn neatly around the hat and the two upper ends lire tied In a small bow at the back of the head on the hat brim. It -i« an adaptation of the drapery idea which prevails iv today's fashion world. The rest of the veil is allowed to hang straight down over the face to the. chest line, the sides slanting out over the shoulder. The grace and effect of this sort of veil deinnids on the way it is worn. CITY MUST KEEP WATER PURE It will be up to the city next summer when it begins using Green river water —if Commis sioner Lawson gets the plant done by then —to take steps to keep the water pure. The city can cither buy up . several thousand acres in the watershed anil keep everybody off or put a patrol up there to fight It out with, resi dents when they attempt to pol lute the water. < ■ Engineer Manley urges tho pur chase, which would moan prob ably $100,000 but would settle the matter and might In time re turn the city all ils.inoney when the land becomes available for other uses. • Want, Reciprocity Pierce county physicians in the medical society meeting last night voted in favor of a law for reci procity between Washington, Ore gon, Idaho and California so that a physician in one may practice In all without further examination. Aycr's Hair AyCrS vigor Just a little care and small expense, - that's all. Isn't a head of rich, heavy hair worth while? Ask Your Doctor. \ ' L£Jfi& $r.OO Gold (I AA $o Glasses Now 3> * ■VV ' Hsttl^BK^'S — ' _ it * A positive guarantee 'with every pair of glaseee. \ "*■♦■ Free examination for the next 10 days. <' ▲ few of the many thousands who recommend my work: - J. F. Williams, Pacific Cold Storage; R. D. Woods, 1609 Soutn I at.; Wm. Zelley, foreman round house. Milwaukee R. R.; G«org« TebbltU, aupt Soldiers' Home,' Ortlng, W»ah.; 8. J. Smith. 4632 South X St.; T. Stickler, Wietern .Union Tele graph office; Rer.->R. 8. Stubbs, 3925 North 30th St.; Mra.\W.* Petri, 719 South Lawrence; A. Peterson, 2»01 Pacific ay.; B. H. Perry, Connty Treasurer's office; John H. Peterson, 819 So. 15th 1 St.; A. A Howell, lawyer, Bankers Trust building; Mrs. Charles Ingwall, 5116 No. ,44th St.: C. A. Gallup, clork, Taco ma hotel; T. A. Fuller, dispatcher, Puget Sound Electrlo R- R.; Mrs, A. Ford, Ortlng. . ;.- ~ ; ■;• ■ :-^f^^M Chicago Eye Specialists r^v^Ebom 332 J Provident Building ■&£&*& PA OS five Bpl 1 sP^v v 4" *^ >■■;-,-'"-.' *■■.*■■■ '"'''^r-.-''■■■'A I'"''"- '^ :"."-■ ■■■- .■ '"■' ■o " - .■ *t i£^^L SPECIAL Siiiiiiilinij; for the Habics! Cute Kid Doll A counterpart of these . dolls sold last year (or $1.25. IQ. Your choice "... 4«C Only a few more of those swell Umbrellas left. Silk covers, de tachable handles. * They are going fast. The price Pf QQ Is stilt «P liJU Better get one. , ,"; ■ RYXER MAtSTKOM Presciiptlon Specialist 9SH Pacific Aye.